Jftitoatt. Thursday , April ist , 1886. that your subscription tothlfi X paper HAS uxi'iiiKii. and that a cordiul Invitation is extended to call and renew . the same. Subscription , $2 per yeur. * Local Intelligence. Fresh candy at the City Bakery. E. M. Brickcy & Co. for clothing. > ' City Drug Store. Chenery & Stiles. Cultivators below cost at Lytle Bros. Jo to W. W. Palmer for your harness. 32-tf. Scale books for sale and in stock at .this office. E. M. Brickey & Co. are sacrificing overcoats. The best watch on earth for sale by 'For ladies' fine slippers go to J. F. Ganschow's. If you want a superior letter file , call at this office. B. F. Olcott , Jr. , is quite sick with typhoid fever. The largest line of fine cigars at the City Drug Store. If you want a first-class wagon cheap go to Lytle Bros. New curtain scrim and new goods at Wilcox & Fowler's. A full line of hardware , stoves and .inware at C. D. Palmer's. y & Winter , City Dair } ' , for pure and wholesome milk. Numbered blue lined legal cap at this office. Finest in the market. Go to E. M. Brickcy & Co. for hon est goods and lowest prices. The finest stock of jiroceries in the cityat Wilcox & Fowler's. The Metropolitan drug store keeps a full line of fancy box papers. Don't fail to see the spring goods at Ganschow's before purchasing. Brewer Bros , butcher only corn-fed f steers. No cows or lange cattle. ESPSweet Michigan Cider of excel lent quality at the City Bakery. They have the purest , kettle-rendered lard in the city at Brewer Bros. Buy one of those new watches of Mc- Cracken before they are all gone. White Russian or White Prussian soap .only 5c.a bar at Wilcox & Fowler's. A nice line of hanging and stand lamps at the Metropolitan Drug Store. New dress goods , prints , ginghams , etc.Just opened at Wiicox & Fowler's. The firm of Cole & Moss have added a Caligraph type writer to their office facilities. The postmaster at Laird has just been duly commissioned. J. Norwood is the gentleman's name. G. W. Bede & Co. have some special bargains in real estate. Office 4th door south of U. S. Land office. 27-tf. Land and lejal blanks in stock at this office. A full line at State Journal prices , constantly on hand. The choicest meats at the Central Meat Market of Brewer Bros , corner of Main and Dennison ttreets. Just received , the largest stock of shoes and slippers tver brought to Mc Cook , at J. F. Ganschow's. Remember this office when you want a well-disrlayed dodger. We have the oulv large wood type in the city. Guests at the McEntee enjoyed some new home-raised potatoes. Sunday , not withstanding the snow storm without. Fine note paper , legal and congress cap , linen and news paper in tablets , calling and regret cards , etc. , at this office. The firm .of Wilcox & Fowler had a side walk laid along the Macfarland and Dennison street sides of their store , yesterday. Plowing , breaking and harrowing done , ana a good job guaranteed , by John F. Flanagan. Call on him at the B. & M. Section Uoube. TOR SALE Lindner & Eruian have 1 work oxen , steers , cows and heifers for for sale at their barn.one block west of the Commercial House , McCook , Neb. Exeter Enterprise : F. H. .Fowler , of the firm of Wilcox & Fowler , at Mc- Gook-Neb. , was in town several days , this ekbuying potatoes for shipment west. \V. W. Palmer is to the front with a [ fulltind complete line of draft and bug- < ry harness. Do not buy until you have seen Ins harness and got his prices. Two doors north of the' postoffice , Mc Cook , Neb. 42-3ts. R. A. Cole , fashionable merchant tail or has constantly on hand as fine a class of'"oods as can be procwed. Suits made X up In the latest style , and perfect fits maranted. Prices reasonable. Shop two doors west of Citizens Bank , Mc Cook , Nebraska. E. M. "Brickey & Co the clothiers/ For bhoes and slippers to to J. F. I I O G anschow u. Pure Drugs and Chemicals , at City Drug Store. Fresh and salt meats of the choicest quality at Brewer Bros. A car load of choice potatoes just re ceived byVileox & Fowler. t All kinds of sheet-iron , tin and cop per work done at C. D. Palmer's. Fresh