The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 01, 1885, Image 7

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    A .Beautiful "Woman.
A woman with pleasant smile , clear
skin , bright eye , generous expression ,
elastic step , hearty-hand shako and
courteous "welcome. Such a woman is
not the victim of debility , languor , or
dyspepsia. She has overcome theso
pests by using Brown's Iron Bitters , the
world's great tonic. Miss Mattie Ben
son ' , South Parsonfield , Me.says/'After
us'ing Brown's Iron Bitters for weakness
and lack of appetite and energy , I felt
like another person. "
lieutenant Greely will travel in Europe
during the winter.
I have tried Athlophoros for an attack ot
rheumatism , and I feel a good deal better
than I did before using the medicine. I
have not as many pains as I had before.
Please send mo six bottles. Richard Plaff ,
Burr Oak , Wis.
King Alfonso aspires to to bo an author.
Rheumatism _ _ _ _ , Neuralgia _ . , Sciatica ,
n i i ll I - > li * r it 1
Lumbago , Backache , Headache/Toothache ,
SorcXl rontSTVcliinsro.SprnlnuKrui c ,
Hums , Scal < 1 > , Frot Bltea ,
Sold by DrnsgWs and Dealers everywhere. Fifty Cents a bottle.
Directions In 11 Languages.
( Snn i toA.TOOELEE&CO. ) Baltimore , Bd. , C. S. A.
Browns Iron
The question has probably been asked thousands
of times. "How can Brown's Iron Bitters euro every
thing ? " Well , it doesn't. But it does cure any disease
for which a reputable physician would prescribe IltpS
Physicians recognize I1011 aa the beat restorative
agent known to the profession , and inquiry of any
leading chemical firm will substantiate the assertion
that there are more preparations of iron than of any
other snbstanco used in medicine This shows con
clusively that iron is acknowledged to be tho most
important factor in successful medical practice. It is ,
however , a remarkable fact , thatpnor to the discov-
cry-of BROWN'S IRON HITTERS no perfect ,
ly satisfactory iron combination had ever beau found.
' DDnt4FU7O iDnRi CMTTCOC 008 notinjuro
DnUlAtll 0 IDUli Ul I I r.nOthoteethcanso
headache , or produce constipation all other iron
medicines do. BROWN'S IKON BITTERS
cnrea Indigestion , Biliousness , Wc3ltne s ,
Dyspepsia , Malaria , Chills and Fevers ,
Side , Back orLiinbsIIcn.ilaclic andNenral-
si a for all these ailments Iron is prescribed dnOy.
FjnniifU'O IDnH DITTCDC however.doea
DuU trill O I null DIM CUOnot euro in a
minute. lake all other thorough medicines , it acts
Blowlr. "When taken by tn'n the first symptom of
benefit is renewed energy. The muscles then become
firmer , the digestion improves , the bowels are active.
In uomm the effect is usually more rapid and marked.
Ths eyes begin at once to brighten : the akin clears
up ; healthy color oomos to the cheeks ; nervousness
disappears ; functional derangements become regu
lar , and if & nursing mother , abundant sustenance
is supplied for the child. Remember Brown's Iron
Bitters is tho ONI/V iron medicine that is not in
jurious. PAynetan * and JruygitU recommend it.
Tho Genuine has Trsdo Hark and ci-wed red lines
on wrapper. TAKE NO OTHEIl.
DOES r\/f/r
CURES OF / / ' 7 !
Because it acts on the LITER , BOWELS and
KIDSEIS at the same time.
Becansa It cleanses the system of thepoison-
ons humors that developo in Kidney and Uri
nary Diseases , Biliousness , Jaundice , Constipa
tion , Mies , or in Biieumatism , Keuralgia , ITer-
TOUS Disorders end all Female Complaints.
H ? V/lliTj / H U HTT'7
By causing PEES ACTIOir of all tho organs
end functions , thereby
restoring tho normalpower to throw off disease.
of the worst forms of these terrible diseases
been , quickly relieved , and in a short time
Dry can bo sent by mail.
