The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 18, 1885, Image 7

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    Castor Oil.
One of the'chief uses to which castor
oil is now put is that of dressing and
softening leather for boots. It was
formerly used for dosing children
whose stomach's were disordered. And.
an awful dose it was , Now we give
suffering children Brown's Iron Bitters ,
which tones the stomach , regulates di
gestion , and imparts strength to the
yrhole body. Brown's Iron Bitters are
incomparably better than castor oil , and
more pleasant to take.
Jay Gould prefers traveling by water to
riding on tho rail.
Don't Skip This.
So many schemes nro put before the public
ior tho increase of newspaper circulation ,
which seem to bo plausible and yet aro fraud
ulent , that when a legitimate , honest effort is
made to build up tho circulation of a legiti
mate , honest paper , by legitimate , honest
means , people who have been so many times
duped aro very slow to respond to the genu
ine scheme. Wo aro led to this train of
thought by a perusal of tho advertisement of
THE AMERICAN RrjnAi , HOME , of Rochester ,
N. T. , published in this issue of our paper , to
which wo call tho attention of our readers.
Wo are acquainted with both paper and pub
lishers and take pleasure in recommending it
as one of tho very best farm and family jour
nals in this country. Every person who
sends one dollar for a year's subscription to
she paper receives a handsome present
which is donated by tho advertising patrons
of tho paper. These premiums consist of Cat
tle , Land , Reapers and Mowers , Plows , Books ,
Pictures , Organs and thousands of other val
uable articles , The Rural Home Co. is en
dorsed by Hon. Cornelius B. Parsons , Mayor
of Bochestcr , to whom you can write if you
have any doubts as o its reliability. It wilt
pay you to send for sample copy if nothing-
more than to got a look at this great twelve-
page , . .sixty-column illustrated naper. Ad
dress Rural Home Co. Limited , Rochester ,
W . A _
Warm weather coming. ' 'Every day will bo
Bun-day by and by.
Tree from Ojplctes , .Emetic * < md .Poison * .
For Cousin , Bore Throat , Hoarseness-Influenza ,
S \ Calds. Bronchitis , Croup , Whooplnz Oough ,
, Asthma , Quinsy , PalnH IB Chest , and other
affectloni of thjiThroat and Icings.
V lce SO cents n bottle. Sold by Drnpcists and Deal-
, \ . Parties imaKe to induce their dealer lo promptly
Vox them will recelre two bottle&Express charges
-r by tending one dollar to ,
/ Sola Owners and Manufactnren ,
/ R'tltlnorr. Hur land. TJ. S. A.
ETCTJ strain or cold attacks that treak back
and nearly prostrates jou.
= co
Strengthens tlto Mnsclcs ,
Steadies the IServe ,
Enricliestliemooil , GlveaAcivVigor.
DB J.Ij.llTEISB.'Pairfield.ImTa.saTS :
"Brown's Iron Bitters is the best Iron medicine I
tave known in my SO years' practice. I have foond
it specially beneficial in nervons or physical exhaus
tion , and in all debilitating ailments that. bear so
beavfly on tho ayEtem.Use it freely in my own family. "
Genuine has trade mark and crossed red lines on
wrapper. Take no other. Made only by
LADLES' HAND BOOK useful and attractive , con
i taining list of prizes for recipes , information about
re coins , etc. , given away by all dealers in medicine , or
mailed to any address ou receipt of 2c. stamp.
Dyspepsia ,
Liver and
Complaint ,
And Health Restorer ,
JJlporfect renovator and Inrlfforator of the
' system , carrying airay all poisonous m&ttar ,
r and restoring the blood to a healthy oondt-
. feon , enriching- , refreshing : and Invigoratlngr
Doth mind and body. As a cure for HHEU-
JfATICS It hay no equal.
In all oases of Indigestion , Biliousness , Coo-
StipatJon , Headache , Loss of Appetite , Piles ,
2feuralffln , Nervous disorders and all PB-
M never falls to perfect a cure when
Of theworst forms of these terrible diseases
fcave been quickly relieved , and In a short
time perfectly cured by the use of Mops
suid. MAI/JT Bitters. Do not get Hops
zuid HIAIiT confounded with other into-
rior preparations of similar name. Tako
nothing : but Hops nmd MJLL.X. All
draffelsts keop them. Kone genuine unless
' Bianuf actured by * ?
HOPS & MALT BITTBR3-CO. . Dotroit , Mich.
