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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1886)
m& ) * * * F. 3F. AND E. M. KIMMELL3 ! bc * ' ; > . - Editors and Publishers. As a newspaper , and independent ol its politics , the Omaha Daily Herald is fast assuming a prominent position among the great journals of the west. THE Hastings Gazette-Journal is taking unto itself additional honors , having lately enlarged to an eight col umn paper , and improved vastly other wise. WHEN the red flag is hung out in front of an auctioneer's store it is a sign that his stock is to be "knocked down. " The red flag , when displayed at the head of a socialistic procession , ought to be a signal for the authorities to knock down the outfit without any further ceremony. THE old soldiers who fought for the union would like to know what the war was about. They are at a loss to know whether it was to put down rebellion and make treason odious or whether it was only for fun. The recent ovation to Jeff. Davis beneath the stars and stripes , which the arch traitor did all in his power to tear to pieces , has set the loyal veterans of the north to thinking THE boys down in Missouri have got their war paint on. The whoop , "Who keeps' em in ? " may be heard all the wa to Washington and may even creep throguh the latticed window of the White House. It is said that a Nebras ka delegation is returning from the na tional capital after having obtained al the information it wanted. Any mem ber of it can tell the indignant Missou rians something of value. They are kept in up here in Nebraska , and the delegation no doubt inquired about it. THERE is a storm brewing in this country. Demagogues of high and low degree , in and out of congress , better climb "down and out" of the possible lines of fire. Mr. Powderly has lost his power to control the volcanic forces that he has called into being. The an archist scorns the moderation and scouts the wisdom of his counsels. "Organized hell" has broken loose in Chicago , and there is a storm brewing that may put the powers of self-government to the supreme test of ascertaining whether the primary function of all governments among civilized men , which is the pro tection of life and property , can be se cured in our country. A cognate and still more vital question is , can labor itself be protected against itself ? PRESIDENT CLEVELAND'S approach ing wedding is likely to get him into trouble , and the result may be a boy cott against him and his bride. The Washington women wage-workers have a serious grievance against him for per mitting his bride-elect to purchase her wedding out-fit in Paris. They protest against patronizing foreign dressmakers , and claim they can get up a better trousseau than any Parisian modiste. They ask the president to inspect sam ples of their work and give them a chance. We are in full sympathy with the Washington dressmakers in this movement. We believe that it is only in accord with the eternal fitness of things that the president of the United States and his bride-elect should patron ize home industry. Although he really knows nothing aboutwedding outfits , he could rely upon the judgment of his lady friends in Washington , whom he could call to his assistance to inspect and pass judgment upon the merits of the samples presented. BONDVILLE GOSSIP. The new bridge across Ash Creek is nearly finished. School began'in district 34 , Monday , with Miss Boughton as teacher. William Vincent and wife of Valley Grange were in town , Thursday last. Miss Jamison came down from Mc- Cook.Friday and spentSaturday athorae. W. 0. Bond has purchased a new corn planter "The Fanner's Friend. " Mrs. Spain of Indianola has been visiting her daughter , Mrs. Gardner , for the past week. A colt belonging to J. E. Furr was badly cut up , on Friday last , by running into a barb-wire fence. W. 0. Bond has been setting out some trees on Main street , just north of the post-effice , which greatly improves the looks of our town. Bondville , May 4th. GOSSIP. child can buy as cheap as a man at J. F. Ganschow's. COUNT Y-SEAT ITEMS. Mr. Lawler of IfcCook was in our place Wednesday. John Kirkman of our place was a visitor a McCook , Tuesday. J. D. Welborn and family went up to Me Cook , Tuesday and returned , Wednesday. ( ! corge Short went up to Curtis , Saturday accompanied by his little brother "Willie. ' ' Mrs. C. D. Cramer is quite sick , having been unable to leave her bed for several days George Papin ami Dr. Gibson were among the Iiidianola visitors at the metropolis , Mon day. Miss Jones , late of Iowa , has accepted f position on our post-oflice staff , where she It now busy. Miss Nellie Cramer of Iowa , who has beer visiting at her uncle C. D. Cramers , returned to her home , Tuesday. The Garricks are very busily engaged re hearsing , and it Is probable lhat they will appear some time next week. J. II. Goodrich's game leg , although ii has been improving rapidly in