WEriSEICHABJ3SON & Co. , Burlington , Vr
3 Stnd stamp for Clary Almanac for 18S-U
Aid MisDitei in He BROAD GLA i M ol telistti
Ever offered to tho uubllc.
Men Think"
they know all about Mustang Lin
iment. Few do. Not to know is
not to have.
Current Notes.
, Malaria 13 not confined to low lying
'districts. In Italy it rises to the
hefeht of four to five hundred feet , in
California 1,000 feet , nlong theAppa-
lachain chain 3,000 feet , in the West
Indies fourteen to eighteen hundred
feetinlndia2,000feet. On the Andes
it is sometimes found at the height oJ
11,000 feet. Under ordinary circum
stances a moderate altitude will he
found comparatively frea from ma
What would some of our good old
forefathers say if they were able tc
step down to the station along about
10 o'cloclcin the morning , and see the
two Boston expresses whizzing by at
not much more than a mile a minute ,
or between 4 and 5 in the afternoon ;
or more startlingly surprising still ,
could catch a glimpse of the evening
expresses into New York. At night
there is a terriblo Avhirl and rush , a
lightning-like flashing of light , and in
an instant the train is out of the cut
and away out of sight. It seems a
frightful rate of speed , but the people
in the car do not appear to realize
how fast they are going , so perfectly
do the trains run. A yank around
the curve however , in the rear cai
must slightly strain the equilibrium.
Greenwich ( Conn. ) Graphic.
The strong coffees , Rio and Santos ,
are mostly grown in Brazil. The West
and South are the principal consum
ers of Rio. A very small amount oi
Mocha is brought into this country ,
H/hat sold under the name not being
'Mocha at all. The most important
of all inild coffees is Java. It is raised
on tho islands of Java and Sumatra ,
and ranks first in the estimation 01
the coffee-drinkers in the United States.
Ceylon is the rival of Java , but we sel
dom get any plantation Ceylon coffee
here , as-it is sent to England. Mexico
raises some coffee , and there has been
a wonderful improvement in the varie
ty grown there in the last five years.
Between 500,000,000 and 700,000-
000 pounds of coffee is consumed in
tho'Unitoi States yearly.
The camphor sold in this market
comes chiefly from Japan. Formosa
and Borneo furnish some. It is ob
tained l > y cutting up tho camphor
plant , leaves and all , and distilling
them , here is another kind , found in
thrs heart of an enormous tree which
Crows in the mountains of Borneo.
The trees are cut down and split open
and tho gum is picked from the centre.
Sometimes lumps a yard long and
three inches thick are .found , but 20
pounds is a good quantity for the
averasfi tree. The Chinese have a
great liking for this quality , and have
been known to pay as hic-h as $30 a
pound for it though the difference be
tween it and common camphor is
mostly imaginary. The crude cam
phor has to be redistilled before it can
bo used.
Ths Charleston News and Courier re
cites 1he following as reasons why the
people of South Carolina should be
.contented with their State and not
seek homes elsewhere : "Several black
heart ; have been seen in North Carolina
recently. There was a shower of tur
tles as large as silver dollars in Raleigh
a few days ago. A bolt of lightning
struck a pond near Asheville and kill
ed number of fish the week before
last. One hundred and sixty-seven
snakes were killed in an old fort near
Beaufort in one day , and a ghost has
been seen near Rockingham. In Georgia
a man living near Athens dropped a
spool of thread into a holefrom which
Ja locust had ju'jt emerged , and the en
tire spool unwound without reaching
the bottom of the hole. "
According to the London Times the
price of diamonds has steadily fallen
from $15 to $3.75 per carat. Of old ,
* the world received each year new dia
monds of about $250,000 in value on
tho average. But suddenly from South
Afnca comes a new supply , exceeding
, $20,000,090 worth each year for ten I
years. It is true that recently in Aus-
trnlia , North America , and other extra-
European centers of European civil
ization , a new population has come in
being , numbering over 70,000,000 , the
upper ten thousand of which are es
pecially prone to diamond ornaments , |
and no doubt at the first there was a
gi eat void to be supplied. But now
, the limit has been reached , and the
.world thus supplied seems hardly
ilikely to take more than $10,000,000
.per annum.
