The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 10, 1886, Image 4

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    P. M. AND E. 31. K13I3IELL ,
Editors and Publishers.
WE learn that llisley of the Reveille
has purchased the Akron Beetle , paying
therefore $25. Our informanthowever ,
does not aver that the money was paid
cash in hand.
EDITOR ROSEWATER has again reck
oned sadly without his host , and in the
sweet subsequently , when in search of
goregalorehe will doubtless cross pens
with another than the "genial Topics , "
whose recent excoriation , Edward will
perhap-s never forget nor forgive.
NEWSPAPERS come high up in ilitch-
ceck county. The Stratton Gazette
sold , the other day , we learn , to A. W.
Suiter , for' the munificent sum of $ if ) ,
under a mortgage held against the con
cern by Suiter , taken to secure a labor
debt. The'retiring journalist , we are
informed , will be short about $500 , but
his large experience will amply repay
him for that small item of expense.
Glory is immortal.
- o -
31r. Ballew wont to Akron , .Saturday , and
juturneil Monday A. 31.
V. Franklin of iMcCook was in our city ,
Monday , on a business visit.
Charley Saltxgixrr of Curtis was in our
] ) lace over Saturday and Sunday.
llev. Allen Hartley of Hartley , our booming
new town , was in Indianola , Tuesday.
Dr. Gibson of our city went up to McCook ,
Tuesday noon , and returned at G P. M.
IJ.S. llaywood , who has been down with ty
phoid fever , is steadily regaining his strength.
Harry Dodd and Harry Tyler took a trip
to Curtis , Saturday P. M. . and returned.
Sunday P. M.
( li'orge Papin went up to McCook , Monday ,
to look after the interests of Paxton & Galla
gher in the Hayden failure.
The strawberry and ice cream festival , by
the Methodists , at the M. E. church , Tuesday
evening , was a grand success.
Messrs. TV. 11. Lanning of Hasting * and
lien. Gallagher of Paxton & Gallagher of
Omaha , were in town , Monday.
Dr. Curfinan has purchased the residence
property of Mr. Goodrich on Gth Ave. , and
intends moving his family here immediately.
Ex.-County Judge Ashmore was in our
place , Monday , from his ranch. He looks
much improved in health and seems to feel
equally better.
Mr. Beardslee of the firm "of Beardslee &
Stelle , arrived in our city with % his family ,
one day last week , from Jersey ville. 111. , and
intends making this their home for the indefi
nite future.
The largest crowd that ever assembled in
McCartney's Opera Hall , witnessed the best
performance of the season in "Nevada. "
Miss Tillie Barnes as "Moselle" is worthy of
special mention. Mike Adams and Free
Thomas in their "Yaller and Black , " werf' '
The music was the best of jl'ne
. Moore's
an all and enjoy
r'iper has returned to this place ,
"where lie has been attending
for the last year.
The faint-hearted are beginning to cry
Trouth. A little rain , just now , would make
S all feel more cheerful.
Abase ball nine has been organized at
Box Elder which will challenge the world
for bad battingund running.
Ad. Pinkerlon is Hearing his hearts desire ,
i. c. , water in his well. He is down over 100
. _ < . -fe t and says be can feel dampness.
A strawberry festival will be given at the
residence of D. E. Moore , on Thursday even
ing. The proceeds to be given the Sunday-
school and church.
A fishing party went down to the Lower
Willow , one da'y last week , and made a se
vere attempt to murder the finny tribe. Many
were the fish they didn't catch.
Young Mr. Atkison , who lived in Frontier
count j * , and who has been sick for some time ,
died on Saturday , and will be buried to-day
( Monday ) at4 o'clock , P. M. , from the church
in Box Elder , by Kev. J. Long.
Mr. Chenniwortle and Mr. Durand of Yin-
ton , Iowa , are sojourning a while at Box
Elder , the guests of Joseph Stephens. Like
every one else who visits this part of the
country they are well pleased with it and
think some of locating here if suitable land
can be obtained. SKI.OXX.
