The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 29, 1886, Image 7

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    Thn harmful and fatal results attending
tho uso of cough mixtures containing mor
phia , opium and other poisons , are daily
Incoming more frequent. It ia for this rea
son that Red Star Cough Cure has received
the unqualified endorsement of physicians ,
and Boards of Health every where , as a
purely vegetable compound , entirely free
from all narcotics. Price , twenty-five cents.
No woman is educated who is not equal
* Jie successful management of a family.
/ Mithlophoros gives perfect satisfaction.
lhas helped and cured somewhere all other
remedies have failed to do any good , " is
the report of Dullam Bros. , druggists , of
Flint , Mich. , on the great rheumatism and
neuralgia remedy's work.
Every day should be distinguished by at
least one particular act of love. Lavater.
Every nervous person should try Carter's
Little NERVE Pills , They are made spe
cially for norvous and dyspeptic men and
women , and aie just the medicine needed
by all persons who , from any cautee. do
not sleep well , or who fail to get proper
strength from their food. Cases of weak
stomach , indigestion , dyspepsia , nervous
and sick headache , itc. , readily yield to the
use of the Little Nerve Pills , particularly if
combined with Carter's Little Liver Pills.
In vials at 25 cents.
Fifty thousand square miles of territory
east of the Mississippi are covered with
SCRATCHES. J. H. Shaffer , Madison.
VV18. . Bays : "I cured a horso of theworst
ease ot , scratches that I ever gaw , with Vet-
eriiia/ry Carbolinalvc. Or all the rcmo-
ulos I over saw this is the "boss. " 25 and 50c.
Henry Irving is very sensitive upon tho
subject of his legs.
Brash and wiry hair becomes soft and
pliant by using Hall's Hair Renewer.
Many a mother has found Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral invaluable in cases of croup.
Where there is shame there may ycfc bo
Virtue. Dr. Samuel Johnson.
SOUGHT for the last hundred years A
remedy for Catarrh , Hay Fever and Cold
in the Head , found at last in Eiy's Cream
Balm. Safe and pleasant to use , and easily
applied with the finger. It gives relief at
once and a thorough treatment positively
cures. 50 cents by druggists. GO cents by
mail. Ely Bros. , Owego , N. Y.
ELY'S CKE.V.M BALM has entirely cured mo
of a long standing case of catarrh. I have
never yet seen its equal as a cure for colds
in the head and headache resulting from
such colds. It is .a remedy of sterling merit.
Ed. L. Crosly , Nashville , Tcnn.
TWENTY YEAIIS of suffering from Catarrh
nndCatarrhal headache I never found tiny-
thing to afford lasting relief until I tried
Ely's Cream Balm. I have used two bottles
and now consider my Catarrh cured. I
have recommended it to several of my
friends with like good results. D. T Hig-
ginson , 145 Lake Street , Chicago , 111.
New English pottery is shown this season ,
the peach bloom ware among them.
Itwill euro any case of Ijiver and Kiunoy
troubles when properly taken. It Is a perfect
renovator and inviporator. It cleanses the sys
tem of tho poisonous humors that develop in
Zilvor , Kitlnoy and TJrinary diseases , car-
ryinpr away all poisonous matter and ro
storing the Klood ton licaltliy condition ,
eiiriclilnsr it , refresliingf and invigorating
Mlntl aud Hody. It prevents the growth to
Serious Xllncsx of a Dangerous Class oC
Diseases that be in in niero trivial ail *
ments , and we too apt to be neglected as sucli.
of thoworst forms of these terrible diseases
have been quickly relieved , and in a short
time perfectly cured by the use of Hops &
Elalt Bitters.
Do not pet Hops and ITInlt Bitters con
founded with Iiilinrior preparations of similar
name. TTalto Notliiiitr but Hops&Malt Bis
ters if you wont a sure Cure.
GOODMAN DRUG GO , , Wiiolesais Agents
sUKGBY within
an hour , more .or
less after meal he is
, a , a dyspep
tic. It shows his stomach is not
able to dispose of what he has ,
eaten. But to eat and thus im
pose more work is an absurdity.
TONIC , which cures Dyspepsia ,
and all Stomach , Liver , Kidney , i
and Bladder troubles. It is a per j
fect tonic , appetizer , blood puri
fier , a sure cure for ague and ma
laria diseases. Price , Fifty Cents.
