j r GABLE. Matter * of Interest from , the Old World. The Government in accordance with Glaelstone'a announcement laid before Parlia ment n list of ofliclal papers relating to the Afghan frontier question. The papers con tain nothing which has not already been made known. They only cover the well known ground up to the Ponjdch Incident , and throw no light whatever upon the nature of the ne gotiations which have been carried on bo- twccn England and Ruuhu The British Admiralty decided to have the combined naval reserve squadron , including fourteen first-class men-of war , as semble at Portland , and proceed thence to Bantrj Hay , Ireland , to engage in a naval demonstration of extraordinary importance- Torpedo experiments will be carried on on a gigantic scale , and the demonstration will conclude with a sham naval battle of a mag nitude beyond all affairs of the kind hereto- Hundreds ot officers anil soldier * from the remnant of Wolscley's Nile expedi tion are arriving atYady Haifa and Cairo , many of whom are on the flick list A great battle Is expected to be fought soon at Khar toum between El Mahdl and his rival , the False Prophet. The latter has collected a numerous force of followers and Is now ad vancing to attack MahdL -J - , The La Republiquo Francais insists that France must adhere to the French pro posals regarding the international supervision of Suez Canal , and says : "If England will not supervise the canal with Europe , France will supervise the canal with England. " The Bub-committee of the Suez Canal Commission have concluded the elaboration of the draft of the treaty , excepting the clauses regarding the International control upon which the delegates were unable to agree. The second reading of the draft was fixed for the Itth InsU , when the plenary commission will be sunirioned. The British government issued dip lomatic papers which state that her majesty's government will be compelled to regard as a hostile act any movement oC llussia toward Herat , and on the other hand it is announced that llussia has spontaneously disclaimed any mi naclng intentions in regard to He-rat. The British government is therefore favorably in clined to consider that the emestion at issue between England and llussia has reached a satisfactory solution to both countries. Docu ments were submitted to parliament covering the Anglo Russian dispute up to the time of the Piiujdch indjlpnt which tend to show the ag gression on the part of the Russian govern ment upon the Ameer's territory , of which Ilcut is the salient noint The Czar has sent General Komaroll a sword of honor. The hilt of the sword is of gold , and the scabbard is richly set with dia monds. The present was accompanied with an autograph letter from the Czar , warmly praising KomarofTs military measures and and his prudence and firmness in dealing with the Afghans , as well as his gallantry in the engagement of Dashkepri. A similar honor was conferred upon Gen. Karjewsla. iThe approach of the general election is bringing forward an unexpected political strength among the British workingmcn. "Wbrkinginen are concentrating everywhere upon labor candidates f or parliaraentarj- . This is noticeable particularly in many of the larger boroughs , such for instance , as Glasgow , Newcastle , and other centers of manufacturing industry. The work- - ) - iagmcn in these sections are actively engaged in the act of raisiu < r subscriptions for the pur pose of sending workingmcn to Parliament. There is a movement organized in parallel lines to raise a number of workingmen to the magisterial bench in Lancashire and York shire , and several members of trade associa tions have already been oLercd magisterial aoDOiutmcuts. It is consielereel imperative to reduce the British garrison at Suakim to the mini mum consistent with the safety of the town , because of the rapid increase of sickness , es pecially of enteric fever. The Shropshire regiment will remain as a permanent garri son. It is intended to keep the railway open to Otao by means of an armored train , carry , ing artillery. Negotiations with friendly na tives have been concluded. Many will come in under Mahmond Ali , leader of the Amaras. The Spanish Minister of Marine answered the senate that the Spanish goy. crnmcnt had asked of the French govern ment for an explanation of the hoisting of the French flag in Spanish territory in Africa. The excitement at Madrid over the seizure by France of the settlements on the gulf of Guinae claimed by Spain , is intense. "The government is preparing a protest against the action. The territory in question is oper ated by the Spanish Commercial society. Dispatches from Winnipeg state that Col. Otter made an attack on Poundmaker , .and after a severe battle captured him and -took ICO prisoners. The battle was fought in Eagle Hills and Otter made the assault against orders. Twenty-one Canadians and nineteen Englishmen were killed. No trace of the teamsters taken by Poandmaker