HALLASK & HOWARD , WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEALERS IN DOORS , BLINDS. MOULDINGS , ri * cwb ( Boaf. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. SPANOGLE & RINKER. tall WA.GON © & BUGGIES. * r Tubular Wells % Pumps. A McGQQK Cor. Railroad and Main Sts. , NEBR. Offices at Oberlin , Kas. , and McCook , Neb. FREES & HOCKNELL , PROPRIETORS OF THE CHICAGO LUMBER YARD. DEALERS IN LumberLime , Gement , Sash , Doors , Blinds , HARD AND SOFT COAL. YARDS AT McCOOK , INDIANOLA , CAMBRIDGE , ARAPAHOE , ABD OXFORD , CENTRAL MEAT MARKET , CHUKCH & WHITTAJOER , PKOPS. VEGETABLES STRAWBERRIES FRE.SH . IN SEASON. AND SALT MEATS. BUTTER AND EGGS . ALWAYS OH HAND. FRESH FISH . AND CHICKENS. ' li , CHEAPEST AND BEST UNEQUALLED FOR Power , Simplicity Durability. Estimates made of Mill and Pump complete upon application. Every Mill Warranted. Send for Catalogue. THE WOGDMANSE This mill U ft "solid wheel" and the best self-regulator made. The TToodmanse No. 6. Pump Is the best single acting force pump In the market. "Will work In wells from 10 to 200 feet lu depth , and lias back attachments to force water Into elevated tanks. Can be u ed by hand or windmill. Parties contemplating the erection of a Windmill will consult their best Interests by calling at my Homestead , IHt miles X. W. of McCook , or at B. Johnston's , 5 miles S. E. , and at Hewitt's 'Market Garden , S. E. of McCooK , and examine the working of the Woodmanse. W. M. IRWIN , Agent , Woodmanse Windmill Co. , Freeport , 111. BARBER i SHOP , GO TO A. P , SHARP'S ' ' FOE A FIEST-CLASS SHAVE OR HAIR CUT. HOT AND COLD BATHS ON SHOET NOTICE. Ladies' and Children's Hair Dressing A SPECIALTY" . TIKED. That tired , languid feeling , with loss of am- bition and strength Is caused l y impure blood and poor circulation. Jlepg's IJlood Purifier and Blood Maker will cleanse the blood , create a new supply and restore health anil vigor. One hundred doses for one dollar and warrant . ed by S. X. Green and M. A. Spaldinur. "NEW ERA" STEAM WASHER ! It will wash the finest luces or the largest quilts without rubbing them , and better than It can be done by hand. It does not wear or injure the goods , and the saving in clothes will pay for the washer in a short time. Clothes washed in it will last more than twice as long as those washed by hand. Actual experience has proved it. No chemicals arc used in the water to rot the clothes. The work is done by steam. It will do an ordinary washing In one hour ; it takes less water ; it bleaches the clothes ; it will wash blankets , grain-sacks , carpets or lace curtains. The clothes are in a cylinder and do not come in contact with the airt after it leaves the fabric , and consequent ly are not yellowed by lying In the boiling , dirty water. It cannot get out of order , and with orninary care will last from 10 to 12 years. It is made from the best materials , and is fully warranted to be as represented. JOHN COLEMAN , McCook.Neb. Agent for Ked Willow County. STOCK DIRECTORY. * S * - > * S- > - i * * * * S S * > * S KILPATRICIC BROTHERS. ( Successors to E. D. Webster. ) Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder. P. O. address , Estelle , Hayes counjy , and Uent- rice , Neb. Itnnge. Stink- lingWater and French- 'man creeks , Chase Co. , I Nebraska. Brand as cut on side of some animals , on hip and sides of some , or any where on the animal. STOKES & TROTH. P.O. address , Cnrrico , Hayes county. Neb. Itange : Ked Willou creek , above Cnrrico. Stock branded us above Also run the lazy O4 brand. PAXTON CATTLE CO. J. C. MESEUVE , General Manager. . Postoflice address. Me Cook , Neb. Itanch : A Spring : Canyon on th < Frenchman Itiver , Chus county. Nebraska. Stock branded as above also 717 on left side ; ( on the right hip and L 01 the right shoulder ; L on left shoulder and ) on leit jaw. Halt' under-crop left car , ant square-crop right ear. HEN11Y T. CHURCH. Postodice.Osborn. Neb Kunge : Ked Willow creek , in S. W. corner o : Frontier county. Cattle branded Q L ( on right side. Also , an over crop on right car and under crop on left tforses branded 8 on right shoulder. SPUING CREEK CATTLE