Mary Ho\vitt's Father and Motli-
When my father was employed as a
surveyor in 1795 on the Talbot es-
itate , at Margam , he attended the First
-day meeting of Friends at Neath and
met , at the hospitable table of Evan
Rees , Ann Wood , a convinced Friendon
a visit to Evan's wife Elizabeth. They
, saw each other frequently and became
well acquainted. On one occasion at
[ dinner she suddenly learned his re
gard for her by the peculiar manner
in which he asked : "Wilt hou take
.some nuts , Ann Wood ? " She took
them , saying : "I am fond of nuts. "
"That is " he
extraordinary , replied ,
"for so am I. " There was in those
parts an aged ministering Friend of so
saintly a character as to be regarded
hi the light of a prophet. One First
day morning after they had both been
present at meeting , this minister drew
her aside and said , "If Samuel Botham
make thee an offer of marriage thou
must by no means refuse him. " Ac
cordingly he was before long her ac
cepted suitor. In the year 1796 , on
the sixth day of the twelfth month ,
they took each other * for man and
wife after the prescribed simple form , '
"in the fear of God and in thepresence
of that assembly. " They were mar
ried in the Friend's meeting house at
Swansea , where the bride's mother
then resided. In the marriage certifi
cate my father is stated to be an iron
master of Uttoxeter , Staffordshire.
"He must therefore have considered the
iron works with which he was then
connected as the established business
of his life. Mary Howitt , in Good
* *
Tlio Epidemic of Crime.
Whence comes this epidemic of sni-
cides and murder ? Recent discussions
have named several causes. Hon. C.
H. Reeve , of Indiana , charges it to infi
del teachings holding that hopeless
ness of a future state cripples fortitude
for bearing life's ills. Another declares
suffering from the universal business de
pression the cause. A third writer at
tributes it to increasing insanity , a phy
sician thinks much of the tendency is
inherited , while temperance advocates
lay the responsibility upon strong drink.
.Free-thinkers have committed suicide ,
but so have orthodox churchmen.
Financial straits have beset many , but
the wealthy have also taken their life.
Insanity and dissipation have pre
ceded suicides and family murders.
One feature common to almost every
such crime challenges attention. Well
nigh every report of suicide and family
murder mentions the perpetrator as
having "for some time been subject to
melancholy. " Whence comes this ? All
recognized medical authorities lell us
thatthe fire which consumes the brain
is always kindled by derangements of
digestion ; that good digestion is impos
sible without pure blood , and pure blood
is never known when the liver and kid
neys are out o order. Under such cir
cumstances , a preventive should be
sought , and for this Warner's safe cure
is so roreign a fact conceded by the
best authorities in the land , and it is
especially commended by the celebrated
Dr. Dio Lewis. HocJicsler Democrat.
The Recent Affliction Racket.
"I have a memorial here which I
would like to sell you , " said a peddler
to a lady whose door-bell he had rung
in Brooklyn. He held up an engraved
memorial surrounded by a cheap frame.
It had been gotten up in memory of a
little child of the lady who had died a
few weeks before.
"How did you know I had lost a
child ? " she asked.
"O , I saw it in the papers , " was the
reply. "That was where we got the
age and other information required. "
" ' " said the to
"It's a good thing , man
the reporter. "We look over all the
newspapers and cut out the notices of
the deaths of the children. After two
or three weeks , when we think that the
grief of the parents has passed over
somewhat , we get up a memorial and
take it around. It is solely on our own
responsibility that we do it , and we
must run a risk of not selling. Some
times people are indignant when we ap
proach them , but as a general thing
they buy. We sell them at § 5 apiece ,
to be paid for at the rate of 50 cents a
week. Now , between you and myself ,
they cost us about $1 each. " Chicago
Power of the United States.
