. . . T 7 * * * i-"i' * r-1't" 'fgT. * * .y G STOR H ' S -0 MfcCOOK , NEBRASKA. i ms - ; A. SPALDING PROPRIETOR 5-2 . . , , i > O : i Oo p I Fianos and Organs , : II ; D \ I SEWING MACHINES. ; o * * 5 ' ] J. A. TAYLOR , Druggist. .FREES' & HOCKNELL , PROPRIETORS OF THE DEALERS IN : LuR } : - ? , Lime , Sement , Sasli , Doors , Blinds , HARD AND SOFT COAL. YA" : : AT L'eGOOS ) INDIANOLA , CAMBRIDGE , ARAPAHOE , AND OXFORD. OSiallenge Wind Mil ! , Suin-rior to any ou tliu market , being llcnier. . Stronger Built , and therefore a more Durable Mill. It Is the only absolutely safe Mill built ; anil outof Thousands Erected During 12 Years past , not one has ever blown away anil left the Tower stanilin ? . A record no other Mill can show. "We offer to put up any of our PUMPING MILLS ON THIRTY DAYS TRIAL , And if they don't give satisfaction , vrlll remove Mill nt our own expense. Also Manufacturers of the Celebrated Challenge Feed Mills , Corn Slu'llers , Iron Pumps T.-itli brass cylinder ? , Iron Pipe , Tanks. Tor estimates , cntalogucs and prices , apply to G. B. NETTIETON , McCook , Neb. , Apentfor SAuthwrstcin Xcliraska anil Sortliwestern Kansas , -.room In the Wind Power Grist Mill , cast of Russell's Itarn. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET , C'HURCH & WHITTAKER , PKOPS. VEGETABLES STRAWBERRIES IN SEASON. BUTTE-R AND EGGS ALWAYS ON HAND. FBfESH FISH AND CHICKENS. 0HEAPEST AND BEST UNEQUALLED FOR * , Simplicity , Durability. iiisule of Jlill and Pump complete upon application. Every Mill Warranted. Send for Catalogue. THE WOODMAN'SE This mill Is a 'Solid wheel" and the liest self-regulator made. The \Vo < lniuise : Xo. fi. rump is tinI'CM sinnle actinforce pump In tlie market. ' Will work inA ells , from 10 to anjl foot in depth , and has baek att.icliments to fi.rre v.vitur into elevated tanks. Can lie 'used liy hand ur windmill. Parties contemplating the creetiou of a V.'In.lniill will cun ult tlieli- > i' t interests br ealllnK at my Homestead , 1 > mili-s X.V. . of MrCook. or at JJ. .I ilmston's. o'mllus S. K. . and at Hcwltl s Market Garden , S. E. of .Mc' " oK. and examine the worktupof tlie AVoodma/ite. . M. IRWIN , Agent , "Woodmanse "Windmill Co. , Freeport , HI. /n ft IV C. A. NETTLETON , Prop. AM" Kinds of Feed Ground * . COJfN SHKLLED AND GROUND , BOLTED , ETC. * * " ' _ , 2 BLOCKS EAST OF RUSSELL'S BARN , * McCOQK , - " - - NEBRASKA. STOCK DIRECTORY. "KILPATHICK BIIOTHEKS. ( Successors to K. 7) . Webster. ) Horses branded oil loft hip or loft hnuldcr P.0. . address. Kstellc , Hayes county , and Hcat- .rice , Nc-bl Itange.Stiiil- ainjT Water and French- "man oreelcs , Chase Co. , I Nebraska. i Ilrandascutonsidcof some animals , on hip and sides of some , or any- wlioro on'the animal. STOKES & TROTH. P.O. address , Carrico , Hayes county. Xob. Itnn c : Ucd Willow creek , above Carrico. Stock branded as above Also run the lazy cvJ brand. EATON BROS. & CO. P. O. address. JlcCook , Xchnutkti. Haiifc'0south ' iof ilcCook. f Cattle branded on left 'hip. ' Also , 10.5 , y\aml 11 brands on left hip. Horses branded the aiiK.