The most Wonderful Agricultural I\rk in Amori-n.
cent crops _ . _ _ . . . . . .
ACJtKJ * OF C3OVEIS3T2XiXT RAXJ > . subject
to rro < mption ami homestead. Lands for salo to ae-
tnal settlers at SS.OO per acre. JOWVfi TI3IE.
Tark irriffated by immense canal * . Cheap railroad
rates. Kvery attentK n thovm tettlcrs for maps
ra-nphlets , etc. , address , COLORADO LAND A LOAN
CO. , Opera House Block , Denver , Colo. , Uor C3SO.
JJa. IT. P. SCnnOCK , 672 TTest Laie Street , Chicago , ires
tnm Ehcnoitlsm. HIi phTtlcJaa feared amputation of tha
leg wonld be neewary. Uc tried ATHIOPHOEOS ,
md In two 'diy was cured. Athlophoros is rrcnocnccJ ai-
rolutcly cafe bj one of the leading physicians of the coLntrr.
Art your druggist for Atilophoros. If jou cannot getitof
hlta oo not try wmething clsc.lmt order at orce from u . TVe
trill f nd it express paid oa receipt of price , $ I.OO per tattle.
ATHIOPHOROS CO. , 112 Wall St. . New Tork.
To Introduce the crcat household remedy. GOR
DON'S KING OF PAIN Into every family. 1 will send
a cample free to any one eendtng address. Mention
ttolB paper and address E. G. BIOHAP.DS. Toledo. O.
- 1
J An active Man or Wom n in every
_ _ 'county to tell our soodj S > IirjS7i.
1 per Honlhand Ilipen'os. Expenses tnml-
"vancc. Ctn\issinoutfit FREE ! Particultrs
free. Standard Silver-ware Co. Boston , Ises.
TtOD ! B'
3orphlne HaMt Curedla 10
to20 < Iiys. Xopuy till Cured.
L > E J. STKPUCSS. LeUanoa. Outo.
HH ! rrcnsespald Valuable outQt and particulars
HJjJ-lL irce , J. F. HLLL& COM Augusta , Main.- .
A positive ca < - . SoiCnlrr.
No Piaster. No 1 aln. W C.
Fuyuc. ilarshiUtotTn.Io-rx
For 51 New Chromo. Sera ? & Goljidge
Cards. Ks-SErCAKD WOUKS , Ivorytou. i'oua
Nc'15'Scrap Pictures and AgL's Album of t ) Card
Samplcsfor lOc. Steam CardVKs. . llanford.Jt
contalnlngol samples of Kcs : aril
forGcts.topayrn.ta e. CUNT- : . :
Tliero are thirty-lour cofTm factories in
tho United States , and they turn out an
average or 150 coffins and caskets a day.
The largest factory is in Cincinnati ; it covers
ncrca o [ ground and its shop facilities arc
so great that it manufactures everything
necessary to a complete funeral , except
corpses. Anything from a tack up to a
hearse can be seen in process of manufac
ture on their promises. Nextto Cincinnati ,
Chicago has tho larges ? " coffin factories.
The biggest coffin kept in stock is six feet
nine inches in length and has an opening of
twenty-eight or twenty-nine inches. The
average opening is only eighteen or nine
teen inches , and tho average long coffin is
six feet four inches. Tho longest coffin
turned out by any factory is a nine-footer ,
in which the dignitaries of the Catholic
church are buried. Such a coffin was used
at the burial of Cardinal McCloskey , the
extra length being required for his crown ,
which he wore in death. About twenty-
four hours were' taken to put this coffin
together , but any ordinary coffin , that is ,
a coffin of extra large size , no matter what
its cost or the character of tho trimmings
or upholstery , can be put together from ,
the rough boards in three hours at tho
utmost. [ Cincinnati Commercial.
Pcero That Arc Pensioned.
It is stated that relatives of peers have
received $500.000,000 of public money
since 1S53. Each Duke also has sent at
present fifty-six relatives in public office.
The 402 hereditary peers own an average
of 35,000 acres each and draw a total an
nual rental of § 00,000,000. The Duke ot
Ilichmond has made a specially good thing
out of his ancestors. A perpetual pension
of 19,000 was granted to one of the
dukes. To commute this consols worth
033,000 were purchased when consols were
below par and tho bonds were put aside for
the Duke. These consols rose above par ,
were sold , and tho proceeds invested in
land , which now gives the Duke 50,000 n ,
year in place of' 19,000 a year to which
he is entitled. To reform the present house
of peers there are some persons who advo
cate tho Chinese hereditary system , by
which a duke's son would be a marquis , the
grandson an carl , and so on until the fami
ly either entirely lost its title or was rsj
enobled for fresh services to the state.
