' * " * " " * * * " " " - " - ' # * ' - ? tn-- - - TV"V'f'T F. 31. AND E. HI. KBOIELL Editors and Publishers. THE seductive coachman has at las made an impression on the Vanderbil family. One has just eloped with i grand niece of the old commodore , His name is Minton , and his father wai a festive burglar. The Morse famity ar < of the best Tarrytown circles. They an red hot. TUB enterprising newspaper Han who are springing old sweethearts o : Frankie Folsom all over the couutrj seem to be unaware of the fact that tlu interesting girl spent her life from four teen to twenty in a convent school , where the ridiculous occurrences relatec by the omnipresent young man wen impossible. Give us a rest. THE disinterested ( ? ) booming of lleg ister Laws for the state secretaryship by the bung-hole-ocrats of Hastings ant this city is simply side-splitting and mirth-provoking in the extreme. Rich ard dear and his hoity toity man Friday of our city are just consuming themselves with anxiety to browse from the govern menfccribat this place. Hence the why ness. FEIEND BISHOP of the Courier give : it out sub rosa that he has quit forevei the political arena the pursuit of po litical happiness and that the state senatorial bee no longer buzzeth in his little political head-gear. His friends are using their most strenuous endeav ors to have him reconsider this strange , but firm , determination , sad to relate , and sorrowful too , without avail. The loss to future statesmanship will be in calculable. HON. Gr. L. LAWS , of McCook , is men tioned as a probable candidate for sec retary of state , , and if he will have the office no more popular or better man for the place can be found in this end of the state , or , for that matter , in the entire state. Homerville Record. While THE TRIBUNE has no assurance that Register Laws desires or would ac cept the nomination occupying as he does a much more remunerative position now his nomination would be clearly the wish of the Republicans of the val leyif he would accept it. THE Indians at Rosebud agency went on a strike the other day. The agent refused to give them their agricultural implements unless they would agree to use them upon land that he designated. They promptly held a meeting of the lodge and ordered a strike. They used the moral suasion so familiar to the people along the Missouri Pacific , and to so much effect that the agent handed over the implements and set up to the red strikers three barrels ot ; sugar and a job lot of fancy groceries. The red man is rapidly becoming civilized. GE.V. MILES' first experience with Geronimo has been somewhat discour aging. That warrior was surprised. , as it were , and driven from his camp , but he came right back the same night and returned the compliment , according to all reports , killing six of the' soldiers who were out to fight him. It seems that Miles has sent back the Indian „ scouts and proposes to fight white men alone against the Apaches. It may be after all that he is not the lightning In dian fighter that the enemies of the vet eran Urook have been painting him. But he has ability , and after a year or two of experience may come out all right and capture Geronimo. LIST OF JURORS Drawn to serve at the Ma1SS6 , , term of the District Court : LEBANON. H. Burgess , Isaiah Bennett , L. J. Shippee. HEAVER. .Joseph Johnson , Cleaber Whittakcr , S. Si- monson. DANBUItr. 11. E. Ashton , C. Salbers , Henry Nadeu , .Wiu. K. Kendall , Perry Plumb. GERVEK. Amos Goodenberger , Stilhvcll Connor , Jas. Lawthers. GRANT. J. E. Cooper , Francis Cane , Jacob Williams. DKIFTWOOU. 1) . A. Clements , George J. Frederick , It. II. Chrysler. VALLEY CHANGE. J.T. Phillips , G.V. . Itoper. T. A. GrilUn. 1SONUVILLE. Joseph Downs , Newman Dutchor. Win. I * . Hums. MISSOURI K1DGK. George Itny , James Robinson , Isaac M. Smith. TYRONE. . John W. Gull , V. B.Murphy , T. S. .Mi/e. EAST VALLEY. T. It. Campbell. George Culver. Kber I , . Cox. NORTH VAI.LEY. Madison H.rtier. It. C. Cutlett , Milton C. linker. JMHANOLA. Charles Kussell. George R. Qmgg. 1. . U. Korns , Cyrus lilake. J. B. Kilfrore , AV. M . .y.reezee. O. H. Sha > v. ItEI ) WILLOW. A , tl.-JIcjjderson , I. . 11. March , K. F. f.ooinis , J. A. Tcy cr , Blather L. Brown. snii.o\r GBOVZ. WillLani Cpleijuac .iji s Weick , J. H. Lud- wick , H.jBiAler , CLarjcs BftgciySco. . White , Thomas Scott , J.