The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 10, 1885, Image 9

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JACQUES PEUOT , ono of the threi
men who saved Napoleon from boin $
killed in the Orsini assassination plot ,
, is a rag-picker in New York.
GEN. McCLELLAN is said to have ejj
pressed a wish that ho might be buried
at Antietam. "Then I can get u ]
with my boys when tho reveill
sounds. "
AT tho crematory on Long island
an j experiment was , , uiado with * the
body of a ram weighing seventy-live
( pounds , which was in two hours con
verted into twenty-four ounces ol
white ashes.
SOME school children in Boston dis
covered a widow named Hannah
Dickens , 87 years of age , living in a
hencoop in the suburbs , existing : on a
federal pension of $1 a week. A
fracture of her right wrist disabled
her for needle work.
A MAN who has been playing the
hemorrhage game along the roadwaj-a
in the vicinity of Boston by means ol
a bladder of reddish liquid held in his
mouth was thrown into jail at
Walthara , after realizing considerable
j ABOUT one hundred sympathizer !
.with Stead , tho convicted editor ,
.marched to tho homo office in London
'to petition for his release. Henry
tVarley , a converted butcher , the
spokesman of tho occasion , reports
that he was grossly insulted by the
1,000 to tho town of Boston in 1791 ,
to , accumulate for a century , when
100,000 was to bo expended in some
important public work. It has bean
decided to devote § 350,000 to tho pur
chase of West Roxbury park.
A PITTSBURGH firm which refused
to employ union masons-on ti building
for a clothing store has been boycotted
by the Knights of Labor. Tho arbi
tration committee at Galveston recom
mended that in tho enipl&ymeut of
labor there should bo no discrimina
tion on account of race , color , .or or
JUDGE FOKD , of New Orleans , who
is serving a term of twenty-Jive years
in the Louisiana penitentiary for par
ticipating in the murder of A. H. Mur
phy , now confesses that he fired tho
fatal shot. Tatrick Ford , his brother ,
who is under sentence of death , had
mado a similar admission.
THE millers of Minneapolis mot the
officials , of tho St. Paul railway for a
conference , aud declared that every
mill would be closed before December
if tho northwestern lines continued
the rate of 17i cents per hundred
pounds to Chicago in addition to tho
advance to 25 cents thence to Netv
MR. GLADSTONE is the owner of tho
champion pencil of tho world. A
manufacturer at Keswick has sent him
a walking-stick thirty-nine inches long ,
made of cedar , and forming a lar < jo
pencil , with a lead nearly half an inch
square ruimine : through it. This cur
ious pencil has a solid silver band
bearing an inscription in verse.
IN a recent conversation Vice Presi
dent Hendricks made the following
observation : "My ambition never ran
in tho direction of the lecture Held.
Indeed , I would rather avoid the ros
trum. But once , earnestly pressed by
my friends , I so far consented as to
select the subject. Had I delivered
an alleged lecture it would have been
entitled : "Tho Throe Qucxins Anne ,
Elizabeth.and Victoria of England.1
THE noble house of Toljemache
earls of Dysart is noted for its pecu
liarities , in the matter of names , for
cue thing. A junior member a few
years ago named his two daughters
Mabel Helmingham Ethel Hunting-
tower Beatrice Blazeuberrio Evangc-
line Vise de Orelena PlantagenetTord-
meg Saxonia and Lyonesse Matilda
Dora Ida Agnes Ernestine Curzon-
Paulet Wilbraham Joyce Eugenie
Bentley Saxonia Dysart Plantagenet.
MGR. CAPEL had a narrow escape
from serious injury at Monterey , Cal. ,
some days since. He had driven on
to tho wharf in a one-horse buggy ,
and was attempting to ride over the
hawser attached to the steamer Los
Angelos , which was lying slack at the
time , but at the same moment the ves
sel swung away from the wharf , draw-
inotho Jino taut , and hoisting the
norse and buggy several feet into the
air. The monsignor was thrown from
tho vehicle , but beyond a few slight
scratches upon his hands and face es
caped without serious injury.
THE free trade conference at Chicago
ohose David A. Wells president and
B. B. Bowker secretary. The resolu
tions adopted declare that under no
pretense shall any countenance be
given to attempts to increase protec
tive duties , and that articles at the
foundation of great industries should
be freed from duty. Free ships are
demanded , and tho abolition of re
strictive navigation laws. The con
ference also declared that no further
reduction in the whisky and tobacco'
taxes should be countenanced
the existing tariff has been 'brought
a strictly revenue basis.
