F. M. AND E. M. KDOIELL , Editors and Publishers. State Republican Convention. o Tbe republican electors of the state of Ne braska are invited to send delegates from the several counties to meet in convention at Lincoln , Wednesday , September 2 ! ) , 1886 , at 7 P. 31. , for the pu rpose of placing1 in nominal Ion candidates for the following state offices : Governor. Jjieutenant Governor. Secretary of State. State Treasurer. Auditor of Public Accounts. Conimis'ion'r of Public Lands and Building ? . Superintendent of Public Instruction. Attorney-General. And for the transaction of such other busi ness as may properly bo presented to the convention. The several counties are entitled to repre sentation as follows being based upon the vote cast for Leavitt Burnham , in 1885 , for Re gent of the University , with one delegate from each county for every one hundred and fifty votes and tbe major fraction thereof , and one delegate at large from each county : Ccsstlii. Delegate : . Ccsntles. Adams 17 Jefferson 9 Antelope 7 Johnson 10 Ulalne i Kearney 7 Boone 7 Keith 3 Brown 7 Keya Palm 4 Buffalo 11 Knox 8 Butler ' . ) Lancaster 23 Burt 9 Lincoln 4 Cass 14 Logan 1 Cedar 4 Loup 2 Chase 1 Madison 7 Cheyenne 4 Merrick 0 Cherry : j Nance R Ciay 9 Nemalm 11 Colfax 7 Nuckolls G Cuming 8 Otoe 13 Cuater 9 Pawnee i ) Dakota < i Pierce 3 Dawes 4 Phelps 9 Dawson 6 Platte 7 Dirson 5 Polk C Dodge 10 Richardson 13 Douglas 27 Red Willow C Dundy 2 Saline 12 Fillmore 10 Sarpy c > Franklin 6 Saundors 13 Frontier 4 Seward 10 Furnas ' , Sioux 1 Gage 19 Sheridan 3 Gosper 4 Sherman G Garfleld 2 Stanton 4 Greeley 3 Thayer. Hall s Valley Howard C Washington Hayes 2 Wayne , Hamilton 10 Webster Harlan G Wheeler . . . Hitchcock 4 York Holt 11 . TOTAL 5R It is recommended that no proxies be admit ted to the convention except such as are hcl by persons residing in the counties from whicl proxies are given. C. E. YOST , D. H. JlEKCEii , Secretary. Chairman. Omaha. Neb. , June 29,188G. GEO. B. LANE is coming forward ai a candidate for superintendent of publi instruction. JUDGE COBB is spoken of as a possi ble successor to "Our Van , " whose chances for re-election are diminishing beautifully. THE Gazette-Journal says that "an artesianwell is to be sunk at McCook. ' This of course will be an item to our people , who wot not of it , not a wot. GEN. THAYER and H. T. Clarke are both prominent candidates for governor , Thayer won his honors on the field of battle , and consequently has a tender spot in the G. A. R. boys of the state. HON. GILBERT L. LAWS , of McCook , will undoubtedly go into the republican state convention with every delegation from the Republican Valley at his back. He is the coming secretary of state. Gazette-Journal. WHEN THE TRIBUNE states that Senator Dolan's "record speaks for itself , " it says what it means and means what it says. The sentence is neither squint-eyed nor bow-legged , and is un derstood by the Senator and his friends No person who has accumulated a competency by breaking the laws of this state , to the temporal and eternal loss of his fellow-man , is fit to represent this people in the halls of assembly. Mark such a one if he seeks your vote and support. He is unworthy of it. IN the important consideration of representative , the people of Red Wil low county desire a man , who has indi cated by his fidelity to and compliance with the statutes of the state already made and provided , that he is a fit and proper personage to assist in further framing the laws for the people of this growing commonwealth. A CARD. Having resigned my postion as Mana ger of Indianola Mill Co. , I take this opportunity of thanking my friends and patrons for the liberal and pleasant manner in which they have sustained me. I hope and believe the present manager , Mr. 11. M. Wolfewill manage the busi ness in a satisfactory manner and that he will have the sympathy and support of the community. I am prepared to buy grain and live stock to ship and would advise farmers not to hurry their wheat to market as it should go through the sweat in the stack. CLARK WARD. R. A. Cole , Merchant Tailor. To THE PEOPLE : I have received , complete in every line , my new spring stock , and assure to all who call upon me , line goods , elegant fits , at very rea sonable