F. M. & E. M. KIMMELL , Editors and Publishers. Official City and County Paper. COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS. OFFICK or COUNTY CLEHK , I Indianola , Neb. Jan. S , 18S6. f Board of county county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Present , E. J. Al- lington , Henry Crabtree and S L.Green , com missioners , J. H. Goodrich , county treasurer , and C. D. Cramer , county clerk. Minutes of last meeting raad and approved. Accounts of J. H. Goodrich , county treas urer , adjusted and settlement made as follows , , to wit : ( Seestatement elsewhere. ) On motion board adjourned to meet January i ) , 18SG. E. J. ALLINOTON , Chairman. Attest : C. D. CIIAMEI : , County Clerk. OFFICE OF COUNTV CI-EIIK , i Indlanola , Neb. , Jan. ! l. I88fi. f Tho board of county commissioners met pur suant to adjournment. Present , E. J. Allin'r- ton and Henry Crabtree. commissioners , and 'C. J ) . Cramer , county clerk. Minutes of last meeting' read and approved. Ollicial bonds of J. A. Carter , justice of the peace , Hondvllle precinct , approved. Accounts of Gco. M. Miller , overseer of road district No. I. examined and approved. The board lltuls that said overseer received from the county treasurer during1 year 530 30 Ijisbursed. lumber , timber , etc 81S.05 Overseer's vrngcs 11.05 3030 Claim for services as overseer 22.15 Less amount received 11.05 Balance due for services as overseer. . 10 50 On motion claims as follows were audited and allowed and clerk dircctpd to draw war rants for same : GENUKAt. t'UXD LEVY 1885. E. J. Allingtoti , services as com'r K ! o"J Henry Crabtree , " " " 1500 ox 1SS5 LEVY miiur.u FU.ND : OllverS. VanDorcn 4 CO In compliance with the application of J. I' . Helm to have certain school lands embraced in his lease appraised , E. J. Alllngton and Ilunry Crabtree were designated as the com missioners to appraise said land and having made said appraisement , made their report under oath that they llnd the following to be its true and correct value : The southwest southwest } 4 of section 16 , township 3 , north of range 28 , § S per acre. On motion board adjourned. Attest : . E. J. ARLINGTON , C. D. CUAMLK , Chairman. 1 County Clerk. OFFICE OF COUNTY Cr.niiK , i Indianola , Neb. , Jan. 12. lN > 8. f The board of county commissioners met pur suant to law. Present , S. L. Green , Henry Crabtree and II. B. Duckworth , county com missioners , and C. D. Cramer , county clerk. Minutes of last meeting1 read and approved. On motion official bonds as follows were read and approved : Itichard Johnson , assessor Valley Grange precinct , S. B. Itowo , assessor East Valley precinct , Byron H. Gardner , coastoolc Bond- ville precinct. On motion claims as follows were audited and allowed and the clerk directed to draw warrants for same : ON 18S3 GENERAL FUNlt. C. L. Nettleton , Co. Supt : 81 00 Martin Kink , judge-election 2 00 John Lindcrholm , supplies for poor 1 25 Z. L. Kay , suryical services Chas. Beeh- h f tor 7500 ON 18S5 .LLVY ItOAl ) FUND. John B. Thornly , work , dist. 4 12 00 James Williams , " " 22 500 Otto Webber , appraiser's fees 3 00 H. W. Keys , " " 275 On motion claim of E. It. Banks for keeping- pauper , Jacob Givens , one month , S28.50 , was , rejected. fcmi-annual statement of C. L. Nettleton , Co. Supt. of Instruction , July iBt to December 31st , 1SS5. On hand July 1,1885 55 UU Itcceived for Institute 25 00 Itec'd from teachers examined. . 45 00 125 00 Paid expenses Institute July 0. . 105 25 Balance on hand JO 75 125 00 On motion Superintendent' : ! report aec&ptcd and approved. Report of money received from lines in Jus tice's court by S. H. Colvin. Justice of the Peace. Willow Grove precinct , examined and approved. On motion S. H. Colvin was appointed Jus tice of the Peace , to 1511 vacancy , for Willow Grove precinct. Koad overseer's annual settlement. U. M. Williams , district No. 9. Received from county treasurer during the year 18N5 551 Disbursed for nails 1 00 Disbursed for wages 45-1 5 54 Claim.for services as overseer. . . 