TheTrilpune fimrsday , June 4th , 1885. CONGHEGATIONAL.-Sunday School at K A. M. everyweek. . Preaching services cverj Sunday night at 7.30. M. T. Also , every alter nato Sunday morning at 11 , M. T. Exception * to the above will bo noticed In locals. GEOKGE DUNCAN , Pastor. METHODIST. Services every Sunday at 11 -A. M. and 7:80 P. 31. . mountain time. Sunday School at 3 P. M. Tho services and Sunday school will be held for the future in the Opera Hall. All are cordially invjtcd. Seats tree , W. S. WHEELER , Pastor. CATHOLIC.-Services will be held In the Opera Hall once every four weeks. i JOSEPH CLEnr , Pastor. ist , A. F. & A. M. McCook Lodpe U. , / \ D. , meets on tho first and third Tues- % r days of each month. /V/\ G. L. LAWS , W. M. / XT. O. HUBS. Secretary. B. & M. R. R. Time Table. EAST LEAVES ! EAST LEAVES : Ko.2 6:30 , A.M. I No. 40 5:25 , P.M. WEST LEAVES : WEST LEAVES : . No.Sfl 1:00. P. M. I No.l 8:55 , P. M. 557 Eostbound trains run on Central Time , and westbound trains on Mountain Time. - Freight trains do not carry passengers. E. 11. WOODS , Agent. * * 65 z Local Intelligence. ' Fresh candy at the City Bakery. E. M. Brickey & Co. for clothing. G.A.R. suits at E. M. Brickey & Co.'s. The B. & M. Pharmacy is in receipt of a fine line of notions. 8Moody & Winter , City Dairy , for pure .and wholesome milk. If Chickens every Saturday at Church & Bohanan's meat market. Sweet Michigan cider of excellent quality at the City Bakery. Adjustable Screen Windows to fit any window , for sale at Lytle Bros. New line of children's suits just re ceived at E. M. Brickey & Co.'s. Superior writing paper and envelopes at this office , at reasonable prices. Fine French Balbrigan under-wear at E. M. Brickey & Co.'s , very cheap. Spanogle & Rinker keep hose , hose nozzles , 4 and 8 arm lawn sprinklers. See E. M. Brickey & Co. before buy ing clothing or ordering a suit made. Subscriptions taken for any journal in the country at THE TRIBUNE office. Blue grass and white clover for sale at Spanogle & Rinker's implement house. Fresh fish at Church & Bohanan's meat market Mondays and Thursdays. The finest suits to be seen on our streets are those mado by E. M. Brick ey & Co. FOR SALE Two 8 ft. show cases and one 6 ft. show case. Inquire at Jew elry Store. FOR RENT A well-finished , four- room residence for rent. Inquire at this office. A nice assortment of calling cards at this office. Will print the same neatly if desired. Two setts of harness , ( one light and one heavy , ) for sale at B. F. Olcott's , very cheap. FARM LOANS Col. Snavely informs us that be is now procuring farm loans i quite easily. F. H. Preston will be pleased to ac commodate you with nursery stock. See advertisement. Choice cuts of beef and pork at Church & Bohanan'e. Corn-fed beef best in the market. Lytle Bros , sellScreen Windows you can adjust in a moment to fit any win dow in your house. jf Parties having weaving to do , should " ' call at Thomas McQuay's residence , 3 - miles east of town. FEED STABLE FOR SALE Best loca tion in town. Inquire of A. P. Leech , McCook , Neb. , for terms. Thermometers , with barometer at tachment , at the B. & M. Pharmacy. These are reliable instruments. Stock boarded by the day or week at Olcott's barn , opposite Colvin House. Also bujs and sells stock on commission. If you want a suit of cloths cut and made in first-class style , call on R. A. Cole , first door west of B. & M. Pharm acy , McCookj Neb. First-class legal cap for sale at this office. Also the celebrated Omaha Mills Note Paper , with envelopes to match. All at reasonable rates. I have just received a large stock of new shades in all colors , and am selling /Ihe large sun hats iu all colors for 50c. , * original price 7oc. MRS. T. NELIS. Vf _ - They have just received a choice con signment of candies at the City Bakery , und lovers of that toothsome article are requested to call and sample them by purchase. NO'TICR. The undersigned having disposei of his Lumber Business to Hallack < i Howard of Denver , Colo. , is now clos ing up his accounts. All those partie who are owing us will please call a my former pace of business and settli at once. H. W. PIKE. The public school building has bcei provided with lightning rods to protec it against the thunder-bolts of Jove. Bachelor's buttons at the B. & M , Pharmacy. Just the thing for railroac men and bachelors. .No sewing on ol buttons. CHEAP LOT The Schumaker lot : upon which the Metropolitan Drug Ston is erected , has been purchased by W 31. Lewis for $700. This community is rapidly undergo ing the changes incident upon oldc ; towns. Accumulation and centraliza