The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 18, 1886, Image 7

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    1 'Por thirty years Dr. C. Fiiwcett 1ms teen
physician pi the Union Protestant Iiuirm-
ury. Baltimore. Md. , and his published
opinion is that ho linsuscd Red Star Cough
Cure most effectively in curing obstinate
coughs and in treating consumption. Price ,
25 cents.
Miss Kate .Field advises all women to
Harn how to cook.
Senator Logan is as reluctant to tell his
nge as women usually arc.
Erastus Corning has a collection of 50- ,
000 butterflies.
Hon. James Harlan. ex-Vice-Chancellor ,
Louisville , Ky. , says he uses St. Jacobs
Oil , that it is a most extraordinary and
absolute cure for rheumatism and kindred
ailments , and that every family should
have if.
The new combination of Smart Weed and
Belladonna , as used in Carter's Backache
Plasters has proved to be one _ of the best
that could be made. Try o'ne of these
popular plasters in any case of weak or
lamp back , backache , rheumatism , neu
ralgia , soreness of the sliest or lungs , etc. ,
and you will be surprised and pleas d by
the prompt relief. In bad eases of chronic
dyspepsia , a plaster over the pit of the
stomach stops the pain at. once. Ask for
Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Uack-
achePlasters. Price 23 cents.
It costs only three dollars to cremate a
Tiody in Paris. See Paris and burn !
CHEAP COMFORT. Whata comfort it is to
lirow that , in case any of your children are
attacked at night with croup , you have the
remedy at hand in Allen's Lung Ba sam !
Depend upon it , mothers , IT CUKES cuour ;
perfectly pure and harmless. 2.5c. , 50c. ,
and $1.00 a bottle at all druggists.
Speaker Carlisle has his meals served in
the speaker's room.
He is rich whose income is more than his
Browns Iron
The qnertion has probably been asked thcrasanff !
of times "How can Brown's Iron Bitters cure every
thing ? " "ell , it doesn't Bat it does euro any disease
for whlcharepntable physician would prescribe IKpx
Physicians recognize Iron as tlio best restorative
agent known to the profession , and inquiry of any
leading chemical ttrm will substantiate tho assertion
that there aro more preparations of iron than of any
other substance used in medicine This shows con
clusively that iron is acknowledged to be the most
important factor in successfulmedical practice. It is ,
however , a remarkable fact , thatprior to the discov
ery of JlROWN'SIIlONinTTERSnoperfect.
ly satisfactory iron combination had ever been found.
headache , or produce constipation all other iron
cores Indigestion , Biliousness , Weakness ,
Dyspepsia , Malaria , Chills and Fevers ,
TiredFcc3iDK-GeneralDcbilityPain in the
Side , Back or Iambs , Headache andNonrnl-
ffia. Ior all these ailments Iron is prescribed daily.
minute. lake all other thorough medicines , it acts
slowly. When taken by mm the first xymptom of
benefit is renewed energy. The muscles then become
firmer , the digestion improves , the bowels are active.
In women the effect is usually more rapid and marked.
The eyes begin at once to brighten : the skin clears
up ; healthy color come * to the cheeks ; nervousness
disappears ; functional derangements become regu
lar , and if a nursing mother , abundant sustenance
in supplied for the child. Remember Brown's Iron
Bitten is the ONIVY iron medicine that is not in
jurious , rhyticiant and Iruggittt recommend it.
The Genuine has Trade Mark and crossed red lines
on wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER.
: r = >
It never fails to 60 its work in cases of
rlo , Biliousness , Constipation. Head
acheloss of Appetite and Sloop , Nervous
Debility , Neuralgia , and all Female
Complaints. Hops < fe Malt Bitters is a Vege-
table Compound. It is a medicine not a Bar *
room Drink. It differs as widely as does
day and night from the tlionsand-and-ono
mixtures of vilo Tvhfsky flavored with
aromatic * . Hops & Malt Bitters is recom
mended by Physicians , Ministers and
Nurses as being the Beat Family Medicine evpr
compounded. Any woman or child can take it.
"From my knowledge of its ingredients , under
no circumstances can it injure any one using it.
It contains no mineral or other deleterious sub
stance. Possesses real merits , the remedy is
deserving success. "
C. E. DEPur , Ph. O. , Detroit , Mich.
} The only Genuine are manufactured by tho
HOPS & MALT BJTTERS CO. , Detroit , Mich ,
600DMAN DRUG CO , , Wholesale Agents ,
Tho test and surest Eemedy for Cure of
nil diseases caused Ly any derangement of
the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels.
Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation ,
Bilious Complaints and Malaria of nil kinds
yield readily to the beneficent influence of
It is pleasant to the taste , tones up the
system , restores and preserves health.
It Is purely Vegetable , and cannot fail to
iTjovo beneficial , both to old and young.
" - ! } As a Blood Purifier it is superior to all
Bothers. Sold everywhere at $1.00 a bottle.
can people is Consumption. Phy
sicians and Druggists have at last
found a remedy which they feel
justified recommending. This
CURE , which cures Consumption
in stages that other remedies are
of no benefit , it cures Coughs ,
Colds , and all Throat and Lung
Diseases speedily and safely.
Price , Fifty Cents and One Dol
lar. Sold by Druggists.
Stock .Water , OjuHfch Prairies.
Mr. G. A. Nitchy writes for the quar
terly report of the Kansas state board
of agriculture :
The highest portions of central and
western Kansas , those forming the
' 'divides" " " '
or "backbones" between tho
Arkansas river and the Smokey Hill ,
between the Smoky Hill and the Saline
and the Solomon , are invariably the
smoothest und best agricultural lands.
Still , they are to a great extent yet
vacant ; notwithstanding their deep , ,
fertle loam , their smooth , and frequent
ly quite level surface , their splendid
dense turf of natural grasses , settlers
have been rather slow to occupy them.
The cause for this backwardness is ap
parent at tho first acquaintance with
these beautiful prairies. It is the lack
of running water. While the broken
and frequently rough lands along the
rivers and their numerous small tribu
tary creeks are nearly all taken up ,
with all thc'ir stony and'gravelly slopes ,
their steep bluffs , deep ravines , gulches ,
and canyons , comparatively few have
ventured to settle on the high , smooth
"divides" ' in such beautiful counties as
Barton , Rnssel , Osborne , Ellis , Hush ,
and others. The settlers in all these
counties liud ( hat their prosperity must
be based on raising and feeding stock ;
their agriculture must be auxiliary to
their stock interests. They can raise
winter grains for winter pasturage ,
sorghum , millet , and coin for fattening ,
and in such husbandry they find a sure
proiit ; raising wheat for "the market
does not pay. But all stock needs a
regular and abundant supply of good
water. Xatiirc has not provided that , ,
lavish as she has been in other respects ,
to the high prairies. Common wells
have often been sunk to great depths
without iinding the coveted water. I
know of a well in Barton county 250
feet deep , and the water scarcely fit for
use ; my horses rather went without.
Another well is # 00 feet deep , and has
an abundance of good water , rising to
within 80 feet of the surface. The town
of Russell bored a well for artesian
water , and abandoned it at a depth of
977 feet , without having the water
come nqarer than 2o5 feet from tho
Some intelligent farmers near Ver-
bcek poslollice , in Barton county , tried
same years ago to utilize the rainwater
by storing it in large underground
cisterns. At least there 1 have come
across such cisterns for the first time ,
though afterward I found a very good
one also in Osbornn county. The
utility of such cisterns , their cheapness
as compared with drilled wells , and
the certainty of having plenty of good
water , recommend their general adop
tion on all of our high ridge prairies.
In these central counties , any between
ranges six and twenty-live west ( that
is , between the w 'St lines of the coun
ties of Mcl'hcrson , Saline , Ottawa ,
Cloud , and Republic , and the one hun
dredth meridian , which runs though
the counties of Norton , Graham ,
Trego , Xess , et . ) , the average annual
rainfall has in the last twenty years
amounted to about 20 inches ( accurate
ly stited , to 23.61 inches ) . One
acre may therefore be counted
upon to receive an annual amount of
rain-water standing 20 inches deep on
every one of 'the 43,560 square leet of
its surface. This is , then , cqlK alent
to 72,600 cubic feet , or upward of 17.-
240 barrels. If we would lead it all
into an ' underground cistern , built
cylindrical or circular at top and bot
tom and 20 feet in diameter , or across ,
we must dig it nearly 230 feet deep.