18 CO To amou nt rec'd as wages 4 01 To amount Dist. Poll tax 1 50 To balance due 11 90 18 00 Examined and the board-tinds due saidK. M. Williams 11 96. Propositions of J. E. Castberg and i. . C. Stc- phenson to make county map received. J. E. Castbury bid § 90 00 L. C. Stephenson bid 7500 On motion L. C. Stepheusou was authorized to make said map. On motion Henry Standard was appointed assessor of Danbury precinct. On motion the clerk was directed to draw warrants on ltS5 levy Bond Interest fund in favor of J. W. Doan ! as follows : One warrantfor . ' . S142 00 One warrant for 3S4 01 In the matter of petitions tor a public road by Noah Sawyer , Stephen Holies and others : The board linds that t.aid petition was riiod in tha county clerk's ollice of lied Willow county oil tiies-econd tiny of September , lt > 8 } , and a deposit of ten dollars to pay expenses ol laying out said roail was inadeon thelrffh ot August , lS85auil that on the loth day of Aug. , KvSo , G.ii. Orub'i was appointed by the county clei-k of said county , ucoiiincsioiicriocA.uii- amu into the e.\i < e < lieney of the road meu- ti.incd iu said petition , and that G. H. Grubb , the cuiiiinUsioucr M > appointed , did on the day fixed in said appointment , viz : September 1st , JSS5 , make the examination and perform the duties requited by law under said appointment and that on the 8th day of September , 1885 , ttled his report , that alter making a general and careful examination , taking into consid eration both private and public convenience" and the expanse of the proposed road , he i deems it expedient that the same be opened , ! nntl the notice to land owners as required by i law , was duly published in the Indianolu Cou rier. Claims for damages and objections to the establishment of said road having beon tiled in the ch-rks office , appraisers were duly appointed and reported theamountasfollows : To John Longnecker > W K section ! i-3- 28twoacres..4 ? 20 00 To John Longuecker S W } 4 section 4-3- 28 two acres 2000 \ \ 1 To Ella A. Buck W { N W y section 8-3- 28 one acre 15 00 To Royal Buck S Vi S E li section 5-3-28 one'acre 1500 To Royal Buck Ni \ N E i section 8-3-2S ' twoacrcs 2500 To Royal Buck E yt N W f section 8-3-28 oneacrc 15 00 ' Royal Buck and John Longnecker on behalf of the objectors and Noah Sawyer and S. L. Miller on behalf of the petitioners appeared before tho board and presented arguments against and in behalf of the road , after due consideration , on motion petition was granted , and road established as described in the pcti- I tion , viz : Commencing at the south west cor ner of section five (5) ( ) township three (3) ( ) range twenty-eight (28) ( ) west , running thence cast on section lines to tho southeast corner of tho southwest quarter of section four (4) ( ) township , three (3) ( ) range twenty-eight (28) ( ) west terminat- ' Ing thereat , in Red Willow county , Nebraska. ' On consideration of claims for damages by reason of the establishment of the forcgoiug described road , on motion claims were audited ' and allowed oii'road fund 1885 levy as follows : . To Royal Ruck for land in S VS E J.i sections , 2 acres , N } 4 N E Ji section 8,2 acres. E2 N j W li section 8 , 1 acre , all in township 3 , i ranged SU5 00 , To Ella A. Buck for land in W / N W ; H section 8-3-28 , 1 acre 15 00 To John Longuecker for land in N W } i section 9-3-28,2 acres 20 00 | ! Onmotionsomuchofthcclaimof John Long- i ; necker as applies to the S.W.Ji of section 4. J town. 3 , north of range 28 west , as rejected for j the reason thatitappcars that said John Long- ! j necker is not the owner of said land , and is not entitled to damages thereon , I ; In the matter of J : C. Russell and others for vacation of certain streets in the first addition j ! to South McCook : ; ; Be it remembered that heretofore , to-wit : i On the Gth any of October , 18&5 , a petition was ! ; filed in the office of the county clerk of Red " Willow county , Nebraska , iu the words and figures following , to-wit : PETITION. McCook , Neb. , Sept. 'JO , 1885. To the Honorable Board of bounty Commis sioners of Ued Willow county. Neb. : We. the undersigned property holders of South McCook.do ask that tho followingstreets be vacated , said streets situated iu what is known as the First Addition to South McCook. as follows : All ot Fourth street running east and west. All of B street commencing at S.W. corner of block 11 , thence ? outh to Republican River All of C street commencing on line between S.W.corner of block 10 and S.E.corner of block II , thence south" to Republican River. All of D street commencing on a line between S.W.corner of block 9 and S.E.corner block 10 , thence south to the Republican River. J. C. Russell. FPlasmycre. J. M. Huct , J. A. Plasmyero , J. G. Chinn , L. B. Stiles , F. A. Con- auhan , James Rhatigan. J.W. Haincs. J. E. Walter , G. G. Denver and John Coleman. Endorsed. Application for vacation of streets first addition to South McCook. Red Willow county , Neb. , filed in the county clerk's office of Red Willow county in the words and figures following , to-wit : STATP. OF NEBRASKA , / Red Willow county. fbi > We.the undersign ed , R. S. Coolcy and S. H. Colvin , do hereby certify that .1. M. Huethas complied with sec. : ! , chapter 91. towns and villages , comp Stat utes , page 523 , by posting the icquired number of notices in said village of McCook , Red Wil low county. Neb. It. S. COOLKY. S. H. COLVIN. