The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 28, 1886, Image 5

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    Thursday , January 28. i88& :
- School at 10
A. 3i. every week. Preaching services every
bunduy n Kht at : r0 ! 31. T. Also , every alter
nate bundny mornini ; nt 11. M. T. Exception : )
to the above * will be noticed in locals.
_ G EO KOI : TJiTfc AX , Pastor.
! METHODIST. Services cvorr Sunday at ID :
A . A. M. and 7 P. Jl. . mountnin thno. Suiulny
Y hool at : t V. M. The services und Simdtiy
> inool will be hold for the future in tho now
iiureh. All nro cordially invited. Scuts fw.
_ _ _ _ W. S.Vn KKI.KH , 1'astor.
Kl'lSCOPAf. . Si-rvIccR intlieOpeniHnll the
nrst and third Sundays , inomlntrawl ovenimr.
01 each month. . ) . A. KITI.KOUTII , itector.
OATHOLIO. Services will be held in the
church once every four weeks.
_ THOMAS CUM.KNPjistor. .
W. c. T , r. . 'rhe W. O. T. LT. will inoetHithe
Ueadin-rltooin every WedncKdftvuitcrnnoti at
2 o'clock. M.T. The llaiul of Hope will inoct
In tho Iteadiin.Hoom every Sat unlay aft er-
noon ut-Jo'cIoclc , nionnttiui time.
A. O. T. \ \ ' . McCook Lodge No. Cl. will moot
thetlrsttmd third Mondays of ench month in
the Masonic Hull. VWtSnt , * hrcthren cordially
invited. DR. . n. DAVIS , M. W.
W. H. DAVIS , Recorder.
Keuular ineotiiifrs. Tuesday ni lit on
or lie-fore full moon of isverv month.
S. J , . UKEKlOv. M.
I * . L. Mi'CnAUKB.v , Secretary.
. Jleuts the first ami thirdVcdnps -
ly ewuiiiK'Ofeach month.
.1. W. CVJUMSr. ! . ! . . C. C.
A. M. Sl'ALWNG , 1C. R. S.
iilnr meeting on the lirst Wednesday
'oveninp ' of > nch month.
II. B. ARUinitAi.n. Chief.
it. oi' L. K. Ilrotlierlmod of LocomntiveKn-
jrineers. Moot lirst and fourth Saturdays ol'
each month. S. K. Hoci' , Chier.
.1. C. AKIIKRSON , F. A. I" .
J. 1C. HAHNES TOST ( ! . A. 1C. Itcjjular mcet-
infpi second and lourth Monday eveniiifrp of
i-aoh month at Opera Hall.
. ) . A. WiLrox. Conimantler.
J. H. VAitfiEi : , Adjnhtnt.
Open from T A. M. to S 1' . M. . ii. T. OHioc
will he closed thirty iniiuite1 * bel'orearrival and
tlfpartunof innils. SuxuAV.oilicewillbeopen
from T to S A. M. and from 1 to . " . I' . JI. . M. T.
A. P. SiiARi * . P. J
and westbound trains on Mountain Time.
Krcij-ht trains do not carry passengers. !
It. K. WOODS , Agent.
Local Intelligence.
Fresh candy at the City Baker } * .
K. M. "Brickcy & Co. for clothing.
'R'ifto ( to W. W. Palinor for your
harness. 32-tf.
K. 51. Brickcy & Co. are sacriticing
overcoat . _
11' 3-011 want a superior letter file , call
at , this oflice. _ '
. ] . A. Walters is in town again after
a visit in Wyoming.
; ° Ladies' fine shoes a specialty at
J. F. Ganschow's.
For Tansill's Punch Cigar go to the
Commercial House.
Xcw curtain scrim anil new goods at
Wilcox & Fowler's.
The Metropolitan drug store keeps a
lull line of fancy bore papers.
jgg iMoody & Winter , City Dairy , for
pure and wholesome milk.
Brewer Bros , butcher only corn-fed
steers. Xo cows or lange cattle.
S. W. Johnson was down from Akron ,
the latter part of the past week.
ErtPSwcet Michigan Cider of excel
lent quality at the City Bakery.
Stationeryblank bookstoilet articles ,
etc. , at Chenory & Stiles" drug store.
/ White lluspian or WhitePrussian
soap only f > c.a bar at Wilcox & Fowler's.