This , then , is the problem , and the
solution will suggest itself. Even the
smoothest level quarter section has
some slight depression , often a shallow
draw several acres in extent. If we
build across it-s lower end a dam of
stone , soil , add sod , with a stone face
on its outs'de for the overflow to pre
vent washing and breaking , we will
have a pond into which probably more
than an acre of rainfall will collect.
Xear the edge of the pond , about twen
ty feet from it and somewhat above the
dam , we now build our capacious cis
tern , or a system of connected cisterns.
They will in many places require to
be walled up with"stone and mortar ,
and upon this wall the hydraulic
cement is put. They are best covered
with a well built arch , though timber
platforms may do for a number of
j-cars. Lastly , the pond and cistern
are to be connected by a trench start
ing at the bottom of the pond and run
ning almost level to the cistern. This
is the filter , ami is therefore filled with
gravel , coarse and line sand , and its
inlet into the cistern bn lt with'loose
brick. The slower the water filters
through this trench , the cleaner and
purer it will reach the cistern. Every
farmer will , of course , adapt , the de
tails of the plan to his needs and cir
cumstances. Some will use a windmill ,
pipes , and troughs , and have it led into
the house and barn ; others will use a
common chain pump and hand power.
I know of one cistern in Barton county
that has supplied all the water for the
household and more than "a hundred
head of cattle and horses.
JSTore Investigation deeded.
There is a story told of a gentleman
who did not 'believe in the theory or
practice that "cleanliness is next to
Godliness , " and being a man of princi
ple , he only bathed at long intervals.
On one of these occasions , however ,
he was so thorough and energetic with
a scrubbing brush that he discovered on
his person a pair of drawers that he
had been missing over a year. This
should encourage the legislative inves
tigating committee that is after Mr.
Sharp to keep on. There is no telling
what they may discover , if they perse
vere with their sanitary measures.
Texas Siftings.
The Enterprise of the Press.
"What's the newspaper article about
the late John Smith ? " inquired old Ir.
Badger. "Is he our John ? "
"Guess he is. "
"Well , well ! He allers wasslower'n
molasses in January. He never was on
time in all his lite , and they used to
ay he wasn't to his own weddin' till
the day after the ceremony , and now
the day after he's dead they call him
the late-John Smith. ' It beats allhow
those newspapers do learn so much
about a person. " New York Graphic.
[ In No Hurry for Conversion.
A well known family up-to\vn has an
eight-year-old urchin upon whom a revival
at one of the churches lias made a deep im
pression. He astounded his good mother
the other night by saying :
"Mamma , I am going to church to-night
to be converted. "
"Converted , Jimmie ? Why , you do not
understand what it means. "
"Yes , I do , and I am going to join the
church and be a Christian hereafter. "
'If you do that you must give up dancing
and going to the museum. "
"What , is that ? Mueb I quit going to the
museum ? "
"Oh , yes. "
"Then , " after a minute or two of earnest
reflection , "I guess I'll go down ami see tlie
four-legged woman just once n.ore before I
am converted. "
A Trip to ColfaxSprings.
Colfux Springs , on the Chicago , Rock
Island & Pacific railroad , is a popular
health resort to" which many western peo
ple go to try the waters , which , tire noted
for their healing properties. They are
claimed to be beneficial for rheumatism
and kindred troubles. . Mr. Charles P.
Griffin , a butcher of Stuart , la. , recently
made a trial of them and , while they ap
pear to have done him some good , he after
wards discovered a cure which proved in
finitely more efficacious. lie gives this ac
count :
'My attack was a very severe one , and
for three months I was compelled to close
my store , as I was not able to attend to
business at all. My joints were swollen
and there did not seem to be any part of
my body that did not ache. After suffer- '
in this way until the pain was almost
beyond endurance I wentto Colfax Springs
j to try the effects of the waters. The day I
left home I had to be carried down stairs.
After remaining at the Springs a month I
came homo feeling somewhat better. A
few weeks later , however , I hud a relapse
which prostrated me the same as before.
It was at that time that I lenrned of
Athlophoros. I sent for a bottle of it , and
in fifteen minutes after I had taken the
first dose I felt the effects of it. and
when I had finished my third bottle I was
well. I have noc had any rheumatism
since and have attended to my business
every day , which is a thorough test , as I
am obliged to be out all kinds of weather
and at all seasons of the year. If I had
known of Athlophoros in the first place it
would have saved me hundreds of dollars
and the detriment to my business in clos
ing my store. I take great pleasure in re
commending it to others. "
Dr. L. D. Rounds , a dentist , for sixteen
years a resident of Oskaloosa , but for the
past three years of Albia , la. , relates an
equally pleasant experience with Athlo
phoros :
"Rheumatism-he says , "has been ray
most serious trouble until about a year
ago , when I used a bottle of Athlophoros.
