The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 19, 1885, Image 7

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Line tartlet pans with puff paste :
lot the edges have three thicknesses
of paste. Fill them with the following
mixture : To a pound of loaf sugar
add the juice of three lemons , two
tablespoonfuls of brandy and a quar
ter of a pound of perfectly fresh but-
Grate the rind of a lemon over
small as possible. Beat six eggs
add them to it. Stir over a fire
jl it begins to thicken like honey ;
then let it partly cool. Fill the pastry
pans and bake in a moderate oven.
Tnto a two-quart pail put one quart
of apples , pared and sliced , over which
put half a cup of sugar , a pinch of
salt and two ounces of butter. Make
batter of two cups of Hour , one spoon
ful of butter ( or clear beef dripping ) ,
a little salt and two teaspoons of bak
? ing powder. Wet up with milk and.
roll out , of a size to cover the apples
in tbo pail. Cover the pail and set in
a kettle half full of boiling water.
Qover the kettle and keep it boiling
briskly for two hours. Turn out up
side down to serve.
An excellent salad dressing , which ,
if kept cool , will keep for a long time ,
is made of the yolks of two eggs beat
en well with two-thirds of a goblet of
best salad oil ( or butter ) adding not
more than a teaspoonful of oil at a
time , and beating it well. One tea-
spoonful of mustard , a large pinch of
salt , a tiny bit of cayenne pepper ,
two tablespoonfuls of sugar , two of
vinegar , the juice of one lemon and
lastly the whites of two eggs well beat
en. Beat the mixture for several
minutes , aud then thin with vinegar
to suit the taste ; put into a glass caa
and keep cool and dark.
One and one-half pints of graham
meal , three teaspoonfulc of baking
powder , one tablespoonfut of butter ,
one ojrg , one-half cup of sujrar , one
teaspoonful of salt. Stir together
with sweet milk or milk and water ,
or use water alone , to a batter not
much stiffer than pancake batter.
Bake in a hot oven. Have your gem
pans well greased.
Eight eggs , eight ounces of flour ,
twelve ounces of white susrar , or two
coflee cupfuls of each. First stir eggs
and sugar together until very white ,
then add the whites beaten to a froth.
Stir in the llour last , just before put
ting in the oven. Flavor with lemon.
Break half a pound of macaroni
into inch lengths , and cook twenty
minutes in. salted water. Drain , cover
the bottom of a small baking dish with
it , strew with grated cheese and but
ter bits , season lightly with pepper
and salt , and cover with another lay
er of macaroni. Fill the dish in this
way , strew butter and cheese over
the top , pour over a small c\ip of milk ,
cover aud bake half an hour , uncover
and brown.
Cut the apples in small pieces with
out paring , and stew till soft , using
more water than for apple sauce. Strani
through a hair seive , then throujrh a
jelly bag twice. To a pint of juice
put three-fourths of a pound of sugar
a pound to a pint makes it too sweet
and boil until the rijrht thickness is
obtained. The addition of lemons
makes it much nicer.
Put half a pound of boiled crab
meat into a stone morter and pound
into a smooth paste with the juice of
half a lemon. Season with pepper ,
; salt , a little grated nutmeg and a
.pinch of curry-powder. Mix this
'paste ' well with six ounces best butter.
'Cut thin slices of bread , trim off the
: crust , and trim the slices with the crab-
An excellent rule for making nut
.candy is to take two pints of maple
.sugar , half a pint of water , or enough
to dissolve the sugar and no more.
; Let this boil uutil it becomes brittle ,
.when a little is "tried" in cold water.
'Butter some plates or tins , cover with
Ikernels and pour the candy over them.
Hickory nuts or butte'ruuts are nicer
with this than almonds or peanuts.
A Crushed Scientist.
