The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 24, 1885, Image 7

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    "Why Bo Doctor * Prescribe Liquors !
. . Because they know not what else to
qoj or because sometimes a little liquor
serves to kindle th'e exhausted flres of
digestion. But this liquor prescription
is bad business for the patients , for it
makes drunkards ou t of a large ma
jority of them. Brown's Iron Bitters
does not kindle a temporary fire. It
nourishes , enriches , strengthens , pu
rifies. It drives out debility and dys
pepsia , and sets the invigorated system
at work oa a basis of health.
The grave is the home base ontliedio
jnp.n Held.
„ For cuts from barbed wire fence , sore shoulders ,
kicks end open sores on animals , use Stewart' *
Healing Powder , IS and SOcts. a box.
. A well-dressed foot is a thing of booty. *
: PA.TEIVTSobtHiiiedliyl.iuislM ser&Co..At.
j torneyfc.'WtU'hington.D.C.Est'd 1864. Ad vice free.
A coign ol vantage The counterfeit quar
\Freefroih \ Opiates , JZnietics and Foisons.
For Concha , Soro Throat , HonriencM , Influenza ,
t Colds. Bronchitis , Croup , Wliooplnc Ooncb
Asthma , Quln.r , Pains In Chc t , and other
affectioni of the Tbront and L.IIIIC * .
Price BO cents rf bottle. Sold by DiTseUts and Deal-
; ers. Parties vnablc to induce their dealer to promptly
] get tt for them tctll receive tico bottlcsExpress charges
paid , by sending one dollar to
Sole Owner * and Manuhcturers ,
Baltimore , Jlarjland , U. S. A.
The Genuine has Trade Mark and crossed Red
{ Lines on wrapper.
. Itvrffl euro any case of Iilver and Kidney
troubles It Is a perfecl
'renovator ' and mviporator. It cleanses the sys
Item of the polsonou humors that develop in
Ijiver , Kidney and Urinary diseases , car-
Iryinff away all poisonous matter and re
' torlns the Blood to a lioaltliy condition ,
.enriching it , rcfresliiiis and invigorating
'IDtind and Body. It prevents the growth ta
'Serious Illness of a BaiiEorous Cla = s ol
.Diseases that besin in mere trivial ail
ments , and are too apt to be neglected as suck.
'of tlioworst forms of these terrible diseases
'have been quickly relieved and in a short
'time perfectly cured by the use of Hops &
"Malt Bitters.
Do not get Hops and TOalt Bitters con-
.founded with inferior preparations of similai
'name. Talco Nothing but Hops & Malt Bit
'ters if you want a sure Cure.
Among medicinal
means of arnesllng
disease , Ilostetter't
Stomach Hitters
stands pre-eminent
It checks tliefurtlici
prepress of all dis
orders of the Btom-
nch.llverand bowels
revives the vita !
stamina , prevents
JJL and remedies chills ( ,
. i - sr and fever. Increase *
e = = = l the acthlty of tlu
1 = kidneys , counteract !
s a tt-ndency to rheu-
F matlsm. and is t
cenuine stay and
solace to aceo. In
firm and nervous
persons. The article
is , morcover.derived
from the purest and
For sale by allDrue
gists and Dealen
generally. ,
when applied into the nos
ltrilswlll be absorbed , cf-
ifectually cleansing the
head of catarrhal virus ,
caus'ns healthy secretions.
It alla > s Inflammation , pro
'tects the membrane from
fresh colds , completely
heats the sores and restore *
the senses of taste and
Not a IJanid or Snuff.
A few applications re
lieve. A tnoronch trreat
ELTBEOTHERS. Dragglsts. Owego. IT.
Jfr E.ForterSM Kaln itreet , Terr * Haute ,
Sid Jh > m NennOgi * and found no relief tm he
ATmOPHOROS. then In one datime toe pain w
fi I n1C I ? 1U el" proapt relief fii aHci a afXcml. ,
SLrSi Tonrdrnrglit br Atnlophoro * . If yon cannot
&UorhliTSiot : Sy Un el toraer.t one.
Km * i R'e'wfU aend It eapreaa paid on receipt of price ,
{ CO. . 112 W ll St. Sew York.
Hie HoldMoro of a Poor Student Brought
Illiu u Fortsno and u Itouutlful AVUe.
From tlio Boston Transcript.