Since that time I have not had a twinge of
it. Previously I had been subjected to
sciatic rheumatism for several years , many
times so badly that I could scarcely drag
myself around. When I commenced with
Athlophoros my legs were so stiff that I
could scarcely get up thesteps to my office.
But I am not troubled that way now , and
the joint of my legs are as free as they ever
were. I had tried so many remedies before
that I had no faith in Athlophoros when I
began with it , but I changed my mind after
I had taken a few doses and found relief.
All I used was one bottle. It is the grand
est medicine ever heard of for rheumatism.
My wife has also used Athlophoros with
success equal to mine. "
"Dunns ; the years I have boon in busi
ness , " says 0. E. Givins , a di insist at
Stuart , Mr. Gtillin's home , "I have sold
many different kinds of proprietary medi
cines but none that has given such unive--
sal satisfaction as Athlophoros has for
rheumatism. I always feel when I hand
out a bottle of that medicine to a custom
er that I am giving him the full value of his
money. Since I have seen its wonderful
effects among my customers I gladly recom
mend it in every instance for rliemnatism. "
If you cannot get ATHLOPHOKOS of your
druggist , we will send it express paid , on re-
reipt of regular price one dollar per bot
tle. We prefer that you buy it from your
druggist , but if he hasn't it , do not be'per-
s'jaded to try something else , but order at
once from us , as directed. ATIII.OPHOUOS
Co. , 112 Wall Street. New York.
It is believed that the devil lakes off his
hat whenever he meets a hypocrite.
PEEVEXT crooked boots and blistered liecls by
wearing Lyon'a Patent Heel Stiffened.
Everybody needs and should take a good spring
medicinefor , two reasons :
1st , The body Is now more susceptible to benefit
from medicine than at any otlicr season.
2d. The Impurities which have accumulated In the
blood should be expelled , and the system Riven ten :
and strength , before the prostrating effects of warm
weather" are felt.
Hood's Sarsaparllla Is fie bes * spring medicine. It
purifies the blood. It sharpens the appetite. It
tones the d'gastlon. It overcomes debility. It
bulldsnp the whole system. Try It and you will be
convinced cf its superiority.
Purify your Blood
Remember , we do not claim that HroTs Sarsa-
parillnvilldo Impotslbilltles.c lull you plainly
what it has done , and submit prcof from sources
of unquestioned reliability , and ask you frankly if
you are suffering from any or affection cause J
or promoted by impure blood or low state of the sye
tern , to try Hood's Sarsaparllla. Our experience
warrants us in assuring you that you will not be dis
appointed in the result.
"I can recommend Hood's
Sarsaparilla to all as a
* afe , sure medicine. It cured me of terrible hcad-
schcs , and cured my little girl of swellings in hrr
neck which had been lanced twice. " Mns. F. K.
Lone , Gates Avenue , Brooklyn. 3T. Y.
Plantation Philosophy.
Do hours o' sin is fast ; de hours o' hard
wuck is slow.
Chillun tells lies nachully , but yer has ter
1'arn 'em how ter tell de truf.
De hardes'things furer father ter recol-
leek is dat he wuz once er chile.
Pussons whut furgit slowginerally knows
mo" den pussons whufc Tarns fast.
Er man whut likes er song jes' ca'so it is
hard ter sing doan know ez much er bout
music ez he do er bout sci'ncc.
When er big man gits er backset it's wus
on him den it woul' be on any uder pusson.
De rooster wid de fines' comb looks de wust
when he gits frost bit. [ Arkansas Trav
eller. .
"I always let a cold go as it comes" one
says ; which means that he overworks the
system in getting rid of a cold rather than
assist it by using Dr. .Bull's Cough Syrup.
25 cents.
It is estimated that the .average girl can
consume three pounds of candy daily.
Don Baptiste Alfred Assolant.theFrench
author , is dead.
"AM HIcii Arc
said David of old. lie was probably
prompted to make the above remark after
trying borne unreliable catarrh remedy.
