McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886, May 21, 1885, Image 6

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    The Tribune
Thursday , May 2ist , 1885.
CONGUEGATIONAL.-Sunday School at 10
A. M. every week. Preaching services every
' & Sunday night at 7.80 , M. T. Also , every alter
nate Sunday morning at 11 , M. T. Exceptions
to the above will bo noticed in locals.
GKoitor. DUNOAN , Pastor.
METHODIST. Sorvlccis every Sunday at 11
A. M. and 7:30 P. M. . mountain time. Sunday
School at 3 P. M. The services und Sunday
school will bo hold for the future in the Opera
Hall. All are cordially Invited. Seats free.
W. S. WtiUKtiEK , Pastor.
CATHOLIC. Services will bo held in the
Opera Hnll once every four weeks.
CLKitr , Pastor.
A. F. & A. M. McCook Lodge , U.
D. , meets on the first and third Tues
days of each month.
G. L. LAWS , W. M.
T. G. REKS. Secretary.
B. & M. R. R. Time Table.
A. , No.3 7:10 , A. M. | No. 40 5:40 , P.M.
No. 35) ) 1:00. P. M. I No. 1 1W53 , P. M.
f3 ? Eastbound trains run on Central Time ,
and westbound trains on Mountain Time.
Freight trains do not carry passengers.
f K. 11. WOODS , Agent.
Local Intelligence.
Memorial Day May 30th.
Fresh candy at the City Bakery.
B. M. Brickey & Co. for clothing.
Hayden & Co. have their sign on the
outer wall , this week.
Chickens every Saturday at Church
& Bohanan's meat market.
Sweet Michigan cider of excellent
quality at the City Bakery.
A full line of Pumps and Pump fit
tings , at Spanogle & Rinker's.
Adjustable Screen Windows to fit any
window , for sale at Lytle Bros.
Killing the fowl that lays the golden
egg is evidently very poor policy.
Superior writing paper and envelopes
at this office , at reasonable prices.
You can buy an all-wool Scotch suit
for $10.00 at E. M. Brickey & Co.'s.
Spanogle & BJnker keep hose , hose
nozzles , 4 and 8 arm lawn sprinklers.
E. M. Brickey & Co. are offering some
great bargains in clothing , this week.
Subscriptions taken for any journal
in the country at THE TRIBUNE office.
See those all-wool Scotch suits that
E. MTBrickey & Co. are selling for $10.
Fresh fish at Church & Bohanan's
meat market Mondays and Thursdays.
A nice assortment of calling cards at
this office. Will print the same neatly
if desired.
M LOANS Col. Suavely informs
us that he is now procuring farm loans
quite easily.
Choice cuts of beef and pork at
Church & Bohanan's. Corn-fed beef
best in the market. .
Eternal truths arc sometimes quaint
ly expressed , as , ' 'you can't eat your
cake and have it too. "
Eleven more car-loads of west-bound
stock passed through this station , last
Thursday evening ,
Stock boarded by the day or week at
Olcott's barn , opposite Colvin House.
Also buvs and sells stock on commission.
A party of a half dozen , under the di
rectorship of Alvin Bennett , are look
ing up the land business in Sherman
county , Kansas.
LAND FIRM Leon F. Moss and
Will A. Clute have formed a partnership
in the land business , with offices at Mc
Cook and Akron.
If you want a suit of cloths cut and
made in first-class style , call on R. A.
Cole , first door west of B. & M. Pharm
acy , McCook , Neb.
Can't the city make some arrange
ments whereby a few fire-plugs can be
secured , although we are temporarily
without resources.
E. M. Brickey & Co. have the best
pants made for working men , and their
low prices make them the most popular
pants in "the market.
Another of those 10ft. Boss Wood-
manse Wind Mills has just been erected
at Stony Point for a Mr. Nelson by
Win. Irwin , agent at McCook.
First-class legal cap for sale at this
office. Also the celebrated Omaha
Mills Note Paper , with envelopes to
match. All at reasonable rates.