A Noted Ladle * ' Seminary.
In no institution o ! learning in tho coun
try is a more complete education given
than in tho celebrated Notre Dame , near
Baltimore , Maryland. The sisters in charge
say they find that Red Star Cough Cure
successfully removes all colds and throat
troubles among their pupils. It is absolute
ly Iree from poison , and costs but twenty-
livo cents.
Queen Victoria is said to bavo aged con
siderably during the last ten months.
A New King : on tbe Tlirone !
"Malaria " " ailment " has
, as a "popular ,
given place to a new potentate.
If you have Rheumatism now , tho medi
cal wiseacres exclaim " .Uric Acid" !
II you have frequent headaches , they
sagely remark "Uric Acid" !
II you have softening of the brain , they
insist that it is "Uric Acid" !
If Sciatica or Neuralgia make life miser
able , it is "Uric Acid" !
If your skin breaks out in Boils ami
Pimples , it is "Uric Acid" !
If you have Abscesses nnd piles , "Uric
Acid" has set your blood on fire.
If you have dull , languid feelings , back
ache , kidney or bladder troubles , gout ,
gravel , poor blood ; nro ill at ease , threat
ened with paralysis or apoplexy , vertigo ;
are bilious , dropsical constipated or dys
peptic "Uric Acid" is the key to tho situ-
tion , the canso of all your difficulties !
We do not know as madam Malaria w
take kindly to the Masculine Usurper , but
he has evidently come to stay.
"Uric Acid , " this Monster , is the pro
duct of the decomposition death con
stantly taking place within us , and unless
he is every day routed from the system ,
though the kidneys , by means of some great
blood specific like Warner's safe cure , which
Senator B. K. Bruce says snatched him
from its grasp , there is not the least doubt
but that it will utterly ruin the strongest
human constitution !
It is not a young fellow by any means. It
has a long and well-known line of ancestors.
It is undoubtedly the father of a very great
family of diseases , and though it may be
the fashion to ascribe progeny to it that
are not directly its own , there can be little
doubt that if it oncegets thoroughly seated
in the human system , it really does intro
duce into it most of the ailments now , per
force of fashion , attributed to its baleful
Billiards must ba an , easy game , for it's
mostly done on cushions.
After Many ITIontlis at Persistent Trials
aud Patient Waiting S. H. Bettys
and J. M. McDowell "Pluck
the Persimmons. "
Xlicy Hold Oiic-FIftH of Ticket No. 4G-
790 , AVIilcli Draws tlie Capital
Prize of $75,000 in Novem
ber Drawing.
ICobortson County Pulls Under tlie
String to tUe Tune of Over $31-
OOO in Nineteen ITIontlis.
Alt. Olivet ( Ky. ) Tribune , Nov. 19th ,
If any doubt existed in this section as to
the genuinefflirncss of The Louisiana Stato
Lottery in making its monthly and semi
annual distribution ol prizes , that doubt
was dispelled Saturday night. A letter re
ceived from a Cincinnati merchant , in
which the following postscript was added.
"I see your town has again drawn capital
prize in Louisiana Lottery. " was suflicient
to set our "city on the hills" in a blaze of
excitement. An indescribable hunt for
ticket-holders ensued. Pocket-books , day
books , desks , safes , trunks , valises , satch
els , everything was rummaged and tickets
brought forth. For a time suspense pre
vailed , and then the discovery was made
that only one list had been received at the
postoffice , addressed to S. H. Bettys. Mr.
Bettys and J. M. McDowell formed a part
nership some time ago in the purchase of
tickets , agreeing to divide profits , if any
accrued. Mounting a horse bright and
early Sunday morning , McDowell went out
three miles in the country to see Bettys ,
and returning to town , Bettys' ticket and
tho number "on the list (40,799) ( ) corres
ponded. Going home in the western
suburbs of Olivet , they were soon called on
by the Tribune man , who islietl to learn
the particulars. Examining tho ticket and
list , we assured the parties that they were
each $7,500 richertlianthey were previous
to their last investment in The Louisiana
State Lottery.
The parties went to Mnysville Monday
morning , and deposited their ticket for col
lection with Pearce , Wallingford & Co. of
the State National Bank , the leading bank
ers of Northern Kentucky and Southern
Ohio , and in a few days will receive a check
for their money.
