The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 13, 1886, Image 2

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F. HI. &JG. M. KlitUIELIj , Pubs.
McCOOK , - - - NEB.
Valentine special to the Omaha Bee : In
formation has just reached here of a seri
ous disturbance at Kosebud agency three
days ago. A band of Indians are living
upon land which Major Wright , the agent ,
considers unfit for cultivation. He ordered
the Indians to move upon tillable soil , or
go without their farming implements. Tho
Indians refused to move and came to the
agency in force , fully armed , and demanded
their implements or they would take them
by force. A council was held. The agent
refused their demand unless they complied
with his orders , which they refused to do.
The agi'iit left the council room , being forci
bly followed by a large number of unruly
Indians into his private office. On his at
tempting to leave he was seized by the en
raged Indians who threatened his life if he
did not leave the reservation. The police
came to the rescue. Knives and pistols
were drawn on all sides , and for a moment
it looked as if a bloody conflict would en-
Bue , as the unruly Indians openly defied
the police , but were finally induced to de
sist by prominent men on a promise of
compromise , tho agent giving them their
implements and being compelled to give
them a feast of a barrel of sugar and other
provisions in proportion. This news has
caused much uneasiness among the new
settlers , aiid they realize their powerless
condition if an outbreak should take place.
. Joseph Teahon , of the Wabash route ,
Bays the Omaha Bee , returned yesterday
from St. Louis , whither he had escorted
Eome of the recent accessions to Buffalo
Bill's Wild West. The party consisted of
fifty-two Ogalalla Sioux Indians , from Pine
Ridge , Dakota. Of the number , six were
women. Among the whites were Major
Jack Burke " Bill" "
, "Broncho and "Squaw
Man" Jack Nelsou. Among tho Indians
were several chiefs of lordly proportions.
The aborigines were dressed in an entirely
new outfit , which Mr. Teahon pronounced
the finest and richest he had ever seen. At
every large station along the line the red
men attracted the greatest attention , and
at several , a colored man or two were inno
cently introduced into tho cars , and , when
made to confront the Indians , almost
turned pale with fear , and fled precipitately
from the car. The party reached St. Louis
Tuesday night , as did also another batch
of thirty-five Pawnees from Arkansas City.
Both parties rendezvoused at Buffalo Bill's
camp , Cote Brilliaute , three miles from tho
Senator Charles H. Van Wyck arrived in
Omaha yesterday and took up quarters at
the Paxton. When seen by a reporter he
was quietly seated in the rotunda , listening
to the music. "What do I think of the
latest bill to aid the Union Pacific ? " said
he , in response to an inquiry ; "why , it's
practically the samo bill that I introduced
in the senate. 0 ! course I am , above all
things , for the interests of Nebraska. If
tin's bill benefits the state more than mino
does , I shall be glad to vote for it. The
trouble with tho railroads in this country
is that they are too highly capitalized.
There is not a road in the country which is
not capitalized two or tnree times its con
struction price. If the Union Pacific wants
to go and work off their stock upon branch
roads in a legitimate manner they will find
no warmer supporter than me. However ,
I consider myself a friend of the people and
do not intend to see their money stolen. "
"What do you think of the president's
action in vetoing Senator Manderson's bill
to make Omaha a port of entry ? "
"Well , " responded the senator , with a
smile , "I haven't examined the bill closely ;
nor have I inquired into the president's
reasons for vetoing it. It strikes me ,
however , that the bill is a good one ,
and as such ought to meet with approba
tion. I see that the president thinks it is
unnecessary , but I can hardly see , from my
limited knowledge of the contents of the
bill , how he can form such a view. "
"What do you think of your chances of
re-election ? "
"You probably know more about that
than I do , " said the senator with a depre
cating smile. "I haven't given the matter
much thought , but am perfectly willing to
abide by the decision of the people , pro
vided they are allowed to have a free bal
lot and a fair count. "
Mr. Van Wyck was then informed of the
labor troubles in Chicago and expressed
himself as being on the side of the legiti
mate workingmen. He said that the riots
and bloodshed were not caused by the
laborers ; but by the worthless men who
managed to join their ranks for the pur
pose of robbery. He thought that if the
true workingmen of America could unite
there would be no trouble between labor
and capital.
In speaking of the labor problems which
are at present agitatingthe country hcsaid
that in his opinion Jay Gould was largely
responsible for theoutbreak. "Jay Gould , "
said he , "is a worse traitor to the Ameri
can republic than Catiline was to Rome.1
The senator then went on to speak at
length about the Knights of Labor and ex
pressed the hope that matters would soon
be satisfactorily adjusted. Omaha Herald.