tion go hand in hand. McCook will celebrate the 4th. Pre pare to enjoy the great event by pur chasing one of those cool summer suits at E. M. Brickey & Co.'s. Drop in the Great Western Furni ture Emporium and inspect that hand some assortment of new Window Blinds , They are beauties and reasonable in price. The large plate glass for the McCooli Banking Go's building was unloaded , tbc first of the week. The glass weighs 1,50C pounds , and required great care in handling. THE TRIBUNE has the very best facil ities and workmen for doing Job Work in Southwestern Nebraska. We guar antee ueat and tasty work , and entire satisfaction in execution and prices. The City Bakery is in receipt of a car-load of the "Cream1' and "Fancy" brands of the celebrated Grand Island Flour the house-keepers' delight and the finest flour offered for sale in the city. An effort is being made to settle the country between Akron and Denver. The towns of Akron atiu Yuma are be ing well advertised , and , we understand that considerable laud is being taken in that vicinity. The ladies of the W. C. T. U. will meet with Mr ? . Geo. Dungan , Friday afternoon , from 3 to 4 o'clock , moun tain time. All interested in the cause of temperance are cordially invited to meet with them. The dearest spot on earth is home , sweet home. The cheapest spot on earth to furnish a home is at J. P. Mathes' Furniture Emporium. Everybody is in vited to call and see him in his new quar ters , at McCook. . BRANCHING OUT Lytle Bros , com menced the erection of a building at Benkelinan , Monday , where they will put in a hardware stock as soon as the building is completed. Fred. Lytle will conduct the business at Benkelman. The union gospel temperance service will be held next Sunday evening at the church , at half-past seven. All are cor dially invited to this meeting. This ser vice takes the place of the Sunday af ternoon meeting of the W. C. T. U. at the hall. Memorial day was but slightly oberv- ed in our city , Saturday. There were no commemorative exercises , and tbe only marks of the day Were the closing of the postoffice between the hours of 10 and 5 , and of our banking houses for a couple of hours. The unexpected visit of that unmiti gated scamp , A. C. Towne , in town , last week , occasioned some uneasiness among some. He is reported as having driven into town , last Thursday , on land busi ness , but his sojourn witb us was nec essarily limitedjWe presume , as his pres ence on our thoroughfares was anything but numerous. In the line of fine stock , I. J. Star- buck bolds the edge on the boys in this vicinity. In addition to the fast horses , purchased by him in Iowa , this spring , with other admirers of fine horseflesh of our town , he has recently purchased from an Iowa gentleman , a number of magnificent draft horses , that are pro nounced by competent judges as being perfect specimens. On Monday evening , .Elias Cottrell's bright little boy , who has been sick for a number of days with whooping cough | and a dangerous brain complication , passed away from this probationary world. With sad hearts and loving hands ' the little one's mortal remains were tenderly laid away in the cemetery , Tues day afternoon. Many sympathetic hearts go out to the bereaved parents-iu their ! affliction , PECOAVI "We have followed fo < much the devices and-desires of our owi hearts. " We have mildly suggested th < proscribed question of temperance , foi which we are not held guiltless. If t < man be given the power of forgiveness remember us. Our offense has beet grievous. We are repentant in sad cloth and ashes. Church & Bohanan have new potatoes on the market. The heavy rain , Tuesday night , was ac companied by a brilliant electric display , and quite high wind , which played havoc with sheds and out-buildingswhich were scattered promiscuously about in differ ent sections of town. Small's barn was partially unroofed , and Mr. HocknelFa carriage shed was blown over , and his buggy inverted. No particular damage was sustained , however. Spanogle & Rinker have the Grass Hopper Hod Breaker. Hayden & Co. have had a watering place put in in front of their store for the accommodation of the travelingpub- lic and farmers. Thus is a "long felt want" of the public filled at last. Of course , it will be understood that the watering trough is not for domestic use , and an observance of this fact will avoid misunderstanding and unpleasantness. These things are long in coming , some times , but Elihu gets there in proper style by and by. Fresh strawberries at the Central Meat Market. Last Thursday night , while Berger's herd of ponies were