' "You might as well own up that
you stole this woman's things. The
silver spoons and the jewelry were
found in your pocket , " said Judjre
Duffy , of New York , to a noted sneak
"I know they were , but I was not
trying to steal them. Your Honor. "
"What were you doing with tho jew
elry and other articles found in youi
pocket ? "
"You see. Judge , she "is a clair
voyant I have always had my doubts
about those kind of people. I don't
believe in spiritualism and all that
sort of thing but still I vas willing to
givo the matter a test , so I just tool
those things when she wasn't looking ,
just to see if she could tell by the mys
7 tic art where to look for them. 1 was
working in tho interests of science
Your Honor. "
"For six months you will work n
the interests of Justice. " Tex-s Sift
An anxious inquirer ssks : . "Where uonli
you advise me to go to learn how to piny th
pianol" To the woods , dear to the deer
rk , damp , dank , dangerous woods.
Frigntful Condemnation of a Mother
by Her Sou AVliat Does It Ittcant
Not long ago a weeping mother called to
bid good bye to her oiJy son who was soon
to be executed.
"Woman , " he exclaimed in amomentary
frenzy , "Woman , I would never have "been
here had you done your duty by mo "when
I was young ! "
This was a terrible parting ! It horrified
the spectators , it nearly crazjd the con
science striken mother.
One can scarcely overestimate the
mother's influence in the moulding of
the character of her offspring. But how
often , oh , how often , do mothers seem to
ignore this responsibility !
Drfring arecent trip on the rail the writer
made the acquaintance of Dr. A. J. Bene
dict , of Sackett's Harbor , N. Y. , a person
who has made a study of human develop
ment. Inferring to the murderous ten
dency of the times , we asked that eminent
man if the outlook was not discouraging ?
"It looks-b' > , " he said , "but. I fancy.wo
have a cau-ie and the remedy for such evils.
In my professional career I have found by
hard study that we have emerged from
savagery by development of the nervous
'system and the intellectual life , and we re
turn to savagery as we ignore the fact that
without the solid , trustworthy nervous
system , we cannot hope to save the race.
Boys stuff dime novels , and the pistol is to
them the only respectably glorious instru
ment to secure fame. Women read trashy
literature and straightway try to murder
their husbands and friends by poison.
Business men yield to the tempter , and
forge and steal and default. Ministers ,
charmed by beauty , forget the behests of
conscience. On every side we see the weak
ness of personal integrity. "
"Do you regard it as a disease ? "
"More especially as the result of disease
which , however , may be prevented. "
"Please define how. "
"I cannot now enter into details. Our
people can see their bodies , their blood ,
their bones. They never see their nerves
and consequently many do not suppose
they have tiny. The farmer's wife rejoices
in a big , physical frame , and yet she dies
prematurely. The nerve cannot stand the
strain of continual work. The minister
falls dead in his puhpit , but he never did a
day's physical work in his life. The lawyer
faints in the presence of the court and is
soon a wreck or a corpse , and yet the work
is nerve work. The man of affairs is over
come with apoplexy ; the politician and
publicist , with Bright's disease. The mind
of the untutored man is fired by the ex
ploits of crime and he longs for such fame.
These persons overwork or over-excite the
nervous system and this fact kills or de
moralizes them. "
"If all this be so how would you. rectify
it then ? "
"Let me tell you. A few years .ago I had
a lady patient who was an utter wreck.
She was the mother of several children.
She lost her mind and imagined she was
cursed of God. She was a farmer's wife ,
and worked early and late. I never saw a
liner specimen of physical womanhood
than she , but she was a nervous wreck !
She became bloodless , had the very worst
of female disorders and was in the last
stages of albuminuria or Bright's disease.
This latter disease works particular havoc
with the nervous system and produces
insanity and despair. She was in
sane and desperate and I fear
tainted the blood of her offspring with
these terrible tendencies. I treated her for
eeveral years. One by one the standard
remedies of the schools failed , but I finally
cured her with Warner's safe cure , and she
is to-day strong and well. Yet thousands
of women like her , every year bring ill-
formed and criminally-inclined children into
the world. Is it any wonder that nervous
diseases prevail ami that the whole moral
sense is demoralized ? If that remedy were
generally used , we would have stronger
mothers , stronger children , stronger men
and women , and with perfect physical and
mental health , crime would decrease and
society be moresecure. "
Such candid opinions are surely worth
The king and queen of Wurtcmburg
pass the winter at Nice.
