The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 11, 1885, Image 5

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F. M. & E. M. KIMMELL ,
Editors and Publishers.
Official City and County Paper.
THE United States Sub-Treasury at
New Orleans is short $60,000 through
J. fl. Aufdeinontethe , redemption clerk ,
who has escaped.
A N ingenious New Yorker has invent
ed a lightning road to protect "the
house in which we live. " Few men will
brave Providence by attaching any light
ning rods to their frames.
THE Atwood ( Kas. ) Citizen's account
of the Bichman canyon disaster is a cu
riosity in its way. The editor will please
masticate a moity of facts in the case
and issue a digest of at least reasonable
THE Frontier County News , publish
ed at Stockville , for the exclusive bene
fit of homesteaders , contained an article
on "Aspects of the Planets for June , "
in last week's issue , which occupied over
two columns of valuable space. Farmers
in Frontier county must be astronomical
ly inclined muchly.
Bno. BORIN'S Eye is suffused with
tears bitter tears over the fact of the
non-observance of Memorial Day by the
people of Oberlin. You are not alone
in your sorrow , Bro. B. , in the busy hum
of business , McCook neglected those
who , "under the sod and the dew , are
waiting the judgement day. " '
A MANLIER , more commendable plea
for the present administration , woulc
be to simply turn Bepublicans out of of
fice because they are .Republicans , am
to never more breathe that "offensive-
partisanship" nonsense. Intelligent men
have no sympathy or respect for such
a hypocritical , demagogic pretense.
to throw the appointment of a naval ca
det from the Second congressional dis
trictopen to competitive examination
He desires all candidates in his district
to address him personally by letter with
out delay , and to report in person a
Hastings for examination July 14 , at
SPECIAL reports by the Signal Service
from stations in the cattle range regions
will be furnished the Secretary of the
National Cattle and Horse Growers' As
sociation at St. Louis , by whom the ;
will be disseminated throughout the dis
tricts named. Special bulleting will be
furnished during the prevalence of se
vere weather.
hattan Bank of New York city "turne (
up missing , " Tuesday of last week , anc
there was "an aching void" found in the
safe , wherein $160,610.42 ought to have
been found securely deposited. The
gentlemanly ( ? ) defaulter had been a
trusted employe of the institution for
well nigh a quarter of a century , and
the most implicit confidence was placec
, in his integrity unfortunately.
WE clip the following from the Kan
sas City Star. This same party , the
Harlem Cattle Co. , of Cleveland , Ohio ,
also owns an extensive ranch near Strat-
ton , Hitchcock county , "this state , oi
which W. J. McGillin is manager :
One of the largest deeds ever flled in this
county was entered in the recorder's books at
tho Second streetcourt house to-day. The con
sideration paid was $400,000 , and the property
conveyed comprised 12,500 head of cattle al
sizes and ages , 225 head of horses , three ranch
buildings , mules , hogs , harness , etc. , and two
leases to laud in the Indian Territory , amount
ing to 255,265 acres. The land is situated at the
junction , of the Arkansas and Ciinarron rivers
near the centre of the territory. Ono lease
known as the Cherokee lease , comprises 128-
000 acres of land , and the other , known as the
Pawnee lease , comprises 127,265 acres of land
The leases date from June 1,1884 , and run five
years , at the rate of 3 cents annual rent per
acre. The transfer was made by the firm of
Bennett & Dunman to Edward M. McGillin , of
Cleveland , Ohio.
[ Seward Reporter. ]
John F. Murray , who worked for a
long time in this office , is about to start
a paper in Bird City , Kansas. The pa
per is to be called the Keporter. We
send our best wishes to John. He is an
honest , industrious and capable man ,
and deserves success.
[ Hastings Gazette-Journal. ]
We would rather infer from a com
munication which appeared in the Lin
coln Journal.iast week , that Mr. Thomp
son had sold out his interest in the Dem
ocrat to the Wahlquisfc boys. We wel
come the new editors to their new field
of labor. * * Eugene Johnson will be
foreman in the SlcCookDemocrat office.
[ Atwood ( Kas. ) Citizen. ]
J. E. Cochran , of McCook , was in
town on Mouday on legal business con
nected with the Chicago lumber yards of
McCook and Atwood. Mr. Cochran is
a pleasant , agreeable gentleman , and
we are giad to know that he is doing
well in his profession at McCook. He
was formerly of Oberlin , where he was
county attorney of Decatur county , and
has practiced here in our District Court
on one occasion as one of the counsel
for the prosecution when we were de
fendant and the state of Kansas on the
information of S. S. Webb was plaintiff !
