The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 26, 1885, Image 7

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    * ttJirf .
Thursday. November 26 , 1885.
CONGREGATIONAL. Sunday School nt 10
A. M. every week. Prcnchinp services every
Sunday night nt 7. M. T. Also , every alter-
nnto Sunday morning nt 11. M. T. Exceptions
to the above will he noticed In locals.
METHODIST. Services every Sunday nt 1" :
SO A. M. nnd 7 P. M. . mountain time. Sunday
School at X P. M. The services nnd Sunday
school will beheld for the future in the new-
church. All nre cordially invited. Seats free.
W. S. WHKKI.KH , Pnstor.
CATHOLIC. Services will be held in tlio
church once every four weeks.
Uefruhir meetings , Tuesday night on
or before full muon ofjcvcry month.
S. L. GItEENV. . ; .l.
F. L. MCCUACKEK. Secretary. _
LD. Meets.tho flrt-t and thiiil Wednes
day evening of each month.
A. M. SPALDING , K. It. 8.
ulnr mectin > rson the first Wednesday
of each month.
K II. AicCHinALP. Chief.
H. or L. E. Brotherhood of Locomotive En
gineers. Meet Ill-fit and fourth Saturdays of
each month. S. E. HOUR , Chief.
.1. C. ANDEIISON , F. A. T ) .
J. 1C. ItAitNKS POST G. A. H. Kepnlar meet
ings second and lourth Monday evenings of
each month nt Opera Hall.
J. A. WILCOX , Commander.
.7. II. YAKRER , Adjutant.
Open from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. . M. T. Office
will be closed thirty minutes before arrival and
departure of mails. SUNDAY , ollico will be open
from 7 to 8 A. M. and from 4 to 5 P. M. . M. T.
A. P. SiiAiUVP. M.
No. 8 0:30. A. M. No. 4U . . . .5 : ' .J , P.M.
No.ffil 12:50. P. M. No.l * : " > o. P. M.
C3 # Eastbou nd trains rtn on Central Time ,
and westbound trains on Mountain Time.
Freight trains do not carry passengers
It. It. WOODS , Afr-cnt.
Local Intelligence.
Fresh candy at the City Bakery.
For Tansill's Punch Cigar go to the
Commercial llous-e.
Sheriff Welborn was in the cityTues
day on business.
Spot cash will be paid for milch cows
by Chas. E. Hinman.
E. F. Ryan , the Jeweler , first door
west of Citizens Bank.
Jacob Steinmetz of Sutton was in town
a few hours , Monday.
OEgpiAloody & Winter , City Dairy , for
pure and wholesome milk.
jMuody Starbuck of the county-seat
was a visitor in town , Monday.
The celebrated Cumberland smithing
coal at Hallack & Howard's lumberyard.
Money to loan on real estate and pat
ented land bv the McCook Loan and
Trust Co. J
The Iseminger Automatic Bill and
Letter Filethe very best in the market ,
at this office.
E. F. Ryan is an expert on railroad
watches. Boys give him a tiial at Dr.
Willey's old stand.
TilC TltlBUNE will club with any jour
nal in the United-States at reduced rates.
Select your paper and call for figures.
Stock boarded by the day or week at
Olcott's barn , opposite Colvin [ louse.
Alsjj buys and sells stuck on commission.
All kinds of watch , clock and jewelry
repairing warranted to give satisfaction
at E. F. Ryan's , first door west of Citi-
2ens Bank.
The Central Meat Market of Church
& Whittaker has at all times the choic
est cuts oi steak and other meats for
their patrons.
The Commercial House grows more
and more in popular favor every day.
They know how to meet the wants of
all who stop there.
A hundred thousand dollars could be
readily loaned in this part of the coun
try in a very short time , and on good ,
real estate security.
