THE TKIBTINE. F. M. & E. HI. KULTIKLt , Pubs. NEB. McCOOK , - - - OVER THE STATE. XHE NERRASKA CITY CHILD MURDER. Lincoln special to the Omaha Bee : Mrs. Shellenberger lias been returned to the Ne braska City jail from tho penitentiary , where she and her husband were taken for safe keeping. It is reported that she has confessed all about the murder of little Maggie Shellenberger , her step-daughter , for which crime she and her husband were arrested. She charges her husband with the crime , no doubt in hopes to save her own neck. Another report is that Mr. Shellenberger has confessed to the murder and that his wife was party to it. Fur thermore , that the plan was to kill the girl , believing that the suicide theory would be accepted , and then when the affair had quieted down to kill Maggie's brother , bury the corpse , and say he had runaway. Maggie and her brother were heirs to a valuable farm which their father and their stepmother wished to get hold of by put ting them out of the way. These ' stories about confession , however , are 'not gen erally believed. TWO RICH MEOF XERRASKA. Mr. Henry Witte , who is believed to have been the richest man but one in the state of Nebraska , was found dead on the prai rie near Lincoln , a few mornings ago. He wandered away from home and a sudden change of weather occurred. Although tho country is thickly ssttled , and he might easily have gained the shelter of one of the farm houses , he appears to have become dazed or demented , and to have continued to wander about until overcome by fatigue nnd exposure , he lay down and died , and his body was found stiff and cold on the following murning. Mr. Witte went to Ne braska many years ago , and removed to Linpoln , the capital , when that city was first laid out on the virgin prairie. John Fitzgerald , who is probably worth § 3,000- 000 to § 4,000,000 , is the richest man in the state , and Mr. Witte was probably the next , with § 2.000,000. They both com menced life with pick nnd shovel on the streets and railroads of Iowa and Ne braska. Mr. Witte owned about 30,000 acres of choice land and probably half a million dollars in property in Lincoln. He was noted for the extreme "care he took of his own interests , and the fact he never made any manifestations of public spirit. He paid his taxes grugingly nnd was a con tinual growler at public improvements.of any kind. Fitzgerald is entirely different. He is generous , open hearted , a strong ad vocate of public improvements , and has done a great deal in improving Lincoln , Plattsmoutb , Omaha , Nebraska City and other cities in the state. He is an earnest , warm-hearted Irishman , and Patrick Egan went to Lincoln direct from Ireland upon Fitzgerald's invitation and was assisted in business by him. The two rich men of Ne braska were no more alike than if they belonged to different species of the animal kingdom. Peoria CHI. } Journal. THE UA'IOPACIFIC HILL. Senator Van Wyck left Omaha for Wash ington last week. He carried the bill drafted by Mr. Popplcton. the committee of the Omaha board of trade andhimself , to aid the Union Pacific. It reads as fol lows : Be it enacted by the senate and house of representatives of the United States of America in congress assembled : First That the Union Pacific railway company is hereby authorized and em powered for the purpose of constructing branch lines , feeders and extensions to en able it to secure and hold the traffic and business naturally tributary thereto , to organize or to cause to be organized rail way companies under the laws of the sev eral states and territories , into and through which it may desire to build and operate euch branch lines , and to extend such feed ers and extensions ; and to aid such compa nies so organized and companies heretofore organized for that purpose and their suc cessors by subscription to the capital stock , and to guarantpe the first mortgage bonds of such , companies , provided , however , that such subscrip tion or guarantee of first mortgage bonds shall in no caso or under any circumstances exceed the actual cash cost 01 the roads of said companies. And , pro vided further , that this act shall not au thorize the guarantee of any first mortgage bonds issued prior to the approval there of. And the said Union Pacific Railway company is hereby authorized and empow ered to operate and control tho roads of said companies so aided or built as afore said , and their successors .either by .pur chase or lease thereof ; but in no case and under no circumstances shall such roads be purchased or leased by said Union Pacific Railway company except upon the basis of actual cost thereof. And , piovided fur ther , that such aid by guarantee and sub scription shall not be furnished , and such lease or purchase shall not be valid until the same shall have been ratified by two- thirds of the stockholders of tho said rail way companies. S'econd Congress reserves to itself the right to alter , amend , or repeal this act when the public interest shall