the last few days , still makes a cripple of him. Michael Morris of the First National Bank of Indianola made a flying visit to Curtis , Monday. He returned on Tuesday. We have heard nothing of the great can ning factory that was to have located in our city. Will it , too , fail to materialize' ' George Hill returned from Curtis , where he was looking after the interests of The Frees & Ilocknell Lumber Co. , Thursday. Mr. Baxter's new temperance billiard hall , under the management of Mr. Rittcnberg , will be opened to the public some time this week. The firm of Hallack & Howard is now n thing of the past , and Bro. Livermore now rustles for the interest of The Howard Lum ber Co. E. C. Ballcw went up to his family in Col orado , Saturday , and returned , Monday. P. S. This item will be put in each week , with va riations. A party of our young folks , numbering about a dozen , went on a fishing excursion up to the Willow , Tuesday. They report very good luck. Messrs. Saltzgiver & Sibbett , a couple of our young citizens , intend going into busi ness at Curtis , and are making active pre- arations to that end. Indiauola now has a base ball club and would be pleased to hear from like organiza tions in tho near surrounding country , who are anxious to "have a game. " Sheriff Welboni returned from his business trip , last Thursday evening , after a remarka ble quick trip , considering the number of miles he had to travel , and the number of places he had to make. Dr. Eskey's new residence on Fifth Avenue is rapidly nearing completion , and will be occupied some time hi the very near future The same may be said of Mr. Smith's house on "JSobs Hill , " especially the occupancj part of it. The saying we mean. The Stockville Faber'smode of comparing Indianola , when deserted by a few business men who went to McCook , to tho "desertei village'which Stockville will be when "they all go to Curtis , " must be intended as a com pliment to Stockville. If otherwise , we would infer that the editor of that "high kicker' ' had not been down to our capita for a few years at least. May 5th. XOXDESCRIPT. BOX ELDER BLOSSOMS. Box Elders and Willows are bloom ing. ing.Mrs. Mrs. Turner is teaching the school in the Doyle district. Farmers are plowing for corn anc some have already planted. Mrs. R. M. Chrysler is visiting her son who lives on the Driftwood. Mrs. Campbell , of Lincoln , is visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Wergint. Stephen Boles is spending a short time at his ranch on the "Stinking Water. " James Piper , who spent the win ter in Alma , has returned home to Box Elder. Mr. Pinke ton's family have arrived from Pennsylvania , and are neatly dom iciled in their new home. Another fine rain , Saturday night , svhich keeps the ground in fine condi tion for the thousands of trees that iiave been set out this spring. D. E. Moore , having sold the car-load ) f horses he recently shipped from Iowa , ivill return for another car-load , if other nterests do not keep him at home. If Joe Stephens does smile a good leal he has a proper appreciation of iducational advantages , this he shows ) y the interest he takes in sending his ihildren to school. SELONN. FARM LOANS. I am furnishing good , liberal loans m farming lands. Straight ten per sent , interest. No delay in getting unds. You do not have to wait to send > ff application. Money paid over as ioon as papers can be completed. Call m or address , S. H. CoLVix , 45-tf. McCook , Neb. rribune and Inter Ocean $2.SO. For the next 30 days all new subscrib es who will square their-subscription to late and one year in advance will receive friE TRIBUNE and the Chicago Inter ) cean for $2.50. Binker sells the Deering Binders and lowers. THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE COM j PANV began business in April , 18G4 , ant is still managed by the men who startcc it. ' It is not only the oldest , largest anc strongest Accident Company in Atnerici but the only one of any considerabh size. Its Cash Assets have steadily in creased year by year , and now read . $7S2G,0)0thc ( ) liabilities being $5,879 , 000leaving a surplus to policy-holder * of $1,947,0'00. It has written nearl ) 1,100,000 General Accident Policies , and paid cash benefits to over one in nine of the insured , amounting to ovei $7,300,000. No better or surer invest ment of the small sum required can be made than in a Yearly Accident Policj in THE TRAVELERS , which secures the principal sum in event of accidental deathor , a weekly indemnity for injury causing total dssability and loss of time. Any agent will write a policy at short notice. R. S. COOLEY , Agent , McCook , Neb. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 200 head of cattle and horses , for cash , or land in Nebraska or Kansas. Some choice quarters of land on line of proposed railroad from Oberlin to Bird City , Kas. A splendid stock ranch of 1,280 acres , at a bargain , on the Beaver Creek. A business house in McCook , Neb. , in a choice location. J. P. MATHES. 