June 17tlu _
TV. O. Bond and Byron Gardner visited the
county-seat , Friday.
Miss Jennie Jamison intends to spend her
vacation on her homestead.
Quite a number of young folks were over
to the dance from Yalley Grange.
Mr. Uherling is having his cellar stoned up.
Mr. Shoemaker is doing the stone work.
Miss Gertie Grittin of Yalley Grange , has
been spending a fe\v days with her aunt ,
Mrs. Elmer of this place.
0 , dear me ! I tell you it is fun to have a
smash up and walk home after dancing all
night. Ask TV. 0. B. if it isn't.
There was a dance given by TV. O. Bond
and Byron Gardner at TV. B. Spain's , Inst
Friday night. Everybody reports having a
good time.
Mr. Blanchard and family of Beaver Cros
sing , Xeb. , old-time friend of A. S. Bough-
ton. passed through here , last Saturday , on
there waxto Kansas. GOSSIP.
- o
My residence on Madison Avenue.
sell at a bargain. AK. . KILL.
CSfUndet this heart we would be pleased to
have our friends throughout the city acquaint
us or the arrival nnd departure of their visitors.
I Sam Strnsscr hail business at lloldrege ,
j Charles Fevers lias taken a position with
Messrs. Lytlc Hros. & Co.
i Mr. and Mrs. Geo. llocUnclI were visitors
! at the county-seat , Sunday.
j W. II. Davis of the Dispatcher's Oflice so
journed at llartwcll , Sunday.
Mrs. Smith of Oberlin , Kas. , is in the city ,
guest of Dr. and Mrs. S. L. Green.
Miss Alice Murphy left for her home , near
Indianola. on 40 , Tuesday evening.
Prof. Morse of the Trenton Register visited
in this commercial centre , Saturday.
Messrs. Wahlquist and Lellew were among
the absent ones , at their homes , Sunday.
( ! uy JJoyle is at present holding down a
position in the Agent's Oflice at this place.
M. L. Thomas of the Holdrege .Republican
was a guest at the McEnlce House , Friday.
Supt. and Mrs. F. 1) . Pitney drove down
from Culbertson , yesterday , on a short visit.
J. F. Forbes and brother Xonnan visited
Agent Gordon at Arapahoe , Sunday evening.
Mrs. C.V. . Knights of Arapahoe was a
guest of Mrs. ( ! eo. llocknell. the hiht of the
\ \ et'k.
Fred Harris went down to Lincoln. Satur
day , on a few day's visit to relatives and
friend * . '
C. T. Wetherakl came up from Beatrice ,
Monday , and will locate in this vicinity for
the present.
Peter Penner , the West End harness maker ,
was at the State Capital , the lirst of the week ,
on business.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Dyer of Culbertson so
journed in the metropolis a few hours' on
Friday last.
Mrs. W. W. Jlockwood went down to Hast
ings , yesterday evening , on a A'isit. She will
return Saturday.
C. P. linker was called to Omaha , Sunday ,
by a telegram announcing the dangerous ill
ness of his wife.
. .las.V. . Campbell of the Agent's Oflice
left yesterday , on a visit to his old home in
the Buckeye State.
Oscar Shaw , W. W. McCollister , Jas. G.
Hamilton , and other county-seat folks , tarried
in the city , Monday.
J. U" . McGillin of the Harlen Cattle Co. ,
was in the city , Thursday and Friday of last
week , on business.
W. C. Bullard , the Culbertson lumberman ,
tarried in the city , a few hours , Tuesday
evening , on business. *
J. E. Cochran , Esq. , had business at At-
wood , Kansas , Monday and Tuesday , relative
to the llayden & Co. failure.
Dave Rogers , the Texas pony dealer , has
been confine' ! to bed for the past week , quite
ill , but fellow convalescing.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilcox , and little
daughter , returned , Tuesday evening , from a
visit of a few days at Yuma , Colo.
