The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 11, 1885, Image 6

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    Thursday , June nth. 1885.
cONGREGATIONAL.-Sunday School at 10
A. M. every week. Preaching services every
Sunday night at 7.30. M. T. Also , every alter
nate Sunday morning at 11 , M. T. Exceptions
to the above will bo noticed In locals.
METHODIST. Services every Sunday nt 11
A. M. and 7:30 P. M. . mountain time. Sunday
School nt 3 P. M. Tho services and Sunday
school will bo held for the future in the Opera
Hall. All are cordially invited. Seats free.
r _ W. S. WHEELER , Pastor.
CATHOLIC. Sen-ices will bo held in tho
Opera. Hall once every four weeks.
A. F. & A. M. McCook Lodge , U.
D. , meets on tho first and third Tues
days of each month.
G. L. LAWS , W. M.
T. G. WEES. Secretary.
B. & M. R. R. Time Table.
No.2 0:30 , A. No.40 5:25 , P.M.
No. 80 1:00. P.M. No.l 8:55 , P.M.
JS Ea8tbound trains run on Central Time ,
and westbound trains on Mountain Time.
Freight trains do not carry passengers.
R. It. WOODS , Agent ,
Local Intelligence.
Koko Polo.
Fresh candy at the City Bakery.
E. M. Brickey & Co. for clothing.
The B. & M. Pharmacy is in receipt
of a fine line of notions.
B3TMoody& Winter , City Dairy , for
pure and wholesome milk.
Sweet Michigan cider of excellent
quality at the City Bakery.
Adjustable Screen Windows to fit any
window , for sale at Lytle Bros.
Hack lines between our city and Ober
lin are becoming more numerous.
Superior writing paper and envelopes
at this office , at reasonable prices.
Spanogle & Rinker keep hose , hose
nozzles , 4 and 8 arm lawn sprinklers.
Subscriptions taken for any journal
in the country at THE TRIBUNE office.
Blue grass and white clover for sale at
Spanogle & Rinker's implement house.
FOR SALE Two 8 ft. show cases and
one G ft. show case. Inquire at Jew
elry Store.
A nice assortment of calling cards at
this office , Will print the same neatly
if desired.
Two setts of harness , ( one light and
one heavy , ) for sale at B. F. Olcott's ,
very cheap.
FARM LOANS Col. Snavely informs
us that he is now procuring farm loans
quite easily.
F. H. Preston will be pleased to ac
commodate you with nursery stock.
See advertisement.
Lytle Bros , sell Screen Windows you
can adjust in a moment to fit any win
dow in your house.
Parties having weaving to do , should
call at Thomas McQuay's residence , 34-
miles east of town.
Thermometers , with barometer at
tachment , at the B. & M. Pharmacy.
These are reliable instruments.
Stock boarded by the day or week at
Olcott's barn , opposite Colvin House.
Also buys and sells stock on commission.
No. 40 brought in a buffalo calf from
the west , MondayNx.T/e calf was being
shipped to eastern parties' by express.
If you want a suit of cloths cut and
made in first-class 'style , call on R. A.
Cole , first door west of B. & M. Pharm
acy , McCook , Neb.
Our Indianola letter arrived too late
for publication , last week , and as it
contains some very interesting facts we
give it our readers this week.
First-class legal cap for sale at this
office. Also the celebrated Omaha
Mills Note Paper , with envelopes to
match. All at reasonable rates.
I have just received a large stock of
new shades in all colors , and am selling
the large sun hats in all colors for 50c.7
original price 75e. MRS. T. NELIS.
They have just received a choice con
signment of candies at the City'Bakery ,
and lovers of that toothsome article are
requested to call and sample them by
purchase. _ _
Anyone wanting work done or instruc
tion given in oil painting or drawing ,
will please call on the Misses Meyer , in
South McCook , and examine work.
Will teach children also.
