Thursday , May ifa , 1886. Indicates that your subscription to this X paper HAS EXPIRED , and that a cordial Invitation is extended to call and renew I the same. Subscription , $2 per year. Local Intelligence. Fresh candy at the City Bakery. 4) C. P. Rinker is headquarters for organs. o to.W. W. Palmer for your harness. 32-tf. Crown Sewing Machine at Rinfccr's. The best vratch on earth for sale by McCrackeu. New curtain scrim and new iroods at Wilcox & Fowler's. Mason & Hamlin organs at McCook Implement Emporium. A car-load of seed corn at Fry & Snow's feed store. Organs rented until the rent pays for them at C. P. Rinker's. A full line of hardware , stoves and tinware at C. D. Palmer's. V The finest stock of groceries in thu city at Wilcox & Fowler's. Do you want the best wind mill made go to C. P. Rinker , he has it. Brewer Bros , butcher only corn-fed steers. No cows or lancjc cattle. T SriF'Sweet Michigan Cider of excel lent quality at the City Bakery. They have the purest , kettle-rendered lard in the city at Brewer Bros. Buy one of those new watches of Mc- Cracken before they are all gone. $16.00 buys a first-class cultivator at the McCook Implement Emporium. C. D. Palmer , opposite MeEntee , is the best place to buy your hardware. White Russian or White Prussian soap only 5c.a bar at Wilcox & Fowler's. Special attention given to ice chest and refrigerator work at C. D. Palmer's. New dress goods , prints , ginghams , etc.just opened at Wilcox & Fowler's. Remember that C. D. Palmer is the place to get your roofing and spouting done. Sewing machines at the McCook Im plement Emporium. C. P. Rinker , Agent. Have you seen the new all-over em broideries , laces and ruching at Wilcox & Fowler's. The City Bakery's bread is known all along the B. & M. west of here for its excellence. r All persons indebted to Anderson & Boehl are requested to call and make immediate settlement. The Metropolitan Drug Store is in re ceipt of a fine assortment of wall papers. Call and examine them. Eaton Bros , will furnish you with pure milk at your door for 4 cents per quart for the season. 47-tf. Who put up Farmer Dodge's wind mill ? Ans. Rinker. Why ? Ans. Be cause he sells the best G. W. Bede & Co. have some special bargains in real estate. Office 4th door south of U. S. Land office. 27-tf. The choicest meats at the Central Meat Market of Brewer Bros , corner of Main and Dennison streets. Furnished rooms for rent , on second floor , by GW. . Minkler , at his house northwest of school house , McCook. C. P. Rinker has the best set of pump men in the country. See him before you buy a pump and wind mill. Paul E. Wirt Fountain Pens for sale by F.L. McCracken. Give absolute sat isfaction on any work , and in any hand. As Low AS"THE LOWEST G. B. Nettleton will sell Wind Mills and Pumps as low as the lowest , Feed Mills especialy. The Metropolitan Drug Store is offer ing a handsome chair to the person buy ing the largest number of cigars between May 1st and July 1st18SG. , . Smokers , note well. The establishment of Charlie Young has been reinforced by the arrival of a first-class "washee" from Denver , and he is better prepared than ever to do fine work promptly. Probst Bros. ' are selling more of their excellent bread than ever , and shipping immense quantities west daily. Their well earned reputation has secured for them a cnstorn that keeps them as busy as bees to fill. We are publishing , monthly , a Land A Tournal , giving plain facts , together with testimonials of some of Red Willow county's oldest settlers. The Journal contains : A general description of the soil , climate and products. We invite all the inhabitants of this county to send for a few copies to mail to their friends. We furnish the Journals free , or if parties will send us the address of their friends , we will mail them copies , fl. L. Wells & Co. publishers of the Re publican Yalley Land Journal , Indian- „ , ola , Neb. Abate the sidewalk and street ob struction nuisance. A new wooden awning ut the Star restaurant , this week. A number of our young uien will shortly commit civil suicide. Justice court business has been un usually active , the last week. An "Old Folk's Concert" is on the string for the not distant future. Unless somebody puts up , you will hear something drop and no mistake. We understand that Jackson Tubbs will open up a barber shop at Indianola. A piano recital