The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 11, 1886, Image 1
- . i V w - "X--/ : ' " v'V' ' ' * " * ! ' ' 7- " ? " ' ' ' ' ' * ' - ' ' - > - . - ' ' - c * , .iV 1 - " " * - . - . " " : , . ' ' _ ; / ' . - - , ' , i % " " > - . ' - . - " , . i - v " * - ' - - ' " * * ' " ' ' * k VOLUME IV. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , MARCH 11 , 1886. NUMBER 41. MRS. L. LOWM LEAVE ABOUT MARCH 1st FOR THE EASTERN MARKETS FOR THE PURPOSE OF BUYING THE BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF s and Clothi EVER SHOWN IN THIS MARKET. FOR THE NEW GOODS AND SEE THE NEW PRICES. C. K. LAWS ON , DEALER IN : V STUDEBAKER WAGOS ; PLOWS , Etc. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. F. L. McCRAQKEN , I THR ONLAY ij COMPLETE STOSK ; . -IN THE WEST , AND f * AT THE : * 3 1 f- PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO THE OF FhN'E AND COMPLI CATED WATCHES. ENGRAVING 'FREE. MeCOOK , NHBRABKA. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 5. L. LAWS , 2cgitcr. C. F. BABCOCZ , Ecccivcr. OFFICE HOURS : From 9 A. M. to 12 M. , and 1 toI P. M. , mountain time. COCHRAN & HELM , Attorneys-at-Law& Gen'l Agents , McCOOK. : NEBRASKA. Prompt and careful attention siren to Law Cases In all the Courts of the State nud all classes of U. S. Land Business transacted before the local office at McCook. Nebraska , and the Interior Department at Washington , 1) . C. Contests a specialty. "Will pros ecute claims for Pensions and claims for Increase of Pensions. . Notarial business done nd lands bought nnd sold on reasonable terms. ? 0fllce. 3d door south of the U. S. Land Offlce. 3.29 TltOS. COLKEK. .1. A. CORDEAL. GOLFER & COBDEAL , ATTORNEYS : AT : LAW , AND NOTAUIES PUBLIC. Heal Estate Ilougrlitatul Sold and Collections Mndp. Thos. Colfer nfrcnt Lincoln Lund Co. Ollice , Opp. Chicago Lumber Yard , JfcCook. \VM. A. RYAX , H. J. HYAN. Att'y-at-Law. RYAN BROS. , Ll , LSND Km LOAN OFFICE SST'Money to loan on Chattels. Legal busi ness will receive prompt attention. Offlce , 2d door south of U. S. Land Ollice , McCook. SNAVELY & STARR , ATTORNEYS : AT : LAW , INDIANOLA , NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the State and United States Courts. Also , before the Land Ollice at McCook and the department at Washington. nocn vr. COLE. r sos F. MO S COLE & MOSS , McCOOK. NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the Courts of Nebraska , Kansas and Colorado , and in the Federal Courts of the Eigeth Circuit. Careful atten tion Riven to contests and land business before thcU. S. Land Offices at McCook , Oberlin and Denver , and the Interior Department at Wash ington. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. Money to loan. Rooms 1 and 5 , First National Bank Building. H. T. ANDERSON , Loan Broker and Accountant , McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. Books opened , written up and adjusted. Of flce over Green's drug store. 4.32- inos. DR. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , .McCOOK. - - XEBRASKA. "Office : Room Xo. 1 , McCook Hanking Company's Building. DK. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B. & M. RAILROAD. tOFFlCE AT B. & M. PHARMACY , ] McCOOK , - . NEBRASKA. T. B. STDTZMAN , M. D. } Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND ATJUIST. McCOOK NEBRASKA C Oflicc in Pate's Brick , Main St. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK NEBRASKA. CS Oflice at Cheucry & Stiles drug store. J. E. CASTBERG , COUNTY - : - SUKVEYOK , RED AVIJ.LOW COO.VTV , NEB. J2S Onicu at Indianola and .McCook. Post- Olhce address , McCook , Neb. JOHN F. COLLINS , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. Jobbing win rccehe prompt attention at mvslion on Dcnniwm St. . opposite McCook HOUSHPlans and specifications furnished If desired. WILLIAM McINTYBB , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA , All work warranted. All material furnished ! f acsired. Work done on short JOHN B. GOUGII'S last words were : "Young man , make jour record clean. * ' THE silence of the president in regard to Nebraska appointments is so thick that it might be cut with a knife. THE dress coat must go. Every little while a § GOO clerk is mistaken for an $ SO ( ) waiter. Minneapolis Tribune. As the early bird catches the influen za , so the first person at a church festival gets the biggest dish of scalloped oys ters. SEVERAL of the saloon keepers at Concordia , Kansas , have been convicted. Their fines run from $1,000 to 84.200 on each count , and from 30 to SO days imprisonment. NEWSPAPERS are noticing that this is a Jones year. First there was Aquilla Jones of Indianapolis , who illustrated a great principal for the administration. Then them is Sam Jones , the revivalist , and Jones of Florida , the lover. ALL I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen. Whatever it he which the great Provi dence prepares for us. it must be some thing large and generous and in the great style of his works. Emerson. ' 'As for me , I hope to be cremated. " ' I made that remark to my pastor once , who said , with what he seemed to think was an impressive manner : " 1 wouldn't worry about that if I had your chances.1 Mark Twain. A CHICAGO girl made a big mash a few nights ago. She heard a kind of noise and on getting out of bed to light the gas , one of her feet went down on a burglar who had crouched down besides her bed , and smashed him so flat that he had to be rolled up like a beef's hide in ouder to be carried away Kentucky State Journal. A I.OYIXG New England couple dyed for one another u few days ago. The man was frosted with the snows of sev enty years , while she who was to have been his blushing bride had the raven locks of fortHe dyed his hair black , thinking to please her.and she. ignorant of his noble sacrifice , bleached her hair white to please him. There was a strange far-offness when they nest met. Boston Traveller. IT is said that Henry Ward Beecher gets letters almost even * day asking him whether he really did say that bread and water is a good enough diet for a laboring man. Mrs. Beecher un dertakes this part of Henry Ward's cor respondence and has a blank reply for every inquirer that she can fill up and send. She tells them that Henry said that rather than commit the error of going out on a long strike in hard times he would if he was a laborer prefer to work for a dollar a day and lire on bread and water. Mr. Beecher has always lived up to his principles nncl has never been out on a strike. HegctsJiowever , more than $1.00 a day and takes a few things.offhis plate atmcal.s besides bread and water. S. II. .hmeftuf Ashley , 111. , buys Chamber lain's Pain Balm by the half dozen bottles. lie says its a sure cure for neuralgia. It is also used for rheumatism and has cured many cases that had resisted all other treatment. Sold by3I. A , SpaUHns and Willey & Walker. DEALERS IN GENERAL IRON AND WOOD PUMPS , ETC. , McCOOK AND BENEELMAN , NEBRASKA. This Space Is Reserved- JL THE NEW ADV. OF LD -PROPRIETORS OF- --WESTE : - : - FURNITURE fit e McCOOK , NEBRASKA. The First National Bank OP McOOOK , NRBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL , - - $50,000.00. DOES - : - A - : - GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS , Receives and Fays Deposited. Buys and Sells Exchange on New York. Chicago and Omaha , and ail the principal cities of Europe. FIRE INSURANCE WRITTEN IN RELIABLE CO/S. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : OS0353 BKZ3SLL , ftidiei. . , . . , . . . . , A. CAi3ZLL ? L. B25TO Ci : ir. 3. a. r22I3. r-Pis = ict ( Of Frees * Hocknell. ) ( Asalitant Sopt. C. & _ > i. ) pr KIrby Carpenter Co. , Chlcago. >