The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 18, 1886, Image 4

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    F. M.&E. M. KIMMELL ,
Editors and Publishers.
THEORETICALLY Cleveland is great
in the matter of veracity , but practical
ly he is very sho'rt. It was easy enough ,
perhaps , for Grover to telegraph , "Tell
the truth. " but it seems to be a difficult
thing indeed for him to practice the
WK take great pleasure indeed in
noting the strong sentiment existing fa
vorable to Uro. A. E. Powers of the
Frontier County Faber for representa
tive to Succeed W. Z. Taylor. Powers
is a man of honor , character and of ca
pability , and is withal just such a man
as THE TRIBUNE would be happy to
. sen. fill the place.
THE flourishing little city of Creston
seems to be the banner prohibition city
of Iowa. Prohibition is prohibiting
there and the business men claim that
they are enjoying such prosperity as
that city has never seen. They are now
receiving into their coffers , the § 300- ,
000 which the saloon men have hereto
fore annually gathered into their pock
ets , and for which the city received $12-
000 license.
ocrat exhorts the bourbon boys to htand
by the President. Jake has decided to
stand by Grover until the President has
appointed'some one else to the position
at the government rack that Jake's soul
hankers after , but in tins event , Jake
will be found with the disappointeddis-
, grunttlcd dems , kicking like a veritable
/bar steer. Disappointment has boon
the bourbon's heritage for the past 25
years , and the prolonged agony has
been too much for his nerves. A little
disappointment now serves to make him
The United Brethren people are still
holding meetings in the church , and we
are glad to state , with/success.
A new school district has been form
ed , taking in Box Elder. Another
chance for somebody to run for office.
Sunday School was dismissed , last
Sunday , on account of the funeral ser
vices of Mr. Turner which were held in
the church.
Among the many friends who came
from the Lower Willow to attend the fu
neral of Mr. Turner , on Sunday , we no
ticed Squire Buck and family , also II.
F. Looniis and Wm. Crockford with their
Mr. Tumor of whom we made men-
tionlast , week , died on Fridaythe 12th
inst. The last sad rites were performed
on Sunday. Kev. Allen Bartley of York
conducted the services and preaching a
very impressive sermon. That" the de
ceased had a very large circle of friends
was shown by the immense procession
that followed the remains to the grave.
In the death of Mr. Turner the commu
nity loses an honored and respected
citizen and a kind neighbor. The church
of which he was a member an earnest
worker , a consistent Christian. The wile
and two little ones who are left to mourn
a kind husband and a loving father.
They have the sympathy of their many
March 1G , 1S8G. SELONN.
Mrs.'MacoyatG. A. R. Hall.
A large and appreciative audience as
sembled at the ( jr. A. II. Hall last night.
The Hall was comfortable filled , and the
audience were not disappointed in their
expectations ; nor was the reputation of
Mrs. Macoy as an elocutionist dimmed
in the least by comparison with any for
mer effort. Words when placed in cold
type , utterly fail to convey to the mind
the inimitable grace and magnetism , dis
played by this lady when upon the stage
or rostrum. Her recitations to be ap
preciated must be * heard ; and the mag
netism of her voice and presence felt.
The 1 imes is pleased to note the fact
that the entertainment was a financial
successand the lady acquitted herself-
admirably. Mrs. Macoy will always find
a warm welcome from the G. A. II. and
people of Jeffersonville. Jeffersonville
( Ind. ) Times.
Our schools will close for the spring
vacation , on Friday , March 26th , 1SS6.
"Following is the program of the high
school literary society/or that day :
Kecitation Bertha Boyle.
Dialogue Mav Clark , May O'Brien , Belle
Thompson , Theo. Laws.
Declamation Willie Perkins.
Hesitation Florence Yanicll.
Uecitation Amy Avery.
Dialogue Several Pupils.
Declamation John Cordeal.
Uecitation Louisa Suess.
Keeitatioii Lyclia Clifford.
Essay Laura Starbuck.
Recitation Edna .Meserve.
liecitation Gertie Laws.
Dialogue Elmer Helm , Eddie Wilcox. "
Thos. Colfer Esq. , has been invited to
make an address on the occasion. A
.cordial invitation is extended to all.