We could not ask a more gentlemanly
treatment than that accorded us by Mr.
Cochran , even when it was his duty to
convict us of libel if he" could.
Railroad Commission.
Attorney General Wm. Leese , Secre
tary of State E. P. Roggen and Audi
tor H. A. Babcock , constituting the
board of railroad commissioners , under
the act of the last legislative session ,
met on Monday and organized by the
selection of Hon. E. P. JRoggen as chair
man for the first sis months. The fol
lowing gentlemen were named under the
act as secretaries : First Congressional
district , C. H. Gere of Lincoln ; Second
district , Charles Buschow of Red Cloud ;
Third district , Benj. R. Cowdry of Col
umbus. The secretaries filed their bonds ,
approved by the governor and qualified
accordin to the act.
Mr. H. 31. Warring of Scward
bo employed as stenographer and book
keeper by the commission. The legis
lature having omitted an appropriation
to pay the expenses of the board , and
the cost of subpoenas and investigations
provided for by sections 6 and 8 of the
act establishing the commission , the
board passed a resolution looking to an
arrangement with the First National
Bank of Lincoln for the advance of such
funds as may be found necessary for the
defraying of said expenses and costs.
Mr. Gere is the editor-in-chief and one
of the proprietors of the State Journal ,
as most of our readers know. Mr. Bus-
chow is one of the most prominent Ger
man citizens in Webster county , of
which he has been treasurer for two suc
cessive terms. He was reflected last
fall , his name being on both the anti-
monopoly and republican tickets. Mr.
Cowdry is a well known citizen of Platte
county , where he has been engaged in
the stock and real estate business for
several years. He has recently been in
the office of Judge Post , collector of in
ternal revenue.
Relative to Hawkers and Peddlers.
BK IT ORDAINED , By the Chairman and Board
of Trustees of the Village of. McCook , Neb. :
SECTION 1. That any person who shall trav
el from house to house , or from place to place
within the Village of McCoek , exposing : or of
feringfor sale any goods , wares , merchandise
or any article of any kind , shall bo taken am
deemed to bo a peddler.
SECTION 2. Any person who shall , upon an j
street , sidewalk , or other public place , in said
Village , expose , offer or cry for sale , any goods
wares , or merchandise , or any article of any
kind , shall be taken and deemed to be a hawker
SECTION 3. Hereafter it shall be unlawfu
for any person to conduct or carry on the bus !
ness of a hawker or peddler within said Village
without having first procured a license for
that purpose as hereinafter provided.
SECTION 4. Any persqn desiring to procure
a license to hawk or peddle in said Village
shall pay to the Village Treasurer as follows
Each peddler carrying articles for sale in any
sort of vehicle , shall pay at the rate of $5.00
per day. Each peddler carrying articles for
sale in any pack , box or trunk , shall pay at the
rate of &J.5U per day. Each hawker shall pay
at the rate ot 55.00 per day. Upon the payinen
of such sums respectivelythe Treasurer shal
give his receipt therefor ; said receipt may be
flled with the Village Clerk , who shall there
upon issue 11 license as aforesaid. Every such
license shall specify the number of days for
which it is issued , ehall be signed by the Clerk
and attested with the corporate seal.
SECTION 5. The provisions of this ordi
nanco shall not apply to licensed auctioneers
judicial sales , resident merchants , residen
traders in their ordinary business , retail ven
dors of garden or farm produce , raised from
their own , or their employer's farms or gar
dens , nor to travelling agents for wholesale
houses , commonly called drummers.
SECTION 6. No license shall , under the pro
visions hereof , bo issued for a longer period
than one week at any time.
SECTION 7. Any person guilty of violating
section three of this ordinance shall , on con
viction thereof , be lined in any sum not ex
ceeding 5100.00.
SECTION 8. This ordinance shall take effect
and be in force rrom and after its passage
approval and publication according to-law.
Passed and approved this 10th day of June
18S5. CHAS. NOBLE , Chairman pro tern.
Attest : F. M. KIMMELL , Clerk.
Amending section (7) seven of Ordinance No.
(5) ( ) five , regulating the time of opening ant
closing of saloons.
