The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 04, 1886, Image 1
VOLUME IV. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , MARCH 4 , 1886. NUMBER 4O. MRS. L. LOW1 * I LEAVE ABOUT MARCH 1st FOR THE EASTERN MARKETS FOR THE PURPOSE OF BUYING THE T D BEST SORTED OF oas an lothin EVER SHOWN IN THIS MARKET. FOR THE NEW GOODS AND SEE THE NEW PRICES. C. K. LAWS ON , rDEALER JN : STUDEBAKER ; , Etc. McCOOK , NB.BR.ASKA. K. L. McCRACKElN , THR ONLY SOMPLBTB ST00K1' ' IN THE WEST , AND AT THE LOW ! PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO THE REPAIRING- OF FINE AND COftrtPLI- CATED WATCHES. ENGRAVING FREE. i * X MeCOOK , NRBRASKA. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. I UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE McCOOK , NEBRASKA. a. L. LAWS , 2esiter. C. P. BASCOS2 , Seceivw. OFFICE Houus : Prom 9 A. M. to 12 > ! . , and 1 to i P. M. . mountain time. COCQRAN & HELM , Attorneys-at-Law & Gen'l Agents , McCOOK , : NEBRASKA. Prompt imil careful .ittcnllou Riven to Law Cases In all the Courts of the State anil all classes of U. S. Land Juslne ! s ti.iusicted before the local office at McCook , Nebraska , and the Interior Department ; at Washington , 1) . C. Contents a specialty. "Will pros ecute claimfor Pensions and claims for Increase of Pension" . Notarial lm iness done and lands bought and sold on reasonable terms. J20fllce. 3d door south of the U. S. Land Olllce. 3.2 . COLFEK. J. A. CORUKAL. GOLFER & CORDEAL , ATTORNEYS : AT : LAW , AND NOTARIES FDHL1C. Heal Estate Ooujrht and Sold and Collections Mide. Tho . Golfer a-cnt Lincoln Lund Co. Olnqc , Opp. Chicago Lumber Yard , McCook. WM. A. JIVAN , II. .7. KYAN. A.Aitt'y-nt-Luiv. FtYAX BUGS. . LS , LflND MD LOM OFFICE iST'.Money to loan on Chattels. Legal busi ness Avill receive prompt attention. Oflice , 2rt door south of T. S. Land Oilice , .McCook. SXAVELY & STARR , ATTORNEYS : AT : LAW , IXDIANOLA , NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the State and United States Courts. Also , before the Land pllice at McCook and the department at Washington. urnii \ \ ' . COLE. LEON r. MOSS. COLE & MOSS , LAAWYRRS , MCCOOK. NERKASKA. Will practice in all the Courts of Nebraska , Kansas and Colorado , and in the Federal Coints ol the Eiguth Circuit. Careful atten tion given to contests and land business before theU. S. Land Ofliccs at McCook. Obeiltu and Dfiiver , and the JnteriorDcpartmentat Wash ing-ton. Commercial and corporotion law a " specialty. Money to loan. Itooms 4 and "i , First National Bunk Buildingr. H. T. ANDERSON , Loan Broker and Accountant McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. ' Books opened , written up and adjusted Of fice over Green's drug1 store. 4. 'J2-t > mos. Du. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. : Room No. 1 , McCook Hanking Company's Building. Du. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B. & M. RAILROAD. LOFFICI : AT B. & M. niAHMAcv , ] * McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. T. B. STUTZMAX , M. P. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND AUKIST. McCOOK NEBRASKA Pate's Brick , Main St. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK NEBRASKA. S Oflice at Chcncry Jc Stiles drug1 store. J. E. CASTBERG , COUNTY - : - SURVEYOR , a TIED WILLOW COCNTV , NEB. C3f Ollice at Indinnola and McCook. Post- Oilice address , McCook , Neb. = JOHN R COLLINS , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK , . . NEBRASKA. . , Ill rccehe prompt attention nt my shop on JH-nnlfon St. , opposite SIcCoo ! : House. J'lnns and spt-cincntions furnished If desired. WILLLU1 McINTYBE , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA , All work warranted. All material furnished u desired. Work done on short notice. ! THKRE is a sky full of robins to one owl. To one mile of rapids where tire river rises it