The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 18, 1886, Image 5

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    Thursday , March 18,1886.
Indicates that your subscription to this
paper HAS KXPIRKD. and thiit a cordial
invitation is extended to call and renew
the same. Subscription , $2 per year.
Local Intelligence.
Fresh candy at the'City Bakery.
E. 1U. Brickcy & Co. for clothing.
City Drug Store. Chenery & Stiles.
Cultivators below cost at Lytle Bros.
o to WW. . Palmer for your
harness. " 32-tf.
Scale books for sale and in stock at
this office. - ,
E. M. Brickey & Co. are sacrificing
If you want a superior letter file , call
at this office.
The largest line of fine cigars at the
City Drug Store.
If you want a first-class wagon cheap
go to Lytle Bros.
New curtain scrim and new goods at
Wilcox & bowler's.
A full line 3f hardware , stoves and
tinware at C. D. Palmer's.
53T ° Moody Winter , City Dairy , for
pure and wholesome milk.
Baled hay at Fry & Snow's flour and
feed store on Main Avenue.
Go to E. M. Brickcy & Co. for hon
est goods and lowest prices.
The Metropolitan drug store keeps a
full line of fancy box papers.
Sidewalks and crossings occupy us ,
and still thorc arc more to follow.
Brewer Bros , butcher only corn-fed
steers. No cows or lange cattle.
ElPSweet Michigan Cider of excel
lent quality at the City Bakery.
They have the purest , kettle-rendered
lard in the city at Brewer Bros.
J. G. Stokes came down from the
"AYiliow. yesterday , on a short visit.
White Russian or White Prussian
soap only oc.abar at Wilcox & Fowler's.
W. M. Irwin'left on No. 40yesterday
evening , for Iowa to sec a sick brother.
A nice line of hanging and stand
lamps at the Metropolitan Drug Store.
New dress goods , prints , gingha'ms ,
etc.Jnst opened at Wilcox & Fowler's.
Barrister Golfer was looking after his
real estate interests at Akron , Colo.last
J. B. Meserve went down the Valley ,
yesterday morning , on a stock purchas
ing expedition.
Sheriff Wnlborn made our city , Sat-
urdav , on business connected with la ?
v *
official position
' Ex-Judge Ashmore spent Sunday in
the metropolis , the guest of Squire
Fisher and family.
Fry & Snow carry the largest line of
fiour and feed in the city , and their pri
ces as low as the lowest.
G. W. Bcdc has some special bar
gains in real estate. Office 4th door
south of U. S. Land office. 27-tf.
The choicest meats at the Central
Meat Market of Brewer Bros , corner of
Main-and Dennison streets.
llemember this office when you want
a well-displayed dodger. Wo have the
only large wood type in .the city.
We hope soon to see the Water
Works Co. extend their service out
Dennison street to West McCook.
Fine note paper , legal and congress
cap , linen and news paper in tablets ,
calling and regret cards , etc. , at this
FOR. SALT : Lindner & Erman have
work oxen , steers , cows and heifers for
for sale at their barnone , block west of
the Commercial House , McCook , Neb.
A new postoffice Banksvillc has
iustbecn established in Grant precinct ,
this county , with W. II. Benjamin as
Nasby. Mr. Benjamin also runs a small
store in connection with the P. 0.
A new pavement is neededand , quite
badly at that , in front of the Central
Meat Market and Brown's restaurant.
The present pavement is a poor , patched
up affair and entirely inadequate to the
" \VVW. Palmer is to the front with a
fuHSrn'd complete line of draft and bug
gy harness. Do not buy until you have
seen his harness and got his prices.
Two doors north uf the postoffice , Mc
Cook , Neb. - 42-3ts.
" " " We have "received Vaughan's 1886
seed catalogue one of the handsomest
of that class. Our readers who need
any garden seeds , plants , flowers or tools
should write to J. C. Yaughan , 42 La
Salle street , Chicago.
11. A. Cole , fashionable merchant tail
or , has constantly on hand as fine a class
of goods as can be prodded. Suits made
up'in the latest style , and perfect fits
guarantcd. Prices reasonable. Shop
two doors west of Citizens Bank , Mc-
Cj Nebraska.
E. M. Brickey & Co. the clothiers.
Pure Drugs and Chemicals , at City
Drug Store.
Fresh and salt meats of the choicest
quality at Brewer Bros.