BE IT OHDAINED , By the Chairman and Board
of Trustees of the Village of McCook , Neb. :
SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any per
son or persons to keep open any ,
booth , tent , arbor , or place wherein malt , spir
ituous or vinous liquors or other intoxicating
drinks are kept for sale as a beverage or sold
or given away or to sell or give away any in
toxicating liquors within the limits of the Vil
lage , on the lirst day of the week , commonly
called Sunday , between the hours of 11 o'clock ,
P. M. , on Saturday night and 4 o'clock , A. M. ,
on Monday morning , or between the hours of
11 o'clock , P. M. , on each day of the week and
4 o'clock the following morning. Or on the
day of any General or Special Election.
SECTION 2. Any person who shall violate
any of the provisions of section (1) ( ) one of this
ordinance shall , on conviction thereof , be fined
not less than ? fi , nor more than $500 , in the dis
cretion of the Court , and shall stand commit
ted to the Village Jail until such fine and all
costs of prosecution are paid.
SECTION 3. All ordinances or parts of ordi
nances in conflict with the provisions of this
ordinance are hereby repealed.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect
and be in force from and after its passage ,
approval and publication according to law.
Passed and approved this 10th day of June ,
1885. CHAS. NOBLE , Chairman pro torn.
Attest : F. M. KIMMELL , Clerk.
Relative to King Games , Shooting Galleries ,
Wheels of Fortune , Etc.
BE IT On .ViNEi > , By the Chairman and Board
of Trustees of tho Village of McCook , Neb. :
SECTION 1. That hereafter itslmllbcdocm
ed unlawful for any person ( o conduct or carry
onany King-and-Knife-Game , Ball-an/l--Fnure-
fianiL1 , Shooting Gallery , Wheel of 1'onuiin ,
Sinking Machine , lottery , or any other game
of chance conducted for gain within the cor
porate liniitfl of tJje Village of McCook , with
out first procuring : a License for that purpose
as hereinafter provjdo4 (
SECTION 2. That any porsnu de/3jring / to
procure a license to engage in any of the
grimes enumerated in section (1) ( ) one of this
ordinance shall pay into the Village Treasury
the sum of § 5 for every such license. Upon
the payment of said sum the Treasurer shall
give his receipt therefor ; said receipt may be
flled with the Village Clerk , who shall there
upon jssuo a license as aforesaid. Every such
iicensfc shall specify the number of days for
which It is issued. Provided , That no license
shall be issued for a longer period than one
SECTION 3. Any person guilty of violating
any of the provisions of section (1) ( ) ono of this
n-dinaneo shall , on conviction thereof , bo fined
any sum not exceeding one hundred (100) ( )
dollar , apd shall stand committed lo the Vil-
age JaiftmtJ } .such fine and all costs of suit
ire paid.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect
and be in force from and gfter its passage ,
approval and publication according1 to law.
Passed and approved this 10th day of June ,
1885. CHAS. NOBLE , Chairman pro torn.
Attest : F. M. KuiMELt , Clerk.
John Biegcl.non-resident defcndantwill take
notice , that on the 26th day of May , 1885 , Min
nie Hiegel filed a petition against you in the
Jistrict Court of lied Willow county. Neb. , the
object and prayer of which are , to obtain a di
vorce from you on the grounds of adultery and
extreme cruelty. You are required to answer
aid petition on or before the22nd day of June.
885. MINNIE BIEOEL , Plaintiff.
By LUCAS & LEHEVT , her Attorneys.
APRIL 4 , 1885.
Jan. 12 , Balance ( W.F. W. ) 8 15 00
Jan. 12 , Dray License to M.O. Williams. . 7 50
Jan. 15 , Taxes from County Treasurer. . 413 71
Feb. 19. Poll Tax " " " . .6000
Mar. 13 , Dray License , H. W. Pike 7 50
Mar. 14 , Dray License. Will Dolan 7 50
Apr. 2 , Dray License , Will Dolan 7 50
Apr. 3 , Fines , W. W. Fisher 35 00
Apr. 4 , Fines , W. W. Fisher 3 00
Total S562 71
Jan. 15 , Citizens BankWarrant , No. 1 $ 33 25
" " I..T.StarbuckWarrantNo.5. . . . 5000
" F.M.Kimmell.War'ants2,3,4,6. . 16300
" " J. E. Berger , Warrant No. 7 4 00
" 16 , H. W. Pike , Warrant No. 8 80 00
Feb. 11 , John Collins , " " 10 4049
" 12 , S. L. Green , " " 9 800
April 4 , W. W. Fisher , Check 80 00
Total S46074
Jan. 15 , Amountin General Fund $263 71
Warrants Paid 257 25
Jan. 15 , Am't in Streets & Alleys Fund. . . $216 00
AVarrants Paid 12949
April 4 , Am't in School Dist-Fund ? 83 00
April 4 , Check to W. W. Fisher 8000
April 4 CASH ON HAND $95 97
Warrant No. 12 1500
Warrant No.19 5000
TOTAL $9000
Warrant No. IB $6756
Warrant No. 15 48 76
I TOTAL $11631
To all persons interested in the Estate of
Aaron Colvin , deceased :
Whereas , Ephraim Green and Thomas H.
