The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 09, 1885, Image 5

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    Thursday , July gth , 1885.
CONGREGATJONAL.-Sunday School at 10
A. M. every week. Preaching services every
Sunday night at 7.30. M. T. Also , every alter
nate Sunday morning at 11 , M. T. Exceptions
to the above will bo noticed In locals.
METHODIST. Services every Sunday at 11
A. M. and 7:30 P. M. . mountain time. Sunday
School at 3 P. M. The services and Sunday
school will bo held for the future In the Opera
Hall. All aro cordially Invited. Seats free.
_ _ _ W. 8. WnEELEit , Pastor.
CATHOrIC.-Sorvlces will bo held In the
Opera Hall onco every four weeks.
A. P. & A. M. McCook Lodge , U.
D. , meets on the first and third Tues
A days of each month.
G. L. LAWS , W. M.
T. G. IlEESjSecrotary.
KNHJHTS op LABOH. Electric Light Assem
bly No. 3753 meets the first and third Fridayof
each month. S. N. STAYSA , M. AV.
. A. CLTITE , R. S.
B. & M.-R. R. Time Table.
No.S 0:80 , A.M. No. 40 5:25 , P.M.
No. 39 1:00. P.M. No.l 8:55 , P.M.
t3y Eo6tbound trains run on Central Time
and westbound trains on Mountain Time.
Freight trains do not carry passengers.
R. R. WOODS , Agent.
Local Intelligence.
Fresh candy at the City Bakery.
E. M. Brickey & Co. for clothing.
Preston can't be beat on prices for
nursery stock.
Great Reduction in Watches an <
Jewelry at McCrackcn's.
BSPMoody & Winter , City Dairy , for
pure and wholesome milk.
ThK City Livery Stable , B. F. Olcott
proprietor , for fine teams.
All kinds of machine oils kept for sale
at the B. & M. Pharmacy.
SJ Boston Brown Bread at the City
Bakery constantly on hand.
ESP'Sweet Michigan Cider of excel
lent quality at the City Bakery.
car-load of Picked Potatoes at
Wilcox Bros. Best in the market. "
Subscriptions taken for any journal in
the country at THE TRIBUNE office.
FOUND July 4th , a purse. Inquire
at this office for further particulars.
Money to loan on real estate and pat
ented land by the McCook Banking Co.
FOUND A heavy gold band , bracelet ,
at Opera Hall , July 2d. Inquire at this
To THE LADIES We have a nice as
sortment of calling cards of latest style
and best quality.
Parties having weaving to do , should
call at Thomas McQuay's residence ,
miles east of town.
Prepare for hot weather by providing
yourself with one of E. M. Brickey &
Co.'s refrigerator suits.
FARM LOANS Col. Snavely informs
us that be is now procuring farm loans
quite easily at 10 per cent.
See E. M. Brickey & Co. for Tailor-
made clothing. Best work , lowest prices
and satisfaction guaranteed.
Thermometers , with barometer at
tachment , at the B. & M. Pharmacy.
These are reliable instruments.
We heard a rumor of a shooting scrape
Friday night , but failed to gather any
particulars , after a rigid search.
Stock boarded by the day or week at
Olcott's barn , opposite Colvin House.
Also buys and sells stock on commission.
Our liverymen wish the fourth would
come around more frequently. Such oc
casions discount coining money largely.
FOR SALE CHEAP Two second-hand
sewing machines , American and Domes
tic. Inquire at Metropolitan Drug Store.
Bachelor's buttons at the B. & M. .
Pharmacy. Just the thing for railroad
men and bachelors. No sewing on of
If you want a suit of cloths put and
made in first-class style , call on R. A.
Cole , first door west of B. & M. Pharm
acy , McCook , Neb.
Remember the City Livery and Feed
Stable when you want anything in the
livery line. Good horses and buggies ,
reasonable charges.
First-class legal cap for sale at this
office. Also the celebrated Omaha
Mills Note Paper , with envelopes to
match. All at reasonable rates.
Another residence by Mr. Marble
( with W. W. Palmer ) is in course of con
struction on the hill , north of A. E.
Lytle's handsome little property.