-oii lolt shonldur. PAXTOX CATTLE GO. J. D. MISIKVI : . General Manager. Postollieo address , Mo Cook , Neli. Kanch : At 'j prinx Canyon on the jKrciichinan Kiver , Chase j county. Nebraska. I Stoc-k branded as above : jalso 717 on left side ; 7 . on the rjfrhtliip and L on i2SSs = . s r-cir i . . . , , , Y j the rij-'in Khouiner ; L on lett shoulder ami A on lett jaw. Half iinder-croi > lelt car , and siiare-cnii risrht ear IlKXKY T. ClTuKClZ Postollicc.Osborn.Neb. liaiiiru : lied Willow ereek. in S. W. corner of Krontier county. Cattle bi-mdcd OLD mi ri ht fide. Also , an over crop < m rhrht car and iinii-r i-iop on left. Uoi > es liiMiidi-d 8 on rfcht shoulder. SPRING citEEKuAITLi .7. T ) . WBI.IIOK.V. Vice President and Snpt. P. O. address , Indiano- la. Neln-aska. Kan-re : 'Hepublican Vn lley. east of Dry rreek. and near head of Sprlns1 Creek , in Chase county. Nebraska. JOS.EIMI AJ.I.EN. Postoiliec aililress. O - born. Xpliniska. Hancli on U M ! Willow- creek. " iiiihabove ( ) s- born ] io.stoilifi * . Cattleiran ! > lcil on ri hl side ami iup * siliavf * . UBUJHJK J. FKKDKKICK I'osto'itcc address , Mc- CixiU. r < cbriskii. Ha iM-li : Knur miles xiMithu-i-st of Mt-Cook , on the Driftwood. Stock branded AJ on tin * left liip. * The mo.t popular V/oekly iiewspapcr devoted to'-cjpnco. mechanicsencineurins discoveriesin ventions and patents over published. Evcrynnm- ber illtistr.itcil with splendid encr.iviii ? ? . This publication furnislipsa most valn.iblePncyclopcdia of infonnntionwliirhno ] ) or.-50n should be without. The popularity of the J5cnxiinc AMr.r.iCAS i" ? such that its circulation nearly cnualsthat of all other pnpers of its class combined. Price. $3.3) a i ynnr. Disconnt-toClubs. Soldbvall nowsdcalers. JIUTiN i CO. . Publishers. No.35lBroadway , X. Y. Slunn & Co. have , , also had Thlrty- i 10 Eight years' a" practice before jtho Patent Office and have prepared Jraore than One Hundred Thou sand applicationInrpatents in the United States and forcicn ci-uiitrics. , Caveats. Tradp-JInrU" . Copy-rishts , As.sicninents. and all other papers for . -.irinR to inventors their rights in the Jnited State. , i.'annua. Encland. l-rancc. ( ( tcrinnnv anil othc-r foreign countries , prc- . . Jliarcdat-hortnoticcaiHlonre.T-onabletenns. I Information ato obtaining patents checr- jfnll ) Rivon without , cliarfiiHandbooks of 'information j-ent free. Patents obtained ) ush Munn 4 ( ! o. are noticed in the Scipntilic Arai-ncan iree Tha advantage of such notice is well dinieistood by all persons who xrish todis- " " ' IMAddresfcC"ilbxN & CO. . Office SciKrnnc J331 Uroadway , Xcw York Best i LAND-OFFICE BLANKS In onlering , givt ; otticc rnunber anil title of blank , with ii au tity of each blank wanted. Put only one blank on a line to avoid mis takes. 2PMoney must invariably accum- ] > any the order. Address ifeCOOK , NEBIJASKA. lhsk < Per Per Ioea. Husirol. APPLICATIONS TO UNTKlt. 4-007 Homestead Law 15 Cts. , ? 1J" " > 4-000 fiinber-Culture Law 15 " Ui3 AFHUAVITS. 4 OfcJ Xon-Minepal . . l.'iCts. , Sl.OO 4-07 ; ; Timber Culture Entry. . . 15 " 1.00 4-001 Homestead Kntry 15 " 1.00 4-OG9 Commutation. Hd l.'i " 1.00 4-070 Final. Homestead 15 " 1.00 4-4)72 Contest * , Homestead i"i " -.00 4kWOContest , Timber Culture. i" " -.00 NOTICES. 4-IU7 For Publication : . . . 15 Cts. , 81.00 4-JJ48 Hd Int. to Prove Up. . . . 15 " l.K ( ) 4-M ; Pi-e-K. 15 " 1.00 I'ltOOh'S. 4i i > ! ) Homestead Final 50 Cts. , § : t.OO 4-7ia.Pre-nmjtion : ! Final 50 " 3.00 l-"jr : Declaratory Statement ; . 15Cts. , ? 