Hon. James N. Kerns , United States
Marshal of Pennsylvania , writes that
during the severe winter weather his
family used Red Star Cough Cure and
were mush benefited by it. He states
that he knows nothing better in reliev
ing colds or sore throats.
A Rich Wife for the Bishop.
One of the richest women in Denver
is Mrs. Bishop Warren , of whom so
much has been written since her mar
riage with the handsome and gifted
Methodist preacher. Many years ago
this lady went to Denver , a poor , hard
working sewing girl. Her father was
her fortune , for as she bravely plied her
trade she was wooed and won by one
lliff , a miner , and when he finally died
he left her a fortune of several million
dollars. Mrs lliff was a devout Meth
odist , and Denver gossips tell that
Bishop Simpson sent Bishop Warren to
that city on purpose to marry the mil
lionaire widow. Their wedding was a
popular one , every Methodist in Den
ver being invited.
PAIN A > D DREAD attend the use of most
Catarrh remedies. Liquids and snuffs are
unpleasant as well as dangerous. Ely's
Cream Balm is safe , pleasant , easily up-
plied with the finger , and a sure cure. It
cleanses the nasal passages and heals the
inflamed membrane , giving relief from the
first application. 50 cents at druggists.
COc by mail. Ely Bros. , Owego , N. Y.
I have had catarrh in head and nostrils
for ten years so bad that there was great
sores in my nose , and one place was eaten
through. I got Ely's Cream Balm. Two
Bottles did the work , but am still using it.
My nose and head is well. I feel like an
other man. Chas. S. McJIillen , Sibley ,
Jackson Co. , Mo.
FROM COL. C. H. MACICEY , 2d Iowa In
fantry : I have now been using Ely's Cream
Balm for three months and am experienc
ing no trouble from Catarrh whatever. I
have been a sufferer for twenty years. C.
H. Mackey , Sigourney , Igwa.
If every one of our young friends
could take a course at Elliott's busine-s
college it would be better than a dawry
of a thousand dollars.
BURNS and Scalds are instantly rendered
painless , and invariably cured without a scar , by
the use of Carhollsalve , the great skill remedy.
25 and 50 cents. . .t Druggists or by mail. Cole &
Co. , Black Itivjr Falls. Wis.
Mr. Moody is about to move on Bridge
port , Conn.
Stinging , irritation , inflammation , all Kidney ind
urluary Complaints , cured by Uucliu-I'nlha. " $1.
James Jackson Jarves is writing another
book on art matters.
"When Babywaa rick , ire gaTe her Caatoria ,
TThan she iras a Child , she cried for Castoria ,
When she became Miss , sho clung to Caatoria ,
TTtsa aha had Children , she gavo them Caatoria ,
Worth , the man milliner , never works at
night , and spends $100,000 a year.
If afflicted with Sore Eyes , use Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell it.
Sullivan is not the first pitcher who has
been broken up by a ' "bat. "
Children , alow In development , puny , icrawnr and
iellcwe , use "Wells' Health Renewer. "
In times of newspaper mourning it is a poor
column rule that will not work both ways.
Saa ttmt and monig ky using Stewart'a Heal
ing Powder f r cut * and tires on animals. Sold
eotrguhere. IS and SO ets. * kox. Try ft.
Mr. Joseph Jefferson is again a lather ,
tiB event having occurred a few days since.
Another Life Saved.
About two years ago , a prominent citizen
of Chicago was told by his physicians that
he must die. They said his system was so
debilitated that there was nothing left to
build on. He made up his mind to try a
"new departure. " He got some of Dr.
Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" and
took it according to directions. He began
to improve at once. Hekept up the treat
ment for some months , and is to-day a
well man. He says the "Discovery" saved
his life.
The Eed Prince is to have two monu
ments one at Potsdam and one at Berlin.
"Frailty , thy Name is Woman. "
That she is frail , often in body ,
' "Tis true , 'tis true , 'tis a pity ,
And pity 'tis , 'tis true. "
Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription" is
the best restorative tonic for physical frail
ty in women , or female weaknesses or de
rangements. By druggists. Price reduced
to one dollar.
