The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 19, 1885, Image 4

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    F. M.&E. M. KIMMELL ,
Editors and Publishers.
Official City and County Paper.
TN view of unsor t'reund Bishop's re
cent high and lofty tumbling in the po
litical arenawe are impelled to the con
clusion , out of sheer admiration , that ,
be i3 a jewel , a rare one at that , ot the
iirst magnitude and purest water , even
if he is not consistent. THE TRIBUNE
humbly prostrates itself before the
majestic awfulness of unser freund
George's gall , and admires its immen
sity of proportion , pureness of quality ,
consistency of purpose , and whatsoever
other trauscendentally superlative graces
which naturally attend such greatness.
We feel lost in the intensity of homage ,
fascinated and powerless. But , Georce ,
we judge you not harshly , but in great
charity. For some inexplicable reason
your endowment has not been of judg
ment , consistency , and pearls of like
price , but in order that your case might
prove a horrible example to all genera
tions , in the fcarfulness and wonderful-
ness of your making , all the spare gall
at hand was incorporated. And it is
this one talent which you obscure not ,
but the rather strengthen and burnish
by repeated use. It is this talent which
enables you to accomplish feats beyond
the possibilities of the ordinary political
acrobat. It is this talent which enables
you to still the outcries of conscience ,
and to baptize your memory in the Lethe
of forgetfulneBS. But , before we erect
the cap-scone upon this monument to
gall , let us implore'you , in behalf of the
people of this devoted city , not to thus
ruthlessly drive us without the fold of
the grand old party. Don't do it. I
SPEAKING of the magnificent endow-
mentfund of $20,000,000 given by Sen
ator Leland Stanford of California to
found the Leland Stanford universit\T in
that state , the New York Times sa-s : '
' "Th foundation of an institution of
learning so magnificently endowed
would be a great event in any country , j
-The enormous sum given by its founder i
should , if wisely expended , create a un
iversity whose fame willnotbeconfinec
to America. The report of the treas
urer of Harvard college for the calen
dar year 1884 showed that the f'unds'ol
that college amounted to $ -1,803,938
the income of which was § 241,825
Yale is not so rich ; the real estate am
productive funds of John Hopkins uni
varsity amounted a year or two agoac
cording to llie Commissioner of Educa
tion's report , to $3,347,000 ; Amhcrst's
assets were less than $1,000,000 in 1SSO
Columbia's property was valued at $5 ,
866,090 , and CortoH's at $2,267,501.
The University of California had $805 ,
000 in buildings and ground and $1,600 ,
000 in productive funds. In the Com
missioner's report for 1882-3 the value
of the real estate and productive funds
of All the universities and colleges oi
the United States was fixed at less thai :
$90,000,000 , and their total income
from funds and tuition fees was less
than $5,000,000. A college or univer
sity with an endowment of $20,000,000
will stand head and shoulders above any
of them so far as the cash value of its
endowment is concerned. But a great
university cannot be made by money
alone. It ie a growth of years , built r.p
by the devotion of instructors and by
many other factors whose force depends
in small measure upon money. Sena
tor Stanford's endowment furnishes only
the foundation for the work. The great
trust must be administered with great
care and wisdom. Admirable manage
* the founder's mil
ment ma3 rear upon
lions an institution that will hold a
commanding position in the next centu
ry. Poor management will cause fail
ure , notwithstanding the assistance of
millions. "
EDITOR STEAD , of the Pall Mall Ga
zette , has shown considerable pluck dur
ing his extended trial , but if he should
ever get into jail and have time , away
from the excitements of sensational
journalism , to find out what his princi
ples really were hi the Eliza Armstrong
abduction case , he will probably feel a
good deal more like kicking hiiiis-elf-than
abducting any more children for doco-
rativn moral reform purpose ? . Perhaps ,
Editor Stead would like to have a child
of hU own treated as he treated Eliza
Armstrong. If somebody would only
abduct Mr. Stead and help him to repeat
the golden rule it might do some good.