a week ago was found , and it is supposed they have been The English Government is consid erably worried by Italy's demand that the agreement be fulfilled by which she was to garrison the Red Sea ports , when the British troops were withdrawn. Italy counted or. gaining a valuable foothold in Africa for col onial purposes by this arrangement , and she js much chagrined at England's having turn ed Saakim over to Turkey. As Gladstone was obliged to favor Turkey in this matter in order to obtain the porte's friendship in case of war with Russia , it is probable that she will ignore Italy's demand , but the situation is at least an embarassinir one. Gladstone was annoyed in the house of commons by Lord Churchill's repeated in , terruptions of his reply to Sir Stafford North- cote's inquiry as to the status of negoti tiations with Russia. He finally rebuked in very decided teros ihe disposition shown by certain members of the house to treat the government's cause in a very factious spirit He added he spoke simply in the Interest of the dignity Of house Itself , since the opposition mattered not to ono whose part in future political con flicts was likely to be measured by weeks and not by years. It Is Inferred by this language thatthe premier contemplates resigning at the end of-the present session. v The Morning Post claims to have in formation that Lord Duffcrln , Viceroy of In dia has written the , government giving an alarming account of the effects produced by the yielding of the ministry to Russia's de mands in regard to thn Afghan frontier. A Constantinople dispatch announo cs that the Turkish government Is planting torpedoes in the straits of the Dardadelles , Considerable excitement Is caused in consequence of the news. It is authoritatively announced that Russia demands that both Xulifikar and Marushuck be considered as In Russian terri tory. The ameer has hitherto considered the possession of these two places as of vital im portance in maintaining the integrity of his dominions. THE JXLIXOIS SElfAZOniAX CON2EST. A 1'rotraeted Political Fight Ends in the Choice of John A. Zoyan for Untied Slulei Senator. Springfield (111. ( ) dispatch : During the Joint session of the legislature on the 10th there was a great jam In the honse , both on floor and in the galleries. Fifty-one senators and 153 representatives were present. When the vote was taken a dead silence prevailed. The democrats refused to vote. The senators oil voted for Logan , giving him twenty-six votes. Ruger's vote was received with cheers. When Sittig's name was called he rose and In a long speech , explaining his position , he voted for Logan under protest , and was re ceived with the wildest cheers. This gave Lo gan 103 votes. On the call of absentees the democrats voted solidly for Judge Lambert Tree. After the roll call Baker , McNairy , McAliney , Caldwell , Qulunand Craftschangcd their votes to Farwcll. Barry and Anderan changed their votes to John A. Logan , and the wildest confusion prevailed. This insured his election. The roll call was proceeded with after a time , the democrats attempting to elect Farwcll , hoping to get some republican votes. Barry withdrew his vote from Logan , but stated that he would allow no other dem ocrat than Morrison to be elected. Before the completion of the roll call , which occupied over two hours , Barry the third time changed his vote , this time to Farwell. On the verification of the roll call Logan received 103 votes. The democrats tried every means to draw out republican votes by voting for Farwcll. but failed. Then they went back to Tree and he received the full vote. The final vote was as follows : John A. Logan , 103 ; Lambert Tree , 99 : lohn C. Black. 2 : J. Sco- field , 2 ; Wm. R. Morr'son , 1 ; J. R. Hoxic. 1. Logan was declared seuatcr amid the w ildest cheers. A committed was then appointed to conduct the general to the house , and , upon being in troduced , he made the following speech , thanking them for the honor conferred upon him : Gentlemen of the Senate and JTouse of Jtepre- sentath'cs of ihe State of Illinois : I congratu late you on having Drought to a conclusion this most remarkable contest which has bei-n going on for nearly four months. I have no words to express my gratitude to the repre sentatives of this great state of Illinois for the compliment they have paid me to day , having been elected for the third time to represent this great state in the senate of the United States. I hope I have so acted and deported myself in the position before as to bring no discredit upon myself , my party , state and couutv , and my past history is the only guar antee I can eive for my future course. From the deepest recess of my bosom I a- ain thank vou for the honor yon have conferred upon me. There is no position on earth which could be more gratifying than to represent this great state. In this contest , Mr. speaker and' gen tlemen , which has been an unusually closa and heated one , I am proud