Ilnd he been permitted to live until the
pre-sciifc day , and tried Dr. Sage's Remedy ,
lie might have had a better opinion of man
kind. A\re claim that no case of catarrh
can withstand the magic effects of this
wonderful medicine. One trial of it will
convince you of its efficacy. 33y druggists ;
fifty cents.
Frederick Douglas intends to O to
Europe in the spring on a two years' tour.
A Prize In the Lottery
of life which is usually unappreciated until
it is lost , perhaps never to retnrn , is health.
What a priceless boon it is , and how we
ought to cherish it , that life may a
worthless blank to us. Many of the dis
eases that flesh is heir to , and which make
life burdensome , such as consumption
( scrofula of the lungs ) , and other scroful
ous and blood diseases , are completely
cured by Dr. R. V. Pierice's "Golden Medi
cal Discovery" after all other remedies
have failed. Dr. Pierce's treatise on con
sumption mailed for 10 cents in stamps.
Address , World's Dispensary Medical Asso
ciation. GG3 Main street. 13nffulo-N. Y.
Coffee cake should be wrapped , while
warm , in a napkin , and there remain till
c ? c5 Delicate diseases of either sex ,
howcverindueed , speedily and permanently
cured. Book 10 cents in stamps. World's
Dispensarv Medical Association , GG i Main
street , Buffalo , N. Y.
Cistern water may be purified by charcoal
put in a bag and hung in the water.
Ir YOU AiiKDvspEPTic , ' bilious , rheumatic ,
gouty , debilitated , consumptive , consti
pated , or in anywise out of sorts , provide
yourself with a half dozen bottles of Du.
or thrice a day , and keep FIGHTING DISEASB
until you have not an ache or a physical
trouble of any kind remaining. The result
is sure.
Prof. Felix Adler claims to have discov
ered heat engenders crime.
I was feeling very dull with a pain in my
head and under my right shoulder when I
sent for Athlophoros , which helped me very
much. I would advise all who are troubled
with rheumatism or neuralgia to try it.
Mrs. Nancy M. Brown , llaff , Minn.
No man can be a thoroughly pure Chris
tian without the aid of soap.
JAY EYE SEE'S Driver. Etlwin T ) . Either ,
nses Cole's Veterinary Carbolisalvc , anil a
thorough trial enables him to endorse it as the
best remedy that he ever saw for general fctablc
use. Sold by Druggists at 50c and § 1.00.
The Queen of Italy employs a female
"STien Babywas sici , TTO pureher Castoria ,
IThon she was a Child , she cried for Caatoria ,
When shebecame iliss , she clung to Caatoria ,
TThon aho had Children , siio gave thorn Castoria ,
Kentucky has been honored with the
speakership eleven times.
If afflicted with Sore Eyes , use Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Eye Water. Drustftets sell It. 33c
Cleveland will not attend any wedding
parties i\hile president.
In another column of this issue will be
found an entirely new and novel specimen
of attractive advertising. It is one of the
neatest we have ever seen , and we think
anyone will be well repaid for examining the
. nipposed display letters in the advertise
ment of Prickly Ash Bitters.
"When In the spring I felt all im down and de-
bil tatcd , I found Hood's Sarsaparllla jmt the medi
cine to build me np. My Ri'c also , after much
physical prostration , found In Its use new life and
lasting benefit. Upon our little girl , who had been
sick with scarlet fe\cr , its effect was marvelous ,
entirely removing the poison from her blood and re
storing her to good health. " E. G. STnvrrox.
Swaxpscott , Mas * .
"I ha\e used Hood's Sarsapiuilla and find it to be
t lie best remedy for impure blood 11m c e ver taken. "
M. II. BAXT.EE , t ciet agent , P. & I ! . id. . Bound
Brook , X. J.
Tone Up the Ssytem
I consider Hood's Sarsaparilla the best medicine
leicrused. Itgl\esme an appetite and refreshing
sleep , and keeps the cold out. " Jonx S. Kocc , lOi
Spruce Street , Portland , lie.
"Hood's Sarsaparllla was a God-send tonic , for It
cured me of dyspepsia and 11 % er complaint with
which I had suffered 3D year ? . " J. B. HOENBECK ,
South Fallsburg. X. T.
"I took Hood's Saraparila : for general debility an 1
was wonderfully benefited by It. " J. P. Jonxsox.
Slartin's Ferry. O.