prices. Drop in and be convinc ed. R. A. Cole , three doors west ot -Citizens Bank , Dennison street. CITY-FINANCES. JlRBOLtJTlON. ' Bn IT RESOLVED. By the Mayor and Council of the City of McCook : That the following estimate is hereby made of the amount of money to be raised for all purposes In said city during the fiscal year for which appropriation Is to be made , towlt : Forealarles , city officers $ 2,000 Incidental expenses ISO TOTAL $2.150.00 Total amount of assessed valuation. . . $211,500 i Amount of revenue for last year 1.750.02 1 Amount expended 1,755.02 1 And It Is hereby ordered published in some paper of general circulation in the City of McCook. Passed May 26.1880. I. J. STARBUCK , Attest : J. K. KELLEY , Clerk. Mayor. Above we present the readers of THE TRIBUNE with a copy of a resolution recently passed by the city council , which shows the finances of this city to be in bad shape already. The resolution gives the assessed valuation of the city at $211,500. and the maximum amount that can be raised on this valuation is ยง 2,115 supposing that the taxes are all paid a very violent supposition , however. The resolution shows the en tire revenue of the city to be $2,115 , and against this amount , there is one small item of $2,000 for salaries alone , which in itself will be largely in excess of the amount the city will realize from taxes. THE TRIBUNE submits it to the business men of McCook that $2,000 for the item of salaries is preposterous and more than this city can pay. And right here we will state that the total amount heretofore expended for salaries was $26 , under the old regime. Under the new order of things we are paying $1.974 more. Are we receiving that much more benefit ? We think not , decidedly. In addition to the matter of salaries , there is another item of $150 for incidental expenses , an amount en tirely too small to cover those expenses. Now we have but two items of the city's expense bill. There are other items , not mentioned in the estimate of ex penses , which will raise the expenses of the city to fully $1,000 more. Be sides there are lumber and other bills now due , amounting to a number of hundred dollars. In other words this city is running on the broad-guage plan of cities of five times its size and of greater age. She can't afford it , and the tax-payers should raise , and doubt less will , the voice of reproval. As mat ters are at present , the city will be in debt at the end of the year $1,000 or $1500 , as against an indebtedness of $7 , last year. . Taxes in this city and county are already high. Can we stand any more ? These warm days are somewhat pro lific of pic-nicsthe cool and shady nooks and fastnesses of the Driftwood and Brush creeks being the objective points of these excursions. On Saturday after noon , the following party gently disturb ed the quietude of Brush creek with their merriment : Mr. and Mrs. J. B. MeserveMr. and Mrs. F. S. Wilcox and Misses Gertie Laws , Mabel Meservc Ollie Hama , Theo. Laws , Theo. Miles and Edna Meserve. While the classic Driftwood asknowledges a visit , Sunday afternoon , from a pic-nic party com posed of : Dr. and Mrs. Z. L. Kay , Mr. and Mrs. R. JR. "Woods , Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Green. This warm weather has a slight ten dency toward making warm blood , as witnesseth the little set-to , Tuesday afternoon , between Davis and Hines , two of our local paint artists. The com batants were quickly separated , conse quently the disfigurment of physiogno my was but nominal. Davis donated ? 5 and costs for his share of the fun , svhile Hines enriched the treasury but 51 and costs for his momentary amuse ment. Keep cool boys , k. k. Cambridge Kaleidoscope : Private Edward Warner's G. A. K. entertain ment on Wednesday and Thursday even ings were well patronized and gave good satisfaction. Over eighty views ot the ate war , including forts , battles and scenes of the country invaded by both irmies , was given each evening. He ; oes from here to Oxford. A fine display of corn , alfalfa , oats , yheat and rye , was sent , to-dayto parties it Anamosa , Perry , Muscatine and Des \Ioines \ , in the state of Iowa , by William 3oleman , who has taken great pains in gathering up these evidences of the fact , hat this county is