to state that noth ing has transpired to mar the friendly rela tions existing between myself and my worthy opponent. For thirty years this gentleman and myself have been friends and I tiust we will always continue Fudi. [ Loud cheers. ] 1 believe there never has been a contest be tween two persons waged more earnestly for their parties than this and the mutual rela tions remain so pleasant. I respect JVIr. Mor risen politically and socially , and I am proud to say that we are friends and I sincerely lioi-e we may cer be friends. [ Cheers. ] As to the other gentleman who was my opponent for n , time , 1 can say nothing against htm. tor would I want to. Mr. Tree and myself lived as neighbors for mauv years in Chicago and I have always had the highest respect lor him. He made as good a con'test coming late into the field and being a little short of votes a3 he could make. For him I have nothing but respect. In conclusion , gentlemen , 1 desire to say that , no matter what may have occuired dining this contest , it has been carried on in a spirit of fairness. No such contest has ever been known in this country before , and it Las appeared strange to me that there has been so little cifcitementaud bitterness exhibited It is remarkable , I say , In a contest which has lasted so Ions and been so close t at there is so little bitterness of feeling displayed , and I desire to say that in representing the peoj le o this state of Illinois in the United States sen ate I shall ever try to do that which seems to me to be my duty , representing my party and my constituents fairly and honestly. [ Cheers. ] I leave here having no bitter feeling tow.irei any one who may have opposed me. 1 respect a ir&n who will stand by his creeds and his friends , and I expect no more from others than is accorded to me. If I go to Washington I do not go there with any fire burning in my bosom or a feeling of antagon ism toward any party or the present adminis tration. 1 shall endeavor to represent you fairly ard honestly and stand by you in all which I believe is risht. Gentle'men , a < r tin I thank you. I tender you my most profound thanks" I have not before repaid nor can I repay jou for the manner in which you have stood by me in this legislature and state. I shall ever remember it and endeavor to prove worthy of the trust you have this day confided in me. Thanking you again , I hope you will learn in the future that the wrong man haa not been elected. Jledttclion in Grain Rates to Jfew England Points. A cut on grain and ilour by the western trunk lines from Chicago to New England , says a St. Paul d'spatch , created a disturb ance in the rate on flour , especially to such points. The lake rate from Duluth Is the same as the all-rail rate from Chicago to Bos ton and New York. The rate from St. Paul and Minneapolis to Duluth is flvo cents per hundred less than from St. Paul and Minne apolis to Chicago. Since the eastern trunk lines have cut rates it makes the rate from St. Paul and Minneapolis by rail to New Eng land points nearly two and one-half cents more tbnn by rail and Jake to Boston. Mil waukee takes this business out of St. Paul and Minneapolis to Milwaukee and there trnnbfers to boat. Its policy is to keep the lake rate via Duluth as high as possible so as to discriminate against St. Paul , Duluth and Omaha. To arrange this business the prcsi- do ts and traffic inanaccrs of uorthvrestora lines have been in conference. Ca\tse of the Cincinnati Calamity. A boy , John Meyers , who could give an authentic account of the Sullivan fire , was fouud at his home by a newspaper reporter. Ho says ho was sent to getn two-gallon can of benzine which he got on the first floor of the fatal building. Going up to the second floor ho was passing a narrow pagsairo beside n press and in the direction of the elevator shaft , when he stumbled in the dark , struck the can against the press and broke the g'ass. The benzine flowed out anel as the pressman had the gas light burning there , almost In stantly an explosion followed. Meyer's feet wore saturated with benzine. They took flro and he ran toward the stairway wb > re he ex tinguished the fire on his own person and ran down to the drug store where he had his wounds dressed , then ran homo. Positive , wait ; comparative , waiter ; superlative , get it yourself. Virtue is made for difficulties , andrews rows stronger and brighter for such trials. r < A. JUXP ojr.ias FEET. lloie a Professor ISntJedJHa Life criiig to A'jcumplieh n Great Feat. This afternoon , eays a New York dispatch of the 19th , n cab left the New York entrance of the Brooklyn bridge vid was driven to thu middle of the great span. Here the driver pulled up and two inon got out and began to climb the railing. Be/orc they had reached the top a policeman came toward them brand ishing his club and ordering them to "get dOT7U out of that. " While he was talking with the young men a covered wagon contnlu- Prof. E. Odium and a companion stopped