CO. J. D. WELBOKN , Vice President and Supt. P. O. address , Indiano- la. Nebraska. Range : Republican Valley , east of Drj Creek , and near head of 1 Spring Creek , in Chase county , Nebraska. New U. S. Cattle Ranche Co. , Limited. Stock brand : Circle on left shoulder , also dew lap and a crop and undei half crop on Icftear , an < a crop and under bit in the right. Ranch on the Republican. Postollice address , Max Dundy county , Neb. EATON BROS. & CO. P. O. address , JleCook Nebraska. Range , south kof McCook. I Cattle branded on lefi [ hip. Also , 10 , 5 , A and Ti 11 brands on left hip. Horses branded tin. .same on lelt shoulder. JOSEPH ALLEN. Postoflice address , Os- born , Ndbraska. Kanch on Ked Willow creek , J mile above Os- born postollice. Cattle branded on right side and Inn as above. 3-4 GEORGE J. FREDERICK PostoCice address , Me Cook , Nebraska. Uanch : Four mile : southwest of McCook on the Driftwood. Stock branded AJ on the left bip. JOHN F. BLACK. FOR SALE. Five im proved , Deeded Farms of 100 acres each all in a body , with Farm Houses and other improvements Under good cultivation. Timber and water and hay land. Convenient to. { rood school privileges. Situated on .Republican River , near mouth of Red Willow Creek. CallonJ.F.Blackon prem ises , or address him at Red Willow , Neb. THE MILL , ( FULL ROLLER PROCESS , ) IS NOW HEADY TO 1IO A General Milling Business. Your patronage solicited. CLARK WARD , Manager. An Answer Wanted- Can any one bring us a case of Kidney or "Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily care 7 Vie say they can not , as thousands of cases already permanently cured , and who arc dally recom mending Electric Bitters will . ' , prove. Drlgut's Dis ease , Diabetes , Weak Back , or any urinary complaint qnlckly cured. They purify the blood , regulate the > owels , and net directly on the diseased parts. Erery > ottle guaranteed. For sale at 50 cents a bottle at Metropolitan Drug Store. DANGEROUS. At this season of the year the blood becomes iluggish and is surcharged with poibon. It is n a diiii cn > us condition and leads to many liseases. which uro serious and dangerous but jan easily be uvi-rti-d by tho usu of liege's Hood Purifier and UIoodMolcur. Jt separates ind discharges all poison from the blood : cures Dyspepsia. Sick Headache , and all Blood iisordcrs. Preesample bottles at S. L. Green's and M. A. Spalding's. ' 'Br the by , " says Gco. A. Broadbere , editor of tbe Tonganoxie , ( Kas. ) Mir ror , "you can say that the bottle o ] Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Dia- rhoca Eeinedy left me by your agent two 3Tears ago proved to be the best remedy I ever used. I have no doubt but that it saved my oldest son's life. " The above shows conclusively that there is nothing like having the great life preserver al hand at the right time. It is put up in 25 cent 50 cent and $1 bot'tles. Sole by M. A. Spalding and B. & M. Phar macy. THE Cheyennes are sly old dogs , it would seem. Before General Sheridan and several thousand troops had been brought forward as a gentle reminder that the redskin was not omnipotent in this country , they swore by all that was holy that they would fight to the death 'ere they would give up their arms. As soon , however , as "The Great Father" showed them that his arm was strong , they changed their tactics and now they blame the cattlemen for all the trouble When Sheridan leaves them and the troops return to their posts , then look out for a high old time. MANY lives are lost every summer by people not having the necessary medi cines at hand in case of cholera morbus Can you afford to risk your life and those of your family for 25 or 50 cents , the price of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Eemcdy. MANY men have just enough faith to make them miserable , but not enough to make them hopeful. FOIS DYSl'KrSIA anil Liver complaint , you have a printed gu.irantue on every bottle of tililloh's Vltal- Izcr. It neer fails to cure. THE I5ev. Gco. II. Thaycr , of Uourbon , Ind. , says "Both myself and wife owe our lives to SHIL01IS CONSUMPTION CUKE. " WHY WILL YOU cough when Slilloh's Cure wll give Immediate