Thursday , June ifth , 1886. Indicates that your subscription to this X paper HAS EXPIRED , and that a cordial Invitation is extended to call and renew the same. Subscription , 5:2 : per year. J Loc&l Intelligence. Monitor Windmills at Rinker's. Fresh candy at the City Bakery. City Drug Store. Chenery & Stiles. C. P. Rinker is headquarters for organs. Go to W. W. Palmer for your harness. 32-tf. 83F"The Crown Sewing * Machine at Rinker's. $ l,000,000.00 to loan on farms. Agce & Wiley. A car-load of seed corn at Fry & Snow's feed store. Mason & Hainlin organs at McCook Implement Emporium. Money loaned to persons to make final proof. Agee & Wiley. 10 pounds of Pioasted Coffee for ยง 1 at Wilcox & Fowler's. Fresh and salt meats of the choicest quality at Brewer Bros. A full line of hardware , stoves and tinware at C. D. Palmer's. Ice Cold Soda Water , Ginger Ale , and Seltzer. City Drug Store. Do you want the best wind mill made go to C. P. Rinker , he lias it. New stock of Children's Clothing just received at Wilcox & Fowler's. Doan's deodorized gasoline , the best in the world. City Drug Store. Brewer Bros , butcher only corn-fed steers. No cows or range cattle. JSF'Sweet Michigan Cider of excel lent quality at the City Bakery. C. D. Palmer , opposite McEntee , is the best place to buy your hardware. All kinds of farm and garden seeds at Fry & Snow's flour and feed store. If you want the best gasoline stove , go to C. D. Palmer's , opposite McEntee. You must come soon to get goods at cost. F. S. WILCOX , Assignee. The City Bakery's bread is known all along the B. & M. west of here for its excellence. Do you want to be MADE HAPPY ? Go to Binker and get a Deering Binder and Mower. ATTENTION , LADIES ! Go to Lud- wick & Trowbridge's to see those beau tiful Turkish rugs. The Metropolitan Drug Store is in re ceipt of a fine assortment of wall papers. Call and examine them. Another car-load of those celebrated Deering Binders and Mowers at C. P. Rinker's. Call and inspect them. G. W. Bede & Co. have some special bargains in real estate. Office 4th door south of U. S. Land office. 27-tf. The choicest meats at the Central Meat Market of Brewer Bros , coruer of Main and Dennison streets. As Low AS THE LOWEST G. B. Nettleton will sell Wind Mills and Pumps as low as the lowest , Feed Mills especialy. Rinker will let you set your own time on a Binder and Mower. Just think of it. Half when you die. Half when you come back. If you want Dress Flannels 25 per cent , below regular prices , call at Law- ler & Magner's old stand. F. S. WILCOX , Assignee. The Metropolitan Drug Store is offer ing a handsome chair to the person buy- inc the largest number of cigars between May 1st and July 1st , 1SSG. Smokers , note well. Probst Bros. ' are selling more of their excellent bread than ever , and shipping immense quantities west daily. Their well earned reputation has secured for them a custom that keeps them as busy as bees to fill. Wilcox & Fowler call your attention to the fact that they have just opened a fine stock of clothing. They can fit anybody and everybody , from a three- year-old boy to a 300-pound man. Call and inspect for yourself. BAJfKRUPT SALE. The mortgagees in posession of the stock of W. H. Hayden & Co. , by the tesns of their mortgage , desire to give notice to the public that the entire stock yill bu offered for sale at the old stand of W. H. Hayden & Co. , at retail , at a great sacrifice , as soon as the goods are invoiced. All persons indebted to W. H. Hayden & Co. are hereby notified that their accounts are assigned to the mortgagees , and are hereby cautioned against payment to any one except upon order of mortgagees or their agent. Mortgagees , \l \ OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , Omaha , Neb. PAXTON , GALLAGHER & Co. , " " EXCHANGE NAT'L BANK , HastingsNeb. McCook beats the nation for secret societies. Call and inspect our line of Knight Templar cards. The Arapahoe Driving Park Associa tion holds its annual July races on the 2d and 3d. As the round-ups progressed , this spring , the heavy loss of stock became more and more painfully evident. We see by the Imperial Chronicle that Charlie Fisher has been elected Commissioner for the first district