by Miss Dimmitt is among the coming events for the latter part of the month. An outfit passed through the city , last Friday , on the way to the Red Wil- lo\v creek round-up. Five car-loads of fine-haired Herefordg , consigned to a western point , passed through this station , last Friday evening. They are making special and exten sive arrangements to celebrate Chil dren's Day at the M. E. church , next Sunday. The sympathies of THE TRIBUNE are with the people of Stockville first , last and all the time. Do valiantly boys and stay with the ship. The members of the Christian church on Red Willow Creek are building a house of worship , which will be com pleted in the near future. The 0. R C. held a meeting in the city , Sundarat , which Conductors Sage , Dennison and Lyman of Red Cloud were present , among others. Are the authorities ignorant of the location of the gambling den on West Dennison street , or are they not dispos ed to enforce the law against gaining ? The Cliif-Rosc case was settled on Monday by Cliff giving bond in the sum of $500 to support the child , should it become a county charge. Ah , there ! A decidedly odoriferous specimen of the genus mephitis , commonly called skunk , made life a burden on parts of Main and Dennison streets , Saturday evening. We desire to call the particular at tention of those interested to the post ponement of the Fitzgerald stock sale at Lincoln until June IGth. See adver tisement in another column. Per notice appearing elsewhere in this issue it will be seen that Messrs. Anderson & Boehl have dissolved part nership by mutual agreement. Mr. Anderson will continue the business. REAL ESTATE A. C. Modi recently sold his two claims , a few miles north west of the city , for a consideration of $1,900 cash. The real estate market is not brisk , but prices remain fairly stiff. stiff.A A slight collision occurred at Indian ola , last Friday evening , between two freight trains , which had orders to meet at that point. The. cow-catchers of both locomotives were damaged a little. Some alleys in the business portion of the city are in a wretched and dis gracefully filthy condition. The health of the comnmnit } ' , as warm weather comes on apace , demands absolute cleanliness. The organization of a base ball club is being talked of and will doubtless be accomplished. The indications are that the "willow and sphere" will receive considerable attention , this summer. The talent is here. The park block is all there , but the trees , shrubbery , artistically laid out walks , with grass plats and posey beds , et cetera , et cetera , are non est as usu al. The harvest is plentiful , but the laborers are few very. From a personal letter we learn that Mrs. R. H. Hamilton and family arrived from Mississippi , where they have been spending the winter , Tuesday. Mr. H. will arrive in a few days , having gone by way of Michigan on some business. Perforce * of moral cowardice , the Democrat is painfully silent on social rottenness loci , "because it gives thu city a bad namebut how its cork-screw manipulator does roll the Cambridge affair under his tongue as though it were a dainty morsel. In the suit brought by Berger & Mishler against Daniels and Ends of * the Beaver , for selling mortgaged prop erty , the defendants were placed under t' ' bond to appearatthe next session of the . ' District Court to answer for the above j offence , which in the eyes of the law is 1 a serious one. i The success of C. D. Palmer , one of the West Dennison street hardware men , it is "ratifying to otaisrvo , his been must encouraging , and is due in a large measure to the fair , square dealings of the proprietor and to strict attention to business. Such methods bring their own reward. A separate high school building is among the not distant possibilities. A creditable high school building , with the corresponding apparatus and facilities , would bring many students from various parts of southwestern Nebraska , and would assist materially in advertising and building up our city. The physicians report considerable sickness , typhoid fever , in a mild form being the most prevalent. Too much attention cannot be paid to the laws of health. Look to it , particularly , that your premises are thoroughly cleaned up. A cheap disinfectant lime may be used to a good advantage. Clean liness is imperative. The Dunbar Comedy Co. favored the