" r ' - n'V * * * . -Jf * ' & & " * > & & ? * ' * . > fc ' " * " - ? - " ' "
- -V , < ( ' ' ' ' l f , --VS.- - - ' -
Gol. R. M. Snavely went to McCook ,
Dr. Lndi , of Hastings , was in our
city , Wednesday.
E. S. Coolcy , of McCook. was in
our place , Saturday.
R. B , Wahlquist , of the McCook
Democrat , was in our city , Tuesday.
G. F. Blackmail , of Lebanon , was
over to th.e capital on business , Mon
W. F. Stockton , of Hamburg , has
been in the city two or three days on
We are living in the hope that our
village dads will soon lay some needed
llev. Allen Bartley , of York , was in
our place over Sunday and during the
fore part of this' week.
'Squire S. H. Colvin , of McCook ,
was among the many sign-readers from
that place who visited us Tuesday.
Ex-Co. Judge Ashmore went up to
McCook , Sunday , on 39 , and returned
witli his family on 40 the same day.
Al Goodrich , with Crumbaugh &
Goodrich , of our city , and little son
Fred , was up to the metropolis , Satur
Frank Morris , who used to be one of
"our boys , " has been in town for sev
eral days enjoying himself with the
L. C. Stephenson went to Akron , last
Friday , to make arrangements for his
removal there in the near future. He
returned , Tuesday.
To-day is St. Patrick's day and if
you see young men wearing two yards
of groan cloth for a neck-tic don't
think they are crazy.
S. L. Gre I ) , of McCook , wa ? in
town , Tuesday and Wednesday , attend
ing the meeting of the county commis
sioners , of which he is chairman.
E. C. Ballew , our deputy treasurer ,
went up to Akron , Col. , last Friday
evening , to visit his family. He re
turned on Monday and reports things
booming. t
The room formerly occupied by John
Linderholm has been thoroughly re
paired and cleaned for its future occu
pants , and it presents quite a metropol
itan appearance.
' A Mr. Spain , of Bondville , this coun
ty , has purchased Judge Baxter's stock
of goods , and will continue the busi
ness at the old stand , adding other lines
of goods to the present stock.
Quite a number of our young people ,
both male and female , are becoming
quite accomplished equestrians , and
the/may be seen almost every pleasant
evening "taking their daily exercise. "
The arrival of Geo. A. Hunter and
family in our city , Wednesday , was a
thorough and very agreeacle surprise
for almost all the people of Indianola.
Mr. Hunter is an old resident of this
place , but has been in Calafornia the
past two or three years. He intends
staying here several months.
Cashier F. M. Smith , of.the . Farm
ers and Merchants , went down to Arap-
alioe. Saturday evening , to spend Sun
day with his intended. Mr. Smith is
now preparing the cage , and we hope
soon to chronicle his admission into the
order Benedictine. NONDESCRIPT.
Indianola , March 17 , ' 86.
Mrs. A. D. Seigle of McCook , and
Mrs. J. W , Macoy of Louisville , Ky. ,
will give a reading at Menard's Opera
Hall , next week. Both ladiesMre grad
uates of The Scott Saxton College of
Elocution and Oratory at Louisville.
All who appreciate good reading and do
not attend will miss a treat. The best
musicians our town affords will assist in
making the entertainment a success.
Mrs. Macoy's husband was assassinated
four weeks ago , by two negroes , for the
purpose of robbery. Their trial is now
going on in the Courts at Louisville.
She is left to support herself and little
A special meeting of Hocknell Hose
Co. is called to meet at the hose cart
houge on Monday evening next at 7
o'clock , mountain time. It is hoped
that there will be a full turn-out of the ;
"membersas important business matters
will come up for settlement.- ; ;
F. M , KunreLL , Secretary ,
A special meeting of McCook Lodge
No. Gl , A. 0. U. ' W. , will be held at
Masonic Hall , Saturday evening , March
20th at 7 o'clock , M. T. ' Business of
importance. A full attendance is desired.
B. B. DAVIS , M. W.
W. FT. DAVIS , Recorder.
RESOLVED , That the Chairman of the Hoard
of Trustees of the Village of McCook bo au
thorized and empowered , and he is hereby in
structed to enter into a contract with the Lin
coln Land , , Company , agreeing to pay to the
Lincoln Land Company ? COO per annum , paya
ble quarterly in advance ; quarterly payments
of Sl-r)0 to be paid by the Town of McCook to
the Lincoln Land Company on the first day of
April , 188G , and § 150 on the flrst-of each suc
ceeding quarter thereafter , for a term of live
years , for the use of ten fire hydrants for the
lire department of the Village of McCook.
