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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1885)
The divorced wife of a Bonanza inil- llonairo recently caino to a mournful death , principally from taking chloral , which uiiButtlcd her mind and demoral ized her whole physical system. She had been weakly and ailing : , f l felt her need of something to drown her sorrows and brace her up. Had she taken Brown's Iron Bilter.-j she would have been invigorated so that she could have fought her sorrows off , and en joyed healthy life. This valuable medi cine cures general debility , tones the nerves , strcnthcns the muscles and aids digestion. Mr. Gladstone would like nmadstono that Will euro IlusHlan hydrophobia. * Sf m Absolutely BSBB JFrep from Opiates , JJtnctlca anil JL'olsons. A 'PROMPT , SAFE , SURE CURE For CoiigUm , Sore Throat , IIour cnci , Influenza , I Cold * . Bronchitis , Croup , AVIioopInc Con h , ! . - Aitlimn , Qulnij- , Pains in Client , and other affections ofth * Throat and IjiinsR. Price 50 cents a bottle. Sold by UrnceUtu nd Deal- J ers. forties unable to induce their dealer to promptly get It for them tclll receive two lottletEtprcsa c/iargea paldt by sending one dollar to TIIE CHAHLES A. TOHELrit COIIIMXY , Bolo Ownen cuil lUnuhcturer * . Jialtlmorp , liarland , IT. R. A. Needing renewed strcncth , or who Buffer from Infirmities peculiar to their sex , should try THE BEST TONIC This roedicino combines Iron with pure Tegctablo tonics , and is invaluable for Diseates peculiar to Women , and all who lead sedentary lives. It En HchcH and Purifies the Blood , Stimiikites the Appetite , MrenstbenH the Muxdcs and Ner\-cs in fact , thoroughly InvicorntcB. Clears the complexion , and makes the skin smooth. It does not blacken the teeth , cause headache , or produce constipation all other Iron nrdici.teM do , Mns. FlJZAHETn BAIBP. 74 Farwell Ave. . Milwau kee , Wia. , says , under date of Dec. 26th. 1884 : "I have used Brown's Iron Bitters , and it hafc been more than a. doctor to me. having fcured mo of the \reakness ladies have in life. Alf o eurcd me of Liv er Complaint , and now my complexion is clear and. cood. lias bfeen beneficial to my children. " Genninohas above trade mark and crossed red lines cn wrapper. Take no oilier. Made only by BEOWft CRKMIOAL CO..ItAI.TttlOKE , MD. L/iDIEK1 / HAND BOOK useful and attractive , con taining list of pnres for recipes , information about coins , etc. . piven away by til dealers in medicine , cr mailed to any address on receipt ofc. . Etamp. tl of DOES WQfiBlftFUl S0 -i OF LIVER COMPLAINTS of AND KIDNEY DISEASES , lur They cleanse the system of the pclsonoug SU humors that develop In Kidney and Urinary En Diseases , Biliousness. Constipation , Rheuma tism , Neuraljria , Nervous Disorders and all tai FEMALE COMPI.AI.VrS. They prevent the eroTFth to serious illness lai of a dangerous class of diseases that becia thf in mere trivial ailments , and ore too apt to. lur bo neglected as such. They cause free action of all the organs and functions , thereby CLEAIVSIIV6J TKE J53.OO1 > . ro. 47 Btorlng the normal powers to throw off disease" coi THOUSANDS OF CASES enl of the worst forms of those terrible diseases St have boon quickly relieved , and In short time perfectly cured , by the use of Mops nisd. raj JriAJLXKittcrB. AH druggists keep them. adi Recommended by physicians , ministers , and bei nurses , and in fact by everybody who has giv ton en them a peed trial. They never fall to bring relief. HOPS & MALT BITTERS CO. , Detroit , Ira Jlich. twi arc un ter lea Ail Sorts of wh wh hurts and many sorts of ails of man and beast need a cooling Fro lotion. Mustang Liniment. lad in La spc we eat CREAM BALM she sta Cleanses the Head. ho Allays Inflammation. teen Heals the Sores. Re her stores the Senses of ion Taste.Smell.nearlng. | of A. POSITIVE CDKE. em Cream Balm in chi hasgainedan enviable renu" tationwherever known.dU" luti placing all other prepara sol tions. A particle U applied Into each nostril ; nppatn ; F1FW cgreeable to use. 1 Prlce50c.bymalloratdrucsisu. Ssnd forclrcula- poi ELY BUOTHE15S. Drusjlsts , Owe go. K. T. vay ment In order to enrich the blood , and thus the Impart fresh vlgorto an enfcelilfdsygtcm , ng stimulate ttagglUK dust digestion -with the national invlgoraut. band Hosteller's Stomuch Hitters , which , by lu- goc fuslnp energy into and the operations of the stomach , promotes. hay E = f nay. insures thor- litu : - otipli dlie&tfoa and "assimilation , and of- consequent nut rl- ofMr tion. A gain to ap- Mr pctlte.igor and the Jlcsh. is Invariably found to follow a living counc of this deserv edly , popular tonic which Is , moreover , a reliable preventive G of malarial fevers. Vor sale by all Drug ances gists and Dealeri ftes generally. 