Saving society is a difficult business and
the only suro way is to begin at home.
i We , the undersigned , business men of Mc-
. Cook , desiring to honor the proclamations of
i our Chief Magistrate , the President of the
JU. S. , and of the Governor of the State
' of Nebraska , hereby agree to close our re
spective places of business on Thursday ,
November 26th , between the hours of 10 A.
M. , and 3 o'clock , P.M. :
Hnyden & Co. E. A Lcncb.
Lytlc liros. L. Bcrnueimer.
S. L. Green. WJlley & Walker.
P. L. McCnicken. S. P. Sbaffer.
JjUdwick&Trowbridge Peter Penner.
Fry k Snow. W. S. Caldwell.
Gco. Hocknell. Henry T. Uea.
Mrs. T. Nells. S. Seaman.
L. Low man & Sou. W. O. Saylor.
> I. A. Fade & Son.
13. Kendall. Mrs. S. E. Hojje.
Johu F. Collins. Lawler & Masrner.
H. A. t olo. Brewer Bros.
Kobcrt Drysdnlc. A. Probst & Bro.
K. M. Brickey & Co. A. W. Schaffer.
W. W. Pnlracr. Church &Whittaker.
Farley & Donahue. C. H. Kogera.
JOB. Monard. C. K LawBon.
Kynn Bros. M. Stern & Strassor.
Stanta Kolla. 3IcCammon & Co.
j IT has been customary for the general
land office to allow a man who has tak
en a quarter section of land under the-
pre-emption act to take another quarter
section under the homestead act , and
thus get 320 acres of the public domain
for $200 , plus the fees for the two en
tries. A case has recently come up be
fore Commissioner Sparks where a man
in Devil's Lake district , Dakota , took
120 acres under the" pre-emption law
and then took 120 acres U nder the
homestead law , and at the expiration of
the statutory six months after making
the latter entry he commuted it for cash.
A commuted homestead is precisely the
same thing as a pre-emption , and the
commissioner has decided that this man's
homestead entry , in consequence of his
attempt to commute it , is invalid. The
decision does not go so far as to say
that a man cannot enjoy the benefits of
both the homestead and pre-emption
laws if he perfects his homestead title
by five years' residence instead of by
cash commutation , but it is understood
that the commissioner regards the home
stead act as having been passed as a sub
stitute , or at least an alternative for the
pre-emption act , and that a man cannot
enjoy the benefits of both acts under
any circumstances , and a decision to
that effect will probably be promulgat
ed before long. For some time past the
land ofSce has been run on the most lib
eral and broadest gauge principles of
accommodating everybody who wanted
to get ahead of the government and the
nation , but the interests of the public as
against those of individuals are receiving
some attention now.
Mr. C.T. Holtlectured on temperance
the past week at the M. E. church with
good effect. A Women's Christian Tem
perance Union , a lleform Club and a
Band of Hope were organized and start
ed off in good style. On Saturday the
Band of Hope , numbering some fifty
children , gave a parade and exhibition
drill , which showed that Mr. Holt had
not been idle in his work. The reform
club numbers among its members a
large number of our most influential
men , while among the ladies the spirit
of generous rivalry , as to who can do the
most work in the best manner , runs
high. We predict that by the time
another city election takes place the pre
vailing sentiment among the voters will
be against the saloon. Courier.
With this issue we commence the pub
lication of a column devoted to educa
tional topics , and conducted by Prof.
Webster of our city schools. The parents
will find much of interest to them in this
department , and we commend it to their
careful reading.
THE last thing at which General Mc-
olellan workud on the day of his death
xas an account of the battle of Antietam.