They have just received a choice con
signment of candies at the City Bakery ,
and lovers of that toothsome article are
requested to call and sample them by
purchase. _ _
The job office connected with THE
TRIBUNE turns out work that can't be
equalled in neatness or price in this part
of the state. Our facilities are far su
perior to all others.
The New York Millinery store is sell :
ing everything in stock at almost cost
in order to make room for fall goods.
Will give all persons wanting anything
in my line bargains for the next GO days.
All Accounts due me , not set
tled by the first day of July , 1885 ,
will be left for Collection.
4 = 3ts H. W. PIKE.
White vests at E. M. Brickey & Co.'s.
E. M.Brickey & Co. is the bargain
house for clothing , furnishing goods , etc.
The city cooler-was scrubbed and put
in order for the reception of guests on
Some elegant writing paper and en
velopes just received at this office. No
fancy boxes , but heavy , finely-finished
Rev. Carr will preaoh in the new M.
E. church , nest Sunday , at 11 A. M. ,
and 7:30 : , P. M. , mountain time. Sunday
School at 2 P. M.
sell is confined to the house , these days ,
with a sore knee , the result of an injury
sustained some time since.
Don't spend your money in vain at
tempts to find cheap clothing , but come
at once to E. M. Brickey & Co.'s cloth
ing store , where clothing IS cheap.
FOR SALE 80 acres of deeded land ,
11 acres under cultivation , with good
frame house , 4 miled from town. For
further particulars inquire at this office.
BLANK DEEDS , ETC. We keep on
hand all kinds of blanks. We have the
best facilities for printing blanks , and
special orders will receive our prompt
HORSES FOR SALE F. D. Hess has a
bunch of 75 wintered ponies and brood
mares which he is offering for sale at
Russell's corral. Give him a call , if you
want a good horse.
Another car-load of those celebrated
Challenge Wind Mills that G. B. Net-
tleton of McCook is erecting all over
the country , will be received in a few
days. Wait for the Challenge.
THE TRIBUNE has the very best facil
ities and workmen for doing Job Work
in Southwestern Nebraska. We guar
antee neat and tasty work , and entire
satisfaction in execution and prices.
FOR SALE Nearly 180 acres of
choice deeded land , river front , mostly
hay land , within a mile of railroad sta
tion , 6 miles west of McCook. For
further particulars inquire at this office.
Some parties have rented the room
lately occupied by the "coon" restaur
ant , and are offering a stock of clothing
For sale therein. The stock is composed
of "remnants , " which are being sold be
low cost , of course.
The contract has been given by John
Morris for the erection of another resi
dence on Monroe street , ndar the one
now occupied by W. H. Thompson.
There seems to be no en/to the demand
for houses for rent.
The first of this week , C. D. Belknap ,
one of the freight conductors who make
McCook their headquarters under the
iate order making this a freight division ,
moved into one of C. N. Bachelor's
louses on Madison street
Never remove your sign as long as
you remain business. Too many mer
chants make the mistake of discontin
uing advertising as soon as trade eases
up a little just at the period when the
most advertising ought to be done.
That last shipment of parlor sets just
received at the Great Western Furni
ture Emporium take the entire bakery
at wholesale rate1 ? . Don't fail to drop
n and see them , if you want something
landsome and substantial in that line.
Nebraska flour for Nebraskans. Tlie
3ity Bakery received a car-load of that
celebrated Grand Island Flour , this
week. The shipment contains the new
> rand of flour. "White Frost' " which is
vithout a peer , and is guaranteed to be
he very finest brand in the city.
While returning to his claims about
six miles north of town , on the evening
Df July 4th , James Bobinson met with
an accident at the river canyon in which
i valuable horse had a leg broken , mak ;
ing it necessary to kill the animal. The ,
loss falls heavily upon Mr. Robinson. :
We are informed that at the election
held in Frontier county , Monday , the /
herdlaw carried by over 300 majority. )
3o one by one do all the western coun-
ies vote the herd law , necessitating a
radical chsinge in the handling of herds :
jf cattle/which have heretofore roamed
he country at will.