/ -
Call and sec our stock of socictv
cards. 0. A. P . , K of P. . KL. . E. . etc.
A nice line of hanging and stand
lamps at the Aletropolitan Drug Store.
The best coal oil in town , IsiO ° wa
ter white , : JO cents a gallon , at Chenery
& Stiles.
1 HE TuiiuXK force enjoyed some
Pitney-Boyle wedding cake , the first of
tinweek. . _
Money tn loan on real estate and pat
ented land by the McCook. Loan and
Trust Co.
The Iscminger Automatic Bill and
Letter File , the very best in the market ,
at this office. _
Latest styles in fine shoes at J. F.
Ganschow'.s the old postoffice or West
Dennison street.
Our city postoffice quite resembles an
apple of Sodom. It is fair to look upon ,
but within all is rottenness.
G. W. Bede has some special bar-
-ains in real estate. Office 4th door
south of US. . Land office. 27-tf.
celestial. Charlie
( ) nr almond-eyed
Yonnir , lias started a branchwashee
shop' ' at Obcrlin.
Tnn TKITIDSE will club with any jour
nal in the United Statesat reduced rates.
Select your paper and call for figures.
Stock boarded by the day or week at
Olcott's barn , opposite Colvin House.
Also buys and sells stock on commission.
FOR SALK Lindner & Erman have
work oxen , steers , cows and heifers for
for sale at their barnone block west of
the "Commercial House , McCook ,
E. M. Brickey & Co. the clothier * .
\ i
W. K. Lynch of Indianola was a vis
itor in the city , yesterday.
Fresh and salt meats of the choices
quality at Brewer Bros.
8SF ° Abstraet linen legal cap witl
numbered lines at this office.
You can buy t-he best shoe 'for the
least money at .1. F. Ganschow's.
They have nothing but the finest am
purest drugs at Cbenery & Stilo.s. '
Freeh oysters , fresh fish and chick
ens at Brewer Bros. ' meat market. "
Lonsdale or Fruit , of the Loom mus
lin 10 cents a yard at Wilcox & Fowler's
Editor Wahlquist of the Democrat
dropped down to the county-scat , last
W. W. Palmer is closing out
horse blankets and robes. Now is the
time to buy. 32-its.
Then ; will be a. meeting of the I. 0
0. F. , to-morrow ( Friday ) evening , in
the Masonic Hall.
WANTED A girl to do light house
work , rnquire of Mrs. W. J. Hills ,
Xorth .Marshall street. 3f-2t.
Blood tells , and that's the reason the
Commercial House continues to be the
popular hotel of the city.
The postoffice will be open. Sundays ,
between the hours of 12 and o'clock ,
mountain time , hereafter.
The finest line of cigars in the city
at Chenery & Stiles"new drug store.
Their "Kxtras" f > ot. cigar has no equal.
If you want a good , large land loan ,
and your title and security is good , try
the Bed Willow Hank at Indianola ,
Xebraska. 34-4t.
Extensive preparations are making
for the masquerade at the Opera Hal ! ,
tomorrow night. The prospects are for
a crowded house and a stirring time.
XOTKM : The Holy Sacrifice of the
Mass will bo o tiered up in the Catholic
Church on next Sunday. Hour for Mass
to begin. 9:30 : 31. T. PASTOR.
Patronize the merchants who adver
tise. ' Meu who are public-spirited and
enterprising they are. and they always
have bargains for their customers.
Quite an exodus of the gambling fra
ternity occurred , Tuesday evening , from
this place. We still have a fair stock
of these nimble-fingered toughs on hand.
A neat wooden awning is the latest
improvement at Kendall's restaurant.
It is of a patem new and nobby. L.
Lowman & Son have gone and done
They have just received a choice con
signment of candies at the City Bakery ,
and lovers of that toothsome article are
requested to call and sample them by
Stock on the Frenchman , Bed Wil
low , and in the region north of the l\e-
publican in general , fared much better
than that south , where heavy losses are
TiiK TKIBCXB has moic space for cor
respondence. Who will assist us iirthis
line. Send us'your neighborhood hap
penings. We will take pleasure in pub
lishing them.
Patronize the \ \ . ( \ T. U. reading
room. They have plenty of reading
matter , comfortable quartersand all are
entirely welcome. Open even * after
noon and evening.