[ Ie was preparing a series of articles for
; he Century Magazine and the first one
vas to be one on Antietara. It was not
inished. From bctxvccn the leaves of a
) ook lying on the General's table when
ie died protruded numerous pages 'of
nigcs of manuscript. The Book fras an
luthority the General had been consult-
ng and the manuscript was the half
vrittcn article on his famous battle.
the half-breed , has gone the
iray of all good injuns , for inciting arc-
olt among the redskins in the North-
rest Territory. At S:23mountain : time ,
londay morning of this week , he pass-
el into the happy hunting grounds ,
TIIEV do say tliatflhe man who can
old an umbrella over a woman without
f" * "
eeping the biggot half over himself
as a : eye on the matrimonial bubble.
= ea Sonil 10 cents pnstn&o. f.nd we
y will mail J-OH vitKnnroyal.val-
Suable , sample box ol poods
that will put you In the way of
more money at once , than anything
Iso In America. Roth sexes of all njffs can
vo at home and work in snare timeor all the
mi . Capital notroqiiireil. Wowill start you.
iimt'tise pay sure for tboso who start at once.
4-20-lyr. SXIHSON & Co. , Portland , Maine.
Some one please work the roads.
Miss Ella Piper has commenced her
school in the Turner district.
Mrs. Chas. Turner , who was on the
sick list , last week , is some better.
Mrs. Win. Hamilton who was also
quite sick , is able to be around again.
Ike Johnson is still pounding away at
Piper's well , and we are sure he will get
done before spring.
Mr. J. B. Piper's family have arrived
from flarlan county , and things are be
ginning to look quite life-like in the vi
cinity of their ranch on the divide.
Joe Stephens is slipping around in
Jim Doyle's pasture every day nowand ,
woe to the person who comes to BURROW
wood , for Joe is sure discover them
about the timu they get their load ready
to start for home.
Bev. tf. A. Kleebergcr is holding a
scries of meetings at the church , with
large congregations and lively interest.
Nine persons were received into the M.
E. church on Sunday , Nov. 15th. This
point seems to be a "Bethel" for chnst-
Republicans in this precinctand good
people generally , have accepted our de
feat with grace , but are a good deal
mortified at the fact of : i little local is-1
sue keeping one of the best men in the '
county out of the most important office j
of the county. We feel certain , how
ever , that the county's loss is our gain.
November IGth. SELOXX.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
INJJIANOLA , NKB , . Oct. 0 , 1885. j
Board of county Commissioners met pur
suant to law. Present , S. L. Green and Henry
Crabtree , Commissioners , and C. 1) . Cramer ,
county clerk.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
On motion claims as follows were * audited
and allowed on 1S35 levy general fund :
C. D. Cramer , salary to Sept. 30th. . . . 100 00
P. D. Armstrong , plastering 7 CO
L B. Teas , repairs 11 10
llmaha Republican , blanks ( > 90
William Dubarco , wit. fees dist. court 3 00
Frees & Hocknell , lumber 03 95
Frees & Hocknell , " 3010
OX KOAI ) FUXD 1885.
W. T. Hamilton , road commissioner. . 5 25
E. A. Webb , assistant on road 0 75
I. H. Bcrge , appraiser " " 3 40
[ I. W. Keys , same 3 40
E. Peterman , " 3 40
II. C. Jacobs , damage road 40 CO
3. B. Rowell , " " 5000
1. F. Black , appraiserroad 2 00
f. A. Taylor , " " 2 00
On motion the following olh'cial bonds were
ipprovcd :
Wm. H. Benjamin , justice of the ] > eace
7irant precinct.
Frank Moore justice of the peace Tyrone
.irecinct. .
C. II. Nichols , overseer district 23.
In the matter of the application of J. C. Rus-
iell and others for the vacation of certain
streets in the first addition to McCooic : Ilap-
learing to the board that notices have been
josted and bond filed in the clerk's office fo
: he payment of costs , on motion J. E. Coch
an , V. Franklin and C. F. Babcockwereap-
jointed aboard of examiners , to examine the
streets mentioned in said application and re-
> ort their action in the matter at the nex
neeting of this board.