IN THE COOLER John Kelly , who
ivorks in one of the brick yards , became
o enthusiastic , on Monday night , that ,
xfter repeated and futile efforts to get
trim to go home , the Deputy found it
accessary to put him in the cooler over
light. He paid his $10 and costsTufis- , .
ay morning , like a little man , and was
ischarged. "Go and do so no more. "
Here we are with a stock of Saddles
ind Harness. We have arrived at last
n McCook and are ready for business.
Have on hand a full and complete stock
jf harness , saddles , whips , lashes , curry
ombs , brushes , bits , spurs , fly nets ,
ind stock saddles and cow-boy outfits.
3ive us a call and examine goods and
prices. Shop two doors north of new
sank building. W. W. PALMER , Prop.
. , J
The dance halls and ice cream and
lemonade stands did a big business'pn
the fourth.
Come all ye who want anything in the
dental line to E. S. Carl , McCook Bank
ing Co.'s quilding. Seasonable charges
and work guaranteed.
LOST A 2-foot ivory rule , silver
hound , valued as a keep-sake. Finder
will be suitably rewarded by returning
same to Jas. II. Allison , McCook Hotel.
The ladies of the W. C. T. U. will
meet at the Congregational church , Fri
day afternoon , at 3 o'clock , M. T. A
cordial invitation is extended to all in
terested in the temperance cause.
The new postoffice outfit has arrived
and is being put together. P. M. Shjrfp
expects to occupy the new roojrif to
ulated on havin
It is an honor to our
fully appreciated.
We call the attention of all old sol
diers to the notice to be founiLelsewhere
in this issue , calling a meeting of sol
diers for the purpose of/organizing a
Grand Army of the/Republic Post.
There are an unusuafly large number of
old soldiers in this/city and vicinity , the
material for a Iarg4 and flourishing post.
Kemember to b present.
Last week , Sheriff "Wallace of Van
Buren county , Iowa , was in town after
a horse thief who was supposed to be in
this vicinity. He spent a few days look
ing the matter up in this and surround
ing towns , and finally returned to Iowa ,
without having accomplished anything ,
leaving a description of horse and thief
with proper officers , who are giving the
matter some attention.
Mrs. R. A. Cole , who raised some com
motion in our town , a week or more ago ,
and who was sent to her home near Al
ma , returned to the mortal conflict again ,
last week , and was arrested , tried before
Esquire Colvin , and bound over to the
District Court. She was taken down to
the county-seat , Friday evening , by Dep
uty "Welch , where she is now in the
hands of Sheriff "Welborn.
We have reason to believe that an e -
fort will be made to rid this town of the
festering barnacles which now infest it.
We believe that a sentiment is growing
among the Trustees of this village which
will shortly result in a fruition which
will make it quite necessary for the
gamblers and bums to hie themselves
hence to greener fields. Such charac
ters are a disgrace to a community , and
of no earthly benefit to anybody. Indo
lent , dishonest and dangerous , if not
The McCook Banking Co. moved into
their elegant new building , the first of
the week. This building is the finest of
its kind in our city , or in the Republi- ,
can Valley. The lower story contains
but one room , 30x50 , ( inclusive of vault
and closets ) making most commodious
and convenient quarters for banking
purposes. The counters are of oiled
red oak , with frosted glass and bronzed
railings , and the fixtures throughout are
substantial and elegant. The upper-
story is divided in three fine suits of
rooms , occupied by Dr. Kay , Jennings
& Starbuck , Carl & Shaw , and Moss &
The alliterative combination , Pardey's
Protean Pleasure Party , gave two enter
tainments in the Opera Hail , July 4th ,
which were well patronized , especially
the evening performance. We have not i
the distinction of having been present ,
but learn that the monosyllable , thin ,
just about summarizes that affair. To
be sure both George and Joey are quite
prodigious in their'physique , but their
jags have long since lost the efferves
cence of youth , and never fail to pro-
3uce a feeling of weariness , upon the
bearer ; but the spring time and rob
ins will come , and so will the P. P. P.
P.'s with "new attractions. "
The entertainment by the children of
the public schools , Thursday evening of
last week , waslargely attended and
thoroughly enjoyed. The program con
sisting of recitations , declamations , dia-
ogues , etc. , was well rendered by the
jhildren , the operetta and closing tab- :
eau being worthy of special commenda
tion. In fine the scholars acquitted
hcmselves in a very satisfactory man-
icr throughout , which * reflects credit to
hose who had the children in charge ,
is well as to the individual scholars.
