The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 18, 1885, Image 5

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    ! * -
Thursday. June i8th , 1885.
'V '
' - CONGREGATIONAL. Sunday School at 10
A.M. every week. " Preaching : services every
Sunday night at 7.30 , M. T. Also , every alter
nate Sunday morning at 11 , M. T. Exceptions
to the above will be noticed In locals.
METHODIST. Services every Sunday at 11
A. M. nnd 7:30 P. II. . mountain time. Sunday
School at 3 P. M. The services and Sunday
school will bo held for the future In the Opera
Hall. All are cordially Invited. Scats free.
W. S. WHEELER , Pastor.
. .CATHOLIC. Services will bo held In the
Hall once every four weeks.
A. P. & A. M. McCook Lodfte , U.
D. , meets on the flrst and third Tues
days of each month.
G. L. LAWS , W. M.
T. G. UEES. Secretary.
B. & M. R. R. Time Table.
. No. S . 6:30 , A. M. 1 No. 40 . 5:23 , P.M.
f. No. 39 . 1:00. P. II. I No.l . 8:55 , P. M.
, * , tSTEastbound trains run on Central Time ,
and westbound trains on Mountain Time.
Prclght trains do not carry passengers.
R. B. WOODS , Agent.
Local Intelligence.
Fresh candy at the City Bakery.
E. M. Brickey & Co. for clothing.
Boston Brown Bread at the City Bak
ery constantly.
Tanks for stockmen made any size at
Spanogle & Hinker's.
The B. & M. Pharmacy is in receipt
of a fine line of notions.
dT'Moody & Winter , City Dairy , for
and wholesome milk.
pure milk..H . .1. ii ,
Sweet Michigan cider of excellent
quality at the City Bakery.
' A fulljine of Pumps and Pump fit
tings , atSpanogle & Hinker's.
Adjustable Screen Windows to fit any
window , for sale at Lytle Bros.
Spanogle & Rinker keep hose , hose
i - nozzles , 4 and 8 arm lawn sprinklers.
Subscriptions taken for any journal
' .in the country at THE TRIBUNE office.
V E. M. Brickey & Co. is the bargain
X- * e for clothing , furnishing goods , etc.
r-L - stie * grass and white clover for sale at
xmogle & Rinker's implement house" .
FOR SALE Two 8 ft. show cases and
one 6 ft. show case. Inquire at Jew
elry Store.
A nice assortment of calling cards at
this'office. Will print' the same neatly
if desired.
Two setts of harness , ( one light and
one heavy , ) for sale at B. F. Olcott's ,
very cheap.
* JARM LOANS Col. Snavely informs
us that he is now procuring farm loans
quite easily.
F. H. Preston will be pleased to ac
commodate you with nursery stock.
See advertisement.
Lytle Bros , sell Screen Windows you
can adjust in a moment to fit any win
dow in your house.
Parties having weaving to do , should
call at Thomas McQuay's residence , 3
milcs east of town.
Prepare for hot weather by providing
yourself with one of E. M. Brickey &
Co. 's refrigerator suits.
The cannon ball was delayed about
four hours , Sunday , by some obstruction
on the Kansas City line.
Thermometers , with barometer at
tachment , at the B. & M. Pharmacy.
These are reliable instruments.
Stock boarded by the day or week at
Olcott's barn , opposite Colvin House.
Also buys and sells stock on commission.
If you want a suit of cloths cut and
made in first-class style , call on R. A.
Cole , first door west of B. & M. Pharm
acy , IMcCook , Neb.
First-class legal cap for sale at this
office. Also the celebrated Omaha
Mills Note Paper , with envelopes to
match. All at reasonable rates.
I have just received a large stock of
new shades in all colors , and am selling
the large sun hats in all colors for 50c. ,
original price 75c. MRS. T. NELIS.
They have just received a choice con
signment of candies at the City Bakery ,
lovers of that toothsome article are
to call and sample them by
'he "Star" wind mill sold by Spano-
le & Rinker is beyond question the
niosApowerful. best governed , and most
reliwle mill on the market. Call and
gee them and get prices.
