The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 01, 1886, Image 7

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    Care of the Hand * *
There are simple means by which thci
bands may be kept in a presentable condi-j
lion , as the use of glycerine or honey after )
washing them , and a little bran or oatmeal
to be used sometimes instead of soap.
Wearing gloves when the work is rough or
flirty is quite admissible. Ladies who
have rough , coarse hands should rub them
with cream at night and may wear loose' '
gloves. Should the hands become hard {
.and horny , treab them with pumistonc and .
lemon. Lemon is always good for tho ,
hands ; ifc cleanses them aswell as soap'
und makes them soft. j
"You can't come it , " said a customer to '
n , druggist who endeavored to palm of his' '
own mixture when Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup
was asked for , and Bull's he got. Price 25 ,
cents. I
The mariner is not liable to censure if ho
leads a wreckless life. '
The Genuine has Trade Mark and crossed Red
Lines on wrapper.
If you frlsh a cortnln cnro for nil Blood
diseases. Nothingvas ever invented that will
cleanse the Blood and puilfr the System equal
to Hops and IUAI/E1 Hitters. It tone *
Tip the Syntcm , puts new XSIood in your
Tclus , restores your lout appetite and
lcep. and brings you perfcc" lienltli. It
never fails to give relief in all cap of Kidney
or Liver Troubles , Bllloutnens , 2nd-
gentloi } Constipation , Sick Headaches , Dys
pepsia , Nervous disorders , and all Female
Complaints ; when properly taken it is a sura
cure. Thousands have been benefited by it
in this and other Western States. It is tlio l e t
Combination of Vegetable remedies nrs yet
discovered for the restoration to health of the
"Weak and Debilitated. Do not get Ktops
and MAI.T Bitters confounded with infe
rior preparations of similar name. J prescribo
Hops & Malt Bitters regularly in my practice.
Robert Turner. M. D. , Flat Rock , Mich. Tor sale
by nil druggists.
GOODMAN DRUG GO , , Wteala Agents ,
The test and surest Remedy for Cure of
all diseases caused l > y any derangement of
the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels.
V Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation ,
Bilious Complaints and Malaria of all kinds
yield readily to the beneficent influence of
It is pleasant to the taste , tones np the
system , restores and preserves health.
It is purely Vegetable , and cannot fail to
ove beneficial , both to old and young.
As a Blood Purifier it is superior to alt
others. Sold everywhere at Sl.OO a bottle.
I Tiavt used tico
tottlcs of El'/s Cream
Halm and consider
mysdf cured. Isuf-
fcred 20 years from
catarrh and catarrh-
al headache and thh
istfiejirxt remedy that
afforded lasting , re-
ief. D. T. Hlaain-
on , 145 Lake Street , _ CF\/F D
" "
Chicago , Jit. "I" & & ft
A particle In aprlted Into each nostril and is agree-
alilc to use. Price 50 cts. bvmail i ; at drucc sts.
Send for circular. KLi' B&OTHEKS , Druggists ,
Owego , K.Y.
_ feel well and en
joy life when you go about with a
ha'&fag cough ? More substan-
tiaf benefits can be obtained from
a fifty-cent bottle of DR. BIGE-
dollar bottle of any other cough
remedy. It is a prompt , safe , and
pleasant cure for all Throat and
Lung Troubles. Sold and in-
dorsed by Druggists. _
mJT-cn Ladles and Gentlemen tc
A M * = * J take llchtwork at thelt
onn homes. S I to ' a day easily made.
Work bent by mall. No canvassing. W
] nve good demand foronr work , and fur
n'lsh steady employment. Address , will
? tan.p. CBOWX llW.Co SJ Vine StCla.O ,
A Somcwliat Gloomy but Timely
Topic Xot Flippantly but Hu
morously Discussed.
The subject of what we shall do with
ourselves after death , writes Bill Nyo
to The Boston Globe , is one that should
be duly considered at nu early date. In
all seriousness , the soul is not the only
thing to be looked after , cither during
life or after death. We are too prone
to neglect our health during life and
then bequeath our accumulated mi
crobes and other results of a long and
perhaps , crooked career to some sight
ly cemetery set oil a hill like a city that
can not be hid.
