Thursday , March 25.1886. that your subscription to this paper HAS KXPIUKU. and that n cordlul invitation Is extended to cull and renew . the same. Subscription , $2 per year. Local Intelligence. Fresh candy at the City Bakery. E. M. Bricky & Co. for clothing. Cleaning up is the order of the day. City Drug Store. Chenery & Stiles. Cultivators beluw coat at Lytle Bros. o to W. W" . Palmer for your ho mess. 32-tf. Scale books for sale and in stock at this office. E. M. Brickcy & Co. are sacrificing overcoats. If you want a superior letter file , call at this oflice. The largest line of line cigars at the City Drug Store. _ If 3'ou want a first-class wagon cheap go to Lytle Bros. New curtain scrim and new goods at Wilcox & Fowler's. A full line of hardware , stoves ann tinware at C. D. Palmer's. SSFMoody & Winter , City Dairy , for pure and wholesome milk. Baled hay at Fry & Snow's flour and feed store on Main Avenue. Go to'E. M. Brickey & Co. for hon est goods and lowest prices. The Metropolitan drug store keeps a full line of fane } ' box papers. V- Brewer Bros , butcher only corn-fed steers. No cows or lanue cattle. 5F ° Swect .Michigan Cider of excel lent quality at the City Bakery. They have the purest , kettle-rendered lard in the city at Brewer Bros. White Russian or White Prussian soap only iJc.a bar at Wilcox & Fowler's. A nice line of hanging and stand lamps at the Metropolitan Drug Store. New dress goods , prints , ginghams , etc.Jtist opened at Wilcox & Fowler's. A new wooden awning by Willey & Walker of the B. M. Pharmacy , this week. . * \ Already the various lawns about \ town are assuming a beautiful coat of green. Fry & Snow carry the largest line of flour and feed in thecity , and their pri ces as low as the lowest. GW. . Bede & Co. have some special bargains in real estate. Office 4th door south of U. S. Land office. 27-tf. The choicest meats at the Central Meat Market of Brewer Bros , corner of Main and Dennison streets. Another bus line has just been estab lished in our city. This one by D. J. Smith , tliiwest side livoryman. Remember this oflice when you want a welldislayecl dodger. We have the onlv large wood type in the city. The \ YaterYorks Co. are putting up an office for Superintendent Meeker just north of the U.S.lund office building. Pine note paper , legal and congress cap , linen and news paper in tablets , calling and regret cards , etc. , at this office. * The old Kuester fruit stand on Main Avenue , near the depot , has been re- opene.d by H. M. Reed , with a nice fresh stock of everything in his line. Plowing , breaking and harrowing done , and a good job guaranteed , by John F. Flanagan. Call on him at the U. & M. Section Douse. FOR SALE Lindner & Erman have work oxen , steers , cows and heifers for for sale at their block west of the Commercial House , McCook , Neb. The old sentry box on the corner at Hayden's store lacks every element of ornamentation and could be removed without loss to the general appeance of the street. Lots 4 , 5 and G in block lhave , been purchased by A. J. Pate , who contem plates the erection of a handsome resi dence thereon. , \V. W. Palmer is to the front with a full and complete line of draft and bug- jry harness. Do not buy until you have seen his harness and got his prices. Two doors north of the postoffice , Mc- Cook. Neb. " 42-3ts. Last week , B. F. Olcottsold his hand some span of black ponies to J. L. Hutchison of Indianola for the neat sum of $240. The price is fancy , but the ponies are * beauties and/ull ot nerve and stay. R. A Cole , fashionable merchant tail or has constantly on hand as fine a class of'ooods as can be procurcd. Suits made upin the latest style , and perfect fits 'uaranted. Prices reasonable. Shop two doors west of Citizens Bank , Mc Cook , Nebraska , / - - - E. M. Brickey & Co the clothiers. Pure Drugs and Chemicals , jit City Drug Store. Fresh and salt meats of the choicest quality at Brewer Bros. ' The finest stock of groceries in the city at Wilcox & Fowler's. Call at Fry & Snow's flour and feed store for seeds of all kinds. All kinds of sheet-iron , tin and cop per work done at C. D. Palmer's. Fresh oy.ster.s , fresh fish and chick ens at Brewer Bros. ' meat market. Prescriptions accurately