Mrs. C. VT. Marriott , Lowell , Mass. . was completelj
curcJ of sick headache , which she had had Is years ,
by Hood's Sarsuparllla.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists , tl ; sir for to. Prepared by Sold by all druggists. SI ; slxfortt. Prepared Dj
C. I. HOOD & CO. . Apothecaries. Lowell. Mass. C. I. HOOD & CO. , Apothecaries. Lowell , Mass
IOO Doses One Dollar. IOO Doses One Dollar
At Seven ! a sly kiss is soswoet , AtSevcnteen ! theyr'enioerstill At Seventy ! it's jnst the samei
To steal onenowv-Hhen's attest There'sawaywlieratliere'sawill They still keep up the old , old game.
This represents a healthy life , Just such a life as they enjoy , The original Photograph , paaet size , of
tbli ricture tent on receipt f tea crnti In
Throughout its various scenes. Who useihe Smith's Bile Beans stzmpi. Address , Bile Eeici , St. Louis , Ma.
Km * cmnln * mien
pedwith tbe above
XiKK."r 4nd fnr descriptive catalogue to A. J. ' TOWER , g ) Slm'nion * SL"Bo ton''M * .
The scalpis.cleansed and excited to a
healthy action by Hall's HairRcnowcr. .
In Consumption , the.disposition to cough
is diminished by taking Ayer's Cherry
Many cases of rheumatism which have
resisted tho skill of the profession have
promptly yielded to that wonderful remedy ,
Salvation Oil. 25 cents.
Anna Dickinson still contemplates re
turning to the stage.
1 Ifalford Sauce. Try It on your beam. It ! s
delicious. Sold everywhere.
The cat's antipathy for the mice prob
ably accounts for thewonien'sloveforcats.
3 months' treatment for jflc. PIso's Remedy fcr
Catarrh. Sold by druggists.
I Jfme. Modjeska on the star svstem : "It
either chills or kills the best artist. "
BUY SALZER'S ( Urrot , Tfli ) SEEDS. C.ta-rrr * .
Free from Of lutes , Emetics and 2'olsott ,
Cures Rheumatism , Neuralgia ,
Baekscbr , llridarbe , Tootbtche ,
Spralof. rtrul.r
Woman or Child
suffering from
GraUnfr. Mich. HAY-FEVER
A particle Is apt Ked Into each nostril and is agree
able to use. Price , ' < 0 cts. Iivinall r at druculstx.
Send for circular. ELY BUOTHEUS , Drugslsts ,
This cut represents HIP machine il'a * prints thr Ini
tialsof the name f this c > iipany tin every yard of
coods we make "VVe have assumed for the benefit of
the Dressmakers and Ladle * of this country , a' ex
penseof thirteen thousand dollars ( * iUMIj. : that thi-y
mav know how to tell our semilne oods from the
Imitation , for they now can H e nUln'y pilntcd on the
salvage Of or evorj'finartcr of aar.l. . and.M forexery
thrpequartersofayard ; therefore Hie U an Mean
be found on every yard ; and arc prin eJ a h'lf a yard
apart. We have run In the busyis n. iiijiht and
dav. Jive of thesu machines , and each machine can
nrintM jards per minute. Now. we MioiiM like in
kno how many t-chool girls and hoys there arc In
the IT. S. and crnida under 15 years of age who c n
trll us exactly lioiv many yards the'-e five machines
can print In the 31. working days in a > cnr. Kot
iviry boy or girl who will send us four cents In
stamps to piy postageand packing \ \ e w III mall er ills
one elegant Imperial size IMiototinc of the
"Three Little Maids from MPliooI. " ami fur
every one who n'ntN correct nnsxver to prulilem.we * II !
publish their name In full in the AVekly Triiiuiie
ami Fanner , anl mall t'icm a rupy. Thl * will cue
each one a tlnu picture and ( lie notoriety of li'iiga
foircct niiitheinat t : anVe will aNo mill fr-e to
any itldrcsi. unnc'ipt of IJc. a HISTORY of th > %
UNITED J-T TE . containing 2.11 pages , by Kmery ' -
Chillis , giving all Important event" from 141 to IVrt.
and well worth n.any time * tlie price. TMIn b..o !
should be the text l > < < ic for > c ! o Is and In the hand ;
of all teachers an.I cvory Ilbnir > In tlie land. I'lea-c
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