A Wile's Good Fortune.
"Thero is a woman at the bottom of it , "
is a trite remark. True ; women are at the'
bottom of good as well as evil. Congress
man Whiting , of Holyoke , mado a little
speech recently "at a dinner in this city ,
and in the course of his remarks on the in
fluence of paper , ho stated this incident ,
not by any means a new one : "The intro-
duction of blue paper is another interest
ing item. The owner of a small mill in Eng
land went to London to "sell his product ,
leaving his wife at home. It was washing
day presumably Monday and the good
wife hada bhteing-bag tied to her apron.
She visited the mill , and , leaning over the
engine , dropped her blueing bag , and
instead of white paper she had a lot of
blue paper. She met her husband upon
his return with a good deal of apprehen
sion , and informed him of tho misfortune.
He felt as if a serious mistake had been
made until he sent the product to market
and received five cents per pound more
than for his usual article , and thereafter
his mill was run on blue paper , and brought
him a fortune.
Xeuralgia and kind red diseases , promptly
yield to the immediate action of St. Jacobs
Oil , tho pain-conqueror.
Death of a Giant.
Fred Decker , better known as the "Os-
sian giant , " died at his homo at Swains ,
Alleghany county , Sunday night , at the
age of 50 years. During his earlier life he
was seven feet two and one-half inches in
height and weighed 325 pounds. As he
grew older he became round-shouldered ,
and at the time of his death he was but six
feet eleven inches high. Some years ago
Mr. Decker was for a lime an exhibit in a
Xew York museum , and for his services in
this capacity he received § SO per month ,
but the idle life ho there led grew distaste
ful to him and he returned to his native
county , where he could enjoy the freedom
of outdoor life and make practical use of
his extraordinary strength. [ Elmira Ad
Ilto Got Even.
Ike Sloan was a farmer , like other Ver-
monters , but wasn't exactly one of the
type whose "critters" and vegetables
always bring more money than other
people's. On the contrary , if there was
any difference between the price that he got
for his products and the market rate , it
was generally to his disadvantage. One
day on his way back from the village he
complained bitterly to the people with
whom he gossiped along the road that the
storekeeper had abused him most shame
fully by giving himonly nine cents a pound
for his maple sugar. "Utit , gol dern him , "
said Sloan with a chuckle , "I got even with
him , for I put more'n two dozen buckctfuls
of water into the sap before I b'iled it ! "
[ Boston Record.
"Art is Ionand time is fleeting , " and it
is too bad to spend half of a short life dis
tressed with neuralgia , when 25 cents spent
for one bottle of Salvation Oil will cure it
Theodore Roosevelt says the grizzly will
fight only when cornered :
FOOD makes Elood and Blood makes
Beauty. Improper digestion of food neces
sarily produces bad blood , resulting in a
feeling of fullness in the stomach , acidity ,
heartburn , sick-headache , and other dys
peptic symptoms. A closely confined life
causes indigestion , constipation , bilious
ness and loss of-appetite. To remove these
troubles there is no remedy equal to Prickly
Ash Bitters. It has been tried and proven
to be a specific.
Printing from zinc plates is gradually re
volutionizing lithography.
If afflicted with Sore Eyes , use Dr. Is&ao
Thompson's Eye Water. Drug-fists sell it. 25c
The old-fashioned "log cabin" quilts are
again the fashion.
A smile that foretells sorrow is the one
3-011 take in the bar-room. .
When in trouble , do as the down East
Yankees do jump over it.
In Italy 71 per cent of the women have
chestnut colored hair.
There are in the state of Wisconsin 1,222
registered druggists.
Early fruit blisters. This fruit is raised
bv hand.