Anyone wanting work done or instruc
tion given in oil painting or drawing ,
will please call on the Misses Meyer , in
South McCook , and examine work.
Will teach children also.
Koko Polo.
For Koko Polo sea Mathes.
fcv-y ife
White vests at E. M. Brickey & Co.'s
A car-load of picked potatoes at Wil
cox Bros.
For pumps and pipes go to Spanogle
& Rinker.
Go to E. M , Brickey & Co. for cus
torn-made clothing.
Organsrentcd until rent-pays for them
at Spauogle & ilinker's.
All kinds of machine oils kept for sale
at the B. & M. Pharmacy.
C. P. Rinker is agent for the cele
brated Mason and Lfamlin Organs am
In another column will be found an
exposition of the school lands law by J
Byron Jennings , that maybe of interesi
to you.
Bachelor's buttons at the B. & M.
Pharmacy. Just the thing for railroac
men and bachelors. No sewing on ol
Thenature of a fly has not materially
changed since the beginning. You can
catch more with sugar thau with vinegar
as of-yore.
Don't spend your money in vain at
tempts to find cheap clothing , but come
at once to E. M. Brickey & Co.'s . cloth
ing store , where clothing is cheap.
The proper authorities should make
an effort to have some work done on the
road leading south from the bridge. It
is in a wretched condition at present.
Belva Lockwood , the celebrated lec
turer , will positively give one of her re
nowned addresses in the Opera Hall , on
Tuesday evening , June 30th. More ex
tended notice in our next.
Another car-load of those celebrated
Challenge Wind Mills that G. B. Net
tleton of McCook is erecting all over
the country , will be received in a few
days. Wait for the Challenge.
THE TKIBUNE has the very best facil
ities and workmen for doing Job Work
in Southwestern Nebraska. We guar
antee iicat and tasty work , and entire
satisfaction in execution and prices.
The Juvenile Band goes to Culbcrt
son to dispense music on the fourth.
The boys arc practicing faithfully and
will astonish the people at that ancient
burg with the sweetness of their rendi
His honor , Mayor LaTourette , put up
a fine , appropriately lettered canvass
awning in front of his hardware store ,
Tuesday , which adds to the comfort of
his store room in the sun's declining
Seventy-five head of the Berger and
Mishler herd were purchased by Judge
Ashmore and son Sain , last week. The
first named gentlemen have already dis
posed of most of their large herd , which
arrived here from Texas in May.
That last shipment of parlor sets just
received at the Great Western Furni
ture Emporium take the entire bakery
at wholesale rates. Don't fail to drop
in and see them , if you want something
handsome and substantial in that line.
We have a supeifluous population of
bums , numbering probably a score , who
might come under the vagrant act very'
properly. They are neither usefnf nor
ornamental , and can be eliminated from
our midst at no great sacrifice and sans
tears ;
Parties have been in town , the past
few days , looking up a location for a
saloon. West Dennison street will prob
ably be the favored locality , if the es
tablishment of the enterprise is decided
upon. The prospects for wet season
are increasing.
A force of men completed the job of
putting up an additional telegraph wire
between Lincoln andjUcCook , Tuesday ,
and returned to Lincoln , from which
point they will extend the line to Oma-
la. This gives us additional local tele-
; raph facilities.
Nebraska flour for Nebraskans. The
3ity Bakery received a car-load of that
celebrated Grand Island Flour , this
week. The shipment contains the new
arand of flour , "White Frost' " which is
without a peer , and is guaranteed to be
the very finest brand in the city.
By telegram , the first of the week ,
Mrs. T. B. Campbell received the sad
intelligence of the death of her father
at his residence near Pittsburgh , Penna.
Being herself confined to bed , Mrs.
Campbell was unable to pay the last sad
tribute to her departed parent.
of the McCook Corral and Feed Stable ,
Wain Avenue , received an ugly wound
above the eye , from a kicking horse , at
the race course , Monday afternoon. He
was in the act of stooping over to pick
up a bunch of keys that liad fallen out
of his pocket , when the animal lacked
lira twice , inflicting ugly , though not
dangerous wounds.