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of September , A. D. 1885. ( L. S. ) V. FUANKLIN , Notary Public. Endorsed. Affidavit of Notice. Filed October Gth , 1SS5 , C. D. CuAMEit , County Clerk. Also , on the Gth day of October , 1885 , a bond for costs was filed in the county clerk's office of Red Willow county in the words and figures following , to-wit : Know all men by these presents , that we hereby bind ourselves to pay all costs which may accrue in the case of the application of J. M. Iluet to the board of county commission ers of Red Willow county for the vacation of said 4 street , B street , C street aud D street , situated in what Is known as the First Addi tion to South McCook. ) . M. HUET , FUED. PLASMYKUE , J. A.PLASMYEHE , J. G. CHINN , J. COLUMAN. Endorsed , "Bonds for Costs. " Filed October G , 1S85. C. D. CISAMRH , County Clerk. Afterwards on the 12th dayof November,185 ! ! , a notice was filed in thecountyclerk's office in the words and figures following , to-wit : Office of the County Clerk , i Indianola , Red Willow county. Neb . . October Gth , 1885. J To J.E.Cocbran , C.F.Babcock and V.Franklin : You are hereby notified that in tho matter of the application of J.C.Russell and others to vacate certain streets in South McCook , you were on this Gth day of October , 1885 , appoint ed by'the board of county commissioners as a board of examiners as provided by statute in such casos to take such steps as required by law and make your report to said commission ers on the 13th day of November , 1S85 , ( see copy of petition hereto annexed. ) Resp'y. ( I , . S. ) C. I ) . CiiAMEK , County Clerk. Endorsed. Notice to .I.E.CochranV.Frank lin , ( \ F. Babcock , of appointment as a board of examiners on application to vacate certain streets iu 1st addition to South McL'ook. Returned and filed November 12,1885. , C. D. CKAMEK , County Clerk. Also , on the 12th day of November , 1885 , the report of said board ofexaminers in words and figures following , to-wit : McCook , Neb. , Nov. llth , 18S5. We , the undersigned board of examiners , after making a careful examination of the promises , most respectfully report that the vacation of all ot 1th street running castand west , and all of 1 ! street commencing at S.W. corner of block 11 , thence south to Republican River , and all of Gth street commencingon line between S W corner of block 11 , thence south to Republican itiver , and all of D street com mencing on a line between S W corner block ! ) and S E corner block 10 , thence south to the Republican River , as prayed for in petition of J. C. Russell and others , will in our judgment work no inconvenience or injustice to any property owners or others and that said vaca tion will on the other hand be a material bene fit to the property holders and others and we do hereby recommend to the honorable board of county commissioners that they be vacated as prayed for in said petiou. J. E. COCHHAN , ) C. F. BABCOCK , .1 Board of Examiners. V. FUANKLIN , ) Endorsed. Report ol J.E.Cochran , V.Frank- lin and C F. Babcock , board of examiners to examine and report on application of J.C.Rus sell and others to vacate certain streets in South McCook , filed Nov. 12th , 1885. C. 1) . CKAMEK , County Clerk. On consideration of the proceedings hereto fore had aud done and no objections or oppo sition Iroui any source being nletl or presented in any manner whatsoever against the vaca tion of streets in the lirst addition to South j ] McCook and the board being convinced that no injustice will be worked to any peitoii or ! < persons by such vacation. On motion the pej j tition of . ) .C. Russell and others was granted ( and an order made as follows , to-wit : It is hereby ordered by the board of county ' commissioners of Red Willow county. Neb. , that certain streets situated in the 1st addition ID Etoiitli.ticCnuii. in the county ut lied Willow ; und state of Nebraska , more particularly tie- J scribed sits