exempt , this season , rom the drouth of the states to the east. The flour and feed firm o Fry & snow , as will be seen by notice else- There in this issue , has dissolved by nutual agreement , Mr. Fry continuing he business at this place , their other nterests at Yuma and Akron having teen closed out. FARM LOANS. o Cash Down. No Delay. No need of waiting to send off appli- ations. Money paid over as soonas apers are completed. Call on or ad- ress , BED WILLOW Co. BANK , 43-tf Indianola , Neb. BANKSVILLE. Will Tuttlc has sold out , and departed foi Iowa. BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Abe Olmsted , a boy. Abe says girls are at a premium at his place. John Relph is building a house on hi * homestead. We think you are building tn small , John , two persons need more room than you imagine. T. W. Benjamin was working roads on Wednesday in a line where it is much need ed , viz : Between section 31 and 32. We see that the road is now passable for teams. Miss Jennie Lincoln's term of. school ex pires the Oth , we understand. Miss Jennie has shown a very marked ability in the. ad ministration of her school , and has well eanied the vacation which follows. J. A. French is soon to return to his old home. We are very sorry to see Lou leave , but the best of friends must part , so we wish you God speed Lou. We will venture a pre diction here on our own responsibility , i. e. , that his stay in the "old country" will not be very long. Please note the prophecy. T. W. Benjamin and Jessie Goodwin at tended the celebration at Oberlin on the 5th , and report a good time generally. Travis says that the base ball playing was away be low par. Score , Oberlin boys 50 , Kawlins county boys 1C , on six innings , which it took about five hours to play. "How ish dot.1 Uiuker , the implement man , is doing a rousing business in this community , selling windmills and binders to about every other ! man. We trust that those who purchase are able to pay without discommoding them selves. A man cannot be too careful in buy ing machinery. It is better to do without an article , than bind one's self tip with prom ises that cannot be met. Mr. Ilouchin has concluded that there is more money to be made by shipping his thresher directly here than to thresh over land. Consequently he went after it on Monday , July 5th. But Jim didn't want to leave any way. He says lie would lose more in going away for so Jong than lie can afford. Attest the trail across the draws. Never give up the ship , Jim. Well we met the enemy ( Vailton nine , ) and they are ours. Score 17 to 19. Hurrah for the Red Willow Reds ! But then , after the report of our skirmish with the Kirwin'.s , we are surprised that they played us at all. How could it have been otherwise. If we had had another umpire to give us fair play , we would have made an entirely different score list. Our , or rather their umpire seem ed determined to beat us , showing greater partiality for the Vailton club from the first. But the boys did not make any objections until we were obliged to put out five men be fore he would call side out. then we did "kick. " Aside from this the boys treated us very cordially. Vailton plays the "R. W. R. " on their own grounds near Sid Dodge's on Saturday , July 17th. SIVAKT. SOUTH-SIDE DOINGS. Miss Graves' school in district Xo. : ; i clos ed , Friday last , with a picnic in J. ( ! . Eaton's grove. The exercises consisted in singing , select readings , dialogues , etc. The manner in which eacli part was carried reflected credit on both teacher ami scholars. F. II. Preston rendered "The Wonderful One Horse Chaise" in a characteristic style : and the closing remarks by I. T. Birdsall were wel chosen and to the point. Several swings were constantly employed while the quantity o chicken , fish , pie , cake , ice cream and lemon ade destroyed spoke well for the healthfu condition of those partaking. Of all modem surprises we venture to say that the one at the McCook Congregationa church , last Sabbath morning , was the mos complete. Being "homcupathically" inclined however , we consider the dose entirely too large for our disease. Still we were very much delighted to learn that "Dora Helen' was alive and well and that "George F" ha < passed the measles and whooping cough per