compounded , day or night. City Drug Store. Lytle Bros , are closing out their stirring plows at greatly reduced prices. See them befoie buying elsewhere. Lnnsdale or Fruit of the Loom mus lin 10 cents a yard at Wilcox & Fowler's. Best brands of flour in the city at Fry & Snow's. Also , bran , chop , etc. Have you seen the new all-over em broideries , laces and ruching at Wilcox & Fowler's. The Metropolitan Drug Store is in re ceipt of a fine assortment of wall papers. Call and examine them. Monday , April 5th , Anna M.Saunders of Lincoln , Grand Worthy Chief Tem plar of this state , will deliver a temper ance lecture in our city. Further par ticulars will appear hereafter. Two new residences , one on McDowell street by M. J. Heafy , and one on Mac- tarland street by Mrs. Ha in in , , are now in the course of constructionin , addition to those mentioned in our last issue. SOMETHING FINE Messrs. Chenery & Stiles have ordered a soda fountain arid apparatus , with which to quench the thirsty McCookite , next summer , which \\ill cost them $ GOO. It will be a beaut ) no doubt. Carl Pretzel seems to have expressed the condition of political affairs in this city quite accurately when he facetious ly remarked that , "Birds mit one fed- der sneak themselves off alone together in gonibany weit nobody , too. " The Commercial House is being greatly improved as to the exterior ap pearance by the application of a fresh coat of paint. The mantle of Eli rests upon Friend Johnstonand , he is getting there in his usual fine shape. On next Sunday a week , April 4th. preaching services will be conducted at the Methodist church , in the morning , by Rev. P. C.Johnson , P. E. Quar terly meeting and conference will be hold on Saturday preceding. Passenger traffic on the B. & M. has become so heavy that the company lias found it necessary to discard their smaller passenger engines , for the present , and to use their heaviest freight engines to haul the passenger trains. This city needs an ordinance prohibi ting the blockading of sidewalks , which are not intended to serve as'store-houses nor garbage dumps. Due regard for the feelings and rights of others , could , however , speedily rectify this unmitigat ed nuisance. A REMINGTON FrankHarris , Su perintendent Campbell's private clerk , now sports a bran splinter new type writer of the celebrated Remington pat- ern. He will be able hereafter to dis patch office work much more rapidly and satisfactorily. STILL ANOTHER H. G. Dixon , one of our real estate men , recently sold lots 11 and 12 in block 21 , first addition to McCook , to Mr.Valratha , building eon- tractor from Chicago , who will at once erect a nice residence of the Gothic pat- ern thereon. The Democrat moved into elegant quarters above Farley & Co.'s meat market , the close of last week. Charlie Young moved his laundry into the build ing vacated by the Democrat folks , the first of this week. Both have secured better quarters and are consequently pleased. Wro understand that Commissioner B. B. Duckworth has disposed of his in terest in the Cedar'Bluffs flouring mill , and that he is considering the advisabil ity of erecting a mill on his farm on the Beaver in the vicinity of Danbury. The Commissioner has the reputation of be ing a good miller , and we hope he will de cide to put the mill up as contemplated. On Wednesday morning , the firm of Lawler & Magner made an assignment for the benefit of their creditors , and possession was taken of the stock by Sheriff Welborn. We have not learned the amount of assets or liabilities , but understand that the gentlemen claim that the stock is ample to meet all lia bilities. We chronicle the above with 5 regret. ' " - " " ' - ' ' . " - a. HICLOAKS , CARPETS AND MEN'S CLOTHING AT COST ! EXAMINETHEM WHATMORE DO YOU WANT ? THE EARTH ? HAYDEN & CO. Yesterday , A. II. Davis foreclosed his mortgage againsi. the Trumpet. An inventory is being taken , to-day , as we understand that Mr. Davis desires to take charge of and conduct the paper himself and proposes giving bonds for that purpose. Recognizing the amenities of journal istic life as uncertain in some of their serio-comic details , one of Editor Wahl- quist's admiring protectionists has kind ly