Fowler of said County has flled in my oflico an
instrument purporting to be the last will and
testament of Aaron Colvin , deceased , late of
said County , and a petition praying to have
the same admitted to probate , which will re
lates to both real and personal estate. W here
upon I have appointed MONDAY , THE 6th DAY
Of JULY , 1885 , at 10 o'clock , A. M. , at my office
in said County as the time and place for prov
ing said Will , at which time and place you and
all concerned may appear and contest the
probate of the same.
It is further ordered that said petitioners
give notice to all persons interested in said
Estate , of the pendency of the petition and the
time and place set for hearing the same , by
causing a copy of this order to be published
in the McCOOK TRIBUNE , a newspaper printed
in Bed Willow County in said State , for throe
weeks successively previous to the day set for
said hearing.
unto set my hand and official seal this 1st day
of June , 1885. "H. M. ASHMORE ,
1 County Judge.
The commissioner appointed to locate a road
commencing at the quarter section corner be
tween sections 28 and 29 town. 3 , range SO west
of the 6th P. SI. , in Willow Grove precinct , Bed
Willow County Neb. , running thence east ono
and one half miles to the centre of section 27 ,
town. 3 north of range 29 , west of the Cth P. M.
Thence north one half mile to the quarter sec-
tiop corner between sections 22 and 27 of said
town , and range where it connects with an es
tablished road , has reported in favor of the es
tablishment thereof , and all obiections thereto
or claims for damages must be flled in the
County Clerk's office on or before noon of tho
8th day of August , A. D. 1B85 , or said road will
be established without reference thereto.
2 C. D. CiiAMEit , County Clerk.
The commissioner appointed to locate a road
commencing at the point on tho north side of
the KepublicanlUvor , where the roadnowrun-
ning from Indianola tosaid river , is met by the
north end of the bridge across said river , said
bridge being nearly duo south of and on a lino
with Fourth Avenue , and not far from the
eighth section line , running north and south
near Fourth Avenue. Running thence north
on the most practicable route to the south end
of Fourth Avenue in Indianola , has reported
in favor of the establishment thereof , and all
objections thereto or claims for damages must
be flled in the County Clerk's office on or be
fore noon of the 4th day of August A. D. 1885 ,
or said road will be established without refer
ence thereto. 2 C. D. CRAMER , County Clerk.
s-r / ss * ' * - ' ' * fJ ls * ss
McCook , Nebraska , May 4th , 1885.
Complaint having been entered at this offie
by George A. Tremel against Robert H. Tim
mons for abandoning his Homestead Entry
No. 73.1 * , dated at McCook , Nebraska , June Cth ,
1884 , upon the northwest quarter of section 27 ,
township 2 north , range 30 west , in Red Willow
County , Nebraska , with a view to the cancel
lation of said entry ; the said parties are here
by summoned to appear at this office on tho
24th day of July , 1885 , at 1 o'clock , P. M. , to
respond and furnish testimony concerning
said alleged abandonment.
3 G. L. LAWS , Register.
_ _
/ > > "s- ' > - ' ' xr -r xxN < l" yJr
June 6th , 1885. )
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of her intcntioi
to make flnal proof in support of her claim !
and that said proof will be made before RegisP
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
July 18th , 1885 , viz : Ella SI. Coleman , Home
stead Entry 713 , for the northeast quarter ol
section 12 , township 4 , north of range 31 west. |
She namos tliQ following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon , and cultiva
tion of , said land , viz : James O. Patterson ,
Honiee H. Easterday , Chatham H. Phillip and
Milton H. Cole , all of McCook , Nob ,
J G. L. LAWS , Register.