in Chase county. It may not be generally known ' but there really was a show in the city , 1 uesday. Didn11 you hear that entranc ing music by the band. We have just received a nice line of calling cards of the latest styles. Also have in stock an assortment of fraterni ty cards. Call and see them. The quill-drivers of the Valley meet in convention at McCook on the 29th inst. They will probably make an ex cursion to Denver and the mountains from this point. The facts seem to be in the case of the recent "sale" by Phillip ? , the Phar isee , of Indianola , that the alleged sale is in reality a failure. The title has much of propriety in it. The Smith residence on Madison street has been purchased by A. W. Corey , the consideration being $1,400. Mr. Corey's family moved into their new home , Saturday last. We are requested to announce that Rev. J. E. Kelsey will occupy the Con gregational pulpit on next Sunday. The reverend gentleman and family are expected to arrive in the city , Saturday. On the 13th of next month.a Legion of Select Knights , A. 0. of U. W. , * ili be instituted in this city , by the Grand Commander of this district. The Legion will start out with a membership of 25. The 3-year-old race at Superior was taken by Starbuok's dark sorrel colt. The mayor evidently has one of the fleetest colts in Nebraska , and will doubtless scoop all the 3-year-old pur ses in that circuit. The crosswalks at the inter-section of Main and Dennison streets should be raised. The occupation of the mud- shoveller would then be gone , but the convenience of pedestrians would be greatly subserved. The B. & M. Eating House was struck by lightning , Tuesday night , during the severe rain storm which then prevailed. The electric current passed down the ventilator and occasioned but slight damage to the building. The city authorities should never permit such games as those carried on , Tuesday evening , within the corporate limits. Such outrageous scamps should be promptly jugged , and there would soon be less of this style of robbery. THE TRIBUNE was mis-informed as to the use to be made of the lots on Mac farland street , recently purchased by Rev. J. W. Kimmel. They were boughti Rev. Kimmel informs us , for his own personal use , not for the Lutheran church , as stated last week. The M. E. church town of Bartley is materializing in fine shape , and promises to exceed the expectations of many. It is certainly one of the most beauti fully and desirably located towns in the Republican valley , and is under good management and in business shape financially. Next Saturday , the company operat ing the brick yard just east of the city , commence to burn their second kiln of machine pressed brick. They expect this kiln to be even superior to the first output. The company will close the season , this coming fall , by burning at one timo a half million kiln. At the annual election of McCook Lodge , No. 135 , A. F. & A. M. , held on Tuesday evening , June 15th , the fol lowing officers were elected : W. M. , Dr. S. L. Green ; S. W. , Dr. Z. L. Kay ; J. W. , R. B. Archibald ; Treasurer , J. j A. Wilcox ; Secretary , W. S. Webster , j The installation of officers will take J place Thursday evening , June 24th. ' THE aweetgirl graduate will have the ' floor for the next two weeks , during | which time many "shallops" will be loosed from their moorings to set sail upon the "ocean of life. " A few hours later a large number of the barks will run upon the shoals of housework and home duties , wrecking sentiment and poetry for the time being for the benefit ; of common sense and a practical exis- ! tence. > ' * We notice that Carl Clark is having a neat one and one-half story residence builc on the hill , southwest of R. R. Wood's house. He has one of the most eligible sites in the city , snd will have a pleasant home. Ed. Ethcrton is the contractor. FINE STOCK James W. Hunt , su perintendent of the Mintorn ptock farm of J. 0. Chase of Fairmonthas , been in the city , a number of days , offering for sale some thoroughbred and high grade Hereford , Ilolstein , Shorthorn and An gus bulls , from Mr. Chase's noted herds. Jupiter Fluvius seems to be arranging to supply us with moisture at the most i