FALSE PROPHETS. A Profession Very Popular in tho X > nst Century. The last centurr was prolific of false prophets. Jano Wnrdhuv , the wife of a tailor at Bolton le Moors , Lancashire , started the delusion that Christ's sec ond advent was at hand , and that He , would appear in the form of a woman. - - * / Shortly afterward Ann Lee , wife of a blacksmith , living in Toad lane , Man N chester , adopted tho views of Jane Wardlavv , but went far beyond them , and became known as the mother of the sect who now began to ba called Shakers , because they made a strange kind of dancing one element of wor ship. Ann Leo ( whoso husband's name was Stanley ) had been a Quaker , but her new doctrine had no connection with her previous convictions. She professed to see visions , and in 1770 she declared that the Lord Jesus had appeared to her one night and had become one with her , so' that whatever she said or did was His saying or doing. Her claim was to be the bride of tho Lamb , as . seen by St. John , but her pretentions met with little acceptance in England , and she was inspired to seek a new home in America. To New York she went in 170 i , accompanied by seven disoiples and lay her husband , who soon separated from her , for now arose a new tenet the necessity of celibacy. This doctrine not commending itself to tho citizens of New York , Ann Lee went out into the wilderness of Nis- kenna and founded the settlement of Water Vliet , which still exists. She made herself very obnoxious to the American government , was arrested as a British spy , and thrown into prison. Persecution increased her notoriety , and she became known as the "female Christ. " She died in 1783 , but her fol lowers protested that she was not dead , only "withdrawn from sight. " Joanna Southcott was born in Devon shire abo.ut 1750 , She spent her young days as a domestic servant , but in mid dle life took to uttering phrophecics couched in coarse and uncouth prose or verse. She found followers in Ex eter , but soon went up to London , where she obtained a wider Hold for the exercise of her talents. She drew her inspiration , like others of her kind , from the Apocalypse , and made a consider able income by the sale of seals , which were warranted to insure the salvation of those who purchased them. In the year 1814 , being then over 60 years of age , she gave out that she was the divinely-appointed mother of the Shiloh , and that his birth on the ensuing 14th of October would be the second com ing of Christ. Her adherents then numbered about 100,000 , and they provided a magnificent cradle for the expected infant. A crowd as sembled at the predicted midnight , and only dispersed when they were informed that Mrs. Southcote had fallen into a trance. On the 27th of December following she died. Her followers refused to believe that she was dead , and would not allow her to be buried : but when decomposition be gan to set in they consented to a post mortem examination , which revealed dropsy as the cause of her death. Robert Matthews , in America , in the beginning of this cemury , took up the profession of prophet , and entered on an extraordinary career of imposture , fraud and crime. He was arraigned for murder , but only convicted for as saulting his daughter with a whip. Of his latter days we have no account , nor are his blasphemous and nefarious doings worth recording further. Qui ver. Girlsi in College Towns. A young man , whose breast was cov ered with glittering secret society badges , walked into a Yhitehall street jewelry store yesterday morning , and asked that some plain gold rings be shown him. After a good deal of hesi tancy he selected one , paid for it , put it in his pocket , and withdrew. The younjj man was a college student. He was about to > contract an engagement with a 3-oimg lady who resides in the town which contains his college. The circumstance caused the writer to call to mind a somewhat curious fact. Ever3r small college town contains a number of 3-01111.2 : ladies , more or less great , whose inevitable fate is to die old maids. In carty 3'outh they begin their social careers with college