Che Juvenile band , as an evidence of
/he appreciation of the music rendered
y them , were presented with a hand
some specimen of the stars and stripes
a gift from admiring and deeply in-
erested parents.
Two MEN Dnow JED Last Friday
svening , while Cha les Johnson and
irVilliam Young , two section men , were 5
lathing in the bayoi , or mouth of the
31ackwood , near Culbertson , both were
Irowned. It appeajs that one of the
nen , who was unable to swim ventured
n beyond his deptly , ( the bayou is from
.0 to 15 feet deep in places ) and that the
ither man who was an expert swimmer ,
ia.s drowned in attempting to rescue the-
aan who was unable to swim , from a
ratery grave. The bodies , when re- o
lovcred , were locked in deadly embrace ,
that the drowning man had
praspe'd his would-be savior with a vise- )
ike hold , thus disabling his movements , ?
ind causing the death of both. The
lodies were shipped east on Saturday.
Summer goods at reduced prices at
3. M. Brickey & Go's.
"AFFAIRS The board of
trustees held a special session , last
Thursday evening , with Trustees Archj
ibald , Brewer and Noble present. On
motion Trustee Noble was made chair
man pro tern. Remonstrances of C. E.
Boyd et al. against the issuance of drug
gists' permits to Messrs. Willey and
Green were read and Tuesday evening ,
July 7th , atSo'cJock , set as the date
and time for hearing said cases. On
motion the committee on fire works was
given permission to discharge fire works
within the corporate limits on July 4th.
On .motion the following special police
men were appointed for service July 4th
Isaac N. Hoback , L. Blanding , A. J
Chambers , J. W. Spiker , E. L. Welch
Wm. Henderson and J. G. Chinn , at $3
for the day.
Tuesday evening the board held an
other special meeting , with Truste
Archibald , chairman pro tern. , am
Trustees Noble and Brewer present. On
behalf of Mr.Green , Attorney Starbuck
withdrew Mr. Green's application fo
druggists permit. Dr. Willey's appli
cation for druggist's permit was also
withdrawn by his attorney , J. E. Coch
ran. Bills of special policemen for Juh
4th and of Wood worth for cleaning cool
er , were audited , allowed and warrants
ordered issued. Ordinance No. 24rel ,
ative to vagrants , was read , and under
suspended rules , passed and approved ,
and same ordered published according to
law. ( See elsewhere in this issue. ) On
motion Deputv Sheriff Welch was ap
pointed Village Marshal. Complaint
was made of the condition of the flue in
the building occupied by A. P. Sharp ,
and the same will receive the attention
of the fire committee. The matter of
establishing a grade on Blain Avenue
was discussed , but no definite action
taken. Complaint was made against
Church & Bohanan on account of the
filthy condition of their cellar and back
Go to E. M. Brickey & Co. for cus
tom-made clothing.
| The handy work of Frankie Bishop ,
Esq. , is noticeable in the local columns
ofi the Indianola Courier , this "week. The
fact that Frankie has enrolled his name
amongst the redeemed and the further
fajct that he is a prominent Y. M. C. A.
official have not been of sufficient effi
cacy to purge his soul of that fell dis
ease lying. Granted that the celebra
tion held at McCook , July 4th , was not
what it might have been , had more in
terest been taken , but this acknowledge
ment even is not excuse for deliberate
misrepresentationjind falsehood. In the
first place , so far as "beer drinking and
carousing" is concerned , the Courier's
assertion is a deliberate falsehood , and
without foundation. Considering the
crowd , the day was remarkably quiet ,
and very little drunkenness was to be
Seen on our streets. Secondly , no one
but a monumental specimen of the long
eared tribe would have had the cheek to
slur-a band of the accomplishments of
the Cornet band. Thirdly , did the spirit
of honesty and fairness enter at all into
Frankie's make-up , he would have omit
ted that insinuation on the fire works ,
as he knew full well that , after discharg
ing one pin wheel , the matter was post
poned on account of rain until Monday
evening , when a very creditable showing
was made in this line , before a large
crowd. The celebration failed in some
essential particulars , we again admit ,
but the statements in the Courier are
unfair , unmanly and false. We merited
an honest criticism.