Said hydrants to be used for the purpose of
supplying water to said village in tune of con-
llagration , or for practice of said lire depart
ment , which practice shall not exceed one
stream of wateii \ hour , or two streams of
water J.i hour , four times during each of the
months of November. December , January ,
February , March and April ; and nottoexceed
Jt hour twiceduring the months of May , June ,
July , August , September and October ; each
occasion to use hydrants in case of conllagra-
tion to take the place of one practice. The
Lincoln Land Company is to have full control
and supervision of said hydrants , except in
time of conllagration. at which time the Vil
lage of McCook shall have full control of the
hydrants and water mains. If hydrants are
used in excess of specification in contract , the
Village of McCook is to pay to the party of the
first part twice the barrel or meter rates for
the amountused which shall bedetenuined by
the superintendent of the works.
Attest : AV. C. LATOUUETTE. Chairman.
F. M. KIMMEIA. , Village Clerk.
Dated , McCook , Neb. , March 1,188i. (
This agreement entered into this First day
of March , JBSG , by-and between the Lincoln
Land Company of the first part and the town
of McCook , party of the second part.
WITNKSSETII , That the party of the first part
hereby agrees to place in the town of McCook
ten lire hydrants , connected with their water
mains , and supplied with water through three-
inch pipe , and to keep the same in good work
ing order to be located as follows : One at the
corner of Dennison and Macfarland , one at the
corner of Dennison and Main , one at the cor
ner of Dennison and Madison , one at the cor
ner of Douglass and Macfarland , one at the
corner of Douglass and Main , one at the corner
of Douglass and Madison , one at the corner of
Douglass and Monmouth , one at the corner of
Dakota and Manchester , one at the corner of
Dakota and Marshall , and one at the corner of
Dakota and Monroe Streets.
the second part agrees to pay to the party of
the first part , 3150 April 1st , 188G , and § 150 the
first of each succeeding quarter , for a term of
five years ; being an annual rental of $000 for
the use of said hydrants. The said hydrants
to be used by the party of the second part for
fire purposes only ; to supply water to the fire
company in time of conllagration or for prac
tice , which practice shall not exceed one stream
of water 1A hour , or two streams II hour , each
four times during each of the months of No
vember , December , January , February , March
and April ; not to exceed Ji hour twice during
each of the months of May , June , July , August ,
September and October ; each occasion to use
hvdrants in case of conflagration to take the
place of one practice. The party of the first
part shall have full control and supervision of
said hydrants , except in time of conflagration ,
at which time the party of the second part
shall have full control of the hydrants and
water mains. If hydrants are used in excess
of specifications , the party of the second part
will pay to the party of the first parttwiee the
barrel or meter rates of said Company for
amounts used , which shall be determined by
the superintendent of works.
AttestV. . C. LATOHHETTE , Chairman.
F. M. KIMMETT , , Village Clerk.
Dated , McCook , Neb. , March 1.1SSG.
To provide for the organization and incorpor
ation of a city of the second class.
BE IT ORDAINED , By the Chairman and Board
of Trustees of the village of McCook , Neb. :
SECTION 1. The Village of McCook. lied
"Willow County , Nebraska , organized on the
27th day of November , A. D. , 1883 , under the
statutes of the State of Nebraska , hereby in
corporates itself under the provisions of Chap
ter 14 of the Compiled Statutes of the State of
Nebraska , as amended March 5th , 18&5 , entitled
"Cities of the second class and Villages , " to be
called the city of McCook , and said village is
hereby declared to be a city of the second class.
SECTIONS. The city of McCook shall be di
vided into two wards , to be bounded , limited
and numbered as follows , to-wit : All of the
territory lying east of the centre of Main Ave
nue , within the incorporated limits of McCook ,
shall constitute and comprise the first ward ;
and all of the territory lyingycst of the cen
tre of said Main Avenue within the limits of
McCook , to comprise the second ward.