Nebraska City special : Sheriff Dan Far-
rell , of Mills county. Iowa , and Mr. Sniff ,
a liveryman of Marion , Iowa , arrived in the
city to-day in search ol a horse-thief and
team of horses belonging to Mr. Sniff. They
got track of their man and drove on
through the city for the west about fifteen
miles. Southwest of here they came in
sight of their man. The thief saw them
coming and put whip to his horses. An ex
citing chase of about two miles followed.
The pursuers got within shooting distance
and opened fire on tho fleeing criminal ,
when he stopped his team , threw up his
hands and exclaimed : "For God's sake
don't shoot. Come and take me. " He was
captured , brought to this city and lodged
in jail for safe keeping.
LinnnTY seems to be the only town in
Gage county where licenses are not issued.
The press men say that the only thing tho
boys can do now is to step over into Kan
sas when dry.
DR. MILLER , answering a rumor to the
effect that he is going to reside permanent
ly in New York , says Jhere is no foundation
for tlie statement. He expects to be absent
several months in the year , but Omaha will
be his home , and the Omaha Herald inter
est will be retained as it now stands.
SIDNEY is the largest town in the stato
west of North Platte , and is growing very
fast , with every freight train bringing sev
eral cars of immigrants.
THE house journals of the last session ,
which have been something more than a
year in getting into book form , are now
being distributed.
THE coroner's jury in the Shellonborger
murder cose at Nebraska City brought in
tho folio wing verdict : "Tho jurors whoso
names aro hereto subscribed the said jurors
upon their oaths do say that the said Mar
garet Catherine Shellenbergcr did come to
her death by divers cuts and mortal wounds
upon the neck and throat ; and do further
find and say that tho said cuts and mortal
wounds were purposely with deliberate anc
premeditated malice , inflicted by Leander
Shellenberger and Miranda Shellenberger
with a certain knife on the 29th day o
April , 1886 , in said Otoo county , Neb. In
testimony whereof tho said jurors havo
hereunto set forth their hands tho day and
year aforesaid. "
WASHINGTON special to the Lincoln Jour
nal : Senator Manderson , from the mili
tary affairs committee , to-day made a
strong report favorable to the passage ol
the bill appropriating $200.000 for tho en
largcment and repair of the quarters and
barracks at Fort Robinson , to accommo
date ten companies , and for the completion
and repair of thequartersatl'ortNiobrara
and Fort D. A. Russell in Wyoming. The
report points out the fact that Forts Rob
inson and Niobrnra arc relied upon to hold
the Sioux in check , and recites the situa
tion in vigorous language and is supported
by recommendations from the secretary of
war , Generals Sheridan , Schofield and oth
THE Nebraska Association of Trotting
Horse Brooders will hold their first rwecting
in Omaha , July 2 and 3 , and arrangements
are being made for the greatest gathericgof
the state's fast animals that has ever been
GEN. CROOK , the new commander of the
department of the Platte , has not yet ap
pointed his aide-de-camps.
CHEYENNE county will be divided , as was
Sioux , into three new counties , giving Chap-
pell tho county seat of the new eastern
THE press room of the Hastings Gazette-
Journal was flooded during a recent heavy
rain last week.
THE state board of agriculture held a
meeting at the Commercial hotel , Lincoln ,
a few days ago , for the purpose of trans
acting the usual routine business and tying
up ends of affairs that have been hanging
unattended to since the last meeting.
THE Papillion Times thinks a Minnesota
cyclone couldn't check Omaha's building
THE new chapel of thePern normal school
will comfortably seat 500 persons.
A CORRESPONDENT writes from Sidney :
There is a good deal of talk about dividing
Cliteyenno county. It is proposed by some
to divide this county into six counties.
Cheyenne county as now constituted is 104
miles east and 70 miles north and south ,
containing 7,280 square miles , being larger
in area than either Massachusetts , New
Hampshire , Vermont , Connecticut , New
Jersey or Rhode Island. If this county is
divided into six , each county , if divided
even , would give 1,215 square miles to each
new county , or 770G20 , acres.
OMAHA divines aro making an effort to
have better observance of the Sabbath in
that city. Sermons on the subject have
been preache:1 : , and soon a grand union
meeting of all the churches is to bo held
with the view of reform in this particular.
THE secretary of the Gage county agricul
tural society is at work on the premium
list for the coming fair , which it is proposed
shnll be the best ever held.
THE Knights of Pythias of Grand Island
contemplate uniforming ere long , and will
have at least 25 in their batallion. The
membership is fast increasing , and com
posed of the best citizens.
THE depot building at Ft. Robinson will
bo located about three miles east of the
post and near the reservation line. The
town is to be named Crawford , in honor of
the late Lieut. Crawford , killed in Mexico ,
and who for several years , was stationed at
WYMORE , according to the Journal , is a
bustling , thriving burg. Last Saturday ,
after six o'clock p. in. , seventy-five teams
were counted on tlie streets , and stores
were lined with purchasers.