Mr. Bettys informed us that he had been
holding a ticket regularly in The Louisiana
State Lottery for four or five years , with
the exception of a few monthly drawings ,
and he would have invested in them if he
had had the money to spaie. "I missed
last September drawing with much reluc
tance , " said he , "but I had very urgent
need of the dollar. I always recognized
that the chance of drawing the capital
prize was meagre , but felt my chances were
as good as anybody else's. My faith is re
warded after long years of deprivations by
receiving a sufficiency of money which , if
judiciously invested , will kee ; . me in com
fortable circumstances the remainder of my
days. " He has been a teacher in the pub
lic schools of Robertson since the organiza
tion of tlie county , at a salary ranging
from § 20 to § 40 per month. Many are the
congratulations he is receiving on his streak
of good fortune.
Since Montgomery drew $15,000 in April ,
1SS4 , and even since Bettys and McDowell
drew a similar amount in this month's
drawing , we have received numerous letters
from persons in several States and Territo
ries inquiring if the drawing were genuine.
In every instance we have taken pains to
answer these questions in the affirmative ,
and we again repeat through the columns
of the Tribune that these prizes were actu
ally drawn by the parties mentioned.
Montgomery purchased a farm near Mt.
Olivet for the use of his brothers , paying
$3,000 therefor , and bought himself a farm
within'one mile of Mt. Sterling , for which he
paid $9,500. Minor prizes , amounting in
the aggregate to $1,000 or over , have been
also drawn here , the largest of these prizes
being drawn by M. D. Ellis and Nimrod
Cumber , the formers drawing $150 and the
latter § 70. The Louisiana State Lottery
is a square institution , regardless of any
doubts which may exist to the contrary.
. An Uitcrusliable Editor.
A yellow-backed pirate named Jim Cum-
mings , who works for Sam Hardacre , near
Millville , came in town last Saturday and
while drunk at Cresswell's grocery made
some remarks about ourselves as we were
passing up the street with our youngest
daughter. He was soured because we
turned him over two weeks ago and his
crowd that took the lynchpins out of old
man Parson's buggy at the Goose Creek
meeting. When lie spoke his insultingfroth
Hanberry Davis took it up and in a row
which followed he struck the gorilla a sur-
binder on the jaw which knocked him out
beneath his wool suspenders and loosened
six of his teeth. He had Davis arrested by
Marshal Billings , and the mayor levied a
fine of $10 , which we paid for him as soon
as we learned the facts. "We intend to show
up the whisky yahoos from the Goose
Creek neighborhood who try to tun this
town on Saturdays , and by the way Han
Davis is a candidate for town marshal. He
is the man for the job. [ Wicomico ( Md. )
The Last Effort tlie Best.
"This is a world of effort , wo know ,
Fanny , and wo must never yield when so
much depends upon us , " Mrs. Chick said to
Mrs. Dombey as the latter lay dying soon
after little Paul had been ushered into tho
world. But Mrs. Dombey could not make
an effort and "drifted out upon the dark
and unknown sea that rolls round all tho
world. " Mrs. Chick was not an agreeable
character and no words of hers could rouso
the gentle mother's spirit.
"We will make one more effort , " said
Mrs. 0. Thornton , of Stuart , la. , to her
husband when he was .utterly.discouraged
by sickness. Mr. Thornton made the effort ,
and why it was necessary lor him to make
it he tells as follows :
"I had been subject to the rheumatism
for several years , it often confining me to
the house for two or three months at a
time. During my last attack I was entirely
helpless and could not do so much as to
feed myself. I had been in this condition
for six weeks and was getting very much
discouraged , as nothing I had already done
had even given me relief. My wife noticed
the advertisement of Athlophoros about
the first time it appeared in'our papers.
She said to me :
' "Well , here is another remedy for rheu
matism. We will make one more effort. '
"I took my first dose about 6 o'clock
and almost directly went to sleep. Not
having had any sleep for three or four
nights the relief was gladly received. 1
slept soundly until 9 o'clock , when my
wife awoke me to take another dose. I had
been for several weeks lying on a lounge
When I awoke to take my second dose I
found that I could move without pain. I
said to my wife :
" 'I guess I will get up and go to bed , and
I did , getting a good sound sleep. The
next day I was up and could walk around
I continued with tho medicine until I had
used three bottles. In five days after
I had taken my first dose of Athlophoros I
went to work and I have never lost a day's
work from rheumatism since. That was
over a year ago. "
"You probably spent considerable money
before that in doctoring yourself with dif
ferent kinds of medicines , Mr. Thornton1
"Yes , I did. If I had known of Athlo
phoros four years ago it would have saved
me much suffering and money for medicine ,
as well as the time I lost in not being able
to work. "
' Don't you think you ran a risk in going
to work so soon after suchalongsickness ? ' "
"I did , no doubt , but I felt assured that
I now had a remedy that would soon knock
the rheumatism out of me if I had it again.