SECTION 3. There shall be held on Tuesday ,
6th day of April , 1886. an election , at which
election the followingollicers shall be elected ,
to-wit : One Mayor , one Police Judge , one City
Clerk , one City Engineer , one City Treasurer ,
two Councilmen in the first ward , and two
Councihnen in the second. Also , a Hoard of
Education , consisting of six (6) ( ) members. Two
of said board to serve for 3 years , two for 3
years , and two for 1 year.
SECTION 4. The poll or voting place in the
first ward shall be at the office of Cooley & Col
vin , in said ward , and W. W. Fisher , A. J. Pate
and H.M.Keed shall act as Judges of Election ,
and K. S Wilcox and J. P. Israel shall act as
clerks of said election , in said ward. The poll
or voting place in the second ward shall be at
the Hocknell Hoso Cart building on Dennison
street in said ward , and B. F. Olcott , It. S.
Coolcy and W. H. Kea shall act as Judges of
said election and Pat Walsh and A.H.Steadman
shall act as Clerks of the election in said ward.
All votes shall bo cast between the hours of
8 o'clock , A. M. and 6 o'clock , P. M. . in said
wards , mountain time. PROVIDED , Thatif the
Judges and * lerks do not appear at the time
and place herein mentioned and enter upon
the duties of said ollices , their places shall be
filed by consent of those residents of said ward
present at said ward poll , as soon as may be
after said hour of 8 A. M.
SECTION 5. The said Judges and Clerks pro
vided for in section 4 , shall make tally lists of
all votes cast as near as may be in the manner
provided by law for such ofiiccs at state elec
tions , and shall return the same certified to be
correct and true , to the city clerk within two
days after said election day.
SECTION 0. The clerk shall file and preserve
such tally lists , from which the council shall
ascertain the name of olliceis elected , at their
next meeting after said election , which meet
ing shall be held on the evening of the second
day after said election.
SECTION 7. This ordinance shall be published
consecutive weeks , commencing March 4,18SO.
Passed and approved this first day of March ,
1888. W. C. LATOURETTE , chairman.
Attest : F. M. KIMMELL , Village Clerk.
Pursuant to an Ordinance passed by the
Board of Trustees of the Village of McCook ,
Neb. , on the 1st day of March , 1886 , incorpora
ting the said Village as a city of the second
class , notice is hereby given that on
Tuesday , April 6th , A. D. , 1886 ,
the first annual election of said city will be
lield for the election of the following officers :
One city mayor ,
One city clerk.
One police judge.
One city treasurer.
One city engineer.
Two couucilmen in the first ward ,
Two councilmen in the socond ward ,
6 Members Board of Education.
The office of Copley & Colvin on East Don-
lison street in said ward is hereby designated
is the polling place of the first ward. The
noting place of the second ward shall be at
he Hocknell Hose Cart building on West
3ennison street in said ward.
Polls will open at8 o'clock , A. M. , mountain
ime , and close at 6 o'clock , i . M. , mountain
iine , in both wards.
W. C. LaTOTJRETTE , Chairman ,
ittest : F. M. KIMKEM. , Village Clerk.
Dated , March 4th , 1888.
& " : *
& '
& -
March 17tb , 18Sfi. T
Notice is hereby given that the following-
mimed settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
' and that said proof will be made before K"g-
I istcror Kecoiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
May 14th , 1886 , viz : James W. McCarthy , hoinc-
1 stead entry 2104 , for the southeast quarter of
s-cction 34 , township 1 north , range : * ) west nth
P M. He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon , and cul
tivation of , said land , viz : Josiah A. French.
William II.Benjamin. Sidney Dodgoand James
B. Farnsworth , all of McCook. Neb.
4'G. . L. LAWS , Register.
March 12th. VKG. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
naincd settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Heiris-
tor or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday.
May 1st , ISiifl , viz : William P. Fritts , D. S. 1.V.O ,
for the south ' / northeast U section - ' > , lown-
phip4north.rango2wesr.6tliP.M. ! He names
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of. wild
land , viz : Jacob Long , Jo iah E. Moore. Ira
J. Miller and Alex. W.Campbell , all of ISox
Eldcr , Nebraska.