The finest stock of groceries in the
city at Wilcox & Fowler's.
Call at Fry & Snow's flour and feed
store for seeds of all kinds.
All kinds of sheet-iron , tin and cop
per work done at C. J ) . Palmer's.
Fresh oysters , fresh fish and chick
ens at Brewer Bros. ' meat market.
Prescriptions accurately compounded ,
day or night. City Drug Store.
Lytle Bros , are closing out their
stirring plows at greatly reduced prices.
See them before buying elsewhere.
Lonsdalc or Fruit of the Loom mus
lin 10 cents a yard at Wilcox & Fowler's.
Best brandsof fioui in the city at
-Fry & Snow's. Also , bran , chop , etc.
Have you seen the new all-over em
broideries , laces and niching at Wilcox
& Fowler's.
The Metropolitan Drug Store is in re
ceipt of a fine assortment of wall papers.
Call and examine them.
Land and legal blanks in stock at this
office. A full line at State Journal
prices , constantly on'hand.
Preaching services at the Congrega
tional church next Sunday morning and
evening at the usual hours by llcv.
Last Friday evening , a bouncing boy
baby made his initial bow to the world
at the residence of Tony Probst of the
City Bakery.
On Friday of next week. March 2Gth ,
the present term of school ends. There
will be a vacation of one week before
the opening of the spring term.
Don't fail to remember the sociable
at the residence of T. S. Bosley , to-mor
row ( Friday ) evening. Such prepara
tions are making that a pleasant time
may be expected.
Yesterday , L'lloy Allen purchased
the two lots north of Will Lawson's
property on the hill , and will shortly com
mence the erection of a residence on
same , of good si/.e and complete with
bay window , porches , etc.
Episcopal services will be held at the
Opera Hall , next Sunday morning and
evening at'lO:30 : and G:80 : o'clock res
pectively , mountain time , by Rev. Ful-
forth of Bed Cloud. All arc cordially
invited to attend these services.
Upon inquiry we find that our system
of water works embraces 11J miles of
water mains , or a quarter of a mile more
than the Lincoln system contains. Mc-
Cook is , by the by , about the largest
small municipality in this state at any
Last Saturday , A. W. Corey moved
his horses and cattle , which he has been
feeding during the winter down on the
Beaver , up to his river ranch , two miles
southeast of town. Mr. Corey wintered
his entire bunch without the loss of one
Last Saturday was a day of unusual
business activity in this city. The
country people were in en masse and a
very encouraging trade was enjoyed by
our merchants. While land men were
largely present and active , and things
were bustling generally.
While in the city , last week , Tully
Scott , receiver of the U. S. land office
at Oberlin , Kansas , purchased one of
W. W. Palmer's finest sets of buggy
harness. W. 0. Moody of Stratton also
purchased a handsome brass-trimmed
set of buggy harness from the same
On Wednesday of last week , a dimin
utive representative of the gentler sex
knocked for admission into the family
circle at the home of Walter J. Hills.
It goes without the saying that the lit
tle one was accorded a warm reception
into the household and the hearts of
the family.
Our highly literary bourbon contemp.
across the street is"progressmg in grace"
in a most encouraging manner. Having
temporarily discontinued the springing
of ancient chestnuts upon his unsuspect
ing and innocent readers , the } ' are now
them with ' . ' '
regalling 'original'5 rabbit
stories of unquestioned meritand Jiuthor-
thorship. The world do move.
Have you a business that ought to
succeed ? Advertise it. Straight-for
ward advertising in newspapers that
have steady and positive circulation
will take a prostrate business by the
hair and stand itqn its feet with remark
able celerity. Let the doubters keep
their eyes on the progress of the adver
tisers who are steady-goers , wet weather
an Jj dry.
The following county-seat people vis
ited McCook Lodge , A. F. & A. M. , on
Tuesday evening : GS. . Bishop. John
Wclborn , Henry Crabtrce , Jacob Norval
and I. J. Boycr. W. Smith of West
Point , Neb.and J. M.Williams of Cape
Gridiron , Mo. , were also visiting breth
ren. 4 . - . . . i. . . > . .n . i
Servis Hill of Brownville , this state ,
purchased W. O.-Saylor's grocery busi
ness on West Dennison street , and at
once took charge of the same , and will
continue the business at the old stand.