LAND FOR SALE 1 GO acres of deeded
land , 35 acres under cultivation , with a
"ood frame house , within two miles of
town. Also , 80 acres of deeded land ,
11 acres under cultivation , with good
frame house , 4 miles from town. For
further particulars inquire at this office.
Koko Polo.
The * undersigned having disposed
of his Lumber Business to Hallack &
Howard of Denver , Colo. , is now clos
ing up MB accounts. All those parties
who are owing us will please call at
my former pace of business and settle
at once. H. W. PIKE.
Koko Polo.
Bachelor's buttons at the B. & M.
Pharmacy. Just the thing for railroac
men and bachelors. No sewing on of
The regular monthly meeting of the
Board of Trustees has been changed to
the first Monday evening of each month ,
instead of Tuesday , as heretofore.
The "three-cent rate" law went into
effect the 1st of June. The rate applies
as far west as McCook ; fcom this point
west , however , the rate/remains at four
cents per niile.
Three fine little bunches of mixed cat
tle were driven through our town , last
Saturday , for the west. Many of the
cattle had the appearance of being well
graded stock.
A gentleman from St. Louis , Capt.
Hill by name , made entry upon eight
claims near the town of Imperial in
Chase county , last week , for himself and
a number of soldier friends.
THE TRIBUNE has the very best facil
ities and workmen for doing Job Work
in Southwestern Nebraska. We guar
antee neat and tasty work , and entire
satisfaction in execution and prices.
A special train composed of three
Pullmans , a smoke and a baggage car ,
carrying TheodonafThouias and company
of celebrated shlgers and orchestra pass
ed through thjs stationTuesday morning.
The City Bakery is in receipt of a
car-load of the "Cream" and "Fancy"
brands of the celebrated Grand Island
Flour the housekeepers' delight and
the finest flour offered for sale in the city.
The inevitable subscription paper has
been around again. This time to aid
those who suffered by the Richman can
yon disaster. Our people as usual gave
liberally of their means to this worthy
We suggest that the old saw , "you
can't escape taxation and death , " be
amended so as to read as follows :
"Three things are inevitable , the sub
scription paper , taxation , death. " Ob
serve the order of refined cruelty.
Please observe that the date of Belva
Lock wood's appearance in our city has
been changed from June 23d to June
30th. Make the fact as generally known
as possible. A crowded house should
reetthe celebrated lecturer on the 27th.
The band boys indulged in an open
air concert at/S. D. Hunt's residence ,
Sunday afternoon. By the way , our
boys are locnning up in superb style.
We can truthfully boast of having one
of the finest brass bands in this com
mon wernth.
sell and father disposed of fifty head of
ponies last week , to a gentleman by the
name of Prime , who lives near Cam
bridge , at a nice advance on the figure
paid Berger and Mishler for the same
a few days before.
CHANGE OF VENUE A boy baby at
J. R. Phelan's , Saturday , has caused
quite a commotion in the family , which
has heretofore been composed exclusive
ly of bright little girls. J. R. has a full
hand a bob-tailed flush not consider
ed very strong , but that boy is a trump ,
and no mistake.
Don't be unduly frightened if you see
Amos Buck approaching your/residence
or place of business with a byook of pro
digious proportions strapped ; around his
neck , but make an impromptu round-up
of the children , consult tne family Bi
ble , etc. , for he is aroiind taking the
census of Willow grove precinct , and he
wants a full report. /
The elegant burglar andfire / proof
safe put in by Jeweler McGraeken , last
week is the finest of its kind in this val
ley. The safe weighed in round figures
4,500 pounds , and is especially adapted
to the jeweler's business , with inside
and ontside doors , both complete with
locks of the uiostr approved pattern.
Mac. now feels perfectly secure.
By virtue of/a law enacted by the late
legislature , this town is entitled to incor
poration as a city of the second class ,
after July 1st. That time is rapidly ap
proaching , and we hear nothing definite ,
at least , about the matter. Would it
not be a good idea to talk the question
up somewhat if it is proposed to take
advantage of that provision at all.