Wall pa'per for 124cents per bolt at
Metropolitan drug store.
During the crowded condition of our
thorough-fares , on the 4th , an old lady
by the name of Blake , who lives on
Brush creek , while attempting to cross
Dennison street between teams , was run
over by a buggy occupied by Mrs. Z. L.
Kay and Mrs. A. M. Kelly , and consid
erably bruised , though not seriously in
jured. The old lady was removed to the
Dfficc of Dr. Stutzman , near by , who pre
scribed for her immediate wants , sjiortly
ifter which she was sent home by Dr.
Kay , who kindly offered to stand all ex
penses consequent upon the accident ,
which was the result of the old lady's
thoughtlessness in assaying to cross the
street between lines of rapidly inoving
eams , on an exciting occasion like the
Lth , and not through carelessness of the
White Bolted Corn Meal at the City
As will be seen by notices appearing
n this issue , W. C. LaTourette has dis-
losed of his hardware , and implement
stock to Messrs. Pratt & Lawson of
Elastings , who took possession , Wednes-
lay morning , and will continue the busi-
icss at the old stand. While we are
iorry to sec W. G. drop from our list of
msiness men , we welcome Messrs. Pratt
: Lawson into our midst , wishing them
Keir due portion of trade. Ed. Marquis ,
in old employe of the firm at their
Jastings store , will have charge of the
itore here for the present. Tom Adams ,
yho has been in the employ of Mr. La-
Pourette for the past two years , will
lontinue with the new firm.
The B. & M. Pharmacy is in receipt
f a fine line of notions. }
Don't forget the meeting of the W.
. T. U. at the Congregational church ,
riday afternoon.
Yon can buy Summer Clothing CHEAP
it E. M. Brickey & 'Co.'s , as the line is :
icing closed out at reduced prices.
> V N ' > "V/"SXN 'V > 'l ' > N X XX > 'N l"V * X > .X > iN XX *
j ! Ed. Ryan and family vroro in town Saturday
, and Sunday.
Wo acknowledge n pleasant coll from Mr.
Adams of the Courier , to-day.
F. Bert. Rlsley of tboRevcllle was circulating
around on our streets , Monday.
Tom Price , the jovial and adiposo contraotort
camo up to town on 39 , Sunday.
Father Glory of Orleans was a visitor in th
city , on church business , the first of the wecls
Charlie Ashmoro , Will Fisher andTannahi
of the Frenchman boys , were in town ovorth
A. A. Prelim and wife of Danbury enjoys
the day we celebrate with us , returning : horn
on Sunday.
Fred Weed and Fred Lytle of Benkolraan col
ebrated the fourth with us , returning to thi
metropolis of Dundy , Sunday.
Thos. Colfer wont out to Denver , lostFridaj
night on No. 1 , and is not expected to return
until the latter part of thfs week.
Presiding Elder Johnson of the M. E. church
was in the city , Friday , on his way to hoi
quarterly conference at Stockville.
Miss Jennio Jamison , who taught tho prinuv
ry department of our school , the past year ,
will spend her vacation ut Bondville.
Miss Lizzie G. Fry of Mt. Ayr , Iowa , sister o
W. E. , arrived in tho city , last week , and wil
spend u number of weeks visiting in our midst
Mrs. T. E. McCrackcn , mother of R. A. and
F. L. of our city , arrived in town , last week ,
from tho National Capital , and will remain al
William Fischer , one of our Red Willow cat.
tlemen , was in town on the fourth. Also , Jas.
Ellison , who has lately located a ranch near
Box Elder postoffice.
Miss Dell Smith , who has been residing for
some time on her claim near Wano , Cheyenne
county , Kansas , cuuie in and spent tho glori
ous with the iarnily.
II. H. Troth , wife and children , J. G. Stokes
and Mr. Clothier came down from the ranch
Friday , spending tho 4th in tho city , and re
turning home on Sunday.
