Thursday. October 22d. 1885. CONGREGATIONAL. Sunday School at 10 A. M. every week. Preaching service * every btindny night ut 7.30. M. T. Also , every altor- imte Sunday morning ut 11 , M. T. Exceptions to tho above will lie noticed in locals. ( jKOKQEDUNOAX , PttStOr. MRTHODTST.-Sorviccs every Sunday nt 11 A. M. and 7ai P. M. . mountain time. Sunday School at : i P. M. The services and Sunday scnool will ho held for the future in tho new church. All are con ) tally Invited. Seats free. AV. S. WiiEKMiit , Pastor. CATJIOLia-Serviccs will be held in tho church once every four weeks. THOMAS Cui.r.EN , Pastor. McCOOIC LODGE A. F. & A. 31. A ItcRtilnr meetings , Tuesday nitfhtnn ' or beloro full moon of every month. S. L. OIIEEN , W. M. XP. L. McCitACKGN , Secretary. GUHVK LODOK K. OK P. . U. Meets the llrst niicl tliinl Wediies- Jay evening en' citch month. J. W. CAMPUEU , , C. C. A. M. SPALUINO , 1C. U. S. HOCKNEI.L HOSE COMPANY. Ho - ulnr meetings on the first Wednesday 'evening ' of each month. U. B. , Chief. KNIGHTS OK LAIJOU , Electric Light Assem bly No. 3752 meets tho flrstunil third Fridnyof cncli month. 8. N. STAYSA , M. W. Wu.t , . A. CLCTE. It. S. 11. OF L. E. IJrotherhood of Locomotive En gineers. Meet first mid fourth Saturdays of euch month. 8. E. HOQE , Chief. J. C. ANDKKSO.V , I \ A. K. J. K. liAUXES POST ( } . A. U. lletrnlnr meet ings Hecoml and fourthMonday evenings of each month ut Opcru Hull. J. A. WIT.COX , Commander. J. II. YAHOEII , Adjutant. POST-OFFICE HOURS. Opnn from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. . M. T. Oflico will bo closed thirty minutes before arrival and departure of mails. SUNDAY , office will be open from 7 to 8 A. M. and from 4 to 5 P. M. . M. T. A. P. SiiAitr , P. M. B. & M. TIME TABLE. EAST LEAVES : KAST LBAYKS t No. 2 0:30. A. M. 1 No. 40 5:25 , P. M. WKST LEAVES : WEST LEAVES : No. S3 12:50. P. M. | No.l t > :55.P.M. 3y Eastl > ound trains run on Central Time , and westbound trains on Mountain Time. Freight trains do not carry passengers. 11. R. WOODS , Agent. Local Intelligence. Fresh candy at the City Bakery. For Tansill's Punch Cigar go to the Commercial House. Beautiful and well fitting artificial teeth made by Dr. Collins. gST'Moody& Winter , City Dairy , for pure and wholesome milk. One 1) } one the leaflets wither ; one by one the boomlels bust-cr. Remember Church & Whittaker for choice fresh meats of all kinds. Lytle Bros , have stoves at $3.50 and upwards. Sen them before buying. A nice line of hanging and stand lamps at the Metropolitan Drug Store. The best boot in America. The Wal ker boot. Sold only by C. H. Rogers. Money to loan on real estate and pat ented land by the McCook Loan and Trust Co. The celebrated Schubert Quartette at the Opera Hall. Wednesday evening , October 2Sth. _ The finest line of perfumes and ex tracts in the city at the B. & M. Pharmacy. For the most elegant and perfect Base Burners , the square Gold Coin at Lytle Bros.downs the world. The bracing air of the past few days begets a briskness of step unknown to these parts for six months past. Dr. Collins , the eminent Lincoln Dentist , will be at the Commercial Ho tel , October 2Gth , 27th and 2Sth. They arc having a perfect rush at the Commercial House , these day ? , and are feeding over 100 guests for dinner. Stock boarded by the day or week at Olcott's barn , opposite Colvin Honse. Also buys and sells stock on commission. The Central Meat Market of Church & Whittaker has at all times the choic est cuts of steak and other meats for their patrons. Take advantage of this rare chance to get good work and get your teeth fixed up while Dr. Collins , the Lincoln Dentist , is here. To insure peace and contentment in your family , go to Lytle Bros , and get- one of the latest style Base Burners. They are "daisies. " Come all ye who want anything in the dental line to B. S. Carl. McCook Bank ing Co.'s building. Reasonable charges and work guaranteed. Foil SALE 8) acres of deeded land. 11 acres under cultivation , with-good frame house , 4 miles from town. For' further particulars inquire at this office. They have just received a choice con signment of candies at the City Bakery , ami of that toothsome article