Longevity is a'good thing , though I
have known public men to overdo it
To die at the proper moment and leave
a good impression on history is one of
the lost arts. To llicker out of life with
the applause of a great people still ring
ing in the ears is a good tiling ; but man
that is born of woman and the major
ity of them are that way are too prone
to linger on this side of eternity until
they have done some little tiling that is
never properly explained on their tomb
But after death , what shall we do
with ourselves ? In this brief treatise I
dare not attempt to be thorough , or
even lucid. Leaving others who Know
all about it to state exactly what dis
position will be made of our souls , let
us look into the matter of what we
shall do with our bodies.
I hope that what I may say will not
be regarded as flippant , for this is nc
place for flippancy , but allow me to
speak plainly of it as I would on any
other subject concerning our health.
Death has some very peculiar char
acteristics. For instance , it will wake
up the dormant old"crank , who has
never missed a funeral for sixty years.
He goes for miles to see "deceased. "
It is his holiday. It is the one saving
sport in his otherwise joyless life. , We
all remember him. He is sometimes a
The thought that the time will come
some da3r when this man will put on
his funeral clothes and come to my
funeral makes my hair rise up on end.
He can not gloat over me now , but the
day may come when I shall lie low ,
instead of lying otherwise , as I do now ;
and he may outlive me and come to see
me properly buried. Then he will
enjoy himself ! Ah , what a blessed
relief it would be could I hover ovei
the doorway when he comes ,
and hear my footman announce
to the old vulture that he "is a little
late , as Mr. Nye was put in the kiln
half an hour ago. "
I could suffer a good deal through life
if I knew that I coulil at last head oil
thefuneral liend Ilieman who wouldn't
loan me a dollar when I was struggling
for grub , but who cheerfully visits my
funeral and shows his approval in every
possible way.
I must sar in all candor that there are
many attractive features about crema
tion. I am sure that when cremation
is placed within the reach of all it will
rapidly become popular.
Jii the iirst place , if the space between
life and physical annihilation could be
made just "as narrow as possible , it
would b'j far more cheerful to consider.
Death itself is cruel enough , but to add
to it a hippodrome of a public funeral
and turn our parlors into a gaudy
morgue , and then repose in a crowded
cemetery till the city wants the ground
for a park , and then to pick up our
crumbling bones and. move away to a
new grave , is not cheerful to contem
I have often thought that a cheerful
book of fifty or sixty pagus "might be
written under the title of "Kecollec-
tions of Resurrection ; or , the Diary of
a Body. " It could be made to teach us
a valuable lesson. Politically I am
pledged to genuine national reform.
Let the nation try it , and if it works all
right on the nation I will try it myself.
Then I am committed to the unlimited
coinage of a tame dollar , one that you
can steal up behind and put salt on its
tail ; not the evasive and ignis fatous
dollar of the present. Next I am in
favor of cremation at living prices. At
present the price is too high , and the
poor man is left to decay ad lill tho
soil with the poisonous gases which the
poor , as well as the rich , may indulge
in after death.
Death should end our career , so far
as earthly affairs go , but with the em
barrassing prospects of a premature
burial , the cheerful chances of being
boiled by the janitor of a medical col
lege and our skeletons wired together
and hung in a museum , and the oppor
tunity , if we escape the iirst two , of
being tipped out of our graves by a
flood , an earthquake , or the act of the
common council , it is no wonder that
people cling to life.
If I thought that for centuries after
my decease my long but symmetrical
skeleton would be used night after
night in a nude condition to illustrate
the union in case of compound cyclonic
fracture of the tibia , I wouldn't be able
to sleep nights.
A Good Appetizer.
"You seu'm to be hungry to-night ,
old man. " said a gentleman to a friend
who was seated in Delmonico's before
a dinner that nearly comprised the biU
of fare.
"I . "
am ; ravenous.
"I wish I could eat a dinner like
that , " went on the first speaker , envi
ously. "What doyoutake , cocktails ? "
"Norbetter appetizer than cocktails. "
"Well , what is it ? "
"I've been out with my wife to a 5
o'clock tea. Here , waiter , more bread ,
and be quick about it" New York
Yery Useful.
Scene : Jones' dressing-room. Brown
Ah-h , Jones , what have we here ?