students as the principal figures in them. The chief incidents are engagements to the students , one by one. Usually , the en gagements end in nothing but "blasted hopes. " The students return to their homes , and leave their sanguine sweet hearts to discover that thc3" must try again. The writer has in mind a love ly little town among the "knobs" of Kentuck\ which , during his college days , there was a battalion of the fair sex , each from 25 to 30 years of age , and each husbandless. They have been ! deceived by each successive generation of students for a period of years rang ing from ten to fifteen. They were still hopeful. That mother who desires that the opportunities for marriage : shall be for her daughters equal to those of other young ladies , should never con " sent to live in a small college town. Atlanta Constitution. Aired by an Ear Trumpet. ; Some years ago a well known Presby terian divine was spending his summer vacation with his family in the Adrion- dacks. One Sunday he accepted an in vitation to preach in one of the simple meeting houses of that region. In the congregation was a man who appa rently was very deaf , for he came to the service armed and equipped with nn immense brass ear trumpet , and as soon as the sermon began went forward and took his seat well up on the pul pit stairs. The clergyman's little daughter was among the auditors , she had never seen an ear trumpet , and the spectacle of the form on the pulpit stairs steadily holding that instrument to his head filled her with awe and minder. On her ivay home from church the first thing she said to her father when they were alone was : "Papa , was that an archangel by Boston Herald. JUGGLING. An Expert In the Art Describes Some of Ilia Triclts. M. Paul CinquevalH , tho famous jug gler , said recently to a reporter for T/ic Pall Mall Gazelle : . "Unless lam developing a new trick I seldom practic ed now. I am a juggler. I invent my own business. That is one of my dif- iiculties. New tricks are copied. When I find that I havo an imitator I invent something else. For instance , a thought came to me this morning , a trick with a cigar and a cigar-holder. I throw tho cigar up and catch it in every position in the tube of the holder , I shall practice it a month , perhaps for an hour or two a day. I never give a a trick without being so sure of it that I would bet a large sum against failure. Simple juggling , such as one does with balls , one could be blindfolded , so cer tain lias the hanil become. The hand follows the C3'e , but the hand is the more important of the two. Suppose 1 have a half a dozen knives in the air , I propel one so as to give it half a turn , another a turn , a third a turn and a half , a fourth two turns , calcula ting the revolution of each ono as it falls through the air. Suppose one of them is falling horizontal } ' , instead of vertically , then one gets out of the way and lets it fall on lhe ground. In teaching a beginner one sets him to work with one ball and one hand the left. It is like teaching a child to read. He begins with the ABC , then forms a word. So it is with the juggler's playthings. The left hand must be as facile aud as sure as the right If you let your piipil bugin with the right hand it doubles the difficulty for the left hand. I make it a rule always to use for my tricks the ordinary articles of everyday life. It is more interesting to the public than elaborate apparatus. They can go home and try for themselves. I take a caudle and a candlestick , or two candles and two candlesticks [ this is one of M. Cinquevalli's most famous tricks ] or put an umbrella and a stick through a number of aerial evolutions. I even use a washing-tub. It ; is often galling to the performer to know that the public do not understand the niceties and often the extreme difficulties of a trick. To give them a lesson one some times purposely breaks pown once or twice just at the critical moment. Then the third time the applause is tremendous. As a matter of fact , one is certain to slip now aud then. It is a very different thing performing in a room by daylight and before the liery glare of footlights. Perhaps my most difficult feat isthc ono I am doing every night just now with the knife and fork and raw potato. Simplicity again , you see. With the knife 1 cut the potato in two after keeping it up for some time , and then catch the two halves , one on the knife the other on the fork. That , now , was suggested to me one night at a supper where I was a guest. 