'DPSAKDDOWKSOPSPECDIITORS , "Slio Case of Seney , the Now York Bi Ban ] ; . Prasidcnt-Spaoalatora Wlio BoW conic lusano. New York Letter in Utioa norala. What an iru 4anco of the ups anil downs of lifo is found in George I. dcS Senoy. It is hardly a year since the press was eloquent in his praise. He he built churches , assisted colleges ar endowed a hospitable. Hence his fame as n benefactor had extended from faAi America to foreign lands. It now ap pears , however , that his greatest -work was the destruction of the Metropolitan ba , of which he was President , th bank had a capitil of $3,000- 000 and the shares were at one time quoted .at GO per cent , above par. Now , however , the Metropolitan has gone out of existence ruined by the man that should have been its guardian. It is really n case of robbery , for he was not placed at the head of that bank for the purpose of investing its funds in paper railroads. Seney's splendid house is in the hands of his creditors. His isPi picture gallery is to bo offered at auction in a few weeks , and his niodo of life at $50,000 a year is changed to poor folks' scrhnpage. Such is the conditfon of the man who last ; year was one of the kings of li- no Seney could not content himself with th mere routine of banking. His an craved distinction. Ho want ed to bo a railroad king , and hero he is a ruined man , spreading a wide train of ruin for o'thers. The worst feature in this general wreck is the loss of character. The former philanthropist is now charged with swindling. This , in fact , is the basis of the action brought against him by John S. Stanton - ton in the Brookly court. How strange itrat seems that this disclosure is to bo made in that very city which once con sidered him one of its highest honors. Stauton is a holder of Ohio Railroad bonds ( Eiver Division ) which were issued by the road to Seney and his as- sociates. The amount was $5,000,000 , , and the object was the finishing of the track , including a bridge , which would give an important outlet. The plaintiff now intends to prove that Seiiey , instead of using these bonds for the above pur pose , turned them to private benefit. Ho and his bank were heavily loaded with other bonds of the same road , and , in order to shove them off on the un suspecting ! public , he paid the interest ' on them , and thus kept up quotations until they had unloaded as far as possi bh . The special issue of $5,000,000 was thus absorbed , and the improve ments for which they were intended are untouched. Hence the plaintiff brings action , and if a verdict be obtained against Seney there is enough fraud to p. render him liable to imprisonment. cessful stock speculator , is now insane , and it would not be surprising if Seney should reach the same unfortunate con dition. General Eagan has jnsfc died at the Ward's Island Asylum , and so has Di Shine , late surgeon of the elevated roads. : Ward's Asylum is the "Bedlam" this city , and it may bo added that this term , so often applied to lunatic asylum , is merely a corruption of Beth lehem , which was the name of the old to est establishment of the kind in Eng land. Insanity is rapidly increasing , if and the Ward's Island institution must soon be enlarged. The ratio in this coun lie try is one in 750 , while in England it is r one in 783. The total number of lunatics tic ; in Europe and America is 189,402 , whom 14.0,007 are confined in asy lums. What an immense number to be stu supported ] by charity ! Of this number , da England contains 30,261 and the foe United States 37,382. Scotland con bri tains 4,571 , while poverty-stricken Ire blc land , whose population is not