AT Hastings a burglar entered the Tepin
hotel and succeeded in securing from one of
the guests a watch and about $52 in money.
He also confiscated about $100 worth of
silverware belonging to the house. As he
was leaving the premises a night man dis
covered him and gave chase , using a revol
ver , but without effect.
THE Fairmont creamery produces about
300 pounds of the genuine butter each day.
The institution will be a bonanza when
oleomargarine and butter ine are legislated
out of existence , as they should bo without
LIGHTNING rod men are , as usual , making
plenty of money. There appears to be as
many gullions in the country as ever , not
withstanding newspaper warnings to be
ware of the vampires.
A RED WILLOW farmer celebrated May 5 ,
A. D. 188G , by bringing to market some
bran new potatoes. It is thus that Ne
braska continues to hold her own as a veg
etable producing region.
A BRANCH of the Catholic Knights has
been organized at Plattsmouth. It will be
known as "Branch 457. "
PRAIRIK fires have been raging in the
vicinity of Broken Bow , without , houcver ,
doing much damage.
FIRE broke out in the residence of George
Alton , near Wirt , Custer county. A spark
: ame from his stovepipe and lodged in his
barn , burning up his team of horses and
some timber.
ELI PERKINS is still holding forth in Ne
braska , delivering lectures here and there.
COUNTY supervisors of Nance county
iiave been examining accounts of tho offi
cials and find everything in good shape.
A NEW addition has been laid out to the
flourishing town of Chadron.
THE Auburn Post says : A floater was
bund on the bar north of Peru Saturday ,
and Sunday Coroner Opperman held an in
quest over the badly decomposed remains.
Deceased was a man of medium height , and
about 35 years of age. Had on no coat ;
vest and pants of-blue diagonal ; new sewed
shoes , hook lace. A two bladed jack knife
twenty cents in silver , a round brass check
marked , "European House , 2 , " were found
in his pocket. No further clue as to identi
fication has as yet been found.
THE corner stone of the new Lutheran
church at Mead will be laid at an early
ON the 3d a bolt of lightning struck the
public school building at Sterling while
fcchool was in session , severely shocking
the four teachers and two hundred chil
dren in attendance. It shattered the flag
staff in splinters and tore three great holes
in the roof. The house of J. 3J. Rice stand
ing fifteen or twenty rods off , was also
struck , tearing down the chimney , setting
the bedding on fire and scattering the plas
tering in every direction.
LINCOLN bricklayers are on a strike and
very little work in the building line is being
SENATOR VAN WYCK was in Omaha a few
3nys ago and addressed a meeting in tho
board of trade rooms on tho bills recently
introduced in the senate relating to the
Union Pacific railway. He reviewed the
history of the road to some extent , and
spoke cheerfully of the bill.
A SCHEME is on foot for building a new
story under the Douglas county court
house at Omaha. It is estimated that tho
work will involve an expenditure of $150-
000 to $200,000.
THE bricklayers of Lincoln , at their
meeting the other night , resolved to de
mand 50 cents an hour. At present there
is but little work being done , but a goot
many brick buildings have been contractet
TEKAMAH has a silver cornet band , com
posed of tho best musicians of the town ,
fifteen in number.
THE other day a man came to Nebiaska
City from Iowa with a span of mules which
he sold for cash. He took the Q. for homo
the same night , and Conductor Kerr thinks
he saw him get off at Riverton , ( he lives
half way between Hamburg and Riverton ) .
Not having arrived at homo his relatiom
became anxious about him , and two o !
them have been in Nebraska City in search
of the missing man. They learned nothing
fuither than above related , and returned
to Riverton. The man is steady and well-
to-do , and as he had quite a sum of money
on his person it is feared he has beeu foully
dealt with.
WORK on the main building at the stato
capital is progressing fairly well and tho
walls of it are up even with those of either
wing of the structure.
THE board of managers of tho state fair ,
at their meeting in Lincoln recently , passed
a resolution requesting the Nebraska dele
gation in congress to use their best efforts
for the passage of the Scott bill , now pend
ing before that body in. relation to bogus
YESTERDAY afternoon , says the Grand
Island Independent , a mammoth engine
hauling fifty-one cars of freight came into
the city over the Union Pacific line from tho
east. Tho engine was aBaldwin , No. 1301 ,
and combines the most modern innova
tions in the building of locomotives. It has
four drive wheels on a side , two cabs , two
furnaces , two firemen and one engineer , anc ]
weighs eighty-seven to.-s. It will be used
on the mountain division of the Union Pa
A TRAMP confined in tho county jail at
Grand Island for breaking into a box car ,
tried to effect his escape by digging through
the plaster. Ho was detected , however , be
fore he had gone very far in his operations ,
and is now occupying quarters in the iron
A FARMER named Marshall , living near
Pawnee City , had two horses killed by
lightning while plowing with them in tho
field. Tho farmer escaped injury.