'Give us something , ' the host said ; 'you can juggle with anything. ' A knife and fork were on iny plate , and a cooked potato. I was successful. "The juggler is the gentleman of the profession. I still join in the acrobatic entertainment with my brothers ; but it is a severe strain to hoJd a man of eleven stone on one's l and , and the tumbling and hard knocks put one's nerves , eye , aud hand out of order for the juggling , which requires such ex actitude aud precision. I can unite the two if I have an interval between the performance. It is the professional's most difficult task to find novelties. It is so with all of us in the show busi ness. What is there left ? I ask. Your insatiate public has had trained fleas aud trained ilies. There is nothing left. London 1 don't know. I have nothing sensational ; they come to see me. The Russians , yes ; Germans , no. They want to be amused. I have once or twice had narrow squeaks. A friend bet me a champagne supper that 1 would not do a trapeze performance from a balloon. I took him. It was at Copenhagan. The balloon was a giant , my bar being a few yards from the basket I was dressed as a sailor. The wind was blowing out to sea , but we started. I clung to the bar , and 1 did a few turns in the air , then scram 1c 1J bled up and sat on the bar ; as we as c cended to a great height I clambered t into the'car. . The we drifted out aud { into the sea. We floated about for an - hour until we were rescued. I got a cold , but I won my champagne supper. That was nothing. I was engaged to take an ariel llight at an afternoon en tertainment It had rained in the night I took my llight , lauded on the opposite bar , ami fell eighty feet The rope was sodden , and had given way. E broke my wrist , and some of my chest - bones. For eight months I was in the tiospital with my left arm in a sling. [ practiced with my right Juggling , then , is better than ariel flights. An acrobat too , must always bu in good liealth. lie has a headache. He is no jood. I have a headache , but I take cny turn with the rest I have had one ar two awkward knocks from the : kvashiug-tub , which has weight as well is bulk. I spin it round , throw it high > nto the air , and catch it on a long pole which stands on my shoulder. It may : "all , but I wear a helmet now. You ask me about training ? Don't drink , and smoke as little as possible. It is difiic jult , but it is necessary. The eye and he .hand are delicate organs. " Two Kinds of Suspense. A murderer under sentence of death lad a number of influential friends who ivere exerting themselves to secure a espite from the Governor. .The Sher- ff believed in capital punishment , but ic was a charitably disposed man and lad been doing a good deal of running iround for his doomedjuest. / . One nornirig he returned front such a trip md went to the prisoner. "Well , " said the man eagerly , "what lid the Governor say ? " , "My dear sir , he hasn't said anything ' ret ; he wants time to think. " "Great heavens , man ! This suspense s terrible , exclaimed the criminal , dra- natically. "Don't mention it , " responded tho Sheriffin a cheerful tone ; "it ain't any- hing to what it will be if the Governor loesn't interfere. " Washington Critic. Cell. Buell nt the Spring. On one occasion , near Cave City , Bucll ordered tho men kept away from a fine spring , but tlio guard was overrun by thirs ty men , and Buell rotlu with his stern offi cial dignity to the spring to stand guard himself. He wore at tho time n. little straw lint and his fatigue uniform. A large , ener getic man came np thirsty nnd impatient to fill his canteen. Ho rubbed against Buell as he passed and stepped with one foot in the water to fill his cup. liuell said quietly but decidedly : "Take your foot out , sir. " Still stooping , the six-footer looked up and said : "You go to Green land's icy mountains. I don't want any quartermaster's clerk ordering me around. " For an instant the Commander of tho Army of the Ohio was stunned by the unexpected reply. Then he said quietly but emphatically : "Gen. Buell orders you to take your foot out of that water. " Tho man gave the General a look of unmis- takabloadmirationand said quickly : "I'll do it , sir. If Gen. Buell would order mo to jump head first into a cannon I would do it. Out comes the foot. Why didn't you say so before. " This reply bothered tho General a good deal , but he eaid nothing. [ Chicago Tutor-Ocean. Edam diceso. A great delicacy is Edam cliecsa and wine. The usual Edam cheese , or pine apple cheeso will do , is opened by cutting the top off so as to serve as a lid , and then a little port or sherry wine is poured into a hole made by scooping out a dessert spoonful of tho middle. This is lefb to stand and soak awhile , and afterwards , as fast as the cheeso is used , more wine is poured in. If the cheese is an old one ( and an Edam or pineapple cheese is not good for any purpose unless it be old ) , tho wine will soak into it and take tho place of the original moisture that lias dried out. It will bo impossible , until you taste it. to conceive the exquisite effect of the com bination. It is eaten with water biscuit , which by the way arc to bo found on all bachelor tables this year , because they seem naturally to go with all sorts of drinkables and with all cheeses , salt or smoked meats and most sweets. Extravagances of King Imd\vig. The Munico correspondent of tho Paris Figaro gives a detailed list of articles .in ono of the eight palaces of the late crazy King Ludwig , of Bavaria , showing how his majesty dissipated the royal revenues. In his cabinet de toilette , for instance , all the articles were of Saxon porcelain and cost the trifle of 2,000,000 marks. A gigantic chandelier , made in the royal manufactory at Meissen , and which it required four years' work to finish , cost 800,000 marks ; a bed cost considerably over a million marks , and a quilt on the same bed , a marvel of Chinese embroidery , represented a value of several hundred thousand marks. Evidently the king was one of tliose enthusiasts , beloved by the bric-a- brac dealers , who know a good thing when they see it. Falling of the hair is arrested , and bald ness averted , by using Hall's HairRenewer. Obstinate cases of fever and ague can be cured by taking Ayer's Ague Cure. Minister Pendleton will spend hia vaca tion in the south of England. "VTion Babywas slci , TTO save her Castoria , When she was a Child , sho cried for Castoria , Wlcn she became Mias , sho clung to Castoria , TTion she had Children , she gave thorn Castoria , Tho funded debt of the city of Phila delphia , June 1 , was § 60,325,120. A MOST LIIIEICAL. OFFEl * . THE VOLTAIC BELT Co. , Marshall , Mich , offer to send theirCelebrated VOLTAIC BELTS and Electric Appliances on thirty days' trial to any man afflicted with Nervous De bility , Loss of Vitality , Manhood , &c. Il lustrated pamphlet IN SEALED ENVELOPE with full particulars , mailed free. Write them at once. Profane circles Those in which men are in the habit of swearing roundly. PATEIVTS obtained by Louis fcngger& Co. . At torneys , WashingtonB.C. Est'd 1864. Advice free. Clergymen who marry people on the cars are called "railroad couplers. " THE disagreeable operation of forcing liquids into the head , and the use of ex- siting snuffs , are being superseded by Ely's Dream Balm , a cure for Catarrh , Colds in the Head and Hay Fever. It is a safe and pleasant remedy , being easily applied with the finger. It is curing cases which have lefied the doctors. Price 50 cents. At Iruggista. GO cents by mail. Ely Bros. , Dwego , N. Y. THE RESULT OF 25 YEARS CATAKKH : The Bridge , or division of my nose was about ialf gone. I obtained a bottle of Ely's > eam Balm ; have used four bottles , ap plying it to the affected parts with a swab , riiich has about cured up the nostrils. I lad previously tried all other