At last it looks as though the dark
and lowering clouds of incompetency ,
under which our people have been la-
bDring and groaning for the past few
months , were to be soon dissipated.
There is no better evidence of the
popularity of a public house than the
fact that the accommodations of the
same arc taxed to the utmost. Such is
the case with the Commercial Hotel.
Tn deference to the fair sex , gentle
men should forego the pleasure of con
suming the weed within the postoffice.
To ladies and non-smokers auch clouds
of smoke is disagreeable and nauseating.
A portion of one of the water main
ditches in the northeastern part of the
city , by sonic oversight , remains unfilled ,
and being filled with water and snowis ,
quite dangerous , and should be attend
ed to.
A number of new boxes , with com
bination locks , have been added to the
city postoffice. If we only had some
practical ir.oans of injecting some brain
matter into his robustuous incompeten
cy's rotund hulk we would be pretty
comfortably fixed in a postal service way.
The contract to provide the contrac
tors on the B. M. extension from El-
wood to Curtis with meat has been
awarded to John Farley of our city.
Mr. Farley also has a bid in to provide
Fitzgerald , who builds north from
Grand Island , with that very essential
article of diet.
The officers-elect of J. K. Barnes
Post G ) A. Pi. were installed , Monday
night , Capt. II. B. Straut of Culbertson ,
being detailed to perform the pleasant
duty : Department Commander A. V.
Cole of Juniata arrived in the city on
Xo. 1 and although too late to assist in
the installation ceremonies , he made the
closing moments of the meeting very
pleasant with one of his stiiring and
entertaining speeches.
The sociable held at the residence of
Mrs. Carl Clark. Monday evening , un
der the auspices of the Congregational
Sunday School , was fairly attended , the
untoward weather being taken into con
sideration , and a pleasant evening was
passed with amusements of one kind
and another. It is tho aim of those in
authority in the school to hold these af
fairs ever } ' fortnight. Also to make
them profitable and pleasant to all who
may see fit to attend.
SIXTV DAVS Eugene Hall , the burly
and cowardly Culbertson painter , who
struck a fellow painter and townsman
named White , such a brutal blow , last
Friday morning , while both were under
the benign influence ofredeye , " had
liis trial , in tho afternoon , before Squire
Colvin. Guilty was the verdict , and GO
days in the county jail the sentence ,
which , however , is suspended during
Hall's good behavior. Hall is an old
offender , and will be promptly jailed the
next time he makes a break.
About the meanest , slimiest spawn
of Tophct is the contemptible cur who
seeks to defame God's purest and fair
est creation woman. But two week's
since , we had occasion to refer to a
jrace of scandalous reports , which were
3eing circulated , ! ! ! a quiet waythrough
the city , to the evident enjoyment of
the sliine-Diongcrs. Scarcely had the
sound of these .villainous lies died away
on the fetid air , before another so-call
ed scandal is let loose , from the same
source , to run riot through this commu
nity to the detriment of the fair name
of some of the participants , from our
city , in the G. A. II. ball at Culbertson ,
ast week. Ten to one this last report
s baser , if possible , than the others ,
still a cloud of suspicion envelops them.
The cowardly , skulking jackal of the
ungle would come out of a comparison
with the designing pimp who defames
he character of a woman , as a lamb.
compairy of neighbors and friends of
Conductor and Mrs. Frank Coy tender
ed them a surprise party , at their resi
dence , last night , which was a heartily
enjoyable affair in its every feature.
Che evening was consumed with cards ,
he art Terpsichorcan was gently trip-
) cd , and an inviting spread of refresh
ments. provided by the surprisers ,
rounded off a full evcning'-s pleasure.
Among those present were : ,
Mr. and Jlrs. Elmer Kelly. Mr. and Jlrs. A. J.
Pate , Mr. and Jlrs. S. H. Colvin , Jlrs. J. P. Is-
ael , Jlr.aud Jlrs. JI. A. SpaldingJlr. . and Jlrs.
W. O. Hussell. Jlr. and Jlrs. C. C. Riser , Mr.
and Jlrs.J. W. Jackson , Jlr. and Jlrs. Win.
loj-leboom. Jlrs. C. H. Reed , Jlrs. R. G.
Mitchell. Jlisses Mary and Sarah Roberts , Lou
ind May Clark , Sarah Hogan , JIary Jlclia.AHee
Trcinaine , JIary Flood , JIaud JlcConnell.