A CHADRON special says : A man , whose
name is unknown here , was immediately
killed near Hay Springs , twenty miles east
of here , by a freight train. The train men
report that the man was sitting compla
cently on the track as the engine ap
proached him , and when the alarm was
sounded made no effort to get out of the
way and was struck by the engine , killed
and pitched off the track.
THE freight business of the roads running
through central Nebraska is enormous at
the present time. The rush of settlers , who
bring their household goods with them , is
what causes the business.
SENATOR VAN WvcKhas returned to Wash
ington from his brief visit to Nebraska ,
carrying with him the bill which is hoped
to get through congress the present session
in aid of the Union Pacific.
AUGUST SPIES , one of the socialists ar
rested in Chicago as being implicated in the
dynamite riots , is known to many people
in Omaha. He spent a day or so in that
city last summer , coming out to deliver a
picnic address. His next address will prob
ably be from the gallows.
THE Nebraska fish commission propose
making a big show at the next state fair.
Bohanon Bros. , Lincoln , owing to labor
troubles , have postponed indefinitely their
proposed $12,000 brick structure.
THE strike on the construction of the Fre
mont water works is over. Many of the
old men have been taken back on pledging
themselves that they would be satisfied
with $1.50 per day.
ONE Nebraska man has 23 girls and boys
who call him daddy. If there are others
who can beat this record or do as well ,
don't be backward in coming forward and
making the fact known.
A BLOOMINGTON special says Frank
Douglas has been brought to that place by
George P. Demalt , the agent appointed by
the governor last fall. Douglass mortgaged
property not his own and by other misrep
resentations secured money amounting to
5300 and departed suddenly. He was
hunted by creditors continuously , and sev-
3ral times they have been on the eve of cap
turing him , when he has received warning
and eluded his pursuers. His wife left soon
fter his departure to visit friends. Fol
lowing her from place to place the officers
at last found Douglass near Harvard , 111.
OFFICES of the county treasurers were
thronged the last week in April by parties
who had put off paying their taxes to the
last hour.
THE officers of the Grand Army posts and
the Loyal Legion at Lincoln are discussing
tlie propriety and feasibility of tendering a
reception to General Crook.
THIRTY new buildings are approaching
completion in Atkinson.
THE Lincoln Journal says that by a walk
about town one may see that there is lots
of work doing , but by another walk the
same one may see that there are about six
men for every job where only one is needed.
CHERRY county , one of the largest organ-
zed counties in the state , is G3 by 96 miles
n size. The immense area is shown by the
bllowing comparisons which are made in a
recent issue of the Valentine Republican. It
s nearly as large as the state of Massachu
setts , three-fourths as large as the state of
Sew York , one-third lirger than Connecti
cut , three times as large as Delaware , and
learly five times as large as the state of
Rhode Island.
Following is a statement of the present
position of the regular annual appropria-
; ion bills : Five , the general deficiency , leg-
slative , sundry civil , naval and fortifica-
ion bills have not been reported from tho
sommmittees in which they originated.
Three to-wit , the military academy , con-
sulai and diplomatic and army appropria
tion bills are upon the house calendar.
The river and harbor bill is unfinished bus
iness in committee of tho whole. Three
; he pension , district of Columbia and agri
cultural bills have passed the house and
are before the senate committee on appro
priations. The postoffice bill is before the
lenat'e and the Indian bill has passed both
Tlie Police of Chicago and tlie lllilltla In Mil-
tcau7ee XaJclng ft Interesting for tlie Com
munists More Rioting in Moth Places.
CHICAGO , 111. , May 5. Tho situation to
night , while not full of riotous conditions ,
is one of grave apprehension. A feeling
prevails that any moment may inaugurate
a renewal of the horrible butchery of last
night. The police in the disturbed district
are now armed with two 44-calibre revol
vers and a Winchester rifle each , and they
arc not inclined to trifle with the rioters.
The grit of the police may be appreciated
when it is stated that Officer Kelley , who
was painfully wounded in the left hand by
the dynamite bombs last night , reported
for duty this morning. The officer says he
can still wield his clubs or press the trigger
of his revolver with his unwounded hand.
Late this afternoon the police depart
ment took possession of the type forms of
the Zietung. A few papers were struck off
before the seizure. The office in now
guarded by the policenml no one admitted. :
About noon to-day a squad of officers
visited the office ol the Arbeiter Zeitungand
arrested the entire working force of the con
cern , twenty-five i.i number. They were
immediately committed for trial May 14 ,
on a charge of murdor , and bail refused.