Queen Victoria has paid tho bills for
Princess Beatrice's wedding , 525,000 ,
Cold Beef Stew Slice the beef and
season with pepper and salt , as in Vcai
Sydney ; chop sweet herbs and onion ,
one teaspoonful each to a half pound oi
meat and sprinkle it over ; put cold
gravy in a pan and add the meat , etc. ,
cover close , and simmer fifteen min
utes , then add a large tablespoonful oi
vinegar , and one wine-glassful of wine-
Minced Beef Mince cold roast beef ,
fat and lean , very fine , and chopped
onion one small onion to a half pound
of beef and to that quantity , one table-
spoonful of red pepper , two of salt , and
gravy or stock enough to moisten it
well ; fill scollop shells or a dish two-
thirds full , and cover them with pota
toes mashed smooth with cream or milk ,
and seasoned with pepper and salt.
Put a small piece of butter on top and
brown in the oven.
Ham Toast Take some thin-cut
slices from a stale loaf , toast them to
a delicate brown and cut them into
squares. Put an ounce of butter into a
saucepan over the lire , and when it
melts pour in two beaten eggs ; stir
them for two minutes and then spreac
them over the pieces of toast ; now havo
ready some cold ham minced very
finch' . Spread this over the egg and
serve at once , while the egg is hot.
To Make a Bedroom Stand Cover-
Get a piece of brown linen one yard
square. Turn the edges as if for a hem
four or five inches deep. Herringbone
stitch it around , then cut the edge and
ravel it up to the line of work. A ;
short intervals fasten a few threads of
red worsted. Etch a pretty patern in
the corners with red. This makes a goot
serviceable cover that will do up well
and wear a long time. It may be used
in the sitting room with good efi'ect.
This is the way to make a fancy foot
stool : Take seven round tin cans that
3'ou buy fruit in , all the same size.
Wrap old cloth around them. Put one
in the center and six around it. Faster
them all together , put a piece of ok
quilt or some cotton on top. Take i
paper and lay over it and cut all arounc
it. That will make it in six scollops.
Cut out cover for the top by your paper
pattern and cut a piece of cretonne the
width of the cans and sow it around the
scollops. Turn and put it over the
cans , then cutout a piece for the bot
tom the same way and hem it on. ]
have one made and every one admires
Panned Oysters Drain the oysters in
a colander , then pour over them per
fectly boiling water , three times shak
ing the colander to make it run througli.
Turn them on a soft tea towel , and dry
them by pressing gently between two
folds. "Season with red pepper and a
little salt. For every hundred oysters ,
take a large tablespoonful of sweet
butter ; melt the butter in a porcelain
kettle or deep saucepan , and just as it
begins to boil put in the oysters anc
turn them gently about with a spoon
until the edges begin to curl. They
should bjno means cook more than
five minutes. Serve iii A * well-heated
covered dish.
Veal Olives Cut from a fillet of veal
some thin slices , making them five
inches long and three inches wide. On
each of these lay a very thin slice of
fat bacon , cut the same length and
width as the veal ; spread over tho
bacon a layer of veal force-meat , a
little minced shallot , with salt and
cayenne. Now roll them up , fasten
each securely with a small skewer , dip
them into bread crumbs , and fry them
until they become lightly browned.
Then pour over them enough gravy to
cover them and let simmer gently until
they are tender. Then dish them up ,
strain and skim the gravy , adding to it
the strained juice of half a lemon ;
allow it to boil up , then pour it over
the olives and serve at once.
Fried Oi'sters Take larger oysters
than you would for stewing , and drain
them from the juice. Dip eacli one in
beatun egg and then in cracker dust
until it is completely coaled , and then
drop it quickly into boiling hot lard ,
deep enough to iloat it. As soon as it
is light brown , take it up with a wire
spoon aud lay it on a wire basket or
sieve turned upside down , in front of
the iire , where it will keep hot. Servo
on a very hot dish , on which a small
thiii napkin is first laid , to absorb any
grease that may be left. Red pepper
and a little salb may be beaten into the
egg. Beat three eggs for one hundred
oysters more can be beaten if needed ,
but if too much is beaten at first , it will
be wasted.
Succotash Take corn and beans , in
the proportion of two-thirds corn and
one-third beans ; boil the beans from
half to three-quarters of an hour , with
the cobs from which the corn lias been
cut , then take out the cobsand add the
corn , and let the whole boil fifteen or
twenty minutes , if corn and beans are
young ; half an hour if the } ' are old. To
two quarts of corn and one quart of
beans take two tablespoonfuls of Hour ,
and rub it smooth with the same quan
tity of water , stir it into the succotash ,
and let it boil five minutes. Put one
tablespoonful of butter in tlte dish in
which the succotash is to be served , stir
two teaspoonfuls of salt into the latter ,
and put the whole on the butter. If
dried beans and corn be used , soak
them the night before , ami boil them in
the water in which the } ' were soaked.