The Orleans family subscribed 50,000
francs for the cholera patients atMarseilles.
Victims of youthful indiscretions , suffer
ing from nervous debility , lack of self-confi
dence , impaired memory , and kindred symp
toms , should send 10 cents in stamps for
large illustrated treatise , giving means of
certain cure , with numerous testimonials.
Address , World's Dispensary Medical Asso
ciation , GG3 Main street , Buffalo , N. Y.
Lawrence Barrett is writing a "Life of
Charlotte Cushman.
Don't Kead This
Unless you want a free sample of Smith's
Bile Beans , the great liver remedy , and a
beautiful card taken from real life , sentyon
free of charge. Send us your name and P. 0.
address. J. P. SMITH & Co. , St. Louis , Mo.
( Name this paper. ) .
Bjdrnsen has finished his new drama ,
"Geography and Love. "
Sam Small ( Old Si ) has turned preacher
and now moralizes in earnest.
Pere Hyacinthe has come out as an indi
rect advocate of a forward colonial policy.
Relief from Sick Headache , Drowsiness ,
Nausea , Dizziness , Pain In the Side , &c. ,
guaranteed to those usinp Carter's Llttlo
Liver Pills. These complaints are nearly al
ways caused by torpid liver and constipated
bowels. Bostonthese organs to their proper
lunctions and the trouble ceases. Carter's
Littlo .LiverTills will do this every time. One
pill is a dose. Forty in a via ) . Price 25 cents.
Prof. Langston , ex-minister to Liberia ,
is to settle down on a farm in Virginia.
ITalforrt Sauce used at all flrst-c'asa hotels.
Makes your food more nutritious.
Oliver Wendell Holmes lives in a house
painted a bright yellow , with green blinds.
Corrects offensive odora at once. Complete cure
of worst chronic cages , ulso unenualed as gargla
lor Diphtheria , Sore Throat , Foul Breath. 50c-
Maurice Strakosch will shortly issue a
volume of personal memoirs.
Fimples and ilofelies
Are very liable to appear In hot weather , when the
blood Is heated and burdened with Impurltl s. They
frequently cause Intense Itching , and rubbing or
scratching only Increases the annoyance. The
onlv way to cure pimp es and blotches Is to strike
directly at the CJUSG , by taking Hood's Sarsaparllla
to purify the blood.
"I had been troubled with hives and pimples for
some time. I took two bottles of Hood's Sarsaparllla
and am entirely cured. I think Hood's Sarsaparilla
has no equal as a blood purifier. " EFFIE M. PETBIE ,
Portsmouth , O.
' I know Hood's Sarsapnrllla to be good by Its suc
cess in removing eruptions from my face. " H. G.
PAKK , Champaign , 111.
' This winter I was troubled with a humor , pim
ples coming out all over me , and itching a great deal.
I took several kinds of medicine , but they gave me
no relief. At last I took Hood's Sarsaparl la and the'
humor has disappeared. I feel right wel now. '
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. l ; elx for $ j. Prepared by
C. I. HOOD & CO. , Apothecaries , Lowell , Masa.
JOO Doses One Dollar *
The Invigorating
and tranqullizingop-
erntlon of Hostett
er's Stomach Bitters
Is most powerfully
deeloped In cases of
Indigestion. The first
effect of this agree
able tonic Is com
forting and encour
aging. A mild glow-
pen ades the system ,
and the nervousrest-
lessnessivhlch char
acterizes the disease
Is abated. This Im
provement Is not
transient. It Is not
succeeded by the re
turn of the old symp
toms with super-
added force , as It al-
wajstl.e ca e when
unmedlcatcd stim
ulants arc given for
the coinptamt. For
sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally.