Hostctter'8 Stom
ach Hitters conquers
and prevents ma
larial fevers , dys
pepsia , ch ronlc con-
ztlpatlon , a tendency
to kl Iney and blad
der nllments and
rheumatism , and is
of the greatest vtlue
In cases of bodily
trouble arUinp from
weakness. Old pee-
ple are greatly aided
by it. and It is highly
serviceable to con
valescents and ladies
In delicate health. It
Is , moreover a use
ful medicine to take
Trilh one on long
Journeys , and coun
teracts the effects of
mental exhaustion.
For sale by all DruB-
glsts and Dealers
Askyour ealer for ft C ITAL
CITY WHIPealer be inrprised.
Hi 1 V * Thcyaretotnethlncwondc rful. In-
dst yourdealer ordering the CAPITAI. crrT-WHTji K
Siey do ? ot carry them In cfc. A. J. Guittn & Co. .
Water Gas Fuel.
( fun i nCT CAN b replaced by an ABU-
A LlMI LUb I KiCIAI one. BOO Sitentfree.
- \ - ' . j " - - ' " ' " Itf p5 ; ' , f : _ ' . "f--- - :
A Declaration of Grlovancss
in Convention.
Meetings have been held throughout
Utah , Idaho , and Arizona , at all the
Mormon tabernacles , at which a declar
ation of grievances ani protest which
had been formulated , at a general con
ference of the Mormon church , April 5 ,
was read. The declaration is addressed
to the president and the people of the
United States. It begins by saying :
"A condition of affairs imperilling the
vital interests of the vast majority of the
people of Utah and their co-religionists
in the neighboring states and territor
ies , impels us , their representatives , to
address you. Qnr rights as American
citizeus are trampled upon , and believ
ing it our imperative dutj ,
in the presence of such _ a
danger , to protest against the gigantic
evil which threatens not only our liber
ties , but the liberties of every freeman ,
we , in general mass meeting assembled ,
in the name of freedom , justice and hu
manity make this appeal for relief and
protection. "Wo areunpopular with
our fellow-countrymen ; it is our reli
gion which makes us so. "We aro a
small minority in their midst , but we
have yet to learn that these are grounds
upon which to justify in a land of-lib-
erty the acts of oppression which we as
a people from the beginning of our his
tory have been made to suffer. As to
our religious "faith , it is based upon evi
dence which to our minds is conclusive
convictions not to be destroyed by
legislative enactments or judicial de
cisions. Force may enslave the body ,
but it cannot convince the mind. To
yield , at the demand of the legislator or
the judge , the rights of conscience ,
would prove us recreant to every duty
we owe to God and man. Among the
principles of our religion is that of im
mediate revelation from God ; one , of the
doctrines so revealed is celestial or plu
ral marriage , for which ostensibly wo
are stigmatized and hated. This is a
vital part of our religion , the decisions
of courts to the contrary notwithstand
ing. "
The charge of treason and rebellion
made against the Mormons is declared
to be unjust and untrue. The fact is
cited that a quota of 500 men war sent
2,000 miles overland to aid the
United States in fighting against
Mexico. It is asserted that the
general government has ever been
willing to lend a willing ear to all re
ports of sedition made against the Mor
mon people , and that when investigated
they have always been exploded.
Strong complaint is made that the
government has refused to confer state
hood upon the Mormons , although
Utah has all the qualifications of popu
lation , wealth and stability of com
merce and society. It complains that
aliens have invariably been sent into
the territory to govern the people , who ,
with honorable exceptions , have tram
pled the rights of the people under
foot. The petitions , protests and
memorials against th se abuses have
never been heeded. It then goes on to
say :
"The paramour of mistresses and har
lots , secure from prosecution , walks
the streets in open day. No United
States official puts a "spotter" on his
trail or makes an effort to drag his
deeds of shame and guilt before a judge
and jury for investigation and punish
ment. But note the contrast : In
Utah , Idaho and Arizona , a concerted
assault is made upon the Mormon peo
ple. Spotters and spies dog their foot
steps. Delators thrust themselves into
bed-chambers and watch at windows.
Children are questioned upon the streets
as to the martial relations of their par
ents. Families are dragged before
commissioners and grand juries , and ,
on pain of punishment for contempt ,
are compelled to testify against their
fathers and husbands. Modest women
are made to answer shamefully inde
cent questions as to the sexual relations
of men and women. Attempts are
made to bribe men to work up cases
against their neighbors. Notoriously
disreputable characters are'einployed to
spy into men's family relations. "
A Singular Experience.