follows , to-wir : Ail ol 4th street } running eat-t und west : allot It street com- meneing at theS.W.forncr of block 11 , thence \ south to the Republican River : all of C street ' ; ui n'hno between tiie S.W.corner t of tilock JO. and iliu S.E.corner or' block.ll , thence south 10 the Republican River : allot' i D ktiect commencing on a line between the ri. W. corner ot ulocku , und the S. K. corner of f block lO.thence south tothcRepublican Kiver. According in the plat of said litst addition to rf South McCook as appears of record in the coiiuty clerk's otlicu of said county , shall bo so considered and i he same is hereby declared to be from und after this 12th day ot January , A. D. 188G , VACATED. Aud that all of the exi i penses arising from the application to vacate " said streets and all necessary proceedings in the matter shall be puid for by the party or parties applying for such vacation , and that t he county elerK shall make quit claim deed ! in thb name of tho county to the diilereut | f persons to wr.om such streets way inure , tign- i ingsitid deed aud attaching the county seal ] ] | thereto , and Mich deed shall convey the title } vested in the county. . y On motion board adjourned to meet January ! 13 , is&i. s. L. GisKhN , Chairman , j t Attest : C. D. CKAMEK , t.lerk. : OFFICE OF COUNTY Gr.EnK , I \ Indiauola , Neb. , Jan. M , I&5C. f J The board of county commissioners of Ued ' Willow county met pursuant to adjournment of Jan. 13,18SC. Present , S. L. Green , chair man , Henry Crabtree and U , B. Duckworth , commissioners , and 0. D. Cramer , Co. clerk. Minutes of tost meeting' read and approved. On motion the clerk was directed to invite publishers of county papers to file bids to publish commissioners proceedings and lepal notices for the balance of'the year 1886 , giv ing notice to said publishers to file all such bids in the clerk's office on or before February 11.1886. On motion It was ordered that the county clerk make recquisltion upon the Auditor of Public Accounts for revenue books und blanks as follows , to-wit : 32 assessors books , 2 tax books , 2500 blanks No. 1 schedule of assess ment , 5 blanks No. 3 assessment of banks , etc , 1.1 blanks No. * 4 assessment of corporations , 25 blanks No. 5 assessment of insurance com panies , 4 blanks No. 8 abstracts of assessment , 25 blanks No. 10 county treasurers certillcate of tax sales. 25 blanks No. 17 county treasurers tax deed , 10 blanks No. 18 statement of person ality taxes not collectable. 10 blanks No. 10 statement of errors in assessment und foot ings. 10 blanks No. 20 statement of delinquent real estate taxes , 10 blanks No. 21 adjustment of treasurers account with county board. Id blanks No. 22 clerks certificate to auditor , 10 blanks No. 23 clerks certificate to local au thorities , Id blanks No. 24 county treasurers statement of state taxes. 5 blanks No. 27 requi sitions for revenue books and blanks. On motion the clerk was directed to adver tise forbids for supplies for county otlices. On motion the clerk was directed to appoint appraisers to appraise the damage to lands of Alien Phillippi by reason of establishment of a county road through said lands. On consideration of the estimate of the nec essary expenses of the county during : tho en suing your. On motion the estimate of the necessary expenses for the year 1883 was flxcd upon as follows , to-wit : County general fund , Includingpoor and judgment funds $10,000 County bond interest fund 1.000 bridge fund 3,003 roadfund 3,000 insanofund 1,000 On motion official bonds as follows were ap proved : G. B. Nettleton , justice. Driftwood precinct. It. H. Chrysler , overseer , road district No. 9. Annual settlement mado with Win. Murphy , overseer road district No. 13 and approved as follows : Received from co. treasurer M.CO Paid wages overseer 4.CO Claim against eo. for services overseer. . 27.00 Less wages received as above 4.00 Balance due Win. Murphy 22.40 Annual settlement made with A. B. Coppers overseer road district No. 20 and approved as follows : Itcceived from eo. treasurer ? i.C5 Paid wages overseer 2.C5 Claim against co. for services overseer. . 1S.OO Less § 2.05 leaving balance due' 15.35 On motion claims as follows audited and al lowed on lfi5 levy general fund : Frees & Hocknell , coal $ . " 15 00 Palmer Way , stove and snnds. for jail. . Ifl.GO Omaha Republican , blanks 400 S. L. Green , services co. commissioner. . 