They have just received a choice con
signment of candies at the City Bakery ,
and lovers of that toothsome article are
requested to call and sample them by
purchase. . _
WAXTED A few more pupils to re
ceive instruction on the piano and or
gan. I also teach voice culture. Call
at Dr. Boyle's Dental Office.
Fourth of July !
A meeting of the citizens of McCook ,
who are interested in a Fourth of July
Celebration , is called to meet in the Citi
zens Bank , Monday evening at 7 : ; > 0 I' .
M. , M. T.
Four decrees of' divorce granted at
the late session of district court.
Lytle Bros , sell Screen Windows you
can adjust in a moment to fit any win
dow in your house.
IMPROVING Mrs. B. F. Olcott , who
has been very seriously ill for some days
past , is now improving.
There will bo Methodist services at
the Opera Hall , Sunday morning at 10:30 :
o'clock , M. T. , and in the evening at
7:30 o'clock , M. T.
I have just received a large stock of
new shades in all colors , and am selling
the large sun hats in all colors for 50c. ,
original price 75c. MRS. T. NELIS.
ABOUT AGAIN The many friends of
Conductor McGann , who was quite ill ,
the latter part of the past week , will be
glad to learn that he is able to be about
Drop in the Great Western Furni
ture Emporium and inspect that hand
some assortment of new Window Blinds.
They are beauties and reasonable in
Two hearts were made to beat as one
by Esquire Colvin , Tuesday evening.
The high contracting parties are Patrick
Malaughlin and Elizabeth Redfield , both
of McCooL
The advent of an eleven pound girl
baby into the household of Charlie Scott
on the 15th inst. , was celebrated by C.
A. by setting up the cigars , etc. , with
a liberal hand.
We are requested by B. L. Blair of
the McCook Corral and Feed Stable testate
state that he is authorized to allow all
farmers to water their horses at his yard
on Main Avenue.
In case there are any further petitions
for license , some of the boys will have
to buy a cheap suburban lot or two.
The demand upon the resident free
holders is becoming heavy.
It is astonishing" what little discre
tion is used by the-hve'rage man in sign
ing petitions. Why many men would
sign their death warrant without know
ing the nature of the paper.
When will business men stop biting
at every advertising snap that comes
aloRg. The projectors of all these
schemes never do your town an iota of
good , and take money away.
Now doth the local politician of de
gree exalted and lowly hob-nob , look
wise and owl-like and destroy much
lumber with his little pocket ax. And ,
like the mountain , bring forth a mole.
The City Bakery is in receipt of a
car-load of the ' -'Cream" and "Fancy"
brands of the celebrated Grand Island
Flour the house-keepers' delight and
the finest flour offered for sale in the city.
Five car-loads of very fine draft horses
for the Colorado Iron and Fuel Co. ,
were unloaded at this place , Saturday
night , and'fed at Blair's stable. They
were re-loaded and shipped west on
The ladies of the W. C. T. U. will
meet with Mrs. Carl Clark , Friday af
ternoon at 3 o'clock , mountain time.
All interested in the cause of temper
ance are cordially invited to meet with
Every legitimate business , honestly
conducted , commands our hearty sup
port , while those things under the ban
of the law , and of the community as
well , need expect no cooling lotion at
our hands.
The dearest spot on earth is home ,
sweet home. The cheapest spot on earth
to furnish a home is at J. P. Mathes'
Furniture Emporium. Everybody is in
vited to call and see him in his new quar
ters , at McCook.
Dennison street needs a water main.
Most of the business houses on the street
are practically at the mercy of fire
should one occur and we feel certain
that the risk now assumed is greater
than the city can afford.
Monday morning , Dr. Gibson turned
over his business to Messrs. Boyle and
Carl , who will continue the business at
the old stand. Dr. Gibson will give his
attention to his practice in Indianola ,
Culbertson and Oberlin.
They have just received a consignment
of llioptt fine-toned and
ment - elegantly-
finished Western Cottage Organs at the
Great Western Furniture Emporium.
