The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 04, 1886, Image 8
CITY x BAKERY. A , PROBST "PROPRIETORS. \VE KEEP ON HAIfP BREAD , PEES & CAKES , GRAHAM BREAD. Cakes Made on Order , ROOM 1 n connection where you can pet coffee , sand ivichcs , pies , etc. , at all hours. LAND-OFFICE BLANKS In ordering , give ollice number and title ol blank , with ( puantity of each blank wanted. 1'ut only one blank on a line to avoid mis takes. Q5p ° 3roney mast invariably accom pany the order. Address McCOOK , NEHUASKA. CEccNo. Title efBlMi. 2cr Per E"c : . Euircd. APPLICATIONS TO F.NTKIt. 4-007 Homestead Law 15 Cts. , 4-00 ! Timber-Culture " - - Law 15 AFFIDAVITS. 4-002 Non-Mineral If. Cts. , .00 4-075 Timber Culture Entrr. . . ! . * " . .00.W 4-OfE5 Homestead Entry. . . . " . . . . 15 " .IK 4-Otfl Commutation , Hii 15 " .1)0 ) 4-070 Final , Homestead 15 " .00 4-072 Contest , Homestead i" . " 2.IK1 4-0X ) Contest , Timber Culture. 25 " X'.OO xoTicr.s. 4-047 Tor Publication 15 Cts. , Si 4-4548 Hd Int. to Prove Up. . . . 15 " UK ) 4-454 ! ) Pre-E. . . . . .15 " 1.00 PIlOOl-S. 4-SCfl Homestead Final .V ) Cts. , ? :5.00 : 4-J174a.l're-Emprion Final .71 " : ! .00 MISCr.M.AN'IiODS. 4-535 Dcclaratorv Statement. . 15Cts. , si , Township Plats. Other blanks will be prepared as called for. LEGflL BLHHS IN STOCK , SIXTEENTH YEAR. -THE BRIGHTEST AND BEST. Our 14th premium list.eompri-UDff orer&'H.- 000 worth of presents , is now reudv. Kvcry subscriber to tlie Weekly Timeout < 2.Ka ( ) xear , when order is received heloix April : ( ! ) . IN O , will reccivo a premium worth , at retail , from 51.00 to 31,000. Full particulars and specimen copies free to anjaddress. . PRICES FOR SUBSCRIPTION : Weeil ? , Triti prenkn. per year S 2.00 Wceil7.withcit jrcairs. per year 1.00 Scsisy Ti = es. J3 ? year 2.00 Bail ? Tiass , per year 10.00 Address all orders to THE TIMES , Kansas City , Mo. J3Spccial terms to Afrents. I PTP SemJ 10 cents postage , and we Art I KB H wil1 " a > lyou FKKK a royal.val- il I 1 i uablc , sample box of floods W 11 1 that will put you in tho way of making more money at once , than anything else in America. Both sexes of all ajres can live at home and work in spare time , or all the time. Capital not required. AVe will start you. Immense. * pay suro fortiiosc who start atonce. 1-iVlyr. STINSON & Co. , 1'ort.huid. Maine. "I WANT A GOOD COUGH SYEUP" js a very frequent inquest in our trade and we invariably jrivc tin * person making it BEfin's oiir.idtv COUCH s-vuri * . a.we * know it to be the best and most reliable on liio market. For sale by M. A. Spalding an : ! S. \ , . Green. Denver to Chicago , Denver to Etansas City , Denver to Omaha , ! Omaha to Chicago , ' Kansas City to Chicago , Omaha to St ; Louis , BEST LINE FROM j SURE CONMSCTiONS LOW RATES BACCACE CHECKED THROUGH. Through tickets over the Burling ton Route are for sale by the Union Pacific , Denver & Rio Grande and all other principal railways , and by all agents of the " Burlington Route. " For further information , apply to any agent , or to - P. S. EUSTISfUen'rrk'tAg't , 03IA1IA , XKB. [ SOCIETY DIRECTORY. CONGREGATIONAL. Sunday School nt 10 A. M. erory week. Prcncliinjr services evorv Sunday nhrtit at. 7:00 M , T. Also , every altor- , unto Sunday morning at 1J. M. T. Exceptions i ro DIP nlinvc will bo noticed lit locals. } ( JKOiidK DUNflAN , Vaster. MKTHOIMST. Services overy Sunday at W : 'M A. M. and 71' . 