CHBOA'JCZES JBr CAJ3LS. miscellaneous matter * of Interest Pcrlal teg to Foretgn Countries , A dispatch from Ottawa , Canada , Bays : The conviction and sentence of Louis Rlcl la the aHabsorbing topic. The Orangemen and English subjects generally consider It a right eous judgement , while among the French Canadians considerable excitement and Indig" nation Is manifested. In Spain August 1st 3,820 new cases of cholera and 1,461 deaths were re- ported. The cholera Is raging In the convict settlement of Carthcgena , and con tinues to spread to now provinces. Three thousand tliret , hundred and seventeen new cases and 1,304 deaths were reported through out Spain on the 2nd. In Madrid 37 new cases and 23 deaths were reported. Advices from Kuhan via Teheran dated July 23 say : It Is rumored that a conflict has taken place between Russians and Afghans nearMeruchak. Whether true or false , these rumors are believed on the frontier. Numer ous Afghan traders have been expelled from Askabad owing to the prevailing Irritation. A dispatch from Tashkcnd , Asiatic Russia , ays that a great earthquake bas visited that region. It damaged most of the houses in the town of BIshecrzek , and ruined the cities of Sulla and Bclvoodsk. In the latter place a iburch was shaken to fragments while It was crowded with worshippers , a large number of.whom were killed. The earth opened in Belvoodsk andjnany people were swallowed up. Sir. Chamberlain , late president of the board of trade , speaking at Hull , England , said in reply to the accusations that he was going to far , that he cared nothing for office , except so far as It might enable him to furth er the principals of the radical party. He would In office , or out of It , favor free educa tion and free land. These declarations aroused the audience to enthusiasm. Earl Carnarvon has ordered the withdrawal of the extra police stationed at Limerick by his predecessor. This is considered a conces sion by the Parnellites , who vigorously op posed the maintenance of an extra police force in the absence of agrarian troubles. The article In the North German Gazette attacking France , has seriously affected the Berlin and Frankfort bourses. The rector of the university , at a celebration In honor of the founder , Frederick "William , toasted the emperor as follows : "Long live peace ; should , hoivever. the arrogance of our neigh" bors pass from daring words to daring deeds * they will learn that the old aolrit sjili lives. " The Manchester ship canal bill passed the house of commons. The news of the final passage of the measure caused great rejoicing at Manchester , where an Impromptu torch light procession was gotten up , fireworks shot off , and speeches made to the crowd in the streets by prominent citizens. Owing to rumors that the Afghans are massing at Pcndjeb , strong Russian reinforce" dents have been dispatched to that place. The house of commons rejected Labeu- chere's motion that the house refuse to vote appropriations until the government should explain its Egyptian policy. ( Thirty-three deaths from cholera were re ported in Marseilles , France , on the Gth. The Sanitary Council of that city telegraphed to Legard , Minister of the Interior , a statement certifying that cholora In Marseills was spo radic only. This action , however , Is known ( O have been resorted to for the purpose of concealing the alarm felt by the council and to avoid being held responsible for neslect of sanitarian measures , which has caused a re currence of cholera in the city. The Munici pal council of Marseilles are much perplexed from want of funds. They have no appropri- tion available for expenditure for cholera purposes , and dare not ask for funds for fear of creating alarm by an implied acknowledge ment of the existence of cholera in an epi demic form. The coal and iron miners of Ilkeston , Der byshire , Ensland , have been rioting , causing great damage to property. In one of their battles a < rainbt the police the rioters were driven back several miles from town , contest ing every foot of the way. During the en gagement a great number of miners were dis abled or injured , and nine dangerously wounded. GEXERAfj XJSHTH ASD NOTES. Jdatieri of Interest Touched Upon by PreM Aeic * Qathertrt , Father Andre waited on RIel In his cell and asked him to renounce his profession of pro * testantism. Riel stoutly refused , saying he could not go against his convictions. Ele * has written U. S. Consul Taylor , stating his plan for peopling the northwest In sevenths- He also urges that an internal commission be appointed to determine whether he is insane or not. He refused to be interviewed , as he proposes publishing the stoiy of his life and the northwest trouble for the benefit of his family. The twenty-four half-breeds that partici pated In the late