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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1886)
* ; , VOLUME i v. . MeCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , APRIL 8 , 1SS6. NUMBER 45. - ' -Q * j u i AND ffW RECEIVED A BREAT SHAflE OF OUR STOCK AND CAN SHOW YOU THE ONLY HEAL ASSORTMENT OF Dress Goods , Notions , Fancy Goods , Laces , Robes , Linens , Napkins , Towels , Muslin Underwear , Ladies' Shoes , CorsetsEtc. , in the Republican VallejMen's , Boy's and Children's. ClothingReadyMade , or to Order , in the Latest Shapes. n Hats , Caps , Neckwear , Furnishings , Etc. , in the Best Styles. are the Leaders in Variety of Goods , Low Prices and Best Style. DRY GOODS E iTTJTYf1 I H nix\vj ir -nlMi i : cCOOK NEBRASKA LT.OWTW A W ? , , JLd Jr VV JLJL jiLJLlI G. K. LAAATSON DEALER IN : ri ' ! oXj Xj CD CD IE , STUEDBAKER WAGON , PLOWS , Etc , .MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. F. L. McCRAQKElN , Jeweler. ] ij THE. ONLY COMPLETE ST00K I ? ! " IN THE WEST , AND ' AT THE , PARTICULAR ATTENTION ! i 'PAID TO THE REPAIRING OF FINE AND COMPLI- I GATED WATCHES. \ ENGRAVING FREE. * BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNITEDSTATHS"LAND OFFICE McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 3.1 , . LAWS , Bcsistcr. C. ? . BAB50C2 , ScceSvcr. OFFICE HOUKS : From ii A. 51. to 12 > ! . , nud 1 to 4 P.M. . , mountain time. cocHRAN & HELA ! Attorneys-at-Law Gen'l Agents , McCOOK , : NEBRASKA. I'roinpt and careful atiuulluu Riven to Law Cast's In all tliu Courts of the State and all cla ins of U. S. Land Uunlncsg tnmsactcd before tlie local ollicu at McCook. Xebraska , and tlii ; Inn-rior Department fit Washington , 1) . ( \ Contests a bpcclalty. AVlll pros ecute claims for Tciisions and claims for Increase of Pensions. Notarial busiucss douu i.nd lands bought and sold on reasonable terms. J3"Oiace. Sd door snutli of the U. S. Land Olllce. 3.2S THOS. COLFEIt. .1. A. COUDKAI. . COLFEK & COUJKAh. ATTORNEYS : AT : LAW , AND NOTAltJES i ri5LIO. Koal Kstute Uouplit and Sold tinrl Colluutiou.j Mide. Thos. Golfer agent Lincoln Liiml Co. Ollice , Opp. Chicngo Lumber Yard. JleCook. SNAVELY & STARR , ATTORNEYS : AT : LAW , JNDLANOLA , NKBKASKA. . AVill piiicticc in all the State : inil ITuitwl States Courts. Also , hel'orttlie Land Olliee lit JlcCook and the department at Washington. i IinOII W. COM ! . I.EUX F. MOSS , COLE & MOSS , LAWVERS , McCOOK NEHUASKA. I [ Will practice in all the Courts of , | Kiinsus and Colorado , and in tlic Federal | j Courts of the Eighth Circuit. Careful atten tion given to contests and hind business before | thelJ. S. Lund Offices at McCook. Oberlin and . Donver , and the Interior Department at Washj j ington. Commercial and corporation law si j specialty. Jloney to loan. Uooms 4. and 5 , First National Bunk Building' . H. T. ANDERSON. Loan Broker and Accountant , McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. Books opened , written up and adjusted Of fice over Green's drug1 store. 4. : i2 ti mos. B. J. KYAN , J. D. TCRNEH , notary Petti : . Bs-Clsrk U. S. Lssd Office RYAN & TURNEil , Land , Loan and Insurance Off ice. S2 Money to Loan on Fniinb and Personal Bropcrty. Insurance in reliable companies. OEO.V. . BEDE. II. JJ. TAYr.OH. G. W. EEDP ] & ( JO. REAL ESTATE AGENTS , U. S. LAND ATTOKXEYS. J2T Claim relinquishmentsl'orsalf. Contest uuses attended and a general land business transacted Ollice. one block north of Post Ollice , McCook , Neb. 45-tim J. E. CASTBERG , COUNTY - : - SUKVEYOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY. NEB. at Indianola and McCook. Post- .Olnce address. McCook , Neb. Dii. Z. L. KA5T. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. Eg""Office : Itootn No. 1 , JlcCook Banking Company's Building. DR. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B. & M. RAILROAD. LOFFICE AT-C. & M. PHAUMACi' , ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. T. B. STOTZMAN , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AXD AUEIST. McCOOK ' . . . .NEBRASKA 's Urick. 