If you want a superior instrument , call
and see the Western Cottage.
The soaking rain of Monday night
made the earth smile and assume her
prettiest garment of green , not to speak
of the breadth and audiblcncss of the
average homesteaders "smole. "
For pumps and pipes go to Spanogle
& Rinker.
NEW RESIDENCES Cal. Zeigler is
building a cozy little home on Marshall ,
street , south of J. E. Berber's residence.
> *
Marshall street is taking the lead.'in t the
way of residences. * * L. May hard is
also having a home built on Monroe street
which is rapidly nearing completion.
Vegetables and butter and eggs al
ways on hand at Church & Bohanan's.
Quite a whirl of excitement was oc
casioned , Friday evening , by Will Do
lan' s fine dray teams running away.
The bay team first started on a go-as-
you-please , and the driver of the grays ,
in trying to catch them , lost control of
his team. Fortunately no damnge was
Boston Brown Bread at the City Bak
ery constantly.
What might have been a serious con
flagration occurred in the old restaurant
building adjoining the Metropolitan
Drug Store , last week. A number 'of
incipient fires have occurred in this same
building heretofore. It is an old tin
der box a constant menace to surround
ing property.
House plants for sale at the Metro
politan Drug Store.
The Grand Jury which met at Indiaii-
ola , last week , did some effective work.
While they did not enter into the mat
ter with too great anxiety , they showed
a disposition to allow no guilty parties
to escape , hence nearly all the irregu
lar transactions of months past received
their attention.
Call and see Spanogle & Rinker's top
Our new postmaster , A. P. Sharp , in
forms us that his bond has been pre
pared and sent in to the department for
approval. That he has rented the brick
building adjoining the McCook Bank
ing Co.'s building , and that he will move
the office into the same as soon as the
room is completed , and the necessary-
office furniture is at hand.
"White Bolted Corn Meal at the City
Why can't this city , blessed as few
cities in the state are , with a fine sys
tem of water works , make some arrange
ments to sprinkle the streets at least
during the heated season , when high
winds are prevalent. A little money
thus judiciously expended would make
these dusty days , now so uncomfortable
and damaging to goods , comparatively
Spanogle & Rinker have the Grass
Hopper Rod Breaker.
The Methodist people held their
fourth quarterly meeting at the Opera
Hall. Sunday , Presiding Elder Johnson
conducted the services , and preaching
practical sermons in his vigorous style ,
both morning and evening. In the after
noon , the corner stone of their new
church building was laid with appro
priate ceremonies , before a large con
course of people.
The. City Livery Stable , B. F. Olcott ,
proprietor , for fine teams.
"Dots the best joke of the season. "
During the Grand Jury's late inquisi
tion at Indianola , two of the prominent
attorneys before the court were brought
before the jury by the bailiff , and evi
dence adduced from them to the effect
that they had each taken a little of the
ardent in a drug store at Stockville ,
during the recent session of district
court at that place.
Standard Hallady wind mills at Span-
ogle & Rinkcr's.
We notice that the saloons still sell
liquor to the man Shaeffer , who came so
near meeting with a horrible death ,
Monday night of last week , in the pit
of the turn-table at the round house.
Do the saloon men of this city appreci
ate the fact that they would be respon
sible , legally and morally , had that man
been killed while under the influence of
liquor by them vended 1
Great Reduction in Watches and
Jewelry at McCrackcn's.
We take pleasure in announcing to
the public that Belva Lockwood , who
has gained great renown as a lawyer and
as "Woman's Rights" candidate for
president at the late election , will de
liver a lecture at the Opera Hall on
Tuesday , June 23d. Belva has been se
cured at a heavy expense , and every
body should make an effort to hear her.