Mamie Dickens , eldest daughter of the
novelist , has written , a biography of her
Frog legs and fried apples are recom
mended by an exchange as a "good break
fast dish. "
John C. Fremont , the first republican
candidate for the presidency , is in bad
It's an ice house that is cool and com
fortable in Summer time.
Secretary Bayard has never been known
to look at a novel when buying books.
The pumpkin pie of commerce once more
takes its place in society.
"What shall wo do ivltli our Daugh
ters ? "
This question is asked by a well-known
lady lecturer. Well , we can do a great-
many things with them ; one thing , we
must take good care of their health , and
not let them-run down and become en
feebled. For the feminine ailments , which
injiy be summed up in one word debility ,
vre have a sovereign remedy in Brown's
Iron Bitters , which has done much good.
Miss Mary Greenfield , of Galatin , Jll. [ ,
writes , "Brown's Iron Bitters cured i of
nervousness , indigestion and general poor
health. " Let the other young ladies take
the hint.
As the coolness gets stronger , the even
ings get longer.
The vain fop is always lonesome unless
lie has a good looking lass to keep him
Gail Hamilton's political letters are as
breezy as her first name signifies.
A rising young man has usually 'pinions
of his own.
Mr. J. G. Blaine's magnificent Washing
ton mansion is let at $11,000 a year.
If you feel nervous as to your kidneys ,
liver , or urinary organs , use Hunt's
Many a man who had lost nerve , vigor
and energy , has been cured by Hunt's
Joshua Tuthill , Saginaw , Mich. , had
Bright's Disease , and was cured by Hunt's
- la'
Masrlc Lanterns nro outdone. Free circulars.
JIBB1 'Y UU-L CO. , ia East 23th St. , Keir York.
No opiates or poison.
Only twuntv-fi e cents.
Red Star Cough Cure.
To cut nn oyster , says a gastronomic
authority , is to make it indigestible.
One pair of hoots can be paved yearly by using
Lyon's ratent Metallic Heel Stlffcncrs.
The man w.ho loafs away his time has nofc
been prdperly bred.
Cowboys hope to cook their Thanksgiving
turkeys on their own cattle range.
PATENTS obtained by I .ouw Iager & Co. . At-
torneys\VaaliingtouD.C.E4tM 1861. Advice free.
IB it proper to speak o ! a sausage machine
as a home lor lost dogs ?
NebraUa'8 Rapid Growth.
Nebraska happily escaped those civil
and anti-bellum strifes that stained the
soil of "bleeding Kansas , " BO red with
blood , that , like the hand of Macbeth , it
might , "tho multitudinous seas incarna
dine , making the green one red. " The his
tory of the sister state has been one of
peace and prosperity , and her annals con
tain no such records of violence and crime
as in earlier days gave an unenviable no
toriety .to the land for which pro-slavery
and anti-slavery men contended. Though
next to the baby state , Colorado , in point
of age , having only been admitted to the
Union in 1867 , Nebraska has already out
stripped in population many of the older
states , and if the next census returns don't
require seven figures to show the number
of her inhabitants she will be as disap
pointed as was St. Louis when Chicago
took a big jump ahead of her and crossed
the half million line.
After all , however , the greatness of a
State or city does not consist in the num
ber of her residents but in her enterprise
and intelligence , and Nebraska stands this
test also. She claims as thrifty and brainy
a population as any State possesses , and
some recent evidences of popular feeling
upon certain important issues of the day
tend to support this view. New ideas have
been heartily welcomed and merit has re
ceived its due. This will help to explain
why Athlophoros , which has been so suc
cessful as a cure for rheumatism and neu
ralgia in more Eastern States , is now meet
ing with such favor as it makes its way
Westward over the prairies.
Miles Finlan , of Tuckersville , Neb. , says :
"After using two bottles'of Athlophoros I
was enabled to rise from my bed , to which
I had been confined for four months. I
have not had an atttack since , and it is the
longest relief I have found from that dread
disease.-rhcumatism , for nineteen years. I
still have two bottles left that 1 keep in
case I should be again attacked. "
From Long Pine , Erown county , Neb. ,
came good news in a letter from Mrs. M. A.