double ma that of Scotland , is burdened with 10.194 ? n lunatics. The earliest medical writer on ly this subject was Hippocrates , who lived vei 470 ( B.C. Lunatic asylums , however , are comparatively modern. There are sev am enty-four lunatic asylums in the TJnited mo States ! , and to show how this disease sur rapidly follows civilization , it nlay be SW added that institutions of this kind have del been required in Oregon and Washing caj territory. The number of pauper nol lunatics in this city is 1G'20 , of wlioni fcwo-tliirds are females. There is an asy TVO lur for each sex , and both institutions crowded to an unwholesome and unsuitable : degree. The increase of in temperance and other vices indeed InC leads to a degree of mental malady dress which may awaken us to the danger ingr. which'threatens society. She Cost Her "Weight in Gold. tvoi Pie From the Tncson Stir. the Airs. Jesus Castro , an aged Mexican CO7 lady , now residing at American Flag , me' the Santa Catilina mountains is sun , per ind haps ] the only woman who , literally use speaking , ever cost her husband her whi weight : in gold. It is said that in the the early gold-digging dajs of California as gist was a resident of Sonora , in which gistTl state she was bora and grew to woman pay hood. < When about the ago of seven payI a paternal uncle , but a few years hold senior , returned with his compan irri , gold-laden , from the El Dorado Yet the west and became desperately are enamored of her. He sought her hand that marriage i and was accepted , but the the church refused , because of the near re stoi lationship existing between them , to vor solemnize the marriage. and Persuasion being in vain , he tried the cen power of gold to win the church his all ; , and succeeded only by the pay allG of her weight in gold. She at of h time weighed 117 pounds , and against her in the scales the glittering Fli chlpi ; vas shoveled. Her afiianced hus chlpiM still had sufficient of this world's ing1 goods to provide a comfortable- home V they were married. They lived BRO happily together and she bore to hei oft cdy liusband eleven children. In the course Price years he died and she married again , PC . Castro being her second husband , paper above is a fact and not fiction , aa G witnesses can prove. phyi disc discTc Tc The University of Oxford has appli up t for printing books in 150 langua unfiA and dialects. A the ! A Sad Death. In Philadelphia recently nfc a coron er's inquest over the body of a child , the jury returned a verdict that deatli was ! caused by the administration of & patent i cough .S3'rup , containing mor phia. Dr. Sam'l K. Cox , of Washing ton . , gtatcs that not one cough medicine in ten is frco from this objection. After careful analyses and practical tests ho endorses Kcd Star Cough Cure as being purely vegetable , absolutely free from opiates l : , poisons and narcotics. Ho re gards ' it as a most happy and valuable discovery. The Finding of Grcely. "Tho launch whistled frequently as she steamed along , and we kneTv affcr- wards that the sound was heard by those who lay in the lent , which was partly blown down. Bainard and Long succeeded in creeping out from under its folds and crawled to the top of a hill near by. from which was visible the coast toward Cape Sabiuc. At first nothing was seen by them ; and Brain- : ird returned to the tent , telling br the silent despair of his face that "there was no hope. " The survivors discussed the probable cause of the noise , and de cided that it was the wind blowing over the edge of a tin can. Meanwhile Long higher the hill and crept * i r- l * w l 3 up watched attentively in the direction from which the sound had apparently come. A small black object met his gaze. It might be a rock , but none had been seen there before. A thin white cloud appeared above it ; his cor caught the welcome sound , and the poor fellow knew that relief had come , in the ccstacy of his joy he raised the signal Hag , which the gale had blown down. It was a sad , pitiable object the back of a white ilannel undershirt , the leg of a pair of drawers , and a piece of blue bunting tacked to an oar. The effort proved too much for him , and he sank exhausted on the