The Caterer.
Gen. trraiitawl the Coward.
"Gen. Grant was a firm believer in
the mythical lucky star , ' " an old milita
ry man said to me , recently , "Like
Napoleon , he believed what would be
would be. I was with Grant in the
days preceding the surrender at Appo-
niattox. One afternoon , during one of
the numerous skirmishes of those last
eventful days , one of the drafted men
a poltroon and notorious coward was
caught skulking in the commissary's
The fellow was pointed out to the
"Let him go , ' ' said he , "let him go
a bullet can find a coward as well m
one place as another. "
Half an hour afterward the soldier
was found , with a bullet hole in his
brain , within the corral of train-horses ,
and dead. St. Louis Chronicle.
A Great Man's Generosity for a. Fallen
I told the senator that reminded mo of
an "old chesnut" that was told of Caleb
Gushing , of Massachusetts , and Frank
Pierce , when tho latter was senator from
New Hampshire. lie was noted for his
politeness and courtesy as well as for his
genial ways. They had been out to a din
ner party one night and dined and wined
i liberally. On their way home Gushing lell
I and couldn't get up. He said : "Frank ,
' help me up. " Frank replied : "Galeb , I
cant ; but I will lay down with you , " and
they did rest on tho bosom of the earth
until a friendly hack rescued them.
Popular trial shows tho worth of every
article ; and 34 years constant use has
proven the great ellicacy of Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrnf ) ; it has no superior.
Tho Churchman calls tho prevailing style
of ball-room dress "insolent indecency. "
"A little fire is quickly trodden out
Which , being suffered , rivers cannot
quench. "
j Procrastination may rob you of time ,
but by increased dilligenco you can make
up the loss ; but if it rob you of life theloss
is irremediable. If your health is delicate ,
your appetite fickle , your sleep broken ,
your mind depressed , your whole being out
of sorts , depend upon it you are seriously
diseased. In all such cases Dr. I'ierce'n
"Golden Medical Discovery" will speedily
effect a genuine , radical cure make a new
man of you and save you from the tortues
of lingering disease.
Did you ever notice an ink-stand up for
its writes ?
"Throw F2iylc to ll o Bogs"
when it is the old-fashioned blue mass , blue
pill sort , and insist on using Dr. Pierce's
'Pleasant Purgative Pellets , " a modern
medical luxury , being small , sugar-coated
granules , containing tho active principles
of certain roots and herbs , and which will
be found to contain as much cathartic
power as any of tho old-fashioned , larger
pills , without the hitter's violent drastic
effects. The pellets operate thoroughly
but harmlessly , establishing a permanently
healthy action of the stomach and bowels ,
and as an anti-bilious remedy are un-
A long and hard spell for potatoes
* os Piles , fistula ? , rupturo and
stricture radically cured. Book of particu
lars 10 cents in stamps. World's Dispen
sary Medical Association , Buffalo , N. Y.
In the winter , the cats purr : in the spring ,
the larksjmr.
BITTERS relieve the constipated bowels ; at
tho same time thoroughly toning their
inner membrane and restoring their
mechanical action. Yet the result is
wholly due to nature , reinforced and sus
tained by the best vegetable alterative
and tonic that over passed the lips of the
sick aud suffering.
Keep thy spirit pure from worldly taint
by the ropullant power oi virtue. Bailey.
W. H. Worthington , editor of the
"Patrons of Husbandry , " published at
Columbus , Mass. , writes under date of Feb.
25 , 1SS2 : "Your great remedy , Allen's
Lung Balsam , I have used in my family for
fifteen years for coughs and colds , and
know it to be the best. " 25e. , 50c. , and
§ 1.00 a bottle.
The bridal dress of the Princess Eulalie
of Spain cost § 20,000.
PIVK dollars saved yearly In boots and shoes by
using Lyon'b IIcul StlfCencrs. U3c.
Tight-button boots are dangerous to the
feet. Give them to the goats.
The host consh medicine Is PIso's Cure for Con
sumption. Sold every where. C5c.
Essays on the sun and moon come under
the head of ' 'light" literature.
