j THE FOUR-LEAVED CLOVER. BT ELIZABETH V. HYATT. 1SG2. Deep in the grass a maiden knelt , Turning the green lilades over. With fluttering heart and anxious eye Hunting a four-leaved clover. No treasure rare of jewel or gem Seemed half so fair to her vision AB that slender wand of palest green , Prophetic of lands elysian. With n joyful cry she held the prize , ' Oh ! darling tour-leaved clover yVVt bring my lover back to me , .jf Vlien 'this cruel war is orer1 "Wilt thou give him a sword , and shoulder straps Honor , and fame , oh , clover , Give riches , and health , and bring him back When 'this cruel war is over. ' " * * * * * 1SSG. A faded woman with streaks of gray Her scanty brown locks threading , In sorrow and loneliness took the way Which many feet were treading. To honor the bravo and noble dead With chuplet and wreath and emblem , With roses , and daisies , and violets fair , And lily-bells nodding and trembling. In a narrow grave , a flag at his head 'Kcath a simple stone she found him , 2vo honors , no lame , no riches were there , No tokens of rank around him. No , none of the gifts she had asked that morn Of the treacherous four-leaved clover Had come to the man who lay at her feet , Her youthful and beautiful lover. * * * * * * * No cross , no crown , no wreath of bav , Did she place on the grave of her lover , But tied with a ribbon of blue and gray A bunch of four-leaved clover. LEGLIKE. "Oh , mother , I wish we were rich ! I think 51 is a shame that we are oblig ed to live in this little hut , while my haughty ccusin lives in a mansion ant wears the diamonds that should have been mine. " "My dear , how can you call this pretty cottage a hut , and how can you complain when you are doing so well ? Let May wear her diamonds , and please , dear , for my sake , if for noth ing else , do try to be contented. " Florence Arleigh made no reply , but pressed a kiss on her mother's forehead and left the room. As the door closed , Mrs. Arleigh leaned back in her chair and watched the last rays of the setting sun , while her thoughts Hew far away to the home of her childhood. Her cheek was fan ned by the soft South wind and no sound disturbed her musings of by-gone days. She gazed into the blue skwhere the clouds iloated and iloated away in the distance , but she saw not the clouds , for her mind pictured the old home , where her infant footsteps had been guided by the tender hand of a mother. Then she saw herself , a happy maiden , in the shady , old forest , twining a wreath of ilowers and crown ing herself Queen of the May. She smiled as she thought how surprised she had been to learn that an artist had been sketching her while she ad dressed the trees as her subjects. How her young heart had leaped with de light as she saw the admiration express ed in the eyes of the stranger. Then she thought how she had been wooed and won by the artist and how he had taken her to the residence of his father. Then tear after tear fell from her eyes as she thought how she and her hus band had been turned away from the home of her father-in-law , and how her husband's proud sister had said : "When 1 many , I .shall not disgrace my family by marrying the child of a poor former. " Oh ! the da\-s that fol lowed , the happy days , in which she tried to make their cottage a pleasant home for Leon , who worked early and late to paint the pictures which brought enough money to support them. Bit terly fche wept as she thought of the brilliant June da } ' when death entered her home and her brave , handsome Leon was laid in the little parlor and her two children walked on tip-toe say ing , over and over. "Papa is dead , and mamma is sick. " Her reverie was in terrupted by sounds of mirth , which came from the chamber of the little cottage which Mr. Arleigh had been pleased to will to his son's widow. Upstairs is a cozy room in which Florence and Leoline Arleigh do the copying by which they earn their bread. They have been copying , but are not doing so now , for Leoline is laughing heartily while Florence stands before the mirror saying , in tragic tones , "How have the mighty fallen ! And Ar leigh must earn her bread by the