oysters , fresh fish and chick ens at Brewer Bros. ' meat market. Prescriptions accurately compounded , day or night. City Drug Store. . Congregational services next Sunday morning and evening at the usual hour. ' Lonsdale or Fruit of the Loom mus lin 10 cents a yard at Wilcox & Fowler's. The fire department is in urgent need of more hose and a few hooks and lad ders. Oh ! What a nice line of women's , misses' and children's slippers at J" . F. Ganschow's. Have you seen the new all-over em broideries , laces and niching at Wilcox & Fowler's. "A great ado about nothing" charac terized the proceedings in the justice courts , lust week. The dance , Tuesda } ' night , was not largely attended , though enjoyed by those participating. A new sign bearing the name , "Wind sor House , " has been elevated over the old McCook Hotel. Tho first mail goes from this point to the new P. 0. of Banksville , Saturday , so we are informed. The Metropolitan Drug Store is in re ceipt of a fine assortment of wall papers. Call and examine them. After April 1st. the B. & M has giv en notice that the company will no longer furnish employes coal. Lytle Bros , are closing out their stirring plows at greatly reduced prices. See them before buying elsewhere. "Won't you buy uie those pretty shoes at Mr Ganschow's" said a little miss to her mamma , the other day. Sunday was an off-day for bourbons. In fact , last Sunday was anything but r < propitious for the democracy of this city. ' The building recently purchased by- Max Newman from G. M. Chenery , was bought , the first of the week , by C. S. McCain mon. FOR SALE 50 head of young marcs j . and 20 head of mules. Lindner & Er- niati , .McCook , Neb. Barn west of Com j mercial Hotel. j The authorities should order the re- r moval of the debris of the McNeel } > building from Main Avenue. It is an eye-sore that has been tolerated long , e enough. . /c- c * r\l , The Democrat handles THE TRCTfi as though it were a venomous thing. Don't be afraid of it , Riiuard , it won't hurt i you , after you become accustomed to usiiur it. The suit instituted against J. E. Hart for perjury by Alfred S. Pallas , after running a gauntlet of the justice courts of the city , was finally dismissed by Squire Ilulburd. Weather bureaus have been generally suspended over this part of the country , the past few days It is now in order ; o oil up the machinery for future oper ations and prognostications. "Selonn" sends us a letter of unusual nterest fiom Box Elder , this week. We would be pleased to have a corres pondent at each postoffice in the county uf just such material as ' 'Selonn. " In addition to their large stock of 'urniture , we learn that Ludwick & f rowbrldge have purchased one of Rock- tail's Toted Hearsessomething that has been a "long-felt want" in tliis com munity. The owners of the Circle W ranch on t the Frenchman , the Kilpatrick Bros , of Beatrice , have recently purchased one hundred head of Oregon horses and a fine Percheron stallion from the Orejron f7 horse and land company of Fremont , this state. In this country it is most essential to advertise. The active , energetic adver tiser will do a rushing business , while n liis non-advertising competitor will enjoy juiet passing all understanding. Ad- I'ertiners are the life of newspapers , newspapers are the exponents of the town and country , therefore support merchants who advertise. Tribune and Inter Ocean S2.5O. For the next 30 days all new subscrib ers who will square their subscription to late and one year in advance will receive I'UE TRIBUNE and the Chicago Inter Ocean for $ U.50. ! gFCLOAKS , CARPETS AND MEN'S CLOTHING AT COST ! 