In the University of Upsala , in
Sweden , lived a young student , a lone
ly youth , with a great love for studies ,
but without means for pursuing them.
He was poor and without connections.
Still he studied , lived in great poverty ,
but keeping up a cheerful heart , and
trying not to look at thefuture , which
looked so grimly at him. His good
humor and good qualities made him ,
beloved by his young companions.
Once he was standing with some of
them in the great square of Upsala ,
whiling away an hour of leisure , when
bhe attention of the young man was
arrested by a very young , elegant lady ,
who at the side of an elderly one ,
walked slowly over the place. It was
the daughter of the Governor of Up
sala , living in the city , and the lady
with her was her governess . She was
generally known for 'her goodness
and gentleness of character , and was
looked upon with admiration by the
students. As theyoungnien now stood
gazing at her , as she passed on like a
vision , one of them exclaimed :
"Well , it would be worth something
to have a kiss from such a mouth. "
The poor student , the hero of our
story , who was looking intently on
that pure , angelic face , exclaimed as if
by inspiration : "Well , I think 1 could
have it. "
"What ! " cried his friends in chorus ,
"are you crazyDo you know her ? "
"Not at all , " he answered ; "but I
think she would kiss me now if I asked
her. "
"What ? in this place , before all our
eyes ? "
"In this place , before your eyes. "
"FieeJy ? "
"Freely ? "
"Well , if she will give you a kiss in
that manner I will give you § 1,000 ! "
exclaimed one of the party.
"And I ! " "Audi ! " cried three or
four others ; for it so happened 'that
several rich young men were in the
'roup. Bets ran high on so improlta
ble an event , and the challenge was
made and received in less time then we
take to relate it.
Our hero ( my authority tells menot
whether he is handsome or plain ; 1
have my peculiar ideas for behevingho
was rather plain but singula/ly good
looking .at the same time ) our hero
immediately walked off to the young
lady and said : "Mem Fraulien , my
Fortune is in your hands. " She looked
at him in astonishment , but arrested
her steps. He proceeded to state his
name , condition , and aspirations , and
related simply and truly what passed
between him and his companions.
The young lady listened attentively ,
and when he ceased to speak , she said ,
blushingly , but with great sweetnest :
"If by so little a thine ; so much can be
effected , it would be foolish for me to
refuse your request ; " and she kissed
the young man publicly in the open
square. '
Next day the student was sent for by
bhe Governor. He wanted to see the
man who had dared to seek a kiss from
his daughter that way , and whom she
had consented so to kiss. He received
him with a scrutinizing brow , but after
an hour's conversation was so pleased
with him that he invited him to dine
at his table during his studies at Up
Our young friend now pursued his
studies in a manner which soon made
him regarded as the most promising
scholar in the university. Three years
were not passed after that day of the
first kiss'when ' the young man was al
lowed to give a second one to the
daughter of the Governor as his in
tended bride.
He became later one of the greatest
scholars in Sweden , as much respected
for his learning as for his character.
His words will endure forever among
the works of science , and from his hap
py union sprang a family well known
m Sweden at the present dcay , and
whose wealth of fortune and high posi
tion in society are regarded as small
things compared with wealth of good
ness and love.
An Heroic Cure Tor the Opium
A pathetic story has lately come to
my knowledge of a young man , an un
dergraduate in an eastern college , who
had become a victim of the hypoder
mic use of morphia. He went with
his father , who was engaged in the
lumbering interest , into the primeval
forests of Maine , hoping that during *
his stay of months with the wood
choppers he would be able to fight out
the battle of gradual abandonment
successfully. Through a strange fa
tality , when the party had just arrived
attheircampingplace , and were trans
porting their goods across a stream ,
the case "of morphia was broken by an
apparent accident and its contents
scattered into the water. None but
the haggard young man could , at the
moment , Comprehend the appalling
magnitude of the calamity there , as
he was , two hundred miles from the
nearest settlement ! He survived the
terrible ordeal but words could
, no ex--
prebs , he has said , the tortures and
agony through which he passed dur
ing the succeeding weeks. He was
closely watched , else at tunes , he
would have drowned himself or have
beaten his brains out on the rocks.
Months afterward he came back to the
world a skeleton , worn and haggard
from his terrible contest. It was an
experience to which he could never af
terward refer without the most pain
ful emotions.