Jones Oh , that's a tidy I bought at tho
church fair , don't you know. Charming
girl. Miss De Johnson bought it at her
table , you know. Keally couldn't help
myself ! she smiled so sweetly and said
rd find it so useful. Brown Did she ,
though. Why , man , it's one of those
crotcheted washraas. Life.
"How Are the .Folks 9' *
Said a friend to another as they were
passing each other on the street.
"They are all well , " was the reply.
"Why , I thought your father had tho
rheumatism. "
"Oh , yes , so ho has ; ho always has that.
I forgot all about it. "
And HO it is with many people who suffer
with the most aggravating pains. They
hobble around as best they can and get
very little or no sj'mpathy on account of
their healthful look , and from the factthat
it is only rheumatism and they always
have it. What pains are more severe than
those from rheumatism ? Said W. S. Hop
kins , living at No. 179 C Avenue , Cedar
Rapids , Iowa :
"My wife and daughterwerebothstricken
with inflammatory rheumatism at the
same time. The lower limbs were much
swollen. The pain seemed almost be- '
yond endurance. Sleep was out of the
question. They suffered so much that to
move or even touch the sheet on the bed
would cause the most violent pain. They
were confined to the bed four weeks. Dur
ing that time and previously , I bought
many kinds of medicines. Then I employed
a physician , but nothing gave relief until I
bought some Athlophoros , which I had
heard of , and I am glad to say in a very
short time the swelling was reduced , tho
pain gone and they were entirely woll. "
"Howmuch did they take , Mr. Hopkins ? "
"J think it was three bottles in all. "
"Have either of them had any return of
the rheumatism ? "
"Not in the least. "
"It was rather a strange coincidence ,
both having an attack at tho same time ? "
"Yes , it was , but such was the case ,
strange as it may seem. They were both
helpless , but are now well , and all from the
use of Athlophoros. It is an excellent
medicine , and well worth the trial by any
sufferer from rheumatism. "
Mrs. C. J. Albeck , living at No. 10G7 Clay
street , Dubuque , has used Athlophoros ,
and gives this as her experience with it :
"Yes , I have used it and it cured me. Up
to the time I used it , which was in Febru
ary , 1884 , I was subject to frequent at
tacks of inflammatory rheumatism and
have been nearly all my life. At times I
would be almost helpless. As sure as I
would take a little cold I would have an
attack of rheumatism , sometimes in my
lower limbs and at others in my arms.
When I commenced with Athlophoros I
was carrying my right arm in a sling. It
was very much swollen and I could not
move my fingers without causing me con
siderable pain. One evening , while I was
Buffering in this way , I heard of Athlopho
ros , and the wonderful cure it had made in
Mrs. McCue's case. The next day I sent
for a bottle and commenced using it at
once. I was a little afraid of it at first , on
account of the buzzing sensation it caused
in my head , hue reduced the dose and kept
taking ifc regularly. Itworked like a charm.
The swelling and pain were gone , my rheu
matism was well , and I had free use of my
arm. "
' Has it ever returned , Mrs. Albeck ? "
"No , it is now a year and a half and I
have not suffered any since. "
"Then it has proven a valuable medicine
in curing you of chronic.rheumatism ? " .
"Yes , it certainly has , and I could not
say too much in favor of Athlophoros. "
If you cannot get ATHLOPHOROS of your
druggist , we will send it , express paid , on re
ceipt of regular price one dollarper bottle.
'We prefer that you buy it from your drug
gist , but if he hasn't it , do not be persuaded
to try something else , but order at once
from us , as directed. ATHLOPHOROS Co. ,
112 Wall Street , New York.
South African Diamond * .
Early in 18G7 , the first South African
diamond was brought to the town of Coles-
berg by a hunter named O'lleillly to whom
it had bean given by a Dutch boer family
named Jacobs whoso child had found it in
her play. Ifc was carried to the Paris expo
sition , and by the following year diamond
digging had been begun in earnest. In 1SG9
the African Kohinoor valued at $150,000
was discovered. By 1870 public attention
had become completely aroused and capi
talists began to invest in the enterprises.
In 1870 there were 40,000 people within a
ine of seventy miles on the banks of tho
Vaal river. The South African diamond
fields are situated chiefly in the colony of
West Griqtialand , which was proclaimed
British territory in 1871.
The Coldest Place on Enrtli.