Rosenfeld's drug store was mobbed by
anarchists at the corner of Eighteenth
street and Centre avenue , this afternoon ,
and is a complete wreck. What was left of
the stock and fixtures was carried off to a
place of hafety. At times the spectators
became so obstreperous that the services
of a dozen big policemen were required to
prevent them from "destroying the wngons ,
and after the druggist's chattels had been
removed became bold. It choked Centre
avenue from the Viaduct to Twenty-first
street and overran the aide streets.
At 5 o'clock Captain O'Donnell , of tho
Twelfth street station , decided to disperse
the multitude. "Fall in , men , " hcshoutcd ,
and fifty officers , many of them nearly
faint from exhaustion , and others suffering
From wounds received in last night's fight ,
stepped out upon the sidewalk where two
patrol wngons were waiting them. The
vehicles were quickly loaded and then
hurried on arun to Eighteenth street. When
the anarchists saw the familiar wagon-i
coming down upon them at breakneck
speed they slunk away to other quarters.
They ran into hallways and crawled under
sidewalks , and climbed upon the roofs of
sheds. As the wagons were crossing Eigh
teenth street a pop hot lie was hurlei. from
the roof of a tall building. It hit Sergeant
Bowler on the right wrist , breaking the
bone. At the same instant a score of shots
were fired into the officers from the win
dows of Anarchist hall , on the corner. The
missiles flew wide of their mark and buried
themselves in the pavement.
Tlie officers then leaped out of the wagons
amid a storm of stones and shot , and
3rawing up in a line fired a volley into tho
mil. This had the effect of silencing the fire
of the socialists.
The rioters in the street were then
charged and seven of their number cap-
bured. One had a revolver of 44-calibrc ,
and another was found to have a large
sheath knife in his breast pocket. One of
he prisoners , a muscular fellow , was bleed-
tig profusely from a wound in the head. He
lad been hit with a club. Although large
crowds assembled in the neighborhood dur-
ng the evening no further trouble occurred.
A horrible outcome of the excitement re
sulting from last night's rioting occurred
this evening shortly after G o'clock. Two
officers had been stationed on the Des-
ilaine street viaduct , near the Chicago ,
Milwaukee and St. Paul freight yard , to
ire vent crouds gathering and idlers from
; uying the men at woik in the place of tho
striking freight handlers. The officers no
ticed two particularly suspicious looking
ndividuals slowly cross the viaduct and
( liter a saloon on Desplaines street , near
Carroll avenue. Officer Michael Madden ,
of the Desplaines street station , who was
somewhat closer to the saloon than the
other two policemen , was given the signal
: o keep his eyes on the ugly pair that had
attracted attention. At this moment a
evolver was thrust from the saloon door
oy one of the men and a shot fired into tho
street in the direction of the officers. Mad
den stepped briskly to the door and at
once grappled with the man who had the
revolver , while the other two officers hur-
icd to his aid. In the scuffle the man with
he revolver pointed the muzzle of his
vcapon against Madden's breast and fired.
Madden reeled , but , steadying himself
almost instantly , brought his own revolver
nto proximity with his assailant's head
and pulled the trigger. Madden and his
irisoner , locked in each other's arms ,
eeled to the floor just as Officers Daly and
Tarnell , running , reached the saloon. Tho
: ompanion of Madden's assailant had van-
shed. Both Madden and his prisoner
vere taken to the county hospital. The
loctors say the man was somewhat under
he influence of liquor and the result of his
njury cannot yet be told. A paper found
> n his person shows that his name is John
jocffelliaidt , of Englewood. OfficerMad-
len's wound is mortal.
The inquest over the remains of Police
Hlicer Diegan , who was murdered by the
inarchist mob last night , was concluded at
S o'clock this evening. Chris. Spies and
Michael Schawb , two of the prisoners ,
uncle a statement in their own behalf
vhich damaged rather than helped them.
Schwab admitted that he did not believe
n a , personal God. Fielden made a state-
uent that was uninteresting and unim-
) ortant. August Spies made no statement
ind the jury retired. They were out half
an hour and then agreed on a verdict re-
: ommending that all the prisoners be held
or murder without bail , and that Parsons
) e apprehended and held. One of _ the
lolicemen who raided the Arbeiter Zietung
) flice gave some sensational testimony.
le said that on a shelf in Spies' private
oom he found a bundle containing saw-
ust. sand , and nitro-glycerine. It looked
xactly the same as that found in Dea-
> lnines street after the explosion last night ,
nly it was not so hard. The witness
escribed the effect of the explosion upon
ome rocks underneath which it was
ilaced. Fragments of the boulders were
: arried away an immense distance. "Most
f the stuff , " concluded the officer , is
stored in a vault , and one of our men ,
wlio is an expert , says there is enough in it
o blow up this building. "
A secret plot among the Bohemian an-
rchists in the southwestern section of the
ity to start incendiary fires in the lumber
istrict to-night was revealed to the police
jy a man in the employ of the detectives
ate this afternoon. The plan included
ireparations to cut the hose of the fire
epartment and disable their machin-
try when they responded to the alarm.