45 Atwood , Kas. or McCook , Neb. FARM LOANS. Made by the McCook Loan and Trust Co. on deeded land , or on final re ceipts , when proof is unquestionable , without sending east for funds. No in terest is payable in advance , but ten per cent , straight. Money paid as soon as abstract can be obtained. Office in First National Bank. R. A. Cole , Merchant Tailor. To THE PEOPLE : I have received , complete in every line , my new spring stock , and assure to all who call upon me , fine goods , elegant fits , at very rea sonable prices. Drop in and be convinc ed. R. A. Cole , three doors west of Citizens Bank , Dennison street. MISSES MOORE & HERBERT Have opened up a first-class dress making establishment in the Probst Bros. ' late ice cream parlor on West Dennison , where they are prepared to do everything in their line in the best possible manner. Cutting and fitting and children's patterns a specialty. STRIKE ! Now is the time to give orders for Binders and Mowers. C. P. Ilinker has just received another car-load of the world-renowned Deering Binders. Let strikes come , thunder roll , and cannon boom , Binker can supply you with Binders and Mowers. TRADE ! TRADE ! Fine Tree Claim and Homestead ad joining town site of Akron , Colo. , to trade for McCook town lots. Also two fine claims in the Frenchman valley , Hitchcock Co. , for cash or trade. COLE & Moss , McCook , Neb. FOR SALE. B. F. Olcott has two second hand top buggies and two second hand lumber wagons for sale , or will trade for horses. Also remember t.hat Olcott has the fin est road stallion in the west , and farm ers and stockmen should see him before breeding. IMPORTANT NOTICE. All persons indebted to the late firm of Lawler & Magner are requested to call at once and settle the same , and5 , thus avoid additional costs. F. S. WILCOX , Assignee. HOUSE AND LOT On Macfarland street for sale. In quire of F. P. Allen or at this office. PROBABLY the queerest demand made ) yesterday by Chicago workingmen was that of the beer makers , who struck , in addition to other demands , for an allow ance of fifteen glasses of beer between the hours of 7 a. m. and 4 p. in. The Dunbar Comedy Co. is about read } ' to take the road , and willj we un derstand , give their first performance in this city , next Saturday night. Go ing from here to Oberlin. Don't fail to speak a good word for the fair. October 5 , G , 7 and S. That drouth is being effectually drowned out , these fine days. II. 3IEXSE , a blacksmith at Sigel. 111. , wrote March 22 , that he was very lame with rheu matism , he could hardly walk and the joints of his limbs were badly swollen and very sore , ind so painful he could scarcely turn in bed. His physician advised him to use Chamber lain's Pain Balm. The effect was beneficial from the first application , and he is now able to attend to his regular work. This medicine lias only to be tried to convince the most skei > - tical that it is the best treatment for rheuma tism. Sold by 31. A. Spalding and Willey & Walker. LEGAL NOTICE. LYDIA J. DCVAI.L , Plaintiff , J In Dibt. Court vs. Vof Red Willow A.LONZO DUVALL , Defendant. ) county. Neb. TO AtONZO DtTVAIiL , NOX-IIESIDEST DEFEH- JANT : You aro hereby notified that on the 12th day of April , 1886 , Lydia J. Duvall filed a Detition against you in the District Court of Hed Willow county , Nebraska , the object and jrayer of which are to obtain a divorce from rou on the ground that you have willfully ibandoncd the plaintiff without good cause "or the term of two years last past. You are icreby required to answer said petition on or > efore Monday the 24th day of May , 18SS. LYDIA J. DUVALL , 46 07 J. E. Cochrnn , her attorney , im Oifies lor Yoor in L. BERMHEiilSER , LEADING MERCHANT TAiLOR OF HcCOOK , HAS JUST OPENED UP A Fine Lim Pants Patterns , HE GUARANTEES A STYLISH FIT EQUAL TO ANY EASTERN HOUSE. DENNISON STREET , WEST OF CITIZENS BANK , McCOOK. fl FINAL PEOOE NOTICES. I LAND OITICE AT MCCOOK , NEU. , t May 3 , ISbtt. f I Notice is hereby given that the following- nnincd settler has filed notice of his intention to make llnal proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Wednes day , June 1(5 ( , JSSti.vlz : Andrew Nelson , Home stead Entry 1070 , for the south V2 southwest h i and north \ ' northwest ? ! section ' 6 , town ship 3 north , range 150 , west 0 P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viAdolph Keischick , Harvey T. West , Jacob II. iJvans. John Jones all ot McCook. Nebraska. 49 G. L. LAWS , Jfejrister. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , Nnu. , i April 28th , 188U. ) Notice is hereby given that the fpllowing- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make llnal proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , June 5th. 188G , viz : Michael C. Rider , Home stead Entry U101 , for the northwest quarter of section 13 , township 4 north , range o'j ' , west 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cul tivation of , said land , vu : William S. Pate , RadTate , James Doyle and Hiram Ui.xler , all of McCook , Nebraska. 