remedies on -he market. J. A. Wood , 9G N. High street , Columbus , Ohio. ELY'S CREAM BALM good for Catarrh of ong standing. M. N. Lasley , 1934 = West Chestnut street , Louisville , Ivy. President Cleveland once did local writ- ng for the Buffalo Courier. IN THE COUNTRY ALL SUMMER. The man who takes his family into the ountry for the summer should remember ihat he will save his children a great deal f pain and himself a large amount of noney in doctors' bills if he is thoughtful nough to carry a supply of PERUY DAVIS' PAIN KILLEK. The medicine is a standard ipecific for all cases of cramps , colic , iholera morbus , diarrhoea , or dysentery. Frederick , the Great , fled in terror from iis first battle. All Run Down rom theweakening effects ofwarm weather , hy lard work , or from a long illness , yon need a good onlc and blood pcrifler like Hood's Sarsaparilla. If ou have never tried this peculiar medicine , do BO low. It will Rive you strength and appetite. "I wao completely run down , and was for nearly our years under medical treatment , being given up o die by physicians. My mother urged me to take rood's Sarsaparilla , At last I consented , and I have iever taken anything which helped me as auch as Hood's Sarsaparilla , which restored me to icalth and vigor. I have been taking it about four uonths. and am now a different being. I can work 11 day with very littlo fatigue. I recommend It to ny one whose system il prostrated. " NKJ.UL NOBLK. 'eoria , HI. "Wallace Buck. ofNorth Bloomfleld. N. Y. . suffered leven years with a terrible varicose ulcer on his leg , o bad that he had to give up business. He was en- Irely cured of the ulcer , and also of catarrh , by lood'g Sarsaparllla , Hood's Sarsaparilla y all druggists. 1 ; six for 3. Prepared c t. HOOD & CO. , Apothecariet , Lowell , lli ! OO Doses One Dollar FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. IXoiv nit AutniiKa County Itlmi Sowed Tivelvc Dollar * and ICcayetl Fifteen M'llOllMllIKt. Jlr. Win. Hunt of Vineton , n small place about twenty miles from Selmu , in Autuu- a county , on the Ensb Teiin. , Vu. & G. A. J { . K. , was the lucky nmu in tho May d raw ing ol the Xiouminnu Stnte Lottery. In con versation yesterday with a Times reporter nt his home , tho following questiona were ashed arid answered : "I am told you struck the Louisiana State lottery rich ? " said the reporter. "Well. " replied Mr. Hunt , "I don'fc know whether yon call it rich or no , but I certainly have § 15,000 which I drew in the lottery on the llth of May. " "How long have you been investing in the Louisiana , and what havo you paid out ? " "I havo been sending a dollar a month for the past twelve months , and the twelfth dollar brought me 515,000. "How did you get your money ? " "Well , you see I was notified first by a printed circular , which had all the numbers that drew prizes in it. I deposited my ticket on the 17th of May with the City National Uank of your city , and on the 22d , five daj-s later , I had my money ; and right here , " continued the speaker , "I want you to say that I had no trouble about getting the amount my ticket called for. It came promptly. " In conversation further , Mr. Hunt said : "I am thirty-nine years old. I have a wife und three children. I own the place I live ; on , and farm and merchandise some. I was behind five or sixhnndred dollars when I drew tho money from the lottery : but that put me on my feet , and I paid my debts. I have put out § 1,800 on good in terest , and will turn the other into paying investments. For § 11 drew a fifth of the capital prize , and I am going to continue to send one dollar every month so long an I can raise that amount. I believe the bus iness is properly carried on , and I shall patronize it in tho future. " [ Selma ( Ala. ) Times , June 1. The Swiss mis their war paint with whisky. The best evidence that the Nebraska and Iowa Insurance company is responsible. , reliable , independent and tho property owners' best friend is that agents of all other companies say any and everything against it without any regard for the truth. Old men go to death , but death comes to young men. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 320 acres heavily timbered land in Morgan county , Mo. Will sell cheap for cash or trade for Omaha , city property. Address for par ticulars , Western Newspaper Union , Des Moines , Iowa. Irrigation is the coming California in sanity. We are pleased to learn that so many of our young friends are prepar ing to attend Elliott's Business Col lege at Burlington , Iowa , the coming fall. It is the finest school in this country. Thomas Carlyle's signature was sold in New York the other day for § 8.00. The best cough medicine is Tiso's Cure for Con sumption. Sold everywhere. l3c ! Lew Wallace's royalties net him over § 3,000 annually. The Nebraska and Iowa Insurance com pany of Omaha is the oldest , largest and best fire insurance company in the state. "Smjth" is tho popular way to spell it now. now.Be Be merciful to dumb animals. Keal all open sores and cuts with Stewart's Healing Powder , 15 and 50 cents a box. Warm summer laziness is now poetically termed summer idvl. \ JAY EYE SEE'S Driver. Edwin D. Cither , nses Cole's Veterinary Carljolisalvo , und a thorough trial enables him to endors-e it as the heat remedy that he ever saw for general stable use. Sold by Druggiits at 50c and § 1.00. Fifty-seven of Yale's graduating class of "J.40 will study law. Don't fail to see the BATTLE OF GETTYS- BUitc when you visit Om .Iia. Special rates to excursion parties. D.H. Wheeler , Jr , Sec'y Of the fourteen cabi.-et ministers of En gland only five are public school men. GET Lyon's Heel StifTeners applied to your boots and slices before you run them over. Three years ago "Ben Folsom was a re porter on the World. The Nebraska and Iowa Insurance com pany of Omaha is tho first regularly or ganized state fire insurance company that fully complied with the laws of Nebraska. Nothing can equal a sick bed for repent ance. Invalid ) * ' Tfotel nntl Surgical YitNtftitte. Thin widely celebrated institution , located at Buffalo. N. Y. , is organised with a full staff of eighteen experienced and Hkillful physicians and surguon * . constituting tho most complete organization of medical and surgical skill in Ameiica , for the treatment of all chronic diseases , wlu-ther requiring medical or surgical means for their curt * . Marvelous success has been achieved in the cure of all nasal , throat and lung diseases , liver and kidney diseases , diseases of tho digestive organs , bladder diseases , diseases peculiar to women , blood taints and skin diseases , rheumatism , neuralgia , nervous debility , paralysis , epilepsy ( fits ) , sperma- torrhea , impotency nnd kindred affections. Thousands are cured at their homes through correspondence. The cure of tho worst ruptures , pile tumors , varicocete , hydrocele and Btr ctures is guaranteed , with only a short residence at the institu tion. Send 10 cents in stamps for tho In valids' Guide Book (1G8 ( pases ) , which gives all particulars. Address , World's Dispensary Medical Association , Buffalo , N. Y. Representative Hepburn of Iowa , waa once a printer's devil. Sick and bilious headache , and all de rangements of stomach and bowels , cured Dr. 1'ierce's "Pellets" by . or anti-bilious granules. 25 cents a vial. No cheap boxes to allow waste of virtues. By druggists. Rutherford B. Hayes wauls to bo a col- lego president. a * Delicate diseases of cither sex radically cured. Send 10 cents in stamps for book. Address , World's Dispensary Medical Association , Buffalo , N. Y. No ono knows the weight of another's burden. "The Nebraska and Iowa Insurance com pany of Omaha issues tho most liberal policy of any company doing business , and settles its losses promptly and fairly. It is our first homo company , and consequently worthy of tho patronage of our people. Rare tinted corals are worth their weight in gold. BITTERS , If you Irish a certain cure for nil Rlood diseases. Nothing was ever invented that will cleanse tho Blood and purify the System equal to Hops and IflAV/f ISIticrs. It tones up the Syfttcm , puts new iilood in your voliio , restores your lost nppctlto and elcop. and brings you perfect lirnltli. It