opportune moments and in the most desirable quantities. Tuesday night's\ \ fall was gilt edged , and the farmer and nature now vie with each other in an attempt to smile the broader , the more audibly. A new residence is in course of erec tion on the hill , just north of Rev. Nor- val's house , for George Kelley , a rail road .man of Rulo , this htate. The di- menfeion.3 arc 18x24 feet , with an L ad dition 18x14 feet. Contractor Collins is doing the"work. The building will be for rent. On Monday , Dave Rogers , the Texas pony dealer , sold a bunch of 7G of his herd to Frank Everest of the Driftwood. The following day he disposed of the re mainder of this , his first shipment. lie leaves for Texas , the last of the week , after another shipment , which will num ber five or six car-leads. The Knight Templars of this city and vicinity have received a dispensation from the grand lodge to organize a com- mandery here , and to this end a meet ing is to be held next Thursday even ing. The honor of having a comman- dery is not enjoyed by any other town in the valley , save Red Cloud. This evening , the first rendition of "Esther , the Beautiful Queen" will be given in the Opera Hall. We feel sure that our people will enjoy and appreci ate this effort. The cantata is a very beautiful one and will be handled by our local talent , we think , in a most accep table manner. It will be repeated also on Friday and Saturday night.s "What fools these mortals be , " is exemplified in the most amplified form every time some poor , measly snide show comes into this vicinity. Of course the inevitable moutebank is with the out- Bt , and suckers soon gather around and are numerously taken in on the monte's own snap game. After watching the crowd gather to bite voraciously at these Pool baits , one is constrained to remark , " 0 , why should the spirit of mortals be The suit brought by old man N. J. Schaffer and wife against Eli Brown , to recover the sum of $62.75 , the amount alleged to be due the plaintiffs for labor performed , etc , resulted in a judgment of $41 for the plaintiffs. The case seems to have been one of those terribly mixed affairs , in which no well-defined under standing was had between the parties , and the verdict is spoken of as not bo- ing altogether just. At the meeting held at the residence of II. C. Pade , last Sunday afternoon , an organization was effected under the name and title of Trinity Evangelical Church of McCook , Neb. A constitu tion was adopted and the following offi cers elected , who constitute the body corporate and board of trustees : Rev. J. W. Kimmel , Pastor ; A. F. Pade and E. C. Hall , Elders ; II. C. Pade and A. C. Ebert , Deacons ; 15. C. Hall , Secreta ry ; A. C. Eberc , Treasurer. The manipulator of the corkscrew evidently prefers "sparkling , cooling ager beer" to fish , as his stupendous ) rain is manifestly located justbelow his jelt. If the saloon organ ca.i just get outside of enough beer he will possess immense brain power on the Chinese plan and peradventure can illuminate his readers on the election day , wet goods episode. He might incidentally explain the whyfore of the state station ery and waste baskets , etc. The store of Wilcox & Fowler was broken into , Sunday night , entrance being effected in the rear of the build ing by cutting out a pane of glass , re moving the "catch" and raising the window. The proprietors so far have not missed any goods or valuable to speak off , and the probabilities are that the thieves were very modest in their desires , or were frightened away before securing much plunder. A clerk , with the requisite artillery , will hereafter welcome these midnight marauders. Nobby New Suits at Wilcox & Fow ler's. New stock just opened. COUNTY INSTITUTE. The Red Willow'County Teachers' Institute will convene at the high school building , McCook , Monday , J ilylOth , and continue in session two weeks. Efc forts are being made to make this insti- 'tute eminently successfuland it is earn estly expected and desired that there be a full attendance of teachers and of those : who are preparing for the work. Re- duce'd rates will be secured at the hotels , and we feel assured that our citizens will entertain a large