rebellion were arraigned at Regina Aug. 3d on a charge of treason and felony. All pleaded guilty and were held for sentericc , which will not be given till after the Indian trials in about ten days. It is said now that Riel has retracted his declara tion against the chinch of Rome. At New 1'ork City , JuV * 31st , nine men get iuto a bucket to be hauled to the top of sv shaft connecting with the New Craton aqueduct , when sixty feet up the bucket caught on a pro. jectlon and tipped-Fourof the men werethrown out , two clung to the bucket and the other two , "William Cunningham and Tim Harring ton , were dashed to death. Of the men who clasped the bucket , John Carr had his left thigh broken and his scalp injured In several places , and Wm. Ryan suffered injuries About the head be&ides probable Internal in juries Supt. Bell , of the foreign mail bureau , has directed the U. S. mail for Italy , which pass es across France , to be forwarded in tarred 6acks. This was done at the request of the Italian postmaster general to prevent the in. troduction of cholera from France into Italy. The prominent leaders of the workingmen of the United States have just perfected plans looking to the agitation for laws to be made to relieve the condition of the workingmen of the country. It is anticipated that by the 1st of September a monster petition will be pre sented to the President , compelling him in answer to public opinion to call a special sea sion immediately. It Is claimed that con gressmen cannot give the labor measures con sideration at the regular session , and an * tra session with the one object In vl w produce good result * . The difficulty between the Pacific mall and Washington postal authorities culminated August 1st In the absolute refusal by the com' pany to carry malls for Central America and Southern American posts excepting those for Mexico and Costa Rica , from which countries the Pacific mall receives subsidy. The refusal was brought about by postmaster Backus send- ng a mall consisting of twenty-five bags to the company's office In charge of a clerk who had been initructed to proceed aboard the steam er Colema with them aa baggage. This action was taken by the directors of the postmaster general , who sent the following dlspaach : "Washington , August 1 , Samuel H. Backus' postmaster at San Francisco ; offer your entire mall to the company If refused , send an agent to take mail with him as baggage. Answer- ( signed. ) William B. Vllas , postmaster gen eral. " The company's officers , knowing t&e content ! of the bags , declined to receive them u baggage unless they were separately checked and the passage of the agent paid to each point of embarkation. John G. Thompson , af Ohio , has been ap. pointed special agent of the land office , to Investigate fraudulent land entries In the northwest A fatal accident occurred near Summit , N. J. , on the D. L. & W. R. R. A party of three ladles , servant and two children , went out driving. While crossing the track between Chatham and Summit the horses became frightencd and before the wagon cduld be drawn across , the north bound train struck it and hurlefl Its occupants to the ground. The railway employes lifted the women and found two of them had been instantly killed , and the other two seriously Injured. One of the children was also killed , and the remaining one Is not expected to live. The ladies were of the family of Chas. H. Brown , doing busi ness on Broad Street , N. Y. 3In Chicago , while under the influence of liquor , John Flaherty provoked a quarrel w Ith Patrick Garrlty. Flaherty drew a pistol and shot Garrity in the stomach. The wound will probably prove fatal. Flaherty was arrested after having received rough treatment at the hands of Garrity'o friends. In Pittsburg , police officer John Evans , while attempting to arrest a party of quarrel- Ing roughs , was shot through the stomach and mortally wounded by Edward Coffey , a noted desperado , counterfeiter , bank robber and thief. The latter was placed under ar rest. If Evans dies , which seems impossible to prevent , trouble in defending the murderer is expected. In Pittsburc a lew nights ago , an unknown man was creating a disturbance on the cars on the street , on the south side , when Officer Thomas Bender attempted to arrest nim. The man resisted arrest and the afliccr struck him twice on the head with his billy. The man fell to the pavement and died in a few minutes. The officer was arrested and locked up. Caspie Barehead , a Young Creek outlaw , was executed at Eu Faula , Indian Territory , Indian fashion , being shot to death while seated on his coffin , by the Creek light horse guards. Caspie was IS years old , and bad murdered an entire family and recently killed a preacher. Secretary Manning has ordered the re-in- Etatemcnt of