require it ; but such repeal shall not affect the validity of any action taken under the power of this act prior to such repeal. PROBABLY A FATAL ACCIDENT. Bloomington special to the Omaha Bco : Prof. Harshbargcr , teacher in the academy at Franklin , while drilling his class in mili tary tactics last night met with a painful , if not a fatal accident. After the line had been formed he stepped ten paces to the front and gave orders to aim at a button on his coat and fire. Immediately after the firing he was heard to exclaim , "My God , boys , I am shot. " He was assisted to the dormatory at once , and Dr. Finley was summoned , who found that a number of wads had pierced his clothing , one of them piercing the sternium and glancing to the right causing hemmorhnge of the lungs. He is in a critical condition , but recovery is hoped for. 3nSCELLA2fEOUS STATE MATTERS. THE barn on the Stanton Breeding Farm company's ranch , fourteen miles south of Stanton , was consumed by fire on the 10th. Thirty-eight head of breeding mares , valued at about § 8,000 , and one stallion valued at § 2,100 perished in the flames , besides the farm implements and harnesses. The loss will be between § 15,000 and § 20,000. The ranch was principally owned by Mar shall Field of Chicago. Insurance about § 5,000. MR. AMES , one of the principal owners of the Union Pacific , will put up a six story building in Omaha to cost § 100,000. BARTLEY REED , whom the Y. .M. C. A % of Omaha took in and cared for and finally procured a situation , has gone to the bad. The lady who gave him employment is out § 200 , which he stole from a closet where it had been placed for safe keeping. " ; ' ' ' - ' f.- ' 4 GOVERNOR DAWES on the 12th signed dis charge papers for two convicts whose terms are nearing the end. William Koble , who was sent up from Platte county for one year for horse stealing , will get out 01 ; the 17th , having made two months good time. John McGuire , of Lancaster county , who 'lias served one year for burglary , will be released on the 16th. A STRANGER was held up in Omaha tho other night and robbed of a plug of tobac co , his only wealth , by two tramps. THE state pharmaceutical society reports a membership of385 , an increase of 155 during tho year. THE latest suicide in Omnha is A. Abler , who took a large dose of morphine. He had been'On a spree for several days , and took this means to put an end to his un controllable appetite and troubles. HASTINGS will build anew school house in the Second ward to cost $11.000. THE Arkansas editors were not given a public reception in Omaha because they be came too much scattered before reaching that place. GEN. THAYER , state commander of the G. A. R.has returned to Grand Island from his visit to the east. He was given a pub lic reception by the citizens , and thcgenera : made an interesting talk of his travels. THIEVES broke into John Ford's barn at Edgar , and stole some goods from a ped dling wagon they found there. They then set fire to the barn , but the timber being green and there being no hay or straw in the barn , the fire went out without doing any harm. No clue has been found to the perpetrators of the crime. A MAN named Mason entered the sleeping room of Minnie Wilde , at Amboy , and attempted to commit rape. Warrants are out for his arrest , but the young man has gone to Kansas. THE specifications for the York water works are printed and are now in the hands of bidders. The system consists of an en gine , engine house and thirty-six wells in the center of the city , near-the. public square , nnd a stand-pipe 100 feet in height on east hill , near the college , giving a direct and indirect pressure. The city is to have five and three-eighths miles of pipe laid on all the principalstreets. The specifications call for a system with a capacity of 1,000- 000 gallons of water per day. DAVID-B. HOWARD , of Lincoln , will build York county's court-house for § 49,930. PIERSON , the accused murderer- Wat son B. Smith at Omaha , four years ago , was last week called before the grand jury of tho U. S. court and examined as to his participation in that crime. After a close investigation the jury concluded that there was not enough "testimony to hold the man , and he was allowed to go. Sutton. to whom Pierson made the confession , and who was his cell-mate a portion of the time , was discharged from custody several days pre vious. MRS. MARGARET KING , living southwest ofDeWitt. lost several tons of good hay by allowing children to build a fire in close proximity to where the hay was stacked. THIRTEEN tramps were introduced the other morning to Judge Parsons , of Lin coln. He assessed them § G.40 for the honor , and in default they were bundled off to the county jail on a thirty days' sen tence. TiffiB.