Mr. Saylor , we understand , will embark
in other business in our midst in due
course of time.
The yonng man C.L. Leming who
was recently captured at Beatrice by
Marshal Bennett and held under the
charge of grand larceny , had a prelimin
ary trial , last Thursday , before Squire
Iliilburd , when he-was bound over to
appear at the next session of district
court , and in default of § 1,000 bail was'
placed in the tender care of Sheriff
Welborn for safe keeping. He is
charged with having stolen some prop
erty aggregating SI , 000.
We wish to direct particular attention
to the meeting of the Ilocknell Hose
Co. called for next Monday evening.
We have the cart , hose and hydrants ,
and hope that the boys will at once put
themselves in training so as to be able
to make the best possible use of the
fire appliances at their command. Let
the meeting be well attended. Talk
the matter up in the meantime. Secure
some new members if possible , and re
solve to make our fire department thor
ough and effective.
The probabilities are that brick for
building purposes will be much cheaper ,
this spring , than ever before in the his
tory of our city. Contractor Collins
received his immense brick making ma
chine , the first of the week , ami will in
a short time be prepared to turn out
brick of a superior quality in double
quick order , while two or three other
parties are also arranging to burn in the
near future. Cheap brick will do
much toward encouraging the erection
of more brick buildings.
The McCook Hotel has been leased
by W. W. Ilockwood , who will take
charge of that hostelrie on next Mon
day evening. Mr. Ilockwood is an old
hotel man , having been in the business
for some time at Blue Hill , this state.
He will at once commence the work of
renovating and refitting the house
throughout , and it is his purpose to
place the same on a footing with the
other first-class houses of the city. The
name of the house will be changed to
"Some time ago , the Democrat took occas
ion to suggest that mail be carried on night
trains for the stations west of McCook to
Denver. We now have assurances that such
arrangements will soon be completed and
hereafter letters will not have to lay over for
only one train a day. " The Democrat.
As the above would indicate a claim
of appropinquity to the great white
( white-washed ) democratic thronewe
would suggest that the Democrat but
exercise a moity of its dread influence
in the direction of our home office. Such
irresistible power cannot fail of fruition ,
neither should such light be hid under
a bushel.
A full house greeted the presentation
of "The Social Glass" by home talent ,
last Friday evening , at the Opera Hall.
After the company overcame their ti
midity and became warmed up to the
occasion , the play progressed in a very
satisfactory way , and was well received
by the audience. The drama contained
a number of excellent points , which the
company emphasized in good style. The
W. C. T. U. netted over $26 from the
performance , which is referred to in
complimentary terms by those present
on the occasion.
Last Saturday , a Kansas postmaster
( by his own asknowledgment ) was caught
in the act o stealing cold chisels ,
wrenches , etc. , from C. P. Binker's im
plement house on corner Railroad and
Main. The stolen articles were tem
porarily deposited by the thieving Nasby
in the rear of Stimson & Spott's bar
ber shop. The performance was observ
ed by Mr. Spotts and. the stolen articles
were duly returned to the rightful owner.
After making the'deposit , " the genial
P. M. , retired in haste to irrigate , and
thereafter failed to materialize. By the
by , Grover seems to be out of luck in his
P. M. appointments , or else he has poor ,
scraggy timber from which to select.
Large Company Elegant and Exten
sive List of Presents And a
Happy Affair Altogether.
A large and brilliant company , em
bracing some eighty of our towns-people ,
responded to the invitations issued , and
participated with Squire and Mrs. W.
W. Fisher in the celebration of the
twenty-fifth anniversary of their wed
ding , at their residence last Saturday
evening. The numcrousness of the at
tendance ( the young people occupied
the adjoining residence of Bceeiver Bab-
cock through courtesy ) and the extent
and costliness of the gifts presented in
dicate in a way the esteem in which the
Squire and his estimable wife , who were
among the first to locate and cast their
fortunes in our city , are held. After a
short presentation address by Ilev.
Wheeler and an equally witty respond
by the Squire , refreshments were served ,
which with cards , social chat , etc. , made
up the evening's round of pleasure. Wti
append below a list of the presents :
Silver Water Pitcher and Cup , and Silver
Tea Set of Four Pieces Mr. and Mrs. ( J. A.