presented him with a Colt revolver of the latest design and most destructive patcrn. In other words , our bourbon contemp. may hereafter be understood as loaded for b'ar , in western parlance. MORE SIDEWALKS : Messrs Paine and McManigal have laid sidewalks in front of their properties on Macfarland street , while a petition for a north and south extension of the walk has been filed with the village clerk. Also a petition for a sidewalk along west side of Main Avenue , from the U. S. Land Office north to the residence of Sam Uuddleston. The social at the residence of T. S. Bosloy on Friday evening of last week , was largely attended , by the young people in particular. The art exhibi tion , a new and unique feature in these events , was interesting and mirth-pro voking , while music and song , charades and social chat embraced the remainder of the evening's program. We have just recently come into the possession of this valuable secret , which we impart to the girls gratuitously. It has been discovered by an eminent scien tist that simply soaking the hands in dishatcr three times daily will tend to whiten them beautifully. The hands should not remain in the water too long , say , about long enough to wash the or dinary family dishes. Among those of our citizens who are taking an active part in the embellish ment of their properties , we notice that J. B. Jennings is" coming well to the front. He is now preparing to plant a number of shade and ornamental trees in and around his placeand is also put ting the lot recently purchased by him ( making three lots in all ) in shape to seed down to blue grass and clover. His will be a cozy , home-like abode , with pleasantcst environments. BUSINESS CHANGES Last week\Y. 0. Saylor , late of the West Dennison street grocery , purchased the interest of Mr : Hahn in the firm of Hahn & O'Donnell , saloonists. It is proposed to conduct the business at the old stand. * Messrs. Bud McKillip and Wil liam Black have also bought Daniel Donahue's interest in the firm of Farley & Donahue of the City Meat Market . * " Robert Taylor , who has been with E.M. Brickey & Co. in the capaci- of clerk , has taken an interest with G. W. Bede in the land business , under the firm name of G. W. Bede & Co. In another column appears the call , signed by the _ majority of our business and representative men , for a people's caucus , Saturday night next , at the Opera Hall , for the purpose of placing in nom ination candidates for the various city offices. As this will be the only oppor tunity our people will have of express ing their preferences and desires in this important matter , it is of the most vital concern that they be present at this caucus in large numbers. We desire to impress the importance of1 beii-.g pres ent upon the minus of every citizen who has the welfare of this city at heart. Come yourself and see that everybody else comes. At various periods in the history of the "Great Republican Valley" tides of immigration have surged up her fertile lowlands , spread out over her adjacent uplands and along her numerous tribu taries , only to recede. This year , how everis , a fitting climax to three years of STEADY and PERMANENT settlement. Already the choice valley and divide lands of this part of the state are large ly taken and occupied , especially along and contiguous to the Republican , Frenchman , Red Willow , Beaver and other streams. And now the temporar ily pent up stream of settlement has over-leaped state lines and is rapidly absorbing the expansive prairies of Eastern Colorado. So this crand com monwealth , in which corn sits as en throned as king , with the hog as premier3 grows and flourisheth , MASONIC SOCIAL. "Beheld tow goi nd ho * plsuaat It it fcr tMttre ta ixill together la cdiy. " The above sentiment is a quotation from the charge given at the opening of every lodge of Free and Accepted Ma sons , and was beautifully exeinpliflcd at the Masonic Family gathering at their hall on Tuesday evening last. None but Masons and their families were present , and as the whole affair was planned and executed by the Masonic ladies of McCook. it can be readily un derstood that the occasion was one of good will and brotherly ( and sisterly also ) love. The good