'he preparations of the police are ample
o cope with the incendiaries. An extra
re tug will be sent up the river and the
istrict will be carefully patrolled. The
) olice at HSndman street are on the alert
nd any attempt on the part of the incen-
iaries will be met with summary dealing.
The police authorities are extremely
lose-mouthed in regard to the report that
ho man who threw the bomb last night is
n their hands. From other sources it is
earned the detectives claim to have ppsi-
ive or at least convincing information
hat Michael Schwab is the man who threw
lie bomb into the midst of the police offij j
cers. His actions after his arrest hare
i I
Rone a long wny toward confirming tho
' story , and they will begin at once to run
1 down every clew that may settle the cow
ardly crime on him. Schwab himself vehe
mently denied tho charge when ho was ac
cused , but it is a fact worthy of notice that
his sallow features blanched more than
usual and his nervousness increased until
he was unable to maintain a standing posi
tion. Lieut. Shea is given as an authority
for tho statement that Schwab is the man
under suspicion for this fearful act. It is
understood that ho got tho facts from a
young man who was looking directly at tho
I The fund raised for tho policemen wound
ed by last night's bomb throwing amounts
to-night to § 27,000. Of this about $12-
000 were contributed by members ol the
board of trade , 510,075 by railroads cen
tering in Chicago , and the balance by pri
vate individuals. Tho wholesale grocers
are also raising a large fund to bo turned
over to-morrow , and so far none of them
have contributed less than $100 each.
MILWAUKEE , Wis. , May 5. By G:30 : this
morning 400 Poles assembled near tho
large Polish church in the southern section
of the city , each bearing a huge club , iron
bar , or some other implement of warfare.
i The men formed into line and proceeded in
the direction of Bay View , raising the cry
as they went : "Kill the militia and burn
tho mills. " Major Traumer ordered the
four companies under his command from
inside the rolling mills enclosure where they
had been etu-amped during the night , and
stationed them in the best position to
check the advancing mob. Major Traumer
ordered them to stop , and gave fair warn
ing that to advance meant certain death.
The crowd ignored the caution and pressed
forward to the bridge. Major Traumer had
orders to keep the crowd froin , approach
ing the mills , and to fire upon them as a
Inst resort , if orders could not otherwise bo
Accordingly , when no attention had been
paid to the second warning , he gave tho
order to fire. Six companies emptied their
guns with steady fire into tho throng. See
ing several of their number fall , wounded or
killed , the mob threw themselves fiat on tho
ground and sought the shelter of the rail
road embankment. The levee of South
Bay street and Lincoln avenue was also
sought by tho frantic men , who tumbled
headlong into tho water. There was every
evidence on surrounding objects to show
that the militia had fired low and "with in
tent to kill , " as one of thi'in express % d it.
The result of the first volley having such
a salutary effect , the militia companies
stacked their arms , and a portion of tho
routed mob returned to the scene of tho
tragedy. A squad of police also put in an
appearance and began to assist tho
wounded. Several of the latter were taken
to neighboring saloons and dosed with
whisky , after which they were conveyed to
their homes. The killed and wounded aro :
Rucholski , a laborer , shot through the
breast. He expired shortly afterward.
Franz Kunkel , aged (53 years , shot
through the heart by a stray bullet while
feeding chickens in his yard.
Johann Masseka , laborer , shot through
the bowels , the ball going through him. IIo
died in great agony.
Martin Jankowiak , laborer , shot through
the chest , the ball entering in front and
passing out in the rear.
Albert Erdman , shot through the abdo
men and cannot live.
Casemir Dudike was shot in the left check
and arm , and half his lower jaw carried
away by two bullets. Jle is not expected
to live.
Frank Nowatsak , aged 13 , a school boy ,
shot sideways through the abdomen by a
bullet , and cannot live.
John Osinski , shot In the right shoulder ,
not serious.
Fred Goldbeck , shot through thighs , not
The excitement throughout the Four
teenth ( Polish ) ward reached a high pitch
and threats of vengeance were heard on
every corner. Knots of men were seen
gesticulating and discussing the tragedy.
AH are indignant over what they termed
the uprovoked murder of their country
TIteArueiler Zeitung Reappears , but in a .Re
duced Form.