about a hundred feet behind the cab. Quickly divesting himself of the blue flannel in which he was dressed. Odium , clad in a red plilrt and trunks , jumped from the carriage and sprang lightly to the railing. He quickly reached the tup , and posing himself for a moment Moo I erect and glanced hurriedly at the surface of the Bust river far below him. The pcools on the bridge set up a cry of horror when they saw the professor prepare to plunge oil the bridge Into the rivtr 135 beneath his fceK Tuo policeman now rushed toward thu professor , but before lie ha-i gone a dozen feet Odium. without a moment's hesitation , had leaped from the railing out into the air. He held one hand above his head as a rudder to guide him in his descent. The river below was at the moment clear of shipping. A tug and a schooner lay luzlly in the stream sever.il yards below the bridge. The tug was filled with club men and reporters. Captain Boyuton stood near the prow and clost'ly watching the bridge. The moment Odium's body wus seen to leave the railing Harry K. Dixcy , the actor , started a stop watch which "he held in his hand , in order to time the descent. For nearly one hundred feet the professor came down all right. Feet foremost he shot downward with the speed of a meteor , his red suit making him easily disceruable lor a long distance. When within thirtv feet of the wa ter his body began te > turn. As if realizing his danger Odium brought down his hand with quleik inoti'in to aid him in recovering his bal ance. TJie movement , however , was too late. His body had turned so far it was no\v impos sible to change its couise , and half a second later , with a mighty splash that threw up wa ter on all sides. Prof. Odium's body struck the water on one side and sank out of sight. The tug hurriedly pushed itself forward to the place where the body fell , and Captain Boynton , after Feeing that life-preservers had bee'n thrown into the water , sprang over the side of the boat and watched for the body to come to the surface. Soon be saw the white face of the profe s = or rising from the water and in a moment was by his side. Seizing a lifo- near by be placed it be-ueath tbe ody of the insensible professor. Blood min- plcd with froth came from the mouth of the drowning man. A row boat soon came to tlie rescue and Odium was taken from the water. A few moments later he was transferred to the tug and restoration adminlstorcd. After con siderable rubb'ng ' the eyes of tbe professor opened. "What kind of a jump did I make ? " he whispered. "Firot-class , my boy , " responded Boynton , "you'll be all right in a little while. " But he was insensible again before the words had hardly left his lips. The tug steamed hastily to her slip , and just as the pier was reached' a shudder passed through the frame of the pro fessor , and then after breathing heavily once or twli e his heart stopped beating and be was pronounced aead. The body was taken ashore and conveyed to the undertaker's. A. Reconciliation Between Gladstone and tlio I'arnollltes. London dispatch In the house of commons Gladstone announced a bill to amend the pur- ctiase clause of the land act. As already sta ted in thnse dispatches this is designed to re move the friction existing between the gov ernment and the Parnellites. The announce ment was authoritively made in parliamenta ry circles that a reconciliation had taken place between Glaeistone and the Parnellites. The ministry is said to have promised to In troduce at an "early elay a bill amending the purchase clause of the land act , the Parnell ites in return to refrain from the execution of their threat to go with the tories at the com ing general elections. The people are surprised at Gladstone's sudden change of front in introducing an amendment to the purchase clause of the Irish land act , whereas he stated last week in announcing the government's programme that it had been found impassible to consider this question during the present session. There is little doubt that the change was Brought about by ParnelFs threat to obstruct business and prolong the session. Parnell is clearly master of the situation and so the lib erals got up a memorial praying the govern ment to reconsider their decision. This mem orial , signed by fifty of tbe leadino : liberals in the house of commons , offered sufficient ex cuse to Gladstone for the change. The house of lords passed the registration bill. Death , Desolation and Destruction Follow in is Walc for lilies. Topeka ( Kansas ) Dispatch : Reports are Just to hand detailing the facts of a cyclone in the western portion of the state , occurlng late Saturday night. A cloud appeared in the northwest , dark and ominous , which gave rise to much speculation. People prepared to meet it , but night coming on confusion reigned , and none know bow to act. The fun nel-shaped cloud , whirling , twisting and roar ing , struck the earth on the line dividing- - bornc and Rooks counties at the southeast