The Catholic ladies hereby tender
their thanks to the Juvenile Band for
their delightful music last evening.
Koko Polo.
For Koko Polo sea Mathes.
WANTED 500 men and boys to fill
our new suits. They are "daisies" "and
don't you forget it. "
Spanogle & Rinker have the Grass
Hopper Rod Breaker.
Madam Rumor becomes beautifullj
less reliable as she increases with ag <
and care. We are credibly informec
that the dear old lady's report concern
ing Register Laws' letter of resignation
is one of her vagaries. These are like
the times of which the prophet remarks
"Young men shall'see visions , etc. '
Visions evidently referring to the U. S
Land Office.
Koko Polo.
For Koko Polo sea Mathes.
The new grocery establishment of W
0. Saylor on West Dennison Street wai
opened , last week. Mr. Saylor has hi :
stock arranged in good style , making
his store room one of the most inviting
in appearance in our city. He has a
force of men at work on the room ad
joining his present quarters , which he
will occupy as soon as it is ready. When
finally established he will have two as
fine rooms as there are in McCook.
Call and see Spanogle & Riuker's top
has been secured by the Hocknell Hose
Co. , for their ball , Friday evening , and
the orchestra of six accomplished musi
cians engaged for that occasion. The
boys are making every arrangement for
an enjoyable dance , and it is to be hoped
that a large turn-out will reward their
efforts , and that they will receive the
assistance such enterprises ought to get.
Each member of the company is confi
dently expected to be present and to do
bis best in securing a large attendance
Members will not receive invitation
Koko Polo.
For Koko Polo sea Mathes.
They seem to be having an epidemic
of indisposition across in Decatur coun
ty , Kansas. The report made to the
Probate Judge of that county , last
month , contained the names of sixteen
mndred sick men. In order to stop the
further advance of the dread epidemic ,
large shipments of beer , nicely conceal
ed in flour barrels , are being hurried in
to bleeding Kansas , satrapy of Decatur.
Three wagon loads of "flour barrels"
started Kansas-wardfrom this cityMon-
day evening. The boys get thirsty in
our neighboring county , and must needs
lave their whistles moistened , and verily
the innocent "flour barrel" dodge is
Standard Hallady wind mills at Span-
ogle & Rinker's.
As we slowly gain particulars , it ap-
) ears that the hail and wind sturm of
Sunday evening was unusually severe.
The hail was the size of hen's eggs ,
which , driven by a stiff breeze , made it
distressingly uncomfortable for man
and beast for a few minutes during the
continuance of the storm. H. H. Ber
ry was caught in the storm when within
a half mile of his homestead south of
town , and from the bruises and gashes
on head and body , one would imagine
ic had stood up before John L. for three
or four rounds. Tho narrow scope of
country south of the river where the
torm raged , suffered considerable in
crops , but fortunately the strip was very
Koko Polo.
For Koko Polo sea Mathes.
A man , evidently deranged , jumped
'rom passenger train No. 1 , Friday
morning , between Corona and Ft. Mor-
jan , while the train was making 35
miles an hour. The man was uninjured ,
and started to run over the prairie , re
moving his shoes after proceeding a short
listance. A large number of people
rom both the above towns spent the fol-
owing day in searching for the poor fel-
ow. He was finally found in an irri
gating ditch , his mouth , nose and eyes
alone being out of the water , and his
ntire body had the appearance of the
kin on a washer-woman's hands , after a
ong day's washing. His feet were
welled to nearly twice their usual size ,
the effect of running over cactus beds ,
which abound in that locality , and al
together he was in a most wretched and
deplorable condition. Before jumping
from the train , he handed the porter in
the Pullman car over $200 to keep for
him , as he said he was afraid "some one
would do him up. " He was kindly cared
Koko Polo.
For Koko Polo sea Mathes.
See E. M. JBrickey & Co. for Tailor-
Made clothing. Best work , lowest prices
and satisfaction guaranteed.
ThK City Livery Stable , B. F. Olcott ,
proprietor , for fine teams.