in charge of the night herder , the ponies became fright ened , or were in some manner disturbed and put in motion , and ran into Dr. Kay's barbed wire fence north of town , mutilating eleven head of them badly. The horses ran into the fence at the cor ner of the doctor's pasture and look the wire , posts and all down "slick and clean" for about twenty rods on each side , carrying tho wire and posts into ihe field quite a distance before the an imals became disentangled from it. The services of a veterinary surgeon were required to sew up some of the gaping wounds. A full line of Pumps and Pump fit- ings , at Spanogle & Rinker's. The eight-year-old boy of S. Plunkett met with an accident , Saturday , in which lie sustained some painful , though not serious injuries. The little fellow was riding on a wagon loaded with stone , and was by some means , jolted off in front of the wagon , the front wheel of the same running over his leg between the ankle and the knee. The accident oc- urred m the bottom , where the sand is quite deep , which fact probably saved he boy's leg from being crushed by the icavily loaded wagon. As it was , his eg was pretty badly bruised and lacer ated , though not broken. The boy's ) ack was also painfully injured in fall- ng out over the wheel. Go to Church & Bohanan for your ? resh peas. The order which went into effect June 1st , authorizing the agents at Lincoln and McCook to sell extension tickets to and seekers , as far west as Denver , at 2 cent rate , is misunderstood by many. The rate only applies to those parties coming from points east of the Missouri iver , who hold round trip tickets. To such these agents are authorized to sell extension tickets at the above rate , and to none others. This rate , it will be seen , will not effect one traveler in a hundred. Were tbe rate applicable to all who de sire to enter land west of here , the ad vantage to the country would be consid erable as the 4 cent rate has been and will continue to be a draw-back. For pumps and pipes go to Spanogle & llinker. It would appear that the young man , corge W. Pate , now in the hands of Sheriff Welborn , self-convicted of hav- ng obtained money from the Red Wil- ow County Bank of Indianola under 'also pretences , is not an object upon which to waste much sympathy , as he las played the same game on other busi ness men , among the number being Spanogle & llinker of our city , from whom he purchased a plow , giving as security a chattel mortgage on his cattle , of which he seems to have had a fine mnch of 90 head in his mind. Unlike the bank , however , Spanogle & Rinker succeeded in recovering their property. We fear that George Washington 'him self arranged the preliminaries for a sea son of penance in the state's prison. Smoked meats and'Jfresh lard at Church & Bohanan's market. A second meeting of our citizens in connection with the Fourth of July Cele bration was held in the Opera Hall , Friday evening last , with a much larger attendance than the previous meeting. Chas. Noble of the soliciting committee reported having $630 already subscrib ed , and expressed the opinion that the amount could be raised to $700. The report was accepted , and the committee continued , with authority to collect. The following officers were then elected : President of the Day. I. J. Starbuck. Vicc-President from McCook , C. F. Babcock. Vlce-Pres. from Indianolu , H. M. Ashinoro. Vice-Pros , from Culbertson , II. B. Straut , Marshall of the Day , Dr. Z. L. Kay. Treasurer , V. Franklin. Secretary , F. M. Kimmcll. Assistant Secretary , J. P. Israel. The following committees were ap pointed by the chair : COMMITTEE ON SPEAKERS Messrs. Thomas Colfer , J. E. Cochran , J. B. Jennings. COMMITTEE ON Music Messrs. II. W. Pike , M. A. Spalding , Dr. A. J. Shaw. With power to select two lady members of committee. COMMITTEE ON FinE WORKS Messrs. It. S. Cooley , W. M. Lewis , Chas. Noble. W. W. Fish- or , J. B. Meservc. EXECUTIVE & FINANCE COMMITTEE Messrs. I. J. Starbuck , V. Franklin , and F. M.Kimmcll. COMMITTEE ON AMUSEMENTS Messrs. A. Campbell , A. J. Wllley.Thos.Colfer , J.E.Ber- gor , H. C. Rider. COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS Mess. Geo. Hocknell , H.W.Pike.Thos. Colfer , S.L. Green , G. L. Laws , It. S. Cooley , A. Campbell-I. J. Starbuck. COMMITTEE ON APPHOPIUATIONS Messrs. I. J. Starbuck , V. Franklin , Geo. Hocknell , H. W. Pike , Thos. Colfer , S. L. Green , K. S. Cooley , A. Campbell , F. M. Kimmell. The appropriation committee was in structed to meet Wednesday evening , and make the necessary appropriations , and meet with all the other committees