corner of Medicine township , taking a west erly course. Death , desolation and destruc tion followed in its wake for mnny mi ICG. It is reported that upwards of fifty persons are injured , including the following : The Rev. Mr. Grimes , wife and child , killed at once by flying timbers Gertie Allen , a small child , fatally injured. S. J , Johnson , fatally injured from the tim bers of a falling barn in which ho soughtre- fuce. George Campbell , missing and supposed to bh buried under the debris. The bail and lightning were terrific , some of the stones measuring four Inches. The damage at Bull Citr , Stockton. Edmund and Kirwin consists of unroofed bouses , cbim- neyfl , fences and trees torn down , broken windows and vrrocKod houses. The damage hi Rooks county alone is estimated at 530,000. Attacked by a HIoli In Sacramento. Sacramento elispatches : The Salvation army had a grand gathering. Dalegates were pres ent from different cities of the state. After the parade through the city they went to the Sixth street church , where it was intend ed to hold an all night prayer. While the Salvationists were encased in their exercises the church was invaded by a crowd of several ' hundred men and boys , w'ho mobbed the Sal vationists and wrecked the church , and smashing in the windows and everything mov able. The Salvationists fled from" the build- iusr , the rnob followed and attacked them on the streets. Manv members , male and female , we're severely injured. The entire police foree was called , and after some difficulty succeed ed in dispersing the mob. No arrests are re ported. STysterlotiit Absence of a Jan7 : Teller. John A. Van Gclder , receiving teller of the * Union National bank. 34 Wall street. New York , has been missing for some time from his home , 80 Jones street , Jersey City. The bank officers say his accounts are all right , and that they received a noie from a woman in Hoboken , who did not sign her name , offer ing for a money payment to reveal Van Gel- der's whereabouts. Before the messenger could reach the address given in the note the woman had left. Van Gelder was * temperate and not of extravagant habits. His wife thinks bis mind is affected by overwork , but others are less charitable in their views. Vim Gelder's father disappeared five years ago in a similar manner , ana after a year's travel In the west returned home. The family occupies a high social position. " A passionate reproof is like a medi cine scalding hot ; the patient cannot take it. Currant Notes. During the recent iee jam in Chesa peake Bay millions of ducks wore crowded into small open spaces of wa ter. This afforded sportsmen and pot hunters fine opportunities for killing them , and great numbers wore slaugh tered. Ono man ia .reported to have killed thirty-two at a single shot. The Eoyal Irish Rifles , nearly nine hundred strong , the only regiment at Halilax , has been ordered to make ready for active duty , and oxpeots to be sent to the Soudan. , Paper is ued as a substitute for wood in the manufacturing of flooring. A skating rink in Indianapolis is furnished with a paper floor which is as smooth as a sheet of ice , there being no seams that can be seen or felt , and in addition there is an adhesive quality which pre vents any slipping of rollers. The royal commissioners appointed to inquire into the effects of Chinese im migration into British Columbia found that last year the Chinese paid 25 per cent of the whole import duties , and two-thirds of the excise duties. In' Victoria they paid the municipal treasury - " ' ury about $8,5JO ( in 1883. A barometer is simply a bent tube filled with murcury , like a U with ono. long leg and one short one. The short end is open to the air , the long end is closed and is a vnuuum , that is , has no , air. The weight of the air upon the quicksilver in the short arm causes it to rise in the long arm to a height suffi cient to balance the weight of the air. Dry air is heavy , and the mercury rises ; wet air is light , so the mercury- falls. This makes the barometep : a weather-glass. Fishermen who supply the markets- in central and southern Illinois are said to use nets with meshes so small that the young fish are taken with the old. On the stands in St. Louis fish not much larger than pumpkin seeds and selling for 10 cents a dozen are display ed. A number of the fishing clubs de mand repressive legislation against these pot fishermen. In the United States there are 17,000 dentists who use a ton of gold and five tons of other metals and make 4,000- 000 artificial teeth annually. Only ono American in eighty is found to have teeth and one-third of the perfect , - pop ulation make more or less use of the artificial product. Quails are now so abundant in Califor nia that they throng the roadways , while rewards are offered by farmers iu southern counties for killing this bird , which destroys much grain , the Aleme- da and Contra Gosto farmer's say the quail is useful to them. It