Thursday , May oth , 1666. Indicates that your subscription to this paper HAS EXPIKED , and that a. cordial Invitation is extended to call and renew the-eame. Subscription , $2 per year. L o o & 1 In ielligen G e. Fresh candy at the City Bakery. Colorado flour at Anderson it Boehl's. City Drug Store. Chcnery & Stiles , shoes at J. F. Ganschow's. C. P. Riuker is headquarters for organs. Flour ! Flour ! Flour ! at Anderson & Boehl's. _ best i3 shoes at J. F. Gan schow's. EUTGo to W. W. Palmer for your harness. 32-tf. he Crown Sewing Machine at Riuker's. shoes a specialty at J. F. Gansohow's. The best watch on earth for sale by McCracken. v If you want a bargain come to Ander- fcsbn > & Boehl's. The. largest line of fine cigars at the City Drug Store. Baled hay at Fry & Snow's feed store in any quantity. / ' EiT'SS will buy an all calf shoe at J. F. Ganschow's. New curtain scrim and new goods at Wilcox & Fowler's. Mason & Hamlin organs at McCook Implement Emporium. A car-load of seed corn at Fry & Snow's feed store. BSPFor quality and style see J. F. Ganschow's $3 shoe. A full line of hardware , stoves and tinware at C. D. Palmer's. 8P Moody& Winter , City Dairy , for pure and wholesome milk. The finest stock of groceries in the city at Wilcox & Fowler's. jjri "lt will pay you to buy J. F. 'Ganschow's S3 shoe. Where is the best place to buy flour ? Anderson & Boehl's. Do you want the best wind mill made go to C. P. Rinker. he has it. Brewer Bros , butcher only corn-fed steers. No cows or xange cattle. Ur Sweet Michigan Cider of excel lent quality at the City Bakery. They have the purest , kettle-rendered lard in the city at Brewer Bros. < \ Buy one of those new watches of Mc- Cracken before they are all gone. $16.00 buys a first-class cultivator at the McCook Implement Emporium. C. D. Palmer , opposite McEntee , is the best place to buy your hardware. White Russian or White Prussian soap only 5c.a bar at Wilcox & Fowler's. New dress goods , prints , ginghams , etc. , just opened at Wilcox & Fowler's. Remember that C. D. Palmer is the place to get your roofing and spouting done. _ Sewing machines at the McCook Im plement Emporium. C. P. Rinker , Agent. _ Have .you seen the new all-over em broideries , laces and niching at Wilcox & Fowler's. _ The Metropolitan Dru < r Store is in re ceipt of a fine assortment of wall papers. and examine them. v Eaton Bros , will furnish you with pure milk at your door for 4 cents per quart for the season. 47-tf. Who put up Farmer Dodge's wind mill ? Ans. Rinker. Why ? Ans. Be cause he sells the best G. W. Bede & Co. have some special bargains in real estate. Office 4th door south of 'U. S. Land office. 27-tf. The choicest meats at the Central Meat Market .of Brewer Bros , corner of Main and Dennison streets. _ - C. PRinker has the best set 'of pump men in the country. See him before you buy a pump and wind mill. Paul E. Wirt Fountain Pens for sale by F.L. McCracken. Give absolute sat isfaction on any work , and in any hand. As LOAV AS THE LOWEST G. B. Nettleton will sell Wind Mills and Pumps as low as the lowest , Feed Mills -v . _ _ _ _ _ a fifif just received at Anderson & Boehl's , l-\ a car-load of potatoes , the best in the market. Also a car-load of seed corn. Call and satisfy yourself. The Metropolitan Drug Store is offer ing a handsome chair to the person buy- inc the largest number of cigars between May 1st and July 1st , 1SS6. Smokers , note well. _ _ _ _ _ _ The establishment of CharlieToung has been reinforced by the arrival of a fo-st-class "washee" from Denver , and is better prepared than ever to do fine work promptly. Ton pasthi * Iiat week b ifcoUu uuialieteil u\er Jb , < u copies. Guard well the line where inde pendence ceases and impertinence com mences. The residence building boom is very encouraging , with a half dozen on tapis , this week. The Berger and Scott buildings on Main Avenue are moving along toward completion. McCook is fast becoming a city of homes , in which her citizens take a par donable delight. The Freed & Ilocknell Lumber Co. have built a large lime house in the rear end of their yard. A neat , new awning now shuts out Old Sol's inquisitive , morning rays at the Paragon drug store. The Israel property on Madison street has been purchased by Thos. Mcfnroy , who held a mortgage thereon. We give more reading matter than usual , although the demand upon our advertising columns is greater. The blooded colts now under training in this city can't be duplicated in any town of our population in the state. The hardware store of Coleman Bros , on West Dennison street was greatly improved by a new front , the first of the week. The city council held a meeting , last night , at which a number of ordinances were passed and some bills allowed and others