From the Gorham ( N. H. ) Mountaineer.
Miss Hattie Edmonds , of Dalton , has
passed through a singular experience.
Over a a year ago she had s.everal teeth
extracted by a dentist while under the
influence of chloroform , and immedi
ately afterward she was seized with a
bad cough and gradually wasted and
took her bed , as it was supposed in con
sumption. Several physicians exam
ined her case , , one of whom attributed
her illness to an ulcer in the throat , and
gave her a remedy. The medicine re
sulted in a severe paroxysm of cough
ing , during which she threw out a tooth
that had been lodged in her throat
while sho'was chloroformed , and had
remained , nearly costing her her life.
She is now rapidly recovering. We
think that , while saying her evening
prayers , she ought to say the words of
the little girl who , after having a tooth
extracted , used the expression : "For
give us our debts as we forgive our den
tists. "
The Supreme Court of the United
States has recently made an important
decision as to and in favor of State
rights. The Chicago and Eock Island
Baiiroad , in the State of Kansas , passes
through a military reservation of the
United States. The railroad corpor-
ation in a. suit at law made the point
that the State did not have or possess
the right to regulate railroads within
the bounds of an United States military
reservation. Upon appeal , the Supreme
Court of the United States affirms such
right in the State , deciding that the
State does not lose its jurisdiction by
reason of the sequestration of the land
by the federal government for special
purposes. This decision , upon princi
ple , should enable the State of Kansas
to levy and collect taxes on the roadbed
of eaid corporation within the limits ol
the corporation. In this case the
sovereignty of the State has been up-
held. ' - -
Sad Report About Ex-President AT-
XVIII tho Flftli and Final Act bo a
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle.
"Dr Lincoln who was at thefnneral"
"of ex-Secretary Frelinghuysen , says"
"ex-President Arthur looked very un- "
"well. He is suffering from Bright's"
"disease. During the past year it has"
"assumed a very aggravated form. "
That telegram is act IV. of a
drama written by ex-President Arthur's
physicians. In Act I. he was made to
appear -'Malaria , " of which all the
country was told when he went to
In Act n. he represented a tired
man , worn down , walking the sands
at Old Point Comfort and looking east
ward over the Atlantic toward Europe
for a longer rest.
The curtain rolls up for Act HE. upon
the distinguished actor affected with
melancholy from Bright's diseasewhile
Act IV. discovers him with the disease
"in an aggravated form , suffering in.-
tensely ( which is unusual ) , and about
to take a sea voyage. "
Just such as this is the plot of many
dramas by play-wrights of the medical
profession. They write the first two or
three acts with no conception of what
their character will develop in the final
one.They have not the discernment for
tracing in the early , what the latter im
personations will be. Not one physi
cian in a hundred has the adequate
microscopic and chemical appliances
for discovering Bright's disease in its
early stages , and when many do finally
comprehend that their patients are dy
ing with it , when death occurs , they
will , to cover up their ignorance of it ,
pronounce the fatality to have been
caused by ordinary ailments , whereas
these ailments are really results of
Bright's disease of which they are un
conscious victims.
Beyond any doubt 80 per cent of all
deaths except from epidemics and acci
dents , result from diseased kidneys or
livers. If the dying be distinguished
and his friends too intelligent to be
easily deceived , his physicians perhaps
pronounce the complaint to be peri
carditis , pysemia , septicjeinia , bronchi
tis , pleuritis , valvular lesions of the
heart , pneumonia , etc. If the deceased
be less noted "malaria" is now the fash
ionable assignment of the cause of
death. .
But all the same , named right or
named wrong , this fearful scourge
gathers them in ! While it prevails
among persons of sedentary habiis
lawyers , clergymen , congressmen it
also plays great havoc among farmers ,
day laborers and mechanics , though
they do not suspect it , because their
physicians eep it from them , if indeed
they are able to detect it.
It sweeps thousands of women and
children into untimely graves every
year. The health gives way gradually ,
the strength is variable , the appetite
fickle , the vigor gets less and less. This
isn't malaria it is the beginning of
kidney disease and will end who does
not know how ?
No , nature has not been remiss. In
dependent research has given an infalli
ble remedy for this common disorder ;
but of course the bigoted physicians
will not use Warners safe cure , be
cause it is a private affair and cuts up
their practice by restoring the health of
those who have been invalids for years.