Our hardware and implement dealers
are selling quantities of wagons and ag
ricultural implements , these days. We
mention this as a most encouraging am
favorable indication.
Koko Polo.
An exhibition will be given in the
Opera Hallby the school children , some
time during the last week of the present
term , which closes July 4th. The exhi
bition will be given for the benefit oJ
the apparatus fund , and a small admis
sion fee will be charged.
Koko Polo.
While stopping a runaway .team yes
terday , Will Dolan received/some ugly
wounds about the head/and face , and
also a badly "sprainedv possibly fract
ured wrist. Will says beheld onto the
horses , and that } he only damage sus
tained was by himself.
Koko Polo.
Two more buildings are in course of
erection on West Oennison street. One
adjoining James Harris' grocery store ,
which is well under waynd one ad
joining Ludwick & Trowbridge's furni
ture store. Theyfoundation for this
building is abouXcorapleted.
Koko Polo.
Oberlin will shortly have six lumber
yards , among the number being Hallack
& Howard , H. W. Pike and Frees &
Hocknell of this place. Messrs. Pike
and Hallack & Howard arc already on
the ground and the Chicago Lumber
Yard will be there shortly. There will
be music in our sister town and cheap
lumber which will be most advantage
ous to that growing burg.
Call and see Spanogle & Rinker's top
The road leading south from this
place was fenced , this week , for a short
distance south of the bridge , changing
the course of travel into deep sand , forc
ing teamsters to put on extra spans to
lielp one another through. The deep
sand makes pulling very hard , and much
inconvenience is suffered and time lost
3y this arrangement. Some work should
36 done on the road immediately.
Standard Hallady wind mills at Span-
ocle & Rinker's.
At a special meeting of the Trustees
of the village , held Monday afternoon ,
a levy of ten mills on the real and per
sonal property of the village was decid
ed upon. Seven mills of that total for
general purposes and three mills thereof
? or streets and alleys. This levy will
) ring a considerable sum of money into
our village treasury , a large proportion
of which can be used to good advantage
n the purchase of fire plugs , hose , etc.
White Bolted Corn Meal at the City
A force of men commenced cleaning
out the well at the pump house , Tuus-
day morning. The sand had gradually
accumulated in the bottom of the well
until the same reached within 10 inches
of the pipe which conducted the water
to the distributing tank on the hill ,
icnce the sandy condition of the water
supply when the engine was moving
mskly. After the work is finished , and
the troubled waters settle , the supply
will be clear as usual.
A car-load of picked potatoes at Wil-
cox Bros.
Nettleton sold his deeded half-section
situated about three miles south of this
city , last week , for the neat little sum
of $3,000 , or nearly $10 per acre. * *
A. C. Ebert also-disposed of his timber
claim , which is located in the Ash Creek
neighborhood , some six miles from town ,
at $650. The purchaser was one of a
number of Russians , who are settling in
that locality. * * Charlie Ebert refused
an offer of $2,000 cash for his deeded
quarter in the immediate vicinity. The
would-be purchaser being a member of
he Russian colony now settling on Ash
] reek.
Great Reduction in Watches and
Jewelry at McCrackcn's.
Last Wednesday night. Deputy Welch
discovered two Rawlins county men car
rying away a piece of steel rail from the
company's yard. When discovered , one
of the bleeding Kansans flew , not figur
atively either , and the other one , with
lis burden' carefully hidden from view
> y his coat , was collared by the Night
Watchman , who marched the gentleman
down to the yard , where the steel was
deposited. The captured man said he"
ived in Rawlins county , and that he
thought the rail would make a good thing
upon which to sharpen plows. He re-
) ented of the evil he was about to do ,
weeping copiously , and was allowed to
lepartin peace.
a Red Willow county boy , came in from
the "three corners" of Dundy count } ' ,
Friday morning , with Jacob Rath , a
Russo-German , wanted in Clay county ,
for poisoning 14 head of horses valued
at over $2,000 , the property of John and
Jacob Labauchhis , neighbors. The crime
was committed about Nov. 20 , 1884 ,
and engaged the attention of the Omaha
detective force some three or four
months , without results. Finally , Mr.