sisters had pre pared such a banquet as has seldom been our privilege to partake of. The parties present as far as your reporter could get their names were as follows : T. U. Recs and wife , Dr. Z.L.Kay and wife , A. M. Kelly and wife , G. L. Laws and wife , Dr. S. L. Green and wife , W. W. Fisher , wife and daughter , S. W. Iliuldleston. A. Camp bell , wife and children , F. L. Hrown and wife , J. W. Rawlings , wife and children , Miss Amie Avery , Mrs. Hugh McGann , F. L. Mc- Cracken and mother , Miss Carrie Shopper , Miss Delia Smith , Mrs. J. P. Mathcs , Mrs. S. Conical , Prof. Webster and wife , S. II. Colvin and wife , W. W. Palmer ami wife , E. E. Low- man and Mrs. Dr. Mitchell , J. A. Wilcoxaud wife , John lioxby , Mrs. C. X. Batchelor , Geo. M. Chenery , J. F. Ganschow and wife , I. J. Starbuck and wife , and Dr. A. J. Willey. The parties enjoyed themselves until a late hour and after the benediction retired to "peace and har mony prevailing. " REPORTER. Last Saturday morning , an exceeding ly sorrowful and tragic accident occur red on Ask Creek , 10 miles southeast of this city , whereby a lute arrival in this county from Otoe county , near Ne braska City , named John Jlicnard , came by his death in the following terrible manner : Mr. Eeinard , it appears , was in the act of placing a double-barreled shot gun in a rack on the wall , and that he was standing on a cht'ir for that pur pose. In some manner the chair tipped over , throwing him to the floor , and in so doing the gun was discharged , the contents taking effect in the man's bowels , inflicting a mortal and ghastly wound , from which he died in a few hours , before the arrival of Dr. Davis , who was called to the scene of the sad tragedy in all possible haste. The de ceased had only been in this county two or three weeks , and leave ? a wife and four small children to mourn his sudden and tragic death. His remains were interred on the place of Charles Colling , in that neighborhood. Out here in this "Great American Desert" it does us proud , so to speak , to occasionally refer to evidences of the possible wealth of this country. In this connection , as a successful farmer and stockman. Commissioner Duckworth of Danbury , is one of the most prominent. His beautifully situated and fertile acres in the rich and productive Beaver Val ley comprehends a veritable "farmer's delight. " One who recently visited his farm remarks , "that Duck's place is running over with hoi'ses , cattle , pigs , grain , corn , etc. With some seven thousand bushels of corn raised on his own farm , in cribs , two hundred fat porkers , weighing from 150 to 300 pounds , running around with lazy grunts of satisfaction , lowing herds and fine specimens of horse flesh on every hand. Commissioner Duckworth is a shining example of thrift and success. " Two individuals residing in Benkel- manKeiber and Goodwin by name , in dulged in a carving affrayTuesday night of this week , in the which both of the jutchers were encouragingly successful. This one lopping off a portion of the other's ear , nasal appendage , etc. , while the other operated upon this one's op tic in a very satisfactory manner. In ? act each left such evidences of his landiwork upon various parts of the inatomy ot the other that neither of them would have been recognized by their maternals. They were elegant specimens of Egyptian hieroglyphic : ? . The affair , we are informed , occasioned considerable excitement , and the end is not yet. The night operator at the station of Haigler , named Farrel , and T. C. Mun- jer , countattorney of Dundy county , : iad a "misunderstanding" of some na ture , Monday afternoon , in the which Mr. M'unger received a blow on the head with a poker in the hands of Parrel , producing quite a painful wound. Far rel has sincebeen arrested for assault and battery. The railroad company is also taking steps in the matter. HOUSES FOR RENT. Parties wishing to rent dwelling bouses should enquire at the Citizens Bank of McCook. LOST A Masonic pin , at the social , Tuesday night. Finder please return to J. F. Ganschow , E. BRICKEY CO. , WE HAVE RECEIVED OUR SPRING STOCK AND ARE NOW SHOWING THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF LIGHT AND MEDIUM