Messrs. S. L. Milliard , V.T. Thoinan , Wm. Rus-
ell , O. E. Thouiaa , Ernest JlcConnell , Charles ,
TJavis , Uarncy Hofer , J. A. JIathers and Bert *
Tubbs. _ 1
Some twenty-five or thirty families
vill leave Piper City and LaHogue soon
'or points in the West , principally in
Nebrask.1. Of the number , that of John
iieueman of Piper City , will go to Mc-
jook , Xeb. ; that of John Klein , of Pi-
) er Git } * , to Hebron , Xcb. ; that of Mrs. -
> . Smith to lied Willow , Xeb. ; that of
J. E Jerrell of La Hogue , to McCook ,
\Teb. ; and that of T. Woodruff of La
logue , to Ayr , Xeb. Oilman , (111. ( ) s
High School Literary Entertainment.
The following program will take place
at the High School , Friday , Jan. 29th : I
Song "The Bird Carol. "
Essay by Nora Shaffer. ,
Essay by Edith Crane.
Declamation by Ira Crane. B
Recitation by Elva Hunt.
A Dialogue by Curtis Hoge , Charles Bland-
ingLovell Clyde , Elmer Helm and Ira Crane.
Soncr "From the Jlerry Latiirhins : Rill. "
Recitation by Belle Thompson.
Recitation by JiUcy Purris.
Essay by John Cordeal.
Recitation by Clara Purvis.
Song "Beautiful Songs of Spring- . "
JOHN CORDEAL , Secretary.
ICO acres good land , 8 miles from
McCook , or will trade for house and lot.
34-5L F. S. WILCOX.
Parties wishing to rent dwelling
houses should enquire at the Citizens
Bank of McCook. [
Last "iglit lodge of that
Thursday " , a
. . . . . . i.-j. " - - " * -
excellcni order , the I. 0. 0. F. , was in
stituted in this city , in fine style , by
Deputy Grand Master Thos. C. Teas o
Indianola. assisted by a large "companj
of Odd Fellows , from our neighboring
towns of Tndianola and Cambridge. Th
lodge was instituted in propc r form , th
following officers"elected and installed
11. II. Uerry , X. 0.
Win. Capps , V. G.
L. W. Jlarble , Secretary.
V. Franklin , Treasurer.
James Hill , Warden.
Chas. W. Paine , Conductor.
.J. Jf. Huet , ( htardian.
J. II. Ludwick , IJ. S. N. G.
J. F. Black , L. S. X. G.
I. J. .Reynolds , R. S. V. G.
W. 0. Russell , L. S. V. G.
II. Trowbriitee. U. S. S. P.
J. A. Brewer , L. S. S. P.
C. T..Brewcr. P. G.
MeCook Lodge Xo. 137 launches
forth with nineteen charter members
the nucleus for a strong organization ,
and as there are already a number of
applications in , the order is destined to
grow rapidly and assume its proper
place in the list of our societies.
Program of the lied Willow County
Teachers' Association , to be held at
Indianola , Xeb. , on Friday afternoon ,
Feb. 5th , and Saturday , Feb..Gth , ISSo :
1. Opening Address and s. Practical Jlethod
of Teaching-Spelling..C. JI. Charles.
2. Essay ( choice of subject.Mr. ) Shepard.
3. Penmanship I. T. Birdsall.
4. The proper and the improper UHCS of fear
as a motive to right conduct Jliss
Alice Murphy.
5. Fractions A practical method Lincoln
0. What are some of the evil effects of general
recesses ? How can they be avoided ?
Jliss Rhatigan.
7. Views concerning- propriety of retain
ing pupils after school to make up les
sons V'm. JIcCool.
S. Jlcntal Philosophy Its practical value.
How taught..Jliss Ada Buck.
9. School lands of Nebraska CJeo. W. Bcde.
10. Primary language Illustrated by class. . .
Jlrs. Prof. Webster.
11. Supplementary work in school room
B. S. Haywood.
Ui. Long division Jliss Cilvina Wood.
IS. Stimulants and narcotics. . . Prof. Webster.
14. Review of a poem Jlrs. C. L. Xottleton.
15. A method of teaching letter-writing
Jliss JlinnieL. Mann.
10. When should children begin to learn script
writing ? Viola Jloshcr.
17. The difference between characteristic and
arbitrary punishments C.L.Xottlcton.