&M.has commenced makingsomo needed improvements at Hastings. A num ber of new stalls will be added to the round house , more side track laid , a Kerr patent coal cliute put in and other improvements made which will be duly appreciated by the employes of the road. ABOUT 256 complaints of glanders in horses have been sent in to the live stock commission , but for want of time only nbout half of them have been attended to. More help is needed. MRS. BENJAMIN HALL , of Omaha , is one hundred years old , and the event was duly celebrated in that city last week. MOSES McKEEN , of Atlantic , Iowa , ar rived in Omaha the other day with § 60 in lis pocket and proclaimed himself as 'nobouy green , " but he was picked up from ; he gutter in the early morning hour just .be same minus all his wealth. GOVERNMENT land can be had in the neighborhood of Brewster , the county seat of Elaine county. GREAT preparations are making for the estival at Omaha in June. Efforts will be made to get reduced fare on all railroads. A LAW and order league has been organ ized in Norfolk. IT is said the.wild plum crop promises to be abundant this year. THE prizes for the state firemen's tourna ment to be held in Fremont August 24-27 aggregate § 2,000. THE Rev. J. B. Murray , rector of St. Marks church ( Episcopal ) , Hastings , re signed his charge. A severe ailment of the throat was the cause. A LARGE white crane is on exhibition in the window of a Lincoln drug store. The bird was found on the prairie north of that city by W. Messenger , who dispatched it with his buggy whip , it having been pre viously wounded by hunters , evidently. It measured S % feet from tin to tip of wing , and has been mounted. THE state pharmacists society met in Omaha last week with a good attendance. THE regular meeting of the passenger agents of all the railways in the state was lield at B. it M. headquarters in Omaha on the llth. There were present Mr. Trues- dale of the St. Paul < fc Omaha. .Mr. Steb- bins of the Union Pacific. Mr. Francis of the Burlington & Missouri , Mr. Buchanan of the Sioux City & Pacific , and Mr. Milli- ; an of the St. Joe & Grand Island line. The principal business of the meeting was to arrange rates for excursionists and per sons attending conventions , etc. The old rates were mutually agreed upon , which fixed the passages at one and one-third [ are. The agreement about rates to minis ters , theatrical men , etc. , was again re newed. FALLS CITY , the county seat of Richard son county , has a population of 3,000. [ ts canning factory , with a cap'acity of 40,000 cans a day , will be ready for busi ness by June. Gov. DAWES has issued a commission to Meloney C. SohSat- New Orleans , as com missioner of deeds at that place for Ne- jniska. THE Omaha World figures out for Omaha a population ol 78,000. A COCKING main' was fought in the out skirts of Omaha on Sunday. Seven battles were contested , everyone of which was won t > y cocks owned by a well known bird fan cier. The affair was kept exceedingly quiet and the attendance was limited. It is un- derstood up wards of § 1,000 changed hands. AT Lincoln , the other morning , while Sheriff Mellick was making his weekly tour through the county jail , he found a can of cayenne pepper , which had been secured by some of the prisoners with the intention of Blinding the jailorand making their escape. IP the bill in aid of the Onion Pacmc Is got through congress , that corporation wil at once proceed to build 400 miles of road in this state. EXTRADITION warrants have been issued up to the present during May as follows John V. Evans , charged with embezzlement and wanted in Iowa ; Frank IT. Myers , cancelling and selling mortgaged property , wanted in Iowa , W.V. . Edgington , agent E. A. Reynolds , wanted in Iowa for the crime of grand larceny , ugeut for the state , Thomas Fisher. THE inhabitants of Blaino county have filed a petition with Governor Dawes , ask ing for the temporary organization of their county. BY the order of Commander Thayer , Monday , May 31st. is set apart as the time to bo observed as memorial day in Ne braska. THE railway commission have received notice from General Manager Callaway , of the Union Pacific , that tho overcharge on freight between Norfolk and Madison , com plained of by the Boss Harrow company , was an error and will be refunded. The complainants shipped 400 pounds of first class from Charles City , Iowa , to a cus tomer nt Madison , via the North western to Norfolk , and thence to Madison by the Union Pacific. The rate from Norfolk to Madison is 13 cents per 3.00 , but the charge was 57 cents a 100. The agent at Sladi- 8on , in explanation , said the company charged this to discourage shipments ol freight to Norfolk that should be given tc the Union Pacific at Council Bluffs. THE store of S. V. Ludlow , of Red Cloud , was closed by creditors. A PRISONER in the Lincoln jail earned his freedom by rescuing a dog that had fallen into a welL TWENTY-SEVEN wagons loaded with lum ber , hay , provisions and farming imple ments , left Benkelman on Monday morning for Chase county. THE treasurer of Nance county has adorned his office with a mammoth snake which he demolished the other day. . BRAKEMEN of tho Union Pacific who went out on a