sweat of her brow. Where is the poet who will immortalize the fair face rellected in yon mirror ? Where are the brave men who will gaze with admiration up on these golden tresses , these azure eyes ? Where are they ? Alas ! they are here , but the } ' are not the ones in whose pockets the gold dollars jingle merrily , for the men whose money would make them acceptable in my Bight pass my 'beauty unadorned' and bow at the shrine of my cousin. " Leoline leaned back in her chair and laughed until the tears started from her eves. "Oh , Florence , " she said , "are you crazy or are you rehearsing for pri vate theatricals ? " "Neither , but , seriously , Leo. , I was not intended for this kind of existence. E was not born to spend my life daub- in" " my finders with > nk. I was born to walk like this through rooms which art had done its most to beautify , " and Florence raised herself to her full height and walked majestically across the room. "Well. " said Leoline , "if you have finished , we will continue our work. " "Oh , dear ! Work ! work ! Nothing - ut work ! I think our grandfather Iwas too mean for anj'thing or he would not have given all his property to Aunt Emma and left us without a cent. " "Florence , " said Leoline gravely , "our grandfather is dead and whatever his faults may have been , we are not to judo-e him. He gave us this pretty cot- tao-e and we are doing nicely. " ° 'There , you little saint ; I take it all back Let"us have peace , " said Flor ence , kissing Leoline and hurrying to a imali table on which were scattered jens , ink , paper , etc. Not Ion2 after this Florence anc Leoline hud been out for a walk and were returning home when they were met by one of Mrs. Leslie's servants. "Oh. MissLeHjne. " said the servant , "your cousin , Miss May , is very sick , and Mrs. Leslie sent me to inquire il you would assist in nursing her. " Leoline thought a moment and then said , "Tell Mrs. Leslie I will go il mother is willing. " "Oh ! " exclaimed Florence , "you arc a little idiot to think of going , and 1 hope mother will not permit you to go. The disease may be contagious , and you will come home sick and we'll have no end of trouble. Yes , and who is to do all the copying while you are gone ? Let Aunt Emma hire some one. I am sure she has enough money. " "You need not copy any more than usual. ' You know I have a little money which I saved for a rainy day , and we will manage some way. So don't look so cross , for I feel it my duty to go. " "Duty ! Fiddlesticks ! Aunt Emma did not think of duty when poor father died. " By this time they had reached home and Florence rushed in exclaiming , "Mother , May Leslie is sick and Aunt Emma wishes Leo. to help take care of her , and Leo. says she is going and I know she'll catuh the small-pox or something dreadful , " and Florence sat down , out of breath , while Leoline knelt by her mother's chair and said , "May is very ill. May I go ? " Mrs. Arleigh kissed the little upturn ed face and , for a moment , she thought how cruelly she had been treated by this sister-in-law , who now asked that Leoline , sweet Leoline , whom everyone loved , should nurse the descendant of the Leslies. She smiled , scornfully , as she thought , "She shall not go ; " but soon her better nature conquered and she said quickly. "You may go , dar ling , and may Qod bless jrou. " In the days that followed , May Leslie received the best of care and the doc tor's directions were carefully followed by Leoline who , hour alter hour , sat by the side of the sufi'erer and never coin- plained of weariness. At last the crisis was passed and May was quiet and rational and she no longer raved as she had done when the fever was at its height. 