preferred. The families of Harry Tyler and Fred Chaffe. last week , moved out onto claims near Haigler , where they will remain during the summer. We are infomed that the people of Indianola have given up the project of building a bridge east of that town , over the Republican. With the fashionable , or at least pre vailing , pen clip , it is difficult to discern the "noblest creation" from the less prepossessing monkey. Quite a proportion of the populace , male and female were they , were playing "hookey"Sundaywithmostdisastrous ( ? ) consequences to the finny tribe. It has been suggested that roller skat ing and velocipede riding on the side walks in the business portion of the city has become a 'tarnel nuisance. Everybody would be delighted to see the McNeely building under way again , and it is to be hoped that Mr. McNeely will consider the matter favorably. A store is being established at the Falls of the Frenchman on the Fisher ranch. 'Squire Fisher is up there now putting in the counters and shelving. The family of Louie Wilson , a B. & M. brakeman , was visibly augmented , on Saturday , by the arrival of a bran new boy baby of 11 pounds avoidupois. Engine No. 76 has been taken to e Plattsmouth for repairs , and Jack Raw- lings is now pulling the throttle on No. 134 , one of the late and larger engines. On May 1st , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Har ris moved into their pleasant little home on North Main , where they will shortly be cosily established under their own "vine and fio ; tree. " The crossings on Main and Dennison need repairing. In their present condi tion they are disastrous to vehicles , as in fact are they all over the city , by reason of their height. Don't read Hayden & Co.'s mammoth adv. on the eighth page. They have stupendous bargains in every depart ment , and want everybody to know it. "Call and look them over. " A consignment of three car-loads of polled Angus cattle , twos and threes , for the Harlem Cattle Co. , of Hitchcock county , passed through this station , yes terday afternoon. They were beauties. Services will be held in the Congret gational church , next Sunday morning j and evening , by Rev. J. W. Kimmel of _ the Lutheran denomination. A cordial v and general invitation is extended. The pupils of Red Willow school ob served Arbor Day by planting over a hundred trees the gifts , at that , of the 1 children , who seem to be taking great , interest in their school house and sur- rouudmgs. * - $ The speed programs for the fall races are now ready for distribution. The pre- miums offered are such as to absolutely i J guarantee as fine races as can be seen . in the state. Address the Secretary , ' FM.Kimiuell.McG1ookNeb.for copies , a Omaha Dnilv World nF April made by James Lu'fourulte of St Limit. , with the creditors of W. C. LaTourette of our city. It might not be amiss to remark that for a real dry country it does , in a ino ment of supreme forgetfulness , manage to rain about once a day , just now , while all nature rejoices and puts forth her brightest hues. Among the new residences in course of construction are those of Miss Alice Murphy on North Marshall street , Sam Rogers on North Manchester street and F. L. McCracken on the hill in the northeastern part of the city. School opened in the new school house at Red Willow , on Monday , with Miss Ada P. Buck in charge. The people of Red Willow have cause to be proud of their new structure , as it is , nest to McCoolc and Tndianola , the best in the county. lias anybody observed that unsightly mass of rubbish , in front of the McNeely lot on Main Avenue , diminishing very rapidly ? We haven't. Our main busi ness street would look unfamiliar and strange without that miserable debris , wouldn't it ? WILL BUILD SOON 0. P. Rinker has purchased the lot just north of L'Roy Allen , on Monroe street , and will build a residence thereon in _ the near future. He has already had * the lot plowed , trees planted , etc. , in the line of improvement. THE TRIBUNE prizes infinitely more highly the connnev.dation and support of one honest , honorable citizen , than it cares for the sneers , vituperation and opposition of all the black-legs within the cornorate limits. You pay your money and take your choice. The Congregational social held at the residence of Albert Noren , last Friday evening , was enjoyed by a company of over forty persons , who passed the time until a late hour with games and other means of social pleasure , which have been characteristic of these assemblages. The Agricultural Society is preparing to get out their premium list , and will shortly commence the canvas for adver tisements to defray the expense of print ing the list. Our people will doubtless respond to the call with their usual lib erality , and thus help a very considera ble item of the society's expense. Twelve comfortable box stalls have been completed at the Republican Valley Dorse Breeders' Association's grounds for the accommodation of horses , which will be trained on the track at this place during the summer , for the fall races , which already give promise of being as fine as any in the state of Nebraska. This unique and suggestive inscrip tion might have been seen on an immi grant's wagon that pulled through the city on last Saturday afternoon : "Smith , Jackson & Co. Busted before they left. d Dont trust them. Beware of pick-pock ets inside. " Laconic , if naught else , and generally observed and remarked upon. HOWARD LUMBER Co. Messrs. Hallack & Howard have formed a stock company , ( embracingsome Chicago cap ital , ) and have accordingly incorporated under the name and style of The Howard Lumber Co. The company is now stronger than before , owning their own mills , etc. , and representing additional capital. Saturday evening , a stranger , some what the worse for "Obejoyful , " in his meanderingd through Small's barn on Manchester Avenue , cultivated a too intimate acquaintanceship with a horse's heels , to the slight detriment of the aforesaid stranger's personal appear ance , though without serious injury , for tunately. With a fine grist mill in sight , two bridges one on the east and one on the west would be paying investments , and would draw trade from quarters heretofore inaccessible. Already are the people on the Upper Driftwood and in , the Ash Creek region jubilant over the prospect of nearer communication with the metropolis. While our citizens are exhibiting com mendable enterprise in the matter of improving ] their properties by planting trees , etc. , would it not be a proper prank for the Lincoln Land Co. to do something in that line by fulfilling that $1,500 contract for planting trees , shrtib- beryetc. , in the block designated as the park. Everybody is anxiously looking for that event to transpire. Wilcox & Fowler are in receipt of some extra fine Valencia Sweet Oranges. PERSONALS. / ! - Fred Snow nm down from Akron , Friday , on a business trip. Receiver Babcock was a tourist down the valleys Monday evening. Squire Fisher went up to the ranch , via Culbertsou , on 39 , Tuesday. T. B. Babcock came iu from the west , Sat urday evening , on a short visit J. E. Cochran went down to Oherhn , yes terday , o isoine personal matters. L'Roy Allen is now holding a position in Superintendent Campbell's office. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hayden and family are in the city , guests at the Commercial. Mrs. Chas. D. Phelps of Culbertson is in the city , the guest of Mrs. F. D. Hess. Register Laws made a hurried excursion down the valley , Saturday evening on 40. II. G. Dixou retumcdthe first of the week , from a delightful , excursion to California. Moses Erinan started for Iowa , Monday evening , after another car-load of horses. ' Charlie Cornwall run down from Culbertson on 40 , Sunday evening , on a little business. Will Clute , the Yiuna land man , spent Monday and Tuesday in town , on business. Editor Solomon of the Culbertson Suu beamed upon us benignly , yesterday morning. Page T. Francis came down from Yuma , lost Thursday , spending a few days in the city. city.Herb. Herb. Crane of the Franklin Echo made a flying business pilgrimage to the city , Friday lastMrs. Mrs. F. L. Brown and the children went up to the claim near Yuma , Colo. , last Thursday noon. noon.Wm. Wm. Critser , left Papineau , last week , to make his home at McCook , Xeb. Oilman , (111. ( ) Star. A. W. Agee went down to Aurora , this morning. He will also visit Omaha before he returns here. Rev. Wheeler has been down at the coun ty-seat on Mallalieu University business since Tuesday evening. Senator Dolan and Attorney Johnson in vaded this business mart , Saturday , between trains 39 and 40. Mayor Starbuck went down to Kansas City , Tuesday evening , on business connected with some racing matters. Will Fisher came down from the ranch , Monday evening , returning on Tuesday by way of Culbertson. Fred. Lytle , the Titan hardware mau from Dnndy's county-seat , came down to the city , yesterday evening on business. J. C. Birdsall , conductor on the Oberlin branch , made a hasty trip to the city , Satur day , to see old-time friends , etc. James LaTourette of St. Louis , father of WillLaTourette of our city , arrived in town on No. 1 , last night , on a short visit. T. J. Pickett , the talented and venerable journalist , of the Bloomington Guard , was a Saturday tourist in this commercial centre : Mr. aud Mrs. A. J. Pate and the little , nes went down to Blue Hill , Saturday evening , on a short visit to friends , returning