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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1885)
T. NRLIB MRS. . , . . A T T * f-T T1 _ .J-WN XXX WX X. JkJ * JL JL JL - JaJ * * srsxxv \ NewYork Millinery Store Has a Handsome Assortment of Trimmed Hats and Bonnets IN THE. liATRST STYLiRS. EMBROIDERIES , CHILDREN'S COLLARS , VEILINGS AND GLOVES. New Style of Hair Goods. Fine and Well Selected Assortment of Black Colored Laces Irish Point Embroidery , And Many Other Things too Numerous to Mention. 53TMAIN AVENUE , SOUTH OF CHURCHILL HOUSE , McCOOK , NEB. BUSINESS 1 BUSINESS AT PIKE'S LUMBER YARD , MeCOOK. NEBRASKA. GOOD GRADES OF LUMBER AT BOTTOM PRICES And Casli in your jeans , makes business lively with us. For proof of which notice our stencil mark flying over the town and country. Thanking the Public for the very generous patronage received , we still remain , ready to serve you , PIKE & HAZEN , H. W. PIKE. INDIANOLA. . . . LUDWI0K & TKOWBKIDGE , FURNITURESTOVES , TINWARE , , EXTG. A GENERAL LINE OF Mattresses , ALSO DO GENERAL JOB WORK IN Tin , Sheet Iron $ Copper Ware , Don ! Fail to Call Examine Our Goods. West Dennison Street , - - McCook , Neb. o'er This Stallion , bought of JR. Daniel ? , Short Horn breeder , Omaha , bred by Millard of same place , was sired by OLD MESSENGER CUB , the first horse to lower the record of 2:30 : in Michigan. DAM trotted in 2:35. : Although never trained , he shows all the signs of speed. Stands 154- hands high and weighs in condition about 1,200 pounds. He is a perfect horse in every partic ular , and has not a weak point about him. HIGH HEAD , SPLENDID CARRIAGE , and a PERFECT DRIVER. Full of life , yet perfectly safe and gentle in disposi tion. POWERFULLY MUSCELED , and an IRON CONSTITUTION. A better put up horse for all purposes cannot be found. JSorn and reared in the state , and held now for a year in Reel Willow County , he is perfectly acclima ted , and more than all , he is a SURE breeder , and no one need to fear the loss of a season. Many of his colts are in Omaha , and all show their breeding. Not a poor one among them. The MESSENGERS * stand at the head of all horses , and the opportunity is not often given to breed from them. This horse will be held for the summer for a limited number of mares at the ranch on the Republican at mouth of Ash Creek , opposite Red Willow , and if parties desire their mares will be pastured at reasonable rates until served and service made sure. Pasture of 800 acres , with river front. An experienced man alway in attendance. CSfTERMS , $10 TO INSURE. Address , G. L. CLARK Indismola. Challenge Wind Mill , Superior to any OH the market , being Hca\cr ! , Stronger Built anil therefore a more Durable Mill. It Is the only absolutely safe Mill built ; and out of Thousands Erected During 12 Years past , not one has ecr blown away and left the Tower standing. A record no other Mill can show. "We offer to put tip any of our PUMPING MILLS & > < * * ON THIRTY DAYS TRIAL , And If they don't gh c satisfaction , will rcno\ Mill at our own expense. Also Manufacturers of the Celebrated Challenge Feed Mills , Corn Sliollcrs. Iron Pumps with brass cjllnders , Iron Pipe , Tanks. ' Kor estimates , catalogues and prlecs , apply to G. B. NETTLETON , McCook , Neb. , Agent for Soutuxvesteni Nebraska and Northwestern Kansas. A : * 1I MRTROPOKITAN RUG STOR McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. | M. A. SPALDING , Prop , j WE ALSO HANDLE 5 ' PIANOSANDORGANS SRWING MAGHINRS , \ PAINTS , OILS , j WALL PAPER , - : - \ J.L. "TAYLOR , DRUGGIST. 1 Q HAVE IN STOCK A LINE OF FINE JJu ) Combs , Brushes , Perfumery , Extracts , Etc. > 9 Kalsomine , Turpentine , Lead , Putty , Window Glass , Etc. FINE LINE OF CIGARS ALWAYS ON HAND. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Day or Night McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA , New U. S. Cattle Ranche Co. , Limited. Stock brand : Circle on left shoulder , also dew lap and a crop and under half crop on leltcur.and a crop and under bit in the right , llanch on the .Republican. Postoflico address. Max , Dundy county , Neb. PAXTON CATTLE CO. J. JJ. MESEUVE , General Manager. Postoflice address , Me Cook , Neb. llanch : At ISp ring Canyon on the ( Frenchman Uivcr , Chase ( county. Nebraska. I Stock branded as above lalso 717 on left side ; 7 _ . , . 01 i. * * ! * the rijfht "shoulder ; L on left shoulder and ) on lett ja\v. Halt undcr-crop left car , and square-crop right ear. JOHN F. BLACK. Foil SALE. Five im- pioved , Deeded Fainisot 100 acres each all in aj body , with Fai m Houses J and other improvements I Under good cultivation. I Timber and water andi hay land. Convenient toj good school privileges. Situated on Republican River , near mouth of Red Willow Cieek. Gallon J.F.Blackonprem ises , or address him at Red Willow , Neb. SPUING CREEK CATTLE CO. J. D. WELBOIIN , Vice Picsident and Supt. P. O. address , Indiano- la , Nebraska. Range : Republican Valley , east ol Dry Creek , and near head of Spring Creek , in Chose county , Nebraska. The Fine Sweet Briar & Clydes dale , Bird of the West , BARNEY SCOTLAND , Shipped in by Hon. Jobn V. Wharton of Fairbury , 111. , and purchased by A. J. Pate of McCook , may be seen at Olcott's Barn , from Monday to Thursday ot each week ; Indianola , Thursdays , Fridays and Saturdays , at Wm. K. Lynch's barn. NOTIQEL JAMES K. SPEN0ER - HAVING LEASED THE - BLA0KSMITH SHOP Of Tilllia TTirrc : asd toczrcd the service : cf GEORGE ALLEN Is prepared to do all work in his line in the best possible manner. Fancy Shoeing & Plow Making a Specialty GIVE ME A CALL. McCook , April 14 , 18W. STOCK DIRECTORY. KILPATEICK BIIOTHERS. ( Successors to E. D. Webster. ) Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder. P. O. address , Estelle Hayes county , and Beat kuce , Neb. Ifcmge , Stink Sing- Water and Fiench jf man cieeks , Chase Co. , i Nebraska. Biand as cut on side o ( some animals on hip ant ! sides ol some , or any where on the animal. STOKES & TROTH. P.O. address , C.irrico , Hayes county. Neb. Itange : Ked Willow creek , above Cat rico Stock branded as above Also run the lazy CU brand. HENRY T. CHURCH. PostolTice.Osborn. Neb. Itange : Kcd Willow creek , in S. W. corner of Frontier county. Cattle branded OLDen on right side. Also , an over ciop on right car and under crop on left. Horses bFanded g on right shoulder. GEORGE J. FREDERICK. PostofTice address , Mc- Cook , Nebraska. llanch : Four miles southuest of McCook , on the Driftwood. Stock branded AJ on Uhe left hip. JOSEPH ALLEN. Postofllcc address , Os- jorn , Nebraska. llanch on Ked Willow jteek , Yz mile above Os- tiorn postollice. Cattle branded on right ; ide and hip as above. 3-4 EATON BROS. & CO. P. O. address. McCook , Nebraska , llauge , south , of McCook. I Cattle branded on left hip. Also , 1Q5V aml 11 brands on left hip. Horses branded the , same on left shoulder. ' HAYDEN * CO. f 4 -OF THE "PIONEER STORE ! ' " HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN ENSE STOCK * - < -EOF DRY GOODS , CLOTHING , BOOTS AND SHORS , V Hats and Caps , Notions , GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS , . v And Everything Kept in a General Store. r. WE HAVE JUST ADDED A SPECIAL BARGAIN COUNTER ! A To which we call Particular Attention. * In this department we have the largest stock in this part of the state , and our prices can't be \ duplicated. All goods cheap. HAYDEN QO MAIHt AVE. , McCOOK NEB. SPANOGLE & RINKER , DEALERS IN EGRICULTURHL IMPLEMENTS , WAGONS & BUGGIELS. Tubular Wells , Pumps , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. CORNER RAILROAD AND MAIN STREETS. FREES & HOCKNELL , PROPRIETORS OF THE IlSA DEALERS IN Lumber Lime Doors , , , Blinds HARD AND SOFT COAL. YARDS AT HeCOOK , IMANOLA , CAMBRIDGE , ARAPAHOE , AHD OXFORD. -PROPRIETOR OF . y - to * * s" I a K K C C 1C - * S O Ote o CQ rtteJ -teJ CQ J. P. MATHES , Proprietor , McCOOK , NEB. Y r * < HMh