rocks. It was enough for the relief party ; they saw him , whistled again , and turned infer for the shore with all possible speed. Long rose again , and fairly rolled down the ( hill in his eagerness to meet them. The , launch touched the ice foot , and the relief party hurried towards him. The ice-pilot of the Bear reached him first ; , spoke a word of cheer , and asked him where Greely was. Ho informed of the location of the tent and the state of the party. They hurried in the di rection indicated , and soon reached the tent , while' Mr. Lowe took Long off to the < Bear. "In reply to our ice-pilot's question , 'Is that you , Grcely ? ' a feeble voice re- spondpd , 'Yes ; cut the tent. ' The pilot whipped out his knife and cut the hind end of the tent open from as high as lie could reach to the ground. Through this opening Colwelt entered. The light in the tent ( it was 9 o'clock . m. ) was too dim to see plainly what Jay before him , but he heard a voice in the farther corner warning , him to be careful and not step on Ellison and Connell. He found Greely lying under the folds of the tent , with the fallen folds of the tout across his body. Bei- . derbeck was standing ; Ellison and Connell - ( nell lay on either side of the opening , the latter apparently dead. Stepping carefully across their bodies ho dragged Greely out and sat him up. He was so weak that he could barely swallgw the crumbs of hard-tack that Colwell gave him in the smallest pinches. It was said that Grcely iirst asked the rescuers we were Englishmen ; and on being told that we were his own countrymen , added , 'And I am glad to see you. ' " Ensign Harlow , of the relief parly. Tiliy Teeth Decay Tast. Just reflect a moment. Just see the stuff a man puts in his mouth nowa days. ; Years ago people ate coarse food , and their teeth were naturally If bright and clean. But this is impossi to-day considering the mixture a man eats unless the utmost care is taken thoroughly cleaning the teeth direct be after each meal. Sugar now enters very largely into most everything we eat Combine salvia and sugar together and you have one of the strongest and most destructive acids known in dental he surgery. See the amount of candy and sweet ( stuffs now eaten. Is it any won S.C. that people have toothache , de cayed and blackened teeth ? No , it is . If people were content to live as they did forty or fifty years ago , wo would have less dentists. Interview of wit a Dentist. . a "For Sale at a Sacrifice. " A tvell-cstabllslicd paying Dry Goods Store ' Omaha , Neb. About $10,000 required. Ad W. M. BusiiATAN maha , Neb. Thcamect of AfghanistanTis fond of talk- . on "Consumption Cure" the would be a truthful name to give to Dr. and Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery , " ing most efficacious medicine yet dis covered for arresting the early develop ment of pulmonary disease. But "con sumption euro" would not sufficiently nnd indicate the scope of its influence and his usefulness. In all the many diseases which spring from a derangement of of e liver and blood the "Discovery" is safe and sure specific. Of all drug gists. The Prince of Vales has no barber bills to pay.How How often is the light of the house clouded by signs of melancholy or irritability on the part of the ladies. they are not to be blamed , for they the result of ailments peculiar to sex , which men know not of. But cause may be removed and joy re stored by the use of Dr. Pierce's "Pa- rorite Prescription , " which , as a tonic nervine for debilitated women , is certain , safe and pleasant. It is beyond compare the great healer of women. Gen. Grant may life to read the obituarea his doctors. "BED-BUGS , FJOIES. Flies , roaches , ants , bed OURS , rats , mice , gophers , Bru hlpmunks , cleared out by "Rough on Rats.1' 15e. SOc. Mrs. ; Russell i-age finds pleasure to prepar Oils. ! delicate dishes with herown hands. 