31. . mountain time. Sunday School at : t P. M. The services and Sunday school will bo held for the future in the new church. All are cordially invited. Scats free. W. S. WHEELKK , Pastor. EPISCOPAL. Services in the Opera Hall the first and third Sundays , morninfrand evening , of each month. .1. A. PULFOHTH , Itcctor. CATHOLIC. Services will lie held in tho church once every four weeks. THOMAS CUMEN , Pastor. \V. C. T. I * . The W. C. T. L . will nicetirTthe Heading Itoom every Wednesday afternoon at o'clock. 31. T. The Hand of Hope will meet in the Heading Koom every Saturdaj' afterj noon at 2 o'clock , mountain time. A. O. TJ W. McCook IMIKU No. fil. will nief't the first and third Mondays of each month in the Masonic Hall. Visitingbrethren cordially invited. ln. 15. II. DAVIS , M. W. W. H. DAVIS , Recorder. . . . . . O l'kl\j\J\J IV AjtUl ? 1. i' IV 1. il. yItctfiilur meetings , Tuesday nip-hton * r > y or before lull moon of every month. / \ / \ S. L. GUECN. W. M. ' * x V. L. MCCiiAKKN Secretar. Wir.Miw GKOVE LODGE K. OF P. , Xo. 42. Meets every Wednesday evening t Masonic Hall. .1. W. CAMPiir.i.i. , C. C. C. H. HOYI.K , K. It. S. I. O. O. F. McCook Lod e No. 157. ! I. O. O. K. , meets every Friday evening , at 7 o'clock , in Masonic Hall. All visiting brothers are invit ed to meet witn us. H. H. BKKKY , N. O. H. TitowititiDGK , Permanent Secretary. HocKNKi.r. HOSK COMPANY. Hcp- ular ineetinfirson the tlrst Wednesday evening- eadh month. It. U. , Chief. IJ. orL. E. Itrothcrhood of Locomotive En gineers. Meet flrst and fourth Saturdays of each month. S. JJ. HOOK , Chief. J. C. ANDEHSON. F. A. E. J. K. BAHNKS POST ( > . A. It Itcffiilar meet ings second and iourth Monday evenings of each month at Masonic Hall. .1. A. Wir.cox , Commander. J. H. YAIIOEU , Adjutant. POST-OFFICE HOURS. Opnn from 7 A. Jr. to 8 P. M. , M. T. Ollicc will be closed thirt > minutes before arrival and depart ure of mails. SUNDAY , qllice will be open from li to 2 P. M. mountain time. B. & M. TIME TABLE. EAST I.UAVKS : I'.AST LEAVES : No.2 ( iW : , A.M. No. 40 . > : > , P.M. WKST I.EAVKS : WEST LEAVES : No.15 ! ) 12:30. P.M. No.l 8.w , P. M. SS Eastbound trains run on Central Time , and westbound trains on Mountain Time. Freight trains do not carry passengers. 11. II. AV'ooiiS. Acnt. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , GF.O. K. JOHNSTON , PROP. Mi-COOK. : : XKHUASKA. This house has been completely renovated . rel'urniehej ! thiouirliout , and is first-class | SPOTTS & STtMSOX , FASHIONAHM : BARBERS & HAIR CUTTERS. Oj ) ; > ovlto Cliii-nso Lumber Yard , MAIN STIPIT. : - MCCOOK. XKBKASKA ROBKKT JRVSDALK. MERCHANT TAILOR MAIN STJIEET , -McCOOK NEUUASKA. W. M. SANDERSON , HOUSE AM ) SIGX I'AIXTER , McCooic , - XEBRASKA. J3 ? All work puaranleed. 'Give me a call. F. D. HESS , Contractor and Builder , NIeCOOK , NEBRASKA.- .Material furnished if desired. THE RED WILLOW 1ILL 1 now in operation and will do General Custom Work , The Mill is complete and we Guarantee Good Work. J. W. PICKLE & CO. Louisiana Bock Salt CATTLE ! Rain Does Not Affect it. FOR SALE BY FREEST HOCKNELL , SOLE AGENTS. r y CHERRY COUGH SYRUP Is a perfect success. " is hat WP hear on all sides by those who have used if and tind it a L-ertaincureforcoujihs.coldsandall bronchial troubles. Formate byM.A.Spaldinsrand S.L. Jreeti. ' LAND OFFICE ROLtHGS. Cheyenne Stock Journal. Some of ( Mir exclmnprs take great ex ceptions to the peculiar niiin * s of Com missioner Sparks , and one of them ives tho following "which may