Monday. ( J. W. Daniels , wife and child came down from Culbertsou , yesterday evening , on a visit to friends , returning home on 39 , to-day. Fred Suow went east on Xo. 40 , Saturday evening , on a business tour , embracing Hast ings , Beatrice , Stcele City , aud other points. W. W. Palmer and Samuel Scott went up to Imperial , Chaso county , Sunday , on a pros pecting tour , returning home , yesterday morning. Rev. Harris of Oberlin , who has some resi dence property in the city , spent a few days , the first of the week , looking after his inter ests here. F. II. Fowler went up to Yuma , Colo. , the first of the week , to open up and arrange the stock of goods , which the firm is putting in at that point Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Welborn and Mrs. Geo. Hunter of Indiauola spent a few days in the city , the first of the week , the guests of Mrs. George Hocknell. Miss Ella M. Irwin went up to her claim near Haigler , this noon. The families of Fred. Chatfe and Harry Tyler occupy claims in the same section. A. E. Menger , wife and family , of Gilman , 111. , visited J. A. Wilcox , last week. From here they went up to Trentou , where they will probably locate. Sam Pennington of Mount Pleasant , Iowa , arrived in the city , last Friday , on a short visit to his old school-mate , JohuDonerof the P. O. uews stand. W. M. Anderson , a former Exeterite , now traveling auditor for Frees & Hocknell Lum ber Company , of McCook , was in town , Sat urday. Exeter Enterprise. H. W. Pike , the "Potato Bug mau" of Ak ron , was in the city , Tuesday , eu route to Cambridge on business. Bro. P. is holding up at the Commercial , to-day. President Franklin of the Citizens Bank now draws the ribbons over one of the finest horses in Red Willow county , with a 2 : .TO gait , and as kind and gentle as a kitten. Judson Babcock came up from Cambridge , Tuesday on 39 , returning on 40. We under- staiid that Mr. Babcock has decided to re main and engage in business at Cambridge. Will Cramer returned on Sunday from a three week's f-rip to different points east , including Xew York City , and is now occu pying his old position as clerk at the Com mercial. J. L. Taylor , who went to Akron , recently , to engage in business , returned to the city , Monday , and has resumed his old position in Spaldiug-'s drug store. Akron didn't move fast enough for him. Geo. W. Colvin came up from Arapahoe , yesterday , to look after the contest of his timber claim east of town , in which one Dever is contestant , which transpires before the local officials , to-day. * * . . > : WE HAVE RECEIVED OUR SPRING STOCK AND j { \ARE \ NOW SHOWING THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF LIGHT AND MEDIUM WEIGHT CLOTHING EVER SEEN IN THE VALLEY. THE SPRING STYLES EMBRACE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS IN PLAIDS AND CHECKS , IN ALL GRADES FROM THE CHEAPEST TO THE FINEST. Our Spring Styles are all in IN CLOTHING , FURNISHING GOODS AND HATS , AND OUR ASSORTMENT IS COMPLETE , AND IT HAS BEEN OUR AIM TO MARK THEM ALL AT PRICES FAR BELOW ALL COMPETITION. &TWe have some cheap pants of special merit , for working men. They are the best ever offered at \ the price. Everybody ts invited to call and examine goods and get prices. THE CLOTHIERS BOAUD OF EDUCATION The Board of Education organized , Monday even ing , with J. E. Cochran , Esq. , as Presi dent of the Board , H. Trowbridge , Vice President , and W. E. Dauchy , Secre tary. While no formal action was taken in the matter of teachers for the ensuing term , yet the retention of Prof. Webster , as principal , seems to be unanimously agreed upon. The Board hold another session on Monday evening next , when the hiring of teachers , the consideration of the advisability of making application to the faculty of the State University for admission on their University list , and the course of study , etc. , will occu py its attention. In this connection , we understand that all the action re quired is formal application to the fac ulty , as the necessary examination pa pers , etCy-feave been already considered. Deh invaded the home of PeVy Jon/s on Ash Creek , Monday morniii ana claimed as his victim their 14-year- old son , who has been a sufferer for ometime with heart-disease. Dr. Kay was called to see the deceased on Sunday night , but becoming lost n the Egyptian darkness that prevailed , dm. not reach the house until early the followiog morn ing , after the child's spirit had returned to its Maker. The bereaved have the sympathy of that entire cVm- munity. At the residence of Squire Colvin just east of town , yesterday , Mr. and Mrs. William Russell of our city , cele brated their golden wedding anniversary. The event was a pleasant , though quiet , one and was only