never fails to give relief in all cases of Kidney or Liver Troubles , SIliojisncNs , ImU- Ccstlon , Constipation , Sick Headaches , Dys pepsia , Nervous disorders , and all Fcmalo Complaints ; when properly taken it is a sure cure. Thousands have been benefited bv 16 In this and other Western States. It is the best Combination of Vegetable remedies an yet discovered for the restoration to health of tho weak and Debilitated. Do not get Mops and MALT ISIttcrs confounded wllh infe rior preparations of similar nemo. I prescribo Hops & Malt Bitters regularly in my practice. Robert Turner , in. D. , Flat Rock , Mich. Tor sals by all druggists. 8 U X X TT LUiS. The moit Wonderful Agricultural I'nrk in America. Surrounded by prosperous mining anJ manufacturing towns. FAJS.MEK'tt PAKAIMSE ! Mngnlli- ctnt crops raised in IKS. THOUSAVUN OP ACHES OF OOVKnXMKXT I.AXI > , subject to pre-emption and homestuid. I-ir.dsfor.iale to ac tual settlers at ? 300 per acre. I.OXO TIME. Park irrigated by immense canal * . Cheap railroad rates. Krery attentionhown settlers For map * , ranphlets , etc. , address , COLORADO LAMP .t LOAN 0 < J , Opera House Block , Denver. Colo , llox iSSO. \Vbenl say euro 100 not mean merely to stop tu rn lur ntlmo and then have them return a-rnln. I mean c radi cal euro. I havo ma/lo the cliscr-so of FITS , El'ILEPSV or FALLINO SICKNESS a life-Song study. 1 warraut my remedy to euro tho worst cases Because others hivo failed Is no reason for not now receiving a cnro. Senil at once for a treatise and a Frcu Bottle of my Infallible remedy. Give Express and Tost OMce. It costs you nothing for a trial , and I will cure yon. Address Dr. IL G. BOOT. 1W I'earl St. , Now Tort. GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSTION-IB7a. ! THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS Morpliluo Jlublt Cureillal ! } to ; : < > d.iys.N'o n.iy till OuroJ. Uu J. SrKi-iiK.s'3. LeiiaJiuu. Oulo. nnd Morplilnc Ilnblt Cured in 10 to SO days. Refer to 1OOO patients cured in all parts. Dr. Karsb , Quincy.Hich. for infants and Chidrent ? "Caatoria is so well adapted to children that Irccommend it aa superior to any prescription known to me. " ' H. A. Ascnno , M. D. , Ill So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , 27. T. Castoria cores Colic. Constipation , Sour Stomach , piarrhroa , Eructation , TTilk "Worms , gives sleep , and , nromotes di gestion. Without injurious medication. THE Gemun COO > AST , 1S2 Fulton Street. 2T.T. i lif ti cRa n' ' LI BATHS OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. HASSAGE AND MOVEMENT CURE. COMPOUND OXYGEN , j Accommodations or persons injur- , d by accident. Ji J Pleasant rooms nd home com- orts. Trained Nurses. AND WATER CURE. Special atten tion given to Dis eases of the Eye , Ear , Throat , Skin and Lungs. DISEASES OF WOMEN. Snidery in all ts forms. Club 'Foot ' , and all de formities. CANCER CURED. If. H. GARTEN B. S. , M. O. Diseases ' ' . . ; of the Eye , Ear Throat and Che tT I { ? .iS . G. II. SIMMOXS. M. D. , Resident Physician. uusoysiem. All non-contagious diseases admitted. For information adilre.ij MEDICAL INSTITUTE , Cor. K and IStli St. . Lincoln , Nebraska. ' 225 * - . He Best aterpof Coat , 3 The FISH BRAJTDSLICrrKijw.rranted wit-rprocf. and will if en Ton dry In the b rde t itom. Tli mewFOHMEL RUCKEBli a perfect riding co t. and coTersthetnUrtiaddle. B w re of Imitation * . Nona cennfne without the "Flab Brand" trade-marie. Illmtrattd Catalog * free. A. J. Tower , Botton , Ilau. Combining IltO * with FDKE VEGETA1JLE TOXICS , quickly and completely CLEANSES and EXEIWIES THE BLOOD. Qulcicns the action of the Liter and Ki Jncjs. Clears tho complexion , makes tho sUin smooth. It does not Injure the toeth , cause headache , or produce con stipation ALL OT1IKU IBOX MEDICINES 00. Phjsici ans and Druggists everywhere recommend it. Miss EMUA L. BETCIIKK , 1517 dimming St. . Omaha , Neb . says : "Three bottles of llrown'a Iron Hitters cured mo of a very severe case of Blood Pol- soninir " HALLIE SOWT.ES. Falls City. N b. . says : "I nso < l Brown's Iron Bittern for Impure Blood and it en- " . VESB. with B. A 31. R. R. . Omaha , Nob , says : "Ih.ive u cd Brown's Iron Bittiirs for my blood with thn most satisfactory result * ) . 