Jas. E. Wingate , one of our Danbury read
ers , remembered these headquarters , Friday ,
in a friendly and profitable manner.
\V. O. Moody of Strutton was one of the
out-of-town Nebraskans in the metropolis ,
Monday. He was here on business matters.
WillF. Lawson of the First National Bank
left on Xo.40 , Monday evening , forDelavan ,
Wisconsin , on a business visit of a week or
I. J. Belnap , one of our B. & M. passenger
conductors , with headquarters at this place
was married at Lansing , Mich. , last week !
to Mrs. Fletcher.
Bert Thompson went over to Atwood , Sun
day , returning home ou No. 40 , Tuesday
evening , after transacting the business which
called him there.
Misses Gertie and Theodosia Laws went
down to Omaha , Wednesday , , on a visit of
two or three weeks to an aunt , who resides
in the metropolis.
.Register (5. L. Laws made an excursion to
the commercial capital of Phelps county ,
Holdrege , on Sunday , returning home on No.
1 , the same evening.
C. T. Livcrmore , the handsome manager
for The Howard Lumber Co. at Indianola ,
was in the principle city , Friday afternoon ,
on some business matters.
Frank Harris of the Superintendent's office ,
and the senior , spent Saturday and Sunday
at Hastings and Lincoln , seeking a little rec
reation from arduous oflice duties.
Judge Ashmore was in town , Tuesday , en-
route to his ranch on the Stinking Water ,
from a visit to his former home at indianola.
The Judge is much improved in health.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kenyon left for Chi
cago. Sunday morning on No. 2. Mr. K. is
a delegate to the Dispatchers' Convention
which met in that city , the first of the week.
Tom Cleaver of the Orleans Press was in
the city , yesterday , making arrangements for
the Republican Yalley Editorial Convention
which meets in this city , Tuesday , June 29th.
W. H. Reed , of Clinton , Iowa , who pulls
the throttle on the great North western route ,
came up to the city , last Friday noon , on a
visit of a few days to his father and brother
at this place.
W. C. Ashwill , of the Stratton Herald , was
in the city , Monday evening , on business
connected with the celebration that enter
prising burg purposes holding on the coming
Fourth of July.
George Chenery went down to Cambridge ,
Friday evening , to repaira soda fountain for
a gentleman at that place the owner being
unable to ascertain or rectify the trouble
with the machine.
Bosworth of the Hayes Centre News came
down to the city , Friday , returning home on
Sunday , taking with him the Washington
Hand Press recently purchased from the
Democrat of this place.
V. Franklin of the Citizens Bank has been
absent at Atwood , Kansas , all week , looking
after his interests at that place in thellayden
failure. Mr. Franklin is luckily fully secured
by a first chattel mortgage against the stock
in that tomi.
Mrs. J. B. Mcserve went up to Stratton ,
last evening , on a visit to Mrs. W. 0. Mood- .
Charlie Mceker's residence is moving along
toward completion. It is of rather unique
Ben. Gallagher of Omaha was looking after
his interests in the llayden failure , the first
of the week.
j George Wright of Paxton , 111. , is in the city
. on business connected with the Paxton Cattle
Co. , of which lie is president.
Mr. Wright of Morlan & Wright , Arapahoe ,
was in town , yesterday , on legal business
connected with the Hayden failure.
E. G. Waite arrived from Marohalltown , la. ,
yesterday , and has taken a position witli F.
L. McCracken vice Harry Ryan resigned.
Mrs. Waite accompanied him.
H. W. Pike has rented Miss Alice Murphy's
residence on the hill , and will move here
from Akron , next weelr. Mi' . Pike's health
is greatly shattered and he comes to take a
course of treatment and for rest.
Mrs. F. L. Urown , of McCook. accompanied
by her sister , Miss Amy Avery , is in the city
visit ing friends. Miss Avery is a former res
ident of our city , and has many friends who
will be glad to greet her after so long an ab
sence. Gazette-Journal , June 5th.
