f-f * > > - * - - tr- X " ' " ' ' " ' * " * f ' * " - ' * - < > - ' 4 rr - ' ' - - - . . * * > v.- * l W. HAYDEN < & CO. . If . OFFER - MATCHLES AINS ! We cordially invite the attention of the general public to the following . price list of our Complete Stock of Groceries and Provisions : z. * I3 13 pounds good Ring Cut Apples 1.00 1C pounds good Michigan Dried Apples 1 00 4 cans best Corn Beef 1 00 25 pounds best White Beans * 1 00 t 13 pounds best Carolina Rice ' 1 00 * 13 boxes Sardines 1 00 J. T. Tobacco'per pound 40 cents Horse Shoe Tobacco per pound : 45 cents Spear Head Tobacco per pound 45 cents Climax Tobacco per pound - . 45 cents Meerschaum Tobacco per pound 30 cents Old Style Tobacco per pound 22 cents = . Dan Tucker Tobacco per pound 18 cents % ; 11 pounds of Kihgsford's Gloss Starch For * . § 1 00 L * 11 pounds of Kingsford's Corn Starch for 1 00 | We carry a full line of the Best Groceries money can buy and will ' give you Lowest Possible Prices. THESE PRICES ARE FOR THE CASH TRADE ONLY. HATDEN & CO. , DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. D. B. SPANOGLE PRESIDENT. C. M. BROWN VICE PRESIDENT. . . , . . . , . . . . . . . , L. , A. R. RINKER SECRETARY. F. SPANOGLE TREASURER. . . . C. P. RINKER , GENERAL AGENT. WESTERN IMPLEMENT GO , ( Successors to SPANOGLE & RINKER , ) Authorized Capital , - , $50,000.00. Jobbers and Retail Dealers in Agricultural Implements ! WAGONS AND BUGGIES. Pumps and Wind-Mills A SPRGIALTY. McCOOIZ Corner Railroad and Main Sts. NEBR. STAYSA & ROSECRANS , CONTRACTORS For all kinds % Descriptions of Buildings IN WOOD , BRICK and STONE. Lans drawn. Material furnished. Estimates given and Job Work done. With every.facility at our command and years of experience in our line of business we feel confi dent that we can serve the public in a satisfactory manner. I Prices and work talks , and business we are after , and that is just what we mean in this adv. Office and workshop , foot of - * Main Avenue , near depot. DON'T BUY YOUR NURSERY STOCK . UNTIL YOU HAVE CONSULTED WITH F. H. 1STON & . . , HEAKD HIS Have located my Nursery Grounds here , and will only the BEST for my trade. a * SATISFACTION GUARANTEED , MR ROPOLFTAN RUG STOR H 5 MeCOOK , - NEBRASKA. 5 ! M. A. SPALDING , Prop , f 5 1 | WE ALSO HANDLE 5 I PIANOS 9 ORGANS , | : i \ SRWING MAGHINRS , \ I PAIM T © , OILS , | I 'WALL : - PAPER , | DRUGGIST. | , . , * * * ± - * WrWKjj XXjj ( * VWrijr rij - rvjrt U L Wl"k'M CHEAPEST AND BEST UNEQUALLED FOR Power , Simplicity Durability. i : < itninlcs ! in.iclf ! of Mill ami rump umiplele upon : iiplK'.ilioii. ] Every Mill Warranted. Send for Catalogue. THE WOODMANSE This mlllls a "solid wheel" and the best self-rcKtilntor made. The TVoodmanse Xo. 6. Pump Is the liest fclmcle acting force pump In the market.Vill work In wells from 10 to 200 feet In depth , and has back attachments to force water Into elevated tanks. Can lie Ubed l > y hand or windmill. Parties contemplating the erection of a Windmill will consult their best Interests by calling nt my Homestead , 1J mllos N" . N * . of JlcCook , or at 15. Johnston's , 5 miles s. E. . and at Hewitt's Market ( janltn , S. i : . of MU t ul.mil rxaniinu the working of the Woodmanss. W. M. IRWIN , Agent , Woodmanse "Windmill Co. , Ereeport , 111. B. & M. PHARMACY , HAVE IN STOCK A LINE OF FINE TOILET ARTICLES , COMBS , BRUSHES , PEEFTIMEEY , EXTRACTS , ETC. PAINTS , OILS , DYE STUFFS , PAINT BRUSHES , Kalsomine , Turpentine , Lead , Putty , Window Glass , Etc. Fine Line of Cigars Always on Hand. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded , Day or Night. MeCOOK , NRBRASKA. . " STOCK DIRECTORY. -ss > * j- / - * > * st * s * * s * s * s - r- KILPATRICK BROTHERS. ( Successors to E. D. Webster. ) Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder. P. O. address. Estelle , Hayes countand Beat rice , Neb. Range , Stink- # Water and French- , 'man creeks , Chase Co. , ! Nebraska. .Brand as cut on side of | some animals , on hip and sides of some , or any where on the animal. STOKES & TROTH. P.O. address.Carrico , Hayes county. Neb. Range : Red Willow creek , above Carrico Stock branded as above Also run the lazy CM brand. EATON IJP.OS. & CO. P. O. address. ilcCoolc , Nebraska. Kange , south McCook. Cattle branded on left Jhip. Also , 10 , 5 , A and ' "i7 i 11 brands on left hip. Horses branded the t same on left shoulder. HKNJSY T. CHURCH. PostofBce.Osborn , Neb. Kanpe : lied Willow [ creek , in S. "W. corner of Frontier county. Cattle branded OLD on right side. Also , an | ovcr crop on right ear and under crop on left. rmsr-r i fftftU KVr" * * ' Horses branded 8 on right shoulder. PAXTOX CATTLE CO. J. B. JlESEavE , General Manager. Postollice address. Cook , Jfeb. lianch : At Spring-Canyon on the I Frenchman Klver , Chase [ county. Nebraska. [ Stock branded as above : | also 717 on left side ; 7 ' Lon . . . . therighthipand , - - i „ > -r- > the"rijrht shoulder ; L on left shoulder and X on left Jaw. Halt under-crop left ear , and square-crop right ear. SPRING CREEK CATTLE CO. .7. D. WKLIJORX , Vice President and Supt. P. O. address , Indiano- la , Nebraska. Range : Republican Vulloy , east of Dry Creek , and near head of Spring1 Creek , in Chase county , Nebraska. \ JOSEPH ALLEN. Postoflico address , Os- born , Nebraska. Ranch on Ued Willow creek , 'A mile above Os- born postollice. Cattle branded on right side and hip as above. 3-1 GEORGE J. FREDERICK. Postollice address , Mc- Cook , Nebraska. Ranch : Four miles southwest of McCook , on the Driftwood. Stock branded AJ on Uhe left hip. JOHN F. BLACK. 'FOR SALE. Five im proved. Deeded Farms of. 1GO acres each all in a I body , with Farm Houses J and other improvements j Under { rood cultivation. I Timber and water and ! hay land. Convenient to' good school privileges. Situated on Republican River , near mouth of Ued Willow Creek. Gallon J.F. Black on prem ises , or address him at Ked Willow , Neb. BARBER i SHOP , A. P. SHARP FOR A FIRST-CLASS SHAVE OR HAIR CUT. HOT AND COLD BATHS OX SHORT NOTICE. Ladies' and Children's Hair Dressing A SPECIALTl' . . - - - - THE INDiANOLA MILL , ( FULL ROLLER PROCESS , ) IS NOW HEADY TO DO A General Milling Business. i , t Your patronage solicited. ! CLARK WARD , Manager. STRANGE ! We do not know of any medicine that has "ained an equal popularity , in such a short ime , for the instant relief of coughs and sore ness of thelunjrs , as BEGG'S CHERRY-COUGH SYRUP. It is mild and pleasant to take and will not injure the most delicate infant. Sample ottles free at S.L.Green'sand M.A.Spalding's ,