\ 4 : | | Y THEY - : - ALWAY : - LE With a View of Making some Slight Changes in our Business , we Offer our. ' \ LADIES' CLOAKS AN RKETS ! AT \ I J We carry the Stock for the people ! We make Prices to please the people ! * And we want the people's trade ! 14 POUNDS GRANULATED SUGAR $1 00 Everything in the Grocery Line at 8 POUNDS Dir/vvouTii COKFKE 1 00 15 POUNDS WHITE EXTRA "C" SUGAR 1 00 1C POUNDS DRIED APPLES 1 00 20 POUNDS NEW YORK BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 1 00 . * . 3im ? & ! f 15 POUNDS Ni\v : PRUNES 1 00 S POUNDS AKUUCKLE'S COFFEE : . . 1 00 14 POUNDS XKW DRIED PEACHES 1 00 8 POUNDS MCLAUGHLIN'S COFFEE 1 00 THAN ANY HOUSE IN THE REPUBLICAN VALLEY. 14 POUNDS NEW CURRENTS 1 00 are Agents for Butterick's Paterns , and carry a Full and Complete Assortment. Be sure and see us before buying elsewhere. Corner Main and Dennison Sts. r Denver to Chicago , Donvor to Kansas City , Denver to Omaha , Omaha to Chicago , Kansas City to Chicago , Omaha to St. Louis , * BEST LINE FROM SURE COKKECTEONS LOW RATES BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. Through tickets over the Burling- tbn Route are for salo by the Union Pacific , Denver & Rio Grande and all other principal railways , and by all agents of the "Burlington Route. " For further information , apply to any agent , or to P. S. EySTvS.t i'lT'k'tAK't , O&AUA , XKB. CITY - BAKERY. SdT PROPRIETORS. WK KEEP OK HAISD [ READ , PSES & CAKES , GRAHAM BREAD. Cakes Made on Order. ROOM In connection whore you can get colTce.sand i \viclics , pics. etc. . at all hours. Best in the Wo rid. The most popular Weekly newspaper dovoted indcjsncc. mechnnics.cncinoorjnij. discoveries , in ventions and patents everpnblishcd. Every num ber illcstratHcl with splendid encravinRS. Ibis publication furnishossinost valuable encjclnpoclia of informat ion-winch no person should be without. The popularity of tba SciKNilKic AMERICAN 51 such that its circulation nrarly equals that of ell other papers of its class combine J. Prico $3.Ja yoar. Discount to Clutn. Soldby all nn-.vsdoaler ? . ilUNK 4 CO. . FublUhprs. Ko. SOlBroadwar. N. Y. - - \ Jinan * On. havo s aH-j had Thirty- * Eight years' CB > pr.ictico boforo Stho Patent Office and have prepared Imore than One Hundred Thou sand applications Mr patents in the . United btr.tc-i and foreisn cimctrie . a Cavetts. Trsdo-JJorks. Copv-nshts. Assignments , and nil othor papers for Jsecunne to invrntor U'er risuts in tho 3 United Stairs. Oan.-d.i. . England , .l-rancc. 3 Germany and othir loroicn countries prc- \ pared at short notice and on reasonable torra . 1 Information nto obtaininc patojita clieer- J fully ci-cn without c > iarx < ; . Hajid-l PoU 01 3 information sent frcu. F&tMir-i ohti-inpd through Muim 4 Co. are noticed in ttie iNiienl-.l-s American free. Tho ailvantjceot wich notice i- well understood by all ueroOUa who ui . * COOmce S = CAX. 331 Broadway. > 'ewo.i ' - liirlnil'ii 'I - _ ! ; ? 'E TSIjT er.aml 1 : .1.1 fmiii. -.x v5Si = : r = > . I'lfCL-s. Varraiei ) ! 3 < * I iixirJiiiif. iinii'iifiirtiiri- > 'l-r t'ni'fil Malri 'turn In t > ofln : Thi-t : u - l.-iid it' . iltiraiilo. uriiiin \ s. Sa-as as ch : ' c panics cbarce Iw S40 to S5C Piirrlm e from n * anil xnvv&JM. ' : nl K cin-tilar nnil V C. A. WOOD < 1 CO. . testnoniav f 1 f X. Tenth 5-U , 1'hil ati'i , i' . " M TIIU loudest and rtost K , pirrmiiKly sliri" * * v. t.Istle made. Can be heard from one to 'clar'l two miles. Kxact en Iks SUMot" a 50-call- tarn bre centre fire or SB cartridge. ! hz vrstcr. Invalu in port5- able . a ad every as hrne ? shcoiis hva a . „ . Ssnt free , by mnil. for 25 cents in stamps. Order now. and get oar catiUo/up ot „ C s. flovellltJ , etc. Addresa * lRKNl4lK. AljCSON & CO. , PH1LAUELVUIA , FliNN'/J THE Chicago doctor who lias been performing surgical experiments upon his family to illustrate the nmesthetie properties