The Congregational Church was red
olent with the perfume of flowers , and
bright and cheery with the sweet song
of birds , Sunday , on the occasion of the
celebration of Children's Day , which
was generally observed on that day
throughout the union. A number of
those interested in the Sunday School
work were busy all day Saturday decor
ating the interior of the church in a be
coming manner , which they were ena
bled to do , through the kindness of
friends who generously offered their ser
vices , flowers , birds , paintings , etc. , to
assist in making the audience room as
pleasant and inviting as possible. And ]
all who had the pleasure of being prosj j
ent and seeing the tasty arrangement
made of paintings and flowers , evergreen
arches and trimmings , and of listening
to the musicrecitations , responsive
readings , etc. , of the children , were
highly entertained and pleased. The ex
ercises were withal creditable and en
couraging to those having the same
in charge , who are to be congratulated
upon the smoothness which characterised
the day's doings.
Koko Polo.
Fur Koko Polo sea Mathes.
At a meeting held on Monday even
ing , it was ascertained that over $540
of the money subscribed for the Fourth
of July Celebration had already been
collected. The matter of location then
occupied the attention of those present.
After a spirited discussion , a vote on
question was taken , which resulted in
eight for and seven against holding the
celebration at the Driving Association
grounds. The committee on location ,
after some consultation , reported thai
they had decided to have the speaking
and fireworks in town , and the racing ,
and the different amusements at the As
sociation's grounds. Dr. Kay resign
ing , C. T. Brewer was appointed Mar
shal of the Day , with A. M. Kelly , Sam
Ashmore , D. J. Smith and J. R. Phe-
lan as assistants. Although the Driv
ing Association's grounds are quite a
distance from town , as the races will in
all probability be the most absorbing
amusement of the day , the selection for
that part of the celebration not embrac
ed in the speaking and fireworks , is the
best that could have been made.
Great Reduction in Watches and
Jewelry at McCracken's.
Shaw , wife and child of Indianola are
visiting J. E. Berger. . . . .The commit
tee on fire-works ordered a fine lot for
the fourth , Wednesday W. C. Furst
of the Eating House returned home on
Wednesday on No. 1 The McCook
Banking Co. will occupy their handsome
quarters about the middle of next week.
. . . .Two brick buildings are in course
of erection on West Dennison street , and
two more are on tapis The M. E.
church building is about enclosed
It is reported that Hayes Centre suffer
ed heavily by Saturday night's storm.
A few houses are reported destroyed ,
but no lives lost Pate & Kendall
have commenced the excavation for their
two-story brick. S. L. Scott is put
ting up a small building adjoining Dr.
Davis' office , which will be occupied by
Sidney Dodge as a real estate office.
White Bolted Corn Meal at the City
Our new harness and hardware man ,
Vf. W. Palmer of Red Oak , Iowa , ap
peared on the scene of action , Monday
light. He had shipped his stock of goods
md household effects here , and he has
since been busy putting in shape to get
iown to business. Mr. Palmer owns a
residence property on Marshall street ,
ipon which he .will build in the near
Koko Polo.
For Koko Polo sea Mathes.
LAND FOR SALE 160 acres of deeded
and , 35 acres under cultivation , with a
jood frame house , within two miles of
; own. Also , 80 acres of deeded land ,
LI acres under cultivation , with good
? rame house , 4 miles from town. For
"urther particulars inquire at this office.
Koko Polo.
For Koko Polo sea Mathes.
The Committee on Program for the
Fourth of July request us to announce
ihat being unable to confer with the
lifferent committees up to this time they
von't have , the program ready for pub-
ication until next week.
New line of clothing at E. M. Brick-
; y ci Co.'s this week. New styles of
; oods , and prices way down.
Koko Polo.
For Koko Polo sea Mathes.
Knights of Labor.
Will meet at Menard's Opera Hall ,
Friday evening , June 2Gth , at 7:30 P.
H. Those formerly proposed will be
snrolled. Election of officers and other
lusiness of importance. By order
M. W.
M. E. Church Services.
During the absence of the pastor , the
bllowing clergymen will occupy the puf-
ict , on thedates , given below :
June 21st Rev. J. M. Mann.
June 2Sth Rev. Geo. 31. Boswell.