Moi-ford , who says :
"Two bottles of Athlophoros have al
most cured a lady here who was a great
sufferer from rheumatism. She has been
using the medicine for about two weeks and
finds great improvement. She thinks it a
most valuable remedy and1 is so pleased
with it that she doesn't know how to ex
press herself , butsaysthat those who make
it are angels for helping her so much. I
have also recommended it to several other
persons. "
"Some fourteen months ago , " says A.
Hayward , of Burlington , Ia. , "I was at
tacked with inflammatory rheumatism. I
tried a dozen different kinds of medicine
said to cure rheumatism , but to no pur
pose. Finally , I procured a bottle of
Athlophoros. After using the bottle it did
mo so much good that I bought another ,
but did not have to use more than a third
of the second bottle before I was entirely
cured. From that time up to the present I
have never had anything like rheumatic
pains , aud I thank Athlophoros for the
cure. "
Thomas McCue , Bush's block , Dubuque ,
la. , whose wife was cured by Athlophoros
of a terrible case of rheumatism , declares it
was "truly a miracle in my wife's case. "
If you cannot get ATHI.OIMIOKOS of your
druggist , we will send it express paid , on 10-
ceipt of regular price onedollarper bottle.
"We prefer that you buy it from your drug
gist , but f hehasn'tit , do not be persuaded
to try something else , but order at once
from us , as directed. ATIII.OPHOKOS Co. ,
112 Wall Street , New York.
John S. Wise made seventy speeches dur
ing his recent campaign.
Saoe time and money by using Stewart's Hear
ing Powder for cuts and sores on animals. Sold
everywhere. 15 and 60 cts. a box. Try It
The tramp leaves many ties behind him
railroad ties.
Xo OPIUM In TNo's Cure for Consumption. Cures
where other remedies fail.
Are all the Saratoga trunks carried on the
trunk lines ?
A New "Way to fay Old Debts.
Shakespeare tells how this can be accom
plished in one of his immortal plays ; but
debts to nature must be paid on demand
unless days of grace be obtained through
the use of Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical
Discovery. " It is not a "cure-all" but in
valuable for sore throat , bronchitis , asth
ma , catarrh , consumption , and all dis
eases of the pulmonary and other organs ,
caused by scrofula or "bad blond. " Scro
fulous ulcers , swellings and tumors are
cured by its wonderful alternative action.
By druggists. _
A liberal diet of fish is said to have cured
Bismarck of obesity. _
Throw Away Trusses.
When our new method , without the use
of knife , is guaranteed to permanently cure
the worst cases of rupture. Send 10 cents
in stamps for references and pamphlet ,
World's Dispensary Medical Association ,
Buffalo , N. Y. _
Prince Frederick , heir apparent to the
Danish crown , is a liberal in politics.
Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription" is a
most powerful restorative tonic , and com- _
bines the most valuable nervine properties ;
especially adapted to the wants of debili-
ated ladies suffering from weak back , in
ward fever , congestion , inflammation , or
ulceration , or from nervousness or neural
gic pains. By druggists. _
Jem Mace has decided to go back to Aus
tralia and locate.
Catarrh Cured
Statement of a HipIi ; School
Teacher at Jcrico , Tt.
The following intelligent statement Is from Prof
Clllcy , a gentleman prominently known in educa
tional circles throughout New England. Read it :
"I cheerfully ghe my experience in the use of
Hood's Sarsaparllla. I bad been troubled with catarrh
to some extent for a long time , and had used various
medicines as remedies with no good results , when , in
the summer of 1SS1. 1 was so affected by the disease
that speech was somewhat difficult , and my voice was
entirely unnatural. I then began to use Hood's Sar-
saparllla as a remedy , and with such good effect that
In a few weeks speech was easy , the voice natural ,
and my general health was much Improved. Some
times a return of the disease is induced by taking
cold , when I resort at once to the use of Hood a Sar
Baparllla , which I keep by me constantly , and always
find relief. I regard Hood's Sarsaparllla as a valuable
remedy for catarrh , and I cannot say too much la Us
praise. J. S. CILLET , Jerico , Vt.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
by all druggists ; II ; six for5 ; Prepared o
I. HO jD & CO , Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass.
IOO posesOne.Dol ar.