They have just received a choice con
signment of candies at the City Bakery ,
and lovers of that toothsome article are
requested to call and sample them by
Our merchants report a heavy trade
in blankets and woolen goods , the first
of the week. The reason is obvious to
those who experienced the chilly south
easter which prevailed at that simc.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to me on account are requested
to call and settle , as soon a ? possible ,
cither by cash or bankable paper.
Evervbody is breathing anathemas
against the Heywoods and kicking him
self ( figuratively to be sure. ) for hav
ing .paid To cents to sec a two-for-a-
Tiickle show. ' 'Sweet are the ways of
adversity. "
Optics draped in mourning and nasal
appendages fractured were somewhat
common among the school boys , last
week. Thete ornaments are 'not signs
of warfare , but the effects of reckless
ball playing.
Gold pens , at McCracken's.
V. Franklin made a flying visit to the
county-seat , Tuesday.
All kinds of engraving done by E. F.
i Ryan at Dr. WillcyV old stand.
New Store ! New Goods ! L. Lowman
& Son , Pate Block , Main Street.
I _
{ A full line of genuine Pebble specta-
, clesjust received at .AJcCracken's.
The cch-bratcil Cumberland smithing
coal at Haliack & Howard's lumber yard.
A nice line of hanging and stand
lamps at the Metropolitan Drug Store.
J. T. Morris of Stockville invaded
KO head-quarters for a few minutes ,
' yesterday.
Take your watches , clocks and jewel
ry to E. F. Ryan , the Jeweler , at Dr.
Willev's old stand.
Remember this office when you want
a well-dist laycrl dodger. We have the
only large wood type in the city.
The ladies of the Episcopal Guild are
arranging for an entertainment , in the
near future , concerning which we hope
to write , more in tho future.
We unintentionally omitted the name
of the firm of Wilcox & Fowler , in the
list of business men who will close their
stores on Thanksgiving Day , published
in our last issue.
December 15th , Prof. French , the car
icaturist , will give one of his entertain
ments , under the auspices of the public
school , at the Opera Hall. More extend
ed notice in due time.
Last Friday night , a young son came
to occup } ' a place in the hearts and
house of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ludwick
of our city. A peculiar exhilaration of
spirits has been prominent in J. H. ever
QfARTEUS Dr. Boyle has mov
ed bis dental office to new and handsome
quarters in the Pate brick. About the
first of the month , Dr. Stutzuian will al
so occupy a part nf the same suite of
New advertisements by Messrs. Brick-
cy & Co. and Ludwick & Trowbridge ap
pear in this issuf. These enterprising
business men have prime bargains iu
store far all. Give them a call , and see
for yoursel f.
We hope , at an carl } ' date , to chroni
cle the establishment , in our cit } ' , of a
lodge of that excellent organization , the
Ancient Order of United Workmen. An
effort to that end is now making , with
good prospects of success.
R. A Cole , fashionable merchant tail
or , has constantly on band as fine a class
of goods as can be procured. Suits made
up in the latest st le , and perfect fits
guaranted. Prices reasonable. Shop
two doors west of Citizens Bank , Mc
Cook , Nebraska.
Saturday was a day of unusual activ
ity for this bustling little city. Farmers
were in from every point of the compass
with loads of grain , which were quickly
sold and converted into groceries , dry
goods , and the like. As a market our
city can't be excelled.
Our reporter noted the presence of
W. J. McGillin , Benj. Bird , D. Guern
sey and Lew. Armacost , managers of
the heaviest cattle companies in South
western Nebraska , at a small convention
of stockmen holden at the B. & M. de
pot Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris are occu-
pj-ing one of C. N.-Batchelor's houses
for the present. Frank has purchased
the two lots on Main Avenue , north of
A. E. Lytle's property , ( formerly owned
by Fred. Harris. ) upon which he will
build in the spring.
A NEW LAW FIRM Messrs. Sylves
ter Cordcai of Pontiac , 111. , and J. A.
Cordeal i-f Alma have formed
- , a part
nership and will engage in the practice
of law in our city. Both of these gen
tlemen are well versed in legal lore and
will make an acceptable addition to the
legal fraternity of this city.