possible ap- pear" in the near future : f No proof , either on homestead or pre emption entries allowed , unless the claimant shows-that he has broken C40 acres on his quarter-section of 1(50 ( acres , and has built a palace or mansion 1 thereon worth at least $5,000. In order to prevent fraudulent or bogus entries in Kansas , the claimant will be required to-show : That he is living in a palace , That ho has a piano and billiard table in his house. That he understands cro- ' quet , whist , and other farm duties. That he has an orange grove on his ! j j claim. That his barn is painted red and ' pig-pen white-washed. That his butter cows give fresh butter and his work cat- tie give butter-milk. Why he came to Kansas : . Why he settled in such a count } ' . Why he selected a particular quarter-section of land. How he man-1 aged to live on $100 per year , when $5.000 is required to keep the wolf from the commissioner's door. Why does he walk to town instead of riding in a car riage. Why did he marry. Be sure that witnesses know they are alive. If claimant is dead have him to state what caused him to cease to exist. Dug-outs reared above ground will not be accept ed as improvements. These rulings arc created for the ben efit of the poor man. and it is absolutely necessary that he renounce all belief in a hereafter and trust in the homestead aiiil pre-emption laws and subscribe to the infinite wisdom which emanates from Sparks. A New Railroad Snow Plow. o Railroad men and travelers will feel skeptical at first when informed that a machine has been invented which will practically put an end to snow block ades. Those who have been snow-bound along the lines of western railroads , and have been detained for weeks at a time , waiting for the snow-plows to clear the tracks , may well have felt discouraged when they learned from the officials of the road that some 4.000 patents have been issued for snow plows , and that the best fail to raise a big blockade. About eight years ago a Canadian began inventing snow-plows. Finally he dis covered that a ! HOi ! ! he had cinttrsictod would not only clear away the snww rap idly and well , but would throw it al- mo.-t any place desired to send it. His labor ? culminated in making the ma chine here described : The front is a tremendous knife- wheel ten feet in diameter , making from 200 to oOO revolutions per minute , cut ting twdve inches of the snow-bank with oach of the Jour steel knives at every turn. The snow thus cut is de livered on twelve shovels revolving in an opposite direction at the same rate and hurling it ( by centrifugal force ) out of the shout at the top. The cutting and shovel wheels are made to revolve by a jiystcm of four gear wheel ? , the two sides ones being supplied with cranks to which are attached powerful engines * . With one locomotive to hold the knives up to their work , the machine cuts the snow and hurls it far enough away to make it of no further trouble. At the exhibition in March the snow was cast to a great distance , being hard and mixed with sand , having lain on the track from December 1st , until March 28th. The monster went right through the compact mass and delivered the hard , unow 2.05 feet from the track , over ten other tracks and above a trestle work thirty two feet high. The best steel is used in the con struction of the kniveri and shovels and all important parts of the machine. Its gross weight is forty-six tons , its work ing capacity two to ten