relief. Price 10 cts. , 50 cts. and $1. SHILOH'S CATAKKH KEMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh , Diphtheria and Canker Mouth. SHILOH'S CUHE will Immediately relieve Croup , Whooping cough and Bronchitis. "HACKMETACK" a lasting and fragrant pcrf umc Price 25 and 50 cents. A NASAL INJECTOK free with each bottle of Slilloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. AIJE YOU MADE miserable by Indigestion , Con stipation , Dizziness , Loss of Appetite , Ye1 low Skin 't Slilloh's Vltallzcr Is a positive Cure. Sold by S. L. Green , druggist , McCook , Neb. CITY - BAKERY. A , "PROPRIETORS. WE KEEP ON HAND BREAD , PIES & CAKES , GRAHAM BREAD. Cakes Made on Order. LAUNCH ROOM In connertiuii uhuro > ou can get codec , sand wiclies , pies , etc. , at all hours. a THEOHLYTRUE 5 IRON TONIC "Will pnrlfv the BtOOD , repn- I late X.IVEII anil KIDNEYS , and KESTOUE TIIK HEALTH and VIGOR of YOUTH Dys pepsia. Want of Appetite , In digestion , Lack of Strength , anil Tired Fcellngabsolutely cared. Hones , ruuscles and m-rves receive new force. Enlivens the mlnU and supplies lirain Power. Suffering from complaints peculiar to tlielrsexwlll find In DB-HABTER'S IRON" TONIC n safe and speedy cure. Gives a clear , healthy complexion , frequent attempts at counterfeiting only add to the popularity of the original. Do not ex * pertinent get the OHIGIXAL AXD BEST. BARTER'S ONLYANTI.GONSTIPATICN PILL IN THE WORLD. LIVER PILLS GRIPE , SICKEN OR LEAVE BOWELS CONSTIPATED. Persons Buffering from TORPIDITY of the LIVER or Inactivity ortbeBowels.niil find H ponnunont CURE b7 the n e of the e Pills. No medicine should b taken without firct ClpimMnc the Stomach and Uoweln with n dose of HARTES'S IJVER fHJuS. Sample dose Sent Free on application by postal. t Send your address toTn Tr. H rt rMed Co/ | St.Lonis , JIo..for onr "DREAM BOOK. " Tnllol EtrauEe aod utefulinformationIree.4 B. HAVE IN STOCK A LINE OF FINE TOILET ARTICLES , / Combs , Brushes , Perfumery , Extracts , Etc. Paints , Oils , Dye Stuffs , Paint Brushes , Kalsomine , Turpentine , Lead , Putty , Window Glass , Etc. FINE LINE OF CIGARS ALWAYS ON HAND. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Day or Night. McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA , MR ROPOLJ'TAN ) RUG STORE ! , 1 McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. j M. A. SPALDING , Prop. | f WE ALSO HANDLE ! PIANOS t ORGANS , | SRWING MAGHIKRS , ( -1 PAINTS OIKS j , , I WALL. - : - PAPER , .TAYLOR , DRUGGIST. I T This Stallion , bought of R. Daniels , Short Horn breeder , Omaha , bred I by Millaid of same place , was sired by OLD MESSENGER CUB , the first horse to lower the record of 2:30 in Michigan. DAM trotted in 2:35. Although never trained , he shows all the signs of speed. Stands ISAhands high and weighs in condition about 1,200 pounds. lie is a perfect horse in every partic ular , and has not a weak point about him. HIGH HEAD , SPLENDID CARRIAGE , and a PERFECT DRIVER. Full of life , yet perfectly safe and gentle in disposi tion. POWERFULLY MUSUELED , and an IRON CONSTITUTION. A better put up horse for all purposes cannot be found. Born and reared in the state , and held now for a year in Red Willow County , he is perfectly acclima ted , and more than all , he is a SURE breeder , and no one need to fear the loss of a season. Many of his colts are in Omaha , and all show their breeding. Not poor one among them. The MESSENGERS stand at the head of all horses , and the opportunity is not often given to breed from them. This horse will be held for the summer for a limited number of mares at the ranch on the Republican at mouth of Ash Creek , opposite Red Willow , and if parties desire , their mares will be pastured at reasonable rates until served and service made sure. Pasture of 800 acres , with river front. An experienced man alway in attendance. SST'TER.Ais , $10 TO INSURE. Address , G. L. CLARK , Indi&nola . DON'T BUY YOUR NURSERY STOCK UNTIL YOU HAVE CONSULTED WITH F. H. PRESTON , i ? ! GOT PRICES. . Have located my Nursery Grounds Here , and wi grow only the BEST for my trade. : o : SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.