The lecture will be given under the au
spices of the public schools.
trustees held a special meeting , last
Thursday evening , to consider the bonds
of Messrs. Clyde and Stern. Present ,
Trustees LaTourette , Noble , Archibald
and.Brewer. Bonds were read , and as
remonstrances against issuance of same
were presented , dates for hearing said
"cases were fixed : In the matter of Stern
on May 21,1885 , at 1 o'clock , P. M. ,
mountain time , while the case of Clyde
was fixed for May 23,1885 , at 7 o'clock ,
P. M. , mountain time. Petition of Halm
& O'Donnell was 'presented and clerk
instructed to publish the usual notice
of application for two weeks. Clerk was
instructed to prepare an amendment to
section one of ordinance number two ,
changing the date of meeting from the
first Tuesday evening of each month lethe
the first Monday evening of the same.
A special session of the board was also
held on Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock ,
with Trustees LaTourette , Brewer ,
Archibald and Noble present. The re
monstrance of Messrs. Spalding , Kelly
and Dungan against issuance of license
to M. Stern was withdrawn by these
gentlemen. The bond of M. Stern was
then approved and accepted , a'hd clerk
by motion instructed to issue 'license to
same. Thos. Golfer also withdrew his
remonstrance against the issuance of
license to A. C. Clyde , when Mr. Clyde's
bond was approved and accepted by the
board and clerk instructed to issue li
cense to same. Adjourned.
The familiar stencil of II. W. Pike
ceases to adorn lumber sent from the
yard on the corner of Railroad and Man
chester streets , Mr. Pike having dispos
ed of his large and growing business at
this place and also at Indianola to the
wealthy and extensive lumber firm of
Hallack & Howard of Denver , Colo.who ,
took charge of the yard , last Thursday.
This firm is one of the most substantial
in the city of Denver , and they are grad
ually establishing a line of yards at all
the principal points on the B. & M. be
tween Denver and Lincoln , McCook
being the principal yard in the Repub
lican Valley.
An unfortunate man by the name of
James Ely. of Stratton had his leg am
putated , Wednesday , the same being
made necessary by the mal-practice of
one Williams , who attended the case.
The case seems to be an aggravated one ,
and as the man may die from the effects
of the amputation , the people of Strat
ton may not deal gently with the mis
erable "quack. "
In behalf of bona fide "cow-boj's of
the plains" we would like to intimate
that all those who wear white hats of
mammoth proportions , with a leathern
surcingle encircling the same , are not
necessarily cow-boys. Such an error
were egregious.
The projectors of the democratic pa
per have commenced the removal of the
ice house , west of the McCook Hotel ,
preparatory to the erection of their
building , which we are informed will be
pushed to completion as rapidly as pos
A number of gentlemen organized a
driving association , Wednesday , with I.
J. Starbuck , temporary president , and
C. F. Babcock , secretary. The capital
stock is to be $5,000 , with shares at
$20 each.
BORN To Mr. and Mrs. J. W. DoLin ,
May 20 , 1885 , a daughter. A liberal
supply of cigars was duly set forth at
the bank by the happy father , and many
congratulations received. Courier.
Probst Bros , are having the room ad
joining their bakery on the east papered
and painted and generally beautified for
an Ice Cream Parlor , which they expect
to have in operation , next week.
Of the large bunch of Texan ponies
shipped in by Berger & Mishler , quite
a large number have already been sold ;
one part } * , Shepherd & Porter buying
60 head.
Every drug store in Red Willow
county , except the Metropolitan drug
store in this place , was indicted by the
Grand Jury , last week.
The company has a force of men at
work building a side-track east of the
Eating House , on the north side of the
main track.
The Knights of Labor have organized
a lodge at this place , with Mike Dooley
as chieftain.
The 0. E. Wagner claim 11 miles
south of town was sold this week for
Blue grass and white clover for sale at
Spanogle & Rinkcr's implement house.
The court proceedings in this issue
are copied from the Courier.
.Mr. and Mrs. Thos Golfer wont to Denver
to-day , on 3D.
llcprcsontatlvo Hockiioll is absent at Chlca
goon business.
J. T. Morrlsof Stoekvlllc Is In town , the guest
of Register Laws.