If you trlsh a certain cure for all Blood
diseases. Nothing was ever invented that will
cleanse the Blood and purify the System
to Hops and ITIAT/T Bitters. It toneo
up the System , puts new Blood In your
Tolas , restores your lo t appetite and
sleep , and brings you perfect health. It
never fails to give relief in all cases of Kidney
or Liver Troubles , Blllonaness , Indl-
ffestton , Constipation , Sick Headaches , Dys
pepsia , Nervous disorders , and all F malo
Complaints ; when properly taten it is a , sur
cure. Thousands have been benefited by it
In this and other Western States. It is the Best
Combination of Vegetable remedies a.i yet
discovered for the restoration to health ot th
TVealc and Debilitated. Do not get BTops
and ITIAI/r Bitter * confounded trith infe
rior preparations of similar name. I prescribo
Hops & Malt Bitters regularly in my practice.
Robert Turner , 11. D. , Flat Bock , Mich. Tor sala
by all druggists.
Many a Lady
is beautiful , all but her skin ;
and nobody has ever told
her how easy it is to put
beauty on the skin. Beauty
on the skin is Magnolia
TV. X. 17. , Omaha. 378 40.
* ; * * ? * <
of the KINO of the AViSsTKIUT WAK TKA1L1
Don't fail to ra l it. Now running : In
CHICAGO LKDOER. Son.11 1"1 , ?
Jor sample ropy. Aililress TILE
4.KUKKK. flilrnso. Ill-
issued Sept. and Mnrcli ,
, eaclx year. / 3 25G mges ,
> < xllJ incliesjivltli over
3,5OO illustrations a
whole Pictfiro Gnllcry.
GIVES "Wholesale Prices
direct to consumers on nil goocla for
personal or family use. Tells liow to
order , and gives exact cost ot cTcry
tiling yon. use , eat , drink , wear , or
have fim ivlth. These IKVALTJABLE
BOOKS contain , information glc&ned
from the markets of the world. "We
will mall a copy FREE to any ad
dress upon receipt of 10 cts. to defray
expense of mailing. Let ns hear from
yon. Respectfully , „
22T Jt 229 Wnbash Avenue. Chicago , lit
DR. A. C. S&BEft.
Twenty Years * Experience In
diseases treated suciesiTuIIy
FEMALE andCUKKD.mcli as Prolep-
sus.Ovarlan troubles. Inflam
AUD mation ami I'lceratlons , Kail-
Ins and Displacement of the
iiftveus "Womb , Spinal Weakness , and
Chance of Life , and all foima
. n , . of KIM NJUY troubles. Can
relle > elnall andposlth ely cure most of those rim-
plaints and weaknesses so common J.o womankind.
Luns diseases , LUcr complaints end all dUeases of a
private nature successfully treated. CArid-bita
treated and cured. . . . .
Letters of Inquiry conQdcnMallr ai wcred.
Address IIS. A. C. ; SAKIIS.
.Beatrice * JCD.
A. HOSPE , State Agent ,
could express the agony I endured from Rheumatism , and
It wu all I could do to endure It. Crippled , notable to
walk or sleep , I took two-thirds of a bottle of ATHLO
PHOROS and In a few days was well. " T E. Chatfleld ,
865 llth Arenue , Milwaukee , wls. Athlophoros Is the only
real cure for Rheumatism erer discovered. Aik your drug
gist for Athlophoros. If you cannot get it of him donottry
something else , but order at once from us. We will send It
ATHXOPHOROS CO. , 112 Wall St. Kew York.
j Awarded GOLD MEDAL. LONDON , 18S3. Used
, , i feV 5I"on & Hamlm Onran and Piano CoPullman
"SJ Palace Car Co. ic. Mfd only bv the RUSSIA
* 2a * " s EVERYWHERE. OS-Sample Tin Can by Mtil. 5c.
r r anm&chlo bulling * u4
cleaning fit for mulct 11 much
Clorer S < ed In ONK BAT
at toe
Illustrated circa-
Ur miiltd free.
MACHI.NR CO. , Couniba ! , Ohio.