18. Closing remarks by Co. Supt. Wheeler.
A meeting of the members , and those
lesiring to become members , of the
County Heading Circle is requested on
Saturday afternoon , February G.
All who are interested in the cause
af education are most cordially invited
io be present.
C. M. CHARLES , Pros.
B. S. IL.YYWOOD , Sec.
For Eeform Club and W. C. T. U.
neeting to be held at the Congregational
ihurch , Tuesday evening , Feb. 2d :
1. Song , led by choir.
2. Recitation by Jliss Gertie Laws.
3. Select reading : by Miss Lou Clark.
4. Songr solo by Jliss Nellie Lee.
5. Declamation by R. Taylor.
0. Recess.
7. Songled by choir.
8. Dialogue by Jlisses Jlay Clark and Belle
! > . Extemporaneous speeches by members.
10. Select reading1 by Jlrs. C. A. Frederick.
11. Remarks by the president.
Ii. Song : "Temperance Doxology. "
Teachers' Reading Circle.
During the Teachers' Association at
[ ndianola , there will be held on Satur-
Iay5 February Gth , a meeting of the
Bounty Teachers' Reading Circle for the
purpose of ascertaining the number of
jooks needed ; of allowing an opportu-
sity to those who wish to become mem
bers , and of organising more completely
for work. All teachers are invited to
be present. ALIPE M. Muui'iir ,
A. McCr. Eobb offers his bay mare
"Kate" for sale. She is of good pedi-
; ree , ( Harnbletonian ) can haul a 360
jound buggy within three minutes. IB
-he best and safest mare , for either
single or double harness in the county
> arring none. Is sound in every par-
icular , 4 years old , and has been bred
o I.J. S. , son of the celebrated trotting
itallion Tramp. Enquire of Mr. Robb
it Snpt/s offke.B. & M. R. R..McCook.
I have put in scales at my ranch on
3rush creek and I will buy all the'corn
hat comes , at the market price. A Is *
lave 50 good ponies for sale , broke or
inbroke. 27. J.
I will be at the High School building ,
n McGook , Saturday , January SOt1for ! ,
he purpose of .examining applicants for
eachers' certificates.
County Superintendent. :
MILK ! MILK ! ! .
Having the best range for the pur-
lose in the county , we will start a milk
iairy in the spring , prepared to furnish
uilk in any quantity.
34-tf. EATON BROS. & Co.
On Macfarland street for sale. In-
uire of F. P. Allen or at this office.
* w S * w-
W.'II. Haydcn ca'me up" to "the burtr , las
evening , on Xo. 1.
II. .W. Davenport of Culbertson was ii
town , Tuesday , on business.
C. W. Shurtleff , president of the Bank o
Stratton , is in town , to-day.
J. B. Meserve made a short business visi
to Arapahoe , Tuesday morning.
Clark Ward of the Imtianola grist mill was >
in our city. Saturday on business.
Dr. 7 . L. Kay is confined to the house b\
sickness. Nothing serious we hope.
Commissioner Duckworth of the Beaver
was in the city , Saturday , on business.
O. D. Moshcr and Mrs. Erwin left for Mc
Cook , Wednesday. Exeter Enterprise.
! . IX Babcock of Hastings was registered
at the B. & M. Eating House , yesterday.
.1. ( J. Stokes came down from the Willow ,
the fore pait of the week , on a short visit.
J. F. Forbes made Mr. and Mrs. John Gor
don at Arapahoe a flying visit , Monday
Editor Morse of the Trenton Ue'sister whil-
ed away the pleasant hours of Sunday in the
W. J. McKillip and H. C. Walker of Thorn-
burg , Hayes county , have been in town the
pa > .t few days.
Mr. Wahlquist of the Democrat returned.
Sunday night , from one of his frequent trips
down the road.
James JMlann of Crestou , Iowa , was a
registered guest at the B. & M Eating
House , Tuesday.
Editors Floyd and Morse of the Torpedo
and Hegister , Trenton , went down tfle road ,
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Fred D. Pitney came down from Cul
bertson , Saturday , on a short visit to her pa
rents in this city.
Hev. P. C. Johnson , the energetic and prac
tical presiding elder of the M. E. elnfrch. was
in town , the first of the week.
A. E. Lytle went down to the county-seat ,
Monday evening , to interview the County
Treasurer on the tax question.