strike are all back again , except those whose places were filled bynew appli cants. THE Hambletonian stallion MacMahon , owned by Dr. A. S. Halladay , of Lincoln , died last week of lung fever. He was a half brother to Maxey Cobb , and the owner had refused § 15,000 for him. SOME rascally sneak thief robbed a hard working widow in Fremont of § 140 , the savings of years of toil , which she hoarded for the sole purpose of educating her only child , a 3-year-old boy. A GREAT many residences arc under pro cess of erection in Chadron , some of which would be a credit to much older and larger towns. ANTELOPE county has employed a ex pert to go through the treasurer's books and see if everything is all straight. A DEMENTED German at Omaha named Schwaab suicided by hanging a few days ago. He was 26 years old , and had been but a short time in this country. OMAHA has secured the location of the western branch house of the Moline Plow company and the Milburn Wagon com pany. The companies have purchased a part of the building site and have already prepared the plans for the proposed struc ture. ture.Tun Tun Valentine Republican says that a visit to the land office any morning will witness it besieged with anxious parties waiting to get their names on the plat books , and a receipt for a piece of Uncle Sam's domain. A VALENTINE dispatch says everything is now quiet at Rosebud agency. The band engaged in the trouble and who denied the agent's authority was led by Crow Dog , the Inoian who killed Spotted Tail. VALENTINE special : A deadly shooting affair occurred at Fort Niobrara yester day. A soldier on guard went to the dining room of his company quietly and there en gaged in a quarrel with the corporal of his company which resulted in the corporal slapping his face. The soldier returned to the guard house , secured his gun and went back to the quarters , shooting the cor poral through the head , inflicting a mortal wound from which he will die. The soldier attempted to escape , but was pursued by the sergeant of the guard and others who lie fired upon. They returned the fire , and I he man was killed by the sergeant. During the firing a valuable mule was killed. FRED KNIGHT , of Omaha , was he'd to the district court for trial on the charge of "raised" Union Pacific forgery , he having a KISS. BOHANNON BROS. , Lincoln , will put up a § 30,000 building. A BOHEMIAN named Hallenbeck was run over by a train near Schuyler , and literally cut to pieces. He was drunk at the time and walking on the track. Miss HELEN MOREHEAD , of Albion , is credited with having written 2,000 words on a postal card. IN accordance with a suggestion by the chief engineer of the Chicago fire depart ment there will be a "hitching up" test at noon on Decoration Day in every city in the United States where there is a paid fire force. Three judges in each city will record the time and telegraph it to Washington as soon as the test is over , from which place the name of the champions will be sent out by the Associated press. The firemen of Lincoln and Omaha will see what they can dj in the way of speed. THE next meeting * of the state pharma ceutical societ3' will be held in Omaha the second Tuesday in May , 1SS7. AIXSWOKTH brags of one of the finest jands in Nebraska outside of the cities. The leader , Prof. II. P. Sutton , traveled six years with Sell's brothers big circus , and is DUO of the finest musicians and teachers in the state. THE Nebraska pharmaceutical society lave elected the following officers : Presi dent , James Reed , Nebraska City ; vice- iresidents , C. E. Borgqist of Sidney , M. E. ijchultz of Beatrice , C. II. Bruner of Fre mont. H. E. Wells of Lincoln , and W. D. Waller of Blair ; secretary. Charles A. Dau- : och , Omaha ; local secretary , N. A. Kuhn ; ; reasurer , James Forsythe. NINE saloons find a paying business in Blair. THE Catholics of Atkinson expect to put up a suitable house of worship this season. A CELEBRATED SJIUGGLEK DEAD. At San Antonio , Texas , information has ) een received of the killing of Juan Galindo , ; hc celebrated smuggler , in the Mexican village of Piote. He was apprehended by Mexican rangers , who shot him while mak- ng the arrest. Just before he died Galindo confessed to having participated in tho as sassination of John Kent , superintendent of the Mexican land and cattle company. Galindo was the leader of a band of smug glers and horse thieves notorious through- ) ut northern Mexico. TREES TORS' FROM THEIR ROOTS. Tlie Elements Pass on to the SttcJcer State Doing Much Damage. On tho 12th a terrible cyclone struck tho village of Odell , III. , which demolished one brick block , wrecked three warehouses , un roofed the hotel , Masonic hall and some four store buildings ; also tho upper stori of the Angcll block , in which was the Odel bank and the Odd Fellows lodge , was com pletely destroyed. Scarcely a store roon in the town escaped injury. Tho loss wil amount to § 50,000. Houses , barns ant sheds were twisted off thoirfoundation blown down and completely destroyed Trees a foot in diameter were twisted en tirely off. 