W. S. Wilson was engaged , by reason oi
his acquaintance with the language spok
en by the suspected parties , to work in
connection with the force. But as they
could not agree with the plans suggested
by Chief Neligh , Mr. Wilson , with At
torney Letfew , now of this city , took
the case in hand. After some four
months' work , they succeeded in drawing
a confession from the son , implicating
the father. Rath , some time after the
commission of the deed , disposed of his
property in Clay county , and inovec
west , taking up his residence in Dundy
county , conveniently near thn Colorado
and Kansas lines , so as to be able to
move , should occasion demand. ICnow-
ing these facts , Mr. Wilson came up
from Button , the middle of last week ,
and after two or three day's fruitless
search among the sand-hills finally bag
ged his game at the "three corners. "
MiWilson departed , Saturday morning ,
for Sutton , with his prisoner. Great
credit is due Mr. Wilson for the suc
cessful manner in which he worked this
case , bringing the dastardly scoundrels
to justice , for the commission of one of
the most cowardly crimes , perpetrated
too , through maliciousness.
Boston Brown Bread at the City Bak
ery constantly.
The Fire Laddies held a called meet
ing at the company's store house , Tues
day evening , upon which occasion it was
decided to hold a social dance at the
Opera Hall on the evening of Friday ,
the 19th inst. The dance will be given
For the purpose of raising a fund with
which to procure some needed equip
ments , and our people will doubtless re
spond to the invitations which will be
issued in due time , in large numbers.
The boys have taken the matter in hand
in earnest , and a delightful time is as
Koko Polo.
Board of Trustees held an adjourned
meeting Wednesday night , with Trus
tees Archibald , Noble and Brewer pres
ent , and Trustee Noble in the chair.
Petitions of S. L. Green and A. J. Wil
ey for druggists' permits were read and
notices of said applications ordered pub-
ished for two weeks according to law.
3rdinances 21 , 22 and 23 were passed
and approved , and ordered 'published
according to law.
Tho City Livery Stable , B. F. Olcott ,
jroprietor , for fine teams.
Verily , our city is attracting "the great
and good from every tribe and nation. "
Attesteth the following from the Hast-
ngs Gazette-Journal :
Hastings is doing her full share towards civ-
lizing "our neighboring city of McCook. Wo
end one saloon ; one democratic newspaper ;
wo lawyers ; six gamblers and four cyprians ,
o that hitherto benighted burg. If other towns
will contribute as liberally as we have McCook
will soon have a reputation second only to
Omaha and Denver.
A full line of Pumps and Pump fit-
ings , at Spanogle & Rinker's.
Among the most industrious and
hrifty class of settlers are the Germans
and Russians. Though not as desirable
on some accounts as those who speak
English , they are great people to work
up a new country , and usually are pos
sessed of considerable means and they
> ay as they go.
Koko Polo.
According to the Courier , the priso-
ier Muensinger has a most devilish dis-
josition. The Sheriff recently over-
laulcd a box sent to the prisoner by his
riends , which contained two butcher
cnives , a butcher's steel , and a box of
rat poison. Muensinger is now in irons.
For pumps and pipes go to Spauogle
& Rinker. i
A daily stage line will be established
jetween McCook and Atwood commenc
ing Monday , June 15thThe stage will
eave McCook at7 ojclock every rnorn-
ng. For particular/inquire at the law
office of Thos. Confer.
Koko Polo.
The ice cream and strawberry festival
icld in the skating rink , Wednesday
evening by the Juvenile band , was a very
Peasant and profitable affair. The boys
cleared about $35.