Not theleast significant point in this
veritable account is the fact thej'oung
man always believed that his father
purposely brought about the catas
trophe for the sake of bringingmattera
to a speedy end ! Has the usual treat
ment of the disease by physicians at
this day anything to offer that is much
better than this man's summary
method ? Popular Science Monthly
for July.
A Campaign feecret Given Away.
In the campaign of 1884 the two can-
lidates for gove'rnor m a "pivotal"
western state arranged fir a series of
Joint discussions. Both men were pop-
ilar , both of fine appearance and were
10 well matched in mental force and as
> rators that the contest between them
Droinised to be a magnificent one. For
jeveral weeks the scales balanced
Bnt one day the brilliant Kepublican
: andidate came up ailing. He seemed
> vercome and spoke lahoredly. The
lext day he was even less effective ,
later he was compelled to ask his op-
jonent for a postponement of certain
ippointments , which was granted. Be-
'ore the campaign ended he had aban- >
loned the field altogether.
Meantime the Democratic candidate
jontinued his canvass ! 'seeming to grow
itronger , cheerier and more effective
vith each succeeding-week. He was
sleeted. One evening in December
vhile entertaining several gentlemen he
laid :
"I will tell you a campaign secret
vhich gave me the election. With the
tpeninf of my campaignl began caring
briny liver. I knew that a disordered
> r torpid liver meant dullness and pos
sible sickness. I took something every
lay. When my opponent began failing
i knew his trouble to be his liver and
elt like prescribing for him , but feared
f I did so he might beat me ! I grew
stronger as the campaign progressed ,
> ften making two speeches a day. Even
ny voice , to my surprise , did not fail
ne once. All because Warner's safe
jure kept me in A 1 trim. " Ex-Gov-
jrnor Jacob of Kentucky , also made a
jampaign tour under precisely similar
arcumstances and says lie kept up un-
ler the exhausting strain by use of the
lame means. Rochester Union.
Clubs and Bachelors.
Some have claimed that their keen
jyes caught a glimpse of impending
langer to society in the multiplication
if clubs and the contemporaneous in-
: rease in the number of confirmed bach-
slors. But this is a mere coincidence ,
tnd the real causes of bachelorhood
nust be sought elsewhere. The actual
endency of the club is in the opposite
lirection. Here the bachelor is brought
inderthe convicting influence of a man
> f family ; and no matter how much of
ncompatibility may jar the serene
itmosphere of the household , thepater-
lal householder makes his place the
jpecial auditorium of his loudest and
ongest praises of wife and babies , and
lie peace and comfort of home. This
lort of preaching produces conviction
> f guilt in the bachelor conscience , and ,
is Mr. Webster has said , "guilt can
lot long keep its secrets. " St. Louis
3l < > bc-Democrat.
Bishops on Gen. Buckner's Staff.
Gen. S. B. Buckner , who was one of
lie two confederate pall-bearers for
Jen. Grant , had a very remarkable staff
luring the war , and his military family
las furnished the Episcopal church with
three bishops Gallagher , of Kentucky ,
vho was a lieutenant-colonel and as-
listant adjutant-general , is now bishop
> f Louisiana ; Elliott , another Kentuck-
an , captain and aid-de-camp , is bishop
> f Texas ; Harris , of Georgia , aid-de-
jamp , who is a bishop of the Michigan
liocese , was first promoted to this high
lignity in the church. Another clergy-
nan who came from the same strange
raining school is Shoup , a West Point
graduate , who left the old army and
vent south. He is now a D. D. and
'amed for his sincere and earnest piety ,
is he was in the old times for daring
md reckless courage. St. Louis Ee-
Photographing a Cyclone.
What would make a finer panorama
han a series of pictures of a Kansas
own struck by a cyclone , showing it ,
irst , in its ordinary state ; second , with
; he big ; black cloud which presaged the
itorm in the back groundhird ; , ' with
ihe inhabitants fleeing for shelter to
iheir cyclone pits ; fourth , with the
juildings hurling wildly through the
lir and the few inhabitants who did
lot reach cover in time mixed up among
die flying debris ; and last , with the
louses and stores mostly in ruins , and
; he people cautiously crawling out of
; he pits to view the.wreck ? If , instead
> f five , 500 views should be taken a few
leconds apart , the whole could be ar
ranged , on the same principle as a well-
tnown children's toy , in a swiftly re-
rolving series , so as to represent the
rfhole scene just as it occurred. The
mly difficulty in making sets of views
like these would be to have the photog
rapher ready with his camera and a set
) f plates just at the right moment , and
! o prevent him and his machine from
blowing away with the rest of the
; hings. But surely modern science can
jasily solve such a trivial difficulty as
ihis. The possibilities of instantaneous
Dhotography are just beginning to be
leveloped. New York Mail and Ex
A Beautiful Story.