Major Criswell of Indlanola mndo a short visIt -
It in tbo city , Wednesday.
Attorneys Snavcly und Jobnsonof Indianola
were in the city , Tuesday. t
T. K. Work caino down from his Driftwood
ranch , Tuesday morning.
James W. LaTourctto of St. Louis , father of
W. C. of our city , is In town.
Judge II. M. ABlimorc came up from the
county-Beat , Tuesday , on business.
C. S. Quick of Indlanola , and two brothers-
inlawveie ilium * clly , Salnnla- , .
Mrs. Chas. D. Phclps of Culbertson was vis
iting friends in McCookWednetday. .
Sheriff Baldwin of Culbertson was among
the many visitors in town. Monday.
John Lanham , Crete's celebrated contractor ,
was registered at the Eating II WIPC , Monday.
Superintendent Campbell went to Platts-
mouth.Suuday.onimportantrailroad business.
H. S. Lippiiicoll of the State Journal Co. ,
successor to J. O. Fisher , was In lou n , Monday.
W. II. Davenport came down from ( 'ull.crt
sonTuesday evcning.oua short business trip.
Senator Dolan was in town , "Wednesday and
Thursday , looking after his banking interests.
Ed. Bignall of Lincoln , trainmaster on D.E
Thompson's division , was in town , Wednesday ,
after land.
G. G. Burton , Nasby at Trenton , also in the
real estate business , drove down to town ,
W. C. Bulard , Culbertson's energetic young
lumber-man , spent a few hour. * in town ,
Mr. Howard of the flrra of Ilallack & How
ard of Denver , Colo. , wasa visitoratthisollice ,
last Saturday.
Mr. Shoemaker of Fullerton was in town ,
Wednesday , looking after his real estate inter
ests in our city.
L.C.Burns of Guide Hock returned to his
native town , Wednesday , on 40 , after a short
visit in McCook.
Beuj. Bird of Benkelman , manager of the
Northwestern Cattle Co. , made this city a busi
ness visit , Saturday.
Clark Ward , manager of the Indianola mill
ing company , was in town , Monday , on busi
ness See their local
Mrs. John Wclborn of Indianola visited Mrs.
Page Francis , the tlrst of the week , returning
home on an , Tuesday.
Alex. Stewart of Wymore , well and favora
bly known by many in McCook , came up to
town on 30 , Tuesday , on a visit.
H. M. Wells of Crete was in the city , this
week. We are informed that he will embark
in the field of journalism at Hayes Centre.
A. S. Bosworth of the Culbertson Sun was in
the city , Saturday , and let the rubescent beams
of his rotund countenance illuminate our
Mrs. E. E. Stewart and sister , Miss Kodeha-
ver , of Oberlin , came up to the city , Monday
evening , taking the train for Iowa , Tuesday
Z. T. Nelson , B. O.Perkins , J. B.Morgan and
J. F. Adams.all of Crete , arrived in town , Mon
day , on a land hunt. They took stage for Ober
lin , Tuesday.
"Shorty" Cooper , late freight conductor on
this division of the B. A : M. , came up from
Bridgetown , 111.last week , and visited amongst
the boys a lew days.
J. McLaury of the Chester Tribune took a
flying trip up to the Magic City , Tuesday , in
search of a location for a newspaper , lie vis
ited this oih'co during his short sojourn.
S. Larson , Joe Giluiorc , Mr. Pierce , M. Bea-
shier , A. It. Brachran , all of Friend , in search
of land , made ourcity , Monday. Theystarted
through the country on a week's tour , Tues
day attcrnoon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Batchelor returned , last
Ihursday.frotn an extended visitto their home
in West Randolph in the state of old Vermont ,
having had a most enjoyable visit midst the
scenes of their younger days , reveling in Ver
mont maple sugar and syrup , etc.
Beaver News.
The ground is getting dry , so that a good deal
of blacksmithinghas to be done. A good smith
would do well to locate at Hamburg.