The new saying of "how common
bright's disease is becoming among
prominent men ! " is getting old , and as
the Englishman would say , sounds
" " " " since
"stupid" especially "stupid"
this disease is readily detected by the
more learned men and specialists of
this disease. But the "common'run"
of physicians , not detecting it , give the
patient Epsom salts or other drugs pre
scribed by the old code of treatment
under which their grandfathers and
great-grandfathers practiced !
Anon , we hear that the patient is
"comfortable. " But ere long , maybe ,
they "tap" him and take some water
from him and again the "comfortable"
story is told. Torture him rather than
allow him to use Warner's safe cure !
With such variations the doctors play
upon the unfortunate until his shroud is
made , when we learn that he died from
heart disease , pyaemia , septicaemia or
gome other deceptive though "dignified
" '
Ex-president Arthur's case is not sin
gular it is typical of every such case.
"He is suffering "intensely. " This is
not usualGenerally there is almost
no suffering. He may recover , if he
will act independently of his physicians.
The agency named has cured thousands
of persons even in the extreme stages
is to-day the mainstay of the health of
hundreds of thousands. It is an unfor
tunate fact that physicians will not ad
mit there is any virtue outside their
own sphere , but as each school denies
virtue to all others , the people act on
" their own judgment and accept things
"by the record of merit they make.
The facts are cause for alarm , but
there is abundant hope in prompt and
independent action.
AN Irishman trad Scotchman were
once talking about the sun and moon ;
the latter asserted that of the .two lum
inaries the sun was the most useful.
To this Pat replied , "flow can that be ?
for , sure , doesn't the moon shinewhen
it's dark ? and the sun only makes .his
appearancewhen it's daylight , at any
rate. "
The skeletons of twenty-five or thir
ty men were recently found in a can
yon near Stein's peak , New Mexico.
They are supposed to be the remains
of a party of troops massacred by In
dians years ago.
Bcv. 3Ir. Spurgeonprefers potatoes to por
terhouse steak.
He Kept the Whole House Awake.
WASHINGTON , D. C , Mr. F. O. Mc-P
Cleary , a prominent solicitor of patents
of this city , was troubled for several
weeks with a severe cough , which not
only deprived him of sleep hut annoyed
others. The only thing which did him
any good , he says , was the new prepa
ration Bed Star Cough Cure , a purely
vegetable compound , free from opiates ,
narcotics or poisons of any kind. .
A Chinese Advertisement.
The advertisement of a Canton ink ;
maker , translated , reads thus : "At the
shop Tae-Shing ( prosperous in the ex-
tremej very good ink ; fine ! fine ! An
cient shop , great-grandfather , grand
father , father and self make this ink-
fine and hard , very hard ; picked with
care , selected with attention. This ink
is heavy ; so is gold. The eye of the
dragon dazzles ; so does this ink.
No one makes like it. Others who make
ink make it for the sake of accumulat
ing base coin and cheat , while I make
it only for a name. Plenty of A-kwant-
saes ( gentlemen ) know my ink my
family never cheated they have always
borne a good name. I make ink for
the 'Son of Heaven'
and all the manda
rins in the empire. As the roar of the
tiger extends to every place , so does the
fame of the 'dragon's jewel. ' "
A GALVESTON colored servant , on her
way homewith a basket of pilfered gro
ceries , meets a friend. "How is you
comin * on wid dem white folks ? " "I'se
gwine to leab 'em. Dey hasn't paid dar
groceryman in sich a long time I'se
ashamed to meet him on de street. "
A Georgia hen is reported to have
killed a hawk in a fair light by a blow
through the eye , piercing to the brain.
It was a fowl blow.
Halford Sance ! s capital for dyspeptics. In-
Valuable to all good cooks.
The sultan of Turkey Is a piano-pounder ,
but not much of a musician.
The simplest and best regulator of tho Dis
ordered Liver in the world are Carter's Little
Liver Pills. They give prompt relief in Sick
Headache , Dizziness , Nausea , &c. ; prevent
and cure Constipation and Piles ; remove Sal-
lowness and Pimples from the complexion ,
and are mild and gentle in their operation on
the bowels. Carter's Little Liver Pills aro
small and as easy to take as sugar. One pill
a dose. Price 25 cents.