CONSENT ROAD. Petition for consent roa <
> y John Hanson , B. F. Bradbury and others
considered : It appearing that the owners o
ill tho land to be used forsaidroad have filed
n the cleik's office their written conscir
vaiving all claims for damage or right o :
, vay. On motion petition granted and road
jpened and established as follows , to wit
Jommcncinfc at tlic northwest corner of sec-
ion 4 , township 1 , range 20 west , Gth P. 3
mining thence south following section lines
letween sections 4 and. > , 8 and 9 , to the north-
vest corner of section 1C , township 1 , north
f range 2(5 ( west , OP. M. , terminating thereat.
Petition of James , William A. Ervin and
ithers , for establishment of new precinct con-
On motion petition granted and precinct es-
ablished and named "Missouri Ridge Pre-
inct , " in accordance with recommendation
f petitioners , comprising all of the territory
mbraccd iu township Xo. 2 , north of range
7 west , Oth P. M.
Adjourned to November loth , 1SS.1 ; .
C. D. CKAMKK , County Clerk.
November llth , 1885.
Notice 5" ? hereby given that the followinjf-
amoil settler has filed notice ot his intention
) make ilnal proof in support of his claim ,
nd that suid proof will be made before Hejjis-
: ror Heceiver at McCook. Neb. , on Monday ,
'ecember ' 21 t , lfcS5. viz : George W. Clark. D.
. 15UO , for tho north northwest Ji.southeast
; northwest Ji section 2(5 ( , northeast Ji north-
ast li section 27 , town. 0 north , range 150 weet
: h P. M. He names the following witnesses
> prove his continuous residence upon , and
[ iltivation of , said land , viDavid J. Osburn.
lines L. Campbell. Samuel Cinnamon and
'illiam Edwards , all of Osbnrn. Neb.
24 G. L. LAWS , Register.
October 21st , IS&'i. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
Limed settler has filed notice of her intention
) malto final proof in support of her claim ,
id that said proof will be made before the
egister or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on
riday , November 2"th , 18S5 , viz : Alice Elliott ,
. S. 1106. for the east southwest y section
, township 1 north , range 29 west. She names
10 following witnesses to prove her contin-
3U8 residence upon , and cultivation of , said
nd , viz : Adolph Fullgrabc , Frank Loefke ,
) hu Harris and James Kilpatriok. all of Me-
30k , Neb. 21 G. L. LAWS , Register.
November 17th , 1S-S5. f
Notice is hereby given that the I'ollowing-
uned settler has filed notice of his intention
> make final proof in support of his claim ,
id that said proof will be mnde before Regis-
r or .Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Saturday ,
ccembcr2Cth.J883. viz : Josuphll.Eastorday.
. E. 489 , for the southwest Jt of section 8 ,
wnship4. north of range : Xost > , 6th P. 31.
c names the following witnepse * to prove his
mtinuous residence upon , and cultivation of ,
id land , viz : William Coleman , Millon Cole.
Iwarrt Patterson and Edwin Van Horn , nil of ti
( -Cook , Ifeb. 25 G. L. LAWS , Berfoter. G
| October 27th , 1685. f
j Notice is hereby { riven that the followiug-
! named settler bus filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his chum
iiucl that suit ! proof will be inude before Kejjis
tcr or Receiver at McOook , Neb. , on Monday ,
December 7th , 1&-5 , viz : Clark G. Potter , H. E.
151 , for the southeast H of section 10 , townshij
S , north of ran 'uSO west , OP. M. Ho names
the following witnesses to prove his continu'
ous residence upon , and cultivation of. said
land , viz : Horace H. Eaaterday , A. McG. Uobb ,
William H. Smith and Walter J. Hills , all ol
McCook , Neb. 22 G. L. LAWS , Kejjistcr.
' October Jd , 18S5. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intentlor
to make final proof in support of his claim
and that said proof will be made before Itcyis
tor or Kccoiver at Ale-Cook , Noh. , on Tuesdav ,
December 8th , 18. 0 , viz : Allicrt V.'ujry , D. & ,
14U1 , for the north J-J northeast M north J
northwest * of sections" , township 1 , north ol
muffo 20 west , li P. M. He names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Frank
lin J. Jiuskong' , John Pick-
cng , of McCook , Neb. , and George J. 31cyors ol
Cedar Hlulfs , Kansas.