city with two performances , Saturday , the evening play , we are informed , be ing fairly attended. During the pre sentation of the evening's program half of the seats fell down , happily without ; ! injury to anybody. The company went to Oberlin , Sunday , where they will astonish the natives. On Monday morning of this week , W. C. LaTourette took charge of his old hardware stand on Main Avenue , having purchased the same from C. K. Lawson. THE TRIBUNE is glad to see Will back in the traces again , and wishes him successful sailing. Mr. Marquis will remain with us at least until he has collected the outstanding accounts of the out-going proprietor. Elsewhere in this issue appears the program of exercises for decoration day , which will be observed on May 31st. The exercises of the day will be proper ly and appropriately under the auspices and direction of J. K. Barnes Post , No. 207 , G. A. R. , of this city. The graves of comrades Chester Ward and Ira Wickwirewe , believeare , the only ones to be decorated , as is the beautiful custom. We take great pleasure in announcing that the faculty of the State University have placed our city schools upon the University List , thus securing to grad uates of the schools of this place admis sion to the University without examina tion. We take pride in chronicling the Fact that our city schools are rapidly as consistent with thoroughness , taking rank with the first schools of the state , and that our graduates may , if they have the means and inclination , enter upon the University course. Repeatedly has our attention been called to the decaying , festering car casses scattered along the roads leading from the city , especially that one south. Another letter , this week , from one of our country people , calls to mind the disagreeable fact that these stench and disease producing nuisances have in no wise been abated , and that the same re main , in some cases right in the high way , contrary to all law and common sense. Where are the minions of the law , whose duty it is to look after such things ? It is simply preposterous to believe that this condition of roads can continue unattended to. Duck hunting comes high , but the boys must have it. On last Friday , a couple of railroad boys engaged in the fascinating , but prohibited sport on Jno. Whittaker's pond on the valley south of the river , which cost them just $1 and costs , or in the total , $8.75. Mr. Whit- taker claims that $100 wont pay the losses he has sustained in killed and maimed stock , and if repeated warnings Fail to bring about the desired result , a little legal suasion will have to be re sorted to , as in this case. He isdeter mined to abate the nuisance , so that nimrods can train their sails according ly , or take the consequences. On Saturday afternoon , the hand some black carriage team of W. H. Dav enport of Culbertson , indulged in a ter rific runaway , down through Dennison street , fortunately with inconsiderable damage , although the thoroughfare was quite filled with people and teams at the time. The runaway was occasioned by the breaking of the king bolt of the vehicle. The driver was violently pre cipitated to the ground , and was unable to hold the now thoroughly frightened team , which dashed down the street with the above effect. One of the horse's hoofs was slightly injured , and Tom Campbell's picket fence , as well as the front wheels of the wag6n were some what the worse for the affair , which was intensely exciting for a few moments. & * . It seems that outrages arc not entire- 'ly ' confined to the "city on the lake , " but that uur own peaceful Driftwood f was the scene of a 'bull-dozing , tenor- izing affair , of a disgraceful character. It seems that John O'Donnell , W. W. Armstrong , A. H. Bailer and others have instituted contest against certain claims in the locality , which has stirred up the ire of an organized body of men , who are not disposed to have those claims contested. Consequently , on last Wednesday a week , a number of this organization went to the place of John O'Donnell and with threats , so arc information goes , attempted to coerce him into withdrawing his contest. As previous threats are said to have been made , this demonstration terribly excit ed and terrified the family of O'Donnell } as well as those of the neighbors above- named. The informant further avers that the witnesses