-K. B.erser. C. D. JTrc'&ubiack ; < f .A COMMUNICATION. lln. EniTon : In your issue of the latl. inst , your article , commenting 011 Hie actioi of certain parties on the Driftwood in refer ence to contested claims , calls for criticism , Of the cases to which you refer i know noth ing , but it is the principle of the tiling Avhicli 1 complain of. Tins contesting business has grown to be such a manifest evil , th.it some thing should be done to check it. 1 do not re fcr to those claims which have been aband oned , but where the law has been complied with , i wish to cite one or two instances , out of many , which have come under my per sonal observation. I could give names , but facts arc suflicient. Last winter , a man who was laboring fifty miles from ilcCook , re ceived notice that a contest had been institu ted against his tree claim located in that vi cinity , ' contestant alleging that there had never been , broken , or planted to trees , seeds , nuts or cuttings , to exceed five or six acres. " The claimant , very naturally , felt "somewhat aroused , " knowing this to be absolutely fake in every particular , as he had more than eleven acres by actual measurement broken , the whole of which he had caused to be planted and cultivated as the law requires , lie resolved , forthwith , to have contestant and corroborating witness arrested for per jury. He left his work and came to ilcCook for that purpose , but after consulting the best lawyers , fouud that nothing could be done till he had substantiated his allegations at the trial. The day appointed for the trial came. Clahnmitrvvith his lawyers and wit nesses were on hand ready to prove that he had fully complied with the law. When the contestant was examined he thought , guess ed , or supposed , that such things were true , but could not swear to a single fact. He wanted the claimant to give him 510.00 to withdraw the contest "No , " said he , "not ten cents. I want you to go on with it. " He could get no witnesses who knew any more than he , so postponed the trial for two weeks , in order as he said to get important witnesses. When the two weeks were up he never ai > - peared. Xow , you say if a man has complied with the law he has nothing to fear. Has he nothing to fear ? Is it a small tiling for a man to lose his valuable time and go to the expense which this man was obliged to do , only to gratify a man or set of men , whose object was robbery ? What remedy would you propose in a case like this ? i wish to say right here though , that in a majority of the instances which have come under my ob servation the contestant was not so much to blame as tlui agent who "set him on" and re ceived pay for it. I had intended to give another instance or two , but this article is al ready too long and I forbear , but in conclus ion 1 must say that bulldozing or not some- tiling should be done to treat these contes tants and their agents to a liberal dose of rawhide. OLD SETTIIK. : COUNTY-SEAT ITEMS. o Dr. Eskey and wife are now settled in their new house. Rev. Allen Hartley of York was in our city , Wednesday. Editor Wahlquiatof tlie IcCook Democrat was in our city , Tuesday. Sheriff Welborn went to McCook , Monday noon , and returned on No. 40. Mr. Errieson , traveling manager for The Howard Lumber Co. , is in our city. Mr. Hallew made his regular weekly trip and returned safely , Monday morning. The family of M. Y. Starbuck removed to McCook. Monday , where they will reside in the future. County Clerk Cramer lias been under the weather for several days1 , but at latest reports is on the mend. W. H. Dodd. our "immense" Deputy Coun ty Clerk , went up to McCook. to-day on "ft , on an oflicial trip. Col. K. M. Suavely is still adding improve ments to his place in the city. This time by building a large barn. Thomas Downey and family have moved into the Starbuck residence which they lately purchased on 4th avenue. C. W. Knights of Cambride , Manager of The Frees & Hockuell Lumber Co. , passed through our city. Tuesday , on his way from Curtis. Mr. and Mrs. Crumbaugli returned from their camping pic-iiic over on the Medicine. They look much improved and report a splendid trip. The construction train which is at work on the town site of Bartley , is stopping at ludi- auola , and makes things lively around the depot , betimes. Messrs. McCartney & Papiu now rim a fine delivery wagon through our streets , to relieve the poor buyers , these hot days. Such enter prise is commendable. MiltonJEskey has disposed of his real prop erty and interests around here and contem plates making his future abode iu McCook. Verily , " 1 must go where Tildy goes. * ' M. F. Madison , of our popular drug firm of Madison & Co. , returned , Saturday , from Omaha , where 'he has been attending the Pharmacist's convention for the state of Nebraska. The "Homesteader" ' is the name of a neat laud journal published by Messrs. Owau & llutchinson. It describes the county in gen eral ami our city iu particular ami shows a 'rustling" ' spirit that , we judge , must be hard ; o buck. The Carrick Dramatic Co. present their atest play "Nevada , " ' Thursday , June Cd. This will be the finest yet presented in our : ity and the actors have been working for ; ome mouths past on their parts. We predict i trrand entertainment. May 19 , ' 1SS . NONDESCRIPT. R. A. Cole , Merchant Tailor. To THK PEOPLE : I have received , : oinplete in every line , my new spring ; tock , and assure to all who call upon ue , fine goods , elegant fits , at very rea sonable prices. Drop in and be convinc ed. R. A. Cole , three doors west of Citizens Bank , Dennison street. TRADETRADE ! ! Fine Tree Claim and Homestead ad- oining town site of Akron , Colo. , to rude for McCook town lots. Also two inc claims in the Frenchman valley , litdicoek Co. , for cash or trade. COLE & 31oss , McCook , .Xeb. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS. Ed. Wilson , late manager of the Circh Ranch , is iu the city , to-day. Mrs. John Cruts of the Driftwood is seri ously ill , with but slight hopes of ultimat < recovery. Messrs. Doner and Atchisou went up l < Hayes county , Tuesday , where Mr. Doiiei has a claim. W. II. Dodd of Indinnola was in town yesterday afternoon , a witness in the Berger Daniels litigation. Senator Dolan passed through this station j-esterday evening , on his way home from a business trip to Culbertson. Ex-Lieut Gov. Agee will deliver the ad dress ou Memorial Day at Iiulianola. The . " 1st will be the day observed. Miss Sarah Roberts , with Wilcox & Fowler , who has been quite ill for a few day's past , is able to be at her post of duty again. Landlord Johnston of the Commercial went down to Lincoln , this morning , on busi ness , and will be absent two or three days. Mr. and Mrs. George Hockuell left on Sunday for Chicago. They will spend time also in Wisconsin for Mr. Ilocknell's health. Squire Fisher is building a residence on his ranch at the falls of the Frenchman , into which his family will move upon its comple tion and spend the summer. C. II. Odell and family of Lincoln arc guests at the McEntee , this week. Mr. Odell is Manager for the Moliue Plow Co. , and is here in the interests of the same. E. E. Lowman took No. 40 , Tuesday even ing , for Brownville on a short visit. He will also make other points iu the eastern part of the state during his limited absence. County Surveyor Castberg has about com pleted his survey of the new town of Bartley. The appraisement was performed by Senator Dolan. The University Town is being push ed right along. L. C. Stephensou of Akron passed through on 40 , yesterday evening , for Iiulianola , from which point he goes to remove his family to his new home at Akron , Colo. , where he is now engaged in the laud business. S. L. Scott of Red Oak , Iowa , who has been in the city for the past two weeks , started for home ou 40 , Monday evening. Mr. Scott in formed us that he will return to our city iu a couple months and open up a jewelry store iu the buildingov in course of erection on Main Avenue by his father. Samuel Scott Elmer White of Mt Ayr , Iowa , an old-time friend of W. E. Fry , arrived in the city , Fri day night ou No. ls on a short visit Mr. White is an old White Line mail clerk , hav ing been ou the Burlington-Council Bluffs run for a number of years , but was recently removed ou account of political disabilities- he being a republican. J. A. Conical of the firm of Colfer & Cor- deal arrived home ou Sunday night , from an extended visit in theBritish Isles ou business and pleasure , incidentally. Mr. Conical has the appearance of having enjoyed his visit immensely. The business that of securing certain evidence and affidavits in the matter of the Kerr estate was successfully trans acted. wsO . Iowa. May Oth , 1880. Mr. J. D. Turner of our citv and Miss Mary Wilson of Storm Lake , Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Turner arrived in the city on Friday evening last. THE TRIBUNE , with a host of other friends , extends heartiest congratulations and well wishes. In the language of Old Rip : "May you live long and prosper. " w. Armstrong of the Driftwood , Thursday. May Oth , 1SSC. , a son. 3D IE ID. John Enyeart , aged ffii years. The remains of the deceased were tenderly consigned to old mother earth at Longview Cemetery , yesterday after noon. noon.A A young lady who loved much , but not wisely , with the aid of Sheriff Frank lin of Frontier county , corraled her rec reant lover at Curtis , a few day's since. persuaded him to marry her , according to his promise , and they returned to the eastern part of the state , ( from whence the lady in question had followed the erring man , ) in great glee especially the woman. The meeting is reported as having been an unexpected and affect' ng one. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 200 head of cattle and horses , for cash , or land in Nebraska or Kansas. Some choice quarters of land on line of proposed railroad from Oberlin to Bird City , Kas. A splendid stock ranch of 1.280 acres , at a bargain , on the Beaver Creek. A business house in McCook. Xeb. . in a choice location. J. P. MATHES. 45 A twood , Kas. or McCook , Neb. FARM LOANS. Made by the McCook Loan and Irust Co. on deeded land , or on final re ceipts , when proof is unquestionable , svithout sending east for funds. No in- ierest is payable in advance , but ten per cent , straight. Money paid as soon as abstract can be obtained. Office in First National Bank. FARM LOANS. I am furnishing good , liberal loans m farming lands. Straight ten per : ent. interest. No delay in getting unds. You do not have to wait to send > ff application. Money paid over as loon as papers can be completed. Call m or address , S. H. COLYIX , 4ftf. McCook , Neb. NOTICE ! All parties interested are hereby \otified \ that all accounts with Fry & inow are due on the 1st and 15th of * ach month , and no accounts are un over 30 days. ' - - -ik * - * " y yqp : - * vv..ssrHty -r . % % x - r rg- yVirv jU BtSIBI ALSO , A FINE LINE OF TRIMMINGS , AT L , 1 Bernheimer's ' i Merchant i Tailoring i Establishment ! MAKE YOFK SELECTION WHILE THE STOCK IS COMPLETE. He Never Fails to Give a Perfect Fit ! L. Bernheimer , McCook , Neb. FOR SALE. B. R Olcott has two second hand tori buggies and two second hand lunibei wagons for sale , or will trade for horses , Also remember that Olcott has the fin est road stallion in the west , and farm ers and stockmen should see him before breeding. HOUSE AND LOT o On Macfarlaud street for sale. In quire of F. P. Allen or at this office. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. o Notice is hereby tfiven that on thellth tiny of May , iSNi , the partnership heretofore exist ing between Anderson & IJoehl was dissolved by mutual agreement. ? > Ir. Anderson will continue the business at the old stand , and will collect all accounts and pay all bills of thn firm. ClIAIlKKS ANDKHSON. SO-at. C'AItl. IIOEHI. . Dated , McCook , Neb. , May llth. 18SU. LEGAL NOTICE. _ STATK OF NEURASKA , I , , ss' Hcil Willow County , f ' In Probate Court , Ucil Willow County , Xcb. In the matter of J. W. Uolun , administrator ol W. H. Dolan , deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that J. W. Dolan has taken out letters of administration on the estate of W. H. Dolan , deceased , and that cred itors are required to present their claims against said estate withinsix mouths from this date. This" notice to be published for three consecutive weeks in THK McCooK THIBUNR , a newspaper published and of general circu lation in llert Willow county , Nebraska. IN TKSTIMOXY WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and the ollicial seal of said county this 5th day of May , 18M. 49 llEMtr IlAXTini , County Judge. FINAL PROOF NOTICES. LAND OFFICE AT McCooic , Nnu. , < May 15th , 18-U ! f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has Hied notice of his intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Itegis- ter"or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday. June 20 , 18SO , viz : Ella. M. Piper , Homestead Entry 32GS , for the northwest U southwest ; section 2 and east V : southeast U section 3 and northeast h northeast 'i section 10 township ! , north , range 29 west , ( i P. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Joseph Stevens , Matthew Stuart , A. W. Campbell and Stephen Boles all of Box Elder , Neb. 51 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEIL , i May : j , 18SG. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make llnal proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Wednes day , June 10 , 1880 , viz : Andrew Nelson , Home stead Entry 1070 , for the south li southwest J4 23 and north ' / northwest ? 4 section 20 , town ship 3 north , range 30 , west 0 P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Adolph Reischick , Harvey T. West , Jacob H. Evans , John Jones all of McCook. Nebraska. 49 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , Nun. , i April 2Gth , 18SO. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has Hied notice of his intention to make llnal proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be madebefore Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , June 3th. 1880 , viz : Michael C. Rider , Home stead Entry 2101 , for the northwest quarter of section 13 , township 4 north , range 3U , westGth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cul tivation of , said land , viWilliam S. Pate , Rad Tate. James Doyle and Hiram Bixler , all of McCook , Nebraska. 48 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEIS. , I April 26th , 1880. f Notice is hereby given that the tollowing- niuned settler has Hied notice of Ins intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , June 5th. ISMJ.viz : James C.Drury , Homestead Entry 5059 , for the northwest quarterof section 3 , township 5 north , range 2' ' , west Oth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : John W. Bennett , Colbein P. Viland , Enoch E. Osvog and Nels. C. Duelaml. all of McCook. Nebraska. 48. G. ILAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooic , NKU. , > " April 2ith. ( 18f-ti. ) Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make linal proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday , June 14th , 1880 , viz : John \Vinspr , 1) . S.2ii5' , for the northwest quarter of section 29. town ship 1 north , range29. west Gth P. M. He names tjjc following witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said laud.viz : John Goodenberger. John W.Relph , Sidney Dodge and Amos Uoodenbergcr. all of McCook , Nebraska. 48 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEIL , i April 13th , 18 i. ) Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has Hied notice of his intention to make llnal proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at MuCookNeb.on Saturday , May 22d , IbSO. viz : Thomas H. Fowler , Home stead Entry 2137 , for the northeast quarter of section 0 , township 1 north , range 28 west Otli P. M. Ho names this following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cul tivation of , said land , viz : William K. Thorp , Eugene Dunham , William B. Kennedy and f Thomas II. Cntt , all of Danbury , Neb. , 40 G. L. LAWS , Register. | LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , Nun. , April 12th , 18M5. t" Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler hap liled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , ! ind that said proof will be made before Reg ister or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Friday , May 21st , ISiMi , viCharles Weintx , Jr. , D. S. No. 2520 , for the E. ' . S. W. h N. W. h S. IV. ; .j section 12 and N. E.Ji S. E. h section 11 , township 2 north , range 29 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon , and cultivation of , paid ianil. viz. Henry Voges , Harry Meyers , Char es Ebert and Fred. Wagoner , ail of McCook , S'eb. 46 G.L. LAWS , Register. HESS & GOODENBEKGEIi , , i CONTRACTORS t AND BUILDERS , McCOOK , NEBRASKA , if desirea. POSTPONED PUBLIC SALE ! Owing to bad weather I have found it nec essary to postpone my SALE OF SHORTHORNS s. Until June 16th , 1886 , when we hope to see all who want good cattle. Remember June 16 , 1886 , at Lincoln , Neb. JOHN FITZGERALD , THE CITIZENS BANK OF McGOOK ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAWS. ) Paid up Capital , - - $50,000.00 , ,1 ; \ \ General Banking Business , i Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Xon-Residents. Money to loan on farming lauds , village and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty. Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , CORRESPONDENTS : j V. FRANKLIN , President. tional Dank , Lincoln , Nebraska. V JOHN R. CLAHK , Vice-Presidcat. : hemical National Bank , New Tork. ) A. C. EBERT , Caakler. SOLD i 1 ' I will offer for 60 DAYS ONLY , the entire stock of LAWLER & MAGNER , AT COST ! THE STOCK CONSISTS OF A COMPLETE AND ELEGANT LINE OF MANY OF THESE ARE FINE IMPORTED SUITS. IX BOOTS AND SHOES The Stock is all New and Bright and of the Latest Styles. ALSO A LAKUE VAKIETV OF Dress Goods , Cashmeres , Etc. , Dress Flan - H nel , Basket , Shaker and Twilled Flannel , ' i t Underwear , Muslin , Calico , Laces , Kid Gloves , Handkerchiefs , Gents's Furnishing Goods , Valises , Trunks , Hats and Caps , Notions and Groceries ! MAKE A XOTE OF THESE FACTS. PROFITS HAVE PERISHED ! If you buy these goods you can save money. In Overcoats , New Markets , Etc. , I can save you 25 to 5O per cent. F. S. WILCOX , Assignee. Second Door West of the McEntee Hotel.