'She was surprised to learn that Leoline was the one whose hand had cooled her fevered brow , and whose soft voice had lulled her to rest , and she begged her to stay awhile. One day Leoline and May were sit ting in the latter's beautiful sitting- room , May lying on acouchahdLeolino sitting in an easy chair , reading aloud an interesting story in a late magazine. Suddenly there was a rap at the door , followed by the entrance of Mr. Deane , who said , cheerily , "Well , how is our patient to-day ? " While he talked to May , Leoline walked out quietly and , going to her room , threw herself upon her bed and wept bitterly. Anyone seeing her would be surprised , for quiet Leoline seldom shed tears. If it were Flor ence , one would not think it strange , for Florence often became so angry that big tears coursed down her cheeks , but , a moment after , she would break out in a peal of laughter at something which excited the risibility in her na ture. Florence was all clouds and sun shine and as changeful as the wind , but when Leoline wept it was not from anger , it was because something serious disturbed the serenity of her soul. The cause of her present grief was this : Unasked , she had given her heart to the handsome young doctor , whose skill had saved the life of her cousin. "Ah. " she mused , "what chance have I to win him ? I , who has neither beauty nor fortune , can inspire no love in his breast ; and even if I were as beautiful as Helen of Troy , and pos sessed of the virtues of Penelope , I could not hope to win him , for I am certain that he loves my fair cousin. She , 1 know , returns his love , for when he calls , her black eyes sparkle with pleasure , and yesterday she told me that her heart had passed from her keeping and that she hoped to become the britle of one who is all that is good and true. I must carefully conceal my love for him , for mother and Florence must not know that I have lost my heart while under the roof of the Leslies. Gentle mother would be more sad than ever , and impulsive Florence would sa } ' she knew something would happen to me , and she would hate cousin May , who is the innocent cause of my sorrow. " The next day Leoline determined to go home , and in spite of May's en treaties , declared she must go that evening ; for , said she , "You will soon be well , and mother and Florence need me. " "Well , " said Mrs. Leslie , ' if you must go , I suppose we cannot keep you ; but here is a small sum as a return for your kindness in coming to help us ; " and she passed a check to Leoliue , who laid it on a table , saying she could not accept money as payment for her ser vices. Mrs. Leslie liked Leoline , and she said , mentally , 'I will give her a liandsome present. " That evening Leoline returned home , and , as she left her.aunt's house , she noticed how beautiful May looked in lier white cashmere wrapper , and she murmured : "No wonder Dr. Deane loves her. " When she reached home her mother was out ; but she was warmly greeted by Florence , who waltzed around in great glee. After awhile she seated her self by the side of Leoline , exclaiming , "Oh , Leo. I'm the happiest girl alive ! Rich Mr. Way has returned from Eu rope , and he saj's he fell in love with me hist year , and he has proposed , and L'm going to marry him , and I'll buy you and mother a "lot of nice things , ind , oh , I'm too happy to live ! " When Florence was excited she paid no at- : ention to the repetition of conjunc tions. Leoline replied : "I am very glad to icar of your good luck ; but are you sure that you iovc him ? " "Love him ! Of course I love him. Wouldn't I love anyone who asked me : o share a fortune of a million of dol- ars ? Mother is coming ! " and she ran down the path that led to the street and met her mother ere she entered the yard. "When Leoline retired to her room , she gazed in her mirror , but could see no beauty in the small , pale lace , large , earnest gray eyes and brown hair brush ed plainly back from her forehead. "Beautiful Mashe said ; "Heaven help me that I may not envy her hap- pimj > s. " For two davs Leoline was busy and did not go out at all , but on the thin ! , which wts hur birthday , she and Flor ence went for a stroll. Florence was in the best of humor and talked inces santly of her approaching marriage , telling about the dresses she would have , the diamonds she would wear , etc. At first Leoline listened and tried to be interested , but , try as she would , she could not forget Dr. Deane. His faco seemed ever before her and the more sfhe tried to crush her love lhe stronger that love became and wider