iod and was now ready for business. But as the people of McCook and vicinity do no seem to be prepared for such strong light we sincerely hope Georgie will not take it into his dear little head to afflict us again very soon. W. BONDVILLE GOSSIP. Win. Kilgore visited the county-seat , Satur day. day.Mr. Mr. Uherling has purchased a new self- binder. II. B. Archibald of McCook spent Sunday with his family. Mrs. M. J. Adams of Indianola is visiting at A. S. Bougton's. F. A. Griffin , Miss Smith and Miss Bough- ton visited Indiauola , Saturday. Mr. Adamson lost a fine yearling colt , a few days ago. The cause of his death is un known. Miss Cora Smith of Valley Grange has been spending a few days with Miss Bough- ton of this place. There was a dance at Mr. Colvin'safew miles east of this place , last Friday night , which most of our young folk's attended. We understand one young gentleman carried a bottle and had the misfortune to break it , thereby losing his medicine. GOSSIP. PLEASANT RIDGE GOSSIP. Rye harvest is over. Potatoes promise a good crop. Sod corn is needing rain pretty badly. Farmers are about done plowing com. A little rain would be acceptable on the Ridge just now. James Speer has a Binder and will cut most of the grain in this neighborhood. Quite a number of the Ridge folks attend ed the celebration on the Driftwood the third , jthers celebrating the fifth at Culbertson. There has been considerable breaking done ) ii the ridge this season and the most of the ; od up to July 1st planted in corn and sor- jliuni. 2. Y. X. FOR SALE OR TRADE. A Western Cottage organ , good as lew. Will sell cheap. Inquire at my ) ffice. S. ft , CoLYIK. STRAYED OR.STOLEN. Last Thursday nightJuly 8th , from my barn at IcCook , a bay pony , about 7 years old , has sores on both shoulders from collar. Any information leading to 1m recovery will be liberally reward ed by calling at my office. 7 C. P. R INKER. KESIDENCE FOR SALE. MY RESIDENCE PROPERTY Oft THE CORNER OF MADISON AND DOUGLASS STS. , SOUTH OF THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. A. McG. ROBB. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. o Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between W. E. Fry and F. M. Snow , doing business under the linn name of Fry & Snow at McCook , Neb. , aud Akron and i'uma. Colo. , is this day dissolved by mutual consent , Mr. Snow retiringMr. . Fry will continue the business at McCoolr , Neb. , and will collectall outstanding1 accounts and pay all indebtedness of the late firm. Viicmprt 1WE feigned - j-p M Dated , McCook , Neb , July 12,18P6. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. o Notice is hereby given that the late linn of Brewer Bros. , doing business in the City of McCook , has this day been dissolved by the mutual consent of the members thereof. Charles T. Brewer will continue the business of the late firm at the old stands and will as sume and discharge all the indebtedness of said nrin and collect all debts due tlio same. All persons knowing1 themselves Indebted to said partnership are hereby speeiallyrequest- ed to call at once and settle the samu. Dated this 7th day of July , 188i. ( O. T. BltKWKII. 6-3t. J. A. ImnwKit. TAKEN UP. At my ranch , 4 miles southwcstof McCoolc. on or about July Ctb , 188(5 ( , one large dnrk brown mare mule. Has u baiter , with short rope attached. Is harness marked. Has also a few white spots. (5 MUS. EUX.V FINAL PROOF NOTICES. LAND OITICB AT MCCOOK , NKB. , | July 11th , IS-fi. f Notice is hereby { riven tlint the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim , and that said proof will be made before Reg- ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , August 20th , ISM , viz : Ncttiu E. Parks , D. S. 1418. for the west l/2 southeast ! i of section 20. town. 2 north , range 30 , west lith P. M. She names the following1 witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : John P. Swanson , Louis Fauss. J. F. Mcgrewand Enoch M. Matson , all of Vailton , Nebraska. 