31ain St. B. B. DAYIS , M. D. , . PHYSICIAN AND SURI3EON , McCOOK NEBRASKA. T Offico at Chenery i ; Stiles drugstore. . JOHN F. COLLINS , CONTRACTOR AM ) BUILDER , ' . McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. s wjil receiveprompt , attention at my shop ou Dcnhtson St. , opposite McCoiilc'lIotwc. Plans osU U 4&sSiBJisi4fi3 | p _ i , A PAINT has been invented to take r | the place ol whitewaslt. No legislature j should be witliout it. ; A KK'fUHNKit consrressniaii informs j * . I us that the . "hauls of legislation * ' arc j to be looked for in the lobbies. i _ _ _ _ _ \ ! Asa r&mlt'oF the Alikado epidemic j i > ; the flowers that bloimi in the spring * ' j ] will be L'beatnuts when theydo conic , i ! t : _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ i -Mil. MOSES ronx'Kachel. . put i'u r emeralds mid der jreeii iunbullt. in dcr vront vinder. It's Saint liatrickV day j and we've got to be batriotie. Vas sagst j ! du ? " _ ! m j A BILL in the New York legislature ' . , provides that female teachers in tlie j ' public schools shall be paid not less ! ' than 65 per cent , of what is paid male ! teachers. j ( "Fp spring poets were hens. " says an ' exchange. ; 'evcn an editor could afford j to eat. eggs. Doubtful. If spring poets were hens , they would not , send their lays to the editor. l.v Brooklyn there was a serious strike i in the public school , the boys and girls j demanding shorter day's works. The teachers , called in the troops and the po lice suppressed the strike without.much bloodshed. One bloody monopoly has triumphed. G-K.VEKAK Master Workman Fowder- ly. it seems , began his working life as a switch tender. Mr. lioxie. manager of the Gould system of railroads in the southwest , wag at one lime hostler in a hotel near Des Moines. Afterwards he became chairman of the republican state central committee and United States marshal of Iowa. Mr. Gould himself earned his first money as a map ped dler. New York World. THE labor troubles of the southwest are not yet over. ' 1 he great railroad managers have declined to re-employ all employes , and many hundreds of men are in consequence out of a joband wtil be even after traffic is resumed. This is unfortunately apt to be the case after every great strike , and furnishes one of the strongest reasons why earnest at tempts should be made to arbitrate rath er than to fight out labor troubles. The present troubles have already cost the railroads and their employes more than $4,000,01)0. ) [ 1 cooler heads had directed the Knights of Labor of the southwest , it need not have cost either side a dollar. THK American dies from overwork and anxiety. When he is five years old he begins school with the determination to be at. the. head of the class. He will out-run , out-jump and lick any boy of his size. Jle enters upon a condition of strain that is perpetual. As he goe ? on it gets worse. He must be in poli tics at twenty , rich at thirty , great at forty and if he measurably succeeds he- is decaying at fifty and dead at sixty. He ought to be dead. It is a fitting punishment for his audacity and his steady violation of the laws of nature. S. II. Jones of Ashley , 111. buys Chamber lain's Fain Bairn by the half dozen birftl . " . . He says its a sure cure for nenralt'a. It is alfO used forrhenntati > ui and luis curedmany eases that had resisted all other treatment. " . DEALERS IN GENERAL < T * \ / ! 1) VVA. . agaisygsSSiS r L-- - * ? ( ! U IrJ1 ? ' H > - U IF1ON AND V OOD PUMPS , ETC. , McCOOEAND BENKELMAN , NEBRASKA. -PROPRIETORS OF THE U- of all ilt' iTijuhiiiUV luiv ) r Mirtiiu-iil in \ Vfn : Xi-lir.rskH. fiiiNtiiiirtir Fine 1'arlur Funiitnir. Midi as Li w. Iia.Chair. . - . l ' ( ckerVitidov < 'hair > . Croups , Ottomans , ute. AotTer s nl inducr mriio int tIf. . [ ialiti anil i riccs ot" ' Ju Walnut. , Muple. Ash. ( 'hern anil Imitation Mahojram. ANo. { { f lstea < ! > . llnreaus , Jji lc- boanls. Kxtension Tallies , ' "a cs Swrftarii . ) ! licc Diki. . Tables and Stamls. ' Also , full cqnijiineiii.- HoiiK ti'asU' < nch iir'n-- > a > \\ill be in readiot'all ; Siniriu Cot Beds ( Wire and Cotton T < > j > ) . L'iiovr.iaiikt.t ! and Quilts. Chairs and Cuinnion Tables. J Intel and Public Ilmi-jc Furniture a .Specialty. 1'ier and 3Iantcl Mirrors , V.'indov.Shades and Corniit > : i .SiMK.'laltVitttr sirinir ) ndaptcMl to the trade. . U K D E ETTA KING In all its branches.Ve bniulli : Wooi ! llurial > ; ind Ca--k 'tFine ( 'loth Cuveretl Cases. * Tcli'irrajih onlets jironptlattfinhd ti . on us. We guarantee low prices and a positive bargain. No. 25 South Main Ave. . . , - RScCOOK , NEB. - i * " ' , \ T i * i y i i a41 \ TOT \ T"rT3 \ o i \-4o \ "siT \ DC rliSC i\dllOfldi MilK OP McOOOK-NEBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL , - - $50,000.00. DOES - : - A - : - GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS , Receives and Pays Dsposiies. Buys and Sails Exchange on Hew York. Chicago and Omaha , and all .the principal cities c ? Europe. FIRE INSURANCE WRITTEN IN RELIABLE CO.'S. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : CCttrrcWfciroctoU } ( A btaat Sup : . I * , ill. } { OSKtrliy I'arpccttr Co. , Cl