grew the gulf between them. Flor ence chattered on , wholly unconscious that her sister was not listening. "It is a mystery to me how Mr. Way ever fell in love with me. 1 always knew I was not born to work , but I did not ex pect to get out of it so soon. How the. girls wiU envy me when I become Mrs. Theodore Way , and how May Leslie will stare. Say , Sis , you are twenty years old to-day , and I must look after you or you will be an old maid. Wait till I'm married and see if I don't find a rich husband for you. " The two girls were returning home when Florence thought of a letter she had forgotten to mail , and Leoline , not wishing to return to Main street , walk ed slowly on , while Florence returned to the postoffice. Leoline had not " [ one far when she heard some one say , "Good morning , Miss Arleigh , " and looking up , her eyes rested upon the handsome face of Dr. Deane. They walked on until they reached an arbor which was provided with rustic chairs. Dr. Deane suggested that they enter , but no soon " er were they seated"than Leoline's hands were clasped and she heard the Doctor saying "Oh , Leoline , can you not see how dear you are to me ? Sweet Leo- line , raise those truthful gray eyes and tell me , you will love me just a little. Tell me , Leo , is there no hope for me ? " Leoline did not reply , but she offered no resistance when he took her slight form in his arms and showered passion ate kisses upon her face , which had lost its wonted paleness and assumed the hue of the bright red rose. At first she was too much confused to speak , but at last she looked into the deep blue eyes so close to her own and said , "I thought you loved cousin May. " "Thought I loved cousin May ! Why , how could I be charmed by May's black eyes when I was in love with her little nurse ? " Here Leoline receives so many kisses that she begs for mercy and declares she will be smothered. One day Mrs. Arleigh was greatly surprised to see , in the village paper , a notice to the effect that , through a dishonest agent , Mrs. Leslie had lost the greater part of her fortune. A few weeks later the same paper announced the marriage of Miss May Leslie and Mr. Richard Lee , the coal merchant , and stated that the happy couple had gone to Chicago , where they would re side. Lcoline burst in to tears when she heard of her cousin's marriage , for she still thought that May loved Dr. Deano. Florence remarked , "Serves her right. She liked you , but she always hated me. and now she has lost her fortune ami has had to marry a bald-headed , crous- eyed , ill-natured old-codger , whom she must already hate. " The days passed swiftly away. The paths were strewn with the leaves of Autumn , and the cold blasts of Winter were followed by the soft breath of Spring. It is a bright June day. The inter ior of Mrs. Arleigh's cottage is pictur esque in the extreme. Each room seems a bower , for beautiful June ro es are here , there and everywhere. Tiie inmates of the cottage are hastening1 lo and fro as if preparing for some special event but upon the faces of all , there is a look of happiness , for there is to be a double wedding , and the brides will be Florence and Leoline. There is a ring at the door , and a small package is handed to Leoline. She sees that it is addressed in her cousin's hand writing , and she hastily tears off the wrapper. All day sho has been thinking of May and wondering if she has forgiven her for winning the heart of Mr. Deane. When sh& has torn oil" the wrapper from the package , she finds a little box , and , upon open ing it , she feels a thrill of delight , for she sees a beautiful diamond ring , in which is inscribed the word , "Leoline. " JElla Hall , in GoodaWs Sun. Telegraphing Seven Thousand Miles. An Englishman , after haviug been shown the operations of the pneumatic tube for carrying parcels in Now York , said : "I have seen just one thing more wonderful than that. I have talked by cable from London to Calcutta , India , over 7,000 miles .of wire. Two years ago I called upon Managing Director W. Andrews , of the Indo-European Tel egraph company , at No. 13 Old Broad street , London. It was Sunday even ing and the wires were not very busy. Mr. Andrews called up Emden , a Ger man town. 