The Chicago Arbcitcr Zeitung made its
appearance again on the morning of the
7th though in a very reduced form. The
old paper was a large , prosperous looking
folio sheet , while the issue now is a ten by
twelve hand bill. The lending article ia
addressed to the workmen of Chicago , and
after relating the difficulties they had in
publishing the paper , owing to the arrest
of all printers and editors , the article says :
'These twenty-two printers were arrested
on a ridiculous charge of murder , people
who did nothing but their work , and for
which they were paid. Bail was refused
for them. On all sides there was a sys
tematic attempt to make the reappearance
of the paper impossible. You see , then ,
workingmen , that the ruling class under
stand better than you the value of labor
organs. We will show you that although
the recklessness of some may temporarily
confuse , it cannot disrupt our working-
men's party. We therefore appeal to you ,
workingmen. You see that the working-
men's movement is impossible without an
organ. "We shall continue the fight for
freedom and right that this paper has
always been conducted. Forward , and un
hesitatingly forward , ii : spite of all chican
ery of the ruling class. Again , working-
men , do your duty ; we will do ours. "
Tn another part of the paper is an article
which directly charges that the dynamite
which the police found in thcirbif'dingwas
brought there by the officers themselves.
They say "after the police arrested the edi
tors they carefully searched the building
but found nothing. A short time after
ward they reappeared and arrested all con
nected with the paper , and behoid they also
found dynamite. They are also said to
have found a revolver and an old file. In
deed ! Dreadful ! And this find is said t j
prove the printers are murderers. "
The writer then goes on to pay the whole
thing is a conspiracy to suppress the paper
forever. In a conspicuous part of the hand
bill is printed the contents of the New York
Yolks Zeitung on the arrest of Scherk and
Brunschw eig in that city.
ams. yEirjuy MAKES AXADDRESS. .
Mrs. Newman , representing the Industrial
Home , an incorporated institution of Utah ,
uddressed the senate committee of educa
tion and labor on the 7th , advocating an
ippropriationforthe support of that insti
tution. She is endorsed by the Utah com
mission , by Chief JusticeZane and his asso-
: iates , by ex-Gov. Murry and the Gentile
: lergy of the territory. The object of the
institution is to fit for self-support such of
the women and girls of Utah as wish or can
je induced to escape the evils of polygamy.
[ t it proposed to teach the duties of domes-
lie service and such of the trades and pro-
'essions as women are fitted for , and. by
neans of a ' 'bureau of information , " to
ind employment in the states for grad-
lates of the institution and supply them
neans of getting away. Mrs. Newman eloquent address , depicting forci-
jly the horrors of a polygamous life as de-
icribed to her by women who had suffered
: hem , and stated it as the belief of intelli-
; ent Gentiles of the territory that if an op
portunity of escape were afforded many
Mormon women who are now in a condi-
: ion of slavery would be rescued. ' c
I'lte Police Uso Tlielr Revolvers on a. Mail
Molt in the Garden City.
In Chicago on tho 3rd thero was a good
deal of agitation among workingmen in re
ference to inaugurating tho eight hour
movement. A body of 1,500 strikers vis
ited the Milwaukee railway shops and
forced 2,000 men employed there to aban
don work. Acrowd of socialists and othertjA
worked themselves into a frenzy of excite- *
ment and started yelling towards tho Mo
Cormick reaper works. Tho police wero
immediately telephoned for and soon ar
rived and , drawing revolvers , fired indis- I , '
criminately into tho crowd. The crowd <
scattered in nil directions. Fivo wero
wounded and carried from tho scene. No
one was reported killed. The entire reserve
force of tho city's police was ordered to pre
serve order in tho vicinity of the trouble. i.
The scene at tho McCormick works was f >
riotous in the extreme. By 4:25 at least
150 policemen had arrived on the ground
or were coining in patrol wagons within {
sight. By this time the windows of the fac- /
tory were riddled with stones and bullets. \ .
Two of the wagons , while on the wny to the
scene , stopped to disperse a noisy and do- '
monstrativc crowd at the corner of Blue
Island avenue and Lincoln street. The
mob attacked them with stones , but the
officers jumped from the wagons and by a
vigorous use of their clubs soon sent tho
rioters flying in nil directions. They then
turned and began driving the noisy crowds
out of tho saloons in the neighborhood ,
using their clubs indiscriminately. Inside
the fence of the McCormick works Officer
Riifferty had a very narrow escape. A rioter
who hod got inside rame up behind him and
was aiming a pistol at his head , not two
feet away , when Lieut. Sheppard struck
him to the earth with his club , shivering it
to pieces with the rigor of the blow. At 5
o'clock the police were forming a hollow
square , insido of which they intended to
escort the McCormick men beyond tho
mob's reach. Soon afterward the police
escorted MrCormick's men up beyond
Twenty-second street without trouble , ex
cept from nn occasional stone hurled from
safe hiding places. Four men were found
wounded with bullets. Two of them wero
taken away in a patrol wagon , one shot
through the hip and one through the leg.
There were many badly damaged heads.