attacks their grain only as a last resort and chiefly subsists upon insects. An entry in Washington's diary , dated February , 17G8 , shows the great num ber of visitors he entertained at that time. "Woulel any person believe , " he says , "that with 101 cows actually re ported at a late enumeration of my cat tle I should still be obliged to buv but ter ? " The lumber "WorleT makes the astound ing assertion that the loss to this coun try through forest fires is now not less than $300,000,000 a year.simply through the destruction of available timber , without counting additional loss from the annihilation of the young growth and the seeds scattered on the surface , and the scorching of the grounel , whioh often renders it sterile for a generation. limit of the Functions of Govern ment. We have , however , with our present idea of the functions of government , just the two evils to choose between the Scylla of the spoils system and the Charybdis of bureaucracy. Of course we may try to combine the two , so as to have some experience of the evils of both ; but the probability is , that sooner or later one or other will decisively carry the day. Now , Mr. Spencer says : The whole trouble arises from your having so many offices to dispose of , and that comes of your having crowded so many functions upon the Government. You have brought on a couelition of things dangerous to the peace and stability of the state. Had you left to private initiative and responsibility a very large part of what you now place on the shoulders of the Government , the office-seeking nuisance could never have grown to its present dimensions , nor could bureaucracy ever have been the incubus it now is on the life and energies of many communities. The time has come to unload , to repeal laws rather than to enact new ones. The organic growth of society is checked when you resort to what may , by com parison , be called the mechanical meth ods of legislation and governmental control. It is under the regime of free dom , not under that of compulsion , that social bonds arc knit. If you would have virtue to grow strong , you must let it have its full value as virtue in the world ; you must not try to equalize all varieties of character by repressive laws. If , you are determined to abandon or ganic methods , an dto operate exclusive ly by means of the policeman's trun cheon , more or less politely concealed , prepare yourself for great convulsions , for the condition you will induce will and can not be one of stable equilibrium. From "The Scylla and Charybdis of Administration , " by Prof. E. L. You- mans , in Popular Science Monthly for April. Prof. Henry of the "Wisconsin Exper iment Station is satisfied that 100 pounds of skimmed milk is worth a half bushel of corn meal for feeding hogs , provided that meal is fed with the milk in proper proportions , which he esti mates at two pounds of meal for three and one-half pounds of milk. Commander Schloy's Account of tlio Pa- thotio Incident. Tlio strange fascination which at taches to stories of exploration , danger and suffering in the bleak and desolate acr tic region will cause a book to bo pub lished in a few days by Charles Scrib- ner's Sons to be read with eagerness. This is "Tho Eesctio of Grooly , " by Commander TV. S. .Schley , who had charge of the successful relief expe dition of 1884 , and by Professor J. E. Soloy , also of the United States Xavy , who has access to the official documents bearing on the case. The story" is an old ono , but as au thoritatively and pathetically told by Commander Schley , it is worth retell ing. And so , passing over the discov ery of Greely's records , which arc given entire , on Brevoort Island , wo make a condensation of the narrative , taking it up at the point where the cutter of the rescuing party approached the spot where the provisions of thewrecked Pro teus had been left : At last the boat arriveel at the site of the wreck cache , and the shore was eagerly scanned , but nothing could bo seen. Bounding the next point , the cutter opened out the cove beyond. There , on the top of a little ridge , fifty or sixty yards above the ice-foot , was plainly outlined the figure of a man. Instantly the coxswain caught up the boat hook and waved his flag. The man on the ridge had sees them , for he stooped , picked up a signal flag from the rock and waved it in reply. Then he was seen coming slowly and cau tiously down the steep , rockv slope. Twice ho fell down before ho reached the foot. As he approached , still walk ing feebly and with difficulty , Colwell hailed him from the bow of the boat : "Who are there left ? " "Seven left. " As the cutter struck the ice , Colwell juinpeel off and went up to him. He was a ghastly sight. As ho spoke , his utterance was thick and mumbling , and in his agitation his jaws worked in convulsive twitches. As the two met , the man , with a .sudden impulse , took off his glove anel shook Col well's hand. "Where are thryV" asked