On the walls of his room was a little
Dicture of a vessel upon the rocks , evi-
lently breaking up. Far away , be-
Jween the wreck and the shore , in a
little boat , were two men , and that old
fisherman said , "That is my boy in that
boat. " The vessel was breaking up
Shereon the rocks , and when some men
ivho had gone to see if they could save
any man returned , saying they could
lo nothing on account of the sea , the
boy came to his father and said , "lam
going to save those men. " He was
told that he might be drowned , but he
said , "I am not thinking of being
3rowned , but of saving those men. "
So he went to the boat with another to
help : and when he had brought every
man off safely , he said , "Father , it
seemed to me that the waters were
smoother when we were doing that. "
"Ah , Nelson , " said his father , "that
was God. " Ana he replied , "I think
it was. " Rev. A. WcKenzie.
Education in California.
Mrs. W. E. Chamberlain , wifo of Pro
fessor W. E. Chamberlain , principal of
ihe celebrated Pacific Business College ;
San Francisco , CaL , writes that from
personal experience she can heartily
recommend Red Star Cough Cure to
any one troubled with cough , cold or
( ore throat : It gave her relief at once.
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute.
This widely celebrated institution , lo
cated at Buffalo , N. Y. , is organized with a
full Htaff of eighteen experienced and skill
ful Physicians and Surgeons , constituting
the most co.nplete organization of medical
and surgical skill in America , for the treat
ment of all chronic diseases , whether re
quiring medical or surgical means for their
cure. MarvelouBsuccees has been achieved
in the cure of all nasal , throat and lung
diseases , liver and kidney diseases , diseases
of the digestive organs , bladder diseases ,
diseases peculiar to womenblood taints
and skin diseases , rheumatism , neuralgia ,
nervous debility , paralysis , epilepsy ( fits ) ,
spermatorrhea , impotency and kindred
affections. Thousands are cured at their
homes through correspondence. The cure
of the worst ruptures , pile tumors , vari-
cocele , hydrocele and strictures is guaran
teed , with only a short residence at the in
stitution. Send 10 cents in stamps for the
Invalids' Guide-Book (168 ( pages ) , which
gives all particulars. Address , World's Dis
pensary Medical Association , Buffalo , N. Y.
One who takes lots of interest in his busi
ness The pawnbroker.
3 * * * Pile tumors , ruptures and fis-
tuhc , radically cured by improved methods.
Book , 10 cents in stamps. World's Dis
pensary Medical Association , Buffalo , N.Y.
The youthful bass bawler usually strkes
out when his .mother makes a base hit.
Use Dr. Pierce's "Pellets" for all bilious
I j'en though a letter be as heavy as a sil
ver dollar , a two-cent stamp will carry it.
Better TIiuu Diamonds ,
and of greater value than fine gold , is a
great tonic and renovator like Kidney-
Wort. It expels all poisonous humors
from the blood , tones up the system , and
by acting directly on the most important
organs of the body stimulates them to
healthy action and restores health. It has
effected many marvelous cures , and for all
Kidney diseases and other kindred troubles
it is an invaluable remedy.
Scene from reel life A waltz.
THE DIAMOND DYES more coloring
is given than in any known Dyes , and they
give faster and more brilliant colors. lOc.
at all druggists. Wells , Richardson & Co. ,
Burlington , Vt. Sample Card , 32 colors ,
and book of directions for 2c stamp.
ALMOND MILK. Almond milk has
been found quite useful in cases of fe
ver , and when very light nourishing
drinks were wanted. Blanch two
pounds of sweet almonds , and to this
add nob more than two bitter almonds ;
braise quite smooth in a mortar , add
ing from time to time a little orange-
flower water ; put the almond-paste in a
jug and pour on it a pint of cold water ;
let it stand in a cool place eight hours ;
then strain very jcarefully and sweeten
with lump sugar.