Many feel in these latitudes quite com
fortable on reading of the cold registeiedat
Werkhojansk , in Siberia. At the late meet-
ing of ths St. Petersburg Academy of
Science , it was stated that the mean tem
perature of Werkshojansk , during January ,
1885 , was sixty-two degrees nine minutes.
Fahrenheit below zero and thelowesfc read
ing of the thermometer was ninety degrees
four minutes below zero. This is tl o lowest
minimum temperature ever recorded on
the globe , under circumstances which make
the record entirely reliable , and is probably
lower than would ever be recorded at the
north pole itself. The Werkshojansk obser
vations also show that the great cause of
refrigeration on tho continents is not due
to the movement of polar air over them ,
but to the radiation and loss of heat by
the soil itself under an atmosphere of ex
tremely low absolute humidity.
Virtue and Sobriety In Congress.
The drinking men in congress are the ex
ception. During daily intercourse with
these gentlemen running through six years
of official life , excessive drinking was very
rare , while a profane oath scarcely ever fell
upon my ear. Many of these gentlemen are
Christian men at home , and do not lay
aside their religious profession in Washing
ton. Among us not a few are ready to
epeak and to give and work for the cause
of Christ , emamples worthy the honored
name they bear. At this anniversary we
had ringing words for the right. We have
reason to be proud of the American con
gress , the noblest body of statesmen under
the whole heaven , worthy the grandest gov
ernment upon which the sun shines. But
we , of course , must not yet expect millen
nial purity. That , too , will come in the
Lord's time. [ Evangelist.
The proprietors of Salvation Oil , the
greatest cure on earth for pain , will pay a
large reward if any certificate published by
them is found.not genuine.
II you desire to take an extended pleas-
Tjre trip , get a bicycle and go to Wheeling.
BUY SALZER'SlCrMMini. ) SEEDS. c u.rrt
A trance-position The attitude of one
trho lies in a stupor.
Prevent your hair from becoming prema
turely gray by using Hall's Hair Ecnewer.
Bilious attacks are speedily relieved and
cured by taking Ayer's Pills. Try them.
Almost time to hear of the first base ball j
fame of the gecsoa. j
Dr. Picrce's "Favorite Prescription" per
fectly and permanently cures those diseases
peculiar to females. It is tonic and nerv
ine , effectually allaying and curing those
sickening sensations that effect tho stom
ach and heart , through reflex action. Tho
backache and "drngcing-down" sensations
all disappearunderthestrengthening effects
of this great restorative. By druggists.
King Humbert , of Italy , never looks a
; ift glass of champagne in tho foam.
"The leprous distilmont , vrhocs effect ,
Hold such an enmity with blood of man ,
That , swift as quicksilver , it courses through
The natural gates and alleys of the body , "
and causes the skin to become "batked
about , most lazr-like , with vice and loath
some crust. " Such are the effects of dis
eased and morbid bile , the only antidote
tor which is to cleanse and regulate the
liver an office admirably performed by Dr.
Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery. "
The emperor of Germany does not like
the niano.
Young men or mirldle-aged ones , suffering
from ntrvous debility and kindred wcak-
.nesses should send 10 cents in stamps for
'llustratcd ' book suggesting sur means of
cure. Address , World's Dispensary Medi
cal Association. GG3 Main Street. Buffalo ,
X. Y.
Christine Neilsson will make a tour of
this country.
LTOS'S Patent Heel StIITcner is the onlv Invention
thtit makes old boots stnilgliUis new.
A little over twenty years ago Senator
Kenna was following a plow.
If a cough disturbs your sleep , take Tiso's Cure
for Consumption and rest well.
Herbert Gladstone has been elected a
member of the lleform club.
VENCS HERSELF would not have been
beautiful if her complexion had been bad.
Ladies , instead of resorting to paints and
powders , should remember that an impure ,
blotchy , or sallow skin is the proof of
feeble digestion , torpid liver , or vitiated
blood , for all of which Dit. WALKER'S CALI
FORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS is a safe , sure , and
effective remedy.
True friendship can only proceed from
perfect sympathy.
"I have tried Athlophoros in my family
and it has worked like a charm. I have
kept it for the last two months. " writes
druggist L. J. Kimball , of Norway , Mich. ,
uiving his experience with the great rheu-
inatibin and neuralgia cure.