A large amount of sod has been broken , this
year , and we notice Mr. Thompson takes the
cad , having broken about SO acres , this spring.
The Hamburg school is having a larger at-
; endance than usual and the pupils are pro
gressing finely. Miss Emma Phillips is one of
the best teachers in the county.
Mr. Parker has made a departure from the
regulation style , and has put a shingle roof on
lis new sod house. Mrs. Chas.H. Kusscll has
been very sick with lung fever , for the past
few weeks , but is slowly improving at present.
Dr. Shaw of Indianola has been attending her.
For some time past the gossips hare been
msy relating to each and every listening ear
that there was going to be a wedding in the
neighborhood. But all the different surmises
rere put at rest , Sunday , by Mr. Wm.Beming-
ton , Sr. Early Sunday morning he might have
been seen driving to Squire Cook's with Widow
Adams. All went well till the Sabbath was
ended , but as the hour of midnight arrived the
! un began , such a concert of tin cans and cow
bells nas seldom been heard along the Beaver.
The groom responded with a box of cigars and
the boys all wished him a long and happy life.
Hamburg , May 19,18S5. SUBSCKIBEU.
Grand Jury's Report.
To the Honorable the District Court of Bed
Willow County , Nebraska , May term , 1S33 :
The Grand Jury of said Court has this day
examined the jail of said county and begleave
to report as follows : Thesaid jail is wholly un
fit for the custody of prisoners ; that it is in
such condition that persons confined there can
easily make their escape without they are
guarded ; that as a jail it is entirely worthless.
L'he prisoners confined there are none.
PAOE T. FKAXCIS , Foreman.
W. W. Palmer of Bed Oak , Inwa , has com
menced the erection of a business house on
Main Ave. , south of Alex. Stewart's building.
We understand that he will put in a hardware
and saddlery stock.
T. J. Wray of Culbertson has sold his Wyo-
ning horse ranch to Tom Kempton for > . iWX ) .
The horses wcresoldat lOperln-adall around ,
luc ranchigoing in at $3WW.
District Court Proceedings.
Crabtrco & Sibbott vs. Byron Churchill.
Debt. Mechanic's Hen not twldt * .
Noble MoKIm vs. Thomas Scott. Partner
ship accounting. Continued.
Emory F. Qulgley vs. Hcd Willow County.
Damages laving out highway. Judgment for
plaintiff for 530.00.
George Leslie vs. Gco. Bavin. Foreclosure.
Continued for sale.
Hargroavcs Bros. vs. Wilson & Illckllng.
Debt. Dismissed at plaintiff's coat.
Nuhcmlah Burtlcss vs. William Pryor. Ap
peal. Lcavo to file amended petition in 20
days ; to answer within 50 days.
Kelley & Brock vs. Henry Crabtrco. Appeal.
Demurrer to petition sustained ; leave to fllo
amended petition instanter.
M.A.Spaldlngvs.S A.Hogo. Appeal. Trial
to court. Judgment for plaintiff for $3.00.
A. K. Hammond vs. Village of Indinnoln.
Errar. Judgment of court hclnw affirmed.
Hammond fined' § 25 and costs.
D. S. Morgan & Co. vs. Thomas Clark. Ap
peal. Leave to fllo petition in 20 days ; tonn-
suor in 20 days thereafter.
Leech & Lucas vs.A.C.Townc. Attachment.
Judgment for plaintiff's for $287.00 and order
of sale of property attached.
Edward F. Couso vs. Stanta Holla. Appeal.
Emma Larrlngton vs. Eugene Larrlngton.
Divorce. Default judgment as prayed.
J. H. Goodrich , Treas. , vs. E. F. Kingsland.
Settled and dismissed.
Deli M. Kelley vs. Henry P. Kelloy. Divorce.
Decree as prayed.
Annie L.Drumillervs.CharlcaK.Drumlllcr.
Divorce. Decree as prayed.
John S. Hoyt vs. Sidney 0. Hoyt. Divorce.