Lorillard's Climax Plug
bearing a rrd Hn tag ; that LorUlardf
Retro l.enf fine cut ; that Lorillard'i
Nary Clipping ! , and that Lorillard's Snalli , tr
th bast tmii cheapest , quality considered ?
lOTsS fora KJJW and complete
The Worlil'M greatest soldier , and the Nation's
rnppthonoredciti/en Lowprire. linpid J-ulCH.
I & CO.1U Adouis hUChicaxa
Diseases of Women.
Paxton Motel , Omalia , Ncln
! * * "Wholesale and Retail
Fu R N S T U R
DEWEY & STONE , Omaha , Neb.
ped school in the AVest. Elcpant rooms heafed"hy
P&J3 steam. Able teachers. Cheap board. Address
for circulars : LILLIUHIDGK & KOOSE , Lincoln , Neb
BIG OFFE * * To introduce them ,
we will GIVE - \ WAY 1,000 Self Operating
"Washing Machines. If you want one send
us your name , P. O. and cinress office at
once. The National Co. I5Dey St.N. Y.
Wall Paper and Window
10 to 20 per cent cheaper than pool prices.
Samples Sent on Application.
T. J. Beard JC IJro , Omaha.
Tumors and Ulcers cured without
GANGER palnorknlfe. Write for pamphlet.
Dr. F. B. Golley. Mllwaukee.Wis.
Morphine Habit Cured in 1O
OPIUM to2Olayt * . Xo pay till Cured.
Diu J. fcTEpiiEXS. Lebanon , Ohio.
A positive cure. Xo Knife.
GANGER.A Plaster. No Fain. W. C.
. e , Mar3halltowa.Iowa.
Zell's Kew Encyclopedias , in parts or bound.
T. ELLWOOD ZELL , 4T N o. 13th St. Phlla.
* * * RociubTEU , June 1.1H83. "Ten
Years apo I was attacked with the most
Intense and deathly pains la my buck and- j
Kidneys. '
"Extending to the end of my toes and to'
my bruin !
"Which made rao delirious !
"Prom agony ! ! ! !
"It took three men to hold mo on. my
bed at times !
"The Doctors tried in vain to relieve me ,
but to no purpose.
"JTorphine and other opiates !
' Had no effect !
"After two months I was given up to
die ! ! ! !
"When my wife
heard a neighbor tell what HopBittershad
dono for her , she at once got and gave ma
some. The first dose eased my brain and
seemed to go hunting through my system
for the pain.
The second dose ensed mo so much that I
slept two hours , Fomoihirur I had not dono for
two months. Before I hml n-cd flvo bottles I
was well and at work ns bnrd as any man
could , lor over three weeks ; but I worked too
hard lor my strength , and taking- hard cold ,
I WUB fciken with the most acute and painful
rheumatism all through my system thutevcr
was known.
" 1 called thedoctors again , and after several
weeks they lott me a cripple on crutches fon
life , as they said. I met a f rJend und told him
ray case , and ho said Hop bitters cured him
and would euro me. 1 poohed at him , but ho
wns so ourneat 1 was Induced to use them ,
In loss than four weeks T had throw away my
crutches and went to work lightly and kept
on usinjr the bitters for flvo weeks , until I
became as well as any man living , and havo
Leon no for six years since.
Jt has also cured myife , who had been
sick for years ; and has kept her and my
children well and healthy with from two
to three bottles per year. There is no
need to be sick at all if these bitters ara
used. J. J. IJniiK , Ex-Supervisor.
"That poor invalid wife , Sister , Mother ,
"Or daughter ! ! ! !
"Can bo made the picture of health !
"With a few bottles of Hop Bitter.
"Witt you let them suffer ! ! ! ! "
1'rosecnte the Sirlmllersl. ' . '
If when you call for Hop Bitters tne rtrup-
pist bauds out anything but "Hoi-HITTKIIS"
with a green cluster of Hops on white label ,
shun Unit druggist as you would a viper : and
Jf ho has taken your money fora bogus stuff ,
indict him lor the fraud and sue him for dam
ages tor the swindle , and wo \ \ 111 reward you
liberally for the conviction.
See IS. S. Court injunction apalnst C. D.