miles an hour , according to thcf drift to be removed : it is reversible antl throws the snow on cither side of the track at the will of the engineer. This excavator is entirely different from the plow now in use and will'revolutionize the methods hereto used by railroads in raising snow block- ides. Chicago Tribune. SKXATOII JjOHAX has introduced a bill to pension survivors of rebel prisons. There were 108.000 federal soldiers thus icld by the enemy of whom about GO- , 000 died , leaving 48,000 for exchange. [ t is not believed that more than half this number are living. General Logan's jill provides that those confined for two months and less than four months shall receive $2 per month ; for less than six months' confinement$4 ; for six months ind less than a year , G , and $ S per month for those confined one"year or longer , and commutation for rations , juarters and medical attendance at the rate of $2 per day , 1 1 St. Patrick's Pills correct bilious ilNonlers mil prevent all diseases arising fiom them. s'olil by 3f. A. Synhlinjand Willey& Walker. Alden's Cyclopedia of U nlversal Literature. This work is the outcome of many years of planning and preparation. It will be an al most indispensable work of reference fo every library , large or small , a trustworth ' guide to what is mostorth knowing of th literature of all ages and all nations. . Oca living a dozen or more volumes , and yet fc sued at a price so.Iow as to be within the reac i of all , a familiarity with its contents will cor stitute a liberal education to a degree tha can be claimed for few other works in exi.c tence. Dr. Loosing , the eminent historiai j and author , says of it : "I am .strongly im j preyed with the great intrinsic value of th work as a popular educator in a high depart i mentof learning. Tlu : plan is admirable ; Combining as it doiw a personal knowledge of an author with specimens of his or her bes literary productions , gives it an inestimabli power lor good among the people. ' ' Tin work is being published in parts of 100 page , each , paper covers , at the price of 1.1 cents also in very handsome cloth-bound volumes gilt tops , 4SO pages , for (50 ( cents. The parb j can be exchanged for bound volumes at anj ' time. Five partsarc-nowready , also the lire , bound volume : volume two will be issued ii March. The publisher's ipagc i : illiibtrate ( catalogue of .standaid books maybe had fo : 4 cents , orcomlen-cd IG-pajre catalogue , free .Joiix U. AUM.Y : , Publisher , w York. Anna Draper , of Hepburn , Iowa , brielh states her opinion of Chamberlain's Cong ! Itemed } ' . She says it is far superior to anj medicine Mie. ever used for croup. Sold bj 31. A. Spalding andVilIey fc Walker. STOCK DIRECTORY. , , . . . , , . f * * * - > - x. * * N ' "vy"i % - 'vx w "v x v ' * KTLPATJUCK BROTHERS. ( Successors to E. 1) . Webster. ) _ Horses branded on Icit hip or left shoulder P. O. address , Estelle Hayes county , aiid I5eat- ricf. Nob. Itange. Stink- J ? Water and Frencli ? man creeks. Chase Co. , I Nebraska. Ilrand as cut on side ol I some animals , on hip and sides of some , or any where on the animal. STOKK ? & TROTH. IM ) . addn ss'arrico , Hayes count j. Ncli Kaii u : Hcil Willow creek , above Carrico Stock branded as above Also run tho lazy CM brand. TIHXKY T. CHURCH. Postolnce.Osborn.Xcb. Itnnge : lied Willow creek , in S.V. . corner of Frontier county. Cattle branded OLD on right side. Also , an over crop on right ear and under crop