20.00 Henry Crabtree , same G.OO On motion claim of Palmer Way audited and allowed und dork directed to draw warrant on 1885 levy bridge fund for $11.75. On motion board adjourned to meet Febru- arv 11,1886. S. L. GRKKN , Chairman. Attest : C.D. CRAMEK , County Clerk. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that at an adjotirned jneiit- Ins of tlie board of county commlsiloni'rs of Kcd AVillow county to be held In the court Iinusc at In- dlanoln , Nebraska , on the 11 th day of February , 1SU6 , sealed bids to furnish botilis , blanks , stationery , &c , will be opened and examined at 2 o'clock , P. M. ESTIMATE. HOOKS. 1 treaiiirer's S qrJournal "unit lines. " 1 " S qr Deed Record , plain. 1 " 3 qr Deed Record , printed form. 1 " 8 qr General Index Deeds , printed form. 1 " 8 qr Numerical Index , Lots. 12 " 3 qr Justice Dockets. 15 ' * Sets Poll books and envelopes. 31 " Iload Overseer's receipt book ? , 100 receipts In each book. IILA.VKS. For name of blanks refer to New IJevIscd cata logue State Journal Co. In Dally State Journal , Jan uary 3d , leS6. COUNTY CI.EUK. ISO No. 2. ii ' 5. 23 " ti. .Vi " 1 . 500 " II , H sheet. 100 " 11. \ < i sheet J5 " 12. 30 . " 13. 10 " 14. UOO " 22. 3D " 23. .r > 0 " -4. 50 " 25. DISTRICT COUUT. 25 each Nos. 104. 105 , 113. 113. 114. 110. 117 , US , 119. 120. 121. 122. 123 , 121 , i : , 147 , 138. 50 each No * , lol. HH , lO.'i , lOU , 111 , ll5. 131. 142. 111 , 13i , UOcnch Xos. 110 , 1-)0. 12 each Nos. 133 , 135 , 137 , 145. * 5 each Nog. 15C , 127 , 129. COUNTYCOUUT. 200 each Nos. 301. 302 , 315 , 421. 422. 423. 100 each Nos. 31 , 3iS , 32J. 50 each No ] . 32G. 416. JUSTICE PEACE. 200 No. 607. TREASURER. 20001schedule , ] sheet ! , for listing warrants and road receipts. STATIONERY. County clerk , letterheads 10 n > . 2000 " treasurer , 4 1000 I ' jiidce. " " " 1000 J treasurer , note " " 1000 " rlerk , white envelopes. 12 Inch , 10CO " judge , " " 12 " 1(10(1 ( ( " " " " 2000 clerk , 10 " " " " 1000 treasurer , 10 " clerk. " " G - 1000 treasurer , " " 6 " 20CO 4 reams Ic al cap. If. Hi. 3 box scratch tabs , nnte size. I doz qt * . Arnold's chemical writing fluid. 3 pints red Ink. s Faber or II\on pencils Kepnbllcairalumnlum No 1. 1 cross SpencKrian peim , No 048 Ksterbrook 4 gross Falcon pens No li'i K.-terl > rook 2 gross " ' ladles' 4 Steel erasers 4 Mammoth rubber craters 2 If. Inch rubber rulers : a Ink stands 3 boxes paper fasteners. No 1 > 3 boxes paper fasteners. No 2 4 gross rubber bands , assorted blzcs 2 qts. Carter's mucilage. 1 doz pencils , colored leads , 3 color * . 2 doz larce penholders . U gross medium penholders " : < ruling : pens 2 24-inch rubber rulers. I arm rest , 9x15 inches 200 docket envelope ? , Mx4ij , ijlich 50 " " 10x4 ! J. 1 Inch : ' HIds may bn for records , blanks and stationery , separately. Bonds In double the amount must accom- : wnr each bid. : Witness my hand and seal of t-ald county at Indlan- : oal. Nebraska , thib 2dd. y of February , 1S8G. C. D. CRAMEK , i ounty Clerk. : SENATOR SHERMAN has come forward i ' with a silver bill. His proposition is for the government to purchase large quantities of silver bullion and have it cast into bars and deposited in the treas ury Upon this bullion the govornment will issue certificates for currency. Or > dinarily this would be a tolerably safe . If the coinage of silver . i was free there would be no objection to the proposition because the person hold- ei - Sn-r the certificate could nt any time call u for his bullion and have it made into le- tjal tender dollars. As it stands now , however , with a limited coinageand no ai silver except that belonging to the gov ernment capable of being transformed J. into legal tender money , the proposi tion differs in no essential particular From one that the government shall store NiNi arge quantities of wheat in granaries Ni Itt IttO ind issue certificates for currency on Ur O : the wheat. The holder of the certifi- atcs is not entitled to redemption in my particular number of dollars speci- led ou the face of his paper but to a jertain number of bushels of wheat,1 Hence in no sense can the certificates be regarded as genuine money or the representative of money. They are siuipl } * representatives of wheat and their value in the market must always be gathered from the daily market re- ports , ilr. Sherman's plan is simply a scheme to practically demoralize the silver dollar and substitute warehouse certificates for what are now known as > silver certificates redeemable in legal tender notes. State Journal. IT is said that Secretary Bayard is so much broken in spirit by the deaths of his daughter and wife that hevill soon retire from the cabinet. To a man forced from public life by domestic ca lamity the American people are always sympathetic. As a man of family Thomas F.