Colwell , briefly. "In the tent , " saiel the man , pointing over his shoulder , "over the hill the tent is down. " "Is Mr. Greely alive ? " "Yes Greely's alive. " "Any other officers ? " "Xo. " Then he re peated absently , "The tent is down. " "Who you" " " " are ? "Long. Before this colloquy was over , Lowe and Norman had started up the hill. Hastily filling his pocket with Dread and taking the two cans of pemmican , Colwell told the coxswain to take Long into the cutter , anel started after the others with Ash. Hurrying on across the intervening hollow , Colwell came up with Lowe and Norman , just as they were greeting a solelierly-lookiug man who had come out from the tent. As Colwell approached , Norman was saying to the man "There is the lieu tenant. " And he added to Colwell "This is Sergeant Brainard. " Brainard immediately drew himself tip to the "position of the soldier , " and was about to salute , when Colwell took his hand. At this moment there was a confused murmur within the tent , and a voice said "Who's there ? " Norman an swered , "It's Norman Norman who was in the Proteus. " This wasfollowed by cries of "Oh , it's Norman ! " anel a sound like a feeble cheer. Meanwhile one of the relief party , who in his agitation anel excitement was crying like a child , v/as down on his hands anel knees trying to rcll away the stones that held down the flapping tent-cloth. Colwell called for "ft knife , cut a slit in the tent cover , anel lookeel in. It was a sight of horror. * * * Directly opposite , on his hands anel j knees , was a dark man with along mat- teel bearel , in a elirty and tattereel elress- ing-gown with a litiie red skull cap on his head , and brilliant , staring eyes. As Colwell appeared , he raised himself a little , anel put on a pair of eve-glasses. "Who are you ? " asked Cohvell. The man made no answer , staring at him vacantly. "Who are you ? " again. One of the men spoke up , "That's the major Major Greely. " Colwell crawled in and took him by the hand , saying to him , "Greely , is this you ? " "Yes , " said Greely , in a faint , broken voice , hesitating anel shufiiinjr with his words , "Yes seven of us left here we are dying like men. Did what I came to do beat the best record. " Then he fell back exhausted. The scene , as Colwell looked around , was one of misery anel squalor. There was no food left in the tent , but two or three cans of a thin repulsive- looking jelly , made by boiling strips cut from the sealskin clothing. Except Connell and Elison. the feeblest of the party was Lieutenant Greely. His strength was failing fast. He could not stand upright , anel for sometime he had not left his sleeping-bag. He liveel on the fooel which the others brought him ; but all pangs of hunger had ceaseel.anel his wasteel form anel sunken eyes and swollen joints told plainly enough what was in .store for him. As soon as Colwell understood'the conelition of affairs , he sent Chief En gineer Lowe back to the cutter to put oil' to the Bear with Long , to report what had happened , and bring oft7 the the others with the surgeon anel stimu lants. Fredericks anel Bierderbick presently got up and came out. Col well gave them , sis wpll as Greely and ElisDii , a little of the biscuit he had in his pocket , which they munched slow ly and deliberatelv. Then he gave them another bit , while Norman opened one of the cans of penmican. Scraping off a little with a knife Col well fed them slowly by turns. It was a pitiable sight. They could not stand up , anel had dropped down on their knees , and held out their hands begging for more. After they had each been fed twice , they were told that they had had enough , that they could not eat more then " without "danger ; but their hunger had BOW come back with full force , and they boggeel pitconsly to bo helped again protesting - * testing that it could do them no harm. . ' Colwoll was wisely deal to their en treaties and threw away the cnn. WhenJ Groely found that ho was refused , ho took out a can of the boiled nuulskiu , which had been carefully husbanded , and which ho said , ho had a right to eat as it was his own. Tin's was taken away from him , but while Colwoll was at work trying to raise the tent , some ono got the Imlt'-cuiptied can of poinmican , and by the time it was discovered the party had scooped out and eaten its contents. The weaker ones were like children petulant , rambling and fitful in their talk , absent and sometimes a little in coherent. While they wore waiting for the return of the boat , Colwell and the ice masters did their best to cheer them up by telling them that relief was at hand , anel that the others would soon arrive. They could not realize it and refused to believe it. So they were hu mored , auel by way of tak ing up their thoughts. Colwell told them something that had been go ing on in the world during their three- years of oxilo. Curiously enough , there was much that they knew already. It turned out that among the stores