'The storm did not last over five minutes. Ten minutes before the storm the air seemed to get green. Two clouds seemed to advance , onefrom tho south am one from the northwest , nnd met over the town , forming a monstrous whirlwiiu which swept everything in its track. The large livery barn of Hard brothers was completely destroyed. A large threestory mill was blown off its foundation. The two-story brick hardware store of S. Cole is a total wreck. The hotel is injured from top to bottom and not a whole window re mains in the building. A number of resi deuces were badly wrecked and as many as seven barns blown to pieces. Streets fillet with timbers , boards , fences , tin roofs ant prostrated trees. Tlie new school house is partly unroofed. A one-story schoo building' completely destroyed. The Congregational church is twisted into bat shape. Tho Methodist church has OIIL steeple blown off. Those fatally injuret are : Lottie Swift , a 10-year-old girl , ivht was carried over 200 feet in the air and fel on the railroad track , smashing her skull George and Charles Hoke , laboring men ; S S. Cole , hardware merchant , and two chil dren of John Millei were seriously hurt The latter had taken refuge in a bricl building and were buried , and with these all of whom were supposed to be danger ously injured , but two escaped without a scratch. SOME WASHINGTON GOSSIP. THE May crop report of the department of agriculture indicates an improvement during April of two points in wheat , with a general average condition of 95. There is no marked chang anywhere , but a slight advance is noted in tlie Ohio valley , Mis souri , Texas , Tennessee , the Cnrolinas , Vir ginia and Maryland. The May average last year was 70. The season has been ad mirable and the crop is more advanced than usual. The average in the principal states is : Pennsylvania 95 , Michigan 91 , Illinois 92 , Kansas 67 , Ohio 97 , Indiana 98. Missouri 101. The condition of rye averages 96 and barley 97. THC supreme court of the United States dismissed the three Snow polygamy cases for want of jurisdiction and also recalled the mandate in the Cannon polyizamy case and set aside the former judgment and dis missed it for want of jurisdiction. THE comptroller of the currency has authorized the American Exchange bank , of Chicago. Ills. , to begin business with a capital of § 1,000,000. THE senate committee on pensions adopt ed a resolution calling upon the commis sioner of pensions for an estimate of the outlay required under Ingall's bill for the removal of the limitation of arrears ol pension act. IN view of the necessity for the shippers of flour from St. Louis and other points along the Mississippi and Missouri rivers to make use of the Morgan line of sf earners from New Orleans to Havana , via Key West , in exportation of that commodity , the collector of customs at New Orleans has been authorized to consider New Or leans as a port of exportation in such cases within the meaning of the regulations , and allow drawbacks on bags which may be shipped in future by the said line ; provided exporters produce , in addition to the requisite bill of lading and return of official inspection , a certificate from the collector at Key West that no flour in bags had been landed at any port within his district by such vessel , and an average specified in the preliminary drawbcck entry filed at New Orleans. IN the telephone investigation on tho llth , A. N. Hill testified that he had been told of the Pan-Electric meeting at 1327 G street by another person not connected with the Pan Electric , whose name witness absolutely refused to divulge. His infor mant had said that Mrs. Rines , the land lady of the house , itfould make an affidavit that Secretary Garland had attended that meeting. Killed by a "Woman. DENVER , COL. , May 10. Bob Wright , a ilacksmith , who until a month ago resided in Denver and who is a brother of a prominent jookstore keeper here , was shot and killed in stantly at Elizabeth , a small station on the Denver anil New Orleans railroad thirty miles south of Denver this mornin < r by a woman " vhom lie had seduced and refused" marry. The name of the woman can not > e learned. She left Denver , where she re sides , on the moruinsi passenger train , aeeom- laiiicd by her brother. On reachinsr Eliza beth the"brother pretended to be on a land juying expedition ami tried to hire a Iiorse. L'lie woman asked to be directed to the blacksmith shop of Wright. She was shown the shop and acroinpanicd by her H'otuer she went into it. She then told Wright that she had come to have jim marry her and that he must tlo it. Wright refused , and the woman told him that he would allow him to secure a divorce as oon as he liked , but that he must inflrry then and there. Wright appeared amused at this mil sat down upon his anvil and lauclicd in ler face. The sfirl Jrew a 45-caliber revolver , and stepping up so close to Wright that the