"When TJaTjyjras sich , wo gave her Castoria ,
"When slio was a Child , sho cried for Castoria ,
\VLon sho became Miss , sho citing to Caatoria ,
TTtan sho had Children , eho gave them Caatoria ,
Queen Victoria has taken quite a fancy
to Miss Hose Elizabeth Cleveland's book.
For Cuts , Galls , Old Sores , Scratch
es , Thrush , etc. , use Stewart's Heal-
iag Powder , 15 and 50 cents a , box.
Angels have wings , aud always end up in
flying off. Byron.
Every strain or cold attacks that weak back
and nearly prostrates you.
Strengthens tho
Steadies the Ncrrcs ,
EnrichfH the Blood , Givc.s New Vigor.
MB. JOHN W. KENT. SUrLyillo , Col. , says : "For
the past twelve years I havo suffered with pains in
my back. I used Brown's Iron Hitters with great
benefit. I feel better now than I havo for twelvo
years. "
.Miss LIZZIE BiiENSAir.SBIoCookeAvo. , St. I-nats ,
JIo. . sayw " I suffered with ppinnl weakness , pains iu
my back , and slocploas nights. I tried every conceiv-
ablo remedy without much benefit. Four bottles of
Urowu's Iron Bitters h&va relieved me , and I cheer
fully recommend it. "
Genuine has above Trade Mark and crossed red lines
oa wrapper. Take no other. 3lade only by
It hasotood tlio Test of "Sears ,
in Curing all Diseases of tho
ELS , &c. It Purifies the
Blood , Invigorates and
Cleanses the System.
disappear at onco
KIDNEYS its beneficial influence.
STOMACH It is purely a Medicine
AND as its cathartic _ proper
ties forbids its use as a
BOWELS. coverage. It is pleas
ant to tne taste , and as
easily taken by child
ren as adults.
PRlCElDOLLAR Solo Proprietors ,
SrJ.OUI3 and KASAS Crrr
Best material , perfect fit. equals any $5 or 36 bhoe ,
every pair warranted. Take none unless stamped
"W. L. Uouslas' S"-00 Shoe ,
warranted. " Coiijrresf , Buttou
and Lace. If jou cannot set
these shoes from dealers , send
addressed postal card to W. L.
Douelas.IJrockton , Mass.
Knights of
Labor EVlads.
mo t reliable nnJ dunv
ble I'.VJ ) foi Sot-e-
nccK horses or mules
AVeatheror uear lias nc
eirecton their curativi
properties Our ne
loops with strap' mak
them vcir-ailjiistiiiK. Wi
Solicit : i trial. KOI
sale by nil Snddlerr Tol > ber > . A-'k voiir liarness-
mak-er for them ZINC CO LLJLlt 1 A1 CO. ,
Uuchanan. Mich.
RJTC Local and tnxv-
SAS I & iiB JSook
Asents wanted to sell Standard Subscription
Books. Aujone can take urilers. whether ei-
perlcnccd or not. The merits of our l ) okmd our
ptivutcpliainplct , "Sucre .s In Canva sintf. " FIEK to
Ascuts , always assures success. Name territory
wanted , and address ,
Publisher and General We'-tein Arlnt. (
Mention this paper.
The iniid weather , following onron ? 7id severe ICo words of o-irs ran f el ! he lionofit to be derived
winter , has such a ilepres-"g ! eiTect upon the body from Hood's Sarsnparilln. if vou nccil n good spring
that one feels all tired out. almost complccly pros- medicine. It will strain all the inipurit c-s from tho
tratcc' , ilie appetite is lost , and tl'ere is no ambition biooi ! , rouse the torpid li\er , In\l ora c the dl-
to do anvthlsg. The who'c tendency of the system I gestivc organs , and Impart new life to every func
is downward. Hood's Satsjparilla l just the med tion of the body.Vconly ask you to try a single
icine needed. It parifles the Wood , sharpens the bottle to prove the roaitiic merit * of HcoJ'sSaraa-
appetite. ercomesths tired feclins and invigorates parillaasan houest and reliable -dlclne. .
every function of the body. I " ' '
"I think Hood's Sarsaparl'.Ia Is the best medicine
"Hood's Sarsaparilli in fonrwceks made me a new j forg--neral debility tncre is. and for the fruOU It has
man. My head ceased to ache , and my whole system don'-me TchcrrfuUv recommend It. " J. SuiLtTAX ,
Is bui.t up anew , enjoying rerfect health. " I. BAE- o-J Bown St. . I'.cchestcr , X. Y.
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