Spanogle & Rinker have the Grass
Hopper Rod Breaker.
Ed. Wilson of the Circle ranch was In the city ,
Owen Martha of Trenton was In the metrop
olis , Saturday.
"Tiff" Babcock came up to the city , Tuesday
noon , on a short visit.
Harry Clark , operator nt Culbcrtson , mode
a visit home , Saturday.
County Surveyor Francis was u passenger
for the west on 30 , Saturday.
William Briggs from Hoosicr-dom is clerk
ing at the B. & M. Pharmacy.
Noah Mishlcr , of the Mishlcr House , Cu'lbert-
son , was in the city , Saturday.
Mrs. A. E.Lytlo went up to Culbcrtson on 33 ,
Tuesday , on a visit to her parents.
Clark Ward , manager of the Indiauola Mill
ing Co. , was on our streets , Monday.
Wm. Mclntyro camo down from the west ,
Saturday , and spent Sunday in our city.
Mr. Faxton , an Iowa gentleman , an old ac
quaintance of Dr. Wllley , is in the city.
Henry" Baxter and A. P. Day of Indianoln ,
were in town on land business , Saturday.
It. H. Hamilton , our Main Avenue harness
man , was away a number of days , last week.
J. E. Cochran and family drove over to Obor-
Hn , Friday , and spent a few days at their old
Harry Ellison , George Papin and W. H. Mc
Cartney of the county-seat made the city , on
Judge Hunter , tho Democratic war-horse of
Hitchcock county , was in tlio burg the first of
the week.
County Judge Ashmore was on our streets ,
Tuesday morning. Ho went up to Culbcrtson
on the noon train.
Judge Straut , County Treasurer Young and
Owen Murpha of Culbcrtson were registered
at the B. & M . , Tuesday.
Will Davis , late of the Denver office , is now
in the company's oQlcc in this city , as operator ,
taking G. D. Jones' place.
Editor Abbott of the Hayes Centre News and
Dr. J. T. Meredith , who intends to locate at the
Centre , were in town , Sunday.
S. W. Stilgcbower , B. B. Duckworth and other
substantial residents of tho Danbury district
were in town , Tuesday on business.
Fred. Lytle came in from Bcnkclman , Tues
day morning. He reports that their store will
be ready for occupancy in about ten days.
Pat. Sullivan came up on 39 , Sunday. Pat.
has claims west of here , upon which he banks
high. He was on his way out to occupy the same.
J. Henderson , A. P. Wcedon , Thomas Yule ,
W. W. Buchanan , O. G. Hoyt and H. Billiard ,
all of the state of Beatrice , were in tho city ,
Tuesday. *
Alex. Stewart took his engine out , Wednes
day morning , and pulled the cannon-ball west.
He will hereafter make regular trips. Wy-
inore Wymorian.
Conductor Hugh McGanu had charge of the
Theodore Thomas special , Tuesday morning.
The Thomas party , orchestra , singers and all
numbered over one hundred.
Mrs. A. McG. Bobb entertained a number of
young people , Tuesday evening , in honor of
: ier sister , Miss Reilly , who leaves for her home
in Salt Lake City , Utah , to-day.
S. L. Green was absent , the latter part of lost
and the first part of the present week , attend
ing meetings of the county commissioners ,
who were then in session as aboard of equali
Thomas H. Hyde , the jovial and genial Colo
nel of the Lincoln Daily News , and an old-time
real estate man of this state , called at this sanc
tum , Monday. The Colonel made a Hying trip
to Culbertson on 39 , the same day.
H. K. Adams , late cashier of the McCook
Banking Co. , left on Monday for Lisbon , Da
kota , to assume charge of nbankatthatpoint ,
in which he is interested. Mr. Adams made a
flying trip to Denver and the mountains , last
week , before leaving this part of the footstool.