-Bayard is a model citizen , but as a statesman he has fulfilled his promise. If he retires from the cabinet now his public life is ended and his ob ituary may be placed in the editorial pigeon hole to await the demise that will call lor its publication. Topics. FINAL PROOF NOTICES. LAND OFFICE AT McCooic , NEB. , i Jimuai-y.mil , 1880. 1 Notice is hereby given that the following- namcd settler has filed notice of his intcntjou to make flnal proof in support of his churn , and thatsuid proof will be mtidc before Regis- ter or Heeelvcr at McCook. Neb. , on Friday , March 12,1SSG , viz : Edward F. Duffey , I ) . S. 2425 , for the southwest H southeast Ki of sec- tson 25 , township 2. north of range 150 west , C P. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cul-1 tivnlion of , said hind , viz. .Frank Smith. W. O. Wiekwire , E. L. Bcnjaman and Fred llcnjn- uiun , all of McCook , Nebraska. 3G G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , NEH. , | January 25th , 1680. j Notice is hereby given that the tollowing- nanied settler has Hied notice of his intention/ to make 11 mil proof in support of his claim , and that said woof will be made before Reg ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , onTuesday , March Si. 18SC , viz : Frederick Vollbreeht , H. E. 1610 , for the west ys northwest M , west 4 southwest Ji of section 15. township 3. north of range 30 west , G P. M. He names the fol lowingwitnesses to prove his continuous res idence upon , and cultivation of , said laud , vi/ : Adolph Uheischick. Herman Thole , Charles Bechtel and Jacob Evans , all of McCook , Neb. 35 e G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooic. Ncn. , January 20tli,188G. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Register or .Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday , March 9th , 188G , viz : Jacob H. Evans , Homestead Entry 1503. for the east l'z southwest Jj , west 'i southeast 'i of section 22 , township 3 north , range 3D west Gth P. M. He names the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Michael P. Weick , Adolph Uheischick , Charles Volbrecht and Herman Thole , all of McCook , Neb. 31 G. L. LAWS. Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooic , NEB. , I January 15th , 18SG. f Notice is hereby given that the following- numed settler has Hied notice of his intention to make Unal proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Reg ister or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday , February 20 , 188(5. ( viz : William Y.Johnson , H. E. 165 , for the south H northwest h. north \i \ southwest U of section l , township i , north of range 2 ! ) west. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : John S. Modrell , Charles Povser , Edward F. Couseand Thos. J. Ruggles , all of McCook. Nebraska. 34 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooic , Niu. , 1 January 5th , 1885. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has 11 led notice of his intention to make Unal proof in support of his claim.and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday , Feb ruary 15th , 1886 , viz : Horace H. Easterday. homestuad entry 1t 7 , for the N.W.Jof iwctioii 22 , township 4 north , range 30 west. He namc& the following witnesses to prove his contin uous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : James H. PattersonCharles Angel William Coleman and Milton H Cole , all of McCook , Neb. 32 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooic. NEB. , December 26th , 1885. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Reg ister or Receiver ait McCook , Neb. , on Satur day , February fith. 18S5 , viz : Robert J. Squire , ) . S.2240 , for the southeast quarter of section , township 2 , north of range 30 west , ( i P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : J. L. Gray. Lewis Starbuck , D. H. Pate and Alpheus Starbuck , all of Me L'ook , Neb. 31 G. L. LAWS , Register. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE is hereby piven that by virtue of in order of sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Red Willow county. State of Nebraska , on the 2d day of December , 1S85. and to me directed , I will at 10 o'clock , A.M. , on the 23d Day of February , 1886 , it the front door of the Court House in Indi- mola.said Court House bcjngthe place where he last term of said District Court was held , ivithin and for said Red Willow county , and tate of Nebraska , offer for sale at public auc tion , to highest bidder for cash , the following eal estate , lands and tenements , to-wit : Lot No. (14) ( ) fourteen , in Block No. (27) ( ) twenty- oven , in the Town of McCook , Red Willow ounty , Nebraska , taken on order of sale to "oreclose a real estate mortgage , as the prop- srty of William C. LaTourette and Irene B. LaTourette and ordered sold by the Court to satisfy a judgment against them and in favor if The Citizens Bank of McCook. Nebraska , 'or the sum of ( § 2,575. ( > 2) ) two thousand live inndred and seventy-fivedollarsaud sixty-two ents , and S'J.03 costs and accruing costs , de- reed a first lien. And a judgment against aid defendants in faror of Isaac L. Ellwood tc 2o. for the sum of ( S1.170.0J ) eleven hundred ind seventy dollars and ninety cents and de- reed a second lien upon said premises. And judgment against said defendant , W. C. La- L'ourctte in favor of The Great Western Stove Company for ( Sl,118.tiO ) eleven hundred and lighteon dollars and decreed a third lien upon iaid premises. And a judgment against said lefendant , W. C. LaTourette , in favor of The owa Ifarb Steel Wire Co. for ( ? 2,131.00) ) two housand ne hundred and thirty-one dollars , ind decreed a fourth lien upon said premises. Vnd a judgment against said W. C. LaTour- itte in favor of The Bridge and Bench Mantt- actory Co. for the sum of ( § 38.00) ) thirty-eight lollars , and decreed a fifth lien upon the said rcmi-es. And ir judgment againstsaid W. C. .aTourette in favor of The Nebraska Manu- aetory Co. forthesum of ( $114.00) ) one hundred : id fourteen dollars , and decreed a sixth lieu [ ion said premises. And a judgment against nid W. C. LaTourette in favor of Simmons fardware Company for the sum of ( § l.b66.3l ! ) -ighteen hundred and si.\ty-s > ix dollars and hirty-nine cents , and decreed a seventh lien ipon said premises , and tax lien thereon , in he aggregate A.30S.50. Rendered by William iaslin. Judge of said District Court at the November. 1885. term thereof , to-wit : On the th day of November , 185. A t the time and place of said sale due attend- nee will lie had by the undersigned. J. W. WKLIJOKN. Sheriff. 34 Red Willow cou nty. Neb. E. COCHKAN , Attorney. McCOOK GRAIN MARKET. ( Corrected every Thursday morning. ) 'o. 2 Wheat , per bushel o.2 Rye.pcrbushel 27fc30c ( arlcy , pcrbushel 205 3.C as , per bushel 20@25c orn New , per bushel 18ffl20c lay wild , per ton Si.UO < ? hS5.50 ailed Hay S7.00&S ! ! 00 LIVE STOCK , PRODUCE. ETC. ogs Live ? 3.25 < 3$3.50 otatoes , ( Irish ) per bushel uOtRXje utter , per pound J5lJ'c : ggs , per dozen l.-0l7c I oung Chickens , per dozen § 1.50 ? § 2.IO I M Ctjlckgns , per dozen , , , , . t. ' ( INCORPORATED UNDERSTATE L.AWS. ) j j j Paid up Capital , 850,000.00 , j ' "DOES A 9 j ' Collections made on all accessible points' . Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Xou-KesSilente. Money to loan on fanning j lands , village and personal property. "Fire insurance a specialty. ; I Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , CORRESPONDENTS : j V. FKANKLIN , President. First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. - JOHN It. CLAKK , Ylcc-Prcsident. The Chemical National Hank , New York. J A. C. EUEKT , Cashier. Cashier.D WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN . Lath , Shingles , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Pickets , Cedar Posts , Lime , Hair , Cement , and Plaster Paris. Also Hard and Soft Coal. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. C. E. MePHERSON & CO. rokers. OFFICE : West Demiison Street , \ McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Superior to any on the market , being Heavier , Stronger Bullr , and therefore a more Durable Mill. It Is the only absolutely safe Mill liullt ; and out of Thousands Erected During 12 Years pas-t. not nc has ever blown uway and left the Tower standing. A record no other Mill can show. "We offer to put up any of our PUMP1XG MILLS ON THIRTY DAYS TRIAL " , And If they don't give satisfaction , will remove Mill at our own expense. Also Manufacturers of the Celebrated Challenge Feed Mills , Corn Shelters. Iron Pumps with brass cylinders , Iron Pipe , Tanks. For estimates , catalogues and prices , apply to G. B. NETTLETON , McCook , Neb. , Agent for Southwestern Nebraska and Northwestern Kansas isd Sir : : = h tho Hcefc Tcei Hill , 2irai St. THE ! McCOOK i' OF MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property. OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. A. CAMPBELL , PRESIDENT. B. M. FREES , 1ST VICE PRESIDENT. GEO. HOCKNELL , SECRETARY. Fl. O. PHILLIPS , 2ND VICE PRESIDENT F. L. BROWN , TREASURER. FQRJTHE II Complete Novels and Other Works , by Famous Authors. Almost Given Away ! i ue folio win ; boois are publiibed in neat pamphlet fora , nanj of ttern hiuidouiiiclr Illustrated and all a-e-"ri--.l frnru . good type upon good paper. Thej treat of a great iriety of ubj tj. and ft think no one can eiaciiieV - li.t without tin'Jini tbcrun maur that he or ihs wottll liie W . In . , . ? . posieu. clota-boual tarn ttc - - toois wouldoii . . < i . Tti tacb. E : h booi u complete in itself. 1. The Widow licdott Pnpcrn. Thii H the bcok o > rr ! iih vour gnndiuotceri laughed till thej cried , ind it u just aj funnj to-day as it erer wax. 2. Kanry \ \ ork for Home Adornment , an en * * retue r work upon this eubject. containing easand practical instructions for makine fancj baikets. wall p-'rn-i , hricicu , needle work , embroider ? , CM. , etc. , pro- tu < elr and ele antljr illustratei. ' " . 'firlmmV Fnlry Stories for the Yonnsr. The : incst collection of fairy torie > erer publisbeJ. The child- -cn \\\\l bC'lelichtol wita them. I. TiltLady ot the LuLc. Br Sir Walter Scott. " Th" La Ir of the Lake" is a romance in Terse , and ot alt th ? works of Scott none it more beautiful than tali. S. Manual of Etiquette for Lilies and Gentlemen. & cul Ic to i < oit'nC33 ! and 00J brecdia . giving ths rnles of uiiiJcrn etiquette for all occasions. C. The Standard Li-ttcr Writer for Laiies aad ficntletuen. a complete giiide to correspondence , giving U'lin directions for the ecmpo ition cf letter ! of every nd. with innumerable forms and examples. T. Winter E cnlnc Kccrcntlons , a ! ar collection nfein ; Chararlcs. Taoleanx. Games. Pn < zes. ! etc. , for VA.H it patbcnng ? , rrivate theatricals , and etenlcss at Lome : illu tra ! d. - Dialogue * , Kccttatton * and Keadinss a large aw t ctioicv collection for school exhibitions and public aad I ri\it entertainments. 'J. I'nrlnr Maclc and Chemical ETpcrlmcnt * . a ttfHrt which tclU hor to p r rta hundre > is cf aziasiaf tricks la mag : . ; and instmctire experiments vita ilaiple an-n . 1'J. ' The Home Cook Kook and Family Phv l. ' clan , coutainln ; hundred ! of eTcciirnt cookio ; recipe an 1 hin'j M hou < ekc i > e . al-'o tcllin ; bow to cnre all com mon ailments bf simple home remedy 11. 3tanncr and Cuxlomnln Far Away I.nnrU , a % errlnt re ! > tiaanl instructive bo k of uairl , d' crib- in ; the iKKuliar Ufe. habits , manners aad csstocis of tic pwpli ! cf forein countries ; lilastraud. li. Sixteen Complete Stories by F < T > alir iotbcrs. eajbracin ? lore , huniorom and d'trctire stori < - - . . stori s cf society life , of ndronture , of railway life , etc. , all vtrr la- UTCstinr. 13. ThcHniIcetofWIMTumor3ndFunaiir5is celicction of the innny stori-i. tkeubei , anecdotes. poec . an t jokc that hac b n writtf o for some wars ; Ulas'ted. IS. Attho World'nJIcrcy. A JTotel. r.r riwn f W"dV-mthor . . ! of " Tb * llous = m the Jlar-h. " c " Mildred Trcvsnlon. AXovel. Ey " ThtIiyeU - eas. author of " " "Molly JJann. et- 2iIJoek to the Old Home. A Xotel. By MarT O-l Hay , author cf Hidden P.rlU. " etc. " .6. John IJowcrbonl. ' Wife. . * A Xorel. Cr ill , llnlock.aathorof John Halifax. Gentleman. " etc " 2. . Lady Gwendoline's Dreum. A Xorel. r.Tthf . author of Don Thome. " etc. 21 IlaMdllunt. " ANoTel. By Mrs.Ana S.Stei.fn' . aathor of "Fashion and ratnla . " - . SJ. Hcaplns the Whirlwind. A Sorel. Cr JIar C.n ? ,1 ? attor of " Old W n' Uoa-r. " til ' > . Dudley Cnrlcon. AXore. iss M f nr .l. doa. aattor of " Lay Aodl y. SeercV' 3 E ICJI : OK TKI JlrstiEr or rns UOSUM . x > - , rif r--rCT-SJi:11 ' ror"TccEIr.hJIark.- > - . , * > A Coldcn Dawn. A No U ET aauthor : Dira Tlioro * . " etc. 35. Anne. . , 'Eait I.yan ? . " X > . The Lnarcl Kntli. A .Vavrt. 5y Hu. JJuV < v sathor of Jr.bc HillSuc. G BU uin. " etcf 4X Amoo Itartcn. A NoreL Br Cwr-t Elk' , iaO n ( -Aiia Cede. ' ! : . JIU ta ; tc . . , cts. ! 1 flFPPR * WJ vZlitsl irTf , ? . T , . ' . , U IT t fl i rri . * - .ea-Lsj jcri asi VHA , s. 'I.JIO. ' Ssl .u , > Pitf monir nn K&ti + "tti at S&M , fil'i ilGHn ruO , ' f