July J2th Rev. I. S. Carr.
July 13th Rev. F. P. Thomas.
July 20th-llcr. B. S. Hall.
, .
The fair and festival held at the rink
by the ladies of the Catholic Church ,
Wednesday evening , was a most pro-
nounccd succes socially and financially.
The ladies realized a handsome sum from
' . their labors. Miss Vaughn was voted
the most popular young lady , and re
ceived the hat , which netted tho society
$65. Lack of space forbids a more es-
, tended notice of this very pleasant af-
Indianola Mill.
The Indianola Mill Company will do
; a general milling business. Due notice
' will be given when we are ready to re
; ceivc grain and do milling.
CLARK WARD , Manager.
Consumers of Ice
Having purchased John Farley's sup
ply of ice , wo are prepared to accommo
date you in that line during the summe
season. Sctve us your orders.
One of the finest Timber-Claims it
the county. Apply to E. E. Colenian
clerk at the Colvin House , McCook ,
* rS > * f * * * S < * S tSS S > * S * S S S
A Midnight Hunt on the Willow.
Some hungry follows started out , last
night , for a hunt on the Willow. Just
as one of them was about to bag his
game pluck a fowl from her midnight
perch he wag astonished to find him
self bagged by the night watch. Three
brave fellows hurried him to the house ,
while the other gave No. 2 chase over
the hills. But nought but a blue streak
was visible , where a piece of his coat
tail was found , this morning , and pur
suit was abandoned , and the pursuer re
turned to scene the first. A bag of feath
ers and a pail of molasses soon appear
ed. The young fellow begged and moan
ed piteously , but his capturers relented
not , and the "young chick" was season
ed in elegant shape. Instead of devour
ing the "chick , " as he expected , a beau
tiful plumage was added to the other
wise featherless goslin , whose squackiug
qualities were thnn thoroughly tested ,
and the thongs that bound his wings
and legs were cut and the young fellow
aroseand drawing his tattered garments
about him , remarked , "I am a pretty
bird , " which was assented to by his cap
turers , provided his feathers were not so
badly ruffled.
After making every promise from stealing
to refrain ,
Was glad to go ;
Without a who-a ,
Never to return again.
His hat was placed upon his head , with
many a kindly joke ,
Whieh to remove again ,
He tried in vain ,
Then put his head to soak.
Now , Ed R. , when you hungry get ,
Just call on us again ,
For we have molasses plenty yet ,
Which is as free as rain.
11. F. LOOMIS.
Red Willow , June 15th.
Box Elder Blossoms.
The most important event that has
occurred on the Willow , lately , is the
marriage of Miss Mary Loomis and Mr.
R. McDonald , of this place. The hap
py affair took place at the residence of
the bride's parents , on June 14. The
ceremony being performed by Squire N.
J. Chrysler. The father of the bride
is one of the oldest settlers of the coun
ty. Mrs.-McDonald is his oldest daugh
ter and the third of his children to en-
Ler the state of matrimony. The young
3ouple have the best wishes of friends.
Children's Day will be observed at
this place , next Sunday. An interesting
program has been arranged , and all are
nvited. Sunday School will be held at
the usual hour. Children's Day exer-
: ises at 11 o'clock. Miss Lou Chrysler
sloses her third term of school this
.vcek . , in district No. 32. Rev. , J. B. Pi
per has commenced the erection of a
jommodious frame house on his claim ,
md other improvements are taking place
ivhich betokens prosperity.
June 17th , 1885. SELONN.
County-Seat Clatter.
Dr. Gibson , lata of McCook , has moyed into
lis new cilice on main > treet A new restaur-
int looms up on main street Mrs. C. H.
iussell is still in town , under the professional
; aro of Dr. Shaw , and we are glad to learn , is
apidlyimproving In last week's lettcryour
iorrespondcnt said that John Eiford was ar-
ested and in jail. It was a mistake. The man
vho really was arrested is Ed. Phifer , who had
icon too Intimate with John Eiford's wife. It
lon't make very much difference , though Phi-
'er's"pa" hiss bailed him out Sheriff Wei-
> oru has bought some vacant ground and has
Jate and Munsinger digging wells thereon.