Mrs. Butterlield and Mrs. Pike of Kendall-
ville , Indiana , luive been visiting in the city ,
this week , the guests of relatives , Mr. and
Mrs. W.V. . Palmer. They leave for Salt
Lal.e City , Utah , to-morrow , and will be ac-
companied on their journey by Mr. and Mrs.
Palmer as far as Denver.
Messrs. W. M. Anderson , H. W. Cole and
J.A. Mathers left on 40 , Monday evening.
for Grand Island , this state , whither they go
as representatives from the A. O. of 1T. W.
of this city to the first Grand Lodge meeting
of the order ever held in this state this state
having heretofore been under the jurisdic
tion of the Grand Lodge of the state of
oN Onriday , June 4th , to
Itev. and Mrs. G. M. F. Chessington. a
NOBLE To Mr. and Mrs. Clias. Noble. Sun
day night , June Oth. 1S8 J. a hi pound son.
DAVIS On Tuesday evening , June 8th.
18SG , a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Davis. _
200 head of cattle and horses , for
cash , or land in Nebraska or Kansas.
Some choice quarters of land on line
of proposed railroad from Oberlin to
Bird City , Kas.
A splendid stock ranch of 1,280 acres ,
at a bargain , on the Beaver Creek.
A business house in McCook , Neb. ,
in a choice location. J. P. MATIIES.
45 Atwood , Kas. or McCook , Neb.
Made by the McCook Loan and
Trust Co. on deeded land , or on final re
ceipts , when proof is unquestionable ,
without sending east for funds. No in
terest is payable in advance , but ten.
per cent , straight. Money paid as soon
as abstract can be obtained. Oflice in
First National Bank.
R. A. Cole , Merchant Tailor.
To THE PEOPLE : I have received ,
complete in every line , my new spring
stock , and assure to all who call upon
me , fine goods , elegant fits , at very rea
sonable prices. Drop in and be convinc
ed. B. A. Cole , three doors west of
Citizens Bank , Dennison street.
Fine Trae Claim and Homestead ad
joining town site of Akron , Colo. , to
trade for McCook town lots. Also two
fine claims in the Frenchman valley ,
Hitchcock Co. , for cash or trade.
COLE & Moss , McCook , Neb.
A full line of the justly celebrated i
Ilolden's Chicago Enamel Paints.
Fully warranted. Chenery & Stiles.
City Drug Store.
All parties interested are hereby
notified that all accounts with Fry & j
Snow are due on the 1st and 15th of\ \
each month , and no accounts are
run over 30 days.
At MeCook , In the State of Nebraska , at
the close of business , June 3d , 18SG.
Loans and discounts § 91,278 70
Overdrafts 2,008 JM
U.S. Bonds to secure circulation 12.500 00
Due from approved reserve agents. . Itr : 74
Due from other National Hanks 480 7
Henl estate , furniture and fixtures. . 11,944 42
Current expenses and taxes paid 85 45
Premiums paid 1,484 37
Checks and other cash items SU8 00
Bills of other Hanks . " . 50 00
Fractional paper currency , nickels ,
andcents 25 IS
Specie 4,943 20
Legal tender notes 150 00
Kedetnption fund with U.S. Treasur
er (5 ( per cent , of circulation ) 502 00
Due from U.S. Treasurer , other than
5 percent , redemption fund 50
TOTAT. . $127,777 47
Capital stock paid in $ 50.000 00
Surplus fund 2at : ! < i
Undivided profits 4,08303
National Bank notes outstanding- . . . 11.240 00
Individual deposits subject to check. 30,018 41
Demand certificates of deposit 21,017 59
Due to other National Banks 357 " 0
Dueto State Banksand bankers 1,197 53
TOTAL . * 127,777 47
CorsTVOF RED Wmow ,
I , V. L. Bron-n. Cashier of the above-named
bank , do solemnly swear that the above state-
is true to the best of my knowledge ami belief.