Prof. Boutcllc , who was dis charged from the position of first assistant superintendent of the coast survey when Aud itor Chenoweta began his investigation of the affairs in the coast survey office. Prof. Bout- elle has beerf in the service of the govern ment forty-three years , and his scientific ser vices during the war were regarded aa of ut most importance. Trouble Is brewing among the brakcmen on the Pittsburg and Wheeling divisions of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad over the running of double header freight trains. To reduce expenses the company has lately been send ing out an occasional "double-header" but there was no trouble until July 30 , when two refused to run a train and they were prompt ly discharged. A meeting was then called and the action of * he company severely criti cised. Some of the men favored the strike , but no decision was reached. The expression however , was general that.any attempt to run I'aoufale-h. aders" would meet determined op position. THK SEAT OF Zliicettaneous Matters of Interest at fh * Na tional Capital. VICE ADMIRAL ROWAN , compelled by ill health , asked to be excused from serving as pall bearer at Gen. Grant's funeral. The president designated Rear Admiral JohnL. "Worden to act in his stead. AN official dispatch from Victoria , B. 0. , says extradition papers have been granted in the case of Gibbs , defaulting postmaster of Lewiston , Idaho , and ten thousand doJ- f ars , found on his person , will also be turned over. ATTORNEY GENERAL GARLAND , to $ rhom the secretary of the interior referred the question of the interior department to authorize Indians to lease their lands for grazing purposes , has transmitted his opin ion in effect that no such power exists un der law. THE debt statement shows the decrease in the public debt during the month of July to be $8,622,789 ; cash in treasury , $488- 418,719 ; gold certificates outstanding , $139,213,086 ; certificates of deposit out standing , $31,680,000 ; refunding certifi cates outstanding , $223,500 ; legal tenders outstanding , $346,681 016 ; fractional cur rency ( not including estimated as lost or destroyed ) ยง 15,337,126 , net balance on hand , $44,052,929. THE postoffice department has been in formed that the postoffice at Turner , 111. , w s robbed on the night of the 6th inst. The safe was opened and the entire con tents of money and stamps were taken. THE Italian postmaster-general has noti fied the postoffice department that owing to the prevalence ol chohra in that part of the French territory through which the mails from the United States destined for Italy must pass , all mail sacks of the ordi nary kind will be fumigated. He suggests that to avoid detention for fumigation tarred mail sacks be used. The superin tendent of foreign mails has issued an or der carrying into effect this suggestion. THE board appointed to examine the plans and specifications for the proposed cruisers has adjourned subject to the call ol Commodore Walker , president. The ac ceptable portions of the various plans ex amined were placed in the hands of Com modore Goodrich and Naval Contractors Bowles and Galewood , with instructions to embody them in one plan. N THE GREAT CITY. Where the Body of Gen. Grant lAes in Slate A. Great Ttirong Yleto Oie Remains. New York dispatch of the 6th : People loitered in the city hall park all night. They were the first in the line which , soon alter six this morning , began filing past the remains of General Grant. There were , however , no great throngs awaiting admis sion , there being at six o'clock about a thousand persons anxious to view the re mains. Inspector Steers was in charge of two lines ol policemen placed across the plaza from the city hall entrance to the fountain. These two lines formed a pass ageway through which four men might walk abreast , and along which the visitors to the remains should pass. Officers of the Twen ty-second regiment who had been on duty during the early morning were rel'eved by officers of the Twefth regiment. Sergeant Rieley with thirty men picketed the corri dors through the building so as to lorm a channel through which the throng should move to the exit on the court-house side of the city hall. Grant post had a mounted detail at 5 o'clock to serve until 8. These men were placed nearest the catafalque , and the two lines ol visitors passed between them and the 'casket on either side. All within tho gloomy corridors was in readi ness. The clocks pointed 6:06 : o'clock , and at the inspector's orders the iron gates were thrown open and the ten or twelve hundred people waiting outside began to flow past the casket and through the build ing. During the first minute only 84 passed the casket , but the number soon increased to 104 per minute. The procession was almost at lock step and