are requested to call and sample them by purchase. themselves in All persons knowing debted to me on account are requested to call and settle , as soon as possible , cither by cash or bankable paper. C. H. ROGERS. Nebraska flour for Nebraskans. The Citv Bakery received a car-load of that celebrated Grand Island Flour , this week. The shipment contains the new brand of flour. "White Frostwhich is without a peer , and is guaranteed to be the very finest brand in the city. Great Reduction in Watches anc Jewelry at McCrackcn's. Do you want nice gold fillings in youi teeth , if so , patroni/.e Dr. Collins. " Listen ! Every pair of the Walkei boots and shoes warranted. Sold by C H. Rogers. THE TRIBUNE will club with any jour nal in the United States at reduced rates Select 3'our paper and call for figures. Dr. Collins , one of 'the few realty first-class dental operators in the state ; will visit us on next Monday and re main a few days. ° Our reporter observed Messrs. Leech and Harris , candidates for U. S. land of fice honors , industriously circulating pe titions , the finit of the week. Sheriff Wclborn was in town , Wednes day , serving subpoena. on jurors for the coining term of district court. He was making his rounds of the county for that purpose. The faro dealers , chuck-luck men , tin horns , fakirs , etc. , of Hastings were largely represented here during the horse fair , and a meaner , tougher outfit it were hard to imagine. ANOTHER LIVSIIY BAKN Dunbar & Lcland are building a livery stable of immense proportions on McDowell St. It will be the largest in this part of the country , when completed. Last Thursday evening , the ladies of the Methodist church organized an 'aid society , with Mr * . T. B. McCracken , president , which will doubtless be a strong auxiliary to the church. The Ladies AW Society of the M. E. church will give an oyster supper on Wednesday cven5ngNovember4th,18S5 , at the church. Come everybody pre pared to do justice to an elegant stew. A residence 20x34 was commenced , this week , by Contractor Collins , for Mrs. Reid of Omaha , mother of Frank S. Reid of this place. It 'is being built on the hill S. B. of the Catholic church. The Heafy-Staysa. attachment-re plevin suits , which have been dragging through Justices Colvin and Fisher's courts , for the past two weeks , have again been continued , this time for 30 days. days.We We desire to impress it particularly upon the minds of the people that the celebrated Schubert Quartette will com mence their concert on the evening of the 28th at 7:30 : o'clock , central time , sharp. Messrs. Hess & Brewstercontractors , , are now at work on a residence for Mr. Deals on Madison street , north of Rev. Dungan's residence. This is the second house those gentlemen have erected for Mr. Deals , this season. Some fine specimens of potatoes Early Hebron were displayed by Chas. Collins at this office , this week , grown by him on his claim a few miles south of town. They are large and wholesome looking tubers in fact. The magnificent trotting of McMahon Saturday 'evening , against time , pro duced great enthusiasm. Time 2:2G : ; which was made without a skip , the first heat , beating the best time made in Den ver , last week , 1 seconds. We are pained to announce the ill ness of Dr. B. B. Davis with typhoid fever. The doctor is receiving the best professional attention , and with the kindly ministrations of friendswe , hope soon to chronicle his complete recovery. RECOVERED Anthony Joy was "all broke up" over the disappearance of his team of horses , last Friday night , from his wagon on East Dennison street. They were recovered , below the fair grounds , Monday , to the great joy of the owner. The old reliable jeweler , F. L. Mc Cracken , now has in stock by far the largest and most elegant line of watches , clocks , jewelry and silverware ever brought into the Republican Yalley. Don't fail to see his dazzling display , when you want anything in his line. : > . / Thegrand success of the horse fair , last week , is but another feather in Mc- Cook's plumage. We doubt very much if there is another town of our popula tion in the west that would be willing to offer $3,000 in premiums and