in a conference meeting , Friday even ing , to which meeting , however , all are invited. It was decided as the sense of the meeting , that all money not expended otherwise be used in connection with the Driving Association funds , in erect ing permanent buildings on the associa tion's grounds. After which the meet ing adjourned. House plants for sale at the Metro politan Drug Store. MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS. The Board of Trustees met in special session , Wednes day afternoon , to take action on the peti tion of Halm and O'Donnell for license. A remonstrance , signed by Messrs. Hocknell , Berger , Menard and others , praying that the Board refuse to license the establishment of two saloons in ad joining buildings , was presented for the consideration of the Trustees. The reasons set forth in the remonstrance were deemed insufficient by a majority of the Board , and the bond of tfahn & [ ) 'Donnell was approved , and clerk in structed to issue license to the same. Complaints were entered by Messrs. Ohambers and Bohanan concerning the condition of drainage and streets , which forced surface water into their cellars. Also , by residents on South Madison streets concerning the keeping of horses : br services , in the city limits , without providing proper concealment from pub ic view. Action was deferred on all the above complaints. Ordinance No. 20 , found elsewhere in this issue , was passed , approved and ordered published. Dlerk was instructed to prepare ordi nances regulating peddling , hawking , ire-works , etc. Adjourned to meet Monday , June 8th. Call and see Spanogle & Rinker's top 3uggies. The Committee on Appropriations met at Jennings & Starbuck's office , ast night , and made tbe following ap- ) ortionmentof the funds for the Fourth of July Celebration : FOR FIREWORKS $175 00 FO It AMUSEMENTS 10000 FOR PRINTING 2500 FOU MUSIC 7500 FOR GROUNDS 25000 FORSPEAKERS 2500 It is proposed to use the $250 in con nection witb $150 of the Driving Asso ciation's money in erecting a permanent amphitheatre for the use of the present celebration and all other similar public celebrations , fairs , etc. All the com mittees will meet at the Opera Hall , ? riday evening , to further the matter of celebration , and it is to be hoped that there may be a full attendance. It is mportant that this matter of celebra- , ion be carried along promptly and ener getically , and then it must needs be a success and a credit to our town. Let everybody interest himself. Boston Brown Bread at the City Bak ery constantly. Wednesday the Ooas family , all ex cept Miss Delia , left for McCook , Neb. Chcy may locate there and they may go ou to Oberlin , Kansas. The people of ) rd were just becoming acquainted with hem enough : > o to realize that their leparture is a loss to the city. Ord Quiz. PERSONAL POINTERS. . > VX XV > - x "N % x > X - > - 'XXXNX" * H. W. Plko mado u business trip to Oborlin Saturday. James Morris of Beukclinan was circulating around town , Tuesday. Patrick McKillip of Cambridge was a p.asscn ger ou 40 , Friday evening. W. K. Lynch of Indianola mado a business trip to our city , Saturday. P. S. Eustis , General Passenger agent of tin B. & M."was in the city , Tuesday. Mr. Howard , of Hallack & Howard , came down from Denver , this1 morning. i Geo. P. Herzingcr and Mrs. J. H. Anthony ol Stratton were in town , yesterday. Lewis Shelly of the Humboldt Sentinel made us a pleasant call , the first of the week. Deputy Sheriff Welch's wife arrived in the city from Iowa , Thursday evening last. J. T. Foloy , recently of Chicago , is now living on his claim , near Box Elder postolllcc. It. O. Phillips of the Lincoln Land Co. was in the city on a short business visit , Tuesday. Capt. John Rcandon , a capitalist of Pcoria 111. , contemplates malting our city his home E. P. Hazen , Col. Suavely and othcrlndiano- la people were in town , Monday , on business W. C. Furst , Manager of the Eating House went to Denver , Thursday night , in quest o help. Lewis Burt of Wymorc , who fans a claim 01 the Driftwood , has been in town , the past few days. days.Will Will Dolan , Stanton Holla and J. P. Squire went down the road a short distance TuesJay evening. H. T. Church was called to Wisconsin , last Thursday , by a telegram announcing the deatl of his mother. Senator Dolan , Judge Ashmore and Sheriff Welborn , of the county-seat , were in town Friday , on business. Samuel Tato , manager of the lied Willow Cattle Co. , passed two' or three days , the flrst of the week , in town. A. P. Wallace , a bricklayer and plasterer from Hastings , lias been in town , this week , With a view to locating. J. K. Ncill of Crete came up totown.Wedncs- day , to look after his interests in this city , and other points in this section. Harry Brinkman of Pcoria , 111. , u disciple of Blackstone , was out , last week , to see the west and enter some government land. Geo. Hocknell and J. E. Cochran went down to Atwood , Kansas , Monday , on an attachment suit , returning on Tuesday evening. J. H. Perkins of Flushing , Long Island , ar rived in the city , Sunday night , and will prob ably locate and invest in town and country. F. F. Vogel , S. A. Donaldson , A. L. Sprague and G. It. Bothwell of Stromsburg were regis tered at the B. Is M. Eating House , Wednesday. J. W. McCarthy of Lincoln was out on his claims , southeast of here , last week. Mr. Mc Carthy is traveling for the Lincoln Iron Works W. C. Bullard , G. E. Baldwin , Jerry Chap man , Geo. Mowrey , John Hughes and other Culbertson people were in the city , Tuesday. Charles Pierce , a cousin of F. L. McCrackcn , came in from Colorado Springs , Thursday morning , en route for New Orleans , and spent a day in our city. W. S. Wilson of Button cainc up to town , Wednesday. He was after a number of vaga bonds , who were supposed to be somewhere west of here , who are wanted in Clay county f or poisoning horses. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Johnson of Arapahoo came up to town , lost Saturday , and will visit some time at the residence of William Johnson , a few miles north of town. W. H. Hayden spent Friday and Saturday in town looking after his extensive interests here , und attending to the shipment of stock to his Atwood branch establishment. A. P. Bonno , conductor , who has been on the west end heretofore , came down to the city , Sunday , and is now running out of McCook , cast and west , with headquarters here. A. E. Cromwell came up to town , the flrst of the week. Bert has quit the hotel business , and will make lied Cloud his abiding place. He spent a few days with friends in this city. Dr. Spickelmeier of Blue Hill , came up to town , Monday. The doctor has a timber claim In Hayes county , upon which he is having the necessary breakingdone. . He also has some residence lots inourcity. He will spend a week or two in this vicinity. G. D. Jones , who has been in the telegraph Dfflcc at this place for a number of months past , went to Denver on No. 1 , Sunday night , to take charge of the city office. We congratu late G. D. in this btepinthe way of promotio ivhilc we are sorry to sec him leave the com munity. . Fred. Lyiaan , an old time descriptive writer , ivho has tnivcrbcd the entire western country luring tlie past quarter of a century , was in : own , Tuesday , with a view of writing up our : own. After looking into the matter thorougb- y , Mr. Lyman decided to postpone the matter for the present. Squire Fisher came down from his Chose jounty ranch , lust week , where he has been for iome tiniemakingarrangementsforcnclosing lis pasture of over 2,000 acres. The Squire hinks the homesteader is coining in to possess ; he land in earnest , and ia cuttinghis garment vith rcfcicncc to the cloth. ilev. W. S. Wheeler of the M. E. Church itnrted for Baltimore , Md. , Monday morning m a six week's visit to his patents in the Mon- imental City. We might mention that the iev- srend gentleman's visit will incidentally em brace an occasional call upon one of the gen- : ler sex in that city in whom he is somewhat ntcres ed , but we won't speak of it just yef. Vicc-President Perkins of the C. B. & Q. , Joncral Freight Agent Ilipley of the C. B. & Q. , Chicago , General Freight Agent Miller of the 3. & M. , Omaha , T. E. Calvert , General Super- ntcndcnt of the B. &M. , Lincoln , G. W. Hol- Iredge , General Manager of the B. & M. , Oma- m , J. M. Bechlel , General Agent of the C. B. is Q. , Peoria , 111. , went west to Denver , Thurs- tay night on Xo.l. F. Lr Brown , late cashier of the Exchange National Bank of Hastings , assumed the duties ) f cashier of the McCook BaukingCo. , on Mon- lay morningvice H. K. Adams , who has been ictlng in that capacity elute the opening of .ho bank , but who shortly returns to Lisbon , Dakota , where he hab interests in a bank ( with Us brother-in-law , B. M. Frees of Chicago ) of vhich he isaKo cashier. While we take pli-as- iro in introducing Mr. Drown to our people , TC are sorry to aniioiiiirulhcdi'partiireot'Mr. \duins , w ho has jubt become acquainted , from > ur midst. B Spanoglo of ReCloud , of our firm of SpanogtoBlnkor , was'In town , tho flrst of ' tho wct'k.on business connected with ihe firm's I brunch establishment atObcrlln. Mr. S. wont