lLa t Week We Published
The annual announcement of theYotrrn's
COMPANION. No other illustrated weekly
paper attempts to present its subscribers
with such a variety of attractive and enter
taining reading. This is the reason why it
has 340,000 subscribers the largest circu
lation in the United States. Every family
should take it. By sending your subscrip
tion now , with $1.75 , you will receive it
free to January 1 , 188G , and a full year's
subscriptionfrom that date.
The worst diction a man can study
My wife , who suffered severely from rheu
matism-received-marked htnelit from the
Athlophoros while taking it , and that the
benefitrcccivcdluiH been permanent admits
of no doubt. Johiihon Stephens , Hazel
Green , Wis.
Jay Gould ought always to be in a gilded
frame of mind.
"WTion Baby iraa stele , wo avo her Castorla ,
\7hon she TT.TS a Child , she cried for Castoria ,
When she became Miss , sho clung to Caatoria ,
TVtoii sho had Children , sho gavo thorn. Castorio ,
It will cure any case of River and KIdnoy
troubles when properly taken. It is a perfect
renovator and mviRorator. It cleanses the sys
tem of the poisonous humors that develop in
Li Ivor , Kidney and TJrlnary diseases , car-
ryinsr away all poisonous matter and re
storing the Blood ton healthy condition ,
enriching it"rofreBliIns and invigorating ,1
IQiitd aud Body. It prevents the growth to i
Serious Illness of a Dntisrerou * Class of
Diseases that be in in mere trivial ail
ments , and ire too apt to be neglected as such.
of tho worst forms of these terrible diseases
have been quickly relieved and in a short
time perfectly cured by the uso of Hops &
Malt Bitters.
Do not get Hops and Malt Bitters con
founded with Interior preparations of similar
name. Take Nothing lint Hops & Malt Etc *
ters if you want a sure Cure.
GOODMAN DRUG CO , , Wholeiab Agents ,
At this ce&son nearly every one ueed3 to USD some
sort of tonic. IKON enters into almost every phy-
Eician's prescription for those who need building up.
Weakness l.nrk of
fcc. , It.HAS ISO EQUA , and
tha onlvlron medicine that is not injurious.
It Enriches the Blond , Invigorates the
hi ystcm , I e tores Appetite , Aiuci Digestion
It does not blacken or injure tho tcoth , cnnse head
ache or produce constipation other Iron viedicincsilo
Dn. G. H. BnrKLTrr , a leading physician of
Sprinfjfield. O. ,
"Brown's Iron Bitters is a thoronchlycood igedi-
cine. I uso it in my practice , and hnd itssfition
excels all other forms of iron. ' In weakness , or a low
condition of the system. Brown's Iron Bitters is
nsuallv a positive necessity. It is all that is claimed
for it. " o
Genuine hns trade mark and crossed red lines on
wrapper. Take no other. Made only by
LADIES' HAND BOOK nsefnl and attractive , con
taining list of prizes for rocipes. information about
coins , etc. . given away by all dealers in mr-dicine , or
mailed to any address on receipt of 2c. stamp.
BIG OFFE" - To introduce them ,
we will GIVE A "WAY 1,000 Sclf-OpcratlnK
Washing Miichlnes. If you want one semi
us your name , I' . O. and express olHce at
once. The National Co. . fflDey St..X.Y.
IVsiII Paper ami Window S
Uto 20 per cent cheape * than poo prices.
Samples Sent oil Application.
T. J. KeaicliK liro , . Omaha.
S 33 !
THE IK > nSHOU ) PUIMER for accent stamp.
THE HOII&EHOLI ) HE JEIPT HOOK for a 2c. stamp.