guarantee and pay the same , for exhibitions of speed. THE TRIBUNE is of the opinion that our people will use greater caution in the future in signing petitions. One dose of inefficiency has no doubt effected an entire cure. The motto now is , "An ounce of "preventive is worth more than a pound of cure. " To avoid future mis carriages , more attention will be given these matters. Dr. Geo. H. Collins , Dentist of Lin coin , will visit McCook on October 26 27 and 28. Office at the leading hotel Come in as early as possible and make your appointments for tinic so as to be waited upon without being hnrried. As the Schubert Quartette leaves the same night on No. 1 , for Denver , thei concert here on the 28th will commence promptly at 7:30 : o'clock , central time Please remember this fact , and turn ou early , in order to receive the full bench" of the concert. A NEW FIRM Dr. A. J. Willcy of the B. & M. * Pharmacy has associated with him iii the drug business , Mr. Walk er of Missouri , a regular graduate of a school of 'pharmacy , and a druggist oi 20 years' experience. Mr. Walker ar rived last week , and is now dispensing at the old stand. Lots 23 and 24 in block 21 , on the corner of Manchester and Dodge streets , have been purchased by Messrs. Lindner & tiriuan of our city , who will at once commence the erection of a large sale stable. These gentlemen are doing a fine business selling draft horses. We were informed by Clark Ward , during his visit in town , last week , that he had disposed of his interest in the Indianola Grist Mill , and that he was seriously considering the feasibility ol starting a like enterprise in the metrop olis. The Indiunola mill is now under the management of Jas. Hetherington. The Robert Buck Dramatic Co. will appear at Menard's Opera Hall , October 20'th and 27th , in Fanchon , the Cricket , and Rip Van Winkle. Robert Buck is one of the finest comedians on the stage , supported by a full and efficient com pany. Come and laugh with us. Ad mission , 50c. Reserved seats on sale at Menard's store. Invitations are out announcing the marriage on the 29th of this month , of our estimable young friend , Will F. Lawson , book-keeper of the First Na tional Bank of this city , to Miss Elva LaMar Allen of Delavan , Wisconsin. Mr. Lawson leaves , next Saturday , for jhicago , en route to Wisconsin. Mr. ind Mrs. Lawson will "be at home in this city after November 15th. They are experiencing warm times at Ludwick & Trowbridgc's Main Avenue 'urniture store , these days. Following- "ast upon the burning of the canopy , came two lamp explosions , last Friday evening. Herr Miller , it appears , by nistake , filled his lamps with gasoline nstcad of kerosene ; hence the whyncss of the undue haste with which he fired .he ignited lamps out into the street. The services at the Congregational church , Sunday evening , conducted by Rev. J. W. Kimmcl , of the Auburn Lutheran church , were but slightly at tended , by reason of the disagreeable- icss of the evening. The reverend gentle man delivered an interesting discourse on the subject , ' : Tht > Church. " We understand that it was the intention to organize a Lutheran church societybut no effort to that end was made. The unqualified success of the horse fair at this place , the latter part of the last week , is so generally and well cnown that we will not at this late date , enter into a lengthy account. It is a source of congratulation to all , the man agement of the association , and the cit izens of McCook , that success has crowned their efforts to make it the best lorsc fair ever held in Western Nebras- ; a , for such it was in every feature. The Glad Tidings Concert by the children of the Metbodist.Episcopal Sun day School , held in the new church , Sunday evening last , was an cncourag- ng success , and was enjoyed by a large ludience , considering the inclemency of the weather. The affair was conducted ) y Mrs. R. R. Vincent , and was given 'or the benefit of the S. S. Union and Tract Society of the church , to which the proceeds of the concert , over $5 , were given. KEY. Dn.