Fohn says he don't need tho wells but will have
hem cut up into post holes , hiln-dried and put
ipon tho market this fall Mr. Hallof South
Jend. Neb. , brother-in-law .
a - - to Jesse D. nnd
loan W. Welbom , is in town this week Mrs.
Vm. K. Lynch denies having ever signed a
iquor license petition in Indianola. 31 rs. Wm.
IcCartney does not deny the accusation , nl-
hough she warns us never to let her name ap-
> ear in T HE TRIBUNE again under penalty of
oaietbing DREADFUL. Your correspondent
nade no charges against anyone , nor cast he
my reflections on anyone's character or right ,
mt merely stated facts so far as they appear-
id from the petition above referred to. Among
he other ladies referred to assignors of the
ictition for license is that of .Mrs. Martin An-
lersou. CODNTT-SEAT.
South Side.
Superintendent Nettleton is on the
iick list The wind and hail of Sun-
lay evening did a general distributing
md smashing business , on the divide
outh The dearest friends will part.
: . T. Birdsall has sold "Old Sam. " . . . .
j1. II. Preston of DCS Moiues , To va , has
nought 20 acres of land of J. Whitta-
; er , which he is now preparing to re
vive nursery stock. We welcome the
lew enterprise. JOSIE.
Miss Uabcock of Hastings is visiting > Miss Lou
Fred. Lytlo went out to Beukoltnan on 30 ,
Harry Clark made a short visit to town , yes
W.C. Bullard of Culbcrtson mudo u flying trip
to town , Saturday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. F. Konyon started on a visit
to Colorado , Monday.
Miss Kato Estcs Is being entertained by her
sister , Mrs. C. H. Heed.
A. E. Lang , wife and child came np from the
county-scat , Tuesday noon.
Mrs. W. C.LaTourotto wentup toCulbcrtson
on a short visit , Tuesday noon.
Senator Dolan and Judge Ashmoro of In-
dianohi were in tho city , Tuesday.
Fred. Harris spent three or four dayslnBcn-
ver , last week , on railroad business.
R. A. McCrackcn of Huntington , Oregon ,
brother of F. L. , arrived In town , Wednesday
V.Fninklln went down to Ampiihoo on busi
ness , Saturday eveningreturning on No.l ,
the same day.
Thos. Golfer has been absent in Pottitwatto-
mle county , Kansas , for tho post ten days. Ho
is expected home , to-day.
F.L. Brown , Cashtcrof the McCook Banking .
Co. , and Editor Wnhlqulst of the Democrat re- N/ '
sorted to Hastings , Sunday.
W. C. Ashwill , editor of the Stratton Herald ,
was in town , Saturday. Tills ofllco acknowl
edges a very pleasant call. , „
Fred. Weed , who has charge of Frees & H ock-
ncll's yard at Bcnkleinan , came down from tho
west Saturday , on a short visit , returningSun-
day evening.
A young inau by the name of Smith from
Fairbury , this state , has been employed by
Messrs. Babcock , Starbuck , Green and Robb
to train their fast horses.
D. J. Smith returned , Saturday evening from
Wano. Cheyenno county , Kansas , where he is
interested in real estate. Ho completed ar-
rnugemonts for putting up six miles of fence.
William Lamb , a wealthy capitalist of Beat
rice , President of the Mutual Benevolent As
sociation of that place , arrived in town. Mon
day. Mr. Lamb has some property In .McCook.
Miss Mamie Volbohr.ene of Superior's charm
ing young ladies who has been visiting Mrs.
Ed. Hawksworth , the past few weeks , returned
to her home , last Saturday. "Our girls" rest
W. O. Moody spent part of Saturday and all
of Sunday at home , assisting in the exercises
of Children's Day , In his usual enthusiastic ,
thorough way. He returned to Stratton on No.
1 , Sunday night.
J.M.Daniels , Nasby at Estcll , Hayes county ,
was in tho city , Saturday , and made us a pleas
ant and profitable call. Mr. Daniels reports n
large immigration into his neighborhood on
the Stinking Water.