Red Willow , who i * giving sheep rais
ing considerable attention , informs us
that the last shipment of wool made by
him , November 6th , sold for 321 cents
per pound , an average which would be
considered a good sale in Illinois or Iowa.
II. T.Thompson & Co.Chicagohandlcd
the shipment.
Hey wood's Mastodons performed be
fore a full house at the Opera Hall , Sat
urday night last , but concluding from
the amount of adverse criticism we have
heard on every hand , their entertain
ment was anything but a success so far
as the appreciation of the audience is
concerned. Financially it was entirely
satisfactory to the company , we im
An order has been promulgated where
by the word assistant has been elimin
ated from our worthy Superintendent's
official title. It is now simply , A.
Campbell , Superintendent. % What the
future , with its Colorado extension and
numerous lateral branches will bring , we
can only surmise.
Inquire for the Royal , it is better
than gold , at McCracken's.
St. John's Day December 28th
will be commemorated by the Masonic
Order by a grand ball and supper , to
gether with exercises of a literary na
ture. B. F. Rawalt and daughter of
Hastings will be among those present.
A grand affair is assured. We will make
more specific mention later.
New Store ! New Goods ! L. Lowman
& Son , Pate Block , Main Street.
1 On last Thursday night , S. B. Brown
and family started for Ontario , Califor
nia , where they will make their future
home. Mr. Brown was one of our most
industrious farmers. We note his de
parture with regret , and wish him con
tinued prosperity in his new home. May
his "lines fall in pleasant places. "
Buy one of those sweet , harmonious
Kazoos at McCracken's.
1 Persons holding contracts and deeds
j from the Lincoln Land Co. would do
1 well to refer to them in the matter of
taxes. It will be found that the taxes
on the same are largely delinquent , and
although the amounts may be smallcon ,
siderable annoyance may be avoided by
1 inquiring of the county treasurer as to
the sum due , and promptly liquidating.
j Remember Church & Whittaker for
! choice fresh meats of all kinds.
Work on the foundation for S. L.
Scott's brick , on the corner south of the
Commercial House , was commenced ,
this week. One of the two frame build
ings , which have been occupying the
lot , has been moved to the rearand the
other is being taken farther up the hill.
The foundation will be completed , and
properly covered until the coming spring ,
when a handsome superstructure will be
New Store ! New Goods ! L. Lowman
& Son , Pate Block , Main Street.
The question which doth agitate the
stockmen of Southwestern Nubraska is ,
where to move their herds , next spring.
The heavy immigration of the past two
years has necessitated the movinc of
their large herds to greener pastures
more extensive ranges where the set
tler , with his "yaller dorg , " are not to
molest them. Two years have worked
great and important changes in this
part of Nebraska , and as yet this is only
the beginning of still more radical
changes and improvements.
To be given away ! Inquire at Mc
Cracken's Jewelry Store.
A young man by the name of George
Fox was arraigned before Squire Colvin.
Tuesday morning , charged with stealing
twelve cans of oysters from W. II. H.
Clark , who runs a fruit stand near Law-
son's hardware store. His honor/after
hearing what evidence was presented ,
held the young man , who but recently
arrived from Kansas City , guilty of the
theft , and sentenced him to twenty days
imprisonment in the county jail. An
appeal was taken , and Fox was placed
under $500 bonds to appear at the next
term of District Court.
The best boot in America. The Wal
ker boot. Sold only by C. H. Rogers.
The fire plug at the corner of the Cit
izens Bank having sprung a leak , the
company had a force , of men remove the
same on Monday. This leaves the city ,
though possessed of an excellent system
of water works , whose water mains ram
ify throughout its length and breadth ,
without a fire plug and practicably at
the mercy of the devouring element.
Out of due regard for the safety of the
city an attempt should be made to secure
a number of hydrants. The city has
righteous claims which the Water Works
Co. will no doubt acknowledge.