WEIGHT CLOTHING EVER SEEN IN THE VALLEY. THE SPRING STYLES EMBRACE j , THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS IN PLAIDS AHD j CHECKS , IN ALL GRADES FROM THE CHEAPEST TO THE FINEST. Our Spring Styles are all in IN CLOTHING , fURNISHING GOODS AND HATS , AND OUR ASSORTMENT IS COMPLETE , AND IT HAS BEEN OUR AIM TO MARK THEM ALL AT PRICES FAR * BELOW ALL COMPETITION. _ n ( t ± T'We have some cheap pants of special merit , for working men. They are the best ever offered at ( the price. Everybody ts invited to call 'and examine goods and get prices. Ti PERSONALS. Senator Dolan of the county capital was a visitor to this port , Monday. C. L. Watkins of Blue IIill was in town , yesterday , on land businesss. J. T. Winingsof Dcnkelinanwasabusinese pilgrim to this city , yesterday. Xoah Mishler of Culbertxon was \isitor in this commercial centre , Tuesday. A..I. Palo made a Hying visit to the hub , ' Monday evening , on business matters. Mrs. Page Francis joined her husband at Yunia , Colo. , yesterday , going up on 39. ri r Editor T. J. Floyd of the Trenton Torpedo was avisitoratthese headquarters , Saturday. Editor Watkins of the ludiauola Times was a guest at these headquarters , Monday. i A. L.Vest. . ono of 1 laves Centre's business men , was among the visitors here. Tuesday , j ' C. G. Coin well , manager for C. II. Rogers at Culberteon , spent a few hours in the city , ( Sunday. C. T. Brewer returned , the first of the week , from his trip to California , deJightwl with his visit. Sheriff Wolborn and Ben. Sibbett of the 1ml ) , spent some time in tho metropolis , yes terday. Major Williams of Fort Collins. Colo. , is in the city , with a view of locating here in the : practice of law. Pi. M. Suavely , Esq. . of the count\-seat , transacted some business before our land otli- cers , Saturday. Train Master Phelau went down to Crete , Tuesday evening on 40 , on a business trip of two or three days. Prof. Pitney of the. llitchcock county schooK drove down from Culbert on , yester day , on a short visit. Alex. Stewart of Wyuiore , oue of theB. & M.'s trustiest "kings of the road , ' ' was in the metropolis , Monday. J. S. C. Bee of Cambridge had business in town , Saturday. Mr. Bee is a prominent hind man at that point. Mrs. Dr. Mitchell of Linr-oln came up to the city , Monday , and is the guest of her aunt , Mrs. L. Lowman. Mrs. A. J. Pate is entertaining her mother , Mrs. Council of Friendville , who arrived in the city , Monday night. HugeW. Cole returned on No. 1 , Friday evening , from his visit to Spring Hill , III. , and points in this state. John A. Kudd , who is taking care of Frees & Hocknell's interests at Trenton , had busi ness in this burg , on last Friday. Operator Marvin of the Blue Hill station came up to town on a short visit , Monday , re turning to his active duties on Tuesday even ing. Geo. Bangs of Wyinore is in the city , with a view of locating here. He is a man of cap ital and would make an addition to our busi ness men. M. R. Lovell of Hyde , Colo."cow-coroner" along the B. & M. lines west of here , was in town on business , Friday and Saturday. He reports active work in his line. W. C. Latin op of the Times , Col. R. M. Suavely Major R. H. Criswell.and Ex-Judge Ashmore were among liulianola's notables in this commercial centre , Tuesday. Cashier Brown of the First National Bank spent Sunday with his family on the home stead near Yuma , going upon 39 , Saturday , and returning 40 , Monday morning. Mrs. Lewis Hill of Brownville arrived in the city , tiic first of the week , joining her husband who recently located here in the grocery business purchasing . 