the tramp was quick. At 6:25 the pulse of public curiosity had sunk to 56 a minute , and at 6:28 : the rate was 52. _ At 6:40 : tho average was 91 per minute , 'the number then passed beirg about 2,800 with tho channel full and no crowding. The hour from 6 to 7 o'clock was employed by working men , women , boys and girls in viewing the remains. All through that hour the formation of _ the line was near the fountain , and the time of waiting was not more than ten minutes. After 7 the personnel of the line changed. There were less women and girls and more men. At 8 o'clock persons were moving past the casket at the rate of 110 to 120 per minute , and the police were reinforced , and that time there 487 men on duty , and the channel of police was extended'beyond the fountain. Within tho city hall , tho guards at the casket were hastening the people , and 150 people per minute were viewing the remains and passing hurriedly through at 9 o'clock. By the remains the U. S. Grant post had mounted another de tachment of thirteen men. Wheeler post , of Saratoga , and the military order of tho Loyal Legion were likewise represented. Every car and train coming down town added its quota to those anxious to view the general's face , and the crowds were fast becoming a throng , and were hurried through the hall at tho rate of 140 per minute , and at one time passed by the rate of 175 per minute. At 11 o'clock about 31,000 persons bad passed the casket and viewed the remains. A floral ottering of the board of aldermen was set up during the morning beneath the rotunda dome , where the light streamed upon it. The central column rose ten feet and was flanked by stands of colors. The base is a bed of ferns and palms , among which are placed huge rows of white buds. Mayor Grace this morning sent the com missioner of public works the following : "In deference to the expressed wish of some of the friends of General Grant , you arc hereby directed to remove from the front of the city hall tho verses inscribed thereon. " The passage of people by the casket at 1 o'clock averaged about 100 a minute , and at that hour-42.000 persons had viewed the remains , seven hours having been occu pied in so doing. At midday and during the early lunch hours of the afternoon many letter carriers passed into the hall and viewed the re mains. Col. Hedges , who has charge of the re ception and transportation of guests , has nearly completed his arrangements. There will be about three hundred carriages in line. The carriage in which Presi dent Cleveland will bo drawn by six black horses. Immediately behind this carriage will follow sixotheropen carriages , containing the vice president and members of the president's cabinent. Behind these will follow a carriage drawn by four horses in which will be seated ex-President Hayes and ex-President Arthur. Other civil guests will follow in the order named below : United States senators , ten carriages. Members of congress , sixteen carriages. Admiral Jonctt , one carriage. Commodore Chandler , one. Foreign Ministers , ten. Cabinet of Gen. Grant , four. Retired army officers , ten. Gen. Grant's staff , two. Family and relations , seven. Clergy , four. Attending physicians , two. Pall bearers , six. Gen. Sheridan and staff , four. Chiefs of bnreatis of war department , four. Gen. Schofield and staff , one. Judges of supreme court , six. overnor of Illinois and staff , eight. Governor of Michigan , three. Wisconsin , live. Massachusetts , ten. New Hampshire , three. Connecticut , four. Maine , two. Vermont , four. Pennsylvania , twelve. New Jersey , fifteen. Rhode Island , four. Iowa , two. Dakota , six. Virginia , three. Indidna , two. legislature of New York , thirty. Gen. Franklin , president Soldiers' Homes , one. " Messrs. Drexel and Chilcls , one. .Board of Indian Commissioners , two. Mayor and representatives of the city of Brooklyn , fifteen. Mayor and representatives o New York city , thirty-five. > Boston , six. . St. Louis , ten. Hartford , four. New Haven , two. Jersey City , twelve. Elizabeth , two. Order of the Cincinnati , five. Wheeler and Grant posts G. A. B , , lour. OFFICERS , Important Orders from the Secretary of War. Secretary Endicott has prepared a sur prise for army officers by amending certain army regulations so as to make them read us follows : An officer shall not fill any staff appoint ment or other situation the duties of which vill detach him from bis company , regi ment or corps until'he has served at least three years with his regiment or corps , nor shall an officerremain detached longer than four years unless assigned to special duty by the war department. The secretary promulgates this changfc with the following order : "All officers below the grade of field offi cers who have been absent lor a period of lour years or longer , from their regiment or corps , will be relieved from their present duties as soon as practicable after the re ceipt of this order , and directed to report for duty with their reapectire regiments or corps. In the selection to fill vacancies created by the operation of the last preceding paragraph , major and brigadier generals will confine their selec tions to the officers of regiments of tho line of the army not prohibited in the regula tions and prefer any to subalterns. " This action on tho part ol Secretary Endicott is in pursuance of his policy to provide for a rotation of officers. Repeated efforts have been made in congress to secure legislation that would have the same effect as the above regulation , but each attempt has failed. The secretary of war accom plishes the change by amending the regula tions , which he claims lie has authority to do. TOE NATIONAL FUNERAL TRAIN. It Leaves Sit. McGregor for Albany anil from Ihence Will Proceed to Ifew Yorlt Large Crowds View the Remains. Mt. McGregor dispatch : Last night tho family , in groups and alone , had taken a final farewell of tho dead General and to day gave up his body to the nation. At nine o'clock the members of the family , ex cept Mrs. Grant , repaired to tho hotel for breakfast and shortly afterwards entered the cottage and preparations began for tho funeral journey. Even this morning when the family were at breakfast it was not known what the widow would determine to do. She had her trunk packed yesterday in the event of her deciding to go with the remains , but her decision had not been shared with the family. At half-past eight the doors of the Grant cottage were thrown open and a stream of visitors poured in steadily for over an hour. Soon afterwards the area in the vicinity of the cottage was thronged with wagons of every description containing farmers and their families , who had come to attend the funeral. At 9:30 the train of two cars brought Qgneral Hancv ck and a number of distin guished visitors , among whom were Colonel Jones , Admiral Rowan , General Sherman , Senator Evarts , General Rut us Ingalls , Sen ator Miller. Joseph Drexel and General Hancock's staff. At 10 o'clock the serviceswere held at the cottage in the presence of over a thousand persons. They opened with the reading of a psnlm which was followed by prayer by Rev. Bishop Harris. The hymn , "My Faith Looks up to Thee , " joined in by the wholo assemblage followed. Dr. Newman then came forward and delivered his eulogistic sermon on the dead general , tho family in the meantime sitting about the remains in the parlor. Dr. Newman spoke very feel ingly in an addre&s which consumed one hour and a half in itsdelivery. He took as his text the twenty-first verse of the twen ty-fifth chapter of Matthew , "Well done , thou good and faithful servant , enter tlion into the joy of thy Lord. " "Such , my brethren , " said the speaker , "is the eulogy that God shall pronounce upon human goodness and fidelity wherever found among the sons of men. " He said some comrade in arms would speak-of the splendor of tho martial genius of the dead ; statesmen would review the majesty of his civil administration ; historians would place him on thepcde&tiilul his renown"but let me , " said the speaker , "as a minister of religion , dwell upon the great character which will ever be his crown of glory , and the imperishable heritage of the country the country he loved so well. " Tiie minis ter then dwelt upon the honors which had been bestowed upon General Grant and the homage which was done his memory , anil declared that the secret of his power on the thought of the world and the love of man kind was the loftiness of his character , grandeur of intellect , and the fact that he was none other than himself. He was ono of the few men in history who exceeded expectation , and by doing what all others had failed to do , he had no hatred in his heart. His only evangel to the na tion was , "Let us have peace. " In his dy- hig chamber he grasped the hand of him whose sword he hud first won , and as an illustration of his broad spirit , sorrow was national to-day in its broadest sense. Duty to his conscience , his country and his God was his standard of successful man hood. Hewas the humblest of men and a ! over of the most lowly. His love of wife , children and home was supreme. Speaking of the deep and tender affection he bore his wife , the speaker said : "And such was the tenderness of his love and solicitude for her and hers he surprised them by a letter found after his death. He had written it secretly and carried the sacred missive day after day during the fourteen days knowing she would find it at last. " He quoted from the letter as follows : "Look after our dear children and direct them in the paths of rectitude. It would distress me