County-Seat Clatter.
The little two year old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Steve Lyons , died on the morning of the Oth
list. , after a very few hours of illness.
Bishop did not get up any 4th of July cele-
jration for here , and we are all going to en
thuse at McCook. County Commissioners are
n session equalizing taxes.
The new hotel opens to-morrow. Your cor
respondent "went through it" by invitation
and in company with the new land lord Eskey ,
ind it is certainly neat and clean and well
A scandalous affair occurred last night on
Dry Creek , wherein a young "raw bone" nam
ed John Eiford and his neighbors' wife figured.
John is -'durance vile" now and his seducer
s expected to pass under the rod with him.
Mr. George Short and Miss Calvin were mar
ried on the 3d inst. , at the home of the bride's
mother , hero in the village. Both parties are
veil known here and both are highly esteemed
by a large circle of friends , "who wish them
mppiness all through life.
The fiist petition for liquor license was with
drawn at the last meeting of our town Dads
and a new one filed instead. We understand
that the stock of "pine top" and beer arrived
ast week. The new petition bares the names
of three of Iiuli.inola's gentle sex , viz : Mrs.
William K. Lynch , M rs. Wm. II. McCartney and
Airs E. C. Beavvais. These ladies are r.ll.suie
enough , "resident free-holders" and can po
rtion for drink with the boys , if they see fit.
The three graces of tho Board , who signed the
former petition have signed this. Truly the
Aldermanic "gall" displayed by these three
gentlemen is "boundless.endless and sublime. "
Indianola , June 4th. 1S 5. COUNTY-SEAT.
Little drops of printers' ink.
And a little type "displayed , "
Make our merchants princes ,
With all their big parade.
Little bits of stinginess-
Discarding printer. , ink
"Busts" the man of business
And sec his credit sink.
The members of the Juvenile Band
vish to return their sincere thanks to
, hc ladies for their assistance in making
their festival a success. Thanking you
all for your kind attendance we are ,
The Masonic order at Indianola will
iold a basket picnic and public instal-
ation on Thursday next , the 18th inst.
Teachers' Institute.
The Annual County Teachers' Insti
tute , of two weeks , will be at Indianola ,
commencing on Monday , July G , 1885.
It is a pleasure to state that Prof. Wm.
Valentine , of Nebraska City , has been
secured to instruct through the session.
This gentleman filled a prominent posi
tion in the program of the Slate Teach
ers' Association , and was recommended
by State Superintendent Jones as an "A
No. 1 institute worker. " Other assist
ance has been engaged , and if it is deem
ed advisable , during a part of each day ,
the institute can meet in sections. It
has been my intention to notify all teach
ers by postal ; and I trust every one will
deem it a duty and privilege to be pres
ent through the entire session. Exam- '
ination for teachers' certificates will
commence on Tuesday of the first week.
Institute certificates will be issued
and required to be presented by appli
cants for teachers' certificates at exam
inations after the institute. Resp'y ,
C. L. NETTLETON , Co. Supt.
M. E. Church Services.
During the absence of the pastor , the
following clergymen will occupy the pul-
pet , on the dates given below :
June 14th Itov. J. B. Piper. I
Juno 21st Itov. J. M. Mann. 1
June 28th Kev. Gco. M. Boswell.
July 12th Itev. I. S. Carr.
July 19th Rov. F. F. Thomas.
July 26th-Rcv. E. S. Hall.
The best tract of hay land in lied
Willow county , 480 acres. Will sell
cheap. Also , adjoining the above , I have
160 acres of the same kind of land. All
well timbered and watered. Call on or
address , K. S. COOLEY , Real Estate
Agent , ofilce opposite McCook Hotel.
Indianola Mill.
The Indianola Mill Company will do
a general milling business. Due notice
will be given when we are ready to re
ceive grain and do milling.
CLARK WARD , Manager.
Consumers of Ice.