0. Saylor's stand. Mrs. A. J. Pate returned , Monday evening , from Friendville , this state , whither she was called some days since , by the death of her aged father , who passed away , Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Frauk Fowler and children took the train for Fairbury , Tuesday. Alrer a short visit with friends and relatives there , they start for their new home at McCook , Neb. Gilrnan , ( III. ) Star. Henry Chamberlain of Arapahoe was in town , Monday , with a view of bringiug four horses here , this sprimr , to train on the Re publican Valley Horse Breeders' association's track at this place. C. T. Wetherakl of Beatrice was in town. Monday , on his way to his claim near Hayes Centre. Mr. Wetherald is preparing to test the tree-growing qualities of Hayes county soil , this spring.on an extensive scale , a laud able determination which should be encour aged as largely as maybe. Charlie Stimson , \ \ hu was culled to Ohio , a few weeks sin-v , by the death of his wife , has returned to the dtyand is down to busi ness again. His friends sympathize , with him in his affliction. .J. G. Stokes of Carrico , was in town , yes terday , on his way io the ranch from a trip to Holdrego afrer a < sir-Ioad of com. They have l > cen foedinir WM ) lu-nd of cattle since January , witli but light loxs. W.A. Ryan returned from Omaha , Sunday , night , and has MMbeen busy , with his part ner , Mr. Turner , i" ilulivering their directory to subscribers , an.l in looking after that other very essential fixture of the undertaking tin' f-olleetious. Page Frauds came down from Yuma , Colo. , Saturday , to assist in getting things in readiness for the removal of his family to Yuma. Page ivturned to Colorado on No. 1 , Monday night , his family following a few days tliereafter. Mrs. S. D. Hunt left , this morning , for Niles , Mich. , where she will spend sometime with her parents , tjpon her return she will b accompanied byherdaughterMis3 Mamie , who has b en visiting in Nilcs for the. past ycnr , at her graud-parent.s. Rev. J. W. KiminelJ. Lutheran Missionary for the Republican Valley , occupied the Con gregational pulpit on Sunday evening last. Rev. Kinnnell has rented oue of Mrs. Lee's houses and will locate here about April 5th. making this city his headquarters for his operations in the valley. Uncle Jake Ilaiglcr , one of tlieold original stockmen of this country , who lately located in Arizona in the same bushes , was in the city , last Saturday , on a short vNH. He re ports the depredations bj the murderous Apaches as something fearful to comtemplate Between 70 and SO perMns having fallen vic tims to these inhuman butchers , one of his owu outfit just before his departure for this country , among them. HIGH SCHOOL. EXERCISES. o The following is the procram for Fri- dav , March 26th : * i MUsir. Boy's Rights. Johnnie Cordeal. German Selection Loui > a Sue > - ; . Mugginson Oleomargarine Will Perkins. The Fortune Teller May Clark , Thi-o. Laws. MV.SIC. The Village Sewing Societv Nnrah'chnf- fer , May O'Brien , BelleThompson. . Solo Leonia Mishler. Playing School Chas. Blanding. May Sea man , Anna Hunt , LeviSamlei > on. Elmer HeliiiNora Schatl'er. Freddie McManigal , Leonia Mishler , Louisa Sues's. MUSIC. Washington Irving Laura Starlmel ; . How he saved St.Michael's EdnnMeMirve.- Solo Florence Yarnell. Handy Andy Elmer Helm. EddieVHcoy. . ML'SIC. THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE COM v PANY began business in April , 1864 , and is still managed by the men who started it. It is not only the oldest , largest and strongest Acdtlent Company in America but the only one of any eon-iderable size. Its Cash Assets have steadily in creased year by year , and now reach $7.826 , QUO , the liabilities being 85.879 , U00leaviim a surplus to policy-holders of $1.'J47UOO. It has written nearly 1,100.000 General Accident Policies , J , , . and paid cash benefits to over one in nine ? * " ' ' of the insured , amoantin to over ( * " § 7,800,000. No better or surer in vest- \ tnent of the small sum required can be made than in a Yearly Accident Policy in Tin : TRAVELERS , which secures the principal sum in event of accidental death.or a weekly indemnity for injury causing total disability and loss of time. Any agent will write a policy at short notice. R. S. UOOLEV , Agent , McCook , Neb. FOR SALE. Hay. loose or baled. Also , some White Star. Beauty Hebron and Clark No. 1 Seed Potatoes. Also , a few fresh milch cnws. Call on or address me at Red Willow , Nob. J. F. HELM. HOUSE AND LOT On Macfarland street for sale. In quire of F. P. Allen or at this office. SQUARE UP. o Parties owing me are respectfully re quested to call and settle at once. 29 tf. M. A. SPALDING. HORSES FOR SALE. Two Nnrman and one thorouirh-bred trotting ptallions. Inquire of . S. WILCOX. r i