Noren , G. L. Laws , J. A. Wilcox , F. S. Wil
cox , T. G. Ilees , W. S. Webster. A. J. Pate ,
T. S. Bosley , A. Campbell. , H. It. Woods , F.
D. Hess , C. F. Babcock , W. S. Perry , Chas.
Xoble , J. B. Mcserve , Geo. Ilocknell , J. I { .
Plielan. T. B. Campbell , Carl Clark. Mrs. E.
A. llollister , Misses Ida Hollister and Lou
Silver and Colored Glass Berry Dish Mr.
and Mrs. T. G. Kees , S. II. Colvin , I. J. Star-
buck , A. Campbell , C. X. Batchelor , A. M.
Kelly , S.L.Green and W.W.Palmer. Messrs.
E. E. Lowman and G. M. Chenery.
Silver Dinner Caster Messrs. J. F. Forbes ,
AV. E. Fry , A. C. Ebert , II. A. Clark , F. L.
McCracken and F. M. Kimmell.
China Tea Set-Charlie. Will and Nellie
Silver Cake Basket Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Snyder , Charleston , 111.
Silver Tea Spoons (4) ( ) T. G. Chambers ,
Charleston , 111.
Silver Individual Butter Dishes Georgie
Kennedy , Charleston , 111.
Silver Individual Pepper Box Miss Janie
Fisher , Charleston , 111.
Silver Call Bell Mr.andMrs.Thos.Colfer.
Silver Spectacles S. L. Green.
IIalf-Io7.en Silver Knives in Case Mr.and
Mrs. L. B. Stiles.
Half-Dozen Silver Fruit Knives Misses
Jennie Jamison and Alice Murphy.
Silver Pickle Caster Mr. and Mrs. P. T.
Francis , J. F. Kenyon , I ) . J. Smith and fam
ily , and Mrs. S. L. Green.
Three Mrs. Potts Flat Irons Mr. and Mrs.
II. M. Aslnnore , Indianola , Xeb.
Pair Silver Napkin Kings Dr. and Mrs.
Z. L. Kay.
Silver Mug I. J. Starbuck.
Gold Masonic Pin C. F. Babcock.
Silver and Colored Gla < s Berry Dish Mr.
and Mrs. Y. Franklin and A. McG. llobb.
Silver Sugar Spoon Dr. W. M. Chambers ,
Sr. , Charleston. 111.
Half-Dozen Silver Tea Spoons Mr. and
Mrs. S. D. Hunt.
Silver Nut Cracker and Picks Mr. and
Mrs. C. D. Ercanbrack.
Silver Card Heceiver Messrs. C. W. Bal-
lard , E. A. Eaton , M. A. Spalding. J. L.Tay
lor and I. J. Reynolds.
Knife Kests Miss Clara Gooding.
Silver Syrup Pitcher and Salver Misses
Cecilia Ryan and Mabel Meservej and Messrs.
T ho * . Glasscott and H.A. . McCracken.
Silver Butter Dish and Knife Messrs. C.
II. Rogers , C. 31. Ashmore , F. S. Harris and
E. L. Layeock.
Silver Match Holder Messrs. (5. M. Chen-
cry andW. S. Wheeler.
Half-Dozen Silver Knives and Forks
Misses Dell , Eda and Josie Menard.
Silver Tooth-Pick Holder J. L. Taylor.
Silver and Glass Creamer.-R. H. Williams
and Miss Kate Williams.
The Board of Directors of the Bed
Willow County Agricultural Society met
pursuant to call of President Moore , at
Indianola on last Saturday afternoon.
A "constitution and by laws for the socie
ty were drafted and adopted. It was
decided to hold the 1SSG meeting with
reference to both the Lincoln and Den
ver meetings , and a committee was ap
pointed to ascertain the time of holding
said fairs and report at the meeting of
the directors to be held in this city on
Saturday , March 27th. The .Executive
Committee were authorized to prepare a
premium list and rules and regulations
for the 1SS6 fair , said committee to re
port March 27th. Upon a careful esti
mate it was ascertained that the society
would have some three thousand dollars
to offer for premiums in the various
classes. It is.also proposed to invite all
the counties embraced in the McCook
Land District , viz : Hitchcock , Dundy ,
Chase , Hayes and Frontier , to partici
pate with us , as well as the counties of
Decatur and Bawlins in Kansas , which
will insure more wide spread interest
and attendance.