'Give me Odessa , ' he wired. In a few seconds we got the signal from the Russian seaport city , and asked for Teheren , the capital of Persia. 'Call Kurrachee , ' said An drews. In less than half a minute we were signaling that Indian town. The signals came at the rate of fifteen words a minute. After learning that the Lon don oflice was testing the long wires , Kurrachee gave us Agra , and we chat ted pleasantly for a few minutes with the operator on duty there. In a short time the operator switched us on the .jable to the Indian capital , Calcutta. At first the operator there could not believe that he was talking to London , and he asked , in the Morse language : 'Is that really London , England ? ' It was a wonderful achievement , metallic communication without a break be tween the caoital of the English nation and the seat of her government in In dia , 7,000 miles away as the bird flies. " New Orleans Times-Democrat. Preferred tlie Kangaroo. Small boy dialogue actually heard at the circus : "Say , Patsy , which would you rather , that the hippitypottermouso was a runnin' after you or the rvenowserhoss ? " "By golly , Mike , Id rather it was the kangaroo , 'cause I could get inside and ride. " Boston Record. Old I ovo Letters. Old-love letters arc much like cold soup. A love letter that telegraphs a delightui tin-'le tc the tip ends ol the fingers and toes , makes the heart thump fast and ever warms up the stonmch when first written , if read alter theiliimo which inspired it had 3Jed , possesses all the flatness , stalenesf and nauseating quality Unit nre in a porky bean brotli thnthnsluid in the refrigerator since yesterday. Soup has this advantage it can be warmed over , while love letters cannot. [ Lewis tonJMe. ) Journal. OLD pill boxes nre spread over the land by the thousands niter having been emp tied by Buffering humanity. What a masa of sickening , disgusting medicine the poor stomach 1ms to contend with. Too much strong medicine. Prickly Ash Bitters ie rapidly and surely taking the place of all this class of drugs , and is curing nil the ills arising from a disordered condition oi the liver , kidneys , stomach and bowels. A nomination in the hand is worth two in the bush. Better results are derived from .Hall's Hair Renewer than from any similar pre paration. If you suffer with chills and fever , take Ayer's Augue Cure. Ib will cure you. Drinking pure , fresh country milk helps a boy to grow. MIND THE BABIES. Colds in tho Head and Snuffles develop into a Catarrh whicl : ruins the health. Use Ely's Cream Balm , a pleasant and safe remedy which wil. surely prevent and cure. It is not a liquid or a snuff , but is easily applied with the finger. All druggists have it. 50 cts. By mail GO cts. Send for circular. Ely Bros. , Owego , N. Y. HAS BEEN O. K. EVFIt SINCE. MESSRS. EIY Bnos. , Gentlemen : My boy (3 ( years old ) was recently taken with cold which seemed finally to settle in his head. His nose was stopped up for days ant nights so that it was difficult for him to breathe and sleep. I called a physician who prescribed , hut did him no good. Finally I went to the drug store and got a bottle of your Cream Lalm. It seemed to work like magic. The boy's nose was clear in two days , and lie has been O. K.ever since. E. J. Hazard , New York City , Jan. 27 , 1884. The fashionable sandwich iscut trian gular , and has all bread crust removed. The Omaha Typj foundry can furnish new newspaper outfits on short notice. Prices same as in Chicago and freight already paid to Omaha. The cheapest method of raising fowls is to lift them off the roost at night. IN TKE COUNTKY AM. SUJI3IEK. The man who takes his family into the country for the summer should remember that he will save his children a great deal of pain and himself a large amount ol money in doctors' bills if he is thoughtful enough to carry a supply of PnuiiY DAVIS' PAIJT KILLEII. The medicine is a standard specific for all cases of crumps , colic , cholera morbus , diarrhoea , or dysentery. A liberty pole is not the proper thing for beans to run on. A MOST LIKERAL OFFEK ! THE VOLTAIC BELT Co. , Marshall , Mich , offer to send their Celebrated VOLTAIC BELT ? and Electric Appliances on thirty days' trial to any man afllicted with Nervous De bility , Loss of Vitality , Manhood , &c. Il lustrated pamphleb IN SEALED ENVELOPE with full particulars , mailed free. Write them at once. Mice in the money-drawer are pretty sure to make a inns. If all of our boys and girls could take a course at Elliott's Business Col lege , Burlington , la , , it would be far better than a dowry of a thousand dollars. It is better to live on a little , than to outlive a great deal. NervoiiMies < and. Dyspepsia Cured By CAKTKU'S LITTL NERVE PILLS. Twenty- five cents. A man is not eligible to the Presidency until he is twirty-Iive .years of age. Bo merciful to dumb animals. Heal all open sores and cuts with Stewart's Healing Powder , 15 and 50 cents a box. Our Yo Semite Valley is hardlj knowd in Eu rone. Don't fail to see the BATTLE or GETTYS BURG when you visit 0m hsi. Special rates to excursion parties. D.H.Wheeler , Jr , Sec'y Is not a rabbit's tail a hare brush ? TTfccn Baby TFM sickwe pavo her Castoria , "Wlion she was a Child , sho cried for Castoria , When she became Miss , she clang to Castoria , TTtan oho hod Children , oho gave them Castorin , Shouldn't organists take out a license to pedal ? The Business College at Lincoln , Neb. , has the best penmen in the west. The business and short-hand courses are complete. Send For specimen penmanship it College Journal. California strawberries are so big that they plug them to see if they are ripe. If sick headache is misery , what are Car ter's LittleLiverl'ills if they will positively : ure it ? People who have used them speak frankly of their worth. They are small and easy to take. No man is so great a fool as one who thinks himself smart. THE habit of running over hoots or shoes corrected with Lyon's Patent Heel Stlflunurs. Jug not that ye be not jugged. 9 9B All tired out , almost prostrated , without appetite , nervous , depressed and despondent ? Hood's Sarsa- parllla will give you si renpth and vigor , restore and sharpen your appetite , uulid up your nervous system and clear yonr mind. Do you have pimples and holls breaking out on your hody , scrofulous sores or hunches , or other In dications of Impure blood ? Hood's Sarsaparllla will remove every vestlRC of Impurity and vitalize and enrich the blood. Do you have headache. Indigestion , heartburn dli'rcss after eatlnp , falntness , or other symptoms of dyspepsia ? Hood't Sarsaparllla will tone up the dlgesllve organs , remove every disagreeable symp- om. and completely cure you. Do you have pains In ttieback and the dtsasrree- able evidences of difficulties with tne kidneys or liver ? Hood's Sarsaparilla rouses tncso organs to their proper duties and enables them to resist the at tack of disease. Give U a trial. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. 1 ; sir for * ! Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO. , Apothecaries , Lowell , Masi IOO Doses One Dollar. Life In tlio Paris Sowers Is possible , for a short time to the robnsb , but the mnjority of refined peraons would. prefer immudiittu death to existence in their recking atmosphere. How much inoro revolting to ln > in one's holf u LIVING SKWKU. But this is actually the cane with those iu whom the inactivity of the liver driven tho refuse mutter of ihclmdy to escape through the lungs , breath , the pores , kidnu.vH and bladder. It i.s astonishing that life rp- mnitiH in such a dwelling. Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" restores nor mal purity to the system and renews tho whole being. Are dogs who insert teeth practical den tists ? Throw Aivny and employ our radical , new method , guar anteed to permanently cure the worst rases of rupture , Send 10 cents in stunip.s for relerences , pamuhlet and terms. Works's Dispensary Medical Association , 663 Main St. , Buffalo , y. Y. _ Forgiving one's enemies is like a draught- of water to the parched soul. "Her face so fair , as flesh it seemed not , But heavenly portraitof bright angel's hue , Clear ns the sky , without a blame or blot , Through