Misses Jamison , Buck and Murphy went
down to Indiauola , Friday evening , to be in at
tendance at county institute , which commenc
ed work on Monday morning of this week.
M. J. Abbott of tho Hayes Centre News was
in town a couple days the flrst of the week.
He started lor tho Centre , Tuesday morning.
TUB TKIDCXK acknowledges a iraternal yislt.
Noah Mishler came down to the city , Tues
day morning on business connected withhis
stock interests. He and J. E. Berger started
on a business trip down the valley , the sumo
R. A. Batty of Hastings , a democratic legal
light of reputed "nearness to the thronewas
in the city , Monday , in solemn conclave with
Editor Wahlquist and other of the more prom
inent bourbons of the city.
S. A. Hobson , wife and two daughters , Jas.
John and wife , D. W. Irwin and wife , Mrs. Dru-
ry , W. E. Babcock and wife , T. B. Babcock and
others from Cambridge participated with us in
our fourth of July celebration.
Gjiy Boyle , son of Dr. Boyle of our city , ar
rived in town , last Thursday , from Kansas
3ity , where he is in the employ of the Western
Union Telegraph Co. He wifl spend some timo ,
iere in the enjoyment of country life and air.
Squire Fisher camo down from hiSyCbase
county ranch , Thursday evening Ipst. Tho
squire has about completed the enclosure of a
2000 acre pasture , not including his horse pas-
tuie , and feels entirely indcpeijdcnt of immi
Miss Lizzie Coolcy of Xenia , Ohio , arrived
in town , Friday , on a short visit to her brother
II. S. Miss Coolcy left , Wednesday night , on a
week's visit to Denver and Greeley , and she
may also visit SaltLake City before her return
to tho Buckeye state.
Manager Sproat , for Hallack & Howard , re
turned from a business trip down the Valley ,
Sunday evening. Ho has established yards for
the company at con
tinuation of their plans to establish yards at
all prominent points between Denver and our
State Capital.
Col. Jesse Kellar of Sutton was in town ,
Tuesday , hob-nobbing with those high in the
democratic councils. The Colonel is supposed
o be one of those empowered to manipulate
he ladle whereby government "pap" is to be
dispensed to the hungry democracy in this
) art of the state.
Father McNamara of North Platte was in
ewn , Sunda3 % but being unable to secure a
mil did not hold Episcopal services as he had
Cspe'clcd. Rev. McNamara is one of the old
and well-known divines of this state , having ,
until of late years , had charge of the Episco
pal school at Nebraska City.
Senator Dolan , C. D. Cramer and family , C.
S. Quick and family , W.H. McCartney and lam-
ly , George Short and bride , Clark Ward and
amily , A. E. Long and family , Dr. Shaw and
family , Judge Ashmore and family , Chss. Ap-
pleton and sister , Messrs. Sibbetts , Byron.
, ynch , Papin , Welborn , and in fact about all
ndlanola , save Bro. Bishop , came up to town
o celebrate with us , Saturday. We are sorry
hat Bro. Bishop came not. The ominous , se
pulchral failence of tho county-seat on the 4th
must have been oppressive , even to one of Bro.
J.'s retiring disposition.
Attention Soldiers I
There will be a meeting at Doner's
'ce Cream Parlors , Tuesday , July 14 ,
885 , at S P. M. , mountain timefor , the
mrpose of organizing a Post of the G.
V. . K. A cordial invitation to all old
oldiers. SOLDIERS.
Having sold my stock of hardware and
mplements to Pratt & Lawson , I desire
o express ni ) * thanks to my customers
for past favors , and hope they will con
tinue the same to my successors.
STRAYE'D From my herd , just west
f McCook. July 7th , a yearling steer ,
arandcd Y. 0. Parties iccovering same ,
plea&c renort to TKIIJUNK office.
WANTCH 500 men and boys to fill
sur new suits. They are ' 'daisies" "and
lou't you forget it. " [
E. M. B KICKS v & Co.
The. Fourth of July ,
The morning of the fourth dawned fair
and lovelyand drew an immense crowd
of people" our city from neighboring
towns and surrounding country , all gaily
arrayed in holiday attire , with their
wives and families and best girls.