1C.U Can Valuable and Convenient. BROWN'S JLKC Mou BRONCHIAL TROCHES ore a safe and sure rem for Bronchitis , Coughs and other troubles Ml the ! Throat and Lungs , Sold only in box&i. Senc 25 cents. Pension Commissioner Black dislikes news notoriety. General < debility , female weakness , loss of physical power , Bright's Disease , and nervous | liseasea , are speedily cured by Hunt's Remedy. I ! encourage sleep , create an appetite , brace trie system , an d to purify the blood-take the infalllng Hunt's [ Kidney and Liver ] Remedy. Canandaigua lady has been selected by king of the Sandwich. f * W ' * - ' Wise Legislation In Nebraska. Tiie legislature of this state has wisely provided for the support and security of f the people in the organization of mutual life associations on the deposit of $100- 000 to be paid to beneficiary members in case of death. This law practically does away with the old style high priced life insurance companies nnd gives every man a chance to provide for his family in casou i sickness and death at the actual cost of such risk. This plan is so inexpensive as to bring safety within the reach of every man who loves his family and docs not live for himself alone. The mutual plan , under the law , is very simple. Jn case of the death of a member the others pay to tlie company for his family their pro rala according to age. It costs not fo exceed 40 cents for one 24 years old and not to exceed $1.00 for one 55 years of ago for each death loss. A guarantee fund of $100,000 is required of the association before the state auditor will issue au thority to do business. Thus every man , rich or poor , can , without taking the bread out of his children's mouths while he lives , be absolutely sure that in case of his deatli his wife and little one will be provided for. As yet only one company has been organized and qualified by the deposit of the required capital upon the mutual plan in .Ne braska. It is known as the "Western Mutual Benevolent Association" of Beatrice , and is is doing a good work in the support of the helpless and unfortunate. Agencies of this association are being established over the state as fast as possible , so as to bring its benefits within the reach of all. The simplicity of its plan , the economy of management , and the ab solute safety and responsibility of the association under the law , is the best guaranty to members who realize the duty of some protection. Every man worthy of life and worthy of his family realizes the shortness and uncertainty of life , and lives not for himself alone. The highest life and noblest characters are attained in providing for others. Every husband and father should pro vide in youth for old age , in health for sickness , in life for death , and a failure to do so is a neglect of duty , and es pecially so when the opportunity is placed within his reach , without even being a burden , by this Western Mutual association. Persons desiring full information in regard to this benevolent organization ' can obtain the same from the established agencies or by writing direct to the' ' secretary of the association at Beatrice , ! Neb. We can fully recommend every-1 thing about this company , from its plan' ' and organization to its economical administration - ' ministration in the smallest matters of business. It is absolutely safe and re-1 liable , and is the only company organI I izcd upon the mutual plan in the state that has authority from the auditor. It , is a company "for the people and by ) the people , " and possesses the three' ' desirable characteristics of safety , econ omy and honesty. The Traffic in Wild Animals. There is about $ -10,000,000 invested n wild animals in the United States , not . including elephants. There are sixty elephants in the United States , ranging in price from $3,000 to $20,000. If an elephant is trained and acclimated it will bring $20,000. But those that are stupid and cannot be trained never bring over $3,000 or $4,000. In my opinion it will be a great many .years before wild animals will become cheap er , no matter how civilization and colonization - onization advances in Africa. Every woman who Puffers from Sick Head- nche. and who dislikes to take bitter doses , should try Carter's Little Liver Pills. They are the easiest of all medicines to take. A positive cure for the above distressing : com plaint ; pive prompt relief in Dyspepsia and indigestion ; prevent and euro Constipation and Piles. As ea-y to take as sugar. Only one pill a do = e. 40 in a vial. Price 3 cents. you