far more to think that one of them could depart from an honorable , up right and virtuous life than it would to know they were prostrated on a bed of sickness from winch they never were to arise alive. They have never given us any cause for alarm on their account and I earnestly pray they never will. With these few injunctions and the knowledge I have of your love and af fection and of the dutiful , I bid you a final farewell , unt:1 we meet in the other world. You will find this on my person after my deatb.1 'i his "was dated Mt. McGregor June 9 , 1S55. Dr. Newman said principles of Christian ity were deeply engraved on the spirit of General Grant. On the 18th of April last he had said "I believe in the holy scrip tures , and whoso lives by them will be ben- efitted thereby. Men may differ as to in terpretation , which is human , but the scriptures are man's best guide. " H held broad religious views and believed in the kinship of all mankind. The closing portion of the address was devoted to allusions to the last hours of the general's life , his calm fortitude , unwa vering patience and clear brain , knowing that his end was near and praying for its coming. At the conclusion of the discourse the hymn. "Nearer my God to Thee , " was ren dered by the alfresco congregation and the services ended with a benediction. After the conclusion of the ceremonies there was a movement of the people toward the cot tage to take a last look at the general , but it was not deemed advisable to permit any one to enter as it was near time for the de parture of the funeral train for Albany , where the body is to lie in state a few hours before departure for New York. A Iflce Girl Goes Wrong. Lulu Brownlee , a young school teacher in Youngstown , Ohio , and connected with one of the best families in that city , has been apprehended in a number of annoying cases of stealing. She was living with the family of Attorney W. E. Hawley , by whom she was highly respected. It is said that for several weeks the girl has been car rying on a system of pilfering in the house. Some days ago she came into Mrs. Haw- ley's presence crying bitterly , and saying that some one had carried away part of the week's washing. Succeeding this , arti cle after article was missed and the family could make no reasonable explanation of the mystery. After some persuasion Mr. Hawley searched the girl's room. In the mattress and under the carpet were found many of the articles. A Targe amount of valuable lace had been ripped from Mrs : Hawley's wedding dress and made over into caps and fancy articles. A warrant was issued for her arrest. T ALASfLh Interesting Extracts Irom the Report of tho First Grand Jury. The initial report of the first grand jury of Alaska to Judge Wade Mc Allister , of tho United States district court , which was submitted at tho re cent May term , contains the following paragraphs of interest : "The rapid development of our ter ritory , tho recent discoveries of BO much rich mineral , and tho numerous industries that are being brought to the attention of capitalists force us to the conclusion that 'the judicial sys tem as now established is inadequate to the demands of our people and of such a limited character that in some of tho most important sections of tho territory the settlement of controver sies by courts and juries is practically unattainable , and that by all moans regular terms of court , with all tho jurisdiction of your honorable court , should bo established at Juncau , Kodiak and Ounalaska , and that our governor should appoint justices of the peace and constables at all tho principal fishing stations and else where whenever ho may think they are needed. Records are no\v being made involving the titles of mineral lands valued at several millions of dollars , ( juicers having the custody of these records should be provided with suitable vaults and receptacles to protect tho same against loss by fire or otherwise. The Dominion parliament has already taken the preliminary steps by which the boundary between Alaska and the British possessions can bo ascertained and determined , and wo especially urge the necessity for the United States government to com ply with the request made by the Do minion parliament that a commission be appointed to settle tho question. Valuable mineral lands are being prosppcted , and our miners at Jhis time have no means of knowing whether said mines should bo located under the United States mining laws or those of British Columbia. "In view of the fact that Alaska territory pays a greater revenue to tho general government , in proportion to the population , than any other terri tory no'w or heretofore in existence in the United States , we deem it as a mat ter of justice to our citizens that ap propriations should bo made for tho following purposes , to wit : For the repairs of wharves now belonging to tho government ; for the construction , erection and improvements of others at the principal points in Alaska wa ters , and for the erection and rnain- tainance of light houses for tho safety of life and property of our people. "Our ollicers should bo supplied with some convenient means of trans portationunder the control of said olli cers , without which it is impossible for them perform to their respective duties with such promptness and dispatch as officers in other territories of tiie Uni ted States are able to tlo. This wo suggest for the reason that the only mode of conveyance is by boat. There are no roads , and tho people are obliged to travel by water exclusively. We recommend the appopriation of sufficient money to survey and build a good trail from the head of Duryea inlet , Chilcat county , to the boundary line , a distance of about twenty-five miles , to insure the safe transit of miners , explorers , and supplies des tined for the Yakon river and tribu taries , thus furnishing an accessible route to the mineral fields of wealth and importance. "The fishes found in the waters of Alaska territory are the principal food fishes of the world viz. , salmon , her ring , codfish , and halibut. In consid eration of the fact that the fishing in dustry stands next to the mining in dustry in this territory , and that Alaska will probably be called upon to supply the United States with cheap food fishes in the near future , it is-irn- ' portant that an examination of the ex tent of the fisheries should be made , and to that end a liberal appropriation with tho necessary transportations should be provided. "We recognize the long-established policy of our government to encourage schools and educational facilities , and would say that our Etissian citizens tire , as a class , poor , and unacquainted with the rights and privileges of American citizens and that , non-sec tarian schools by fai. , honest , and up right persons , not prejudiced in favor of any sect or creed , should be estab lished for the benefit of the white chil dren of Alaska territory. "While we are somewhat in doubt in regard to our duties in regard to Indians , nevertheless we have taken them with the broad meaning of our instructions , and as their future in this territory is so interwoven with settlers therein we take tho responsibility , and present them as we know them. These Indians are enterprising and indus trious , and fully understand and ap preciate our system of government. They are notby any means the untutor ed savage of gushing travelers and romance-writers , but are independent , self-supporting , and willing laborers , and we should deem it most disastrous to the advancement and prosperity of this territory should they be confined on reservations. "The distance of our territory from the central government and the length of time necessary to communicate with the heads of different depart ments render it necessary that either we have a representative in congress or that an agent familiar with this territory and our necessities be ap- appointed to remain in Washington during the sessions of congress. Bather Consoling. "I would not worry myself to death over the conduct of that boy of yours , " sympathizingly exclaimed a lady to the mother of a boy whose actions de noted that he was irreclaimable. "I have prayed for him night after night , and it seems to have no effect on"him , said the mother , "and I am becoming discouraged. " "Never mind , don't worry any more. It"only proves that the Lord is just as much'disgusted as you are. " Pretzel's Weekly. The Detroit Free Press observes : "Beer is what ailed Gladstone. " We thought It was ale that bicred him. Chicago JlamUer. The key to a eood situation la not whis key. New Orleans Picayune. The Stroaiice Kiver. The other day two or three of us , boon companions well , there woro some thirty or forty in the excursion wont to that spot famous in song and story the Suwanee river. Tho rido to the gulf has already been described. ; ouffico it to say that the trip was swift and agreeable. The jungles had lost nono of their beauty , tho splendid magnolias were in bloom , the grand oaks were garlanded with gigantic grapevines , and the moss was as gray , silken , and fantastic as ever. Ono takes a small steamer going for souio distance along the gulf , and , after r night's rest , looks from tlio sheltered ; deck upon the lovely Suwanco. Tho river is quite as largo as tho upper St. John's , bending in and out m inntii inorablo curves for over ono hundred miles. In its clear waters you can seo tho fish leaping and swimming. EY- . cry bend throughout its entire courso seems more graceful than tho last ; - every stretch more romantic and beautiful. . Nowhere is tho verdure more tropical , and as far as tho oye can reach one sees an unbroken lino of symmetry. If some gardener had' the care of tho trees on either side his work would call for hearty admira tion , but it is all tho handiwork of na- turo. that magnificent wall of green ! not a shrub seems to bo broken , not a faded leaf can be seen , on a long , vast , unbroken hedge of emerald , and , ' underneath a greensward liko a car pet , interlaced with linos of gold and , j bars of silver , where tho sun throws' ' ) vivid or fainter beams down athwart ; tho cool , deep shadows. "Dar's whar do old folks lib , " savs a swarthy deckhand , as ho doffs his ; rimless hat , showing broad white ivor ies and laughing oack to laughing ; faces ashore. Suro enough , in yon der tiny bend is a littlo hut built of logs , and two or three colored child ren stand on tho greensward to seo "do boat ride. " As if to add pathos and reality to tho poet's vision , thoro comes out an old , old man , his head- , whitened with the frost of ago , and , stands leaning on a stick to watch us out of sight. And later on comes tho moon to add ] * j to tho witchery of tho surroundings. j Over yonder the river has washed in , I under tho live oaks , tho tall cypress and tho pines. Years ago tho Indianj and his wigwam dotted these shores.- ' I have no doubt they were as wild , and perhaps as wayward , as their brothers of the west rojoicinng in' ' , scalps , brandishing tho war-knife with savage satisfaction , and sotting fire to , the peaceful habitations of the white settlers along tho borders. In all probability the poetry of the splendid river was "much of it lost upon their uncivilized natures , though it may have kept them cleaner than tho ma- jority of their race. They did have some music in them , however , for no tice the names of their towns and riv ers. By and by we reach a plantation , but it is in ruins. Yet it blends well with the soft and sad beauty of tho night. Whether or not it is "de olo plantation , " who can tell. We know that once it was peopled with happy family groups , massa's children and massa's slaves. The tinkling notes of "de banjo" were heard undt > r tho eaves , the negroes sang their plaint ive melodies , while "do white folkses" took their ease on tho now deserted lawn that slopes so gently down to the water's edge. We stop at several landings , at one ol which are the fa mous iron springs , and , wherever wo go , the wonders of foliage , of color , of water and sky , challenge our admira tion. It is the paradise of the south tho wonder-wilds of Florida and tourists who do not investigate its beauties have lost much that would make memory a pleasure. Cor. San Francisco Chronicle. Forgot the Teeth. It was at a local restaurant. He had ordered a breakfast. lie waited. Tho waiter did not wait. Ho came and went and catue and went , but the breakfast did not arrive. The guest called the meteoric in dividual. "Have tho cows come home yet ? " he asked. The waiter gave a feeble smile waiters are very h'ard to reach with sarcasm. "It'll be here in a minute , sir , all right. " " "The clock kept going all the same. He slopped him again. "Tell the cook I'll take that part of- it that is done. I am not in any hurry , but my wife will never believe this : as an excuse for me staying out all ) night. " At length the breakfast was brought. He began on it. It was liko leather. Once again he gently called- the waiter. "I say , are you sure you have for gotten nothing. " "No , sir ; I've brought you every thing a knife , a fork , two spoons , a' ' plate no sir. " "Don't you provide a set of teeth , with this beefsteak ? " San Francisco Chronicle. Where Religion is Needed. There has always been an indiffer ence to church-going in this commun- , ity , says The San Francisco Chronicle , that began in ' 49 and has lasted with great vigor up till the present time. Consequently a good many most estim able men are apt to confuse at funer als for similar ebullitions on Fourth of Julj' and other kindred occasions. It is hard for a man who has not been in. church for a thousand years to distin guish between the various exercises , and the proportion of people who can find the place in the prayer-book is so. small that it would be worth tho church's while to get out a guide to it. But I don't think anything moro reprehensible ever occurred than an incident at the funeral of one of Cali- > fornia's pioneers , whose redeeming merit was that he died rich. The body of the pavilion was filled with all the early settlers of California , and all went well for some time. But when the 'officiating clergyman finished a long and beautiful prayer , I can fancy his astonishment when the pioneers burst into loud applause. It went on for a minute before the occasion was recognized and the plaudits were si lenced. * * * > - *