from the Proteus were two boxes of lemons , and the fruit hael boon wrapped up in scraps of English newspapers "those lemons which your dear wife put up for us , " as one of them said to Colwell , in a moment of wandering fancy. The lat ter coulel only discharge the imaginary obligation to an imaginary person , but the impression had already faded. Meanwhile the Bear had arrived and Lowe had gone off in the cutter , taking with him Sergeant Long. In reply to questions , Long , in a husky voice , told his story that all were dead except Greely anel five others , who were on shore in ' 'sore distress sore distress. " that they had had a harel winter , and "tho wonder was how in Goel'a name they hael pulled through. " No words can describe the pathos of this man's broken and enfeebled utterance as ho said over anel over "a hard winter a harel winter , " and the officers f > , | who were gathered about him in the ware ! room felt an emotion which most of them wore at little pains to conceal. The first sign of the relief expedition which had reached the camp was tho' sound from the steam whittle of the Thetisrecalling the shore parties at' Payer harbor. Lieutenant Greely , lying on the grounel in his tent , had' heard it , as it was berne faintly over the neck of lanel , but the others had not noticed it in the roaring wind , and when he had told them he hael heard a' steamer's whistle , they thought it onlyj the impression of his elisturbed imagina-j tion. Long crawleel out of the tent andi bracing himself against the wind , strug-I gled up to the ridge ; but nothing couldl , j be seen but the rocky coast and the ice- ' foot and the chopping sea , with the ] pack stretching off in the distance. Itj was a bitter elisappointment. Long ; went back disheartened , but after waiting - ' ing uneasily a little while longer , hoj mounted the ridge a second time. Stilli there was nothing to bo seen but the ; same hopeless prospect , and he wasj about to return again when the cutterl came into view around the point above. . With most of them the rescue hardly ! niaele a revulsion of feeling. Except ! the commander , they took it as a matter ! of course. There was a little , a very , little excitement , anel they were per haps more than ordinarily talkative , but in general they die ! not seem to rise ? or full much above or below the level of ; ordinary gooel spirits. Probably of ] tough fibre to begin with , their year of privation and hopelessness had , blunted or deadened their recollection ; of the world , as they had known it , anel the feelings to which thu recollection ave rise. Notwithstanding his inter view with Cohvell , Greely's first ques tion when the party from the Bear came up , was "whether they were not Englishmen ? " and upon being told that they were his countrymen , he said , "I urn so glael to see you. " De Lesseps on the Socdaii. From an Interview in the Pans Xatin. I have repeatedly warned the Eng lish that to send an expedition to the Souelan was to send soleliers to certain ileath. As for ancient Nubia or Ethiopia it is a country in which , as if in a sea , whole armies of conquerors have been engulpheel. Canibyses left 100,000 men on the deserts , anel lie was only too glad to return home with a handful of follow ers. The son of Mehemet Ali was burn ed in his camp with his army. To at tempt to conquer the Soudan by forca is a dream. It is quite possible to give laws to anel to govern these intelligent , heroically brave races. In order to reach Khartoum , whatever the route taken , one must cross deserts in which there is absolutely no water. An army wheth er going or returning will always be an easy prey to the warlike population of Nubia. These can turn on the enemy 100,000 fighting men for whom death is only a secondary consielerationand who would be scoffeil at by the women if they returned to their villages without having avenged the eleaths of their com panions. The longer the struggle is continueel against the Soudan the more difficult will be the effecting of a settle ment. Two years ago it would have been easy to negotiate : now it is difficult , the animosity of these fanatical soldiers having been roused. The reeluction of the dividend of the New York Central Bailroad to 4 per cent , per annum marks another epoch in the long period of depression which has so greatly afflicted the country. It will astound some of the quiet holelers of stock when they learn that this great roael is not now even earning this sum , and such discoveries cannot but have a disquieting effects on the minds of investors - vestors who have left their affairs to the men of the street since lost July. The latest move in the celebrated case of Bishop Eosseau of Turnai , of the diocese of Belgium , against the Yille Marie bank , Montreal , for the recovery - covery of 37,000,000 marks occurred re cently , when a true bill was returned by the grand jury against William Henry Weir , son of "tha president of the bank. 1