We are informed by B. F. Olcott
that he has almost completed the house
he is building on his claim a few miles
from town and" that he will remove with
his family thereto , the first of April.
B. F. is putting up a residence 2-i feet
square , and will be as snug as a bug in
a rug on his claim. THE TRIBUNE is
glad to note the erection of houses of
such character out in the country. It
is a good indication when comfortable
frame houses take the place of dug-outs
and sod houses.
' / ' - ' , " > / ' / ' ; f ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' / . ' . - - '
* t "
E. BRICKEY & * CO. ,
Our Spring Stylestare all in
25P'W/o have some tihoap pants of speciemerit , \
for working men. They are the best ever offered at
the price. Everybody ts invited to call and examine ,
goods and get prices.
Mrs. It. 11. Vincent and family of-Arapahoe
have moved to this city.
J. E. UiM-ger returned from hi > Cass county
pilgrimage on Xo. 1 , Sunday night.
Geo. llockiu'll wtfs & guest at the "Windsor ,
Lincoln , the latter part of last week.
John Uawsofc , Es < j. , Alma's leading barris
ter , was a visitor in this city , Sunday.
C. H. Rogers took a hasty glance at his
Cnlbertson interests , Friday afternoon last.
Mrs" . Schennerhom of Stratton Is visiting
her grand-daughter , Mrs. E. Marquis of our
Principal Dnsenburg of the Walioo schools
visited our public schools on Tuesday of thK
Jos. Allen of Red Willow creek loft for
Lenox , Iowa , yesterday evening on a limited
F. II. Uareourt , one of Trenton's real es
tate men , had business before our local offi
cials , Tuesday.
Dr. 15. U. Davis was called to Stratton ,
Tuoday , by telegraph , on professional bu > i-
K. S. Cooley and Leon F. Moss inaded the
county-seat , a few hours , la > t Saturday , on
J. M. Cotton , the State Journal Co.'s repre
sentative , was in the city , Friday , lookingaf-
ter that paper's interots.
T. J. I'iekett of the JJloomington Guard ,
and little daughter , were gueMn at the Mc-
Entee , Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Jennings made a flying
trip to the capital of Hitchcock comity. last
Friday afternoon.
E. P. Hazen , the Frees & Ilocknell Lum
ber Co.'s manager at Edison , was a Sunday
visitor in the metropolis.
F. If. Fowler is getting things in readiness
for his family , , which he expectto arrive
from Illinois next week.
Mrs. A. J. Tate was called down to Friend-
ville , last Saturday , to the bedside of her
iged father , who is seriously ill.
Editors Solomon of the CnlhertsonSiinand
Pence of the Palisade Journal both transact
ed the city , Mondaj night.
Prof.V. . S. Webster of our public > chool *
will attend the sessions of the State Teachers'
Association at Lincoln , week after next.
H. B. Crano of the Franklin Echo > pent
rimrsday and Friday of last week in the city ,
i'liu TIUIJCXI : received a fraternal call.
Editor L. E. Martin of the Orleans Sentinel
passed a few hours in the city on Sunday , re
membering TUB TniuuxE with a short call.
Gerald Wilcox , brother of the Wilcox
irothers of this city , arrived from Oilman ,
yesterday morning , with a car-load of horses.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. LaTouretteweut up to
visit Mrs. LuTourette's parents on the ranch
icar Carrico , Hayes county. Tuesday noon
via Culbertson.
D. 11. Dorn , who has a claim in theMjiith-
ast part of Hayes county , was in town , Fri-
lay , and ordered THE TIHJUXE sent to his
wife at Lena , 111. , for a year.
A. W. Campbell and W. P. Fritts , both of
Box Elder , were in town , Friday , making ar-
angenients to prove up on their respective
lomesteads and pre-emptions.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Xettleton , Jr. , ariived
from Stockbridge , Mass. , Saturday last , and
will cast their fortunes with the people of
Ited Willow county henceforth.
County Surveyor Castberg is nursing a pain
ful injury caused to one of his petlal extrpuii-
itt > by the awkwardness of the inevitable pea
nit butcher , who let his heavy fruit box fall
on J. E.'s foot with above effect.
L. C. Stephenson , late Deputy County
Clerk , pa > sed through this station on tfJ , la < t
Friday , en route for Akron , where he goes in-
o the land business with 11. AV. Pike. To
gether they will make a strong team.