Corrects offensive odors at once. Complete cure
of worst chronic cases , nlso unequaled as garglo
for Diphtheria , Sore Throat , Foul Breath. 50c-
Historian George Bancroft Is a"grand old
The purest , sweetest and best Cod Liver Oil In thai
world , manufactured from fresh , healthy livers , upon
the sea chore. It Is absolutely pure and sweet. Pa
tients who hare once taken It prefer it to all others. ]
Physicians have decided It superior to any ef the
other oils In market , Made br CA.SWXLC , HAZZJLXD
, &Co-New York.
Chapped Hands , race. Pimples , and Bough SklnJ
cured by using Juniper Tar Soap , made by CASWILL ,
IUZAED & Co , New York. j
Colonel Inpcrsoll's latest lecture is : "What
Is Blasphemy ? "
Stinging , Irritation. Inflammation , all Kidney and
Urinary Complaints , cured by Buehu-Palba. " II.
Josh Billings expects to spend next winter
on the Pacific slope.
As a Cure for Sore Throat and
Coughs , "Broom's Bronchial Troc7ies" have
been thoroughly tested , and maintain their
good reputation.
The Boss Collar Pad of zinc and leather Is
unquestionably the best pad ever made. Hu
manity demands its use on every horse wear
ing a JIame collar. It prevents chafing and
positively cures sore necks. It is manufac
tured by Dexter Curtis , Madison , "Wis.
When Baby TTM sickvro pavo Lor Costorls ,
"When sho TTOS a Child , she cried for Coatoria ,
When sho became. HUa , sho clung to Caatoria ,
Whoa sho had Children , sho gave them Castoria ,
Mrs. Hendricks is a woman of great decis
ion and firmness of character.
Children , slow In development , puny , scrawny and
delicate , use "Wells' Health Kenewer.
Secretary "Lamar likes hard work , but It
doesn't agree with him.
MRS. T. MCCARTHY , Ulcnland Center ,
WIs. . after suffering six years with an aggra
vated case of salt rheum , was cured by tho use of
Cole's Curbollsalve. 55 and 50 cents. Sold by Drug
The ordinary stride of Maud S. Is seventeen
feet per second.
Sprains , bruises , stiff joints , burns , scalds ,
and rheumatism are relieved by Uncle Sam's
Nerve and Bone liniment. Sold by druggists. .
Worms cause peevishness , levers , convul-i
slons and frequently death. A pleasant , safe-
and certain remedy is Dr. JAQUE'S GERMAN1
WORM CAKES. Sold by all druggists.
Headaches , constipation , liver complaint , ]
billiousness are cured by that mild , cleansing !
remedy which never produces pain , ELLERT'8
DAYLIGHT LIVER PILLS. Only 25 centaJ druggists. .
An economical man will Keep the leather OE
his harness soft and pliable , which preserves it !
from cracking or ripping. He always uses ?
Harness Makers.
One-third of all who die in active middle life
are carried off by consumption. The most fre
quent cause is a neglected cold , cough , hoarse
ness , bronchial trouble or asthma , all of which
may be permanently cured bv EILERT EX
Sold by druggists.
A farmer's wealth depends on the condition
of his stock. When scraggy and feeble they ,
are , especially liable to distempers , feversr
colds , and all diseases which destroy animals. !
Thousands of dollars are saved annually byl
that valuable old stand by. UNCLE SAJl'Si
Restless , fretful , crying children are suffer
ing and need for their relief DR. WIN- !
ful not only for all the disorders of teething
infants , but cures coughs , croups , sore throat ,
colic and cramps of older children , and should
always be kept in every house for emergencies.
Only 23 cents. Sold by all druccists.
"Men are but little lower than the angels , "
says an old proverb.
Beware of imitations , pretended cures and
specifics , and spurious preparations. Take
only Hunt's [ Kidney and Liver ] Remedy.
Hunt's [ Kidney and Liver ] Remedy has been
used over thirty years , and saved thousands
from lingering disease and death.
Gen. Crook , tho Indian fighter , wears Mfl
hair short.
That Tired Feeling.
Everybody knows what "that tired feeling" Is.
It afflicts nearly every one at this time of the year ,
being caused by the depressing effects of the chang
ing season and the debll.tated conditioner the body.
The refreshing , toning and Invigorating Influcncci
for which the system appeals will be found In Hood'i
Sarsaparllla , the reliable tonic and blood pnrlfler.
Give It a trial.