number. Prof. ' 0. C. Hubbell , one of the most success- 1 ful institute workers in the state , has ! been engaged as one of the instructors , and this fact will be a , sufficient guaran- ! tee of success. The following are the i lecturers : Prof. L. A. Sherman , of the University , Prof. 0. C. Ilubbell of Fair- field College , Dr.B. B. Davis , McCook , Rev. P. C. Johnson , Indianola , and Rev. C. F. Creighton of Lincoln. On Thursday afternoon , July 29th , Supt. Wheeler will be glad to meet the school officers of the county , in order that he may get their addresses and furnish them with efficient teachers when desir ed. The usual examination of teachers will occur at the close of the institute. Being absent , Supt. Wheeler directs me to make this announcement. Let us have a large and enthusiastic gathering. W. S. WEBSTER , Conductor. A large company of our town-people participated in the social and dance held at the rink building , Monday evening , under the management of the ladies of the Catholic church of this city. The affair was a pronounced success , as indeed are all the undertaking's of the ladies of the church. On this occasion about $100 was cleared. WANTS TO SEE HIM C. II. Rogers would like to see the malacious scamp who has oeen misrepresenting his finan cial condition to eastern parties. We blush for shame , to localize the fact that this city contains an individual who would stoop to such business. Our new postmaster has sent in his bond to the department and will doubt less receive his commission and be duly installed in the city postoffice within a few days. The day will be observed as one of general thanksgiving by the pat rons of the office. We judge from the supine inactivity prevailing that our citizens do not de sire a Fourth of July celebration. If , however , such is not the case , active efforts better be made at once. The time is grdwing beautifully shorter. A corps of carpenters are engaged on a livery barn for R. A. Evert on Mac farland street , opposite the Central House. The city will shortly be well supplied in this line. A handsome pagoda has been added to the ornaments of the lawn surround ing Representative Hocknell's property. Our contractors are now figuring on the plans and specifications for the Mc- Ncely brick , which will be rebuilt at once. The street sprinkler has been repaint ed a "heavenly blue , " with the usual advertisement display. Work on the mill is temporarily de layed by the sickness of Commissioner Duckworth. THE M. E. PULPIT. Below we append the list of appoint ments for the Methodist pulpit , during the pastor's absence : June 27 Kev. A. J. Clifton. Alma. July 4 Kev. M. A. Castle , Axtell. July 11 Kev. J. W. Kimmel , McCook. July 18 10:30 A. 31. , Kev. James Leonard , Indianola. Indianola.Mtt..Kev.W. . S. Wheeler. Wheeler.of of FARM LOANS. I am furnishing good , liberal loans on farming lands. Straight ten per cent , interest. No delay in getting funds. You do not have to wait to send off application. Money paid over as soon as papers can be completed. Call on or address , S. H. COLVIN , 45-tf. McCook , Neb. TRADE ! TRADE ! r\ Fine Tree Claim and Homestead ad joining town site of Akron , Colo. , to ! trade for McCook town lots. Also two j fine claims in the Frenchman valley , ! Hitchcock Co. , for cash or trade. I COLE & Moss , McCook , Neb. ! BRIGHT WORK. I am now prepared to take contracts for all kinds of brick work. I am using machine pressed brick. All work done | under the supervision of a first-class brick layer , and guaranteed. i 3-2ts. JOHN F. COLLINS. ; JUST ARRIVED , -o- A full line of the justly celebrated Holden's Chicago ; Enamel Paints. Fully warranted. Chenery & Stiles. City Drug Store. T f ! , * , ! : ' WE HAVE RECEIVED OUR SPRING STOCK AND ARE NOW SHOV/ING THE MOST.COMPLETE . LINE OF LIGHT AND MEDIUM WEIGHT CLOTHING EVER SEEN IN THE VALLEY. THE SPUING STYLES EMBRACE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS IN PLAIDS AND CHECKS , IN ALL GRADES FROM THE CHEAPEST TO THE FINEST. OUR SPRING STYLES ARE ALL IN IN CLOTHING , FURNISHING GOODS AND HATS , AND OUR ASSORTMENT IS COMPLETE , AND IT HAS BEEN OUR A/M TO MARK THEM ALL AT PRICES FAR BELOW ALL COMPETITION. SSfWe have some cheap pants of special