Mrs. II. M. Aslnnore came up from Indian
ola , on Friday last , to assist her sister , Mrs.
\V. W. Fisher , in the celebration of thetwcn-
y-fifth anniversary of Mrs. Fisher's wedding.
She returned home on Sunday evening fol-
owiug ,
J. O. McCracken of the DCS Moines Daily
Xews , who has been the guest of his uncle ,
'has. Xoble of our city , for a few days past ,
eft-for home on Xo. 2 , Tuesday morning.
Mr. McCracken"s wife is in poor health anil
ic may yet decide to return to McCook to re
side and engage in business , hoping to bene
fit his wife thereby , as the change from the
smoky unhealthfnl environment.- the city
to this land of pure air and sunshine would
certainly occasion.
. J. I * . Richard of Lincoln , late PrcMdent of
the State Xationnl Hank of that city , and a
member of thelU'd "Willow Cattle Co. , whose
j ' herds range on tin * Willow , was in the city ,
Monday , on business connected with histitock
L. Lowman returned from his business
trip to Chicago on List Thursday evening ,
having there purchast d a largestock of goods
which will be opened lure in a few days.
Mrs. Lowman arrived on Xo. 1 , Satin day
night , after spending a few days in Lincoln
with her daughter.
J. F. Zedikcr and F. W. Barber of Frank
lin , president and vSi.'D-pn.'Sidcut of the State
Bank of that placr , t.pnt : : Tuesday in the city ,
giving and taking iM > Iiticul pointers , etc. .
Mr. Zediker , it will lie remembered , has l > een
clerk of the lower house of our state legisla
ture for many years , and is now aspiring to
thostati' secretaryship of this commonwealth ,
and would be gratilied to have the endorse
ment of the Valley's delegations.
PANY began business in April , 1SG4 , and
is still managed by the men who started
it. It is not only the oldest , largest and
strongest Accident Company in America
but the only one of any considerable
size. Its Cash Assets have steadily in
creased year by j'ear , and now reach
$7,820,000. the liabilities being $5S7D.
000leaving a surplus to policy-holders
of $1JM7J)00. ( ) it has written nearly
1,100,000 General Accident Policies ,
and paid cash benefits to over one in nine
of the insured , amounting to over
$7,300,000. Xo better or surer invest
ment of the small sum required can be
made than in a Yearly Accident Policy
in THE TKAVELKUS. which secures the
principal sum in event of accidental
deathor , a weekly indemnity for injury
causing total disability and losd of
time. Any agent will write a policy at
short notice. 11. S. COOLKV. Agent ,
McCook. Xeb.
Forest Trees ! Forest Trees !
One hundred car-loads * of .Nebraska
grown Forest Trees , ranging in height
from six inches to sixteen feet , suited
to timber-claim planting , or ornamental
shade tree ? . Varieties : Yellow Cotton-
wood , Sugar and Soft Maple , Hardy
Catalpa , Blade and White Walnut ,
American Sweet Chestnut , Black and
Ilorney Locust , Ash. K\m. \ Box Elder ,
Linden , Sycamore. Native , Ilussian and
French Mulberry , PoplarPecan , Birch ,
lied Bud. Coffee Tree , Persimmon. Yel-
loWjWhite.Diamond and Basket Willow.
By the single tree , hundred , thousand ,
or car load. In car lots special rates
will be given. Also , a general Nursery
Stock. Write for prices.
H9 Brownville , Neb.
Hay , loosa or baled. Also , some
White Star , Beauty Hebron and Clark
No. 1 Seed Potatoes. Also , a few fresh
milch .cows. Call on or address me at
Red Willow , Neb. J. F. HKLM.
Karly Beauty of Hebron , Mammoth
Pearl and White Star seed potatoes.
42-5ts. lied Willow , Nebraska.
Parties wishing to rent dwelling
houses should enquire at the Citizens
Bank of McCook.
I want a good dining room girl at
once. Inquire at Wilcox & Fowler's.
11 * I > *
On Macfarland street for sale. In
quire of F. P. Allen or at this office.
Parties owing me are respectful- !
quested to call and settle at once.
29 tf. M. A. SPALUING.
Two Norman and one thorough-bred
trotting stallions. Inquiie of
F. . x.
Suite of unfurnished rooms , in cen
tral location. ! Inquire at this office.