1 would uot bo without it" 11ns. NANCT SMITH , Jnniata. Neb. , says : I used Brown's Iron Bitters for Impure Blood with much lien t1 fit * * Mil. J. N. BAKFJJ. Avill.i. Kau. . says : "HH blood was in such a bad condition that every littlo f crutch orbreik of the skin cnunod a very ininfnl snro. Ho used Brown's Iron Bittcra with tho best of results. " Genuine has abovo Trado Mark and crossed ml linea on wrapper. Tuko no other. Alado only by ZillOU'X CIIKMIt'Afc CO. . KAI/TIUOIIK. AIDL TREATED FEEE. A Specialist for TTIevrn Yearn In t , lias treated Dropsy and Its compile if Ion * with tha most wonderful success ; usi'K vc c'nl > ! remedies , entirely harm It-is. Removes nil symptoms of drop j- In elstht ti > twenty diyi. Cures patients pronounced hopeless by tho best at physicians. From the flrst dose the symptoms rapMIy disap pear , am ! In ten days at least twu-thtnls of the symp toms are removed. Some innv cry humbug without knowing anything about It. BiMnctnlierlt doen nit cost vou anything to realize the merlin of my tri-atinent for voiirsrlf 1 am constantly curing ca e < of loiiKstanainsr.rase that have been tnppc I a number of tim-4. uud f ho patient declared unaI ! to live a wi-uir. Give full history of ca'e Xamo SPX. h w lotiK afflicted , how badly swolen nn I where. Is b.nvels riMf Ivr. have lej liurstrdnnd dripped water. St-nd for free pamphlet. containing testimonials , ( juestl ins. etc. 1O ! vi treat 111 out furiiisliol free by mall , Epilepsy fits positively cured. If order trial. senJTceiits In stamps to n iy naUAja. II. II.GirKBN' . M. D. . 5 Jones Avenue. Atlanta. Go. EIHAUSTEITlTL H.I.USTIATKD SAHIPLE A Great Meillc.il "Vfi-r'f on Mcnhno I. Xcrvous and Phjslcnl Debility. Premature Decline In Han. Kx- naustid Vitality. i'cc. . & < : . , and the luitolil miseries resu tlnjrfroui Indiscretion cr excesses : 3 paues. jubstnmlally bcund In Kilt , nm IIn Contains inora than 123 Invaluable prfcrlptlon1. embrnclni ; e\ery vegetable rcinecly In the pliannarojplafor a I scute ind chronic diseases. It Id cn.plmllc lly a hiokfor every man. Price only il hy mall post paid , concealed in plain wrapper. ILLUSTKATIVESAMPLEFUEE TO ALL Boston. Jf IS. Dr. Parker can be confidentially consulted 3n all diseases of man , his specialties oldest medicine IT the world Is probably c OThe Dr. Isaac Thomnson's ETE-S5KA'J'Ei > EYE ThI ? article I a carefully prepircd Physician's pre- ccrlptlon , and has been In constant use nearly acentu- ry , and notwithstanding the many other preparations that havnbeen introduced Into the market , the sala of this artli le : i conbtantly Increasing. If the direc tions arc fi llowed It will never fall. We particularly Invite the attention of physicians to Its merit. . JOHN L , THOMPSON , SONSi CO. , TKOV. N. Y. German A tliinit Cure DCTer ftnU to Rire l immediate relief lu the worst cae iDnUP'S com-H fortable sleep ; effects eurrn wb e all otjitr * till. A trial concintet the ntit fkeptical. Price All . and iM.OO , of Droifci'U or bv mail Sample FKl'.R forr , itamp. J i : . II. SOU It'FM A > , ft. 1'nul. illnn. l ! Piso > Eome < Iy for Catarrh Is the Best , Easiest to Use , and Cheapest. .i Rood for Cold In the Head , Headache. Hay Forer.&c. 50 cents. Deafness and VruM Catarrh , pennanently ourfd. Glasco y fitted for all forms of defec- . . . „ „ 'SE ' & THROAT inserted. AJdrets Dr. IMI'EV. Omaha. Xeb. Fl FfiRrlOHY tcarn here and earn KQ-- , S ( r'--UnMrn I pay. Situation ! furnidUed- \ alentlne Uros. JaBesvIlle. Wls. 1.TST OJ ? DISEASES CURABLE BY OP maiAX FIESH. OP AXIJLU5. Ihcnmatism , Scratches , f Sums and Scalds , Sores and Galls , itincs aud Bites , Spavin , Cracks , 2ats and BruiMei , Screw 'Worm , Grab , Sprains & Stitches , Foot Rot , Hoof AH , Contracted 3IuscIcs , r > antcness , , rtilT Joints , Swinny , Founders , t iacknchc. Sprains , Strains , Soro Feet , ? rost Bites , Stiffness , ndalleitenialdlseases , and every hurtoraccldcnt , 'or general use In family , stable and atock-yard , i : 13 THE BEST OF ALL W. N. U Omaha 317-27.