1.00 ' " 'lilts. Other blanks will IMS prepared as called for. S O'F' LEGHL BLMKS IN STOCK , QITY = - : BAKERY. KTORS. AVE KEEP ON HAND BREAD , PIES & CAKES , GRAHAM BREAD. Cakes Made on Order. ROOM In connection where you win fret coli'ee.sand- wiehes. pies , etc. , at all hours. CATTLE ! Rain Does Not Affect It. FOR SALE BY FREES & HOCKNELL , SOLE AGENTS. . H. DOLAN , 3ICCOOIC , XKIJUASICA. s three drays ntanajred by re poni ble men. Will haul freight and express poods i to all parts of the city with caro and dispatch. I Household jjoods moved , coal delivered , and ! all kinds of drayinfr. at the lowest livinjr prices , attended to. 4. ± i Semi 10 cents postajre. and we will mail you FUKU a royal.val uable , sample box ofroods that will put you in the wayof iimkinjr more money at once , than anything . ; else in America. Both sexes of all ajres can live nt home and work in spare time , or all the time. Capital not required. We will start you. Immense pay sure forthose who start at once. l-iVlyr. STI.NSOX Jc Co. . Portland. Maine. Denver to Denver to Kansas City , Denver to OmciEra , Omsiha to Chicago , Kansas Gjty to Chicago , : ; © r c-.a to St , Louis , . BEST L3E\ZE \ SURELOW " LOW RATES . - BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. Through tickets over the Burling ton Route are for sale by tho Union Pacific , Denver & Rio Grande and all other principal railways , and by all agent's of the "Burlington Route : " For further information , apply to any agent , or to P. S. EUSTlS.Ufn'lT'k'tAp't , OMAHA , XEB. r " " : % .v.v . * . * * - tv tv A BALLAD OP BARE. [ Algernon Charles Swinburne. ] Hiph beyond the granite portal arched across. Like tho gateway of some godlike giant's hold Sweep and swell the billowy breast of moor and moss East and westward , and tle dell their slopes enfold Basics iii purple , glows in green , exnltn in Glens that know tho dove and fells that hear the lark Fill with joy the * nipturous fclnnd , ns an ark Full of s.pc 'ry wrought from herb and ( lower anil tree. None" would dicaiu that grief even here may disembark On tlu * wrathful , wofnl innrgo of earth and sea. * Rocks emblazoned like .the mid shield's royal bos Take the HIU with all their blos.som broad and bold : None "A uuld .dream that all this moorland's clow nnd gjos-s Could be dark us tombs that ntrike the spirit a"-cod ! Even in eyes that opened here , and hero behold Xow no.Kim relume from hope's belated spark Any comfort , nor may enrs of mourners hark * Though the rijx ) woods rinjf with golden- th routed glee While tliU'MKil lies shattered like a atranded bark On tho wrathful , woful margo of earth and wsa. Death : iiid doom are they whoso crested tri " umphs to.-s On prciad pluni'jd waves whence mourning notes ate tolled ; Wail of perfect woe and moan for utter losi Hake the bride-songthrough tho graveyard on tho wold "Where tho bride-bed kcejw the bridegroom fat in mould : Where the bridewith death for priest and doom for clerk , Hears for choir the throats of waves liko wolves that bark. Sore anhungered , off the drear Epenjiierio , Fain to spoil tho strongholds of the .strength of S-irk On the wmthful. woful marge , of earth and Prince of storm mid temixr.Jt , lord whoso vrayrf arc dark. Wind whose wings are spread for flight that none may mark. Lightly dies the joy that lives by grace of thee. Love through thec lies bleedinghope lies eold and .stark. On tho wrathful marg-s of earth and sea. "Cob and [ Wallace's Monthly.l Tho descriptive ) words "robs" nnd "backs , " as applied to particular types of lior.scs , arc of limited use in "this country , and .some of our traders seem to suppose that th sy Jir used to dosijj- nate certain brcods'tltat arc known by these names. Tins is : i mistake. Tho terms are not used to dcsignato a breed , but to indicate the typo of an animal , in his f.iy.0 and conformation , ( indif ferencewhat bis blood or whether ho has any blond. A "cob' ' is a short- lejjged , stout , block and compactly built animal , varying in * height from thirteen hands three inches