try them you will not be without them. Mr. Blaine will spend the summer at Bar H Harbor. "Uncle" John Sherman , of Ohio , is said to about retiring1 from public life. "JIUCIIU-PABIA. " Oulct , complete cure , all Kidney , Bladder nnd Urinary Discuses Scalillns , Irritation , Stone , Gravel , Catarrh of the bladder. SI. Drupglsta. Colonel Honrv Watterson smiles whenever interviews the president. Halford Sauce is invaluable for soups , hashes , . IJleuds admirably with all George Sands bepan to write sentimental stories at the early age of twelve. "A MEMBER of the Pioneer Tress stiff , troubled for elevenyrars with obstinate tetter on his ha'd , has completely cured it In lesR than a month , by the use Cole's CaibjlUahe. " 1'toneer Press. St. I'aal. Louisa JL Alcott pronounces the mind cure humbug. Icrofula * Lurks in the blood of nearly every one , in many cases Inherited. Its severest form Is that of running sores the arms , legs , or feet. Bunches in the glands of neck , pimples , cancerous growths , swollen joints , thickening of the upper lip , arc other symptoms. Hood's Sarsaparllla has had wonderful success In cur scrofula. It thoroughly eradicates the humor from the blood , and gives it new vitality and richness. Albert Estcs , 23 East Pine Street , Lowell , Mass. , had been troubled with scrofulous humor from boyhood , in the summer of 1S31 had a large running sore on leg. On taking Hood's Sarsaparllla the sore gradually disappeared , and he has had no Indication - . the humor since. lire. TVm. JIcDonald , "Wooster , O. , for 13 months Buffered with scrofulous swelling of the glands In the neck. Hood's Sarsap.irllla gave immediate relief , tha swellings being largely reduced. She thinks there Is nothing equal to it. Hood's Sarsaparilla rbj IOO Doses One Dollar , I A Noble Life. Joseph Cook lias said that to the true and good death does not end all , and this principlewas' beautifully illustra ted recently hy the conduct of Mr. G. H. Sttibbs , \Vymore , who was sud denly stricken down while at , work. Jt was discovered after his death that he had made ample provision , although a poor man , for his sorrowing wife and little ones , by Getting aside ten cents each day during the past year , with which he had procured , and paid all the assessments upon , a § 3,000.00 policy in the Western Mutual Uenevolent Associ ation of Beatrice. Ho was a hard working day-laborer , and his wages only brought him fair support for his family ; and yet at a cert that was not felt , by a wise foresight , ho has left an amount in cash sufficient to place his wife above want , and even educate his children. Since his death it is shown that his humble lifo was tilled with love and regard for those who live after him. In ihc hearts of his loved ones he still lives. His work for them did not stop in sickness and death. With him death did not end all. Vico-Presidcnt Hciulricks geiierully 1ms n good appetite. Rupture , Ii reach or Hernia permanently cure or no pay. The worst cases guaranteed ! Pamphlet and refer , ence , two three-cent stamps. World's Dispensary Medical Association , GGD Main Street , Buffalo , N. Y. Mine. Pnttl plays billiard * almost as well ns she warbles. She first learned the use of the cue on the jtage. For Dyspepsia. Indigestion , deproMlon ol spirits and general debility. In their varloui fornr ; also as a preventive ajalnst fever and asue nnd otner Intermittent fevers , the "Ferro-rhosphorated Elixir of Callsaya" made by Caswell , Harard it Co. , Xercr York , and sold by all Drugglstii. Is the best tonic ; and for patients recovering from fever or otter siclicesj , it has no equal. The plump plrl is now the fashion. The slim girl will have to miiko lieu on fat. THIN 'KOi'I.'K. "Well's Health Itenewer" restores health and vlffor , cures UyspepsIa. lmpotencc SexiialJJeblllly. tl. Secretary Whitney is ono of the most indus trious members of the cabinet. : SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ( H. -WAENER & CO. , Rochester , H. Y. FOR TIRED FEELING OJ , A SPECIFIC. S3X.OO H H. WARMER & Co. H. Y , . . . Rochester. . , Ei.T > En.T.n. CATJDEX. Columbians. All. , reports that lie gninud uno hundred per cent in strength by the Ube ofV.iruer's TnTtcA OE , The Beat. FOR x " A I. " Sl.OO A. JS O T T 31.33. , H , WARNER & CO. . Rochester. H. Y. B. A. WILCOX , Clayton. X. T.was cured of mn- tin laila and d > bpepsia , loss of appetite , general Issal- - ludf. < * rc. . by winner's TIIM-KPANOE. The ln * . * . LYDIA E. PINKHAfVi'S . * VEGETABLE COMPOUND IS A POSITIVE CURE FOR . AH those painful Complaints f and \ \ cckiir.v.cs so common * 3 * * to oar Iicst * * * * * * * * * i * * FEMALE POPULATION. * * rlf e $1 In liquid , pill or lozenga form. n purpose is solely for the legitimate healing of "ga disease and the relief of ptiin , and that it does all it claims to do , thousands of ladies car jla'lly testify. * * It will cure entirely all Ovarian tro'ibles , Inflaniua * tlon and Ulceration , F-illInff and tL p'acements , and consequent Spinal Weakness , and Is particularly idapted to the change of life. * * ' * * * * * * It removes Kaintncss , Flatulency , destroys all rravlnff for stimulants , and relieves W akne.M < of the ijtosiath. It cures Blotting , Utadachw , Nervous J'ro tration , Ceaeral iJebillty , Sleeplessness , Dcprrs-sion and Indl- ECstion , That feelinff of beannjr down , causing pain , and backache. Is always permanently cured by its use. Scad stamp to Lynn , Jfa" . , Tor pamphlet. Letters of Inquiry confidentially aaawered. A'ersakat druggists. * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * * * < : * Bro , Jonathan's JoRas . Sent : Postpaid , forTwelrcCcnti. b lftetf i.nar * ) 1 3 * p&ir i > ltt ; " 90& ! * ; j r. JI * I JJiue rulirr " Trill hp t make 1 > I > I nbaUr * * ttBC Itit tlitm f 6 ; h v U luilrf r eap peul- trj hovfef. rur * eh * > rt. ntke kf lar. le . Ac fit. I C. C. fc"m , n'.oX f .ErmierP n.r < miiui I Bold \T. \ C. Swuu. wut baidbcxk &aJ tKgut frt * . Miowing ; all Counties , Townships , J allroads , Vll. . . . , lapes. Cities and Postofflces- Malled forlSc. j. M. WOLFE , Omaha. Neb. AXD > TKKISHEI > Circulars free , 1 VALENTINE BROS. . .laiicsUlle. Via. .Buys New Silver-plated SInper Sewlnc | Machine , warranted 5 years. For particu lars , address C. G. AKA3I , Chicago , III. MorphInlJ lrablt Cared in"iO" to 2O 'lays. Honny till cured. UK. J. SxtriirNS. Lebanon. Ohlu. EAPEST LIST OF ARTISTS JfATERIALS A D T W.&X. Oil Tube Color" , Me. doz. ; Sable n 11 I ishes ! , 3c-up : Bristles , "c. up ; Plaques , SC.UPPallets , ; EoseU , 90cArista' Bof . Cl-oJ : I'AnoN , We. up ; , 12 l2cVamish. . S5i : Gold _ or Silver I'alnt , 25c- ; ivats , T5c. yard. 1'ottcry ami Xorelties for Decorating up : Studies rented. SOc. per weet ; Gold Plush Frames , ildinprs. 1'alntmsr * . KncraTlngs , Cord and Nails ; PI- JS and ORGANS , from $ -.5 up. Violins. 85 ; Guitars.S3 ; 1101P Uanjos , S3M ; Kifea , Zithors. Sheet Music. l-J UolU off list ; Instructorj for all instruments. ij. . , , A. HOSFJfi. Omuha. c d 2 coat Stamp for Unslness Collejje , St. Joseph. Mo. established 1SHL Catalopue free. Write for terms to A. COON" . President. U8lncs College. A. L. Wyman. Principal Catalogue free. Write for terms to JJatlomu Business College , Kansas City. Mo. "W. N. TJ Omaha , - 2.7J 71. 3EN W1UTINO TO ADVERTISERS please ay you saw the advertisement in this papjr th * The Mirror they Line is no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter tale ? Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats the looking-glass. Eon ( Sal cadi COL ship. . < t .Maiiliniiil. I'rriiiiiturp . JU'i/in , \ \ rl.rii. . l > ruln niiilullfonmot JJiibllltr I" Mm from early error , ignorance , vlco or overuses UulcLJ jr nnU Haiily CIII- ] witlioutconMncni'-tit l > tlio SCIVBALE TREATMENTS nowilroilyu mbiiitic < UnAiiicrlcaolcl v < > H Itmerits FREE to curni-Ht Inquirer * , nottobov * . orcurlo- lty-Mckcrs ) , I&IRO Illustrated work on ) H cn c of the ( Jenlto.Crliiiirjr Orcnn * . llrnln mill Nerve * . ( Scaled , forOcentsIristninps. ) Olvmtestimonials , buil- IHMII and medical rcffifncpii , Ac. Cun-iiIiiiUoii tree. CIVIAI.K ACKNdY. 