goodly mixture of complexions duo And in her cheeks the vermeil red did show. " This is tho poet's description of ti woman whose physical system was in a perfectly sound and healthy state , with every func tion acting properly , and is the enviable condition of its fair patrons produced by Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription. " Any druggist. _ Pearls must be constantly worn , or they will crumble. fARBOLISALVE cures Itchings and frri- \ S tntions of tho Skin and Sculp , Poisons , Piles and Ulcers. Cures Burns ami Scaldsvrith- out a Scar. 25 and 50 eta. at Druggists. Our Saxon grandmothers called garters "shunkbands. " WeaklyVoijieii with Pale , Colorless faces need CAUTEK'S Iiiox PILLS. Cheap window glass is a snare and a delusion. 3 months' treitmen" ; forSOc. Piso's IJemcdy for Catarrh. Sold by druggists. A chaste woman is rarely over chased. The Omaha Typo foundry can furnish new newspaper outfits on short notice. Prices same as in Chicago and freight already paid to Omaha. It is the early caucus that catches the drinks. A Q UESTION AB O UT Browns Iron ANSWERED. The question has probably been asked thousands of times. "How can Brown's Iron Bitters cure every thing ? " "Well , it doesn't. But it does cure any disease for which a reputable physician would prescribe lltpa Physicians recognize Iron as the best restorative agent known to the profession , and inquiry of any leading chemical hrmwill substantiate theassertion that there &ie more preparations of iron th n of any other Bubstanco used in medicine Tlua shows con clusively that iron is acknowledsPd to be the roost important factor in successful medical practice. It is , however , a remarkable fact , that prior to the discov ery of KKOWN'S IKON ItlTTEUS no perfect ly satisfactory iron combination had ever been fonno. BROWN'S IRON BinERSSsaKSS headache , or produce constipation nil other iron medicines do. ItltOWN'S IKON IJITTEKS cures Indigestion , Biliousness , Weakness , Dy&pepsia , Dizilarin , Chills nncl Fevers , Tired FeeIingt5cncrnlDebiIkyPain in the Side , Bade or JimbsIIcadnclio andNenrnl- jliti for all these ailments Iron is prescribed daily. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS.SES1K minute , tike all other thoroash medicines , it acts slo-.vly. "When taken by m'n tho first symptom of benefit is renewed enerjrr. Thenrasclesthen become firmer , the digestion improves , the lio-vels are active. In icomen tho elf ect is nsailly more rapid and marked. The eyes begin at once to brishten : the skin clears up ; healthy color comos to the cheeks ; nervousness disappears ; functional derangements become regu lar , and if a nur = mg mother , ebumlant sustenance is suppiied for tli child. Remember Brown's Iron Bitten is the ONI/Yiron medicine that H not in jurious , rhyficitini ami Jlruyyiiti rteammetul it. Tho Genuine has Trade JIark and cros od red lines on wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. JiiiJACm IT IS A PURCLY VEG 5ENNA-MANDRAKE-BUCKU AK3 OTHER EHUAUY EFFICIENT REMEDIES It haa stood tho Test of Years , in Curing all Diseases of tfco i r > > . ELOOD , LIVES , STOM- ' * ACH , EIDNEYS.BOV7- ELS , &c. It Purifies tlio Blood , Invigorates and Cleanses the System. BITTERS DYSPEPSIACONSTI- CURES PATION , JAUNDICE , ALLDiSEASESOFTHE SICSHEADACHE.BIL- LEVER IOUS COMPLAINTS.&c disappear at once Tinder KIDNEYS its beacScial influence. STOMACH It is purely a Uledicine AND as its cathartic proper- tics forbids its use as a beverage. It is pleas ant to the taste , and as easily taken by child ren aa adults. ALLDRUGGISTS FRICKLYASHEiTTERSCO PRICElDOLUR Sole Proprietors. ST.Louisaad KANSAS Crrr [ AHA TYPE FGIW NEWSPAPER OUYFBTfc Fiirjil.slie 1 on S3iort 3fof ice From. Omaha , sit CIticsiaro Prices. UE OR MOID-HMD GOODS CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. OMAHA TYPE FOUNDRY , Omaha , Neb. , 12th and Howard. and Morphine Habit Cured InlOto FPSRn3 : ! o days. Refer to .OHO nations mrei ! BQd&lH in all parts. Dr. Karsh , Quincy,2Iich. i AVENPORT BUSINESS COLLEGE SKXO KOR CATALOG TK TO BCACAX cfc ' JI.YWliS. Iluveuport , lowu. W. N. U _ Omaha 319-29. Tie Best faterpof Coat. TheFISHBBAJfD