J. W. Deweese , wife and child of Lincoln ,
arrived in the city , Wednesday night. Mr. De-
wceso is a member of the firm of Murquette &
Dewccse , B. & M. attorneys. Mrs. G.M. Wood ,
John and Thos. Ryan aro also of tho party.
R. W. Grant of Beatrice was in the city a few
days , the flrst of the week , looking up a loca
tion for a lumber yard. He was most favora
bly impressed with our town , but we have not
learned as to whether he will locate here or not.
Nellie Fisher spent a few days of last week
visiting Mrs. C. D. Phelps at the latter's home
nearCulbcrtfaon. She returned home Saturday ,
accompanied by Mrs. Phelps , who remained in
town , until the flrst of the week , the guest of
Erwin Kirby of Lincoln was in town , this
week , with an eye to investing in the town and
neighborhood. Mr. Kirby has a timber claim
near Hayes Centre , which he inspected while
in this part of the state. He also visited Obcr-
lin before returning home.
Editor Morgan of the York Republican pass-
Ed through this station , Saturday , bound for
Haigler , ( whither a brother and son had pre
ceded him a few days in wagons ) where he has
claims. Mr. Morgan has unlimited confidence
In the Republican Valley.
J. D. Gcrver , one of the pioneers of Red Wil
low county , after whom Gcrver precinct is
named , came up to town , Tuesday , on business.
He reports wheat , rye , corn , etc. , in fine con-
lition , and the prospects for good crops most
encouraging at the present time.
J. F.Forbes leaves this part of the footstool ,
to-day , for Canada , where ho will spend a nuni-
ber of weeks , visiting parents and friends.
.Uso , to witness the ceremony by which his
aid-time friend , John Gordon , Agent at Arap-
thoc , joins the noble army of Benedicts.
Mrs. J. B. Mcserve went out to Benkleman ;
Friday , to meet Mr. M cscrvc , who reached that
place with the round-up from the Sappas and
[ Jeavers , Saturday morning. Both returned
iiomc on 40 , Saturday evening , Mr. Mcserve
loining the round-up again at Benkleman ,
Sunday evening.
A. S. Bosworth was in town , the latter part
) f tho past week , and made us a fraternal call ,
tie informed us that ho has disposed of his
ialf interest in the Culbertson Sun to S. E.
Solomon , who will conduct the paper alone.
Ur. Bosworth has invested in some city prop-
; rty , and may become a permanent resident.
F. Bert Risley , late of the Fairbury Nebras-
lau , was in the city , Saturday. Mr. Risley in-
lorms us that he has decided to meet the usual
long felt want" experienced in an alarming
icgree in this part of the state , at this period ,
md established a paper at Culbcrtson. His
laper will be a six column quarto , and will be
ssuedthi ? week. May the "Reveille" never
iound her lust beat , and may Solomon's Sun
indie down upon her benignantly.
Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Kilpatrick. Mr. and Mrs.
3.0. Bates , Mrs. Lew Armacost , Mrs. Robin-
ion , Mrs. Owen Phillips , W. H. Kilpatrick , R.
r.Kilpatrickallof the beautiful city of the
Jig Blue Beatrice came up to the city. Sat-
irday , en route for Benkleman , to tec the
ound-up , which reached that place on Mou-
lay. The entire party remained here until
Sunday afternoon , when they proceeded to
3cnkleman. Messrs. Kirkpatrick Bros , of the
> arty , are owners of the Quartcr-Circle-W
unch , one of the largest in Southwestern Xe-
> raska , formerly the property of Col. Webster
if Omaha.
Farm for Sale.
Within two miles of thebusincbs part
if the city. lias an incxhauatablc sup-
> ly of good building stone on same. 50
icrcs in cultivation. A rare chance to
uakc a good iiive&tmcnt. Inquire of 11.
5. Coolcy , opposite McCook Hotel.
1'y tlii' iindui > igned in D.uiluiry precinct ,
{ eil Willow county , Nebraska , one bay stallion
iony , Mippobcd to ho4 ycur > old. Branded on
fcrht tiifeh BH. letter JJ within the II.
June 10th , l&bj. ELZA MACl" .