Juno 4th , 18S5. f
Notice is hereby given that the followiug-
iiumed settler has Hied notice of his intention
to make linal proof in support of his claim
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
July J0thlb& , viz : Ilirnui W. Johnson , Home
stead Entry 1U30 , for the south JJ bouthwcst J-i
of section S7 and north Ji northwest Ji s-ection
M , township 4 north , range 29 webt. He names
the following Avitncsses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , vU : Stephen Holies , of Box Elder , Neb. ,
M at herL. Brown , Edgar F. Couse aud William
Johnson , of McCook , Nob.
1 G. L. LAWS , Register.
May 4th , l&o.
Notice is hereby given that the foljowing-
namcd settler has flled notice of her intention
to make flnnl proof in support of her claim ,
nnd that said proof will bp made before Regis
ter or Receiver at SIcCook , Nob. , on Saturday ,
June 13th , 1885 , viz : Agnes E. Wickwirg. wid
ow of Ira G. Wickwire , deceased , Homestead
No. 29. for the southeast quarter of section 4.
: ownship 3 north , range 29 west. She names
; he following witnesses to prove her continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
and , viz : Lyman Miller , John Modrell , Wal-
or Hipkljng and William Johnson , all of Mc
Cook , Neb. 49 G. L. LAWS , Register.
May 12th , 3885 , f
Notice is hcreb3 * given that the following *
named settler has filed notice of his intention
o make flnal proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg-
ster or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
June IDtfi , 1885 , viz : G. Lloyd Clark , D. S. 340 ,
for the west 4 northwest H and west Yi south
west Ji of section SJ , township 2 north , range
8 west. He names tho following witnesses to
trove his continuous residence upon , and cul-
ivatfou of , said land , viz : Ernest Fuller , S ,
A. Rogers , C. H. Moulton and A. B. Fuller , all
of Indianola , Neb.
And Jacob Sehaffert , senior , who made
lomestead Entry of said land July 8,1884 , No.
! S3 , is hereby summoned to appear at same
ime and place and show cause if any exists
vhy said proof should not be allowed and his
Homestead Entry 883 should not be cancelled.
50 \ . G. JLAWS , Register.
June 1st , 1885. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has flled notice of his intention
to make flnal proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday ,
July 13th , 1885 , viz : Isaac T. Birdsall , D. S.
2978 , for the northeast quarter of section 7 ,
township 2 north , range 29 west. Ho names
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz ; D. C. JEaton , John Whlttaker , J. G.
Eaton and N. Burtless. all of McCook , Neb.
1 G. L. LAWS , Register.
May 30th. 1885. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to mako flnal proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook , Nob. , on Friday ,
July 10th , 1885 , viz : Loyal M. Hays , Home
stead No. 272 , for the southwest quartor of
section 35 , township 2 north , range 28 west.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation
of , said land , viz : Samuel S. Graham , Oregon
Wnshbiirn , Nicholas Wyckoff and Columbus
Wise , nil of Danbury , Neb.
1. G. L. LAWS , Register.
May 26th , 1885. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intentien
to mako flnal proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Registeror
Receiver at McCook , Nob. . Saturday , July llth ,
1885 , viz : Frank Harris , D. S. No. 1352 , for the
southwest M of section 2 , township 2 north ,
range 30 west. Ho names tho following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence upon ,
and cultivation of. said land , viz : Gilbert B.
Ncttleton , James Cain , Willie E. Fry , Clarence
A. Nettlcton , all of McCook , Neb.
62 G. L. LAWS , Register.
May 18th , 1885. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has flled notice of her intention
to make flnal proof in support of her claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register or
Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday , July
6th , 1885 , viz : Mary Warthcn , D. S.No. 1348 , for
the northeast quarter of section 21 , township
5 north , range 30 west. She names the follow
ing witnesses to prove her continuous resi
dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
D. J. Osburn , E. R. Bassett , A. A. Clark and
Montgomery Doyle , all of Osburn. Neb.
51 G. L. LAWS , Register.
May 15th , 1885. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has flled notice of bis intention
to make final proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Registeror
Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , June 26 ,
1885 , viz : Joseph M. Huet , Homestead Entry
3419 , for the southwest & southwest } f of sec
tion 17 , southeast & southeast ii of section 18
and cast Vt northeast K of section 19 , township
3 north , range 30 west 0 P. M. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : George Poh , Frederick Plasmyere , Mich
ael Weick and GeorgeP. Weick , all of McCook ,
Neb. 51 G. L. LAWS , Uegister.