Great Reduction in Watches and
Jewelry at McCracken's.
The bottom seems to have dropped
out of the cattle market completely.
Never during ten years past have cattle
sold at the prices of the present year.
Last week , Messrs. Wood and Warner
of Laird and Judge Baker of the Medi
cine sold in the aggregate some two
hundred head of sieers , cows , etc. , at
the extremely low figure of two cents
per pound. And even at such prices
the demand is limited indued. We would
advise stockmen not to sell one head
more than is absolutely imperative.
Such prices are ruinous , and another
year will witness a much stiflferraarket * ,
and a greatly reduced supply.
Holt Holds the Fort.
There is now in progress , in this city ,
a temperance revival , under the direc
tion of C. J. Holt , a well-known tem
perance lecturer who operates under the
'auspices ' of that grandest of organiza
tions , the Woman's Christian Temper
ance Union , which bids fair to stimu
late and strengthen the temperance peo
ple and sentiment of this place to a
healthy degree. The speaker deals with
this important question in a manner de
cidedly unique , but squarely and thor
oughly , and as one who knows whereof
he speaks. And tvho but one who has
drank deeply , and to the dregs , of the
bitterness that strong drink entails ,
knows how to befittingly picture and de
pict the effect of the traffic ? The meet
ing has but commenced , and THE TRIB
* UNE ' with all lovers of their kind ' wishes
jit god-speed , and the fullest measure of
! success.
55 ? Sweet Michigan Cider of excel
lent quality at the City Bakery.
Cambridge Kaleidoscope : Charley
Knight the wide-awake manager of the
Chicago Lumber Yards at this place and
Arapahoe , was called to McCook , last
Friday , on important business. The
Messrs. Frees & Hockncll informed him
that they intended to organize a stock
company , January 1st , 1886 , and none
but old men in their employ , could take
stock in it. They also informed him , that
they would give him entire charge and
control of their lumber yards , number
ing sixteen , situated in Kansas , Colora
do and Nebraska. This was quite an
agreeable surprise to Charley , and it
tickled him clear down to his boots , as
it were. Mr. Hockncll will take a much
needed rest , and make a trip down
through' Mexico , Arizona and Califor
nia. Charlie has our congratulations
and we wish him abundant success.
New Store ! New Goods ! L. Lowman
& Son , Pate Block , Main Street.
friends of Rev. F. B. Lemon , the ven
erable superintendent of the Nebraska
mission conference of the M. E. church ,
will bcrpained to learn that he sustain
ed a stroke of paralysis at North Platte
on Saturday. He had gone from his
home at Kearney to NorthPlatte , ex
pecting to hold services iu the latter city
Sunday. The good old man was taken
to his home in Kearne } ' , where at last
accounts he was resting easily. There
is probably no better known clergyman
in the state and certainly none more
highly respected. His affliction will
come very near to thousands of homes
in Nebraska , and to many in this city.
His friends await further information
from his bedside and hope his days of
usefulness are not ended.
All kinds of jewelry repairing and en
graving done by E. F. Ryan at Dr. Wil-
ley's old stand.
The plate glass front of the Paragon
Drug Store was placed in position , Tues
day. The carpenters have almost fin
ished the shelving and counters , which
are by far the finest in the cityand are
about ready for the painters. The Par
agon will be what its name implies ,
when completed , unexcelled.
Remember , we have the most exten
sive line of land and legal blanks west of
The firm of McCammon & Ayres was
dissolved by mutual consent , the first of
the week , the junior partner in the co
partnership , Jas. Ayres , retiring. Mr.
McCammon will continue the business
at the old stand , while his outgoing
partner will return to his home at Wy-
All repairing entrusted to my care will
receive prompt attention. E. F. Ryan
Jeweler , first door west of Citizens
A gentleman from Richardson county
was in the city , Tuesday , looking up a
location for a newspaper. He found a
most encouraging prospect here , but we
believe he has not decided fully to re
Crete Globe : Captain Good\vin and
family will move to McCook about the
first of January , where the Captain has
a homestead within a couple of miles of
that lively city.