down to Oberlin with sonio machineryMon day. A number of loads had preceded him , ft I and more arc following. Theso gentlemen re port a nourishing business In Implements , nn'd - j tho demand Is increasing , lumco tho Oberlin' " ' I branch. I II. H. Troth camo down from tho ranch. Sun- day afternoon , to meet Mr. Clothier , who ar rived iu town on 39 , the same day , from Now Jersey. Mr. Clothier , it will bo remembered , with his wife , visited in this section , last fall , during which Mrs. Clothier received a broken limb in an accidental overturning of a wagon > 1 Mr. Clothier Informs us that his wlfo is able to J move around with the assistance of canes. . Mr. Clothier went up to the ranch where he will remain for some time. W. F. Smith of the Webster City. ( In. ) Free man , Howard Baxter and W. H. Ennos of tho same place , drove Into town , Thursday even ing last , on their way overland to Denver , Colo. Being old-time acquaintances of F. L. Mc Crackcn of oiircity , they remained in townun- til Friday noon , when they continued their Journey westward. Tho party has been unfor tunate in so much asithasbconra'nlngprctty much all the time since they left Iowa , some four weeks since. But nil felt invigorated and report enjoying tho best health for years. Tho gentlemen all made these headquarters a short but pleasant call , during their sojourn. Tuesday , for the consideration of $3- 400 , George E. Johnston of flic Com mercial House , became proprietor of the Churchill House , which has remained unoccupied for some months past. The entire building has been undergoing re pairs lately , which will be supplemented by Mr. Johnston with a thorough over hauling , and the building will be placed in first-class condition. The manner in which the Commercial House has been managed insures a well conducted hos- telrie on a larger scale in the Churchill House. Mine host Johnston has made many friends , during his short sojourn with us , who will be glad to see him spread himself in more commodious quarters. Our town is to be congratu lated that the Churchill House is to be again re-opened , and that it has , fallen into the present hands. Standard Hallady wind mills at Span- ogle & Rinker's. Two German friends held a council , on the morning of Wednesday , within the shadow of Lytle Bro's. implement shed , which for profundity and sonor ousness and gesticulation relegates the Nicene Council into obscurity. Under the gentle , though potent , influence and inspiration of the Teuton's chief and popular beverage , theology in all its in- tracacies and technique was discussed with the fervor and power of expression , ' coupled with majestic expressions , 1 ( through the medium of various parts of the anatomy ) of which the German alone is master. The important matter , it might be of interest to state , was finally settled , after much spiritual wrestling and heart searching , satisfac torily arranged , tlic council was adjourn ed sine die , for spirituous refreshments. White Bolted Corn Meal at the City Bakery. Messrs. Probst Bros , desire to inform the public that their elegant Ice Cream Parlor is now open. These gentlemen lave spared no time nor expense in fit- ing up their parlor , which for conven- encc and style can't be beaten in this part of the state. If you want a dclic- ous saucer of cream dished up in good style drop in the Probst Bros' , new jarlors. String beans at the market of Church & Bohanan , all the time. FIRE LADDIES , NOTICE. A special meeting is called for Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock , mountain time , sharp , at the 3. & M. Store House. * As there is im- > ortant business before the department , a full attendance is urgently requested , and earnestly desired. Make it a point , o be present. A car-load of picked potatoes at Wil- BOX Bros. LAND FOR SALE 100 acres of deeded and , 35 acres under cultivation , with a tood ; frame house , within two miles of town. Also , SO acres of deeded land , LI acres under cultivation , with good 'rame house , 4 miles from town. For 'urther particulars inquire at this office. Great Reduction in Watches and Jewelry at McCrackcn's. They have just received a consign ment of those fine-toned and eleirantly- inished Western Cottage Organs at the 5reat Western Furniture Emporium. .f you want a superior instrument , call md see the Western Cottatre. Vegetables and butter Ami ejips al- " vays on hand at Church it Bohnuan's. | We understand that V. Franklin con- } cmplatcsputting up a brick on the cor- icr south uf Iho Citizens ! , tin's i'.ill. ' * ThiTlJity | i1. ; Olcutt , > roprictur , for fine