Warner , Reading , Jlich. , and all his salesmen ,
agents , druggists , and other imitators.
Doctor. "Yes ; yon are bilious. Just get a box of
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills ; they will cure yon. "
Billons Complaints are caused by torpidity , con- '
jcstlon , or the ulceration of the liver. -4
The symptoms are dark , greasy , yellow skin , a
browner whitish coat to the tongue , appetite Irreg
ular , often a dry cough at night.
The skin sometimes breaks ont into pimples and
Boresandtho whole system is out of order. Wricat'fl
Indian Vegetable Pills are one of the very best
remedies known for any form of these troubles , and
will certainly relieve tne sufferer. They are purely
vegetable , made from the best drugs by competent
hands , and givo satisfaction. They are very gentlo
hi their action , causing no griping or unpleasant feel-
big to the most delicate. A trial will convince any
one troubled with biliousness that Wright's In
dian Vegetable Pills ia the medicine he needs.
A Specialist for Flcven Year * Ta t ,
Has treated Dropsy and Its complications with the
most wonderful success ; u \cgetalle remedies ,
rntlrely harmless. Removes all symptoms of dropsy
In eight to twenty dnj s.
Cures patients pronounced hopeless by the best of
physician s.
From the first dose the symptoms rapidly disappear ,
and In ten days at least two-thirds of the sympiomi
are removed.
Some mav cry humbug without knowing anything
about It. Remember It does not cost you anything
to realize the merits < f my treatment for Yourself.
1 am constantly curing cacs of long standing , ca-es
that Im\e been tapped a number of times , and the
patient declared unable to live a weulc. UI\u full
liMory of case. Name sex , liovr long aflllctcd , bow
badly swollen and where. Is bow els costive. hae legj
btirstedanddrlnped water. Send for free pamphlet ,
containing testimonials , questions , etc.
11) days treatment furnished free by mail.
Epilepsy fits positively cured.
If order trial , sendTcents In stamps topay postage.
H.H.GnEEX.M.D. ,
53Jones Avenue. Atlanta. Ga.
Tho only Mill that meets the popular demand ,
is its immenbe cale show a S3f Thousands in use
features for ISSaio add to its utility , inmished
with or without rob Crusher : also with or without
horseower. Every machine is complet
belt-power .Feed Milln , also WInil Ulills ,
Corn slieller * , c. Catalogue FREE ! Address
B \ J > J DeHKhtrn ! employment
F.Myandproht bIe. No Hooking , Knitlinr ,
Jlraidin ? , or Weaving. U a ny land of cloth
( new or old ) , mt or yarn. A handsome Turkish
Kufr mado with 2.j ct * . worth of carpet w ate
PFARI JHW MAKER coh boused
r.t " 0 10.1 ? nI sc" ' " machines , or
Awonderfnl invention. J t .telU nt slalit.
PosJP'i dAK -HII Wanted.
for circulars , terms , and territory
JXO. C. U01TT ACO. . , 218 State St , Chicago. "
Institute of Telegraphy
Bend for Circulars. GEO.R.BATHBTJHK.Prlncfi l
| Uakn of all itjlet of CAi IAQESBDaQIK3SPEIHO WAGOHS.SrHQLZ & DOUBLE a mrtxn 4 EADDLZJ
* * . ! . Taa HITMM A a We employ c * atrenta , end If
what rou order la not satis-
, _ _ - Irnrtorr. ve t > avall eaventc * .
f :2SJjfmf a fi K W Ho. 43 Bn > gr ( see cot ) U lart
; R MBitlQKataWthesameasothersipUatSiaa.
I * 5 KBK2 * 5B Top BusJries at SUO , nae as
umially sold for 3125 to SIM. /
Our Harness are all No. 1 Oak I
leather. Single. S8.5O to 82O.
EverythhUE f ally warranted. Bo-
f oreTraytngsend for our Illustrated
64-patra CaUlogue free. AiUreraW.B-
PKATT , hec'T , Elkhart , Indiana.
Wi BetaU at WHoIesaloJiices , Examining