powder burned Lis face tired three shots , two of which took effect , killing him instantly. The girl then gave herself up. S. B. Wright , brother of the deceased , left here to-tlav to take charge of his broth er's remains. Wright's friends are very un communicative about the matter and the only information they could give as to the identity of the woman was that Wright had formerly kept compauy with her. FIGJITIXG THE SCOTT BILL. Omaha Bee Washington special : The pork and beef packers of Nebraska are making a united and very strong fight against the Scott bill , which is now before the house and which taxes oleomargarine nnd imitation of butter and cheese to the extent ot 10 cents a pound. They are tele graphing members of the Nebraska delega tion in congress , and all they can approach , urging the defeat of the bill. These men are largely interested in the measure , as it proposes to cut off a profitable market for the offal of their establishments , and it is not surprising that they and other meat packers have organized a formidable lobby and are making a most desperate effort to kill the bill. It is generally believed that the bill will soon be passed. SHARP , SHORT AXD SETERE. A special from Wilkinson , Ind. , says : The cyclone of Wednesday lasted about five minutes , but totally destroyed nine houses and killed two persons , and several more were wounded. Wilkinson is in Han- reck county , thirty miles east of Indiana polis. AFTER THE ZAXD THLErES. Progress of the Land Grant Forfeiture Leg islation in the Present Congress. Washington special : The public lands committee of the present house has done much good in the way of reform of gross and dnngeious abuses of the land system. If congress passes bills it has prepared and reported , tho country will have reason to rejoice over long-lasting abuses remedied. The committee has reported for the action of the house a considerable number of measures. Among these are : First Bills repealing tho pre-emption , timber culture and desert land nets. These are the Laws under shelter of which a great part of tho enormous land frauds have been carried on. Some of these laws were carried on at the instigation of land grab bers. All of them have been found in prac tice to encourage and protect systematic spoliation of the public domain to so vast an extent that at this moment only about 50,000.000 acres of arable lands remain for homesteads for the people , though , for tunately , if this congress does its duty , not less than 150,000,000 more will be recov ered. Second The committee has reported a number of the bills fixing the individual rights of settlers. Third It has reported and has ready for action a number of land grant forfeiture bills by which a vast area of public lands will bo justly recovered for the benefit of the people , and held , if bad laws are re pealed , for actual settlementon such terms as will guard them against land grabbing. Fourth One of these forfeiture bills has already passed the house and is in the hands of the senate public lands com mittee , whereithnslnid for several months. This bill declares the forfeiture of 8,000- 000 acres of land in the heart of tho south ern states. These lands were granted thirty years ago , in 1856. Not one o ? the roads for which the land was granted has ever been built. On not one of them has even a mile of track ever been laid. On only one of them the Gulf and Ship Island has a spade ever been struck into tho ground , and that was for mere speculative purposes , two or three years ago , in an endeavor to keep the grant alive w fn had long ago justly lapsed Yet these 8,000,000 of fertile acres in the heart of the Southern states have been held since 1856 , for thirty years , through war and peace , sacred against the occupation of farmers and for the benefit of extinct or specula tive corporations. Surelyit is high time to restore these millions of acres to the public domain and to the use and occupation of the people. The names of tho corporations for whose benefit these funds have been so long held are : The Gulf it Ship Island railroad. The Tnscaloosa it Mobile railroad. The Mobile it New Orleans railroad. The Ely ton it Baird's Bluff railroad. The Memphis it Charleston railroad. The Savannah it Albany railroad. The New Orl ans it State Line railroad. The IrimMountain of Arkansas ra'lroad. Fifth By other forfeiture hill * will be re covered for the public domain land grants notearncdand ju-tlv forfeitnblens follows : The Atlantic it Pacific railrnd , 28,871- 300 acres this corporation having earned and got 16,000,000 acres outside of this. The Ontonagon it Brule River railroad. 350,000 acres. The Southern Pacific , in all 12,000,000 acrcs- Thc Iloushton , Marquelte it Ontonagon railroad. 