7 * G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. NEB. , I July 10th , 1886. f Notice is hereby Riven that the following- named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make llnal proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis- ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb.on Saturday. August 21st , 1880 , viz : Snxton B. Coltrain , Homestead Entry 218 , for the northwest } .i of section 'J , township 1 north , range 2 ! > , west 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upou , and cultivationof.siiiil land , viz : James Lawthers , Samuel Ellis , J. B. Farnsworth and John Relph all of McCook , Nebraska. 7 * G.L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. NEU. , i July lOtli , 1SS6. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Regis tor or Receiver at McCoolc , Neb. , on Monday August 23 , 1880 , viz : Edwin M. Farnsworth Homestead Entry 1075 , for the northwest Ji o : section 21 , township 1 north , range 29 , wes Oth P. M. He names the following witnesse : to prove his continuous residence upou , am cultivation of , said land , viz : Sidney Dodg < John Goodenberger , Amos Goodenberg-er aiu ; John M. Ford all of McCook , Nebraska. 7t G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , N'r.u. , I July 12th , ISSti. f Notice is hereby given tliat the following- named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Mondav , August 23d , 1886 , viz : Henry T. Stelly , D.S. 1 ! > 7 , for the northeast h of section 0. township 1 north , range 20 , west Uth P. M. He names tho following1 witnesses to prove his continu oiis residence upon , and cultivation of , sai < ; land , viz : Fred Benjamin. Samuel .Ellis , Ed Benjamin and Nehemiah Burtlcssall of Me Cook , Nebraska. 7 * G. L. LAWS , Register. LAXD OFFICE AT MCCOOK , Nr.i : . , i July 10th. 1SSC. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler 1ms filed notice of her intentioi : to make final proof in support of her claim , and that said proof will be made betore Reg' isteror Beceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Satur day , August 21 , 1880 , viz : Laura E. Graves , D. S. 2126 , for the east K northeast J { of sec tion 32 , and northwest Jj. northwest Ji of sec tion 33. township 3 north , range 30 , west Otb P. M. She names the following : witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Matthew H. Johnson , Edgar F. Turner , Alfred C. Nettle- ton and John Whittaker all of McCook , Neb. 7t G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , July Gth , 188C. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will bo made before Reg ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tues day , August 24th , 18S6. viz : Thomas Rowland , H. E. 387 , for the southwest quarter of section 9 , township 1 north , range 28 , west Cth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultiva tion of , said land , viz : Henry Standard , John Harber , Ira McClung and Charles Sollers all of Danbury , Nebraska. 7t G.L.LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , July 7tb , 1880. f Notice is hereby given that tho following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Reg ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb.pn Monday , August 23d , 1880 , viz : Lyman Miller , home stead entry 293 , for the southwest quarter of section 9 , township 3 north , range 29 , west Cth P. M. He names the followingwitnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cul tivation of. said land , viz : Walter Hickling , Edward Couse , John Shaw and Thos. Buckles , nil of McCook , Neb. 6 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE ATMCCOOK.NEB. , I June 25th , 1880. i Notice is hereby given that the following- lamed settler has filed notice of his intention o make final proof in support of his claim , md that said proof will be made before Regis- er or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , August 6th , 1886 , viz : Thomas WhitrnerHome stead Entry , 648 , for the southeast quarter of iection 31 , townsbip 5 north , range 30 west , tie names the following witnesses to prove lis continuous residence upou , and cultivation ) f said land ; viz : George Brown , E. R. Har- non , Jacob Betz , McCook , Neb. , and Edward Hamilton of Osburn , Neb. 5 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , I June 23d. 1880. f Notice is hereby given that the following- lamed settler has filed notice of his intention o make final proof in support of his claim , md that said proof will be made before Reg- ster or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday , uly 30th , 1886 , viz : Almond Gust in , D. S. 697. or the northeast quarter of section 28 , town. north , range 30 west Gth P. M. He names tho allowing1 witnesses to prove his continuous esidence upon , and cultivation of , said land , iz : Daniel A.Clements , Frank Schwartz , John I. Gambelle and Joseph B. Armentrout , all of ' "ailton , Nebraska. i - G. L. LAWS , Roaster. PATTT P L/ri 1 1 L/L WE WILL SELL THE REMAINDER OF OUR HERD . rir-i.IT CONSISTING OF - y Grade Hereford Bulis , Grade Shorthorn Gows f Calves , Grade Shorthorn and Hereford Yearling Heifers , In bunches to suit at low prices , on 5 years time , at 10 per cent , interest , real estate security. This is the best chance you will ever have to buy Good Cattle Cheap. In quire of GEO , HOGKNELl , McCook , JESSE D , I i FOR SALE BYE The Frees & HoeknelJ Lumber Go , , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. TRIBUN SUBSCIPTION , $2.OO PER YEAR. FINAL PROOF NOTICES. LAND OFFICE AT McCooit , NEB. , ( June 21th. 1881 ! . f Notice is hereby friven that the following- naincd settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that snid proof will be made before Ker- ister or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday. July 80th , IStfG , viz : Edward Kauouse. D. S. 27I52 , for the southeast l.i northwest U &Lot5 . 4 and it , section G. township 1 north , ratifje 23 west , Gth P.M. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : John Cal kins. Franklin W. WeaverEu-renc G. Dunham and Thomas II. Fowler all of McCook , Neb. 4 G. L. LAWS. Register LAND OFFICE AT McCoox. NEB. , I June 21 , IfiSU. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , July 30,18SG , viz : James E. Eaton , Homestead Entry 3348 , for the southwest quarter of sec tion 10. township 4 north , range 30 west. Gth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Robert Moore , William Coleman , Edward Patterson and Levi Brown , all of McUook , Nebraska. 4 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , i June 15th , 1SSU. ) ' Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Fridav , July 23.1886 , viz : Henry Tilgncr , H. E. 3312 , for the west' { northwest J4 and west ' 4 south west y of section 1 , town. 5 north , range 30 , west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Enoch Osvog , Nelson Dueland. Bertha Kirsch and Win. A. Register all of McCook. Neb. 3 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAXD OFFICE AT MCCOOK. NEB. , ) June 12th , 1880. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to rnnko final proof in support of his claim , md that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCeok , Neb. , on Saturday , July 24th , 18SG , viz : Morton M. Hix , D. S. 2799 , for the easti northwest 34 and cast V south west H section 9 , township 1 north , range 30 , ivest Oth P. M. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon , md cultivation of. said land : Joseph L. Mat- ion , E. Matson , Leonard Hilton and Hiram 2ooley all of Vailton , Neb. _ 3 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. NEK. , i June 5th. 18SH. f Notice is hereby given that the t'ollowing- lumed settler has filed notice of his intention .o make final proof in support of his claim , md that said proof will be made before Regis- i : er or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , luly 16th , 1886. viz : John W. Bennett , H. K. 1082 , for the southwest quarter , section 0 , town- ihip 5 north , range 29 west. He names the 'allowing witnesess to prove his continuous esidence upon , and cultivation of , said land , riz : Enoch E. Osvog , James C. Irnry , Rad- brd Pate and William Pate all of McCook. Jebraska. 