THE HOUSEHOLD GAME IJOOKfor two ic. stamps
Send to D. LoniROP & Co. , 32 Franklin St. , Boston ,
for them.
A Casket of Silver Ware Free
Touypenoatrhonill show-It to their odghbonc.nctuotir agent
and send orders. Gire vonr nearest express and Foil Office address.
. \J.rc s CONK. M\NFC. CO..JIAUTFOl > , COXX.
TCI CPDADUV Iicnrn here and earn good
I CLCUnftrn I pay. Situations liirniaiicd
Valentine Bros. , Janesvlllefla. .
, , 51 Xew Chroino. Scrap < t Gold-Edge
U311 la Cards. EssExCviu WORKS. , I\oryton. Conn.
Oflfl New Scrap Pictures and Art's Album ofia Card"
/UU Samplesfor lOo. Steam Curd WksHartford , Ct
51 samples of XoWards
forGcts.topnypo-tacf. CEXTER-
FKEE ! BUOOK CARD CO. Centerbroolc.Conn.
AQillUJ Morphine Iluliit Cured In 1O
I rill III to SO day : * . No pay till Cured.
W" * * ! ln. J. SSTJSPUKMS. Lelianon. Ohio.
, .STUDY. Secure a liuslnsss Education l > v ,
mall , Iroin BKYANT'S COLLEUI : Huffalo.X.V. J
r % V r
L r HL j"
Free from Opiates , Emetics and Poison.
PainTHE Rheumatism , Neuralgia ,
EtcLathp , llcadarhr , Toothache ,
For Pain Spralni , Hrnfa * . rl
Biliousness , Sick Headache In Four Hours.
@URE dose relieves Neuralgia. They euro and
prevent Chills * Fever , Sour Sfomach and Bad
Breath. Clear the Skin. Tone the Nerves , and glva
Life and Vigor to the system. Dose : ONK BEAN.
Try them once and you will never be without them.
Price , 25 cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists and
Medicine Dealers generally. Sent on racelpt Of pries
In > stamps , postpaid , to any address ,
J. F. SMITH & CO. ,
Manufacturers and Sole Props. , ST. LOUIS. WO.
How to Insure a happy childhood is a question of moment to those who for any reason are una
ble to furnish the little ones with nature's bupply ,
while the selection of a wet nuite IK attended wlih
much difficulty and risk. Send to Woolrlch & Co .
Palmer. Mass. . for paniphletson the subject. Hideo's
Food has successfully reared more children than all
other foo s combined.
Throngh tho failure of a large Z&UI-
ufuctnrer of Canhrncro Shawl * .
there bt coma Intoocr hindsa large
consignment of Tlalil Shawls , perfect
ood5 , trhlch we propose to present to
the ladles in tha following manner :
Send us ? 5 crats for R mo * , tnbnrrip-
lioa to Fcrni mid Household , a
CSJpnco Hlu'tratol paper , de
voted to Farm ar.d lloirvhold topics ,
Stores and general rrlwellinvand we
vrill cndvcmoneof thescbcauttful
shirwla'FKEE by mail postpaid ,
or % ve will eccd 5 ihiwta and 5 Bub-
ccrtptlons to 020 address for $1.00
Satisfaction crau rateed
cr money refunded. Address
' - - - t'nr.n.
Oldest Medicine the World
CThr lr. ) IsaacThompson's
This article Is a carefully prepared physician's pre
scription. and has been in constant Use for nearly a
century , and notwithstanding the many other prcqar-
atlons that have been introdticcn Into the market
the sale of this article Is constantly Increasing. If
the direct Ions are followed It will ne\cr fall. We
particular ! y Invite the attcatloti of plnsiclans to Its
merits. JOHN L. THOJH-SOX , Soxs & Co. , Troy , N.
Established FAY'S 1800.
line leather ; for ROOFS , OUT
SIDE WALLS , and INSIDE In plaro of
Ul icr'i' ; 011r anj l ral > lc. CAIt-
1'ETS and RUGS of same material. Catalogue
v.-lth testimonials and samples , JFree.