of cocaine , probably docs not owe his insanity to that useful drug. Tiic incidental remark of a re porter that Dr. Bradley was also ad dicted to the use of morphia , may 'account for the mental condition which led him to the promiscuou employ ment of cocaine to an extent that is certainly novel , if nothing else can be said for it. It is also probably an error to say that Dr. Bradley has made "physical wrecks" of his children by the use of cocaine. A man might very readily reduce his family to the condi tion of "physical wrecks" by carving slices out of uiem , either with or with- ! out the use of an antcsthetic , though the wreck would probably be more com plete without the antithetic than with it. Cocaine , like a great manother new remedies , so-called , has 'been vaunted somewhat beyond its actual deserts ; .but within lines now pretty clearly defined it is unquestionably of very great value and entirely harmless. Its special use ia in its peculiar power of producing insensibility when locally j applied to the surface of a mucous I membrane , and this without any consti tutional effects whatever. Lt thus ren- 1 ders painless operations upon the eye. ' in the nose or the mouth , or in other sensitive parts , and removes , that state ' of congestion and hypenusthewa , or 1 extreme sensitiveness , that is the cause I of so much suffering. Within this field i the almost unique properties of cocaine have proved it to be of very great im portance , and it is a pity that anything so useful to humanity should be dis credited by the absurdities of a crazy mar. Philadelphia Times. IN Kansas , when a man goes to the drug store to get .something good for his stomach he has to sign a paper setting forth his ailment brief. } . The Chicago Tribune man who has been looking over the liquor registers in sonic of the To- peka and Leavemvorth drug stores , finds that some Kansans drink a few gills of whiskey for toothac.hc.some for back ache , some forgeneral debility , " and one honest invalid records it that he wants the medicine "to hide his sorrow. " TIIE new Oxford paper , t he Standard , by W. T. Lindsay , is "the latest. " The Standard makes quite ,1 creditable ini tial appearance. El wood Citizen : Jack Moore , the gentlemanly and efficient conductor who has been on the Elwood-Holdrege run since the completion of this branchhas , been changed to a main line run , with headquarters at McCook , and George Whitman , of Oxford , supercedes him. We are sorry to loose Jack , though our loss is his gain and we imagine any pro motion the B. & M. may give him will be merited. Some settlers in Hitchcock county have foolishly organized a sort of a vig ilance committee to protect themselves against the depredations of range cattle. And maiming , slaughtering and im pounding stock is being indulged in , es pecially in the northwest part of tlje count } ' . Cooler and better judgment should prevail among these settlers. At this season of the year it is obviously impossible to move the herds out of the county. It were just as impossible a thing to "hold" stock , and the only al- ternative is that the cattle be permitted to range at large until spring seed time , when stockmen will round them up , pro- paratory to moving them to greener fields. A little common sense exhibit ed on the part of settler and stockman will obviate most of the existing trouble , and we prescribe the medicine. FROM press dispatches we glean that Sparks of the general land office has finally and sensibly arrived at the con clusion that Sparks , no matter how brilj liant , is not paramount to the laws of the United States , and that the doughty ci-mmissioiier has "taken water" ' on a number of his recent rulings. Theopin- j ion prevails generally , anil is being voic ed widely by the press , that the com missioner's ruling on the liomchicnd law. which ruling pecms to be in direct con tradiction to the laws of the United States , will be sut aside by the secretary. Further , that the issuance of patents , where proofs shows "continuous" resii i dence , as well as those cases of contest j and upon which the department has j I passed , has been ordered , and addition-1 i al clerks employed for that purpose. Sparks will shortly be where the ex-com missioner was when he"stepped down and out. ; Our people will not forget the art lecture by Prof. French , on the even ing of December 15th. r > < " - S UPPLEMENT. THURSDAY , DECEMBER 1O. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. North Platte Tiibune : We have it' from good authority that the contract for the grading of the Iloldrege extention of the ] ! . & M. road has been let from Elwood in Gosper county to Curtis in Frontier county , a distance of about 30 miles. The road runs from Elwood in a northwesterly direction nearly to the southeastern corner of this county , thence nearly west through range ! 2G and a portion of 27. dipping abruptly southward to a point near Curtis in range 28. some six miles south of the south line of Lincoln county. i Gazette-Journal : The organization j I ' known as the Brotherhood of Locomo- i I live Engineers are making extensive ar- I ' rangemcnts for .1 grand ball and banquet to be held in McCook in the near future. The necessary committees have been ap pointed and all are working heroically to make this , their inaugural ball a suc cess beyond the peradventure of a doubt. Invitations "will be issued to the friends of this organization all over Nebraska a nd it promises to be the largest gath ering of "lever handlers"and their friends ever held in the state. Exten j sive preparations are already being made to cntrrtain and piovide for the visitors to that magic city , and the ball and banquet. Hayes Centre News : .The county and precinct ofik-crs elect are required to file their official bonds and be sworn in on the first Timr.-day after the firt Tuesday in January , which will be the j 7th. The county commissioners will' ! then be in regular se-aion. Jlymember the date .January 7th. ' " ' * The cxten- sion of the Burlington & Missouri from Holdrege northwest , which was dcsigii- ed to strike the Union Pacific at Ogal- lalahas , taken a new shootaccording to Colorado papers. The intention now seems to be to run the line midway be tween the main lines of the Burlington & Missouri and Union Pacific , cross the latter at Sterling , Colo. , and strike out northwest for Cheyenne , the ultimate terminus of the branch. LAND-OFFICE BLANKS In oitlerinif , { rivir ollice niinilvr : uul title of blank , with quantity of each blank wanted. Put only one blank on n line to iivoid mis- lakes. 2P3ioney mu-t invariabl ; airoin- yuny the order. Aclchvss MeCOOIC , XE I HI ASKA . I ' 05C21T : . litlc : 3hi > . Per tsr 3 : : : = . Harartl. APPLICATIONS TO KSTinj. - -007 Homestead Luv- . 15 Cts. , lJi > l-OW Timber-Culture Law . 15 JJi > At-TIDAVITS. J 1 Ota Xon-Minci-iil . 15Cts. . ? 1.00 M ) 5 Timber Culture Kntry. . . 15 1.00 MM > { Homcstetul Entry . 15 " l.m 1-Oli' ) Comiiiutiitloii. Hil . 15 " 1.00 HI70 Final , Homestead . 15 " 1.00 4-072 Contest , HoiriL-Mcail . 'J5 " .00 t-O-.KJ Contest , Timber Ciiltmc. 25 " 2.00 NOTIOK > . 47 : Tor Publication . 15 Cts. , ? I.OO 4S : Hd Int. to Prove L'p. . . . 15 " 1.00 4-:5'i : Pre-E. . . . . . 15 " 1.00 PIIOOFS. 4-OT. ) Hoiuestomi Final . 50 Cts. . Stf.OO ; ! . . " . 4-74ii.Pre-Kinition Final 50 U.OO : .IISCKr.I\NKlliS. 4--kJo Declaratory Statement. . 15 Cts. . § 1.00 Tou-n hi | > Plats. Other blanks will be prepaied as called for. LEGfIL BLHNKS IE STOCK. THE- ( FULL ROLLER PROCESS. ) is xon * IKAUY TO DO A General Milling Business. Your patronage solicited. CLARK WARD. Manager. il na iSftfs lU JGi lidbf CATTLE ! Rain Does Not Affect It. FOR SALE BY FREES & HOCKNELL , SOLE AGENTS.