"F. L. BHOWN , Cnshior.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th
day of .June , 1W . \v. F. LAWSOX.
CORRECT Attest : Notary Public.
A. C.VMi'HEl.1. , Directors.
F. L. BROWK , )
's ' I Merchant I Tailoring I Establishment ! ? ; " , : * |
i He Never Fails to Give a Perfect Fit ! L. Bernheimer , McCook , Neb.
' Now is the time to give orders for
j Binders and Mowers. U. P. Kinker
! has just received another car-load of the
world-renowned Deering Hinders. Let
strikes come , thunder roll , and cannon
! boom , linker can supply you with
' Binders and Mowers.
1 LiAXD OKFICB AT McCoou , NEB. , (
i June utn , IWjC. (
i Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has tiled notice of hN intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that ? aid proof will l > e made before Reg-
istor or Receiver at .MeCook , Nub.on Saturday ,
July 17th , ISSli , viStephen Hopkins. Home
stead Entry 741 , for the north ls southwest J-i
| and south Yz northwest } 4. section 4. township
1 north , raiifreU , west tith P. M. He names
1 the following witnesses to prove his contiini-
ons residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : KIbert J. Henderson , S. Conltinn ,
! Henry H. 1 Jerry and Charley IJoyd of McCook ,
I Nebraska. i G. L.LAWS , Register.
LAND OrFici : AT McCoox. , i
June 5th. 1SSO. ) "
Notice is hereby given that the following- .
named settler has Hied notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver : it .McCook , Neb. , on Kriduy ,
.July 16th. IHSli. viz : John W. IJennett. H. K.
oO&i , for the southwest quarter , section ( i , town-
ship 5 north , rangp 'JSi west. He names the
following witnesess to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of. said land ,
viz : Enoch E. Osvog , James C. Urnry , Rad-
foitl Pate and William Pate all of McCook ,
Nebraska. - G. L. LAWS , Register.
June Sth , 1S8 . f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has Died notice of his intention
to make tiiiul proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Keg-
istoror Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
July lUth , 1880 , viz : Frank A. Griflin , I ) . S.No.
3056 , < for the southeast quarter of section 24 ,
township 2 north , range 2i ! west , lith P. M. He
names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation
of said land , viz : Richard Johnson , Robert
Johnson , Anee Shrater and William II. Smith ,
all of McCook , Neb.
2 G. L. LAWS , Register.
May 27th , 18SU. ) '
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has liled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
nnd that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
July 10th , 1880 , viz : Albert C. Nettleton , H.
fi. 2447 , for the southlsoutheastj Lots 5 and
0 section 27 , township ! J north , range . ' 50 , west
fith P. M. Ho names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence upon/and
cultivation of , said land , viz : Gilbert It. Net
tleton , Matthew H. Johnson , John Whittakcr
and Alfred C. Nettleton , all of McCook. Neb.
1 G. L. LAVS , Register.
May 20th , 1SSO. f
. 'Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make linal proof in support of her claim ,
and that said proof will bo made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday ,
July 12th , 18SG , viz : Carrie Shopper , D. S. 2735 ,
for the northeast quarter of section G , town
ship 5 north , range HO west. She names the
following witnesses to prove her continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : J. Fred Ganschow , McCook , Neb. , and
Bernard Wilms , Joseph Allen and Albert
Wihns , of Osbnrn , Neb.
1 G. L. LAWS , Register.
May 22. ISM. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
July 2 , 1S80 , viz : John H. Necse , D. S. 27SW ,
for the southeast ; 4 section 27. township 2 ,
north , range 80 , west B P.M. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : Charles IJruer , Hert liruer , Oscar Russell
and C. Gaston all of McCook , Nebraska.