BUCKETS \rarrantttlwatirproor , and Till fc P I" " < ! IT ' tilt harden Harm. Tho new POMMEL SUCKEKls a pr'trcc ridinc'ceil. and coTen tba entlr * laddie. Bewaro of Imitations. Konorenninwltlwnt th * * 7t l Brand" trade-mark , lllcilntcd Catalogua free. A. J. Tower. B'jttou. Alau. S6TPEBBY DAVIS"1 © * IS RECOMMENDED BY PJiysicians. Ministers , Missionaries , Man agers of Factories , Work-shops , Planta tions , Nurses in Hospitals , in short , everybody everywhere TI''IO has ever given it a trial. TAKEN INTERNALLY IT WILL BE FOUND A NEVER FAILING CUKE FOR SUDDEN COLDS , CHILLS , PAINS IN THE STOMACH , CRAMPS , SUMMER and BOWEL COM PLAINTS , SORE THRO AT , &c. APPLIED EXTERNALLY , IT 18 THE MOST EFFECTIVE AND BEST LINIMENT ON EARTH FOR CURING SPRAINS , BRUISES , RHEUMAT ISM , NEURALGIA , TOOTH ACHE , BURNS , FROST BITES , &c. Prices 25c. OOc. and Bottlo. , . , . $1.00 per . FOR SALE BY ALL MEDICINE D JG57"Beware of Imitations. " TREATED FEEE. R. GREEN , A Specialist for IMovcii Yonr I a t , lias treated Propiy ancllta complication * with th9 most wondi-rfiil Bitrcrsj ; me * veiurnMu remedies , entirely harmR-H * . Removeall symptoms of dropir In elclit to twenty days. . . . . . . . . Cures patients pronounced hopeless by the best of phynlclana. From the first dose th symptoms rapidly disap pear , nnrt In ten days at least two-third * of the symp toms are n > im > r < d. Somemir cry ImmliuK without knowing anything about It. R'member It does not cost vou anything to realize iho merits of my treatment for yourself I am constuntlv curing cnic < of Ionstaminc.cases that li v * bei-n tixopcd a number of times , anil iho pntlent declare 1 iinabli ! tit live a wi-elc. lilrcfull history of ca'e Name sex. h > . ' lunir-iKHctcd. how badly nwolen nn 1 where. Is bowels otilve. have lej ; bureC'iI and dripped water. Srnd for free pa-nphlet. containing testimonials , questions , etc. IO il : vs trniitiiKMit furnished frealiymnll. Epilepsy flts positively cured. lloriiertrl.il. sunJT cents In stamps fonty posinea. II. 1I.RUKKV. M. II. . 55 Jones Avenue. Atlanta. Ua. ElHAUSTiJITALITl III.USTUATED SAIlirr.E FIUSC. KNOW THYSELF A Great Mcrl'cil TTirJc on Mnnliood , Nervous and Physical Debility. Premature Declli e In Man. Kx- &aust d Vitality. * c. , &c. . and the untold miseries rcsu tlr.jr from Indiscretion or excesses ; 300 paxes. ! uhtuml.illy l > < uiul In gilt , mtiMIn. Contains mura than 135 lnvaluiuo : prescriptionembracing every vegetable remedy In the pharmaca-pla for ail acute and chronic < Il5c.i e- ' . It Is on phatlcally a book for every man. Price only $1 by mail postpaid , concealed In plain wrappir. IIJLUSTKAT1 VESMIM.EFKEE TO AI.1. youiiK and middle a ed meu for the next ninety days. Bend now. nrciit this mil. as you miy never se > - It again. AUdre b DK. W. 11. PARKEU.I Iltilllnoli SL. Uo.stcn. X. I ! . Ur. P.irker can be confidentially consulted Dn all dheaso of man. his specialties i -bTAStffV GENDSTflMPTO _ _ U ll B fThen 1 say euro i u nut moan itiprely to ktop tncm n > r nthne and then u.ivetncm return a .iln. I mvan aradl- cal cure. I have m.iilUio din < o < > f KITS. El'II.EPaY or FALLISO SICKSESSr. life lo-i-jstnrty. I warrantnij remedy to cure tha worst cases Uecauso others bava failed is no ro'iinn for not now rocnvln ; ; a cnro. Send a : ones for a treiulso and a Free linrtlo of my Infallible remedy. 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Intf- lorpliine Ilaliit Curodla 111 ; wa to o < liy.s. Xo it.ty till Cured. ' * l > i : J. SrEi'itKN's , Leiianou. uaio. ! PfiJSKDUV teurn here and earn jjood CLtUnArni pay. Situatio turinauej Valentine Bros. Janesvllle. VTIJ. MS7 ? OF DISTLVSES ALWAYS CETRABLS 3Y TJSINO OP nrjr.iy FLESH. OP AXIKALS. Tliicnrantisra , Scratches , > Burns mid Scalds , Sores nml Galls , f'tinsrs anil IJitcs , S-pnvin , Cracks , C'uts and Ilniisct , Scrcvr Worm , CJrub , prninn S ; Stitclie-s Foot Hot , Hoof Ail , Contracted JIucc'cs , : " 5tir Joints , Swinny , Fonndcr ; Sprains , Strains , Irruptions , Sore Feet , 2rost Bites , Stiffness , and all external diseases , ard erery hnrt or accident , for general use iu famll y , stable and stock-yard. It Is THE BEST OF ALL