-J. II. YIXCKXT , Chancellor of he Chautaumia Assembly and President of lieChautauiiuaLiteraryandScientificCfrcle , writes as follows regarding the Schubert Quartette , which appeared there in August ast to an average audience of six thousand ) cople : t ' 'The Schubert Quartette made what s usually called "a great strike" at 3hautauqua this season. They sang for two weeks nearly every day , and the peo- > le listened to them with eagerness and enthusiasm. Their REPERTOIRE is niar- 'elous. They are all that their manag ers claim for them. J. II. VINCENT. Plainfield , N. J. , Sept. 7 , 1885. Dr. Collins furnishes us some of the > est names in the state as reference in he shape of testimonials. SKIPPED The place that once knew A. Blanchard , Jr. , lately employed in the B. & M. telegraph office at this place , ' will in nil Jiunun probabilities know him no more forever. In this immedi ate connection it might be pertinent to observe that those who loaned him va rious amounts , during his short sojourn amongst us , will likewise know him no more for some time. His coming and his going , like the star in the nebula of Andromeda , was dazzling , we might say , paralyzing , especially his exit from this part ofthe moral vineyard ; and many there are who mourn the sudden ness with which he made himself scarce in these parts. On the stupendous sal ary of $50 per month , he bought expen sive furniture Air his apartments in the Batchelor re.-idence , lived high and stinted not. On Saturday , the fugitive went down to Red Cloud on a pass re ceived from Supt. Campbell , and while there stole two unlimited tickels to El Paso , Q'exas , returning here on No. 1 , and being joined at this station by his wife , both went to Denver , Sunday night. Messrs. McCraoken , Forbes , Bern- hcimer and others are out of pocket va rious sums , of money loaned and for goods sold. The railroad is after the gay young dead-beat and the probabili ties are that they will catuh him , when he will receive his merited punishment. and soft coal , best quality , at Hallack & Howard's lumber yard. HONOR ( ? ) AMONG THIEVES Thos. Crable , the gambler who was "too smooth" for the outfit which operated above Kendall & Son's restaurant , "dur ing the horse fair , was finally downed by the combination , after a trial which lasted all day Sunday and until about 10 o'clock the same night. The offense was drunkenness , and in default of the fine imposed and the accrued costs , amount ing in the total to about $13 , Crable was sent to the county jail tor four or Sve days. Crable , it seems , was the only gambler who could successfully cope with the above named outfit , who did their utmost to get rid of him. Crablu was repeatedly arrested , on the charge of being a gambler , at the instigation of the gambling combination , but re leased upon his expressed determination to retalialc , andhave the whole gang , who nightly held forth above Kendall's restaurant , in open and direct violation of lawarrested and duly punished. As stated above , the poor devil was finally downed , ( after having been thumped around pretty promiscuously , ) on the charge of drunkenness. It requires a very fine sense of justice indeed to ap- irecialc the position. iHF'Hard and soft coal , best quality , at Hallack & Howard's lumber yard. The first of the week , S. B. Brown sold his fine quarter of land , situated two and a half miles northwest of town , to Edwin L. Wheeler of Onarga , 111. , ather-in-law of J. II. Ludwick , for $1,000. This quarter is an exceptionally ine one , and its nearness to town , makes t the more valuable. and soft coal , best quality , it Hallack & Howard's lumber yard. The Academy was again well filled ast evening by an appreciative audience , which was much pleased with Mr. Buck's rendering of the character of Rip Van Winkle. The roving vagabond of the 3atskills was presented by the star with nil the humor and pathos which has made the character famous in years gone ) y at the hands of Mr. Jefferson and several other celebrated actors , and it is not too high praise perhaps to say that Mr. Buck's conception of Rip will bear ? avorable comparison with that of the most celebrated enactor of the part. The supporting company is excellent throughout. On Thursday evening Mr. Suck will appear as Joshua