"I .took Hood's Sarsaparllla for loss of appetite ,
dyspepsia , and general languor. It did me a vast'
amount of good , and I have no hesitancy In recom
mending It to my friends and all needing medicine. "
J."W. WILI.ZFOED , Qulncy , 111 ,
"I began taking Hood's Sarsaparllla when I was sc
weak I conld not do my work. It hag made a new
person of me. All I ask of anyone Is to try Hood'i
Sarsaparllla and see its quick effect. It takes lesi
time and quantity to show Its effect than any othei
preparation I ever heard of. " UBS. C. A. II. HUB-
BXED , 2 orth Chill , If. T.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
by all druggists , tl ; six for tS. Made only
HOOD' & CO. , Apothecaries , Lowell. Hast.
IOO Doses One Dollar.
W. N. F. , Omaha , - - 263 25.
- saw the advertisement in this paper
When you visit New York City , via Central
depotsavcBaggage Eipressage and $3 Car
riage Hire , and stop at the Grand Union Hotel ,
opposite said depot. Six hundred elegant
rooms fitted up at a costof one million dollars ;
$1 and upwards per day. European plan. Ele
vator. Restaurant supplied with the best.
Horse-cars , stages and elevated railroad to all
depots. Families can live better for less
money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any
other first-class hotel in the city.
This Is what Interests
you all. Tiio celebrated
latago Collar , made from
our IATA < ! O OH Tanned
Leather. Warranted not
to cet hnrrt or crack. You
can wash them when dirty i
land tney will keepsolt and
Ast your d eaters for them. .
Use them and you will have
no other.
i Manufacturers.
Awarded GOLD MEDAL. LONDON , 1SS3. Cifd
by Maura & Ilamlin Organ and Piano Co. , Pullman
Palace Car Co. . Sc. Jlfd only by the RUSSIA
EVERYWHERE. ca-SamplaTinCanby JIiil.2S .
Bold by ALL DEALERS throujhout the 'World.
Gold Medal Paris Exposition , 1S78 *
I haro a B > sltlv remedy tortha aoor * dluasa ; by lt
tisa thoaiabds of eases ef the ir rst kind and of Ion *
mfr ft * ? ? ' ts $
& : cacy . tbnt I will BenUTTr .
I. * erwItn' TAI.UABI.KTRBXTISB om thlldiBftlM
anffaror. fllra express nd F. O. addrfsi.
to any
w * DE. T. A. SLOCUSI.1U Ptarl St , N Tori ,
Lorillard's Climax Plug
bearing a red tin tag ; that Lorillardl
R oe lieaf fine eut ; that LorlUard's
Kavy CIIppInKi. and.that Lorillard'8 81
UM b * S aad cheapest , quality con * > d nd ?
* p r on to lell
nrgo d < . No capital required. Salary raid
_ monthly. ExpenMt in adrancc. Fall p r-
tlealanVBKX. We mean what we say. Standard Silver
TVara \7ashlnarton St. . Boston , Mn n.
employment and cood salary
selling ilucen City Skirt and
outfit free. Address Cincinnati
Suspender Co. , Cincinnati. O
, _ _ _ . andwewillmailyou valu-
able samples of anewbtuiness , with package
.ofoool * . will nelp you to make . more .
PKBSl ? CO.thleagolll. Sptcial-A Gold Dollar
free to each of the first 250 who antwer this adv'U
HorsePowen nnJ-OnCnO CloverHnllers
( Suited to all sections. ) Write for Fit EE Illus. Pamphlet
and Prices to Tho Aultnrxn& Taylor Co. . illnsfield. Ohlr-
DO YOU "WISH to buy "Watches or Jewelry ? If
so , send your address and we will send you Illustrated
Boot with bottom prices. AVhitney Cook & Co. ,
[ Established 1870. ] 92 Market St. , Chicago.
. 1O
-ft4UaU XSU * GU. * vr
OPIUM No pay till cured.
DE. J. STETUXNS. Lebaaon. Ohio.
Omaha Commercial. Send name for
COLLEGE Catalogue and specimen of pcman-
shtp. M. G. UOHUBOUGII , Principal
FUUKISHEO. Circulars free.
I VAIiEKTINE BROS. , Janesvllle.
Lost Manhood. 1'rcinuture Wccay , Weakno * .
Sralna and all forms of. Weblllty In Jlen frorn early
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Represented at Chicago by the well-knr.wn
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All those painful Complaints
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Ariists' Easels , SOc. ; Artists * Boxes , $1.50 : Panel *
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COTOT th entire > ad < 31 .aod will keep yon dry In anr itona.
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