to fourteen hands throe inches. ' 'The "hack" is the same type of an animal , varying in height from fourteen hands { hree inches to liftcen hands three inches. The hack is larger than the eob and the cob is larger than the pony , and thy sizes we have in dicated are after tiie best English usage. Tito Morgan Imr.se. in his original type , would have been tho Englishman's true ideal of the cob. The Vimt Visitor lotlio Yosemlte. [ Western Letter. ] Jn all that has been recorded about the. Yo.scmite no satisfactory evidence has over been produced as to the first white man's footprints on tho level where tlie beautiful .Merced seeks cjcress from the rock-bound chasm. "We con cede that honor to Louis Sammann , a Mono county man , now residing at .Moni lake. Loni.i is a pioneer , an old hunter and a n de in that portion of tho Si erra , arui -iir.'d in many escapades during tiJndian ! troubles , He has abttntlanr proof of a memorable trp into 1 hoalley 1:1 is.ii.1ien \ huntiuc : for ime . ! < ' . o\vil the sinuosities of an Indian t : * 1 .ivr.i tne ( lircctiou of Coiil- terviHc , an i hniii.hc . up in tuo vicinity of lir'd ; 1 Veil f.ui. ne had killed a deor , and , boimr Hourly worn out with fatigue , was se.kin.to . : ne.irest water , when he. came * uifj.Kjjectediy upon ; i larg eanj ) of hostL < > Indians , which liad the effect of scttiinc : .ll liesire for thirst. As may be .NUppoaod , his vi.'ic was > i t short dur.uioi ) . . 1 In lijo 5- : > > rl3Coiiiurlei. . [ Ex''hangc. ] Tr. Frcm-h. in a ivccnt work , " % toon Centuries of Drink in England , " says that inead was the intoxic.int of the ancient i J5ritoi. Tlie i-iomans introuuced wine. Cider was known at an cam date , but the Saxons. L > aics , and Nor mans brought in the see-ret of stronger noTor.iges. JJisri'lea liquors were intro a duced un/lcr the i'liinta cnets. and clergymen then beican to tipple. In ihc si.x'th century men.f all drees * ' -.Ium- hered awny their tine. in ( iruncennvs. ! : " Tho prevalent intcmp.M'anc. ' of t.u * sjv- onteenth ( .entnry i.s .said ro be due to the act to eneoun : distiiLiuon , th. ex halation of li.iit . win.-s. tiie miltienco of the court , and the deve opment of toaotini ; and club life. Dr. Fr.-neh pru- dicrs lhat moderation v-l ! increase un- ril intoxicating bevcra.s . shall ' , tcd t' and not abased , and thus bebinc uie of , our f Hotv tin : Spell YJ'a < Kroicnu. t [ liuston Ti-an-cript. ] They sat upon the shelving ro-k. : ! v/hile before them was t-pread out the n rich and grand panorama of iiatiire. ! "How awful ! How sublime ! " thought lii s Pensive : "and Charlie's ? oul , like n mine , is in sympathy with tho scene. He , nii like me , i.s Irwt in admiration. He , like mo , thinks it were profanation-to break I1 the stillness with a single word. " ! Involiintarih * .she turned her head , j Charlie was fast asleep. A sudd i and strangw emotion filled her bo.om. . List : She speaks ! "Charlie , you great dunce ! Come , lot's go into the house ! ' ' Meteorological Itcu. [ Texas Siftiiigs. ] "ilamma. the weather is red hot"said , a little Alibi in boy. "It's prettv warm , sounv , but I don't think tluit it "is red hot. " ' 'Yes it .is ; it says iu the paper Ihst the thermometer is at blood heat , and you know blood is red. " D. Z. E ans : A padlock is not an un necessary ornament to a duck-honso. S UPPLEMENT. THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 26. ADDITIONAL LOCAL . . . - -x-1 * - VVrf V - ' " " - VSSJ' vj- > - > s.v Walker. Walker boots. Violins and accordconsMcGracken's. , Tom Campbell