W. II. I'AY & CO. , Camclcn. X. J.
-Fat. Dec. 27 , 18SM For making
HUBS. Tulles. Hood * . Jlittens. etc.
Sent by mail , full directions.
1'rue. 31. AGENTS WASTED.
Manufacturers Stimped Klip I'attt-ms 01 Burlap lio-
waie of infringementSend for circul ir.
Best Couih Syrup. Tastes pood. TJse
In time. Sold by druccists.
An actirc Stan or Woman in every
_ county to sell our goodi SaUrrC75.
WAN per IJonth and Expenses. Expcnsei in ad
vance. Canvassmsoutht FREL : Particular !
free. Standard Silver-ware Co. Boston. Mass.
Pre\cnts and cures Hop Cholera.
and helps to fatten. AskyourdruR1
Klst. Circulars free. Address W s-
TKRX KKHEDV to. , Omaha , Neb.
HflMFSTUDY- ° ° k-k < : eplnp. Bsncsa
IIUITIL. forms. Penmanship , Arithmetic , Short-
liand , etc. . thoroughly taught bv mall. Circulars
free. UKYAJfT'S COLLEGE. IJuHalo , Jf.Y.
for infants and Children
"CastoriaissoweUadaptedtochfldrenthat I Castoria cures Colic. Constipation ,
I recommend It as Buperiofto any prescription I'Soar Stomach , Diarrhoea , Eructation ,
known to me. " H. A. " Aacnsn , M.D. , I P113 w.nns . , gives sleep , and promotes dl-
Jll So , Oxford St , Brooklyn , N. Y. | Wltaouslajurioua medication.
Tax CKSTJIUE , CO P T , 182 Fulton Street , N. T.
Magnolia Balm
is a secret aid to beauty.
Many a ladyo\ves her fresh
ness to it , who would rather
not tell ; and you carit tell
Man and Beast
Mustang Liniment is older than
most men , and used more and
more every year.
ZMen to Tour Wife. t
The Manchester GUARDIAN , June 8tb , 18SS ,
sura : Atonootthe \
"Windows ! " I
Looking on the woodland ways ! With
clumps of rhodoiiendroms and great masses
pi May blossoms ! ! ! "There was an interest
ing group.
It included one who hail been a "Cotton
spinner , " but was now so ;
"Paralyzed ! ! ! J
That he could only bear to lie in a reclin
ing position. f
This refers to my case- '
I was first Attacked twelve years ago
with "Locomotcr Ataxy"
( A paralytic disease of nerve flbre rarely ever cured *
and was for several years barely able to get
And for the last Five years not able to
attend to my business , although .
Many things have been done forme.
The last experiment belnsr Nerve stretching ;
Two years ago I was voted Into the (
Home for Incurables ! Near Manchester ,
in May. 1S82. ,
I am no "Advocate" ; "For anything in
4 the shape of patent" Medicines ? t
And made many objections to my dear
wife's cpnstant urging to try Hop Bitters ,
but linally to pacify her j
Consented !
1 hnd not quite finished the first bottle when
I felt n change come over me. This was Sat
urday , November : ! d. On Sunday morning I
I felt so strong I Bald to my room compan
ions. "I was sure 1 could
So started across the floor and buck.
T hardly know how to contain myself. I wns
all over the house. Inmjrnlninirstrength cacu
day. and can walk quite safe without any
"Stickl" '
Or Support. \
I am now nt my own house , and hope soon
to bo able to earn my own living-again. J
have been a member of the Manchester i
"Jtoynl Exchange" i
For nearly thirty y.ears , and was most heart
ily congratulated on going into the room on
Thursday last. Very gratefully yours , i
MANCHESTER ( Ellg. ) Dec. 24. 1883. !
Two years Inter am perfectly well.
1'roseente the Stelntlters ! !
If when you call for Hop Hitters the druggist Imnili
out anythtngbut "HopDITTKKS * * with agreencIustiT
of Hops on white latiel , * him that driiKKUt * you
Mould u viper ; mid If he has taken your money foru
liogus stuff. Indict him for the f mud and sno him for
damages forthc swindle , and we will reward you lib
erally forthe conviction. 1
See U. S. Court Injunction agalnxt C. P. Warner ;
Reading. Mich. , and all his salesmen , agents , drug-
Elst , and other Imitators.