Attorneys Suavely , Criswell and Starr have
represented the legal phases of the county-
seat in the metropolis , this week.
Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson returned ,
Tuesday noon , from their extended visit at
Mr. Johnson's old home near Logan , Ohio.
( . 'co. B. Colburn , a government special
agent , with headquarters at Lincoln , spent a
day or two , the first of the week , in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Knights of Cambridge
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hock-
ne1 ! , yx-terday. They returned home on0. .
Messrs. Frees and Ilockuell spent the latter
part of the pa t week visiting and inspecting
their various yards up and down the valley.
Mrs. Funke of Ued Cloud returned home ,
Sunday evening on No. 40 , after a visit of a
few days in this city , the guest of Mrs. T. S.
Mr. Frank McGee of Fort Collins. Colo. ,
who is to be manager of the McEntte , is ex
pected to arrive in tho city , tho fir > t of
II. T. Anderson is about again after a tu > -
sel with rheumatism , and may be found at
his comfortable quarters over the Paragon
drug * tore.
Frank Yore , who is managing Mr. Hay-
den's store in Atwood. Kansascame over to
the city , Saturday , on busine . He returned
home on Sunday.
E. E. McCammon of St. Joe , adjuster and
collector for the Weyl Cracker Co. , brother
of C. S. of our cityva * jn town. Tuesday.
I le went east on40. .
F. Bert IJisIcy of the lleveille was skir
mishing around this business centre , yester-
ilay. Bert don't partl \ < tcrnn-otta hair in
the middle , however.
Mr. C. K. Lawsoij of Hastings , who has
extensive hardware interests in our city ,
made a Hying trip to town. Sunday. 1 le re
turned east on 40. the same evening.
F. L. McCrackcn returned , Tuesday even
ing , from his visit in Chicago and various
points in Iowa , having had a pleasant trip ,
notwithstanding the blockade andevere
Mack Campbell , Mrs. Xohu , Mrs. Ander
son , James Stokes , T. B. Parker and ( J. H.
Manzy , all of our neighboring burg of Tren
ton , were in the city. Tue.-day. on laud
W. M. Danford of the News and Sam. Jlc-
[ ntiie of Bcnkclman wore in the city , Sun-
Jay , viewing the beauties of the metropolis ,
run Tismo'K acknowledges a pleasant call
from these gentlemen during their short stay.
John Stone of Medicine P. O. took advant-
IRC of the moderate weather of the last of
the pa t week to make a trip to this city af
ter supplies. He came down Friday and
started on his return trip , the following day.
( ' . W. Kaime arrived from near Decatur.
111. , last Wednesday , and is now duly install
ed in the main ollicc of The Frees & Ilock-
icll Lumber Co. , in this city , as book-keeper
md stenographer , in both of which he is a
proficient hand.
A. I * . Hopkins , cashier of the Commercial
National Bank of Omaha , was in the city ,
i few hours ou last Saturday. Mr. Hopkins
ivas very favorably impressed with our little
ity , and so expressed him elf. He went
.vest from here.
C. L. Watkins of the Blue Hill Times was
ji the oity. Monday , looking up quarters for
i branch office , which hi ; purposes starting
icre. We were unable to a cei tain whether
he otllce is to do a land business or whether
he ait preservative is to be practiced.
F. M. Snow , of the firm of Fry fc Snow ,
.vholesale Hour , feed and commission , of Me-
'ookNebra.skawas in town , Friday , making
jrrajigements to put in a wholesale store in
\kron. They will also put in a store at Tu
na. Colorado. Akron Pioneer Press.
Hal. Davenport , David Clancy , S. P. Kirk-
mde. I ferny Likes and Col. E. D. Webster
jf Stratton were in town , yesterday , on busi-
iess. The Colonel reports a loss of thirty-
wo head of horses already out of his bunch
f 2-jO , quite a discouraging loss so early.
Benj. Blnl of Bonkelman , manager of the
Northwestern Cattle Co. , was in town , Tues
day. Lie reports considerable loss of stock
during the coM weather , tlio foro part of the
month , by frcczliig.