52 G. L. LAWS , Register.
May 21 , ISMi. )
Notice is hereby given that the following-
nanicd settler has filed notice of her intention
to make final proof in support of her claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis-
i ier or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Wednes
day , July 1. 1SS , viz : Anstina Vance. D. S.
! ; , for the east ' northwest 'i and east 4
southwest ii of section 2. township 2 north ,
range 2'J , west lith P. M. She mimes the follow- '
ing witnesses to prove her continuous resi
dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
Charles Wointz , Henry Vogcr.Charles Sehlntz-
inver nnd Joseph Kvnns all of McCook , Neb.
f,2 G. L. LAVS , Register.
May 20th , ISM. 1
Notice N hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in .support of his claim ,
anil that said proof will be made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , onTnesday ,
July 7th. ISSfi , viz : Andrew Carson. I ) . S. ISIS ,
for the Lots 7 and 8 section 27 , Lot4 section 20.
Lots ! J and 4 section 33 , town. 3 north , range HO ,
west , 15P.M. He mimes the following wit-
nesses to prove his continuous residence upgn. j
and cultivation of , said land , viz : L. N. Howe , |
Perry McManignl , George J. Frederick and i
William Mc.Manigal nil of McCook , Nebraska. |
fC G. L. LAWS. Register.
May 2oth , 1SWJ. i
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday ,
July 13th , 188C , viz : David E. Moore , Home
stead Entry 3103 , for the southeast U north
west U and southwest > .i northeast h nnd west
\ ' southeast Ki section 20 , town. 4 northrange
2i ) west Oth P. M. He names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence upon ,
and cultivation of , said land , viz : Stephen
Holies , K. F. Looinls. J. R. Moore and Alexan
der Campbell all of Hox Elder , Nebraska.
fi2 G. L. LAWS , Register.
May 13th. 188ii. j"
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
June 2G , 1880 , viz : Ella M. Piper , Homestead
Entry 32GS. for the northwest. 4 southwest ' 4'
section 2 and cast Vi southeast ; .t section 3 and '
northeast J { northeast * * section 10 township4 ,
north , range 20 west , G I * . M. She names the
following witnesses to prove her continuous ,
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : Joseph Stevens , Matthew Stuart , A. W.
Campbell and Stephen Holes all of JJox Rider ,
Nob. 31 G.L. LAWS , Register.
May 3,1880. f ,
Notice is hereby given that the following- I
named settler has filed notice of his intention I
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
nnd that said proof will be made before Regis-1
teror Receiver at McCook , Neb. , \VcdncH- - '
day , Juno 1C , 1881 ! , viz : Andrew Nelson , Home- i
stead Entrv Ifi70 , for the south ' : southwest h
23nnd north 'j northwest ? 4 section 20 , town-j
ships north , range 30 , west 0 P. M. He names '
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : Adolph Reischick , Harvey T. West ,
Jacob H. Evans. John Joces all of McCook. |
Nebraska. 40 G. L. LAWS , Register.
U.If %
Owing to bad weather I have found it nec
essary'to postpone my
Until June 16th , 1S86 , when we hope to see
all who want good cattle.
Remember June 16 , 1886 , at Lincoln , Neb.
> -
Paid up Capital , $5OOOO,00 ,
General Banking Business ,
Collections made on all accessible points. Draf ts drawn directly on the principal
cities of Europe. Taxes for . .
paid Xon-Kesidents. .Money to loan on farming
lands , village and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty.
Tickets For Sale to and from Europe ,
First National Rank , Lincoln , Nebraska. ( . Jons It. CLARK , Vice-President.
The Chemical National Bank , New York. J A. C. EBERT , Cashier.
And Real Estate Brokers. \
OFFICE : West Dennison Street ,
= FOR SALE 8Y I"1-Z _
Frees & Hockneii Lumber Go , , * ' < / /
All Kinds of Feed Ground.
11 d Triivt Pn
HUM ill ,
- \
Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property. '
, . B. M. FREES 1ST VICE *
0,0. HOOKNEL „ . O. .
1 !