on left. Also , run O brand on right shoulder Horses branded 3 on right shoulder. J FREDERICK Pi > tollice address , 3 Cook. Nebraska. It a u eh * Four southwest of McC ook , on thcDritrwood. Stock brandc'l AJ on the loft hip. PAXTOX CATTLE CO. B. MKPJivr ; . Cencral .Manager. Po toIIicc addresMc Cook. Neb. Katich : At irint' Canyon on the Jl-Yt'nclntian Hivi'r , Clmst ; ( county. Nebraska. I Stock branded a > above : Jiilso 717 on lott idc ; 7 - on tlitriplit hip and L on shoiiliici : L , on lei t shoulder and A on lelt jaw. Hull tinder-crop left ear , and square-crop rijrht ear. SP1UXG CKEEK CATTJ.E CO. .1. D. AVKI.IIOHX , Vice President and Supt. I' . O. address , Iiidiano- la. Xcbras-ka. Itau o : Kcpublican Valley , cast of Dry Creek , and near head ol Spring Creek , in Chase county , Nebraska. EATOX BROS. & CO. P. O. address. McCook. .Nebraska. Uune , south of McCook. Cattle branded on left hip. Also , 10 , 5. A anj 11 brands on left hip. Horses branded the same on left shoulder. JO FIX F. BLAC KT Breeder of IMTKOVKU Sitnni * Uclanc. Mcri no and South down. Person al inspection and corres pondence so licited. Address him at Ited Willow Xcbra ka. ANY 02JE In need Of a ; rood liniment. ] ) lea--e call at our storeand jrc > tibottli'oriunfi < sTi riOAiOiu nnc of theino'.t perfect medicines ovec pro duced , and warranted to curt' cald > , l.urn , bruises' , etc. . and rt-licve pain of all kind * . For nale > y M. A. Spaldinjrand S. L. Orccn. Republican Yalley Lands. These Lands were carefully selected , are of an excellent qual- ity , and are for sale on easy terms. 40-3m. j. c. McBRIDE , Lincoln , Nebraska. MRTROPOLITAN Ul DRUG STOR -J - - / : ° ! t TJ < i McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 5 n 5 : ? 33 S j M. A. SPALD1NG , PROPRIETOR. 51 O en JI z Pianos and Organs , \ I | SEWING MACHINES. \ F o- ; ' \ J. A. TAYLOR , Druggist. \ > - DEALERS IN Sash , Doors. Blinds , Lime , Cement , HARD AND SOFT COAL. YARDS AT Bertrand. Elwooa.Oxford , Edison , ArapaIioeCambriclge. Indianola , McCookCulbert- son. Straiton. Trenton and Benkelman in Neb. Yuma and Akron in Colo. CHEAPEST AND BEST UNEQUALLED FOR Power , Simplicity , Durability. K-iIm.ui" . jiisido of Mill and I'limp complete upon application. Every Mill Warranted. Send for Catalogue. THE WOODMANSE TliK mill l < a " ' olM wheel" and the lie t yclf-reftulator made. The WiXMlman * * ! ; No. n. rnnip i < tinfoet slnjrle actlnK force pump In the marki't. Will.ork In wells from HI to 2l ) fcut tu depth , and has back atUi'hinents to fi.rcc water into elevated tanks. Can l ( ; used by hand or windmill. I'.irtiei rimtem [ > Utln tinerectlun i.f a Windmill will tuiiviilt their lMt IntL-n-Ma by calling at Homestead. . . . my 1J.1 miles X.V. of Mcl'iKik. or at It. .I.ilinstun's. 3 miles S. K. . nml at Hewitt Market Cardeii. S. K. of MrCiioR , nnd examine the working of. the AVoodmanse. W. M. IRWIN , Agent , Woodmanse Windmill Co. , Freeport , HI. McCOOK FEED MILL , C. A. NETTLETON , Prop. Kinds of Feed Ground. / ( JOHN SHELLED ANT ) GHOOD. JJOLTEI ) . ETC. 2 BLOCKS EAST OF RUSSELL'S BARN , [ | McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. ! i : C. P. RINKER , -AGENT FOR III WIND MILLS AND PUMPS. n-oj one l my e > tnblNliniciit in .McCook , I uill bt { len.-M to M-C all of my Itl pations and iiianj now ones.ns 11I1 j-11 better frootN at lower li ure > than ever before tTt-rcd -McCook. . Call anil tci ; inc. 40 CORNER MAIN AND RAILROAD STS. McCOOK , NEB.