42. G. L. LAWS , Register.
LAND OI-TJCE AT McCooic , Neb. . (
March 12th. 18SJ. f
Notice is hereby given that , the following-
named settler has filed notice of Ins intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Kegis-
teror Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturduv ,
May 1st , ISS'J. viz : Alexander W. Campbell ,
homestead entry 2UJ9. for the southeast ' 4
northeast J.t , south ' 5 southeast : .i. northeast
southeast i of section 15 , township t north ,
range 2i west. " He names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence
upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Steph
en T. Holies , ) osiuhE. Moore. William T.IIam-
ilttfn and Jacob Long all of Box Elder. Neb.
42 G. L. LAWS , Kegistcr.
March Sth. 1SSO. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has tlied notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his chiini ,
and that said proof will be made before Hcg-
istcr or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
April Kith. 1886. viz : William H. Allington.
Homestead Entry 416. for the y. X N. W. U of
section4 and E. \ ' N. E. U section 5 , towiibhip
1 north , range 28 west lith P. M. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : F. W. Weaver , J. C. Latl'erty , J. C. Font/
and F. M. Graham , all of Danbury , Neb.
G. L. LAWS , Hegistcr.
LAND OFFICE AT McCooic , Neb. , (
March 8th. ItfSti. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice ot his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Ueg-
ister or Heceiverat McCook , Neb.onSatiir > tiiv ,
April 17th , ISSfi.viz : Joseph Dnscoll. I ) . S. 2TiM.
for the northwest J.i section 7township . " > north ,
range 2i ! west ( i P. M. He names the following
witncs es to prove his continuous reMdonce
upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : John
Folcy , Ncls Donland , James Foley , and Peter
Larson , all of Box Elder , Neb.
41 G. L. LAWS , Register.
.March Oth , Ifcbu. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday
April 16th , IbSti.viz : Herman Thole , homesteai
entry 3470 , for the northeast ii northwest lj
and lots 1,2 and 3 section 28 , township : > north
range 'M west. He names the tollowsng wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence' upon
and cultivation of. said land , viz : Jacon H
Evans , Adolph Ifheischick , Charley Uergbt
and Charles Vollbrccht , all ot .McCook , Iseb.
41 G. L. LAWS. Keurieter.
Alarch'lst , IbcC.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of hisintc.'itior
to make final proof in support of his claim
and that said proof will i > e made before Regis
teror Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on I'nday.
April ilth , IfcSii , viz : Xacheus L. Kay , Home
stead Entry 772 , for the south V2 northwest' ,
section 17 , township 3 north , range 2uest6ti
P.M. Henames the following witnesses U
prove his continuous residence upon , and cul
tivution of , said land , viz : John Henderson
John Smith , Alfred Carter and iiinun K. Hixle
all of McCook , Neb.
40. G. L. LAWS. Register.
March2d , IbNi. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has tiled notice of his imcntioi
to make final proof in support of his claim
and that said proot will be made before ICt-gi
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
April ! ) th. lbS6 , viz : Edward F. Dulloy , 1) .
2425 , for the southwest Ji southeast 'i of &ec-
tson 2. ) , township 2 , north ot range 30 west , ( i
P.M. He names the lollowingwitnesses U
prove his continuous residence upon , and cul
tivation of , said land. viz. N. ( . ' . Wickwirc , E
N. Benjamin and Fred Benjamin , of MeCook.
Neb. , and F. D. Smith , of Cedar Blutrs , Kas.
40 G.L. LAWS , Register.
February 24th , 18fct5. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intentior
to make final proof it. support of his claim
and that said proot will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at .McCook , Neb. , on Thur.lay ,
April 8th.lSS6 , viz : Francis M. Kennedy , H.
E. 1101 , for the northeast quarter of section 2it (
township 2 north , range M ) west 6th P. M. He
names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation
of , said land , viz : John Gillt-spie. William I * .
Kennedy , William Vincent and William Smith
all of McCook , Neb.
3 ! ) G L. LAWS , Register.
February 24th , IStti. )
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make final proof in support of her claim ,
and that said jiroof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiverat McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
April 3d , 1886 , viz : Nettie E. Parks , 1) . S. 1418 ,
for the west ' , i southeast' j , of section 20 , towns
ship2 northrangeoOwestlith P.M. Hieimme-
the following witnesses to prove her continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , VM : John P. Swanson. I ) . A. Clements ,
LewisF.Fauss and E.M. Matson. all of .McCook ,
Net ) . 3 G. L. LAWS. Register.