291,400 acres. The Mobile it Girard railroad , 500,000 acres. The Wisconsin Central railroad , 406,880 The California < t Oregon railroad , 2,500- 000 acres. The Oregon it California railroad , 2.500- ' 000 acres. The Northern Pacific railroad , 36,000- 000 acres. This docs not clear the docket. More re mains ; but these forfeiture bills have been perfected and reported to the house. That more remains any one can easily see in the report of Land Commissioner Sparks , but this list shows strikingly how wasteful and careless have been the grants of lands to corporations , and how negligent has been the interior department for many years in not holding the corporations to the fulfill ment of their contracts. SOUTH AMERICA * MAILS. The Question of Subsidising a Reyitlar Mall Sercicc. Washington special : The friends of the mail subsidy clause in thepostoffice appro priation bill are getting very much in earn est , and fear that it is going to be defeated in the house , where the bill was sent sev eral days ago. The subsidy question is one of simply giving a bonus of § 800,000 to a line of American steamers to carry the mails to and from Central and South American countries that much annually. At ; resent the pay for carrying the mails between this and those countries is so small that it scarcely pays for the trouble , mil does not in the slightest degree encour age more trips and regularity of the ser vice. It is contended that the subsidy will : stahlu < h a regular line of ships , making at cast fortnightly trips between New York and New Orleans and the countries south , and that such a line will at once open our exports and create a large trade , which will soon bring in more profits than the sub sidy outlay. The matter of having prompt mil rapid mail facilities is not the primary ibject by any means. It is .1 question of ipcning up trade. The hou&e is more cliarry about subsidies than the senate ind the fate of the senate amendment is uncertain. FRED DOUGLASS OA CLEVELAND. . A special from Boston says : Frederick ) ouglass has written a letter wherein he . ays : "lam a republican and did all I i ould to defeat the election of Cleveland. Je was under no official obligations to me vhatever , yet I held the office of recorder nearly a whole year under his administra- .ion. The office is held by law not for any erm , solely at tho pleasure of the presi dent. While in office the president treated me as he treated the other office-holders in the district. He was brave enough to in vite Mrs. Douglass and myself to all the grand reccptions.thus rebuking the timidity , owardice and prejudice of his predecessors , f living I shall do all I can to elect a re- Hiblican in 1888 , but I honor manliness viierever I find it , and I found it in Cleve- and , and I should despise myself if Ishould ct anybody think otherwise. Whatever else he may be , he is not a snob or a coward. " ASKING FOR CHINESE Representative Morrow has received a monster petition from tho Knights of La bor of California. It is over 2,000 feet ong , and contains the names of over 50,000 persons. Every state , county and nunicipal officer and every Knight of La- ) or of California has signed the petition. 2very male adult in many of the counties of the state has put his name to it. It ) rays for action on the part of congress , lither by appropriate legislation or by change in the present treaty with China , as nay be necessary , to foiever prohibit the urther immigration into the United States. THROWER OF THE BOMBS Tlte Chicago Police Confident They Have the ftullly Anarchist in Custody. Chicago dispatch : The police authorities are positive that they have under arrest'/ the man who threw the bomb into the ranks of the police at the Haymarket riot. j His name is Louis Lingy , nnd he has been than . Two offi in this , country less a year. cers in , civilian dress effected his arrest at No. SO Ambrose street this afternoon. When Officer Schutler attempted to arrest - the alleged boom-thrower he drew a navy J revolver and shrieked in German ; "If I have to die you'll die , too. " Schutler rushed upon his would-be murderer and a life and death struggle ensued. The men rolled over ami over , upsetting tables and chairs. Officer Lowenstein who had re mained outside to guard the exists , burst open the front doorand hurried to his com rade's assistance. The weapon was then taken away from Lingy and the prisoner hurried to theEastChicagoavenue station. " 1 wouldn't care what they did with me if I ' had only killed those two officers , " he said as he was being driven to a cell , "I tried to shoot them , and I am sorry I didn't suc ceed. " When the police were raiding tho dens of anarchists last week they visited Lingy'a boarding house and found three dynamite bombs similar to the one thrown during the Haymarket riot. These bombs , it is claimed , were made by Lingy , who has taken an active part in all socialistic meet ing held in this city during the past year. When the police searched his boarding house Lingy was absent , the owner of tho house , who was taken into custody but subsequently released on information ho gave the police , declaring that Linsy had not been in his room since the night of tho explosion. LastMonday thepolice learned that