[ felt anxious to go to work after being kept
'rom it so long. Athlophoros has done for
me what nothing else could do , and I take
pleasure in recommending it to others. It
lias proved itself in my case to be all that
it is claimed to be. "
Mr. Thornton is employed in theCliicago ,
Rock Island and Paciiic Eailway shops at
Stuart , and is well known as a hard work-
ng and industrious citizen. He takes great
pleasure in telling tho story of his cure and
jften says that that "one more effort" was
the best he ever made , and that he owes
ife probably to Athlophoros.
If you cannot get ATHLOPHOIIOS of your
druggist , we will send it express paid , on re
: eipt of regular price onedollarper bottle.
We prefer that you buy it from your drug
gist , but if hehasn'tit , do not be persuaded
to try something else , but order at once
rom us , as directed. ATHLOPHOHOS Co. ,
112 Wall Street , New York.
Tlie German government has declined to
icrmit the landing of an American cable on
ts coast.
BURNS an3 Scalds are instantly rendered
painless , and invariably curedithont a scar , by
the use of Cnrbolis'.ilve , the great skin remedy.
23 and 50 cents , at Dnipsiets or by mail. Cole <
Co. , Black Kiver Falls , Wia.
Hog cholera carried off one-third of all
; he swine in Central Illinois the present
The dowry of Princess Hilda will be 100-
)00,000 ) of ilorins in ready money.
Salvation Oil is the greatest cure on
earth for pain. This invaluable liniment
routs and banishes all bodily pain in
stantly , and costs only twenty-five cents a
Tlie czar of Russia has purchased a beau-
iful villa and estate at. Copenhagen.
lie Knows It.
Hiram D. Maxwell , formerly of Silver
Springs , K. I. , has no doubt about the
vonderful curative powers of Kidney-
Vort. He was so afflicted with Kidney
Complaint that he could not stand on his
ect from pain and weakness. As soon as
ic commenced using KidneyWort he ex-
) erienced immediate relief and at once
> egan to grow strong and was relieved of
ill pain and unpleasantness. He says : "I
: now I have been cured by KidneyWort. . "
loods , scarfs , ribbons a d all fancy arti-
: lcs can be made any color wanted with
Mamond Dyes. All the popular colors.
.Oc. at druggists. None equal them. Wells ,
lithardson & Co. , Burlington , Vt.
William H. Vanderbiltwill issue no cards
of admission to his art gallery this winter.
Any one suffering with rheumatism need
not suffer any longer if he will take Athlo-
) horos. I cheerfully recommend it to all
iiifferers from that terrible disease. Jed
Jrigware , mate of steamer W. IL Burt ,
Cast Saginaw , Mich.
orrccts offensive odors at once. Complete cnreof
rorst chronic cases ; also unequalled as gargle for
Iplitlierla , sore throat , foul breath. 50c.
Oregon is the next , state to move in favor
of a uniform day for elections.
ITnlforrt Sauce need st all first-class hotels.
Unices your food more nutritious.
John Gurney , the mayor-elect of Norfolk ,
2ng. , is a blind man.
If afflicted with Sore Eyes , use Dr. Isaac
'hompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell it.
We recommend Carter's Iron Pills to
very woman who is weak , nervous and dis-
ouraged ; particularly those who have thin ,
uilolips. cold hands and feet , and who are
vithout strength or ambition. These are
lie cases for which Carter's Iron Pills are
pecially prepared , and this class cannot
se them without benefit. Valuable for
nen also. In metal boxes , at 50 cents ,
sold by druggists or sent by mail. See ad-
ertisement elsewhere.
"Wisely Adopted l > y Dairymen.