February Oth , ISfcO. (
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made betonRegis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday ,
March 23d , 1SSO , viz : Ervin A. Whitcsel , I ) . S.
113 ! ) , for the southwest h southwest't section
33 , township 3 , north of range 2rf west , U P. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence uponand cultivation
of , said land , viz : William Kilgoreand Wm.
O. Bond of Bondville , Neb.andG. Liovd Clark
and Alfred B. Fuller of Indianola , Neb.
37 G. L. LAWS. Register.
February Oth , 1886. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be maJe before Reg
ister or ReceiveratMcCook , Neb. , on Tuesday ,
March 23 , 1886 , viFrank A. Grillin , I ) . S.
1163 , for the southeast J.i of section 24 , town
ship 2 , north of range 29 west. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land.
Viz : William A. Vincent , William H. Smith
and John F. Gillespie of McCook , Neb. , and
Ervin A. Whitesel of Red Willow , Neb.
37 G. L. LAWS , Register.
( Corrected every Thursday morning. )
No.2 Wheat , per bushel ( .Tit'iOc
No. 2 Rye , per bushel 27Tr.3c ( ( )
Barley , per bushel ytfrXic
Oats , per bushel iTSWWo
Corn New , per bushel 20@23c
Hay wild , per ton S4.00fM-T.r > o
Bailed Hay. ? 7.00toO !
Hogs-Live § 3.23&3.GO
Potatoes , ( Irish ) per bushel oU aic
Butter , per pound 18ffo20e
Eggs , per dozen I."f7/i7e
Young Chickens , per dozen SI.509iiS2.00
Old Chickens , per dozen 2.2.'va$3.00
I Send 10 cents postage , and .wo
will mail you FRKE a royal , val
uable , sample box of goods
that will put you in the way of
making more money at once , than anything
else in America. Both sexes of all ages can
live at home and work in spare time , or all the
time. Capital not required. Wo will start you.
Immense pay sure forthose who startatonce.
4-2-Vlyr. STINSOX & Qo. , Portland , ilainc.
Twenty-Five imported
Clydes , Normans , English-Shire and Cleveland Bays.
Also a choice lot of hfeh grade Draft Stallions and Carriage Horses , at
Jt is 11 well known fact that horses do not thrive or breed well the first year after importa-
I ion , or change of climate. None of my horses have been in the state less than one yearinej
are superior animals of their respective breeds , sound , healthy and thoroughly acclimated.
warranted sure breeders. Terms to suit purchaser with approved security , fcenu lor
catalogues to J.V. . SMALL. Fan-Held , Neb. FRED. M. WOODS ,
O. M DltlJSE. Manager. : > ! Auctioneer. Lincoln , Nob.
Paid up Capital , a5OOOO.OO ,
_ izr DOES A _
nsiness ,
' Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal
cities of Europe. Taxes paid tor Non-Residents. Money to loan on farming
lands , village and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty.
Tickets For Sale to and from Europe ,
CORRESPONDENTS : , V. ttiANKM.V , President.
First National Hank , Lincoln , Nebraska. - Joii.v K. CI.AUIC , Vicc-Presidont.
The Chemical National Hank , New York. \ ' A. C. EUEIIT. Cashier.
Lath , Shingles , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Pickets , Cedar
Posts , Lime , Hair , Cement , and Plaster Paris.
Also Hard and Soft Coal ,
eal Estate Brokers ,
OFFICE : West Dennison Str&et ,
( o any on the market , beta ? Heavier , Stronger Built ,
anil therefore a more Durable Mill. It Is the only
alisoluteiy safe Mill built ; and out of
Thousands Erected During 12
Years past , not one has ever blown av.-.iy and left the Tower
standing. A record no other Mill can show. TVe offer
to put up atiy of our PUMPING MILLS
An. ! If they don't Rive fathfactlon. win remote Mill at our
own expense. Al o Manufacturers of tho Celebrated
Challenge Teed Mill * . Com Shelters. Iron Pumps
nitli bra s cylinders. Iron Pipe , Tank * .
For estimates , catalogues and prices apply to
, JlcCook , Neb. ,
Asentfur Sonthwctcrn Xc-brarta and Northwestern Kansas.
: s i-i Cic ! : : : : = : i = tee X'cCcci r ei ! 211,2iirai ! St.
Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property.