'EXAMINETHEM t WHATMORE . DO YOU WANT ? THE EARTH ? ! HAYDEN & CO. . The entertainment given at the Opera ' Hall , last Friday evening , by Mrs. Ma- coy and daughter , Jennie , o'L'LouSsville , . Ky. , and Mrs. Siegle of our city , was : one of merit and should have been heard and appreciated by more of our people. , Tho affair is highly spoken of by those who had the pleasure of being present on that occasion. j On Thursday afternoon of next week , a meeting of those interested will be held at the Vailton School House in the furtherance of a project to bridge the Republican at a point west of the pres ent structure , in the vicinity of this city. The proposed bridge would be a great convenience to the dwellers on the Driftwood , especially those on the head waters. The Democrat soothingly remarks that , "No one element or clique has shown any disposition to dictate nomin ations. " For a journal that draws its inspiration from a bunghole.it is aston ishing that its editor knew not of the little back room caucus held at Stras- ser's saloon on Tuesday evening pre ceding the people's convention. Or has its Faber pusher forgotten the principle of truth inculcated at the matern.il knee in earlier days. Please illuminate the public mind on this subject. The Hocknell iiose Co. had a short practice at the hydrants , last Friday af ternoon , which was not entirely satisfac tory on account of the lack of force from the tank. Another practice will be held to-morrow ( Friday ) afternoon at 2 o'clock. M.T. , when the engine at the pump house will be put in motion , and connection with the tank cut off. This will give direct pressure in the water mains , and the trial is expected to be far more satisfactory. A full turn out of the fire department is desired. Let this important matter be given due at tention. I iryou citiiKot gcu n , druggist , we will send it , express paid , on * i ; ceipt of regular price one dollarperbott 0 ye prefer that you buy it from your dn _ gist , but if lie hasn't it , do not be'persuad I to try something elHe , but order at on a from us , as directed. ATHLOPHOKOS Co 112 Wall Street , New York. Soutli African Diamond * . Early in 18G7 , the first South Afric : diamond was brought to the town of Cole berg by a hunter named O'lleillly toho it had bean given by a Dutch boor fa ml named Jacobs whose child had found it lier play. It was carried to the Paris cxp sition , and by the following year diamor digging had been begun in earnest. In is the African Kohinoor valued at § 150,00 was discovered. By 1870 public attentio Lad become completely aroused and cap talists began to invest in the enterprises In 1870 there were 40,000 people within } ine of seventy miles on the banks of tl\ Vnnl river. Tho South .Afrino A story of nerve and endurance comes from southeast Hitchcock county in which a young woman by the name of Sarah McDonald is the-heroine. It ap pears that she started in search of the cows and became lost in the furious snow storm of Friday night. She wan dered around through canons and over divide all night , through the terrible storm which prevailed , never stopping to rest for fear of freezing , until the following morning , when she made her way to a neighboring house , in an ex hausted condition. A party of neigh bors were searching for her all night , expecting to find her lifeless body at any minute. * "PER ASPERA AD ASTRA" When i journalist has attained that sublime pinnacle of worldly glory , where he can prevaricate with facility and eloquence , be demands , aye commands , the enthu siastic admiration and plaudits of every fellow editor , and to this end THE TRIB UNE , whose editor has ever stood in rev- srential awe of such greatness , desires to make particular mention of Bro. G. 3. Bishop , of the Indianola Courier , ivhose accomplishments in this direction ire simply phenomonal , enough so to send a pang of envy to Eli Perkins' callous soul. As au evidence of Bro. Bishop's singular ability we quote a few lines from Ryan & Turner's directory , wherein he claims the Courier to have circulation of "NINETEEN HUNDRED , extending froui the gold-bound shores of California to Merrie England and from 1 Frigid Manitoba to Tropical Florida. Romans , countrymen , fellow quill driv ers , join with us in the" petition that Bro. Bishop may live long in the enjoy ment of his faculty , that this Perkins- Sye-Ochiltree crystallization be not 3Ut off while in the felicitous exercise ( of its incontestable prerogative. Wilcox & Fowler are in receipt of some extra fine Valencia Sweet