Decree as prayed ; alimony for defendant.
Sarah O.Gerboth vs. John Gerboth. Divorce.
John W. Wclborn vs. W. H. McCartney ,
tittachmcnt. Settled.
Leopold Simon , ct. ul. , vs. W. II. McCartney.
Attachment. Submitted on motion.
Guthrie Bros. vs. W. H. McCartney. Attach
ment. Motion to dissolve attachment.
Victor B. Uuck & Co. vs. W. H. McCartney.
Attachment. Motion to dissolve attachment.
H. C. Itidcr vs. S. F. and Mary C. Clifford.
Foreclosure. Continued for service.
Edward McConvillc vs. PatrickCallon. Debt.
Clara Smith vs. John Dunbar. Replevin.
State vs. B. Fry. Horse stealing. Continued.
State vs. Leslie Moore. Liquor. Dismissed.
State vs. G. L. Clark. Peace warrant. De
fendant held in § 1,000 bond to keep peace.
State vs. Jos. Braun. Appeal. Continued.
State vs. Chas. Bowman and Chas. M. Lee.
Three card montc. Separate trial. Leo found
uilty. Case continued to June ' ! < ! .
State vs. J. S. Shaw. Liquor. Dismissed.
State vs. A. K. Hammond. Liquor. Plead
uilty ; lined 5100 and costs.
State vs. Geo. Purdum. Liquor. Plead guil
ty ; fined § 100 and costs.
State vs. E. Kendall. Permitting gaming.
Plead guilty ; fined ? 50 and costs.
State vs. Win. Lewis. Selling liquoron elec
tion day. Continued.
State vs. Benj. Murphy. Assault with intent
to kill. Defendant's bail tlxcd at $1,000. Con
State vs. George Short. Allowing minors in
billiard saloon. Plead guilty ; fine $25 and costs.
State vs.Georgo Short , Robert Haney. Ginn
ing. Short plead guilty ; fined $50 and costs"
Continued as to Haney.
State vs. Hannah Appleton. Liquor. Plead
juilty ; fined $100 and costs.
State vs. J. A. Davids. Liquor. Plead guil
ty ; fined $100 and costs.
State vs. Wai. K. Lynch. Liquor. Contin
ued. Bail500.
There will be a new town started in
Dheyenne , on 36 3 35 , about the
centre of the county. The owners of
the property are honorable men and
residents of this town , and a St. Jo firm.
The town will no doubt be a reality , for
it is in the very heart of the most fer
tile portion of Cheyenne county. Atwood -
wood Democrat.
Misses Delia and Mattie Smith left
ast week for McCook , Neb. , where their
'ather and mother had located. Writing
Tom their new home they express them
selves as well pleased with the country.
Concordia Kas. Blade.
We understand that the Moore Bros.
of Driftwood who are now driving a
mnch of ponies from Texas , have been
meeting with inclement weather , which
las occasioned considerable loss.
A large number of cow-boys assembled
n town the first of the week , prepara
tory to commencing the lied Willow
round-up , which started at Proctor's
ranch on the 20th.
The business at the U. S. Land Office
continues unabated. Most of the entries
) eing in the counties of Hayes , Chase
and Dundy.
Parties having weaving to do , should
call at Thomas McQuay's residence , 3i
miles east of town.
Two setts of harness , ( one light and
one heavy , ) for sale at B. F. Olcott's ,
cry cheap.
The best tract of hay land in Red
Willow county , 480 acres. Will sell
cheap. Also , adjoining the above , I have
.GO acres of the same kind of land. All
well timbered and watered. Call on or
address , II. S. COOI.EV , Real Estate
Agent , office opposite McCook Hotel.
Indianola Mill.
The Indianola Mill Company will do
a general milling business. Due notice
vill be given when we arc ready to re
ceive grain and do milling.
CLARK WARD , Manager.
I have 100 bushels of Millet Seed for
Sale.V.M. . Co I. KM AX , 7 miles north
west of McCook.