in these cases have been threatened by this organization , and that they express fear of bodily harm , if they testify. It is immaterial what the provocation may be , bull-doz ing demonstrations and measures such as the above are reported to be , are in famous and cowardly , and should not be tolerated. If the parties whose lands are under contest have complied with the law , they have nothing to fear from the law , but if , on the other hand , they have failed , they ought and doubt less will lose their claims , and unlawful measures will not avial them anything. We received a pleasant call from Dr. Presson , this week , who has been spend ing a few days in our city looking after the interests of the Western Mutual Be nevolent Association of Beatrice , Neb. The Dr. has written up 12 or 15 of our leading business men , and organized a Local Board , for the better protection of the policy holders and the company's interests. We are pleased to note that this enterprising company is rapidly get ting to the front , and under its present efficient management , its low rates and popular plans of insurance it certainly commends itself to the confidence of everyone desiring mutual insurance. In answer to the fool tirade in this week's Courier , we would simply remark that we thought we were advisedly in formed about the non-building of the bridge over the Republican southwest of Indianola , as we received it from an Ash Creeker himself. As to "fraud , ly ing and deception , " Bishop knows more about it practically and theoretically than any man in Red Willow county. Keep your nether garments on , Georgie , keep perfectly cool. Complaint is very general about the wretched condition of the water from the city mains , and examination shows thai the wells are at present surrounded by stagnant , surface water , which fact doubtless explains the matter in part. The company should see to it that the source from which the city derives its water supply is as pure as may be , as pure water is most essential to good health. A partnership has been formed by W. M. Sanderson of our city and E. G. Bean , late of New York City , a scenic and sign painter of great merit. Mr. Bean has come to stay , and the firm is prepar ed to do any kind of work in their line , from plain painting to the finest fresco work. The scenery recently painted by Mr. Bean is a creditable sample of what they are able to do in that line. A singing class will be organized in this city , about the last week in this month , by A. G. Bixler , who has gained considerable note as a teacherand direc tor. He expects to spend two or three weeks in the city , and our singing peo ple should avail themselves of this op portunity to develop and improve their talent in this line. The brightening effects of paint are everywhere observable at the Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co.'s headquarters , this week. Both the interior and exter ior have been remembered. A neat wooden awning replaces the old canvas one , which was somewhat the worse for wear. The eye of the general public is irre sistibly attracted to that fine specimen of painting at Hayden's. For a real delicate tint , it takes the linen off the shrubbery completely. CHILDREN'S DAY. Children's Day services will be held at the M. E. church , next Sunday , May 16that 10:30 : , A. M. , 3 P. M. and 7:30 : P. M. The church will be handsomely decorated with flowersbirdsa , , fountain , etc. Everybody cordially invited. W. S. WHEELER , Pastor. If you want the best gasoline stove , go to C. D. Palmer's , opposite MeEntee. E , M , BRIGKEY & CO , , THE CLOTHIERS , WE HAVE RECEIVED OUR SPRING STOCK AND ARE NOW SHOWING THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF LIGHT AND MEDIUM WEIGHT CLOTHING EVER SEEN IN THE VALLEY. THE SPRING STYLES EMBRACE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS IN PLAIDS AND CHECKS , IN ALL GRADES FROM THE CHEAPEST TO THE FINEST. OUR SPRING STYLES ARE ALL IN IN CLOTHING , FURNISHING GOODS AND HATS , AND OUR ASSORTMENT IS COMPLETE , AND IT HAS BEEN OUR AIM TO MARK THEM ALL AT PRICES FAR BELOW ALL COMPETITION. V&JT'We have some cheap pants of special merit , 1 for working men. They are the best ever offered at the price. Everybody is invited to call and examine goods and get prices. Beef tea old beef dont make an inspiring draught. A new residence by Mr. Elwood is in the course