participated in by members of the family and a few near acquaintances. A number of presents , tokens of love to the aged couple , were receiveda list of which we were unable to secure before going to press , to-day- On Saturday morning , No. 2 , which was a number of hours late , run into a hand-car loaded with ties , in the "nar rows" near Culbertson , demolishing the car , scattering the ties promiscuously , and knocking the headlight of Engineer Hunt's locomotive clear over the bag- face car. The occasion was an inter- O O esting , we might say absorbing one , for a moment , though the damage to prop erty was light. We understand that the grand jury will investigate the Democrat's election day episode. If the Democrat can't af ford a genuine $5,000 libel suit , it may have the felicity of growing eloquent over that interesting and potential fea ture of the city election , in which they are generally supposed to have figured. There are a number of places around the city that need cleaning up most im peratively. The chief of police might bring this matter to the notice of a number of property-owners in the busi ness portion of town with good good effect. The B. & M.Surgeon was ordered down the road , Tuesday , to investigate an al leged injury. We have not heard his report. These railroad men have a happy faculty of keeping their business to themselves. The new town of Bartley , between Cambridge and Indianola , is an absorb ing topic. Even Bishop of the Courier- is delighted and wants to pay a bonus to start a newspaper there. The firm of Walsh & Boyd are putting up another residence in the northeast part of the city. Don't fail to speak a good word for the fair. October 5 , 6 , 7 and 8. FLANNIGAN MAIIONEY At the Cath olic church , Tuesday , May 4th , 1SSG , John F. Flannigan , of this city , and Mrs. Maggie Mahouey , late of Chicago , Father Cullen officiating. In the evening a number of friends of the happy couple met at the section house , where an excellent supper was jpartaken of and the light fantastic trip ped until a late hour. Add. Coyan , an old C. B. & Q. engineer , years ago employed on the middle division between Ottumwa and Creston , but now guid ing an iron horse between McCook , Nebraska , aud Denver , arrived in this city , yesterday , aud will visit a few days with his sister , Mrs. Riley. Add. used to whip all the leaves off the trees between Albia and Tyrone , in the llightsacross the intervening territory , and if the 2o3 , carrying a full guage of steam , didn't "gitthere"on time , railroad history has failed to record the incident. Creston Advertiser. Rev. George Dungan of the congregational church went up to Akron , this noon , to be absent a number of days. Best flour in the state at Anderson & Boehl's. Pure Drugs and Chemicals , at City Drug Store. best goods and lowest prices at J. F. Ganschow's. Organs rented until the rent pays for them at C. P. Rinker's. Fresh and salt meats of the choicest quality at Brewer Bros. A car-load of choice potatoes just re ceived by Wilcox & Fowler. \ 3gLadies ! Slippers ! Finest ! Beat ! Cheapest ! at J. F. Ganschow's. All kinds of sheet-iron , tin and cop per work done at C. D. Palmer's. Fresh oysters , fresh fish and chick ens at Brewer Bros. ' meat market. Prescriptions accurately compounded , day or night. City Drug Store. All kinds of farm and garden seeds at Fry & Snow's flour and feed store. Lonsdale or Fruit of the Loom mus lin 10 cents a yard at Wilcox & Fowler's. If you want the best gasoline stove , go to C. D. Palmer's , opposite McEntee. WANTED 75 head of stock to pas ture on G. W. Colvin's place , one mile east of town. Inquire of S. H. Colvin. FOR SALE 50 head of young marcs and 20 head of mules. Lindner & Er- man , McCook , Neb. Barn west of Com mercial Hotel. Isaac S. Shirey , Indianola , Neb. , Jus tice of the Peace , Land , Collecting and Loan Agent , loans money on deeded lands and on final proof receipts. Will furnish money to pay out on claims , and transacts business in the U. S. Land Of fice at McCook. Four doors north of depot , Indianola , Neb. 47-2t. FARM LOANS. Cash Down. No Delay. No need of waiting to send off appli cations. Money paid over as soon as papers are completed. Call on or ad dress , RED WILLOW Co. BANK , 43-tf Indianola , Neb. FOR SALE OR TRADE. A fine young team of draft horses , harness and wagon. Will sell cheap for cash or trade for town property. In quire at this office. PIANO FOR SALE. A second-hand square piano. Must be sold within 30 days. Time given on good security. Enquire at the residence of J. P. Mathes. 49-3t. BREAKING WANTED. I am prepared to do 200 acres of breaking at lowest figures. Inquire at this office. M. YAGER. GIRL WANTED. A good girl for general house-work. Inquire of Jlev. J. W. Kimmel.