spent Monday night on his claim near Yunta. S37 ° Abstract linen'legal cap with numbered lines at this oiFice. XCVTStore ! ewGoods ! L.Lowman & Son , L'ate Block. JMain Street. . Ualph McUracken returned. Sunday night , from a tow weeks' visit in Towa. The celebrated Cumberland smithing coal at Kallack & Howard's lumberyard. Listen ! Kvery pair of the Walker boots and shoes warranted. Sold by C. II. llogcrs. To THE JJ.VDIKS We have a nice as sortment of calling cards of latest style and best quality. FAU.M LOANS Col. Suavely informs us that he is now procuring farm loans quite easily at 10 per cent. Foil SALE Eight head of yearlings and one four-year-old steer. Call at this office for further information. Foil SALE Lindner & Krmau.have 10 pair of work oxen , also steers , cows ami heifers for sale at Olcott's barn , McCook , Neb. South McCook is doing her share in the general improvement of our city. There are now in course of crcction.six new frame residences in that part of" town THE TKIBUNB has the very best facil ities and workmen for doing Job Work in Southwestern Nebraska. We guar antee neat and tasty work , and entire satisfaction in execution. Stockville News : Quite an excite ment has been occasioned in tins county over the operations of Messrs. Phillips ? , of the Lincoln Land Co.who have been looking around with a view to buying land for a new town site. Nothing defi nite has as yet beoii arrived at , and nothing will probably be done before spring , if then. Stratum Gazette : The familiar feat ures t > f Art Lytlc , McCook's hardware merchant , was seen upon our streets to day. * * MatUollins , of McCookspec ial agent of the Glenn Falls , Y" . Y. , in surance company , called upon us Tues day. * * A party consisting of Johnny MftKvoy , Miss Ainie Moore and Billy Stringfellow attended the Catholic fair at McCook Tliursdnv : Hayes Centre News : Sheriff Small , armed with a warrant , went on double- quick up to Cha < u county to arrest a party m tlie Frenchman whom it is al leged has been slaughtering cattle be longing to the I'axton Cattle Company. There appears to be no doubt of the fel low's guilt , but he had covered up the evidences of his crime so completely that it was thought best not to make the arrest at present. The sheriff says he is slick one. Stock viile. Faber : Those who know Charles Ames. srmer5y of Curtis , will be ( iared to learn that he. was frozen to death in the storm of Friday , the fith iust. lie was : r.iveiling mi the liird- wood. having with him three hor. es. Ho stopped at a camp grour.d aiid tried to ' liorrow s iie dry ceifiRsas those he vrih wearing were thoroughly v.'J'.tcrsoak- cil. The eantjicrs iuiii none to loan but told him there wi.s .1 house about a mile further on where. le could jct all he needed , "flu pressed on but evidently became ) helplcfrs with the colu and the next day the unfortunate man and one oi' his horses were found dead. It is probable that lit would not have frozen hail i his clothing been dry. He was a brother ' of Hiram Ames. vel ! known in this county , who moved to the Uirdwood country last spring. Land arid Legal Blanks. We have now hi stock a full line of land and legal blanks . Orders from a distance will receive prompt attention. AK Y ONE In iieed of a srr.oil liniment. pli < : i > u call at our store anil cctalmttleof ItKOn'sTitnPiUAi * On. . DHL' of the mo-t jierfoct medicines ever j > ro- ilucoU and witrnintrd to euro cul < Is , burn ? , brui-cs. etc. . and reliuvo pain of nil kinds. For Mile liy M. A. Spuldinirnnd S. I. . Grcuu.