Officer Casey nearly Buffered an isnomin-
ions death at the hands of the infuriated J
socialists. After the great mob had virtu
ally dispersed. Casey , with three other
policemen , carried Joe Weddick. one ol * <
the wounded strikers to his home , No. 422
West Seventeenth street. The patrol
wagon was followed by an angry crowd of
Bohemians , who yelled loudly for revenge
for the wounds of their fallen comrades ,
but when the wagon turned down Centre
avenue to Seventeenth street the crowd
did _ not follow. In silence they watched
their countryman borne from the wagon
into his home , and the officers , after laying f
Weddick upon a bed , leftith the ex- ' , - ,
ci-ption of Casey , who remained behind to ( j
get n report of the man's condition. Whilo J ]
C'a.sey wjs talking to the wounded man's (
wife many of Wedclick's sympathizers had /
pressed their way into the house. The in- 1
juied man was asked who shot him. Evi- j
dently misunderstanding the question , '
Weddick raised his hand and pointed at ' J
Officer Casey. The crowd inside the house
went into a frenzy. Seizing the otliccr they ) ;
dragged him out on the sidewalk. "Lynch
him ! " "Lynch him ! " they cried , and sev
eral of their number ran for ropes. Casey i
is a man of powerful frame but was like an
infant , hemmed in as he was by the
mob. In the ensuing struggle he re
ceived fearful bruises anil his clothing was
nearly torn from his body. A rope was
brought and one end was made fast to a
lamp-post directly in front of Weddick's
door. At sight of the improvised scaffold
the mob shrieked with delight. Casey
fought with the fury of desperation. As
the crowd pressed around the gallows ho "
gathered all his remaining strength and ,
dashing headforemost from his assailants ,
jumped into the street , followed by htmf
dreds , who at once began firing at him as
he ran. As he ran ho was met by a patrol
wagon full of police , who , having heard tho
tumult , were hurrying to his assistance.
Casey clambered into the wagon and fell
upon a seat exhausted. The wagon was
surrounded in a moment by his pursuers , /
but at sight of the policemen's revolvers
they quickly scattered. While this was
going on Casey recovered sufficiently to
point out among those who were last to
turn one of the crowd who had been par
ticularly officious in bringing a rope. Tho
man was immediately arrested and driven >
to the station. He gave his name as Jo
seph Hess.
The witnesses of the struggle between tho
police and socialists placed the number of
the latter who were wounded as high as
twelve. It is not thought that any were
killed outright , but the rapidity withwhich
the wounded were carried away by their
friends and thesecrecy maintained in regard
to any connection with the affair make the
facts difficult to obtain. Joe Vostik is
probably mortally wounded and may not
survive through tho night.
During the evening the following circular
was printed in German , and , with English
translation appended , was distributed
broadcast in many sections of the city : -f
Revenge Workingmen to arms ! 'Your
masters sent out their blood-hounds , the
riolice. They killed six of your brothers at "
McCormick's this afternoon. They killed
the poor wretches because they , like you ,
lmd the courage to disobey the supreme
ivjll of your bosses. They killed them
because they dared to ask for shortening
iiours of toil. They killed them to show
rou , free American citizens , that you must
: > e satisfied and content with "whatever
four bosses condescend to allow you , or
iron will get killed. You have for vcars
; ndured the most abject humiliation. " You
lave for years suffered unutterable iniqui-
it-s. You have woiked yourself to death ,
fou have endured the pangs of want and
lunger. Your children you have sacrificed
: o factory lords. In short , you have been
niserable and obedient slaves nil these A
rears. Why ? To satisfy the insatiable ' f >
irecd , to fill the coffers of your lazy , thiev- i
ng masters. When you nsk them how to A |
ooscn your burdens , they send theirblood- J |
lounds to shoot you and to kill vou. If I' I
rou are men , and if you are sons'of vour (
irandsires , who have shed their blood to '
ree you , then you will rise in your might '
UM ! destroys the hideous monster who ( l
iceks to destroy you. "To arms we call *
rou ; to arms. " YOUR BROTHERS ' *
A special from Boston says : Frederick SI
Douglass has written a letter wherein he T , ' '
ays : "lam a republican and did all L \i \
ould to defeat the election of Cleveland ! * - \ j
le was under official
no obligations to mo
v hatever , yet I held the office of recorder
icarly a whole year under his administra-
ion. Tlie office is held by law not for any
erm , solely at tho pleasure of the presi-
lent. While in office the president treated -
ne as he treated the other office-holders in \ \ \
he district. He was brave enough to in- ' \ \
rite Mrs. Douglass and myself to all the l < j
; rand receptions.thus rebuking the timidity , ' /
o wardice and prejudice of his predecessors. (
f living I shall do all I can to elect a re- {
mblican in 1888 , but I honor manliness , < )
rherever I find it , and I found it in Cleve-
and , and I should despise myself if Iihould
et anybody think otherwise. Whatever
Ise he may be , he is not a snob or sv
award. "