" : : f I'/In * - I MB' ' . . . " " . ' . - * . ' , * - ? * - / - . . " - . . . . . . r' B 4 - - ; if. BELT BUNE. I VOLUME IV. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 24 , 1885. NUMBER 17. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE MeCook , Nebraska. a. L. LAWS , Begistor. C. P. SABCOJr , Eeeeiver. OFFICE HOURS : From 9 A. M. to 13 M. , and 1 to 4 P. M. , mountain time. * COCBRAN & HELM , Attorneys-at-Law Gen'l Agents , McCOOK , : NEBRASKA. Prompt and careful attention Riven to Law Cases In all the Courts of the State and all classes of U. S. Land Business transacted before the local office at. McCook. Nebraska , and the Interior Department at WwliIUBton , D. C. Contests a specialty. Will pros ecute claims for Pensions and claims for Increase of Pensions. Notarial business done and lands bought and sold on reasonable terms. J3 ? 0ffice 1st door sontb of the U. 8. Land Office. 3.29 THOS. COLFER , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : LAW , AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Agent for tbo Lincoln Land Company. Real Estate Bought and Sold and Collections Made. \Sff Office , Opposite Chicago Lumber Yard , MeCook , Nebraska. R. M. SNAVELY , ATTORNEY : AT : LAW , NOTARY PUBLIC , NEBRASKA. INDIANOLA , - - Will practice in the County and District Courts of Red Willow , Hitchcock and Furnas counties. Commercial collections a specialty. Taxes paid. Conveyances carefully drawn and a general land business transacted. Office 1st door south of McCartney's brick store. PAGE T. FRANCIS , COUNTY SURVEYOR , RED WILLOW COUNTY. Keeps certified plats of all lands in the Hitchcock land district. Special attention given to all such business. Correspondence solicited. J. E. CASTBERGr , DEPUTY OUNTYSURVEYOR , AND CIVIL ENGINEER. "Government Claims Located and Sur veyed. Correspondence solicited. Office with Jennings In Starbuck. GW. . MINKLER , Surveyor and Civil. Engineer. S -Will do all kinds of Surveying , Grading , Leveling , etc. Will establish regular sub division corners , and re-establish lost corners , and give certified PLATS of surveys ; the plats being as good as the County Records. Residence at McCook , the first dwelling N. W. of the school house. DR. A. J. SHAW , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , 3ICCOOE , - IfEBRASKA. t&T Office in the McCook Banking Co.'s Building. DR. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK. NEBRASKA. "Office : Boom No. 1 , McCook Banking1 Company's Building1. DR. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B. & M. RAILROAD. [ OFFICE AT B. & M. PHAR5IACT , ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST A KD ATJKIST. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. tSSTOf&ce on East Dennison Street. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Office : Two doors south of Churchill House. JOHN F. COLLLSS , ' CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , NEBRASKA. McCOOK. - - Jobbingwill receive prompt attention at my shop on Dennison St. , opposite McCook Mouse. Plans and specifications furnished U desired. WILLIAM. McINTYBE , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA. All work warranted. All material furnished if desired. Work done on short notice. W. M. SANDERSON , HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER , McCooK , - NEBRASKA. JS All Tverk guaranteed. Give me a call. W. W. PALMER , Successor to S. H. EAiULSOiT. Has opened a full and complete line of HARNESS AND SADDLERY GOODS , 2 UMTS ITcrth of Zestt&ce , UcCOOZ , KZB. Prompt attention given to repairing. Your patronage is solicited. ROBERT DRYSDALB , MERCHANT TAILOR , -W. DENNISON STREET , McCOOK NEBRASKA. CHABLES STBJSON , ' FASHIONABLE BARBER AND HAIR CUTTER , TVEST DEXK1SOX STREET. * NEBRASKA. McCOOK , - - TYPE WRITING. W. S. WHEELER , jTp. O. Box 3. McCOOE , NEBRASKA. 'f- - < . , \ . - , ! , - ' . " IK MSM ili vJr ' ' : - - - " ? ? & : : > . A - 4 r. - $ ? ' . , . B > -avh . H Ksi V .Ji HB3 This Space is Reserved FOR PRATT & LAWSON DEALERS IN HARDWARE McCOOK , NEBRASKA. NEBRASKA.'f DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS . . Collections made on all accessible . points. Drafts drawn directly . on . the . principal cities of Europe. Taxes , paid for Non-Residents. .Money to loan on . Farming Lands Village and . personal property. Fire Insurance a specially. , Tickets for Sale to and from Europe C02SESFOJIDZNTS : First National Bank , Lincoln , Neb. The Chase National Bank , New York. J. "W. DOLAN , President. V. FRANKLIN , Vice-President. The First National Bank OF MeGOOK , NRBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL , - - $50,000.00. DOES A GENERAL - : - - : - BANKING BUSINESS , Receives and Pays Deposites. Buys and Sells Exchange on New York , Chicago and Omaha , and all ihe principal cities of Europe. FIRE INSURANCE WRITTEN IN RELIABLE CO.'S. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : GEOBOE EOC2KELL , Presides' , A. CAMPBELL , F. L. BEOW1T , CasHsr. B. X. F2EE3 , Vico-Prcadcat , ( Of Frees & Ilockncll. ) ( Assistant Supt. B. & M. ) ( Of Klrby Carpenter Co. , Chicago. ) i CENTRAL MEAT MARKET , CHURCH & WHITTAKER , PROPS. VEGETABLES STRAWBERRIES IN SEASON. BUTTER AND EGGS ALWAYS ON HAND. FRESH FISH AND CHICKENS. Mtolt y > A MORAL depravity in three stages Jam , jamboree , jimjam. LET us do justice even to the Bour bons. They serve as horrible examples. JUMBO is dead. He took issues with a freight train at St. Thomas , Ont. , the other day and came out second best. NEVER believe anything you read in a newspaper that doesn't agree with what you think. This saves wear and tear on your conyictions. IT is said , by a Boston paper , however , that the triumph of the Puritan over the Genesta has disgusted the dudesque An- glomaniacs of New York beyond de scription , and that nothing will comfort them. them.As As fast as the Richelieu Robinsons and the Thomas Ochiltrees disappear the Thomas A. tfendricks arise. And so there is always somebody to twist the British lion's tail , and the earth makes its customary revolution in the usual time. * REPORTS from Hitchcock county in dicate that the "merriewar"has opened , that the "music divine" has commenced. Frontier and Hayes counties are also preparing-for an "interesting time. " In fact , the political pot seems to be boil ing quite merrily even in our ownest ReE Willow ! THE receipts of the Illinois state fair , held during the same week as our own , are estimated at $30,000 , while the ex penses will fully balance them. There is no doubt that the Nebraska state fair is the biggest , best and most successful in every way that has been held in the United States this year. BESU is the name of a Georgia black smith who is said to be the strongest man in that state. He is six feet ten inches tall and.can . hold a 120-pound anvil out with one hand. Sometimes for pleasure he holds out cart-wheels by the spoke or snaps chains that horses can not break. He is much respected in the community in which he lives. WE are proud of Omaha our spark ling little metropolis so is every Ne- braskan ; butthephenomonal success of the Lincoln fair , and the rather dismal failure of the one held at Omaha , indi cates in tones not at all uncertain that the people of this state are of the opin ion that Omaha was playing the hog , and that Lincoln of right ought to be en couraged and protected in her rights. THE law and order league of Cleve land had Sullivan ( John L. ) arrested for pitching a base ball game there on Sun day. The stern impersonation of law and order who sat on the bench in the case found the knocker-out guilty as charged , and fined him a dollar. This leaves Sullivan a balance of $899 for his Sunday's work , and hence it cannot be thought a very discouraging penalty. SECRETARY LAMAR'S rash forcing of Texas cattle into the Indian territory has born the expected fruit. Thousands of native cattle in the infested region have died of Texas fever. The govern ors of Colorado and Kansas will stand firm as rocks against any attempt of the secretary and his cattle raising friends of Texas to cross the lines of those states until all danger is past by lapse of time and condition of the weather. To admit Texas cattle into those states and Nebraska simply means the slaughter of our cattle by the fever to make room for the new comers , and it will be resisted. Topics. EARTH'S two great oceans , 3,000 miles apart , shall roll up in thundering oratorio their echo of the high and glad refrain ; the vastest gulfs and grandest lakes in all creation shall join the chant ; river after river , huge rolling floods , shall conspire to swell the giant pzcan ; Superior's waves , old Mississippi's tor rents , Niagara's misty thunders shall roar it far and wide ; the hurricane , crashing through ten thousand mountain gorges , from the Alleghenies to the Cor dilleras , from the Adirondacks to the Sierras , shall chime it ; the raging bliz zards , hurling six-inch hailstones on sky- bounded and horizon-fenced Nebraskan plains , shall whistle and rattle it ; the catamounts shall shriek it , the prairie wolf shall howl it , the lone owl hoot it , and the grizzly bear shall growl it ; and the burden ofit shall be : ' 'America for Americans ! One country , one flag , zwei lager from Greenland's icy mountains to Darien's polden strands ! E Pluribus Unum ! ErinGoBrah ! Nowhenceforth and forevermore , world without end amen , a-women ! From Pat Donan's speech at the Tennessee Banquet. THE reason why Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a favorite with so many people is because it can always be depended upon. It's prompt and effectual cures of couglis , colds , croup and whooping cough , have made it standard'and those who have used it prefer it to any other. Sold by 31. A. Spalding and A. J. Wllley. T YTT F KROS JL > I JL JLvJL Ulvv O. SHELF and HARDWARE , NAILS , BARBED WIR CQ i-3 i3O 09 PS o tr1 GQ Cooking Stoves and Ranges , Bain Wagons and Spring Wagons , Iron arid Wood Pumps , SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS , WHEEL BARROWS , Walter A. Woods Mowers. MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING OF Tin , Sheet Iron and Copper Ware a Specialty , McCOOK , Opp. Citizens Bank. NEBRASKA. JEWELRY STOR KOR. NS ! OPTICAL GOODS. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF SILVER AND PLATED WARE The Finest in the "West , and at Prices that Can't be Beat in this Country. I ALSO HAVE A FINE LINE OF BOOKS At Half Price ! Well Bound , Finely Printed and 3Iake Handsome Gifts. Dickens , 15 Vol. , § 9.75. Irving's Works. 10 Vol. , § 0.50. Eliot's Works , 8 Vol. , less'than § G. Hundreds of others in proportion. SiH ; Ie books , 45c. to 65c. These prices can't be beat.