2 G.L.LAWS , Register. L.VND OFFICE AT McCooic , Neb. , ( June22d. 1SSC. 1 Notice is hereby given that the following- lamcd settler has filed notice of his intention o make final proof in support of his claim , .nd that said proof will be made before Regis- er or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on July 30th , 8S6 , viz : Joseph F. Mcgrue. D. S. 268 , for the outhwestii northeastii and southeast Jjnorth- rest ii and northeast Ji southwest & and lorthwestH southeast ii. section 19 , township north , range 30 west , 6 P. M. He names tho ollowing witnesses to prove his continuous esidence upon , and cultivation of , said land , iz : Louis Fauss , McCook , Neb. , George Mey- rs. Richard Williams. Joseph Smith , Drift- rood , Nebraska. G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , i ' i June Uth , M& . f Notice is hereby given that the following- [ named settler has filed notice of his intention \ to make final proof In support of his cliinii , ( ' and that said proof will be madebefore Regib- ' ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , ' July 2d. : ! IHW ; , viz : William A. Dunham. D. S. < 1U84 , for the northeast quarter of section 17 , , township 1 north , range 2)5 , west 6th P. M. ' He names the following witnesses to provo I his continuous residence upon , and cultiuation . of , said land , viz : John Calkins , George Zim- ' I merman , McCook , Neb. , William F. Thorpe , < I Orvis Miller. Danbury , Neb. i : F. U. L. LAWS , Register. J LAND OFFICE AT McCooK. NEB. , ( J une 5tn , 18 0. j" Notice Is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention . to make final proof in support of his claim , I and that said proof will be made before Reg ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , n Saturday , ( July 17th , 18SC. viStephen Hopkins. Home- j stead Entry 741 , for tnc north y. southwest U 1 and south Vt northwest \ \ , section 4. township 1 north , range 21) , west 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continu- i ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said J land , viz : Elbert J. Henderson , S. Coultian , ) Henry H. Berry and Charley Boyd of McCook , Nebraska. 2 G.L.LAWS , Register. | LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , i J June 8th , 18S6. f 1 Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention f to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Reg- ! ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , i i July 16th. 188 < ; , viz : Frank A. Grillin , D. S.No. , | a/KHi / , for the southeast quarter of section 24. | township 2 north , range 2ft west Uth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his ' continuous residence upon , and cultivation of tald land , viz : Richard Johnson , Robert Johnson , Ance Shrater and William H. Smith , all of McCook , Neb. 2 G. L. LAWS. Register. _ LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , NEB. , i June 30th , 1S8 . j J Notice is hereby given that the following- | | named settler has filed notice of his intention / ] to make final proof in support of his claim , 'I and that said proof will be made before Reg ister or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday , August Gth , 18SC , viz : James L.Campbell , D.S. 409 , for the east Jj southwest H , northwest * (1 ( southwest h and southwest K northwest } of i ] section 26 , township > north , range 30 west. < | He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultiva tion of , said land , viz : Austin A. Clark , George W. Clark. Joseph Allen and William Smith all of Osborn , Nebraska. 5 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEIL , i June 19th , 1886. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and tmt ! = ttjd proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , July :51st : , 18St ; . viz : Charles Hergter. Home stead Entry 27for the west ' , - southwest . of section Hand east southeast ? 4 of section 1.1 , township 3 north , range 30 west. Cth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : Adolph Rieschick. Charles VoIIbrecht , Jacob H. Evans and Frederick Vollbrccht all of McCook. Nebraska. 4 G.L.LAWS , Register. J * LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. NEB. , June:50th.lfctc. f \ Notice is hereby given that the following- t named settler has filed notice of his intention / to make final proof in support of his claim , } and that said proof will be made before Regis- j ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , August 6th. 18 * ! , viz : Austin A. Clark. D.S. 575 for the south ! - southeast U , northwest J. southeast J4 and southeast ? 4 southwest ; i , section 23 , township 5 north , range 30 west , lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultiva tion of , "aid land , viz : James L. Campbell , \ViHiam Smith. Joseph Allen and David Smith allot'Osborn , Nebraska. 3 G. L. LAWS , Register. ' -