Having purchased John Farley's sup
ply of ice , we are prepared to accommo
date you in that line during the summer
season. Save * us your orders.
Call and get my prices on Saddles and
Harness for the next GO days. There
arc two things I want understood , I am
not selling at cost or using Hemlock
Leather. R. H. HAMILTON ,
Main Street.
For the Month Ending June 5th.
No. of girls enrolled 117
No. of boys 78
Whole number 195
No. belonging 151 ;
No. half-days attendance 5247
No. of cases of tardiness 41
No. neither absent nor tardy 48
Time lost by tardiness lOHhra.
The following pupils were neither absent nor
tardy during the month :
Nettie Cooley , Maude Bcrger ,
Ida and Eva Hurd , iMabelRawlings ,
Charles Blanding. Lorena Evert ,
May Clark , Aggie Grieve ,
Edith Crane , Edith Phelnn ,
Laura Ferguson , Willie Snyder ,
Elva Hunt , Ella Snyder ,
Edna Mescrvc , George LaBounty ,
Lucie Purvis , Jenny Lnbomity ,
Gertie and Thco. Laws , Fay Cornwell ,
Nora Schaeffer , Willie M inkier ,
Goldic Russell , Bert Bachelder ,
Louisa Sucss , Belle Plunkott ,
Myrtie Jacobs , Clarence Ferguson ,
Ray Dungon , Johnny McGame ,
Fred. Pate , Sclma Noran ,
Bertie Patterson , Jennie Johnston ,
Willie Sevenker , Archie Mathes ,
Maude Murphy , Charles Chambers ,
Nellie McGann , LaVaujrhn Phelan ,
Clara McGann , Emily Barraclough ,
Frankie Nicholson. Eddie Staysa ,
Eliza Olcott , Delia Bowers.
The following pupils were absent the great
est number of times :
High School , Myrtie Crockfonl.
Intermediate , Ward Cooley.
Primary , Earl Ludwick.
Tardy greatest number of times :
High School Delia Chinn.
Intermediate Sarah Evert.
The following pupils were entitled to a half-
holiday : Emily Barraclough , Sclrna Noran
Vonnie Phelan , Myrtie Jacobs , Nora ScliaelTcr.
Lovcll Clyde , Elva Hunt. Edith Crane , Gertie
Laws , Louisa Suess , Nellie Constable.
W. S. AVEBSTER , Principal.
Estimate of Expenses.
At a Special Meeting of the Board of Trus
tees of the Village ot McCook. Neb. , held on
the 8th day of June , 13&5 , said Hoard , by reso
lution , made the following estimate of ex
penses for the ensuing year :
For General Purposes 7 mills.
For Streets and Alleys 3 mills.
TOTAL 10 mills.
By order of Board of Trustees.
2 F. 31. KIMMELL , Village Clerk.
McCook , Neb. , June 10th , IbSi. f
Notice Is hereby given thatS.L. Green did
on the 10th dsiy of June , 1SS5 , file his petition
and bond at this ollicc , the object and prayer
of said petition being that the Jtoanl of Trus H
tees of the Village of McCook , iss > ue him a
Druggist's Permit to sell malt , spirituous ami
vinous liquors , as ti druggist , according to law.
All protests , objections or remonstrances
should be filed at this otlice within two weeks
from the date hereof.
2 F. M. KIUMELL , Village Clerk.
McCook. Neb. . Juno 10th. I SKI. f
Notice is hereby given that A. 3. WiJIev did
on the 10th day of June. It&i. file his | c-titimi
and bond at this office , the object mid jirnjcr
of said petition being that the Board of Trus
tees of the Village of McCook. issue lihn a
Druggist's Permit to sell malt , spirituous and
vinous liquors , as n druggist , according to law.
All protests , objections or romon-tRinccs
should be tiled at this olfice within two w cchb
from the date hereof.
F. M. KIMMELL , Village Clerk.