or construction in the north east part of the city. The late W. C. T.1T. . reading room is to be occupied by Dr. L. , J. Spickelmier , who will shortly establish an office in the city. School district bonds of Red Willow county to the amount of $400 were reg istered at the state house , Lincoln , Tuesday. Lots 7 and S in block 7 , first addi tion , together with a residence , were sold to A. E. Mann of Illinois , this week , by H. G. Dixon. The buildings of J.F. Ganschow , Mrs. Bates and W. H. H. Clark on Main Av enue have been raised to grade , and a substantial ten foot sidewalk laid alon the properties of Mr. Ganschow and Mrs. Batet. The improvement is very noticeable. NOTICE. We hereby announce to the people of McCook and vicinity that we have purchased the hardware business of C. K. Lawson and will continue the same at the old stand under the firm name of W. C. LaTourette & Co. and hope to re ceive a share of your patronage. All bills due C. K. Lawson or W. C. La Tourette are payable to us and parties owing same will please call and settle without delay. JAMES LATOURETTE. W. C. LATOUIIETTE. FARM LOANS. I am furnishing good , liberal loans on farming lands. Straight ten per cent , interest. No delay in getting funds. You do not have to wait to send off application. Money paid over as soon as papers can be completed. Call on or address , S. H. COLVIX , 45-tf. McCook , Neb. "NOTICE. I hereby give notice that I have sold my hardware business to W. C. La Tourette & Co. , they to assume all lia bilities and collect all bills due in con nection with said business. C. K. LAWSOX. Tribune and Inter Ocean $2.5O. For the next 30 days all new subscrib ers who will square their subscription to date and one year in advance will receive THE TRIBUNE and the Chicago Inter Ocean for $2.50. FOR SALE 50 head of young mares and 20 head of mules. Lindner & Er- man , McCook , Neb. Barn west of Commercial Hotel. NOTICE ! All parties interested are hereby notified that all accounts with Fry & Snow are due on the 1st and 15th of each month , and no accounts are run over 30 days. MEEKEIl TMnmdInc. 11. .Mocker , at Lincoln , on Sunday morning , .May d , 1880 , a fine ten pound girl baby. STUTZMAN To Dr. and Mrs. T. II. Stutz- inan , on Wednesday , May IHh , 1SSO , a irl baby. DOLAN To Senator and Mrs. J. W. Dolan , ' on "Wednesday , May 5th , 1SS. } , a daughter. Xeb. , May 5th , 1SSO , Mr. Millard F. llorrcll and Miss Alice Stroud. Rinker sells the Deering Binders and Mowers. Baled hay at Fry & Snow's feed gtore in any quantity. Fresh and salt meats of the choicest quality at Brewer Bros. A car-load of choice potatoes just re ceived by Wilcox & Fowler. All kinds of sheet-iron , tin and cop per work done at C. D. Palmer's. Fresh oysters , fresh fish and chick ens at Brewer Bros. ' meat market. All kinds of farm and garden seeds at Fry & Snow's flour and feed store. Wilcox & Fowler are in receipt of some extra fine Valencia Sweet Oranges. See the improvements in tin roofing at C. D. Palmer's before you order your roofing. STRIKE ! Now is the time to give orders for Binders and Mowers. C. P. Rinker has just received another car-load of the world-renowned Deering Binders. Let strikes come , thunder roll , and cannon boom , Rinker can supply you with Binders and Mowers. FARM LOANS. Cash Down. No Delay. No need of waiting to send off appli cations. Money paid over as soon as papers are completed. Call on or ad dress , RED WILLOW Co. BANK , 43-tf Indianola , Neb. IMPORTANT NOTICE. All persons indebted to the late firm of Lawler & Magner are requested to call at once and settle the same , and thus avoid additional costs. F. S. WILCOX , Assignee. FOR SALE OR TRADE. A fine young team of draft horses , harness and wagon. Will sell cheap for cash or trade for town property. In quire at this office. PIANO FOR SALE. A second-hand square piano. Must be sold within 30 days. Time given on good security. Enquire at the residence of J. P. Mathes. 49-3t. BREAKING WANTED. o I am prepared to do 200 acres of breaking at lowest figures. luquire at this office. M. YA < JKU. HOUSE AND LOT o On Macfarland street for sale. lu quire of F. P. Allen or at this office. CITY I DRUG I STORE CHENERY & . STILES. OPPOSITE THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. A - IFULL - : - LINEI IOF I TOILET ARTICLES , STATIONERY , ETC. Pure V\f ines and Liquors FOR MEDICINAL USE ONLY.