merit , for working men. They are the best ever offered at the price. Everybody is invited to call and examine goods and get prices. THE DEERING. What a few ot the men who have used the Deering Kinder have to say about it : I out over 200 acres without a break or stop and had NO EXPERTS monkeying around. My machine runs fully one horse lighter than neighbor . Buck . Mine misses no bundles while his does. WJL GAYLE. Lyle P. 0. , Kansas , June 14. Huns light and does good work. McCook , Neb. V.M. RELPII. We cut and bound barley with our Deering Binder that was too short for the B - to handle. FAUUHLL BROS. Our machine runs light. Does good work , and SUITS us. Danbury P.O. STANAUD & HARHOU. The Deering Binder wastes no twine when she ties : i bundle. The Deering Binder weighs 400 lb = . less than any binder made. The Deering Binder has 15 pieces in the knotter , while would-be competitors have HO. The Deering Binder draws lighter than any binder made. The Deering Binder has no side draft. The Deering Binder has steel grain wheel and bull wheel boxes in each adjustable. The Deering Binder is the best bind er on earth. The Deering Binder. C. P. Rinker sells it. WANTEXD. .irXE 2i , 1880 , OR AFTER , A BUYER FOR THE BAL ANCE OF THE LAW LEU & MACINER STOCK OF GEN ERAL JIEiU'HAXDISE. A BARGAIN FOR SOME ONE. F. S. WiLCGX , Assignee. RESIDENCE FOR SALE. MY RESIDENCE PROPERTY ON THE CORNER OF MADISON AMD DOUGLASS STS.r SOUTH OF THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. A. McG. ROBB. FOR SALE. Q B. F. Olcotthastwo second-hand top buggies for sale , or will trade for horses. Also remember that Olcott has the fin est road stallion in the west , and farm ers and stockmen should see him befoie ireeding elsewhere. WE acknowledge a complimentary ticket to the J une races of the Webster bounty Agricultural Society to be held it Red Cloud , June 22d , 2d : ) and 21th. Rinker sells the Deering Binders and Mowers. Money to loan on improved farms. Agi'e & Wiley. Baled hay at Fry & Snow's feed store in any quantity. My but ain't them sewing machines dandies at Rinker's. Choice lemons at Wilcox & Fowler's tor f > 0 cents a dozen. Organs rented until the rent pays for them at C. P. Rinker's. They have the purest , kettle-rendered lard in the city at Brewer Bros. All kinds of sheet-iron , tin and cop per work done at C. D. Palmer's. Fresh oysters , fresh fish and chick ens at Brewer Bros. ' meat market. See the improvements in tin roofing at C. D. Palmer's before 3-011 order your roofiiu "a- Ladies , Attention ! Go to see those beautiful Turkish rugs at the Great Western Furniture Emporium of Lud- wick & Trowbridgc. Foa SALE 50 head of young mares and 20 head of mules. Lindner & Er- man , McCook , Neb. Barn west of Commercial Hotel. FARM LOANS. o Cash Down. No Delay. No need of waiting to send off appli cations. Money paid over as soon as papers are completed. Call on or ad- drefcs , RED WILLOW Co. BANK , ' 13-tf Indianola , Neb. Tribune and. Inter Ocean S2.5O. o For the next 30 days all new subscrib ers who will square their subscription to date and one year in advance will receive THE TIURL-.NE and the Chicago Inter Ocean for $2.50. PONIES FOR SALE. As I am preparing to leave this coun try I will offer my bunch of ponies for sale at a ORE AT TJARGAIN. 2-tf. J. G. EATON. BEWARE ! BEWARE ! o It you price an Overcoat or Lady's Cloak you will buy ic and save from $5.00 to $10.00. F. S. WILCOX , Assignee. PROFESSIONAL NURSE. Those in need of my services please call at the residence of G. W. 3Iinkler , N. W. of School House. Mrs. Almeda Wellington. LAST CHANCE. All accounts due Lawler & Magner , assignors , not paid by June 10th , will be sued. F. S. WILCCX , Assignee. HOUSE AND LOT . - _ m - Q - - . - . . On Macfarland street for sale. In quire of F. LJ. Allen or at this ollice. ATTENTION , LADIES ! Go to see tho.-e beautiful Turkish rugs at Ludwiuk & Trowbridge's. FOR SALE. o My residence on Madison Avenue. Will sell at a bar-win. A. fi. HILL. nrv J nrvJ i J 'ii * H CHENERY & STILES. OPPOSITE THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK , AI IFULL - ILINE - IOF I 73 P11 rn 10 - B . . .U JJ TOILET ARTICLES , STATIONERY , ETC. Pure Wines and Liquors FOR MEDICINAL USE ONLY.