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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1886)
* * S > W5 ' * -si - v'r&ir'rZ - . , Z F. t . * ' " ' * " * * " - - * . * , * * * _ / ? rV * * . V * * ) * " " " " * * > * * . " . ' - , x " , . , . 8f V'i,4 > - fe1 ' ' ' " " " , J" - v VOLUME IV. ' McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , MARCH 18 , 1886. NUMBER 42. I I NOW RECEIVED A GREAT SHARE OF OUR STOCK AMD CAN SHOW YOU THE ONLY REAL ASSORTMENT OF Dress Goods , Notions , Fancy Goods , Laces , Robes , Linens , Napki Underwear , Ladies9' Shoes , Corsets , Etc. , in the Eepublican Valley. Men's , Boy's and Children's Clothing Beady-Made , or to Order , in-the Latest Shapes , ! aps , Neckwear , Furnishings , Etc. , in the Best Styles are the Leaders in Variety of Goods , Low Prices and Best B H AND C. K. LAWSON , -DEALER IN = /T / PH CQ CQO tr1 o 0 ? I 1 f I o < : td tr1o H STOVE : \M \ $ i STUDEBAKER WAGOS l , PLO yfS ? Etc. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. F. L. McCRAGKEIN , Watciinia THR ONLY 00MPLBTE ST00K IN THE WEST , AND AT THE ffiwEST PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO THE RE1PAIR.IMQ1 OF FINE AND COMPLI CATED WATCHES. ENGRAVING FREE.t t NHBRASKA. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 5. L. LAWS , SesUtc : . C. ? . 3AS303S. Eci7cr. OFFirn Honic. : From 0 A. M. to 12 M. , and 1 to 4 P. 31. , mountain tiiue. COOHRAN & 1IEL.M , Attorneys-at-Law & Gen'l Agents , McCOOK , : NEBRASKA. Prompt unil careful attention pit en to Law Cat.cs In all the Courts of the State and all classes of U. 84 Land Kuslnrcs transacted before the otlice at McCook. Xebraska , and the Interim Department at Washington , 1) . C. Coulees a spceialtj. Will pros- ocutc claims for Pensions and claims for Increase of Pension" . Xotarial business done i.nd lauilb bought and t-old ou reasonable terms. E5'Oflice. 3d door south of the U S. Land Oilice. THOS. COLFEU. .1. A. COHOKAL GOLFER & CORDEAL , ATTORNEYS : AT : LAW , AXD NOTARIES PUBLIC. Heal Instate Bought and Sold atirl Collections Mide. TIios. Colfcr ngvul Lincoln Land To. Ollicc , Opp. Chiciifro Lumber Yard. McCook. \ViK A. Jtt'AX , 15. J. KVAX. Atf . y-nt-Luw. RYAN BrtOrf. , UVLflND 1ND LOSN OFFICE JS"3Ioney to loan on ClmttcK. busi ness will rccei\o prompt attention. Oilice. 2d door south of U. S. Lund Oilice , McCook. SNAYELY & STARR , ATTORNEYS : AT : LAW , TNDTANOLA , NEJJKASKA. Will pntctice hi all the State and United States Courts. Al o , before the Land OHice at McCook and the department at Washington. iiunn w. COLE. rio.v F. MO S. COLE & MOSS , LAWYRRS , MCCOOK. NE15UASKA. Will practice in all the Coints of Nebraska , Ivunsus and Colorado , and in the Pcderal Couits ot the Eteuth Circuit. Careful atten tionriven to contents and land business before tlioU. S. Land Onices at MeCook , Obi-rlin and lifnver , and the IiitcriorDuiiartmunt at Wash ington. Coinnicicial and corpniotion law a * .pecialty. Money to loan. Kooms 4 and : , First National Hinldiiifr. 57T. ANDERSON , " Loan Broker and Accountant , McCOOK , - NEIJIIASKA. Hooks opened , written up and adjusted Of fice over Green's drugstore. 4. : Kmos. . Du. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGKOX , McCOOK. - - XKBHASKA. : llooin Xo. 1 , McCook Hanking Company's Uuilding. Un. A. J. WTLLEY , SURGEON B. &iM. RAILROAD. LOFFICE AT . & M. PHAP.MAOV. ] McCOOK , . . NEBRASKA. T. B. STCT55MAN. M. 1) . } Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND ATJRIST. MeCOOK NEBRASKA IS'-'Oflicc in 1'ate's Brick. Main * St. JJ. B. DAVIS , M. D. . t PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK . XEBRASK.V. ar Oflico at Chencry & Stiles drug store. J. E. CASTBERG , COUNTY - : - SURVEYOE. RKD WTLI.'OW COC.NTV , XKIJ. at Indianola and McCook. 1'ost- Olticc addrett , McCook , Xeb. JOHN F. COLLINS. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK. . . NEBRASKA. -lobbing vlil rccrhe prompt nrtcmlon at my shop on DuniilMin St. . opposite McCook HOIKC. rians and peclllcatrons rurnislicU if ae Ircd. WILLIAM .McTXTYKE. - CONTRACTOR AXD BUILDER , CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA , AH work warranted. AH material f urniehed j If desired. Work done on short notice. ' A'SATCIIKL BUSTLE" is tlio latest , [ t is for ladies. It has a compartment , roomy and airy , in which a night-dress , a gossamer , a comb and brush , toilet ar ticles , a wrapper and ti bottle of sooth ing syrup are easily stored. The bustle , says an eastern paper , is much admired cd and all the rage. It i.s a daisy. Mil. WILSON has introduced a bill iu congress doubling the rate of postage on fourth class mail matter. This move is in the interest of the cxpre com panies , as it will rui out the small par- eel delivery fiom the mails of the coun try. THE Tuicuxn believes this is an outrage on the people and hopes tho Nebraska delegation will tak no hand in i ( . It ] ' > of the greatest convenience to the people to be able to use the mail for transmitting small packages of mer chandise from place to place without pacing tho stiff charge of the companies i Tin : following eloquent pss : .ige i from the pen of George D. Prentice . Tt cannot bo that earth is niaii'.s abid ing place. It cannot bo that our lives are mere bubbles cast up by eternity , to float a moment on its waves and then . sink into nothingness. Else why is it that the glorious aspiiation which leaps like angels from the temple of one'- * heart are forever wandering unsatisfied ? Why is it that the stars hold their festival around the midnight th'.one are j set alike the grasp of our limited facul- ( ty. forever mocking us with their unap proachable glory ? And finally , why is it that bright forms of human beauty presented to our views are taken from us , leaving the thousand "trc.ims of af fection to flow back in Alpine torrents upon our heaits ? There is a realm where the rainbow never fades ; whoie the stars will spread out before us like \ shadows , and will stay in our presence ' forever. " ' THE hanging of Ford and Murphy at New Orleans has probably few parallel * ' in the criminal annals of the country. Foul was a wealtln' and respected citi zen. His brother wa a judge and had j an enemy. The judge , his brother and flvc officers of the court waylaid the cue- ' i my and some of them shot him to death. ' It was shown that there was a conspira- cy. the hanged men doing the shooting and the judge and otbeis aiding and abetting. Murder had run riot so fear fully in Xew Orleans that all classes of citizens demanded that this crime should be punished. It has been , al though powerful and long continued ef forts were made to avert it. Two of the criminals are dead and the remain der in the penitentiary. The circuni-1 stance511 doubtless have a alutary in- ' flucnce all over the country. It is much needed. From some reason or from some cause murder is frightfully on tlu ; increase. A retuin to the prompt and effective methods of the fathers would doubtless diminish the number of criminals. If Xew Orleans can hang and .imprison leading and powerful citi zens there is no reason why this honid i-rime may not be punished and checked in all section1- tho country. There is sore need tliat it should be. S. Jl. Junes of Aslili'j. III. , buys ( ' lain's Tain I'ann bthe half do/en bottle . Jle says its a .sure cure for neuraliria. JtN also used forilieuinatKin and lias cured inanj cases that had rented all other treatment. Sold by M. A. Spalding and Willey te Walker. BUOB. . , DEALERS IN GENERAL w A V y jC X . ' en 3 * . Kr a Bii.1 IRON AF-JD WOOD PUMPS , ETC. , McCOOK AND BENKELMAN , NEBRASKA. THE MEW ADV. OF rn r B A -PROPRIETORS OF- * FURNITURE D UMM ! v V ' -L T JL e McCOOK , NEBRASKA. OP McGOOK. NEJBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL , - - $50,000.00. DOES - : - A - : - GENKRAL BANKING BUSINESS , Receives and Pays Deposites. Buys and Sells Exchange on New York. Chicago and Omaha , and ai ! the principal cities of Europe. FIRE INSURANCE WRITTEN IN RELIABLE CO.'S. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : OS02GS EOSSIJSLL , Btsddcit. j ( Of Frees & Hockncll. ) ( AssNtant Siipt. 15. * .M. iOf KIr'jj < arpcntfr Co. , Chlcaso. )