Thanksgiving day has been generally
observed in this city. Both churches
were filled with our people to hear the
respective services. .
I have five head of shouts for sale at
my farm six miles northwest of Mc
A number of fine canary birds. Call
on Harry Ryan.
Mrs. T. S. Bosley is entertaining a
fnil of relatives.
J. Swan made a flying visit to the city ,
Tuesday of this week.
J. B. Jennings and family made friends in
Culbertson a visit , Sunday.
Senator Quinn of Peoria , 111. , made us a
pleasant call , this afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. AV. J. Hills have moved into
their neat little cottage on the hill.
Miss Flora Sliaw went down to Iiiilianola ,
Tuesday evening , on a visit to relatives.
Cashier Brown of the 1st Xation'l was down
at the county-seat , yesterday on busuic .
Mrs. W. AY. Fihher went down to Indianola ,
Saturday evening , on at-liort visit to relatives.
J. T. AVray , M. M. Iloihe , F. Bert. Kblcy
and other Culbertsou people were in town ,
Father Dresser of Franklin , well known to
many of this place , came up to town , Tues
day on 39.
B. F. Kawalt of Hastings was a passenger
on 40 , Monday evening , ou his return from a
trip to llaigler.
Mr. aud Mrs. AV. C. Furt of the Eating
House are absent visiting at Mrs. F.'s home
in Rockford , 111. *
L. AVestgate of Stoekville , county clerk of
Frontier county , had hitsine.-s before the local
land office , Monday.
A. P. Bonnot cauiu up to the city on ! K ) .
Saturday. Al's visit was of a.strictly busi
ness nature , of course.
J. C. VauDuskirk of Hcnkchnan , one of
Dumly's energetic young stockmen , had busi
ness at this place , Monday.
C. S. Howard of the extensive lumber iinu
of Hallack & Howard , Denver , Colo. , was iu
the city , yesterday on business.
Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Shaw went tint on the
homestead near Hyde , yesterday , where they
will remain a number of weeks.
V. Franklin of the Citizens Bank went
down to the Capital City on business. Friday
evening. He returned on No. 1 , Saturday.
AV" . S. Smith of Denver , Colo. , editor of the
"AVestera Sport and Theatrical Kecord , " in
vaded this sanctum , last Thursday afternoon.
Fred. D. Pitney of Culbertson , county su
perintendent-elect of Hitchcock comity , was
in the city two or three days , the first of the
Bro. A. E. Powers of the Stockville Faber
passed through this station , Tuesday evening
on 40 , on his way home from a visit at Hyde ,
A. C. Xettleton , Jr. . left on Xo.'J , Monday
morning , for the old home in Stockbridge ,
Mass. , where ho purposes making a visit of
some length.
Mrs. Geo. Dungan aud the childrencame
dowu from the homestead near Otis , yester
day , and spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Dun-
gau in this city. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Lathrop , Sheriff Welborn ,
Major CriMvell. ( the tall sycamore of Elm
coruer ) and other couuty-seat people were in
town , last Thursday afternoon.
County Treasurer J. II. Goodrich was in
towu , Tuesday , looking after delinquent tax
payers. Oscar Shaw of the county-seat was
also a visitor iu the city , Tuesday.
Mrs. Chas. M. Fisher of Hastings is the pur
chaser of Frank Harris' half section south of
the city. As our towu assumes metropolitan
proportions that laud will be valuable.
Cyrus Odell of AVoodville , Ohio , who has
hccn in the city for a uumbcrof days , started
for his home iu the Buckeye State , Friday
morning. Mr. Odell was here ou land business.
H. S. AVig ? insaiidwifeMis-sXellieDuflieId
and AV. F. Wiggins , all of Hayes Centre , were
at the Eating House , Sunday and Mouday of
this week. The above parties each have claims
iicar the Centre.