Another month and then the cows canbe
turned out to pasture. .
swer the constant call for a good and low
priced cough and croup remedy do we now
introduce our Allen's Lung Balsam in three
Sizes , 2.c , 50c , and § 1.00 a bottle at all
The late Joseph Mnas , English tenor , left
555,000 , his savings in eight years.
The new combination of Smart Weed and
Belladonna , as used in Carter's Backache
Plasters has proved to be one of the best
that could be made. Try one of these
bopular plasters in any case of weak or
lame back , backache , rheumatism , neu
ralgia , soreness of the chest or lungs , itc. ,
'nnd you will be surprised and pleas d by
Hie prompt relief. In bad cases of chronic
dyspepsia , a plaster over the 'pit of the
stomach stops the pain at onco. Auk for
Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Back
ache Plasters. Price 25 cents.
The planet Venus has mountains five
times as high as tho highest on the earth.
Tn another 'column of this issue will be
found an entirely new and .novel specimen
of attractive advertising. It is one of the
neatest we have ever seen , and * we think
anyone will be well repaid for examining the
supposed display letters in the advertise
ment of Prickly Ash Bitters.
The late Joseph Mass , English tenor , left
§ 85,000 , Inn savings in eight years.
TTLcn Baby was siciwe gvre licr Castorla ,
When slio was a Child , she cried for Castoria ,
When sho became Miss , sho clung to Caatoria ,
171:311 aho bad Children , abo gave them Castoria ,
Dr. Schliemann is going to leave all his
archaeological treasure to the city of Berlin.
If yon have barbed wire fences , keep Veter
inary CarliolisaUo in your stables. It cnri.
without a scar and renews the hair its original
color. 50 cents and § 1.00 , atDruggistsor by mail.
CoIeA Co. , Black Kiver Falls , Wia.
Mrs. Garfield , widow of President Gar-
field , is to live at Mentor hereafter.
If afllicted with Sore Eyes , use Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell it. : i3c
The flea , though diminutive in size , is a
; reat back-biter.
Often manifest themselves In ths spring mout'is.
Eruptions nu-h as hl\cs , pimples and boll ! ! . 4lt
rheum , scrofula or other atections caused by im
purity or low state of the blood are cured by Head's
Sarsaparilla. It purifies , vitalizes and enriches the
Wood , nnd gives renewed strength to the whole
bodr. Try this excellent spring medicine and blood
"I sufferedwith bolls five years. Hcol's Sarsapa
rilla cured me. " ] J. M. LAKE , Pittsburg , ra.
Hood's Sarsapariila
"I was for some time troubled with boil' , bavins
several of them at n time. After enduring about all
I could bear In suffering , I took Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Four or five bott'ci entirely cured me , and I ha\e
had no symptoms of the return of the boils. " E. N.
XiniiT OALK. Qulncy. Mass.
I had become very much run down , and generally
out of order , was cry blllo-n. and my liver and kid
neys were more or less deianged. A few bottles of
Hood's Saisuparilla built me rlsht up and put new
life Into me. I recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla to
the like adlctcd.V. . K. STATXKE , Cambrldteport.
CENT JSOTTr.'FS are liu | > iip/or tho
25 accommodation otall who desire a
Good and Loir I'ricecl
should Secure tho Large Ki.00 Itottlea.
Direc-tlonH accompany Kich llottlo.
OF SIUAI.I * MEANS in thr flJeiv lucrative busi
ngs ot * HOfllE PHOTOGRAPHY. "
ly ) tho Hew UKY > ( UelBttiuO HrocessMcn or Women with
no experience make Jlrst-class Photographs of Per-
H -us. Groups Uuikhnfis.or Animals. Material * cost 50c.
for 1 dozen larre Photo * , that sell fw § 4 to S6. Affords
SteadyVbrte and Big Profits openiteo with other
business , or at home , or from house to house. ( It's no
peddling delusion ) . It's a regular trade , worthy attention !
Apparatus is portable 4 cheapset up indoors or outdoors.
To EARNEST applicants ( onecopvJofprocessflftwrrofcKl
FREE. Sample Photos. JOcts. VRANKUN PUTNAM.