Oranges. CITY POLITICS. | _ , _ - „ , f\ A vary unanimous caucu > of our e.it- izeua wag held at the Opera Ballon l.iht Saturday evening at which time the fol lowing ticket was nominated by acclama tion and amidst great applau.se and good feeling : FOK MAVOll. I. J. STAItnUCK , Csy. HJIl CITY C'LKltK , J. E. KELLEY. FOK CITV Tl F. L. McCHACKEX. ron POLICE JUDCI : , \V. W. PISHEK. FOK CITV ENUINEKK , WILLIAM CAPPS. KOK COCNCILMEN FIIIST WAIlli. F. D. HESS. W. W. PALM EH. COUXC1LMBN SUCOXll WAKU , S. W. HUDDLESTON . JAMES .MCENTEE. roit MIMHEKS : uoAim OK EDUCATION. G. L. LAWS. H. TnUWDUIDGE. J It. PHELAN. .1. E. COCHKAN , THOS. COLFEH , T. M. HELM. Speeches were afterwards made b by Ex. Lieut. Gov. Agee of Aurora , Major Williams , late of Ft. Collins , Colo. and Messrs. J. E. CochranThos. Colfei-j J. N. Lucas , W. S. Webster , S. W. Hud- dleston , J. S. LeHew , J. B. Jennings , I. J. Starbuck , W. S. Wheeler , H. W. ColeL. F. Moss , II. Trowbridge and L. L. flulburd , in a unanimous spirit of harmonv. Marshall Bennett arrested one Andy Boyer , last Wednesday , who resides south of town on Spring creek. The charges preferred against Boyer are that of taking timber from Government land. Boyer had sent word to town that no officer could take him and Johnnie went prepared , and had no trouble in getting his man. Bonds were given and the prisoner released. The Democrat. Unfortunately for our infallible rep resentative of the great unwashed , the above article is very badly out of plumb with the facts , and an unwarranted slur on one of Red Willow county's old settlers and most substantial farmers and stockmen. The truth is that Andy Boyer was arrested , not for stealing gov ernment timber , , but for 'simply doing what he had a lawful right to do re moving his own property from a claim abandoned by him , and filed upon by one Leonard Hilton , the plaintiff in the case. The fact that Hilton failed to put in an appearance on the day set for hearing is evidence that Mr. Boyer was acting legally and that Hilton's suit was simply instituted to hold § 300 or § 400 worth of impiovements belonging to Boyer. Furthermore , instead of Mr. Boyer sending word that no officer in Mc Cook could take him , he po poncd two contemplated business trips to the Bea ver and remained at home , sending word that the officer would find him at home and willing to go when called upon. With these FEW exceptions , the Democrat's article was partially correct , however. The bath room in the rear of II. R. N.'s tonsorial parlors was a scene of ex citement and destruction and a narrow ly averted tragedy. Sunday afternoon , resulting from the explosion of the ap paratus used therein for the purpose of heating water. Many theories are ad vanced as to the probable cause of the explosion , but we will not enter that realm of speculation. Suffice it t'j say that the boiler took unto itself wings flew up through the roof into the air like a rocket to quite a height. The fall thereof was scarcely leas disastrous than the ascent , as the remains of the boiler crashed through the roof of Far ley & Co.'s brick , on the opposite side of the street , into the Democrat office , damaging their hand press considerably , and terrorizing their supple , double- jointed devil out of a year's growthnot of the disturbance of the to speak pleas . ant ratification meeting in session at that office at the time. The rear and roof of the barbershop were badly dam aged by the explosion and fire , which , however , was quickly extinguished. J. N. Lucas , who Was in the bath at the time of the accident was quite severely injured , but is getting along nicely at this writing. Messrs. Chenery & Stile's sfcock was damaged to the extent of a Few dollars by the shockr which threw a rjuautity of their patent medicines , sta tionery , etc.jj'rom the shelves. Taking i into account the force of the explosion , : the affair was fortunate in its results. f [ BRIDGE NOTICE. Fo WHOM IT MAY. CONCERN : You are hereby notified that there be a meeting held at the Vailton School House on Thursday , April 8th , 1886 , at 3 o'clock , P. M. . in