May 18th , 1885. J
Notice is hereby given that the _ following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make fliial proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , Juno
2tith , 1885 , viz : Reuben C.Gerver , D.S.No.107 ,
for the southeast } i of section 2'J , township 1
north , range 29 west. Ho names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Wil
liam Relph and John Relph , of McCook , Neb. ,
John Ford and Amos Guttenbcrger , of Stough-
ton , Neb. 51 G. L. LAWS , Register.
Slay 21st , 1885. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make flnal proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , June
27th , 1885 , viz : Robert L. Hauway , Homestead
Entry 204 , for the northeast quarter of section
5 , township 3 north , range 29 west. Ho names
tho fol wing witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and 'cultivation of , said
land , viz : Henry H. Mitchell , John Shaw , Ly-
man Miller and John Modiell , all of McCook ,
Neb. 51 G. L. LAWS , Register.
May 13th , 1885. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has flled notice of her intention
to make final proof in support of her claim ,
and that said proof will be made before the
Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb.-on Sat
urday , Juno 20th , 1SS5 , viz : Ada P. Buck ,
Homestead Entry 2073 , for the northwest quar
ter of section 7 , township 3 , north of range 28
west. She namos the following witnesses to
prove her continuous residence upon , and cul
tivation of , said land , viz : M. B. Brown , W.
F. Simpson , Royal Buck and Ainos R. Buck ,
all of Red Willow , Neb.
50 G. L. LAWS , Register.
May 9th , 1885. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has flled notice of his intention
to make flual proot in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday ,
June 23d , 1885 , viz : William P. Campbell ,
Homestead Entry 3355 , for the southeast Jf
southwest Ji section 35 , township 6 and south
west Ji northeast y and lots 2 and 3 section 2 ,
township 5 north , range 31 west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : William J. McKillip , Robert C. Wal
ker and Daniel McKillip of Thornburg , Neb. ,
and Frank Sevenker , ot McCook , Neb.
50 G. L. LAWS , Register.
May 27th , 1885. f
Notice is" hereby given that thu following-
named settler has flled notice of her intention
to make final proof in support of her chum ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuebday ,
July 14th , 1885 , viz : Louise Rose , I ) . S. 1311 ,
for the northwest-quarter of section : ! , town
ship 3 north , raqge 29 webt. She mimes the
following witnesses to prove her continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : Adolph Fullgrabe , John Everest , James
Kilpatrick and Ephraim Qreenp , all of McCook ,
\Ud Charles T. Brewer who made Homestead
Entry No. 2143 on sumo tract , is hereby notified
to appear at above named time and place and
chow cause , if any exists , why said proof of
Louise Rose shold not be allowed.
53 G. L. LAWS , Register.
April 80th , 1885. f
.Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has flled notice of her intention
tp make final proof in support of her claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Heg-
istor or Hepejver at tycCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
June 12th , 18S5 , vw ? Alice Elliott , P. S. HOG ,
for the east 1A southwest H of section 11 , town-
ship l north , range 20 west. She names the
following witnesses to prove her continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : Adolph Fullgrabe , John Harris. James
Kilpatrick and Ephraim Green , all of McCook ,
Neb. 49 G. L. LAWS , Register.
That tired , languid feeling , with loss of am
bition and strength is caused by impure blood
and poor circulation. Begg's Blood Purifier
and Blood Maker will cleanee the blood , create
i new supply and restore health and vigor.
One hundred doses for one dollarand warrant-
2d by S. L. Green and M. A. Spalding.
Hats and Caps , Notions , '
And Everything Kept in a General Store , \
To which we call Particular Attention ,
In this department we have the largest stock in this
part of the state , and our prices can't be
duplicated. All goods cheap.
For all Kinds i Descriptions of Buildings
85i Plaiis drawn. Material f urnialied. Estimates given C
and Job Work done. "With every facility at our command
and years of experience in our line of business we feel confl-
dent that we can serve the public in a satisfactory manner.
Prices and work talks , and business we are after , and that is
just what we mean in this adv. Office and workshop , foot of
Main Avenue , near depot.
1 desire lo call the public attention to the fsiet that my
spring stock , purchased in Chicago , in person , of
Goods and Clothin
Bootsand Shoes , Hats and Caps ,
Gents' Furnishing Goods ,
Notions of all kinds ,
Groceries and Provisions ,
Dome and hile Stock Is New ,