22 G. L. LAWS. Kegistcr.
October 2i > th , mi. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
ami that said proof will be made before Keifis-
ter or Iteceivcr at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
December nth , IBM , viz : William H. Kirk.
Homestead Entry 12C3 , for the northeast quar
ter of section 1 , township north , ranjjc 23
west Oth P. M. He names the lolloivinjr wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence upon.
and cultivation of , said land , vU : Lewis M.
March , Watson E. Webster , Edward L. Walker
and Henry Voges , all of McCook , Neb.
22 G. L. LAWS. Iteffistcr.
October 23th , 115. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named Kettler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made betore Keg-
isteror Receiver at McCooir. Neb. , on Friday ,
December 4th , 1S8. > , viz : William Mclntyre ,
Homestead Entry 13US , for thu northwest ( [ Uiir-
tcr of section 0 , township ; > north , range 2 ! )
west. He names the following witnesses to
"prove bis continuous residence upon , and cul
tivation of , said land , viz : John Shepherd ,
James Shepherd and Nicholns Sovenker of
McCook , Neb. , and John Lindgren of Ciilbert-
son. Neb. 22 G. L. LAWS , Register.
October 29th , 1S83. f
Notice is hereby given that the followins- :
namcd settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Heg-
ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
December 4th , 18fc5 , viz : John Shepherd , D. S.
2080 , for the southeast quarter ot section 0 ,
township 3 north , range 29 west Gth P. M. He
names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation of ,
said land , viz : Nicholas Sovenker , William H.
Dolan , John Unzicker and John F. Smith , all
of McCook , Nebraska.
22 G. L. LAWS , Register.
LAND OrFiCE AT McCooK , Nun. , I
October 8th , 18 i. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice ot his intention
to make final proof in support of bis claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
November 21st , 18N3 , viz : William F. Flaugh ,
D. S. 1773 , for the cast Yz southeast > 4 of section
155 , west 'A southwest h of section < ' U , township
C , north of range 20 west. He names the fol
lowing-witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
James Ellison , Frank M. Bartlett , John G.
Harrison and William H. Bowmar , all of Box
Elder , Neb. 20 G. L. LAWS , Register.
October 8th. lfc'"i. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has Hied notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
November 21st , 18S5 , viz : James Ellison , D. S.
1428 , for the northeast 2-4 of sectional , township
G , north of range 20 west. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
John G. Harrison , William F.Flaugh. A. Camp
bell and Win. H. Uowmar , all of I5ox Elder ,
Nebraska. 20 G. L. LAWS , Register.
October 12tb. ISSi. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his iutentiot :
to make final proof in support of his claim
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
November 2lth ) , ISs.'i , viz : Charles Weick , D. S
131U. for the east'i northwest J * west H north
Bast h of section 10 , to\vnship2 , north of range
i9 west. He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon , and ciil
tivation of , paid land , viz : Sheridan Clyde , ,
Charles Johnston. FrankKingsley and Charles
Johnson , all of McCook , Nebraska.
20 G. L. LAWS , Register.
October 14tb , ISSi. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named j-ettler has filed notice of his intcntioi :
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
incl that bind proof will be made before Kcjris
ter or Receiver at McCooir , Neb. , on Friday ,
November 20th , IbSd , viz : David Bryan , D.
> 6 , for the ? of section 2.1 , town. I
north of rangeIH ) west. He names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous rosi
lence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz ;
L B. Stiles , Win. Capps , L. N. Howe and Wm
[ rwin , all of McCook , Nebraska.