' For
18S .
Fuii-Size Dress Patterns.
TERMS , Always in Advance , $2,00 A YEAR.
22-Uni > aralleIe < l Offer to CIns.-Gs ! !
The principal premiums for setting up Clul ? for
1SSG is u suneru AHmni , Kilt , and Illustrated with
Etcel cnsravlnfcs called "The Forect-Mc-N'ot. " :
Look of unrlxnlcd beauty. OtLer premiums , how-
cver , are offered , as thus :
fnr With "The Forset-Me-Not , "
lUf orctcel-cnsrravliiK cilxCT In
If il A cn ches ) "Angel of Paradl'c , "
tido forKettlnjjup Club.
fnr CC Kfl With nn extra copy of the
4Pnnio TOi $ Di3U maKazInc for ISbG. as a pro
' II Q nn mlum , to the person getting
3iUU up the Club.
> WItli lioth an extra copyot
nntnnf > K * 0 nn
5r UOP'oSIOf ' p OiUU the magazine for ISbfi. and
. it in en tliclarKestcel-eiiKravlnK.or
lUiOU 'TIiuForKCt-Me-N'oftothu
person getting up the CluU.
For Larpr Cla&s & , Still Greater Inducsmmeolj ,
A-Jdrcss , postpaid , ( JHAS , J , PETERSON ,
00 Chestnut St. . Fliiladclpliia , 1'a.
Specimens sent pratls. If-written for , to get up Clubs.
In various Styles of Bindingvith and
without Patent Index.
Containing orer 25,000 Titles , describins ; tlio
Countries , Cities , Towns , and JCattiral Feati
urea of every part of the Globe. j
Webster it has 118.00O Words.
3000 Eiifjravinjjs , and a New
Biographical Dictionary. |
Standard in Gov't 1'nntinp Olfice.
32,000 copies in Public Schools.
Sale 2O to 1 of any other series" . .
BEST Holiday Gift
It is an invaluable companion in every School.
and at every Fireside.
G. & C. MERRIAM & CO. , Pub'rs , Springfield , Mass.
Gold & Jewelled
TVns awarded 6y the
National Jlledical
( who in the chief Consulting Physician of
the Penbocly .Medical Institiitx't
It being the best Medical Treatise on Manhood. Ex
hausted Vitality , Ncnrous and Physical Debility ,
Premature Decline In Han. the Errors of Youth , and
the untold miseries resulting front Indiscretions or
excess in early life , which the author has proteil
may b alleviated and po-ttlvely cured. It Is a
standard Medical Work on the above , and Is a treas
and mlddle-a ed . War
ure to every young - man.
ranted as represented or the money refunded In
every Instance ; 300 pages ; embossed muslin , full
Kilt ; 125 prescriptions for all diseases. Price only
SI , by mall , sealed , post-paid. Illustrative sam
ples , 6 centn. Send now. This work Is univer
sally recommended by the press , clergy , parents
end teachers , and every one of Its more than a mil
lion readers. Every man. young or old , rhould read
this book , and every hufferer should consult th
author. "There is a balm In Gllead ; there is x
physician there. Addivss
ftr.W.U.l'ARKEK , 4 Bulflnchst.BostonMasa.
China , Furniture. Bric-a-Brac. Acl
Strong as Iron , Solid as a EociJ
The total quantity fold during tie
past five years amounted to oer
All dealers can eell it. Awarded
Condon , 18S3. Fca Orleans , ISBSJ
i'rononnced Strongest Glue known
Send dealer's card and lOc. postaga
Contains no Arid. for Kininle can FREE by mail.
These Discs
sides of
vw _
Capsicum Cough Drops
for' ' Coughs , Colds and Sore Throats , an
Alleviator of Consumption , and of ereat
benefit in most cases of Dyspepsia.
W. N U Oil
5 4.1