r * dm J " ' . - - * . VOLUME IV. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 26 , 188S. NUMBER 26. EW IMMENSE STOCK OF CLOTHING AND DRY COODS ! BOOTS AMD SHOES , , 1,1 * IT/- ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS. HouseFurnishing Goods. LOOK AT CALL EARLY IN THE DAY AND AVOID THE RUSH. IT"l L. LOWMAN & SON , > MAIN STREET , McCOOK , NEB. C. K. LAWSON " "l "ft . . , EDEALER INEE : iii Q i . 02 1 02O -.i O o CO o CO3 : ! & ! ' 02 ( Q vv o SHELF AND HEAVY Stoves and Tinware , BARB WIRE. STUDE8AKER WAGONS , PLOWS , Etc. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Q. L. LAWS , Bolster. C. F. B1BCOC2 , Omen nouns : From 9 A. M. to 12 M. , nnc 1 to 4 1' . M. , mountain time. COCBRAN & HELM , Attorneys-at-LawS Gen'l Agents , McCOOK , : NEBRASKA. Prompt niut careful attention plen to Law Cases In all the Courts of the State ami all classes of 17. S. Land IJuslness transacted licforu the local office t McCook. Nebraska , and thp Interior Department at Washington , 1) . C. Contcsth a npuulalty. Will pros ecute claims for Pensions ami claims for Increase cij Pens Ions. Xotarl.il business done und lands bought and sold m reasonable tenn . JS ? "OllIce. 2d door south of the U. S. Land 0cr. ! ! ! 3.2'J TUOS. COLFKli , ' ATTOENEY - : - AT - : - LAW , AND NOTARY PUBLIC. . \gcut for the Lincoln Lnml Company. Heal Entitle Houpht and Sold and Collections Made. 3 ? " Ollice. Opposite Chicago Lumber Yard , McCook , Nebraska. SXAVKLY & STARR , ATTOKNJSYS - AT - LAW , AND NOTARIKS PCKLIO , 1NDIANOLA , - - NEBRASKA. Will practice In the County and District Courts of Red Willow , Hitchcock and Furnas counties. Commercial collections a specialty. Taxes paid. Conveyances carefully drawn and a general land business transacted. OIHee 1st door south of McCartney's brick store. WM. A. RYAN , B. J. RYAN. Att'y-at-Law. RYAN BROS. , LAW , LfiND AND LOAN OFFICE 5grMoney to loan on Chattels. Legal busi ness will receive prompt attention. Ollice , rear of Citi/ens Hank , McCook , Neb. PAGE T. FRANCIS , COUNTY SURVEYOR , RED WILLOW COUNTY. Keeps certified plats of all lands in the Hitchcock land distuct. Special attention given to all such business. Correspondence solicited. L'-2J. G. W. MINKLEK , Surveyor and Civil Engineer. EST'Will do all kinds of Surveying , Grading , Leveling , etc. Will establish regular sub division corners , and re-establish lost corners , and give cei titled FLATS ot surveys ; the plats being as good as the County Records. Residence at McCook , the first dwelling N. W. of the school house. DR. A. J. SHAW , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. 3rOflicc in the McCook Banking Co.'s Building. DR. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. I27 Oflce : Room No. 1 , McCook Banking Company's Building. DR. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B.&M. RAILROAD. [ OFFICE AT B. & M. PHARMACY , ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. T. B. STUTZMAX , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND AURIST. .McCOOK NEBRASKA. * S7 OIhce on East Dcnnison Street. B. B. DAVIS , M. D.5 PHYSICIAN AND 'SURGEON , McCOOK NEBRASKA ! Oflice : Two doors south of Churchill House. JOHN F. COLLINS , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. n lit rccelt c prompt attention at my shop un Donnlson St. . opposite McCook House. Plans and specifications furnished If desired. WILLIAM McINTYllE , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA. All work warranted. All material furnished if dcsii ed. Work done on short notice. W. M. SANDERSON , HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER , 3IcCooK , - NEBRASKA. { 37 A11 work guaranteed. Give me a call. ROBERT DRYSDALE , MERCHANT TAILOR , XAIN STREET , McCOOK NEBRASKA. W. W. PALMER , Saesr to E. B. HAMILTON. Has opened a full and complete line of HARNESS-AND SADDLERY GOODS , 2 Dor : SIcrth of PwtUSec , UcCOOZ , NEB. Prompt attention given to repairing. Your patronage is solicited. SPOTTS & STIMSON , FASHIONABLE BARBERS & HAIR CUTTERS. Opposite Chicago Lumber Ynrd , MAIX STUEET. - JIcCOOK. NEBRASKA "I WANT A GOOD COUGH SYRUP" Is ft very frequent request In our trade and we invariably jnv tlio person making it UERO'S ciiKimv conoii SYIICF. as wo know it to be the best and most reliable on the market. 