Miss Kate M. Boden is illustrating
what pluck caa do. Determined to
make her own living , she took a course
at Elliott's business college and now
has an excellent position in the auditing
department of the B. &N. W. R. R. at
THE skull and horns of an uncommon
ly-large mountain ram were found im
bedded in a pine tree in Idaho. It is
supposed that the beast was caught and
starved hi the tree when it was a sap
ling , leaving his head to be overgrown
by the wood.
Your medicine , Athlophoros , has given
my mother considerable relief , more in fact
than anything she has ever taken , and we
have spent hundreds of dollars in different
useless remedies for rheumatism. W. G.
Twitchell , Anoka.Minn.
Nothing should appear at a cold collation
which requires carving or cannot be easily
Ex-President Arthur receives dinner invi
tations enough to make a dyspeptic of an
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Color Your Butter.
Farmers that try to sell white butter are
all of the opinion that dairying does not
pay. If they would use Wells , llichardson
it Co's. Improved Butter Color , and market
their butter in perfect condition , they would
still get good prices , but it will not pay to
make anty but the best incolorandquality.
This color is used by all the leading cream
eries and dairymen , and is sold by drug
gists and merchants.
Whoever makes the fewest persons uneasy
is the best bred in the company.
Senator Sharon's Palace Hotel , San
Francisco , is said to be assessed at § 1,260-
000. '
The only remedy that cures galls , cuts and
wounds on horses and cattle , anil always grows
the hair in its original color , is Veterinary Car-
tmlisali o. 50 cents and Sl-00 , at Dru-ruists or by
mail. Cole & Co. , Black Kiver Falls , Wis.
Hunger and conversation are the best
dinner sauce.
Queen Victoria is said to be fond of but
tered popcorn.
Ladleswho -would retain freshness and TlT cIty ,
don't tM to try Wells' -Health Uenewer. ' "
Fashionable ladies in Paris now wear
short silk socks instead of stockings.
California at this timestands third in the
list of petroleum producing states.
Y/non Baby TTM sick , we gavo her Castoria ,
"WTien she was a Child , she cried for Castoria ,
When aha became 2Iiss , sho clung to Caatoria ,
TTisn sho had Children , she gavo them Castoria ,
Marshal Bazaine is said to be in necessi
tous circumstances.
The simplest and best regulator o the Dis
order of Liver in the world , are Carter's Little
Liver Pills. They give prompt relief In Sick
Headache.Dizziness , Nausea , &c. , prevent and
cure Constipation and Piles : remove Sallow-
ness and Pimples from the Complexion , and
a e mild and i cntle in their operation on the
bowels Carter's Litttle Liver Pills are small
and as easy to take as sugar. Ono pill a dose.
Price 25 cents.
Epitaph for El Mahdi "No prophet , no
Cnreg Piles or Hemorrhoids , Itchlne , Protruding.
Bleeding. Internal or other. Internal and External
Remedy in each package. &nre cure.50c. Druggists.
One hundred million pounds of honey is
the American crop foretold for 1885.
The aching back , the sallow skin , thehol-
low eye , give way speedily before Hunt's
"Any physician who has used it will cer
tify to the excellence of Hunt's Remedy.
Hunt's Remedy is a standard remedy for
dropsv and kidney diseases. " GILBERT
There are thirty-two glue factories in this
"Rough on Itch" cures humor * , eruptions , rlas
worm , tetter , salt rheum , frosted feat , chilblains.
Prince Henry , of Battenberg , has resigned
from the German army.
ITalford Sauce Is Invaluable for soups , hashes ,
ftc. Blend * admirably with all gravies.
Governments more active and strong for
3s and 4s.
What Everybody Says
Must be true. And the unanimous praise which
people who have used It give Hoo.l's Sarsaparllla
should convince those who have never tried this
medicine of Its great curative powers. If you suffer
from Impure blood , that tired feeling , depressed
spirits , dyspepsia , or kidney and liver complaints
Rive Hood's Sarsaparllla a fair tr'-I and you will be
greatly benefited. . , „
"My wife has had very poor health for a Ions time ?
suffering from Indigestion , poor appetite , and con
stant headache. She found no relief till shetried
Hood's Sarsiipartllo. She Is now taking the third
bottle , and never felt better In herllfe. IVefeellt a
duty to recommend It to every one we know. " G.