The adoption by most of the prominent
airy men and farmers of the United States ,
f the Improved Butter Color made by
Veils , Richardson ifc Co. , Burlington , Vt. ,
s a proof of their wisdom in a business
oint of view. Nearly all winter butter is
: olored in order to make it marketable ,
nd this color is the best , in regard to
mrity , strength , permanence and perfec-
ion of tint.
The positive a"nd unsolicited testimony
of people from every section who have used
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup confirms every
claim made for its wonderful efficacy ,
price 25 cents.
Kansas will have an extra legislative sea
sion this winter.
Don't Head This
Unless you want a free sample of Smith *
Bile Beans , the great liver'remedy , and a
beautiful card taken from real life , sentyou
free of charge. Send us your name and P. 0.
address. J. F. SMITH & Co. , St. Louis Mo.
( Name this paper. )
_ The Massachusetts prohibition vote was
little more than half as large this year as
How Women Differ from ITIcn.
At least three men on the avcrago jury
ai-e bound to disagree with the rest just to
show that they've got minds of their own ;
but there is no disagreement among the
'women as to the merits of Dr. Pierce's
"Favorite Prescription. " They are all
unanimous in pronouncing it the best rem
edy in the world for all those chronic dis
eases , weaknesses and complaints peculiar
to their sex. It transforms tho pale , hag
gard , dispirited woman into one of spark
ling health , and the ringing laugh again
"reigns supreme" in the happy household.
Prof. Goldwin Smith is regaining a grip
on life that grim death nearly loosened.
Human Calves.
An exchange Bays : "Nine-tenths of the
unhappy marriages result from human
calves being allowed to run at large in soci
ety pastures. " Nine-tenths of the chronic
or lingering diseases of to-day originate in
impure blood , liver complaint , or bilious
ness , resulting in scrofula , consumption
( which is but scrofula of the lungs ) , sores ,
ulcers , skin diseases and kindred affections.
Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery"
cures all these. Of druggists.
T. B. Connory , formerly of the New York
Herald , is living at Liege , Belgium.
Sick and bilious headache , and all de
rangements of stomach and bowels , cured
by Dr. Pierco's Pellets" or anti-bilious
granules. 25 cents a vial. No cheap boxca
to allow waste of virtues. By druggists.
If a couch disturbs your sleep , take PIso'a Cure for
Consumption and rest well.
"Wtcn B by waa slot , ire pavo her Castorla ,
When aho was a Child , she cried for Caatoria ,
When she became Miss , sho clung to Caatoria ,
\7tan oho had Children , she gave them Castorla ,
Four contested seat cases which will come
before the new house of representativea.
Ask for "I'ousli on Coughs , " for coucrhs , colds ,
sore throat , hoarseness. Troches , 15c. LlqulJ , 25c.
A Kansas man's wife has worn one bon
net twenty years.
in engravings as demons tearing at the
human form , but they could be more
truthfully described by showing a dis
ordered stomach of clogged blood vessels.
VINEGAR BITTERS affords certain relief and
eventual cure for both by acting upon the
internal system. It dispels all pain demons
The Empress Eugenie expects to spend
the winter in London.
THE habit of runnlnp ; over boots or shoes corrected
with Lyon's Patent Heel SMITcuurs.
The "Baroness Rothschild will be at
Cannes the entire winter , ,
6"are ttmo and money by using Stewart's //en/ .
Ing Powder for cuts and sores on animals. Sold
everywhere. 15 and BO cts. a box. Tru It
If you suffer from catarrh , however slightly , you
arc In danger , because the disease. If not attended to ,
will soon become chronic , affecting your general
healthtm'I may also develop In-o bronchitis or con
sumption. As catarrh Is the result of Impure blooj It
Is readily cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla , which puri
fies the blood , and gives the whole system health
and strength. Thousands of people have been cured
of catarrh by Hood's Sarsnparllla. Give It a trial.
'Having been a sufferer from catarrh for six or
eight years , and having tried nearly all the won
derful sure cures. Inhalers , etc. , and spending nearly
a hundred dollars without benefit , I accidentally
tried Hood's Sarsaparllla. The discharge from my
nose was greatly increased the first bottle ; then It
gradually became less , and In taking less than three
bottles I find myself greatly Improved. Hood's Sar-
saparllla will cure catarrh. " M. A. ABBEY * , "Worces
ter , Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all druggists. M : six for Si. Prepared by
C.I.HOOD & CO. , Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar.
Issued Sept. and March ,
i each year.C3 25G mgcs ,
J xllJ inclte8ivltli over
3,5OO illustrations n.
ivliole Picture Gallery.