Cashier P. L. Brown of the First National
went down to Lincoln , Sunday moniinir , to
purchase stationer } * for the Fanners and
Merchants Bank , shortly to be established at
Imlianola. lie returned Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ilocknell leave , to-day ,
on a tour of two months tic'-n h the south
and west. They proceed at lh > t to Memphis ,
afterwards to Xew Orleans From thesonth
they go to the I'aciHe coast , wen'they will
spend some timeretnrnin lioiue via the Un
ion Pacific. THE TIMBU.VK wishes them a
pleasant and health-restoring trip.
James McEntecand Herman Padc started
for Chicago , .Saturday , to purchase furniture ,
( liicenswarc , etc. , for the McKntcc Jlouse.
Mr. I'ade will al o visit V/isconsin , when ; he'
liopes to dispose of his interest in a furniture
manufactory , preparatory to making a larger
spread in the furniture business in our city.
\Vc also understand that Herman will have
joined the ranks of the noble Benedicts Yre
he returns. He will be absent about two
IR. IH , IE 3D.
_ _ _ _ _ _
SPRAHUE XEWCOMU-Jaiuiaryrwth , l
.Judge HoiiMJ of Hitchcock county , Mr.
William IL-Sprague to Miss Luczettiu New-
comb of lied Willow county.
Saturday afternoon , the coroner's
ury in the case of J. H. League decid
ed to re-examine tlic body , as there
were rumors afloat that the deceased
md come to his death by foul means.
Che body was thoroughly examined but
nothing was found to indicate that Mr.
jeague had met : i violent death. The
report was evidently started for an ef-
'ect and not that anyone bnlieved niur-
ler had been committed. Mr. L. was
a man without enemies , respected and
esteemed by his fellow citizens , and
hough but a moderate drinkerno , rea
sonable person will deny that his death
vas caused by the damnable drug , al
cohol. Culbertson Sun.
Uarlan County Democrat : Mr.
irown , who has been in charge of the
construction tiain on the branch has su-
terceded Mr. Faucond as assistant road
uaster. "Crown's jurisdiction extends
roni Hastings to McCook on the mid-
ile division , with the Obcrlin line at-
ached. * * Two hundred pieces of
Dbcrlin express floated in on the depot
) oys Saturday , ft was matter that had
accumulated at Norton during the snow
jlockade and had to be brought here ,
ransferred to the main line and sent
wound' via McCook and the stage route.
? hese goods were of every description.
The Inter-Ocean exclaims , "How the
owns do fight to get a railroad. But
hat is nothing to the way the } * fight a
ailroad after they get it ! " The editor
las , perhaps , been in Nebraska.
boots and shoes call on J.
' . Ganscliow.
Go to E. M. Briekey & Co. for hon-
st goods and lowest prices.
The B. & M. Pharmacy keeps a full
ine of Masonic books in stock.
They have the purest , kettle-rendered
ard in the city at Brewer Bros.
Chenery & Stiles keep in stock a nice
ind complete line of smokers articles.
Two pounds of Arbuekle'f.Dilworth's
or XXXX for 2. ) cents at Wilcor &
Prescriptions accurate ! } * compounded
lay or night , at the new drug store of
Chenery fc Stiles.
They have been having considerable
rouble with their water pipes at the
Commercial , this week.
The choicest meats at the Central
Meat Market of Brewer Bros , corner of
Main and Dennison streets.
llemember this office when you want
wcll-disrlayed dodger. Wj have the
nly large wood typo in the city.
K. A. Cole , fashionable merchant tail-
r , has constantly on hand as fine a class
f goods as can be procurcd. Suits made
ip in the latest style , and perfect fits
, -uaranted. Prices reasonable. Shop
.wo doors west of Citizens Hank , Me-
'ook. Nebraska.
Sorghum seed. $1.2 : " ) per bag , in new
.wo-bushel bags , delivered on cars at
Blue Hill. Neb. Address ,
27-tf. 31. WILSON. Blue Rill , Neb.
70 head of Half-Breed Galloway
halves , Bulls and Heifers. Apply to
38-tF. I ) . \ vi i > II.v.ELSIn. , . ,
. l'm * * * * rt 9 r\ . 1 * * > ? * * ! "
i ii
* * fi * * w \v. tt
- o -
Any peison wishing to rent a fine
Mathushek piano can do so by inquiring
at Stern's Liquor Store.
A 'J-room hou.-e in West McCook for
rent , cheap. Inquire at Lindner ifc Kr-
man's office.
Parties owing me are respectfully re
quested to call and settle at once.
20 tf. M. A. SPALDIXG.