J. T. Morris of Stockville was in town on
jaud business , the latter part of the past week.
Mr. Morris is Surveyor of Frontier couuty.and
transacts an extensive real estate business iu
connection therewith.
Miss Jennie Shaw left for AVilber ou the
early train , yesterday morning , where she will
make her sister an extended visit. Miss Jea-
uie's numerous friends will miss her from the
social circle greatly.
George Papin aud George McCartney of
Indianola passed through this place , Tuesday
evening , ou 40 , ou their way home from a
bunting expedition outvest. . They reported
but limited success.
T. J. Ferguson of Alma , sou of J. M. Fer
guson of our town , returned home on 40 , Mon
day night , after a visit of a few days iu this
city. Mr. F. is HUIIOT member of the law Iinu
of Ferguson & Houston.
Mrs. Sylvester Cordeal and thechildren ar
rived from Alma on SO , Monday. Mrs. Cor-
deal's mother also aecompaiiied her. The
family has gone to house-keeping in the Ar-
buckle residence on North Madisou.
C. E. McPherson , Page Francis and Fred.
AA'eed all came down from ' 'tlicbeautiful and
fertile Yuuia Valley , " Tuesday evening ou
40. The.-c gentlemen are doing a large pro
portion of ttie work of settling that section of
Frank II. Preston started for Byron , III. .
Sunday , where he. will pa-s the winter. He
will return in the spring and set out lib. nur
sery stock ou the land purchased by him from
John Whittaker , south of towu , and which he
has been preparing for that purjxMi during
the past season.
Israel AA'ood of Laird P. O. was iu tin : city ,
Monday , on business , aud made us a frieudly
call. He informs us tbat he is about to start
for the Dismal river region with his herd , in
order to sectire greater extent of range. His
new location isabouttwohuudred miles north
of bere , in one of the least inhabited portions
of the Dismal county. His bunch of horses
will remain , this winter , ou his raucb near
Laird , where be has abundance of feed , bay ,
corn , etc. For a stockman , Israel made quite
a granger record , this last summer , raising
over fifteen hundred bushels of king corn.
1 or 2 stock cows for corn. Inquire
of Ji Gr. Baton , McCook. 2ti-2t.
E. M. Brickey & Co. for clothing. . -
J. G. Stokes of the Willow is iiTtdwrTr.'T
If yon want a superior letter file , call .
at this office.
New Store ! New Goods ! L. Lowmau
& Son , Fate Block , Main Street.
Eight dollars and sixty-three cents
we're contributed at the Congregational
church , Thanksgiving Day , fur the poor.
The courteous treatment and first-
class accommodations at the Commer
cial House are making that hostlerie
The first fresh oysters of the season
at Ed. Kueslcr's , first door ahove the
P. 0. Oysters by the can or served in
every style. Fresh consignments every
Foit SALK 175 acres deeded land ,
with improvements to amount to $500.
Situated 2 miles from McCook. For
terns call on or address editor of THE
Nebraska flour for Ncbraskans. The
Cjty Bakery received a car-load of that
celebrated Grand Island Flour , this
week. The shipment contains the new
brand of frbur. "White Frost' " which is
without a peer , and is guaranteed to be
the very finest brand in the city.
On December 31st , 1SS5 , the firm of
Frees & Hocknell will go out of bust-
ness. All parties owing us are respect
fully requested to call and settle at once ,
either with cash or bankable paper. All
goods sold hereafter for cash.
Nov.tth. . FREES & HOCKNELL.
A young team of draft horses. Will
weigh about 2,800 Ibs. For sale or trade
for land. A bargain. Call at this office
fur fuither particulars.
Residence for Sale.
I am offering my residence property
on the corner of Madison and Dodge
streets for sale. J. B. MESEKVK.
A 1,000 pound JMosier Safe , fire proof ,
for sale cheap.
LunwtcK & TuowiminnK.
Two second-hand buggies. Will bell
or trade the same for horses.
West Dennison St.