20 G. L. LAWS. Register.
October loth , IKS. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
gained settler has filed notice of his intention
o make final proof in support of his claim ,
md that said proof will be made before Regis-
er or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
November 21st , 18S3 , vise : Edward Kanouse ,
1. E 207. ) , for the northwest J * of .section 5 ,
ownship 1 , north of tangc 28 west. He names
he following witnesses to prove his continu-
ius rcsidenee upon , and cultivation of said
and , viz : F. W.Weaver.Gcorge HugginsM. A.
flncemand J.T. Gillespie , all of McCook , Neb.
20 G. L. LAWS , Register.
October 10th. lb5. ! ? f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
lamed settler has filed notice of his intention
o make final proof in support of his claim ,
ind that said proof will be made before Rcgis-
er or Heceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
November 31st , lP8o , viz : Frank Amend , H. B.
20 ! ) , for the cast J northeast Ji east Vsouth -
ast Ji of section 35 , township 4 , north of
ange 30 west. He names the following wit-
icsbPS to prove bis continuous residence upon ,
nd cultivation of , said land , viz : Jacob Harsh-
icrgcr. Holly Richards , Ed. McCandliss and
'red Myers , all ot .ucCook , Nebraska.
20 G.L. LAWS , Register.
October 19th , 1SS5. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
amed settler has filed notice of his intention
3 make final proof in support of his claim ,
nd that said proof will be made before llcgis-
-r or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday
leccmber 4th , 18&5 , viz : Enoch P. Hazen , H. E.
110 , for the southwest ; . ol section 27 , town-
hip 4 , north of range 30 west , G P. M. He
amcs the following witnesses to prove his
Diitinuous residence upon , and cultivation of.
Aid land , viz : William Coleman , Herbert W.
ike. William Henderson and John Conner , all
F McCook Nebraska.
21 G. L. LAWS , Resistcr.
Oclobcr 17th , 1SS5. f
Notice is hereby given that the foUowing-
amed settler has filed notice of his intention
) make final proof in support of his claim ,
nd that said proof will be mnde before Reg-
ter or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Saturday ,
ovember : Sth , Ifc85 , viz : Robert Bond , D. S.
C2. tor the south \ - ' southeast K of section 13 ,
iwnship 2 , north of range 20 west. G P. M. He
lines the following witnesses to prove his
mtinuous residence upon , and cultivation of ,
lid land , viz : Nicholas Whitescl. A. S. Bough-
in and Perry Jones , of Bondville , Neb. , and
enry Pickens of McCook , Nebraska.
21 G. L. LAWS. Register.
a perfect success , " is what we hear on nil
dcs by those who have used it and find it a
rtain euro for coughs.colds and all bronchial
oubles. For sulo by 31. A. Spalding and S.L.
* I * *
McGOOK , West Dennison Street , NEBRASKA.
An Unusually Large Assortment of
Arosene and Floss , Zephyrs , Zephyr Worsteds ,
Fine Laces , Hair Goods , Flowers , Feathers , Jerseys , Etc.
MAIN A VS. , Opp. P. 0. , MoGOOK.
CNFT . _ T _ .
' x
Lumber , Lime , Kement , Sasli , Doors , Blinds ,
v rhH
- i- ± j i
Power , Simplicity , Durability.
Estimate ? made of Mill ar.t ! Puisp complete upon application.
Ever } ' Mill Warranted. Send for Catalogue. -
This mill U a "solid wheel" an. ! tic best self-regulator made
IVcxximan-c Jo. C. Pump is tinJ.cst sltcie actins force patiin "in The t c
market ttlH work In wrlls from 10 to 200 fret In depth , and hag J.act
attachments to force water Into elevated tanks. Can he ucl br hand
or windmill Parties contpinr.nlnK ! the crrctlon of \VlcdmIlI will
"su" , thclr , I"5t ' ' "wests by cantos at my Homestead. 1 m ! ! < > s '
VM "r J"1U3'0R' ' < - 5 " * E I at Hewlit „ jfarkei
, S. E. of Me' ooR , and rxnintur the working of the Woodmanse "
W. M. IRWIN , Agent , '
Woodmanse Windmill Co. , Freeport , 111.
'II '