The exercises of the day opened with
a Calathumpian parade , precceded by
the Cornet band. This feature of the
program was ludicrous in the extreme ,
and produced no end of merriment and
joking. After inarching and counter
marching through the principle thor
ough-fares of our city , the procession
disbanded at the rink , where the other
exercises of the morning were held.
After a number of beautitul selections
from the Band , singing of a number of
patriotic songs by the Glee Clubprayer
by Rev. Dunganand the reading of the
Declaration of Independence , by Prof.
Webster , the speaker of the day was
The address of Hon. H. M. Wells of
the Crete Vidette was excellent , both as
to subject matter and delivery. Mr.
Wells paid some glowing tributes to our
national greatness and the prosperity of
the states , especially of Nebraska. Our
own beautiful county and town were
not missed in the distribution of encom- ,
iums , and all in all we left proud to hear
one of the fraternity soar the American
eagle to such an altitude. But , alas ,
the speaker could not allow the oppor
tunity to slip by to ride his favorite hob
by anti-monopoly. The principle is 0.
K. , but on such an occasion it were poor
taste to so digress.
The afternoon exercises were held at
theDriving Association's grounds.south- |
east of toAVn , and were witnessed by a >
large concourse of people. Through no
fault of the management , the races l
were somewhat curtailed. The free-for- j
all trotting race was won by A. McG. ' }
Robb's mare in three straight heats ,
with B. F. Olcott's horse , second. The 1
running race was easily taken by the
Sibbett horse of Indianola , and the trot
ting race for 2-year-olds was won by L
J. Starbuck's horse. The shooting f
match was won by W. M. Lewis. There .
being no entries , a number of the sports !
were of necessity abandoned. *
The heaviness of the atmosphere in j
the afternoon , made it impracticable to ' '
send up the balloons , and the discharge
of the fire works was also postponed
until Monday evening , when a very fine
display was made , before a large and 4
enthusiastic crowd , many coming in * |
from the country to witness the same. <
For the Year Ending July
3rd , 1883.
No. of persons of school age In district..285.
Whole number enrolled during year 340.
ighest number belonging at any time . . .150.
Average attendance since Jan. 1st 119.
Whole number of sittings in building 189.
It will be seen from the above report
that had all the pupils who have been en
rolled during the year , attended regu
larly , about fifty of the number could
not have been received , by reason of a
lack of accommodations. There is reas
on to believe that the attendance ensu
ing year will be much larger than last.
In vifw of the fact , we respectfully sug
gest that the feasibility of erecting an
other building be brought before tho
meeting for discussion on Monday even- , ,
ing , July 13th. With ample accommo- J
dations , the school can be brought to a *
higher standing , which is very desirable. $
We take pleasure in acknowledging the
cordial support of the Board of Educa
tion , and of the community at large , in
our relations as teacher and patrons.
Trusting that the year to come may be
one of prosperity to the schools , I re
main , Very Respectfully ,
W. S. WEBSTEK , Principal.
To the Public.
Having-purchased the hardware stock
of W. C. LaTourette. with the intention
of continueing the business at the old
stand , we are desirous of retaining all
the old customers , and of making as
many new ones as possible , and will en
deavor to make it an object for you to
trade with us. Call and see us.
Indianola Mill.
The Indianola 3Iill Company will do j
a general milling business. Due notice i
will be given when we are ready to re-
ceive grain and do milling.
CLARK WARD , Manager.
Consumers of Ice-
Having purchased John Farley's sup
ply of ice , we are prepared to accommo
date you in that line during the summer
season. Save us your orders.
M. E. Church Services.
During the absence of the pastor , the
following clergymen will occupy the pul-
pet , on the dates given below : f , j
July 12th liev.I. S. Carr. :
July 19th Kev. F. F. Thomas.
July 2Cth ttev. E. S. Hall.
Farm for Sale.
Within two miles of the business part
of the city. Has an inexhaustable biip-
ply of good building stone on same. 50
acres in cultivation. A ruc chance to
make a good investment. liKjiiiru of It.
S. Coolcy , opposite 3IcLVk lintel.
All parties owing me on account , uill
dense call at old stand and settle.
W. C. LATouiiKTTE.