1'or sale by M. A. Spaldinsr and S. L. Green. ' * 1 A SUIT against a saloon keeper at Auburn , Neb. , by a widow whose hus band died from exposure iu consequence of intoxication frotii liquor purchased of said saloon keeper , has just terrain- afcd and the jury rendered a verdict of $1,250 and costs in favor of plaintiff. } "STEP right into the parlor and make yourself at home,1'said the nine-year old son of the editor to his sister's best young man. ' 'Take the rocking chair and help yourself to the album. Helen Louise is , up stair.and , won't be down for some time yet has to make up her form , you know before going to press. Jiufce. CoLB.MBt's.this state , has a sensation in a case of trance-sleeping. A young lady twenty-one years old has been in an unconscious state since October 26 , and all efforts to arouse her have been in vain and she has been like a corpse. The only evidence of life arc the beating of the pulse and the breathing , both of which are scarcely perceptible. Cata lepsy is supposed to be the secret of lier strange sleep , and the outcome of the case is watched for with a great deal of interest. 'Lincoln Democrat. THE following from the pen of the late J. G. Holland , possesses the essen tial elements of pathos and truth , al though at variance with the practice of capitalists and monopolists of the pres ent day : "Labor is the honorable thing imong men. There is not a neatly grad ed lawn , a pretty garden , or well-train ed tree that does not tell of it. It builds magnificent cities , and creates navies , and bridges rivers , and lays the railroad tracks , and infuses every part of the lying locomotive. Wherever steamers ) low the wave or the canal bears the na- ; ion's inward wealth , wherever wheat ields wave and the mill wheel turns , ther.o labor is the conquorer and the cing. The newspaper , wherever it spreads wings , bears with it the imprint of toiling hands. Should not the la- jqrer be well fed 1 Should he not be well housed ? Should he not have the ) est wife and prettiest children in the world ? Should not the man who pro duces all that we have to cat and diink and wear be honored ? To us there is more poetry about the laborer's life and ot than any other man under heaven. [ t matters not in what calling a person toils if he toils manfully , honestly and contentedly. The little tin pail should > e a badge of nobility everywhere , and n the good time coming , boysit will be.1 FEW people have any idea of the ex tent of destruction by fire in this coun try. Insurance statisticians say that if the amount of the annual fire loss were saved and applied to the reduction of the national debt , the latter would be ex- inguished in thirteen years. As this s an enormous drain on the resources of the country , the means of stopping it > ecomes an important consideration. The fact that about thirty per cent , of he fires are of incendiary origin and hat fires increase or decrease in direct ratio with failures is suggestive to mor al leformers ; but the far greater number [ of fires officially reported are traceable to caielesiiiess. Neglected flues , bon- < ires , fireworks , cigar stubs , matches ; and spontaneous combustion cause fires ( enough to destroy many millions in : i year , and if every man would be his own reformer in the treatment of combusti- > les or heating apparatus , fires would ) c such rare occurrences that the in cendiary would be a monster in popular estimation and his detection would be easier. Moreover , if people would cure themselves of carelessness during the 'all 'and winter months , when they have ires in their houses , the insurance sta- istician who thinks he detects a mys terious connection between the four per cent , reduction of the loss by fire during he spring and summer months and the reduction in the average rain fall dur- ng those months would be at liberty to levote himself to the more instructive ihases of the information at his dis- tosal. For several years Chamberlain's Coush Kemeily lias been prized for its speedy and certain cures of croup. It is the favorite and 'main reliance with thousands of mother * . It w ill not onl y4curc croup but if freely used as hoon as the first indication of the dNeabe ap pears that is a.s .soon as the child becomes the least hoarse , it will prevent it , doiny away with all danger and anxiety. There is not the least danger in giving the remedy freely , as it contains no injurious subttanre. Sold by AT. A. Spalding and WiUey & Walker. T A T T T 1 * T T S \ f LYTLE BROS. - > SHELF and HARDWARE , NAILS , BARBED WIR Cooking Stoves and Kanges , Bain Wagons and Spring Wagons , Iron and Wood Pumps , SCBEEff DOOES AND WINDOWS , WHEEL BARBOWS , Walter A. Woods Mowers. MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING OF Tin , Sheet Iron and Copper Ware a Specialty , McCOOK , Opp. Citizens Bank. NEBRASKA. EWEL STORE ! OPTIQALx QOODS. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF SILVER AND PLATED WARE The Finest in the West , and at Prices that Can't be Beat in this Country. I ALSO HAVE A FINE LINE OF BOOKS At Half Price ! Bound , Finely Printed siml Make Handsome Gifts. Dickens. 13 Vol. , $0.75. Jrving's Works. 10 Vol. , $ G. . > 0. Mint's Works , S A'ol. , less than $ G. Hundreds of others in proportion. Single books , 45c , to 05c. These prices can't be beat.