1M rti1ti.ii ht.Neir York. DOES WONDERFUL CURES OF Ki NEY DISEASES AND LIVER COMPLAINTS , Bcranso it cN on the I.I VIM : , JMMVKLS and KIDXKYS at the ( tame time. Zecauao It cloannci the cystcm of thopolson- OU3 humors that tlovclopo In Kidney And Uri nary Dliseasci , BIZIourao3 % Jaunillcc , Cocatipo- tion , riles , or In Edeumatism , Neuralgia , Ifor- voiu Disorders und ell Tomato Complaints. : oof ov TUIS. IT UTIJ. SUHELY cuns CONSTIPATION , PILES , nnd RHEUMATISM , By causing FEUB ACTION of all the organ * and functions , Uioreby CLEANSING the BLOOD restoring the normal power to throw off disease. THOUSANDS OF CASES of the -wont forma of these terrible distant * have been quickly relieved , and in a short time PERFECTLY CURED. rnicr $1. LIQUID oit DKV , .sni.u ir DRCCOISTS. Dry can bo sent by xnntl. WEtLSIUCirARDS01f & Co. , Burlington. Vt. 3 SrnJ itaoip for Diary Almanac for 13M. fjI I The me of KIdce's Kood producer KO < > < ! liuallliV flesh , not a puffy , tlahliy skin , but plt-nty of lione ami oiubflc. Tinclilld likes It , nnil , : is to nntnre'- sup ply , sothe little OIK ; turns readily from all plaything and nmls conipluti ; satisfaction In this , tinhitt mli- \ jtltutu fur the mother's inlllc. Do not let your chil dren grow up weak ami puny , nheu IJIdue's l-'ood an buobtalnml at so Minill cost. Used by the Chief 31OL'lUIlll-lltll oftllO U. S. Coast Survey : hy tli Admiral couiiiiandiiitriii the U. is. Naval Oh-orv- atory , for AHtro- nomical ivork ; and by I. o e o m o 1 1 v eli li 11 pincers. C < nand - and ICail- They arc r oqo KIIr.f d a , for all lines in which clo o time and durability arc r. " Sold in principal I cities ami towns l y tinCO.1I - 11'AMY'S xclusivo Ajjcnts ? * vllDgieyr l rg. ) vrl t-iv : i Jb'iill "Warranty * Tliis is the Easiest Running fell Drill Made ever maile. It bri-i stlio cutting ! to the surface nt > ach hirol.'u of tha dril' . .Si nlfurourrir uLirarl"- > why UicliorbO H takuii awny nnil a man iiu.iiii. the lev. r. - - t LOOMIS&HYUAN , TIFFIN , OHIO. Thi ; Oldest Medicine the World Is probably ir. Isaac Thompson's ELEBKATED EYE - WATE This article Is a carefully prrpnred physician's pre- icrlptlon. and hai been In constant use for nearly a century , and notwithstandln thc many other prcqir- atlons that have been Introtlucen Into the m.trkct tiiesileof this artlrlc Is conitantly Inrreailng If : dlrt'c.ions aic followed It will never fall. We p-irtlculirly Invite thesittpiitlon of physicians 10 In iiurits. Jou.v L. TuoMj'iOK. SONS & Co. , Troy , X. UNEQUALLED FOR CEMFNT NG WOODTGLASS , CHINA , PAPER. LEATHER.iT. Awarded GOLD MEDAL. LONDON. 1SS3. Use.1 by Mason t Hamlin Onr a and 1'iano Co Pullman Kilace far Co . tc. Mfd onlr btlic RUSSIA = Sr OEM ENT CO. GLOUCESTER. MASS. SOLD Sy EVERYWHERE. 02 SanipjTm Can by JIail. 5c- _ With this VJOtlDERFUL. Art Appliance beginners teen rnal artists utinj ; old . methqdiJ. Command bet- ti-r prices and n-aily tale * . Thousands bavin ? taste I in arti f devflnped by use UrtheAIKiijr ! I.ran c- cure plcaaant and protita- . ble employment. Send for partlcnlarp. Free. ATIE IIIECSI1 TIF . CO. . Address JTo. 41 KazsauSt. JCucUford , 111. by ALL DEALEKS throughout the World Gold Medal Paris Exposition , 1S78 I50TEWABD wUItepaM for cy Grain Fan of m tize tbat c n clean u4 Lag & 4 nueh ft'tln or ccr l In on1 * < ijT < cmr I'uU-Mt-UO.NAKC'lI llrnln and * * r < r l hrparntor mm ! ISncKcr r " " < Improved \Varehuu.e Mill > " EquiU- ztr wbich we wtTer cLeap. Cir:2. I r and Price L ! > t inail frcf. NEWARK MACHINE CO. . Columbus , Ohio. w * v I haTO pwUlro raasady forthe aftoro dl < sa-o : by l me thoniacilsorcMCsot th irortt kind anil of lees timllne have b n cure J. I nie < I.o tronci * JnTfaUh Inltiefneacr.thatlvl I n'TWO BOTTJ.j.3 FREE. together wltii a VA r.C A BI.ETKEATIiS on ti i diaesua OlTije prc nilP O.addr s * R. O. THAT Lcrillsrd's Climax Plug bearing a red tin toy ; that Ix > rlllard' Kore l > sr fflnecut ; that Lorillard'a Clippings , tad that ' LorHlard' < SualT * . &r belt &nd cheapest , quality considered ? Aslc your dealer for a CAPITAL , CITV WHIP and be surprised. 3 TaeyareiomethlBjfwonderful. In- llfrtoayourdealerorderlnjfthe CAPITAL CITY WHIP. K do not carry them In stock. A. J. GusUn & Co. . Lincoln. Neb. _ LADY AGENTS g SS employnent and coed salary City outfit Ire Audrri-H Cincinnati . . Cincinnati , O THE BEST IS CHEAPEST. " BorsePown CIoTerflnllerj : UULLLULi I Ouinlu Commercial , tend name for Catalogue and specimen of penman- - M , G. KOHUbOUUH.I'rincipaL