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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1886)
DR AND CLOTHING ESTABLI IMEOT IN THE REPUBLICAN VALLEY ! VV.e Have the Largest Assortment and will Guarant as those at the Missouri Rivera WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTIONMAIL ORDERS FILLED THE SAME DAY AS RECEIVED. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. L. LOWMAN & SON. C , K. LAWSON , V DEALER IN : OTTT T T A "ATlTv OliJUJLI H rilMy ) EAVY r E- o XI CDO 1 = 3 CQ CQO o td CQ to STOVE : TINWARE , IRE , STUDEBAKFR WAGON , PLOWS , Etc. MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. K. Lx. McCRAQKElN , Watchmaker and Jeweler. MeCOOK , i ! THR ONLY SOMPLETB ST00K IN THE WEST , AND AT THE WEST PRICES ! PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO THE REPAIRING OF FINE AND COMPLI CATED WATCHES. ENGRAVING FREE. NRJ3RASKA. i BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. 0. L. LAWS , Ecgltcr. C. F. BABCOCE , Bocoivor. OFFICE IIouus : From 9 A. M. to 12 M. , and 1 to 4 P. M. . mountain time. COCmiAN & HELM , Attorneys-at-Law& Gen'l Agents , MeCOOK , : NEBRASKA. Prompt and careful attention jilven to Law Cases in all the Courts of the State and all classes of U. S. Land Business transacted before the local office at JlcCook. Nebraska , and the Interior Department at Washington , D. C. Contests a specialty.Vlll pros ecute claims for Pension1 * and claims for Increase of Pensions. Xntarial business done mid lauds bought and sold on reasonable terms. CS Ollice. 3d door south of the U. S. Land Ottice. 3.29 THOS. cobnut , j. A. COIIDCAL. GOLFER & CORDEAL , ATTORNEYS : AT : LAW , AND NOTABIES PUBLIC. Real Estate Bought and Sold and Collections Made. Tbos. Colter agent Lincoln Land Co. OHice , Opp. Chicago Lumber Yard , JlcCook. SNAYELY & STARR , ' ATTORNEYS : AT : LAW , INDIANOLA , NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the State and United States Courts. Also , before the Land Office at McCook and the department at Washington. IIUOH W. COLE. LEON V. MOSS. COLE & MOSS , LAWYERS , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the Courts of Nebraska , Kansas and Colorado , and in the Federal Courts of the Eighth Circuit. Careful atten tion given to contests and land business before theU. S.Lund Offices at McCook. Oberlin and Denver , and the Interior-Department at "Wash ington. Commercial and corporation law a. specialty. Money to loan. Rooms 4 and 3 , First National Bank Building. H. F. WILLIAMS. L. L. HULDURD. J. N. LUCAS. , WILLIAMS , HULBURD & LUCAS , LAWYERS , MeCOOK , - NEBRASKA. A. V. AGEE. JOHN AVILEV. AGEE & WILEY , Attorneys at Law , Land , Loan AND INSURANCE AGENTS. Will practice in the State and United State Courts , and before thp U. S. Land Offices. Careful attention given to Collections. OlHce over Green's Drug Store. Main St. , McCook. II. T. ANDERSON , Loan Broker and Accountant , MeCOOK NEBRASKA. Books opened , written up and adjusted Of fice over First National Bank. 32-Cmos. B. J. RYAN , J. D. TURNER , Notary Public. Ex-Olsrk ff. S. Lasd Office RYAN & TURNER , Land , Loan and Insurance Office. J39 Moncy to Loan on Farms and Personal Bropcrty. Insurance in reliable companies. OEO. W. BEDE. II. 31. TAYLOH. a. W. BEDE & CO. REAL ESTATE AGENTS , U. S. LAND ATTORNEYS. J2T Claitn relinquishments for sale. Contest cases attended and a general land business transacted. Oilice. one block north ot Post Office , McCook , Neb. 45-Gm DR. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , MeCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. J Office : Room No. 1 , McCook Banking Company's Building. DR. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B. & M. RAILROAD. [ OFFICE AT B. & M. PHARMACY , ] MeCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND AUKIST. McCOOK NEBRASKA JS'-Oflice ' in Pate's Brick , Main St. B. B. DAVIS. M. D. . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , MeCOOK NEBRASKA. "Office at Chenery & Stiles drug store. IN order to insure success in 1888 , the democrats should trot out the old arch- traitor Davis during the campaign. The hiss of the imbecile should be heard by every loyal man in the nation , and the democratic goose will be cooked beyond the possibility of resurrection. CHICAGO'S police have covered them selves with glory. There has been no agonizing cry for troops from a city which has been crowded with idle labor' ers for more than two weeks. The men with the clubs and stars found them selves able to handle all trouble without outside assistance. THE Tory journals in England are in a state of mind over a theory that the j turbulent Irish emigrant caused the late . lamented and suddenly suppressed riot' ' in Chicago. A Tory always sees a Rus-1 sian or an Irishman at the bottom of , every trouble , but the Americans have ; found that Irishmen are as a rule not , rioters. There was not a single Irish- ' men among the rioters on Tuesday night , while there were a good many Irisnmen among the officers who faced the bomb- . throwers and suppressed the riot. j TWENTY' years ago there graduated ' from Glasgow university the ablest and most brilliant man that ever left its eel- ; ebrated halls. Ten days ago he died in [ Chicago , the victim of drink. His name ' was John Fraser. This is but one ruin | of millions chargeable to alcohol and ! human weakness. Its melancholy gran- ! deur impels its pointing out. The catas trophe broke no more hearts and in flicted less misery than many a one happening every day. But it occurred in view of all men who read. The de struction of an humble laborer by the same agency is no less a crime and is just as pitiful. The world loses less , I but the stain is as deep , the woe as bitter and when the penalty comes to be exacted it can be no less and may be much greater. Topics. i A GOOD story is told of an Indiana woman who was so frightened over a narrow escape of her husband that she screamed when she saw him alive and well. A heavy stone had fallen from a scaffold and , grazing his hat-brim , had struck at his very feet. lie stood still , and looking up asked the workmen what in Sam Hill they were driving at. Some one who admired the fellow's nerve told the story to his wife the next day , and when this lady met her husband that evening she ran to him screaming , and after giving him a shaking exclaimed : "You great goose , whydidn'tyeurun ? ' ' This story illustrates the attitude that a good many outside papers are taking toward Chicago. They show more fright every day over the bomb-throwing of Tuesday night , and seem to regard the prompt suppression of the riot as cause for grief. The nervous editors get scared every time they think that Chicago crushed that anarchist mob in ten minutes , and they accuse the Gov ernor , abuse the Mayor , and traduce the people. Inter-Ocean. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is without an equal for the cure of rheumatism , neuralgia , lame back , sprains and Dwellings. It is only 50 cents pur bottle. This medicine is a house hold favorite wherever known , and has often saved in9re than ten times its co > t besides much pain and suffering. When you want the best Liniment you have ever had in the house call at your tlnisr store for Chamber lain's Pain Balm. Sold by M. A. Spaldiug < and Willey & Walker. ( j LYTLE BROS. & CO. , DEALERS IN GENERAL HA WARE. a J M 0) ) 0 (0 ( MARSHALLTOWNI IWIRE , IRON AND WOOD PUMPS , ETC. , MeCOOK AND BENKELMAN NEBRASKA. Trowbridge , -PROPRIETORS OF THE- "RTJ R M I TTJ JL \ / JL - _ L 3l JL JL V _ / Of all descriptions. We have the best assortment in Western Nebraska , consisting of Fine. Parlor Furniture , such as Lounges , Easy Chans , IfockcrWindow Chairs. Croups , Ottomans , etc. We oiler special inducements in style , quality and prices of In Walnut , Maple , Ash , Cherry and Imitation Mahogany. Also , Bedsteads , Bureaus , Side boards , Extension Tables , Library CaseSecretaries , Oflice Desks , Tables and Stands. Also , full equipments for Homesteaders , at such prices as will bo in reach of all ; Single Cot Beds ( Wire and Cotton Top ) , PillowsBlankets and Quilts , . Chairs and Common Tables. Hotel and Public House Furniture a Specialty. Pier and INIantel 3Iirrois , Window Shades and Cornices a Specialty. Yctorsprings , adapted to the trade. UNDERTAKING In all its branches. We handle Wood Burial Cases and Caskets. Fine Cloth Covered Cases. Telegraph orders promptly attended to. on us. We guarantee low prices and a positive bargain. No. 25 South Main Ave , - IWcCOOK , NEB , The First National Bank OF McGOOK , NRBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL , - - $50,000.00. DOES - : - A - : - GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS , Receives and Pays Deposiies. Buys and Sells Exchange on New York , Chicago and Omaha , and all the pricipal cities of Europe. FIRE INSURANCE WRITTEN IN RELIABLE CO.'S OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : CS035S ECCSKSLL , fteriiest. A. CA1E3SLL , ? . L. 32:7717 , Csiir. 3. X. T22ZZ , VJcc-Preiisst , ( Of Frees i Hocknell. ) ( Assistant Sapt. C. & M. ) ( Of KIrby Carpenter Co. , Chicago. )