the inter est of the building of a bridge across the Republican river , west of the pres1 1 snt bridge , and in the vicinity of Mel Jook. COMMITTEE. ROOMS FOR RENT. Suite of unfurnished rooms , in cen tral location. Inquire at this office. E. M. BEICKEY & WE HAVE RECEIVED OUR SPRING STOCK Af/0 ARE NOW SHOWING THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF , LIGHT AND MEDIUM WEIGHT CLOTHING EVER SEEN IN CHE VALLEY. THE SPRING STYLES EM8RATE , THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS IN PLAIDS AND I CHECKS , IN ALl GRADES FROM THE CHEAPEST TO * THE FINEST. . \ Our Spring Styles are all in IN CLOTHING , FURNISHING GOODS AND HATS , AND OUR ASSORTMENT IS COMPLETE , AND IT HAS BEEN OUR AIM TO MARK THEM ALL AT PRICES FAR \ BELOW ALL COMPETITION. &rWe have some cheap pants of special merit , for working men. They are the best ever offered at the price. Everybody ts invited to call and examine goods and get prices. PERSONALS. Mrs. Dr. Mitchell returned to Lincoln , Tuesday morning. Senator Dolan was among ; the business visitors in the city , yesterday. Messrs. Black ami il-KHlip , of Farley , Ulaek & McKillip , are in the city , to-day. W. M. Irwin returned on .Monday evening from his trip to Iowa to sec a iick brother. Mrs. F. II. Fowler and bon arrived fiom Oilman , 111. , last Thursday night on Xo. J. Mike Sullivan , who has been sick for some time with fever , is able to be around again. F. II. Fowler and family movul out on the claim , 10 miles N. W. of the city , ye&tenla y. Miss Stockton and two lady friends have rented the J. W. Palmerhousp foiVix month ? ' . C. E. btilesof Fairmont , Neb. , was in town , last Friday. lie has land some eiirht miles north of town. W. C. Bullard of Cnjbertson , one of the energetic youn ; ; lumberman of the Upper Valley , was in the city , Friday. Miss Alice Murphy went down to Indianola on Xo. 2 , Saturday , to spend the spring vaca tion at her home war that place. Mrs. G. Spencer of Unadilla , N. Y. , and Mrs. C. Anderson of Pueblo , Colo. , were guerts at the McEntce , Satin day. W. E. Fry was up at Messrs. fatokes & Troth's much on the Willow , h'.st week , on a horse trade. He returned home , Friday af ternoon. Mr. Boehl of Holdregc , of Anderson & Boehl of this place , spent two or three days' , the close of last week , looking after his inter ests here. E. M. Forbes , who is to have charge of the Colorado Topics , to be issued in the near fu ture from Hyde , Colo. , made us a friendly call , Tuesday , Dr. B. B. Davis went down to Beatrice Friday , to visit a vory dear friend. He re turned to his professional duties here , Mon day night , on Xo. 1. Prof. W. S. Webster went down to Lincoln , Tuesday morning , to attend the sessions of the State Teachers' Association. He is ex pected home to-morrow. H. W. Wallace , wife and child , and Mrs. L. A. Harmon of Perry , Mich. , registered at the McEntce , Sunday. They were on their way home from the Pacific coast. Miss Jennie Jamison went down to Indian- nla , Friday evening , en route for Bondville , where she intends spending the spring vaca tion at her home near that place. Mr. W. M. Irwin. a railroad man of Mc- Cook , Neb. , wa < in the city , last night. Mr. Irwin was a Nonpareil pressman twenty years ago. Council Bluffs. Xonpaieil. Rev. F. M. Pickles wife and child , of CIov- erdale , Cal. . were guests' at the McEntce , Sunday. They were en i oute for Troy , Kas. , for the benefit of Mrs. Pickles" health. A. S. Bosworth. formerly connected w ith the Culbertson Sim , arrived in thiscity , Mon day , fiom West Virginia. He " contemplat ing engaging in the newspaper business at Hayes Centie. II. II. Troth came down from the Willow , Friday , on business. He was detained here .tntil Monday by the storm of Saturday and Sunday , but lived the while on the fat of the land at the McEntee. Frank H. Preston arrived , Saturday , from Byron , 111. , where he hasbeen spending the winter. He will set out his nursery stock iipou the land on the South Side prepared by lihn for that purpasc , last summer , in due time. time.Mrs. Mrs. Amelia Dimmit and daughter , Miss "lara , arrived in the city , last week , from Dnarga , 111. , and will make this place their Future home. Miss Dimmitt , we understand , is a music teacher and will pursue that pro fession here. "Uncle John" Morrison of Lincoln , Grand Vice-Chancellor of the Knights of Pythias > f Nebraska , paid his respects to these head- luarters , last Thursday , while in the city on and business. He icturutd to Lincoln on Friday morning. FARM LOANS. o Cash Down. No Delay. ; ° No need of waiting to send ofi'appli cations. .Money paid over as soon JIB papers , are completed. Call cm or adj j Iress , KEN WILLOW Co. BANK , j 43-tf Indianola , Neb. MONEY TO LOAN. o * On good personal or chattel security. J. B. MESERVE. Miss Hunter ol Imlianola was a guest of Miss NuIu ! ! Fisher. Tuesday. Thomas 1C. Work ; inivcd in the city , yester day , from his bit- : : i-s-s trip toPuxtcu , Illinois. Editor R. L.Per.cc of the Palisade Journal , and bride , were rtjr'ati'red at the Commercial , the flrst of the woeU. (5. B. niuiitt 11:111 fiiiiiiiy lelt Onurgo. lust week , for McCook. Neb. , : ! K'I-C to make their home. Oilman 'III > Star. Ex.-I.ieut Gov. . . . < : of Aurora was in thv city , Saturday , on a prospecting1 expedition. He n-as plunged i " ; t % all our visitor * . } 'iss Laura Harr ! = ot Galva , Illinois , sister of Frank Harris o .r elty , arrived i town , last nif-'ht , and v.jlpcnd ! the summer with hcr- b rot her. evening , March ' _ 0th. Ifctti , U. S. G. Foster to EmmaVibon. . both of McCook , Neb. , 'Squire S. II. Colvin officiating. St. Patrick's Pills correct bilious dl-ordci * and prevent all diseases arising from them Sold by M. A. Spalding and Willey & Walker. THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE COM- " PANY began business in April , 1HG4. and is still managed b } * the men who started it. It is not only the oldest , largest and strongest Accident Company in Amcticu but the only one of any considerable siSe. Its Cash Assets havo steadily in creased year by yc-'ir , and now reach § 7.820,000 , the liabilities being § 5.379 , Ul)0leavinir ) a surplus- policy-holders of § 1,947.000. It has written nearly 1,100.000 General Accident Policies , and paid cash benefits to over one in nine of the insured , amounting to over $7,300,000. No better or surer invest ment of the small bum required pan be made than in a Yearly Aci-ident Policy in THE TRAVELERS , which secures the principal sum in event of accidental deathor , a weekly indemnity for injury causing total disability and loss of time. Any agent will write a policy at short notice. K. S. COOLEY. Ag int. McCook. N'cb. If the number that congregated at the depot , Tuesday , to bid good-bye to Mrs. Diiiiinitt and .Miss Clara , is any criter ion to go by. they are leaving ma 113dtar friends here. We hope they will make as many in tht'ir future home in Mc CookNeb. Thi'y will occupy the house that .Mrs. Amelia Diuiinitt ha > purchas ed there. Burkloy (111 ( ) Inquirer. FOR SALE. B. F Olcott has two second hand top buggifs and two tcf-ond hand lumber wagons for sale , or will trade for horses. Al > o remember that Oicott has tho fin est road stallion in the west , and farm ers and stock men should see him before breeding. Black Forest Seedling Trees. 10(1,000 ( BladT WaImit Seedlin Tree ? . 2 years old , 12 to 18 inches high , onre transplanted. In nice condition to plant out. ROUT. W. FtJRNAS , 43-2ts. Bro-.vuville. Nebraska. HOUSE AND LOT ' t\ On Macfarland street for sale. In quire of F. P. Allen or at this office. SQUARE UP. Parties owing me are respectfully re"- to call and settle at once. 29 tf. M. A. SPALDING. HORSES FOR SALE. _ \ f\ t j Two Norman and one thorough-bred trotting stallioiio. Inquire of F. S. Wi LCOX. HOUSES FOR RENT. Parties wishing tn rent dwelling houses should enquire at the Citizens Bank of McCook. FOR SALE. A "Gold Coin. ' ' six-hole cooking range almost new. Will be sold very cheap. Inquiic at Commercial Hotel. MONEY TO LOAN. On real estate at 1U per cent. S. II. COLVIN. LOST A Mari'iiiic pin. at the social , Tues lay night. Finder please return to J. F. Ganschow.