Whilcomb , n the play of that name , and those who lave enjoyed his Rip will thus have an opportunity to judge his capability as a versatile actor in an entirely different lersonatiou. Denver Democrat. and soft coal , best quality , at Hallack & Howard's lumber yard. THE TRIBUNE believes that it is the ntent of the law governing the delin- juent tax list publication business , that more than one section of the county hould know something about the mat er. As it now stands not more than lalf of the people of Red Willow coun- y know that the delinquent tax list has ever been in print. "Deeming it for he best interests of the county that it hould be published in The Courier , it vas designated as the paper. " Shades of the departed , Bro. Bishop is still iving in the diui and misty past , and is unable to see beyond range 27 , as usual. The Schubert Quartette at the Opera Hall , October 28th , at 7:30 , C. T. PERSONAL POINTERS. i -S Xs --V N * > > ' y-V VXV > % > > p X w' - Dr. A. J. Shaw made his old home at Crete a visit , last week. Frank Israel ami son Will of Benkclmaii attended the races , Saturday. Bob. St. Clair and W. A. Alconi of ilin- den were in the city , Monday. J'alph McCracken started east , Wednesday evening , on a ten day's visit in Iowa. County Clerk Cramer and brother A. II. , of Hastings , were at the races , Saturday. Miss Carrie A&lunorc of the county-seat snout Sunday in the city , with relatives. D. Guernsey , the Frenchman stockman , was registered at the Dining Hall , yesterday. In S. Hall and wife and Misses Fannie and llattle Kestcrbon of Stnitton were at the races Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hazcn of Edison were in town , the lirs > t of the week , on a business- pleasure visit. Mrs. Dr. Watkins and daughter , Mrs. C.D. W. Robinson of Blue Hill , were Saturday vis itors at the fair. II. W. Pike returned home , yesterday af ternoon , from a trip in Kawlins and Decatur counties , Kansas. 11. O. Phillips is in town , to-day , makinj , arrangements for extending the water ser vice in this city. Miss Jennie Jamison , of our corps of ex cullent teachers , .spent Sunday at Imlinnola returning home on I\o. 1. Jacob Steinmctzof Sutton , an applicant for the receivership of this U. S. Land ollice , was in town , the first of the week. Captain Kiel of Clrafton , who has been vis iting his hon-in-law , John Smith , for some days , returned home on 40 , ye&terday evening. A. P. Leech , who has been down at Lin coln for some days , taking in the lay of the land politically returned the m > t of the week. John A. lludd , manager for Frees & Hock- nell atTrenton , spent Sunday in town. John reports a rapid growth and improvement in Trenton. John Sanders of Kearney , formerly man ager of the B. & M. Eating House , spent a few days in the city , last we < ; k , taking in the races. ' J. A. Burnett , 0. P. Mclvesan and A. II. Burnett of Holdrege were registered at the Eating House , Monday. They were seeking investments. Elmer Kelly went down to Hastings , Wednesday evening on 40 , to meet his father , whom he expected would be a passenger on 0 , to-day , for this city. Presiding Elder Johnson of the M. E. church , came up to the city on 39 , Saturday. We shall not be surprised to see the Elder make our city his headquarters. B. F. Olcott leaves , this evening on 40 , for Brooklyn , Iowa , after Mrs. Olcott and the two little girls , who have been away for a num ber of weeks. He will be absent aboit ten days. days.Mr. Mr. ami Mrs. W. S. Cornuit , Mrs. II. W. Davenport and Mrs. W. II. Brown ot Cul- bertson were among the representatives of ancient Bangor in town , during Friday's faces. Miss Yanderpool of Lincoln who has been visiting Miss Jennie Shaw of this city for the past two weeks , returned to the Capital city , Monday , after : i very enjoyable sojourn in our city. C. L. Watkins of the Blue Hill Times , W. C. Ashwill of the Stnitton Herald.and G. M. Watkins of the Indianola Times , were among the frateinity present at the horse fair , last Saturday. 