48 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooic , Nnu. , I April Slitli , 1B8U. J Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , nnd that said proof will be made before Regis- teror Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday. June 5th. 1SSG , viJames C.Drury , Homestead Entry 5059 , for the north west quarter of section 5. township 5 north , range U'J , west 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : John W. Bennett , Colbcin P. Viland , Enoch E. Osvog and Nels. C. Dueland , all of McCook , Nebraska. 48. G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooic , NEB. , I April UGth. 1&5U. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday , June 14th , 1880 , viz : JohuG.Winspr.D.S.liOd'J , for the northwest quarter of section 29 , town ship 1 north , range ys , west ( ith P. M. He nanies the following witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : John Goodenberger , John W.Relph , Sidney Dodge and Amos Goodenbergcr , all of McCook , Nebraska. 48 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , April 13th , 1880. f Notice is hereby given that the following- iiauied settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , May 'd , 1880 , viz : Thomas H. Fowler , Home stead Entry 2137. for the northeast quarter of section C , township 1 north , range 28 west Cth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cul tivation of , said land , viz : William F. Thorp , Eugene Dunham , William B. Kennedy and Thomas H. Catt , all of Danbury , Neb. 40 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEU. , I April 12th , 1880. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Reg ister or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Friday , May 21stI860 , vte : Charles Weintz , Jr. , D. S. No. 2520 , for the E. / S. W. N. W. h S. W. U section 12 and N. E. i S. E. section 11 , township 2 north , range 2'J west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz. Henry Voges , Harry Meyers , Char les Ebert and Fred.Vagoner , all ot McCook , Neb. 40 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , I March 30th , 1886. f Notice is hereby given that the followin named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at MeCook , Neb. , on Tuesday , May ISth. 18SG , viz : Smith Gordon , D. S. 1850 , for the southeast quarter of section 3 , town ship 3 north , range 29 west Cth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Charles E. Fox , Edward F. Couse , Thomas Buggies and Charles Christ , all of Mc Cook , Neb. 41 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , | March 20th , 18SG. j Notice is liereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Reg ister or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Tuesday , May 4 , ISSG.viz : Lewis B. March , Homestead Entry 2704 , for the southeast quarter section 1 , township 2 north , range 29 west 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation af , said land , viz : D. H. Bobbitt , Richard John son , Henry Yogas and W. W. Fisher , all of Mc Cook , Neb. 43 G. L. LAWS , Register. HESS & GOODENBERGER , CONTRACTORS -AND- BUILDERS , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. yMaterial furnished if desirea. LN WEDNESDA Y MAY 19,1886. j young Marys , Panseys , Desdamonias , lanthas and other fancy families. About 50 head in all will be offered , consisting of a fine lot of young Bulls. Cows and heifers. . Terms reasonable. . \ Apply for catalogues to either of the undersigned. JOHN FITZGERALD. F. M. "WOODS , Auctioneer. O. M. DRUSE , Manager. ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAWS. ) Paid up Capital , $50,000,00 , Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Xon-IJesidents. Money to loan on farming lands , village and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty. Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , CORRESPONDENTS : j V. FRANKLIN , President. First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. ( . JOHN R. CI.ARK , VIce-PresIdent. The Chemical National Bank , New York , j A. C. EBERT , Cashier. offer for 60 DAYS ONLY , the entire stock of LAWLER & MAGNER , THE STOCK CONSISTS OF A COMPLETE AND ELEGANT LINE OF ! ! * * 3 MANY OF THESE ARE FINE IMPORTED SUITS. The Stock is all New and Bright and of the Latest Styles. ALSO A LARGE VARIETY OF Dress Goods , Cashmeres , Etc. , Dress Flan nel , Basket , Shaker and Twilled Flannel , Underwear , Muslin , Calico , Laces , Kid Gloves , Handkerchiefs , Gents's Furnishing Goods , Valises , Trunks , Hats and Caps , Notions and 3-roceries ! MAKE A XOTE OF THESE FACTS. PROFITS.HAVE . PERISHED ! If you buy these goods you can save money. In Overcoats , New Markets , Etc. , I can save you 25 to SO per cent. F. S. WILCOX , Assignee , lecond Door West of the McEntee Hotel.