Lingv was hiding in the house of a- friend on Ambrose street , and after visiting nenilyall of the residences on the thorough fare named , found the anarchist. Lingy was born in Germany and is about1J years of age. Hynek Dejmek. an employe of the Ar- beiter-Zeitung. his brother Voclav Dejmek , and Frank Novak , were before Justice White this afternoon charged with riot. Voclav Dejmek was also charged with assaulting Officer Casey. He was held in bonds of § 3,000. Hynek and Novak were dismissed , but just as Hynek was leaving the court room a posse of officers ap peared and put him under arrest , charging , j him with assault upon Officer Casey. I Casey is the officer who was rescued at \ the foot of a lamp post , upon which a , > crowd of infuriated Bohemians were about to hang him. believing that he had slain * ' one of their countrymen during the assault on the McConnick factory. PROMIXEXT MEX HERE AXD THERE. Ned Runtime is said to have averaged $20,000 a year for the last twenty-fivo years out of his writings. Abel Hosmcr , of Concord , Mass. , now 00 years of age , lives on a farm taken up by his ancestors in 1035. Gov. Swincford of Alaska says he is going to return there whether he is confirmed or " * not. He likes the country. Bohdan Raleski , whose death is reported , ' r.-as one of the most noteworthy Polish poets of the century. Since the fall of War saw he has lived at Paris. Dr. E. 0. Shakespeare of Philadelphia , who was commissioned to study the chol era epidemic in Spain and Italy , has been directed to proceed to India to study tho " disease in its home. Sam Jones and Sam Small are doing a. respectable revival business in Baltimore , and together they draw good audiences , but when Sam Jon s is unavoidably absent there is only a small house. i Gen.Moorehead's Pittsburg mansion was dedicated to the uses of the faith cure on Thursday by his daughter and heir , who , was cured last wintet. Regular services ) will be held in the mansioM. Prof. Timothy Dwiglir is boomed as the ' successor of President Porter , and one of the arguments advanced in his favor is that he is a grandson of the former and famous President D wight of Yale college. Prof. Pritchett , of St. Louis , has discov- crcd that our days are lengthening , but as it is only at the rate of two seconds in a , " century it will be some time before tho ex- tension comes in conflict with the eight- hour movement. Alexander Sullivan , of Chicago , says there is no danger that that city will be ruled by socialists. Next to Philadelphia , he says , there is no ci'y in the Union where work ing people are so largely the owners of their own homes. _ THE APPROPRIATIONS. I Washington special : The passage ol the J consular and diplomatic appropriation k bills to-day disposes of all the money bills thus far reported to the house. In addi- tion to the four regular bills yet to be re- f ported , provision imibt be made for fur- | ther urgent deficiencies. On June 4 tho -1 i quarterly payment of pensions must be met , which will require about $1:5,000,000 : , thus showing a deficiency of § 500,000. It will therefore , be necessary to pass another urgent deficiency bill. The house commit- ( tee lias given the matter attention , and \ has already agreed upon several items that argrosntp $6,000,000 , which includes about { § 500.000 for army and navy , and public / printing. The legislative , executive and I. judicial bill is about ready , ami will be presented within a few days. This will bo followed by the general deficiency bill , leaving the sundry civil bill to be last re ported. The naval committee were given permission to-day to hit during the session of the honse , in order to complete the > appropriation bill , which bill will IMJ re- ported the middle of next week. It is not expected that any controversy will arise between the two houses over"thebe bill , that will materially protract the sessions / with the single exception of the postofiice ' bill , to which the senate added the subsidy appropriating $800,000 for trans- / portation of foreign mails. ' An Awful Calamity. MADRID , Mav 13. A tririble hurrk-ar. " s i-pt across the middle of S : n'.a to day. In this city seventy [ 'ci > ons arc know : : to have been killed , and 2 JO others seriously hi- < jured. I ' The wind struck the cihwith the suiltlrti- . * ness of lightning. A train of cars anil ca5 * X * ' was over-turned and broken into s-plintt-rs. Roofs were dislodged ; telegraph wires every- where torn from the poles ; the parkin about the city devastatedchurch towvrs were ' blown down and a number of houses in the suburbs wrecked. Many cottages in the outskirts of the capi tal were blown from their foundations ami wrecked , some so completely r.nd quickly that they may be said to have simply vanished before tlfe storm. Telegraphic communication has been so com pletely cut oft that it is imposs.ble to as yet obtain news from the provinces , bat it is be- 4 lieved that the ruin wrought by the hurricane has been widespread. . *