M'fr & Dealer PUoU. Apparatus , 483. 85 CunalSt. N.Y
_ Ton Wacon teenies ,
lion Levers , Steel Bearing , Brau
Tare Beam and Bemra B x for
I ETcry IieSc le. For free prtee IM
1 mention thl paper ud addreii
LeadingNos. ! : 14,048,130,135 , 333,161.
For Sale by all Stationers.
Works : Camden , N. J. 26 John St. , Hew York.
The most "Wonderful Agricultural Park in America-
Surrounded by prosperous mining and manufacturing
c.-nt crops raised in 18S5. TIIOU8AX1JM OP
to preemption and homestead. Lands for sale to ac
tual settlcTS at S3.00 per acre. Z.OXO TIME.
Park Irrigated by immense canals. Cheap railroad
rat ? . Every attuniitn shown tetUtw. for maps
pa , nphlets , etc. , address , COLORADO LAND A : LOAN
CO. , Opera House Block , Denver , Colo , liox 1COO.
Piso'a 'Remedy for Catarrh Is tb
Best , Easiest to TJse. and Cheapest.
Also Rood for Cold In the Head ,
Headache , Hay Fever. &c. 50 cents.
To Introduce the prcat househ > hl remedy. GOR
DON'S KING OF PAIX Intocveryfamlly. 1 will semi
a sample free to any one semlltis .KMreis. Mentloa
this paper and JUldrcss . G. UIC1IAKDS. ToloJo. O.
STUD YISookkeeplu . liuslncss
forms , I'cnmanslilp. Aritlr.netlc. Sliort-
liand , etc. thoroughly taufjht by mall. Circular !
Iree. MKVAXT'S COIIK " U. Uiiil'alo. > .V-
Kablt. Qnlcklynr-d Tnlnlenj.
ly cured at home Correspondence
solicited and free trial of cure sent
honest ineHiprators. . TntllciiAXK
lBXsur t'OiU'ASY. Lafayette , led.
, An acilvo Man or Woman ini-rery
_ 'count } to scl our uo < U balarj f 75.
' per South and Expense * Kspemismad-
% anic. CamiixinzmitHt FRKE ! Particulars
tree. Standard Silver-ware Co. Boston. Hass.
E. P. JHKTEUICUS , Clevclund Ohio. Send
jtaiuo for reply.
HH 11 rlenscs I ' 1' ' Valnalipoutntanlurtlciilar3 |
llijJJl Iree. .1. F. HILL& CO. , Ausuata , Maliif.
Zllnrplilno Iliifc Curediu ID
to O days. > To nay till Cured.
UK J. hnci-iiiCN's. Leliauuo. Ohio.
6 Panto For - > l en" Chroma. Scrap & Gold-Edge
USIIlo Cards. ISsKxCAnoVoiiKS , Ivoryion. Coin
Onn en"ScraPl'ctlIrc3.ani1 ! AKt's Album of 49 C.\nl
/UU fcamplesfor lOe. bteaui CardVKs. . Hartford , Ct
contnlnlns > t sample ? of New ardi
forGcU.topstypo.tase. CKN'TEi :
1-MlKE ! HKOOK CAKU CO. Centernrooic.Conii
"Foryears I have made It a rule to nse a medlrlno
every spring to cleanse my system. Last pprlnjc I
used three bottles of Iljod's Sarsaparllla. and de
rived more I enuflt from it than from any other medi
cine I have ever used. " CHARLES p. SJIITII. Youngs-
town. O.
' Last spring I was Iroublcd with bolls. Two bot
tles of Hood's Sarsaparilla cured me. and I recom
mend It to others troubled with , affections of tha
blood. " J. Sciiocn , Peoria 111.
Purifies the Blood
"Hood's Saraapaillla as a Hood purifier has no
equal. It trncs the system , strengthens anj invig
orates , giving new life. I have taken It for kidney
complaint with the best results : have used several
bottles In my family , and nm satisfied that Its repu
tation is merited. " D. K. SAUXDEP.S , 81 Pearl street ,
Cincinnati , O.
' I have been troubled with hives and pimples for
sometime. Othcrremcdles harlnu failed , I wasal-
4 Iscd to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. 1 hive taken two
bottles , and am entirely cured. I think Hood's Sar-
saparllla has no equal as a blood puriner. " EFFIS
M.PaAiE , Portsmouth , Ohio.
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