has hundreds of miles of smooth , glassy water , whore water lilies are anchored. Oh. it is a pplcndid world. Taltnage. ( J ENEUAL CROOK , at the head of G , 000 men , one-fifth of the entire army of the United States , has been pursuing for the past two weeks ten Apaches , who have | been civiiisr him a breakneck run through a O tj the immense territory of Arizona. Paris Gaulois. LUCKY BALDWIN of California , was lately sued for breach of promise by a girl he had flirted with. It was proven on the trial that Lucky was in the habit of paying the girl twenty dollers for a kiss. The jury was evidently highly gratified at finding in their power the man whq had bulled the kiss marker , and < tssegsed him just $75,000 damages. Hereafter a man will think' twice in that state before he pays twenty dollars for a kiss. GEN. LEW WALLACE tells with great gusto the story of a German who open ed a beersalooii in Constantinople. Of course Mahometans do not drink strong , J liquor. But when they saw the foam said - ' the beard of ing lager they said'By : the Prophet ! that does look like wine : but by tnc way the giaors drink it , it must be good. Let us try it ! ' ' They did try it : numerously ; indeed , multitu- dinously. And Gen. Wallace say ? the enterprising man from Vienna is making an independent fortune from good Ma hometan patronage. Two Kentucky Hardshell Baptist preachers lived on adjoining farm ? . They quarreled about the boundary line. It never occurred to them to get the land re-surveyed , from which we conclude that had they lived in Nebraska they would have agreed that Gardner must go. The quarrel grew hot. Brother Powell ordered Brother Williams off his | place. Brother Williams went but came back with his wife and an axe in hostile attitude. Brother Powell met him with a gun , with which lie filled Brother Wil J liams' legs so full of shot that he will have them both cut off. There seems to ' be something in the atmosphere of Kentucky that leads to bloodshed. Topics. Tin : late blizzard has served the pur pose of giving employment to a good many liars. The Florida orange groves were killed off at first so thoroughly as to leave no hope for oranges in future. It now turns out that the .Florida orange groves are all right and will produce oranges the coming year as usual. The Delaware peach crop is now asserted to be killed past all hope of resurrection and the farmers are to turn their atten tion to a crop of cabbages and potatoes as the only means of keeping the wolf from the door. It is probable that another week or two will develop the fact that the peaches are all right and then the cranberry bogs will be given over to destruction. If uava cold enough to freeze the sensational crop liars to death could be induced to swei-p * ( over the country the public would be , likclv to see s-ome "ood in cold wave ? . S. II. Jones of AMiley , III. , lmy Chamberj j -i lain'Pain Balm IJY thelialf do/.en bottle- . J J Jlesaysj its a Mile cme for neunUiria. It N ) aho u ed foriheumath > iiiaiuIliacured many that bad resisted all other treatment. Sold by M. A. Spahling and Willey & Walker. SHELF AND ' HEAVY - : - - : - HA WARE. MARSHALLTOWN' BARBED WIRE. BAIN WAGONS. - : - . Iron and Wood Pumps. "ALSO > -NJOBBERS Z IJ Zo i i OIQAR McCOOK AND BENKELMAN , NEBRASKA. The First National Bank OP McGOOK , KRBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL , - - $50,000.00. DOES - : - A - : - GENERAL. BANKING BUSINESS , Receives and Pays Deposites. Buys and Sells Exchange on New York , Chicago and Omaha , and all the principal cities of Europe. FIRE INSURANCE WRITTEN IN RELIABLE CO.'S. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : 5SOS53 IOC21TSLL , fte&ezi. A. CAiff3LL , r. . . ( Of Frees , t Hocknell. . . . . . , . ) ( Assistant Sopt. B. i .M. ) ( Of Klr'j > Carpenter Co. Chicago ) . . , x i ir tf o. Lnicajo >