SOMERVILI.E , Morcland , Cook Co. , III.
"My daughter received much benefit from the use
of Hood's Sarsapnrlllaas an excellent tonic after a
protracted attack of bronchial pneumonia. " RET.
F. II. ADAMS , New Hartford , Conn.
"Hood's Sarsaparllla Is the best blood puriflcr. " E.
S. PHELPS , Worcester , Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. $1 ; six for $ . " > . Prepared by
C.I.HOOD & CO. , Apothecaries , Lowell , Mais.
! OO Doses One Dollar.
If your child has any symptoms of dysentery or any
trouble of the bowels , commence HI liie's Food as a
diet without delay. Unless tin * trouble has become
chronic , requiring medical aid. It will correct the
difficulty * and , as a dietetic In sickness , It Is Inval-
mablc ,
nuiu nisi ASS miss ,
Bold by ALL DEALERS throughout the World
Gold Medal Paris Exposition , 1878
Established FAY'S 18CG-
Resembles line leather ; for ROOFS. OUT-
KIBE WALLS , and INSIDE In place of
Plaster. Very stronp and durable. CAR
PETS and RUGS of same material. Catalogue
Lorillard's 'Glimas Plug
bearing a rat tin tag ; that Lorlllard *
Rare Leaf fine cut ; tttat Lorillord'i
KayT Clipping" , and that LorllUird'a SnoITsarc
best * nd sheapest , quality considered ?
_ _ , , ,
mediate rtlii/iu the worst cjacsjnsurcs comfort-
able sleep ; effects core ) ) wD4rea ; I others fall. 4 - *
Stoo lnKSui > pprter .8ampl
outfit free. Audreys CinclnniSi
I Suspends : Co. . CincmnatuO
japed Echool In the AVe t. Elcsant rooms heated by
PBJP steam. Able teachers. Cheap board. Address
for circulars : LII/LIBBIDGE iKoosE , Lincoln. X
"Wall Paper ami TViudotv SIii lcs
10 to 20 per cent cheaper than pool prices.
Samples Sent on Application.
T. J. Beard & Uro , Omaha.
BIG OFFER. To introduce them.
ivewlllGIVK AAVAYl.OJO Self Operating
"NVashlng Machines. If you want one send
us your name , P. O. and express office at
once. The .National Co. , 25 Dey St. , X , Y.
PcrroiE can leirnhowtOFecuro
toooor : aXXat marrl Be by send-
circulars to X.V. . JIu ujl Endowment
Eoclery , Box 432 , Minneapolis , Jllan. A cents wanted.
3torpliino Habit Cured In 10
OPIUfii to lio < lays. Xo i > : iy till Cured.
lit. J. bTEwiENS. Lebanon , Ohio.
' Learn here and earn pood
, pay. Situations furnished.
Valentine Bros. , Janesvillc , "WIs.
ZeU's Xew Encyclopedias. In parts or bound.
T. ELLWOOD ZELL , 47 Xo. 13th St. Phlla.
iniihoiMl. 1'rc.uuture Jircur
.oat . . , . , <
r lni anda form30tJ cbllltyln Jtcn frorn early
error , Ipniomnce , vice or cactuses Q ulckl j and Ennlly
Cured ithout eontlnemcnt bv tho . ,
nownrmIyesabii&tiedinAmencaaalclraiiluiaerIt ]
FREE to carncHt lnQiilrrranottoboT5. or carlo- . '
Blty-aeekersVlareo lUustrated work on l ) ! en e of'
the Gcnlto-tJrlniiry < > rcfl" . Brnln find NcrTfa , !
( Sealed , f or 6 cents instantps. ) Gives testimonials , bnsi- >
Bess and medical references. &c , Cuiianltctlon Free. )
OIVJAI.K AOENOY. 1T4 FuUnn t > t. Xew York. '
julorGrsicitcialMIchr. 17 yri practical
13 In ChlcttCO. Authorized to treat all
Chronic. Nerroua and 8 | > ecial Dliaases.
Seminal 'Weakneu ( Night Losses ) , Bax-
nal Uabllltr ( Lou of S xaal 1'
GiurantyCureor money mundcd. Cliant *
low. Aceand experieoce are important. No
mtrcury or Imurioui niedicinca ui d. No timt toitirom
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