GIVESVliolesa7e Prices
direct to consumers on all goods for
personal or family use. Tells liow to
order , and gives exact cost of every *
thing yon use , eat , drink , trcar , or
have fun vrlth. These INVALUABLE
BOOKS contain Information gleaned
front the markets of the world. AVe
xvlll mail a copy PHEE to any ad
dress npon receipt of 10 ct * . to defray
expense of mailing. I > ct tis hear from
yon. Kcspectfally ,
227 & 229 Wabasb Avenue. Chicago , III.
When I say care i uo not mean uierely to stop tbem lur
a time and then liaro them return a-aln. I mean a radi
cal care. I hare made the disoasa of FITS. EPILEPSY
or FALLING SICKNESS a Ufa-long study. Iv.-arrantiny
remedy to care the worst cases Because others bare
failed Is no reason for not now receiving a care. Send at
onco far a treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible
remedy. Give Express and Post Office. It costs you
nothlnr for a trial , nnd I will euro you.
Address Dr. H. a. BOOT , IsaPearlSt. , Now Tort.
Plso's Kemedy for Catarrh Is the
Best , Easiest to Use , and Cheapest.
Also rood for Cold In the Head ,
Headache. Hay Fever , etc. 50 cents.
BIG OFFERTo introduce them ,
A we will GIVE A WAYI.UJU Self-Operating
ashing Machines. If you wane one send
us your name. P. O. and express office at
once. The National Co. , alley St.N.\ .
l wsSSfSiSS
SCharlestown , alias ,
_ Magic Lanterns are outdone. Free circulars.
MURRAY HILL CO. , 119 East 2Sth St. , New York.
A positlTC cure. Xo Knife.
Ko Pla ; er. Xo Tain. W. C.
Payne. Ifarshilltown.Iowi.
Slorphino Habit Cured into
to Odayx. Xopjty till Uurod.
UK J. bTEPHK.vs. Leuanon , Oulo.
ICC Xew Scrap Pictures and 50 Fancy Cards ( new )
Id U mailed f or lOc. ESSEX CARO WORKS , Ivoryton.Ct.
CnChromo.Gold Scrap , loop Frlngc.&c.Cards sent post
wUpatdforGc , Conn.Stcam Card kVks , imnforjCjnn
f O/l Xeiv Scrap Pictures and 4S XewChromo
tJ and Gold Scrap Cards sent postpaid for 11) cts.
CEXTEKBOOK CASU Co. . centerbout , Conn.
UHUP STUDY. Secure a Bualnsu Education by
nUali. mall , from BBTAXT'SCOLLEGE Uuffalu.X.l.
W. N. U. . OSIAUA. iiSS 50.
TA *
Freo from. Opiates , Emetics and JPoison.
Diuooim jam DULXIU.
Cures Rheumatism , Neuralgia ,
" Backache , Ilrsdicbr , Tootbacbe ,
Sprains , nrnbrm ticvtr. .
TUB CHARLES A. voGELKU n > _ > .
It never fails to do Its work In cases of Mala
ria , Biliousness , Constipation. Head
ache , loss of Appetite and Sleep , Nervous
Debility , Neuralgia , and 'all Female
Complaints. Hops & Xlalt Bitters Is a Veze-
table Compound. It is a Medicine not a Bar
room Drink. It differs as widely as does
d.iv and night from the thonsand-and-one
ITIIxture * of vllo ivlilsky flavoredwith
aromutlcs. Hopsi Malt Bitters is recom
mended by Physicians , Ministers and
N urses as being the Best Farn ily Medicine ever
compounded. Any woman or child can take it.
"From my knowledge of iU ingredients , under
no circumstances can it injure any one using it.
It contains no mineral or other deleterious sub
stance. Possessing real merits , the remedy is
deserving success.
C. E. DePor , Ph. O. , Detroit , Micli.
The only Genuine are manufactured by the
HOPS & MALT BITTERS CO. . Detroit , Mich ,
GOODMAN DRUG GO , , Wholesale Agents ,
have been Riven away during the past twelve months
to those who have aided In extending the circulation
and more are to be presented to those who subscribe
before December 23th. For example. If , on seeing
this , you Immediately forward us the subscription
price i , 81 JO , plus 15 cents extra for postage on the
book i , making 81.63 In all , we will send you the AMER
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