3ressi-s. Spurcks of Nelson , Xuckolls Co. were here after feeders , the lirstof the week. They purchased about one hundred head of two-year-olds from J.B.Meserve , which they shipped , the hitter part of the week. L. li. Grimes and wife of Friend , came up to the Magic City , Monday. Tuesday , they made a'Hying visiWo Benkelnian , returning here , Wednesday morning. Mr. Grimes will locate soniewheie in this part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McXeely of St. Joe , ar rived on : ; ( J , yes'tesday , and will make the Magic City of the Upper Republican Valley a week's visit. Mr. McXeely now has a two- story brick under way , on Main Avenue , which \ \ ill be a credit to our city when com pleted. John W. Palmer of Washington , III. , with his family , arrived in our city 011X0.1'fucs day night , and will make this their future home. They are already established in the Staysa residence purchased by Mr. Palmer during his visit of some week's ago. We w el- come the family to our city. * . Richard Thompson , of Hastings .spent a day or two , the close of the past week , in the city. Mr. Thompson will be readily recog nized as 'the editor-in-chief of the great religio- comic journal , the Hastings Democrat , and as one of the rosy and expectant aspirants for the U. S. land oflices ot this place. Messrs. W. M. Lewis and Pat. Walsh , who have been absent on an extended hunting expedition northwest , returned home on Sunday. Their operations were chiefly con- lined to the Dismal river region , one of the wildest and most wicrd localities inthisstate , and they report rather indifferent success. They encountered a heavy .snow storm , Sun day a week ago , and had withal an eventful hunt. NOTICE TO THE LADIES. The ladies interested in the Catholic Fair to be held at McCook , are request ed to meet at the house of Thos. Colfer , Saturday , October 2Gth , between the hours of 2 and 3 o'clock , P. M. , moun tain time. COMMITTEE. NOTICE TO PAY UP. Having disposed of a half interest in the B. & M. Pharmacy to Mr. AValker , nil persons owing me are requested to call and make immediate settlement of all accounts owing me. Oct. 22 , ! 85. A. J. WILLEY. On Friday last a party of engineers and surveyors , under engineer G. F. Baity , arrived here and went into camp. This week , as we are informed , they are busy running lines both north and south from this place with the view of build ing a new line of railroad. Coon Creek- will be the northern outlet while Ash Creek will be the southern direction. . \Vc consider this a favorable omen to our town , ns it has been stated to us that the dirt will be set in motion on this line early in ihc coming spring. Indianola Courier. E. 31. Brickcy & Co. for clothing. Remember , Dr. Collins will only re main a short time. The. City Livery Stable. B. F. Olcntt , proprietor , for fine teams. ' SSPSwcet Michigan Cider of excel lent quality at the City Bakery. and soft coal , best qualit } ' , at Ilallack & Howard's lumber yard. The courteous treatment and first class accommodations at the Commci cial House are making that hostlcric popular. A first-class dentist cannot afford to locate permanently in a small town. Take advantage of Dr. Collins' visit here to have your teeth fixed up. The first fresh oysters of the Benson at Ed. Kucster's , first door above the P. U. Oysters by the can or served in every style. Fresh consignments every da } ' . Foil SALE 175 acres deeded land , with improvements to amount to $500. Situated 2 miles from McCook. 1'W terms call on or address editor of THK TRIBUNE. _ WANTED A boy between 12 and 15 years of aie , who wishes to go to school during the winter , to make himself gen erally useful about my house , build fires , milk cow , etc. A good home offered to a good boy. GEO. HOCKNELL. R. A. Cole , fashionable merchant tail or , has constantly on hand as fine a class of goods as can be procured. Suits made up in the latest style , and perfect fits guarantcd. Prices reasonable. Shop two doors west of Citizens Bank , Mc- Cook , Nebraska. Residence for Sale. I am offering my residence property on the corner of Madison and Dodge streets for sale. J. B. MESERVE. ROOMS TO RENT. Two furnishsd rooms to rent. For further particulars apply at this office. FOR RENT. Two dwelling houses to rent. Inquire at the Citizen's Bank. GO TO TOI'S West Dennison